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14.06.05, 12:53
Werte Regenten,
das Szenario "Phantasia 1932", das ich in meinem AAR dokumentiert habe, steht dank der edlen Mithilfe und Gastfreundschaft des werten Wilhelm of Prussia jetzt zum Download bereit.
Hier direkt zu laden (
Oder über den Downloadbutton oben auszuwählen.
Das WINRAR-Archiv hat ca 6 MB und enthält alle modifizierten Dateien.
Mit enthalten sind Elemente aus Stony's Germanization pack, so die leaders mit Kürzeln etc.
Der F1-Schirm enthält das Hakenkreuz. Also bitte nicht posten.
Die Version ist auf 1.1 erstellt, aber die events auf 1.2 angepaßt.
Es können also leaders/Ministers aus 1.2 fehlen.
Endlospatch erforderlich
Entpacken in ein neutrales Verzeichnis.
Die enthaltenen Ordner über die Installation ziehen und fertig.
Es werden Vanilladateien überschrieben. Bitte bestätigen
Jetzt stehen 2 Szenarien mit dem Bild '1936' zur Verfügung.
Meines weist aber das Startdatum 1932 und die Textbeschreibung 1932 auf.
Auch sind in GFX/SKINS/GER 2 sidebars für Deutschland enthalten.
1. Wilhelm II und
2. Wilhelm III
Je nach Geschmack kann man sie entsprechend benennen, wenn man will und kann.
Die Techs sind alle frei erforschbar ohne Abzüge und die leaders auch verfügbar.
Die Minister für Deutschland auch.
Zum Bürgerkrieg in Frankreich:
Nehmt "Vichy" unbedingt an !
Das vertreibt die Rep.-Franzosen vom festland wie in meinem AAR
Es wird kein "echtes" Vichy geben !
Bei Fragen stehe ich zur Verfügung. Feedback erwünscht.
So und nun - Viel Erfolg auf der Straße des Kaiserreiches zum Siege !
von Stollberg
14.06.05, 17:49
Sehr schön, werter PH :ja:
Doch sagt:
Hat sich noch was gegenüber der Version geändert, die Ihr mir zugesandt habt?
14.06.05, 17:51
Die Version ist die gleiche, nur die eventnummern wurden geändert.
Ich werde diesen Mod auch nicht inhaltlich ändern.
Der große 1920-er wird da ganz anders werden
von Manteuffel
14.06.05, 20:34
Alle Achtung eine große Leistung :)
Konnte es heut endlich installieren.Find sie auch gut,bei mir hat Royalistisches Frankreich kaum was allein geschafft.Doch später haben sie bei mir(spiele als Kaiserreich) schon den Sturm auf alle anderen kononialen Besitztümer Frankreichs gemacht.
Hoff mal das klappt mit den Bild!
C:\Royalistisches Fr.bmp
ok,ich machs wie es mir mal beschrieben wurde ;-)
Also ich habs jetzt ein paar mal probiert, aber irgentwie schafft es das Royalistische Frankreich immer erst nach mehr als einem Jahr alle Siegprovinzen einzunehmen. Dannach kommt dann kein Event mehr. Das letzte was kommt ist das wo Portugal Brasilien den Krieg erklärt.
Ich hab 1.2 installiert und bis auf den Colorchange keine Mods installiert, nur noch den Endlospatch.
17.06.05, 12:04
Habt Ihr denn den Bündnisevent nicht bekommen, bei dem das Kaiserreich mit den Royalisten zusammenkommt ?
event = {
id = 910011
random = no
country = GER
trigger = {
name = "Helft den Royalisten"
desc = "Das Kaiserreich hilft den Royalisten"
style = 0
picture = "partisan_revolt"
date = { day = 02 month = august year = 1933 }
action_a = {
name = "Nach Paris !"
command = { type = alliance which = U00 }
command = { type = trigger which = 910012 }
Doch und Frankreich wurde auch annektiert, aber erst im August 1934 oder so. Ich habe nichtmal das Anschlussevent bekommen. Und England hat sich auch nicht dem Krieg gegen Brasilien angeschlossen.
17.06.05, 12:10
Und was war in Frankreich los ?
Habt Ihr nicht angegriffen ?
Ist doch eine Sache von ein paar Tagen
Brasilien ist Zufall, ob England sich einmischt.
Ich hatte das nicht.
Moment: Annektiert ?????
Das war so nicht vorgesehen !
Ich schau mal
17.06.05, 12:13
der event 2021 ist modifiziert
# Vichy France
event = {
id = 2021
random = no
country = GER
trigger = {
control = { province = 56 data = -1 } # Paris
control = { province = 44 data = -1 } #Lille
control = [ province = 39 data = -1 } #Caen
lost_national = { country = FRA value = 25 } # At least 25% of national provinces lost
OR = {
random = 25
lost_national = { country = FRA value = 40 }
OR = {
control = { province = 320 data = FRA } # France controls Vichy
control = { province = 320 data = GER } # Germany controls Vichy
control = { province = 320 data = U00 } # Germany controls Vichy
war = { country = GER country = FRA }
NOT = {
OR = {
year = 1942 # Year < 1941
event = 2021
war = { country = GER country = SOV }
puppet = { country = VIC country = GER }
puppet = { country = FRA country = GER }
name = "EVT_2021_NAME"
desc = "EVT_2021_DESC"
style = 0
picture = "VIC"
date = { day = 1 month = january year = 1900 }
offset = 7 # Check for trigger conditions every three days
deathdate = { day = 30 month = december year = 1947 }
action_a = {
name = "ACTIONNAME2021A" # Set up French Puppet Government in Vichy
ai_chance = 99
# command = { type = trigger which = 2800 } # FRA
command = { type = trigger which = 910013 } #fra
action_b = {
name = "ACTIONNAME2021B" # Total conquest is preferable
ai_chance = 1
command = { }
Kam das nicht ?
