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Haben wir hier eigentlich einen eigenen Diplomacy Thread?
Über die Suche nichts gefunden. Und bei der Paradox-Seite habe ich auch keine brauchbaren Infos über den Titel gefunden ...
officielle Seite
Ja, dort war ich schon.
Aber die für mich wichtigsten Fragen:
1) bringt Singleplayer etwas oder nur Multiplayer?
2) Wie läuft Multiplayer? Ich habe etwas von PBEM gelesen ...
3) Welche Anforderung an die Hardware werden gestellt?
4) Welche I-Net-Verbindung ist notwendig? HOI2 unterhalb ADSL war ja ein Schlag ins Wasser ...
Und werter Herr Moderator, der Übersichtlichkeit vielleicht dienlich, ein Split ab meiner ersten Frage in einen neuen Thread?
Ich weiß, war keine Anfrage an Euch sondern den von uns geschätzten "von Hollstein". :) DONE ! v.H.
Aber habt Ihr Antworten dann auf meine Fragen?
The Bear is a cautious and patient survivor. He is a team player; his modesty and his need to be open keeps him from trying to be the focus of attention. This makes the Bear a trustworthy ally, who will only take on small groups of enemies at a time. The Bear tends to improve slowly but steadily, and he can thus become a very strong end-game player.
The Bull is an ?easy to please, yet easy to anger? kind of guy. Strong-willed and stubborn, the Bull isn?t known for being cooperative, but at the same time would rather speak plainly than be secretive and lie. The Bull has the capacity to grow very fast if allied with the right players, but his expansion plans are often blatantly obvious and could be perceived as a threat.
The Owl is a clever and cautious survivor?a schemer of grand plans who transforms diplomatic negotiations into philosophical debates. The Owl is a team player whose plans are often the backbone of an alliance. He modestly stays in the shadows, letting others bask in the glory while he waits for the end of the game. His position is a precarious one, as his approach can leave him unprepared to stop a fellow player from rapid expansion.
The Eagle is noble and generous, but holds honor in such high esteem that he does not tolerate any tricks or treason. Emotionally, the eagle can be vengeful, arrogant and paternal, but the Eagle is still a good listener and tends to become the leader of any alliance due to his vision and over-all-grasp of planning.
The Tiger is a gracious and powerful creature and she knows it. As a loner, she often avoids alliances or ignores the intentions of its members. She can be charming and persuasive at will, but she is also deceptive and secretive, and generally not trustworthy. In an alliance she can be a minor player for a long time, only to later emerge as a dominant player through a few opportunistic strikes.
?Hear me roar? the lion says. The Lion loves to be the center of attention, and in an alliance he will strive to play the most important part. Rather aggressive, the lion wants adventure and does not balk against war and conflict. Yet he is a fair player who dislikes lies, and easily grows impatient with the secretive and the reclusive.
The Dog has a strong bark, but he rarely bites. However, should he bite, he never lets go. He is a team player who thrives in alliances where his loyalty comes across and where he can modestly collect the spoils of war. He is both naïve and patient at the same time and prefers the concrete aspect of great plans.
The Jackal loves to bite. He?ll get into an alliance and surrender just to get the opportunity to bite someone. He is impatient, a naughty liar with great caution and cynical attitude. The Jackal can thrive in an alliance and benefit from a stab when the alliance leader goes down, making flexibility one of his greatest assets.
The Snake is a slippery and calculating liar. He can be a team player, but is also a notorious quitter, famous for being a backstabber, and lulling targets into a false sense of security. The Snake loathes the idea of slow but steady growth; instead he loves complicated schemes of total annihilation. His adventurous but systematic play style blends perfectly with most players, and few recognise him as a Snake until it?s too late. He tries to persuade other players to believe in the worldview he projects, but his real intentions are always hidden.