Achso, also muss ich das Event annehmen? Weil ich hab das abgelehnt, weil ich ja ein royalistisches Frankreich und kein Vichy haben wollte :)
17.06.05, 12:19
Ach Du große Güte - den event hatte ich ja nur geändert - nicht den Text dazu, weil ich die Screens dazu ja doch nicht posten konnte.
Sorry für die Irritationen !
@ All
Nehmt "Vichy" unbedingt an !
Das vertreibt die Rep.-Franzosen vom festland wie in meinem AAR
So bis jetzt funktioniert das eigentlich ganz gut, aber eine Frage noch:
Feuern die Events immer an festen Daten oder kommen die irgentwann mal, weil ich bin jetzt im Februar 1936 und der Italienkrieg und auch der China Krieg sind bis jetzt noch nicht gekommen. Bei dir im AAR kamen die schon im Januar.
17.06.05, 19:05
In PHevents sind die meisten neuen events.
Das Italienthema: Es sollte 1935 die "Vorbereitungen" und 1936 den Krieg bringen.
event = {
id = 910018
random = no
country = ITA
trigger = {
atwar = no
name = "Äthiopien"
desc = "Äthiopien"
style = 0
picture = "partisan_revolt"
date = { day = 15 month = october year = 1935 }
action_a = {
name = "Vorbereitungen treffen"
command = { type = leave_alliance }
command = { type = ai_prepare_war which = ETH }
event = {
id = 910019
random = no
country = ITA
trigger = {
atwar = no
name = "Äthiopien"
desc = "Äthiopien"
style = 0
picture = "partisan_revolt"
date = { day = 01 month = january year = 1936 }
action_a = {
name = "Angriff"
command = { type = leave_alliance }
command = { type = war which = ETH }
sonst triggere mal per F12
die Chinesen übrigens kloppen sich von allein, aber in 1.2 sind sie nicht mehr so aggressiv
Wollte mal fragen ob es beabsichtigt ist, dass alle Forschungszweige einfach von 1900 auf 1800 umgeschrieben sind?
Habe mal versuchsweise mit Tschechei getestet und alle Forschung hat statt 19xx einfach die 18xx kommt es '33 schon mit 39er Inf zum Krieg...
18.06.05, 21:54
Das ist so geschrieben, ja !
Der Sinn war, die "penalty" auszuschalten.
Es stehen also alle Forschungswege offen, ohne jede Beeinträchtigung.
Im Phantasia 1920 wird das anders geregelt sein.
26.07.05, 13:58
Schöne Mod, aber ich habe versucht, deine Mod über einem seperatem Ordner laufen zu lassen, was jedoch bis auf die Events und KI glaube ich ganz gut funzt!
Jedoch findet der die Events dann nicht, sondern benötigt diese im Vanilla-Eventsordner, obwohl ich extra den Modordner Phantasia habe.
Die Ai mackt dann auch, da die Japsen kein CHina angreifen und die Portugisen nie in Brasilien ankommen und Rep. Spanien nie im Royalistischen Frankreich ankommt und umgekehrt.
Ich will aber ungern, da ich net mehr viel Platz auf der Pladde habe Hoi2 ein zweitesmal installieren, will aber auch nicht meine Vanilla-Daten überschreiben bzw. immer die 20 Dateien umbenennen, jenachdem wie ich spielen will!
Beim HighRisk-Mod klappte es ja auch.
Um das Spiel zu starten habe ich mir eine kleine Datei namens Phantasia.bat erstellt und folgendes mim dem Notepad reingeschrieben:
@echo off
hoi2.exe Phantasia 1932
echo Phantasia-Mod, auf den Kaiser!
So und der Ordner der Mod ist E:\Hearts of Iron 2\Phantasia 1932.
Wobei ich dor nur noch folgende Ordner, mit denen gemoddeten Dateien, darin habe (Die anderen Mods benötigen auch nicht mehr.):
Hast du vielleicht irgendwo definiert, dass deine Eventdaten zwingend im Vanilla-Ordner stehen müssen oder muss ich alle Dateien von Hoi dort in den Mod-Ordner packen?
Danke im Vorraus!
Du hast einfach ein Moddir erstellt.
Der Phantasia Mod ist eben nicht darauf angelegt. Wenn du es aber so machen willst musst du z.B. db\event.txt dann den exakten Pfad angeben (das dürfte sein was du meinst); genauso in de Szenario file, und die Ai Dateien müssen dann trotzdem auch bei Vanilla rein (Paradox hat scheinbar noch ein paar Probleme mit dem Moddir). und noch einiges anderes... :)
26.07.05, 14:07
Die anderen Mods arbeiten mit MODDIR.
d.H. sie haben in allen Szenarien/eventfiles einen expliziten Zugriff auf dieses Mod-directory.
Wenn ich raushabe, wie z.B. Stony das gemacht hat, setze ich es auch um für Phantasia 1920.
26.07.05, 14:09
@ Jaycee: Danke ich werde es mal versuchen; aber wieso ist eigentlich in dem Phantasiapaket, welches man hier saugen kann ein leerer Ai-Ordner drin?
Fehlt da was oder hat das einen (Un-)Sinn?
Ob es gefunzt hat, werde ich nachher mal sagen!
26.07.05, 14:12
Die "leeren" Ordner rühren daher, daß ich eine Strukturvorlage verwendet habe, um ggf noch Änderungen einfach einzubauen und diese für andere Mods zu verwenden.
Es ist also kein Fehler in dem Sinne, eher überflüssig.
26.07.05, 14:57
Es klappt nun, ich habe deine 1932.eug verändert.
Hier der neue Inhalt (Ich hoffe ich durfte das ^^):
name = "1932_SCENARIO"
panel = "Phantasia 1932/scenarios/data/scenario_1936.bmp"
header = {
name = "Grand Campaign"
startdate = {
year = 1932
selectable = {
ENG = {
FRA = {
ITA = {
GER = {
SOV = {
POL = {
CHI = {
JAP = {
CAN = {
USA = {
globaldata = {
startdate = {
year = 1932
month = january
day = 0
enddate = {
year = 2199
month = january
day = 0
allies = {
id = { type = 15000 id = 1 }
axis = {
id = { type = 15000 id = 2 }
participant = { GER }
comintern = {
id = { type = 15000 id = 3 }
participant = { SOV MON TAN }
alliance = {
id = { type = 15000 id = 10 }
participant = { CHI CXB }
alliance = {
id = { type = 15000 id = 11 }
participant = { EST LAT }
############################ 1936 ############################
treaty = {
id = { type = 16384 id = 1 }
type = non_aggression
country = "ENG"
country = "POR"
startdate = { year = 1931 month = december day = 30 }
expirydate = { year = 1948 month = december day = 30 }
treaty = {
id = { type = 16384 id = 2 }
type = non_aggression
country = "ENG"
country = "SAU"
startdate = { year = 1931 month = december day = 30 }
expirydate = { year = 1948 month = december day = 30 }
treaty = {
id = { type = 16384 id = 3 }
type = non_aggression
country = "ENG"
country = "YEM"
startdate = { year = 1931 month = december day = 30 }
expirydate = { year = 1948 month = december day = 30 }
treaty = {
id = { type = 16384 id = 4 }
type = non_aggression
country = "FRA"
country = "SOV"
startdate = { year = 1931 month = december day = 30 }
expirydate = { year = 1938 month = december day = 30 }
treaty = {
id = { type = 16384 id = 5 }
type = non_aggression
country = "FRA"
country = "ITA"
startdate = { year = 1931 month = december day = 30 }
expirydate = { year = 1939 month = may day = 30 }
treaty = {
id = { type = 16384 id = 6 }
type = non_aggression
country = "FRA"
country = "ROM"
startdate = { year = 1931 month = december day = 30 }
expirydate = { year = 1938 month = december day = 30 }
treaty = {
id = { type = 16384 id = 7 }
type = non_aggression
country = "EST"
country = "LAT"
startdate = { year = 1931 month = december day = 30 }
expirydate = { year = 1948 month = december day = 30 }
treaty = {
id = { type = 16384 id = 8 }
type = non_aggression
country = "EST"
country = "LIT"
startdate = { year = 1931 month = december day = 30 }
expirydate = { year = 1948 month = december day = 30 }
treaty = {
id = { type = 16384 id = 9 }
type = non_aggression
country = "LAT"
country = "LIT"
startdate = { year = 1931 month = december day = 30 }
expirydate = { year = 1948 month = december day = 30 }
treaty = {
id = { type = 16384 id = 10 }
type = non_aggression
country = "SOV"
country = "CZE"
startdate = { year = 1931 month = december day = 30 }
expirydate = { year = 1939 month = december day = 30 }
treaty = {
id = { type = 16384 id = 11 }
type = non_aggression
country = "SOV"
country = "TUR"
startdate = { year = 1931 month = december day = 30 }
expirydate = { year = 1948 month = december day = 30 }
treaty = {
id = { type = 16384 id = 12 }
type = non_aggression
country = "SOV"
country = "EST"
startdate = { year = 1931 month = december day = 30 }
expirydate = { year = 1939 month = march day = 30 }
treaty = {
id = { type = 16384 id = 13 }
type = non_aggression
country = "SOV"
country = "LAT"
startdate = { year = 1931 month = december day = 30 }
expirydate = { year = 1939 month = march day = 30 }
treaty = {
id = { type = 16384 id = 14 }
type = non_aggression
country = "SOV"
country = "LIT"
startdate = { year = 1931 month = december day = 30 }
expirydate = { year = 1939 month = march day = 30 }
treaty = {
id = { type = 16384 id = 15 }
type = non_aggression
country = "SOV"
country = "POL"
startdate = { year = 1931 month = december day = 30 }
expirydate = { year = 1939 month = march day = 30 }
treaty = {
id = { type = 16384 id = 16 }
type = non_aggression
country = "SOV"