The Monkey hides his true face behind a mask of amiability and approachability. This mask hides the fact that the Monkey is a very greedy trickster, whose view of truthfulness often leaves people shortchanged. The Monkey is a team player more often than not, but his support often comes at certain cost. His willingness to discuss a deal with any player and the fact that he is a prankster makes him very unreliable.
The Shark is ruthless and greedy beyond measure. He is not generally a team player, but can act like one if the alliance keeps feeding him with fresh meat. If it does not, he will immediately defect. He is often short-sighted and a brute.
The Dragon is a paternal and dominating team player that demands to be the leader of almost any alliance. He is a grand planner who is quite open with his intentions, even if his mighty greed often shines through. In negotiations he is both personal and intimidating, and shuns the speculative and the deceptive. He quickly gets irritated by slippery players, and has a bad streak of vengeance in him. The Dragon is quite enigmatic due to his logical but also paranoid sides, which sometimes make him act erratically and pre-emptively.
The Sphinx is a secretive and elusive thinker. He tends to be a grand planner in any alliance, but rarely explains his intentions, and can inspire hostility. He is tricky, slippery and speculative in negotiation, and is often considered untrustworthy. Being the embodiment of the unknown defines both the strengths and weaknesses of the Sphinx. Therefore, the Sphinx is also known to sometimes take risks bordering on the hazardous, sometimes even acting in an erratic fashion.
The Elephant is a diplomatic heavyweight champion. If anyone can wrap up an alliance or keep one from breaking apart, it is the Elephant. He is a detached long-range planner with a very long memory. Not particularly vengeful, the Elephant still keeps in mind who did what to whom. He is rather social, modest and generous, but risks being fooled by the slippery and deceptive as a result. He avoids risk, and is and patient, which means he often requests that spoils are to be divided evenly, and can be very stubborn about it.Sieht so aus, als wäre das für die KI und damit für den SP-Mode...
1. natürlich isses auch für SP
2. weiß nicht was schon öffentlich gemacht wurde
3. ditto
4. ditto
sorry, bin zu uninformiert über öffentliche sachen die mit dippy zu tun haben:)
Ich muss ehrlich zugeben, dass mich das Spiel noch nicht neugierig gemacht hat. Sprich: ich finde es irgendwie nicht überragend interessant. Ich kann es mir einfach nicht vorstellen, wie man es spielt.
von Stollberg
01.09.05, 16:45
Das geht mir genauso werter rappodon.
Irgendwie kann ich mit dem Spiel rein gar nichts anfangen :schande:
Ach das ist ein Spiel :eek: ???
:D ok, systemanforderungen auf russisch:D
Системные требования:
Система: Windows 98/ME/2000/XP;
Процессор: Pentium III 800 MHz;
Память: 256 Mb;
Видеокарта: 32Mb, совместимая с DirectX;
Звуковая карта: совместимая с DirectX;
DirectX 9.0.
Система: Windows 98/ME/2000/XP;
Процессор: Pentium IV 1600 MHz;
Память: 512 Mb;
Видеокарта: 128Mb, совместимая с DirectX;
Звуковая карта: совместимая с DirectX;
DirectX 9.0.
ich glaube ihr könnt rauslesen was gemeint ist...
Peter der Große
01.09.05, 18:59
Tja, Diplomacy.... Vor Jahren habe ich das Brettspiel gerne und oft gespielt. Die Uralt-Computer-Version kenne ich auch, die war schlecht. Allerdings stelle ich mir die Frage, ob das Spiel in der Paradox-Umsetzung besser wird.
Ich fürchte nicht, denn ein Teil des Spieles machen auch Verabredungen und Verträge mit den anderen Spielern aus. Da kann man sich auf seine Menschenkenntnis verlassen (oder eben nicht). Das ist irgendwie reizvoll, jedoch wird das bei einem Computerspiel nicht umzusetzen sein.
[B@W] Abominus
01.09.05, 19:31
@ Rap und Stolli
Ganz meine Meinung, ich wüsste bisher keinen Grund es käuflich zu erwerben.
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