country = "ROM"
startdate = { year = 1931 month = december day = 30 }
expirydate = { year = 1938 month = december day = 30 }
treaty = {
id = { type = 16384 id = 17 }
type = non_aggression
country = "SOV"
country = "AFG"
startdate = { year = 1931 month = december day = 30 }
expirydate = { year = 1939 month = june day = 30 }
treaty = {
id = { type = 16384 id = 18 }
type = non_aggression
country = "SOV"
country = "PER"
startdate = { year = 1931 month = december day = 30 }
expirydate = { year = 1939 month = june day = 30 }
treaty = {
id = { type = 16384 id = 19 }
type = non_aggression
country = "SOV"
country = "FIN"
startdate = { year = 1931 month = december day = 30 }
expirydate = { year = 1938 month = july day = 30 }
treaty = {
id = { type = 16384 id = 20 }
type = non_aggression
country = "ITA"
country = "YEM"
startdate = { year = 1931 month = december day = 30 }
expirydate = { year = 1948 month = december day = 30 }
treaty = {
id = { type = 16384 id = 21 }
type = non_aggression
country = "ITA"
country = "TUR"
startdate = { year = 1931 month = december day = 30 }
expirydate = { year = 1938 month = december day = 30 }
treaty = {
id = { type = 16384 id = 22 }
type = non_aggression
country = "ITA"
country = "GRE"
startdate = { year = 1931 month = december day = 30 }
expirydate = { year = 1939 month = february day = 30 }
treaty = {
id = { type = 16384 id = 23 }
type = non_aggression
country = "ITA"
country = "ROM"
startdate = { year = 1931 month = december day = 30 }
expirydate = { year = 1939 month = july day = 30 }
treaty = {
id = { type = 16384 id = 24 }
type = non_aggression
country = "ITA"
country = "SPR"
startdate = { year = 1931 month = december day = 30 }
expirydate = { year = 1936 month = march day = 30 }
treaty = {
id = { type = 16384 id = 321 }
type = trade
country = "JAP"
country = "SIA"
startdate = { year = 1931 month = december day = 30 }
expirydate = { year = 1948 month = december day = 30 }
energy = -3
supplies = -2.5
metal = 2
rare_materials = 5
################ AMERICAN CONFERENCE TREATIES ################
treaty = {
id = { type = 16384 id = 25 }
type = non_aggression
country = "USA"
country = "ARG"
startdate = { year = 1931 month = december day = 30 }
expirydate = { year = 1948 month = december day = 30 }
treaty = {
id = { type = 16384 id = 26 }
type = non_aggression
country = "USA"
country = "BOL"
startdate = { year = 1931 month = december day = 30 }
expirydate = { year = 1948 month = december day = 30 }
treaty = {
id = { type = 16384 id = 27 }
type = non_aggression
country = "USA"
country = "BRA"
startdate = { year = 1931 month = december day = 30 }
expirydate = { year = 1948 month = december day = 30 }
treaty = {
id = { type = 16384 id = 28 }
type = non_aggression
country = "USA"
country = "CAN"
startdate = { year = 1931 month = december day = 30 }
expirydate = { year = 1948 month = december day = 30 }
treaty = {
id = { type = 16384 id = 29 }
type = non_aggression
country = "USA"
country = "CHL"
startdate = { year = 1931 month = december day = 30 }
expirydate = { year = 1948 month = december day = 30 }
treaty = {
id = { type = 16384 id = 30 }
type = non_aggression
country = "USA"
country = "COS"
startdate = { year = 1931 month = december day = 30 }
expirydate = { year = 1948 month = december day = 30 }
treaty = {
id = { type = 16384 id = 31 }
type = non_aggression
country = "USA"
country = "CUB"
startdate = { year = 1931 month = december day = 30 }
expirydate = { year = 1948 month = december day = 30 }
treaty = {
id = { type = 16384 id = 32 }
type = non_aggression
country = "USA"
country = "DOM"
startdate = { year = 1931 month = december day = 30 }
expirydate = { year = 1948 month = december day = 30 }
treaty = {
id = { type = 16384 id = 33 }
type = non_aggression
country = "USA"
country = "ECU"
startdate = { year = 1931 month = december day = 30 }
expirydate = { year = 1948 month = december day = 30 }
treaty = {
id = { type = 16384 id = 34 }
type = non_aggression
country = "USA"
country = "GUA"
startdate = { year = 1931 month = december day = 30 }
expirydate = { year = 1948 month = december day = 30 }
treaty = {
id = { type = 16384 id = 35 }
type = non_aggression
country = "USA"
country = "HAI"
startdate = { year = 1931 month = december day = 30 }
expirydate = { year = 1948 month = december day = 30 }
treaty = {
id = { type = 16384 id = 36 }
type = non_aggression
country = "USA"
country = "HON"
startdate = { year = 1931 month = december day = 30 }
expirydate = { year = 1948 month = december day = 30 }
treaty = {
id = { type = 16384 id = 37 }
type = non_aggression
country = "USA"
country = "MEX"
startdate = { year = 1931 month = december day = 30 }
expirydate = { year = 1948 month = december day = 30 }
treaty = {
id = { type = 16384 id = 38 }
type = non_aggression
country = "USA"
country = "NIC"
startdate = { year = 1931 month = december day = 30 }
expirydate = { year = 1948 month = december day = 30 }
treaty = {
id = { type = 16384 id = 39 }
type = non_aggression
country = "USA"
country = "PAN"
startdate = { year = 1931 month = december day = 30 }
expirydate = { year = 1948 month = december day = 30 }
treaty = {
id = { type = 16384 id = 40 }
type = non_aggression
country = "USA"
country = "PAR"
startdate = { year = 1931 month = december day = 30 }
expirydate = { year = 1948 month = december day = 30 }
treaty = {
id = { type = 16384 id = 41 }
type = non_aggression
country = "USA"
country = "PRU"
startdate = { year = 1931 month = december day = 30 }
expirydate = { year = 1948 month = december day = 30 }
treaty = {
id = { type = 16384 id = 42 }
type = non_aggression
country = "USA"
country = "SAL"
startdate = { year = 1931 month = december day = 30 }
expirydate = { year = 1948 month = december day = 30 }
treaty = {
id = { type = 16384 id = 43 }
type = non_aggression
country = "USA"
country = "URU"
startdate = { year = 1931 month = december day = 30 }
expirydate = { year = 1948 month = december day = 30 }
treaty = {
id = { type = 16384 id = 44 }
type = non_aggression
country = "USA"
country = "VEN"
startdate = { year = 1931 month = december day = 30 }
expirydate = { year = 1948 month = december day = 30 }
treaty = {
id = { type = 16384 id = 45 }
type = non_aggression
country = "TUR"
country = "GRE"
startdate = { year = 1931 month = december day = 30 }
expirydate = { year = 1939 month = april day = 30 }
treaty = {
id = { type = 16384 id = 46 }
type = non_aggression
country = "TUR"
country = "YUG"
startdate = { year = 1931 month = december day = 30 }
expirydate = { year = 1939 month = april day = 30 }
treaty = {
id = { type = 16384 id = 47 }
type = non_aggression
country = "TUR"
country = "ROM"
startdate = { year = 1931 month = december day = 30 }
expirydate = { year = 1939 month = april day = 30 }
treaty = {
id = { type = 16384 id = 48 }
type = non_aggression
country = "TUR"
country = "BUL"
startdate = { year = 1931 month = december day = 30 }
expirydate = { year = 1938 month = may day = 30 }
treaty = {
id = { type = 16384 id = 49 }
type = non_aggression
country = "TUR"
country = "SAU"
startdate = { year = 1931 month = december day = 30 }
expirydate = { year = 1948 month = december day = 30 }
treaty = {
id = { type = 16384 id = 50 }
type = non_aggression
country = "TUR"
country = "AFG"
startdate = { year = 1931 month = december day = 30 }
expirydate = { year = 1948 month = december day = 30 }
treaty = {
id = { type = 16384 id = 51 }
type = non_aggression
country = "TUR"
country = "GER"
startdate = { year = 1931 month = december day = 30 }
expirydate = { year = 1939 month = august day = 30 }
treaty = {
id = { type = 16384 id = 52 }
type = non_aggression
country = "GRE"
country = "YUG"
startdate = { year = 1931 month = december day = 30 }
expirydate = { year = 1939 month = april day = 30 }
treaty = {
id = { type = 16384 id = 53 }
type = non_aggression
country = "GRE"
country = "ROM"
startdate = { year = 1931 month = december day = 30 }
expirydate = { year = 1939 month = april day = 30 }
treaty = {
id = { type = 16384 id = 54 }
type = non_aggression
country = "YUG"
country = "ROM"
startdate = { year = 1931 month = december day = 30 }
expirydate = { year = 1939 month = april day = 30 }
treaty = {
id = { type = 16384 id = 55 }
type = non_aggression
country = "GRE"
country = "POL"
startdate = { year = 1931 month = december day = 30 }
expirydate = { year = 1948 month = december day = 30 }
treaty = {
id = { type = 16384 id = 56 }
type = non_aggression
country = "YUG"
country = "CZE"
startdate = { year = 1931 month = december day = 30 }
expirydate = { year = 1948 month = december day = 30 }
treaty = {
id = { type = 16384 id = 57 }
type = non_aggression
country = "ROM"
country = "CZE"
startdate = { year = 1931 month = december day = 30 }
expirydate = { year = 1939 month = august day = 30 }
treaty = {
id = { type = 16384 id = 58 }
type = non_aggression
country = "GER"
country = "SOV"
startdate = { year = 1931 month = december day = 30 }
expirydate = { year = 1940 month = april day = 30 }
treaty = {
id = { type = 16384 id = 59 }
type = non_aggression
country = "GER"
country = "POL"
startdate = { year = 1931 month = december day = 30 }
expirydate = { year = 1939 month = july day = 30 }
treaty = {
id = { type = 16384 id = 60 }
type = non_aggression
country = "GER"
country = "AUS"
startdate = { year = 1931 month = december day = 30 }
expirydate = { year = 1948 month = december day = 30 }
treaty = {
id = { type = 16384 id = 61 }
type = non_aggression
country = "USA"
country = "ITA"
startdate = { year = 1931 month = december day = 30 }
expirydate = { year = 1948 month = december day = 30 }
treaty = {
id = { type = 16384 id = 62 }
type = non_aggression
country = "ROM"
country = "POL"
startdate = { year = 1931 month = december day = 30 }
expirydate = { year = 1939 month = august day = 30 }
treaty = {
id = { type = 16384 id = 63 }
type = non_aggression
country = "IRQ"
country = "SAU"
startdate = { year = 1931 month = december day = 30 }
expirydate = { year = 1948 month = december day = 30 }
treaty = {
id = { type = 16384 id = 64 }
type = non_aggression
country = "DEN"
country = "SWE"
startdate = { year = 1931 month = december day = 30 }
expirydate = { year = 1948 month = december day = 30 }
treaty = {
id = { type = 16384 id = 65 }
type = non_aggression
country = "DEN"
country = "NOR"
startdate = { year = 1931 month = december day = 30 }
expirydate = { year = 1948 month = december day = 30 }
treaty = {
id = { type = 16384 id = 66 }
type = non_aggression
country = "DEN"
country = "FIN"
startdate = { year = 1931 month = december day = 30 }
expirydate = { year = 1948 month = december day = 30 }
treaty = {
id = { type = 16384 id = 67 }
type = non_aggression
country = "SWE"
country = "NOR"
startdate = { year = 1931 month = december day = 30 }
expirydate = { year = 1948 month = december day = 30 }
treaty = {
id = { type = 16384 id = 68 }
type = non_aggression
country = "SWE"
country = "FIN"
startdate = { year = 1931 month = december day = 30 }
expirydate = { year = 1948 month = december day = 30 }
treaty = {
id = { type = 16384 id = 168 }
type = non_aggression
country = "NOR"
country = "FIN"
startdate = { year = 1931 month = december day = 30 }
expirydate = { year = 1948 month = december day = 30 }
treaty = {
id = { type = 16384 id = 69 }
type = non_aggression
country = "PER"
country = "IRQ"
startdate = { year = 1931 month = december day = 30 }
expirydate = { year = 1948 month = december day = 30 }
treaty = {
id = { type = 16384 id = 70 }
type = non_aggression
country = "PER"
country = "SAU"
startdate = { year = 1931 month = december day = 30 }
expirydate = { year = 1948 month = december day = 30 }
treaty = {
id = { type = 16384 id = 71 }
type = non_aggression
country = "PER"
country = "AFG"
startdate = { year = 1931 month = december day = 30 }
expirydate = { year = 1948 month = december day = 30 }
treaty = {
id = { type = 16384 id = 72 }
type = non_aggression
country = "PER"
country = "TUR"
startdate = { year = 1931 month = december day = 30 }
expirydate = { year = 1948 month = december day = 30 }
####################### 1936 TRADES #####################
treaty = {
id = { type = 16384 id = 300 }
type = trade
country = "HOL"
country = "BEL"
startdate = { year = 1931 month = december day = 30 }
expirydate = { year = 1948 month = december day = 30 }
oil = -2
rare_materials = -1
supplies = 1
treaty = {
id = { type = 16384 id = 301 }
type = trade
country = "FRA"
country = "BEL"
startdate = { year = 1931 month = december day = 30 }
expirydate = { year = 1948 month = december day = 30 }
metal = -3
energy = -4
supplies = 1
treaty = {
id = { type = 16384 id = 302 }
type = trade
country = "SWE"
country = "GER"
startdate = { year = 1931 month = december day = 30 }
expirydate = { year = 1948 month = december day = 30 }
metal = -4
energy = 8
treaty = {
id = { type = 16384 id = 303 }
type = trade
country = "VEN"
country = "FRA"
startdate = { year = 1931 month = december day = 30 }
expirydate = { year = 1948 month = december day = 30 }
oil = -5
supplies = 2
energy = 3
treaty = {
id = { type = 16384 id = 304 }
type = trade
country = "SOV"
country = "GER"
startdate = { year = 1931 month = december day = 30 }
expirydate = { year = 1941 month = december day = 30 }
### GER player has till 1941 before he loses the SOV materials
rare_materials = -4
metal = -2
oil = -10
supplies = 3
treaty = {
id = { type = 16384 id = 305 }
type = trade
country = "HOL"
country = "GER"
startdate = { year = 1931 month = december day = 30 }
expirydate = { year = 1948 month = december day = 30 }
rare_materials = -4
metal = -3
supplies = 1
energy = 12
treaty = {
id = { type = 16384 id = 306 }
type = trade
country = "HOL"
country = "JAP"
startdate = { year = 1931 month = december day = 30 }
expirydate = { year = 1942 month = july day = 30 }
### JAP player has till 1942 *max* before he goes down
rare_materials = -10
supplies = 4
treaty = {
id = { type = 16384 id = 307 }
type = trade
country = "USA"
country = "JAP"
startdate = { year = 1931 month = december day = 30 }
expirydate = { year = 1948 month = december day = 30 }
### USA can cancel deal through the Oil Embargo event
oil = -6
supplies = 3
treaty = {
id = { type = 16384 id = 308 }
type = trade
country = "GER"
country = "ITA"
startdate = { year = 1931 month = december day = 30 }
expirydate = { year = 1948 month = december day = 30 }
energy = -20
supplies = 2
treaty = {
id = { type = 16384 id = 309 }
type = trade
country = "SAU"
country = "ITA"
startdate = { year = 1931 month = december day = 30 }
expirydate = { year = 1948 month = december day = 30 }
oil = -3.3
supplies = 1
treaty = {
id = { type = 16384 id = 310 }
type = trade
country = "SIA"
country = "ITA"
startdate = { year = 1931 month = december day = 30 }
expirydate = { year = 1948 month = december day = 30 }
rare_materials = -2.5
supplies = 1
treaty = {
id = { type = 16384 id = 311 }
type = trade
country = "USA"
country = "CHI"
startdate = { year = 1931 month = december day = 30 }
expirydate = { year = 1948 month = december day = 30 }
oil = -4
energy = -4
money = 2
treaty = {
id = { type = 16384 id = 312 }
type = trade
country = "HOL"
country = "NZL"
startdate = { year = 1931 month = december day = 30 }
expirydate = { year = 1948 month = december day = 30 }
rare_materials = -2
oil = -1
supplies = 1.1
treaty = {
id = { type = 16384 id = 313 }
type = trade
country = "HOL"
country = "CAN"
startdate = { year = 1931 month = december day = 30 }
expirydate = { year = 1948 month = december day = 30 }
rare_materials = -8
energy = 3
supplies = 2.2
treaty = {
id = { type = 16384 id = 314 }
type = trade
country = "HOL"
country = "AST"
startdate = { year = 1931 month = december day = 30 }
expirydate = { year = 1948 month = december day = 30 }
rare_materials = -4
oil = -1
supplies = 2
treaty = {
id = { type = 16384 id = 315 }
type = trade
country = "SOV"
country = "GER"
startdate = { year = 1931 month = december day = 30 }
expirydate = { year = 1941 month = december day = 30 }
oil = -13
supplies = 5
treaty = {
id = { type = 16384 id = 316 }
type = trade
country = "HOL"
country = "NOR"
startdate = { year = 1931 month = december day = 30 }
expirydate = { year = 1948 month = december day = 30 }
rare_materials = -2
supplies = 1
treaty = {
id = { type = 16384 id = 317 }
type = trade
country = "HOL"
country = "MEX"
startdate = { year = 1931 month = december day = 30 }
expirydate = { year = 1948 month = december day = 30 }
rare_materials = -4
supplies = 2
treaty = {
id = { type = 16384 id = 318 }
type = trade
country = "HOL"
country = "CHI"
startdate = { year = 1931 month = december day = 30 }
expirydate = { year = 1948 month = december day = 30 }
rare_materials = -4
supplies = 2
treaty = {
id = { type = 16384 id = 319 }
type = trade
country = "HOL"
country = "PRU"
startdate = { year = 1931 month = december day = 30 }
expirydate = { year = 1948 month = december day = 30 }
rare_materials = -4
supplies = 2
treaty = {
id = { type = 16384 id = 320 }
type = trade
country = "SPR"
country = "ITA"
startdate = { year = 1931 month = december day = 30 }
expirydate = { year = 1948 month = december day = 30 }
rare_materials = -4
supplies = 2
# Vp things
include = "Phantasia 1932/scenarios/1932/"
# Countries
include = "Phantasia 1932/scenarios/1932/"
include = "Phantasia 1932/scenarios/1932/"
include = "Phantasia 1932/scenarios/1932/"
include = "Phantasia 1932/scenarios/1932/"
include = "Phantasia 1932/scenarios/1932/"
include = "Phantasia 1932/scenarios/1932/"
include = "Phantasia 1932/scenarios/1932/"
include = "Phantasia 1932/scenarios/1932/"
include = "Phantasia 1932/scenarios/1932/"
include = "Phantasia 1932/scenarios/1932/"
include = "Phantasia 1932/scenarios/1932/"
include = "Phantasia 1932/scenarios/1932/"
include = "Phantasia 1932/scenarios/1932/"
include = "Phantasia 1932/scenarios/1932/"
include = "Phantasia 1932/scenarios/1932/"
include = "Phantasia 1932/scenarios/1932/"
include = "Phantasia 1932/scenarios/1932/"
include = "Phantasia 1932/scenarios/1932/"
include = "Phantasia 1932/scenarios/1932/"
include = "Phantasia 1932/scenarios/1932/"
include = "Phantasia 1932/scenarios/1932/"
include = "Phantasia 1932/scenarios/1932/"
include = "Phantasia 1932/scenarios/1932/"
include = "Phantasia 1932/scenarios/1932/"
include = "Phantasia 1932/scenarios/1932/"
include = "Phantasia 1932/scenarios/1932/"
include = "Phantasia 1932/scenarios/1932/"
include = "Phantasia 1932/scenarios/1932/"
include = "Phantasia 1932/scenarios/1932/"
include = "Phantasia 1932/scenarios/1932/"
include = "Phantasia 1932/scenarios/1932/"
include = "Phantasia 1932/scenarios/1932/"
include = "Phantasia 1932/scenarios/1932/"
include = "Phantasia 1932/scenarios/1932/"
include = "Phantasia 1932/scenarios/1932/"
include = "Phantasia 1932/scenarios/1932/"
include = "Phantasia 1932/scenarios/1932/"
include = "Phantasia 1932/scenarios/1932/"
include = "Phantasia 1932/scenarios/1932/"
include = "Phantasia 1932/scenarios/1932/"
include = "Phantasia 1932/scenarios/1932/"
include = "Phantasia 1932/scenarios/1932/"
include = "Phantasia 1932/scenarios/1932/"
include = "Phantasia 1932/scenarios/1932/"
include = "Phantasia 1932/scenarios/1932/"
include = "Phantasia 1932/scenarios/1932/"
include = "Phantasia 1932/scenarios/1932/"
include = "Phantasia 1932/scenarios/1932/"
include = "Phantasia 1932/scenarios/1932/"
include = "Phantasia 1932/scenarios/1932/"
include = "Phantasia 1932/scenarios/1932/"
include = "Phantasia 1932/scenarios/1932/"
include = "Phantasia 1932/scenarios/1932/"
include = "Phantasia 1932/scenarios/1932/"
include = "Phantasia 1932/scenarios/1932/"
include = "Phantasia 1932/scenarios/1932/"
include = "Phantasia 1932/scenarios/1932/"
include = "Phantasia 1932/scenarios/1932/"
include = "Phantasia 1932/scenarios/1932/"
include = "Phantasia 1932/scenarios/1932/"
include = "Phantasia 1932/scenarios/1932/"
include = "Phantasia 1932/scenarios/1932/"
include = "Phantasia 1932/scenarios/1932/"
include = "Phantasia 1932/scenarios/1932/"
include = "Phantasia 1932/scenarios/1932/"
include = "Phantasia 1932/scenarios/1932/"
include = "Phantasia 1932/scenarios/1932/"
include = "Phantasia 1932/scenarios/1932/"
include = "Phantasia 1932/scenarios/1932/"
include = "Phantasia 1932/scenarios/1932/"
include = "Phantasia 1932/scenarios/1932/"
include = "Phantasia 1932/scenarios/1932/"
include = "Phantasia 1932/scenarios/1932/"
include = "Phantasia 1932/scenarios/1932/"
include = "Phantasia 1932/scenarios/1932/"
include = "Phantasia 1932/scenarios/1932/"
include = "Phantasia 1932/scenarios/1932/"
include = "Phantasia 1932/scenarios/1932/"
event = "db\events\AI_switches.txt"
# The Hearts of Iron 2 - Events Database
# New Hoi2 events, not yet moved to specific files
event = "Phantasia 1932\db\events\hoi2.txt"
# Hoi2 death and coup events
event = "db\events\death_events.txt"
event = "db\events\coups_hoi2.txt"
# The nation specific historical events
event = "db\events\albania.txt"
event = "db\events\austria.txt"
event = "db\events\croatia.txt"
event = "db\events\czechoslovakia.txt"
event = "db\events\nationalist_china.txt"
event = "db\events\denmark.txt"
event = "db\events\finland.txt"
event = "db\events\france.txt"
event = "db\events\vichy_france.txt"
event = "Phantasia 1932\db\events\germany.txt"
event = "db\events\hungary.txt"
event = "db\events\italy.txt"
event = "db\events\japan.txt"
event = "db\events\japanese_fascism.txt"
event = "db\events\lithuania.txt"
event = "db\events\poland.txt"
event = "db\events\romania.txt"
event = "db\events\slovakia.txt"
event = "db\events\nationalist_spain.txt"
event = "Phantasia 1932\db\events\republican_spain.txt"
event = "db\events\Siam.txt"
event = "db\events\sweden.txt"
event = "Phantasia 1932\db\events\UK.txt"
event = "db\events\USA.txt"
event = "Phantasia 1932\db\events\USSR.txt"
# Political Events
event = "db\events\sc events.txt"
event = "db\events\ml events.txt"
event = "db\events\sl events.txt"
event = "db\events\sd events.txt"
# Random events
event = "db\events\RandomEvents.txt"
# Invention type events
event = "db\events\secret_weapon_events.txt"
# AI Events
event = "db\events\AI_capital_move.txt"
event = "db\events\AI_ministers.txt"
event = "db\events\AI_sliders.txt"
event = "db\events\AI_Inherit_Chi.txt"
event = "db\events\AI_minorshutinvasion.txt"
event = "Phantasia 1932\db\events\PHevents.txt"
Also die Events triggern nun, mal schauen, wie sich das Spiel entwickelt, würde mich freuen, wenn das mal einer testen würde, der die Mod vorher schonmal gezockt hat und daher weiß, wie das Spiel im groben verlaufen muss!
Jedenfalls müsste der Moddir nun klappen!
26.07.05, 16:29
Hm es klappt ja alles, nur es wundert mich, dass die Kriege in China (wie man in deinem AAR sehen kann) nicht passieren.
Ansonsten funzt aber alles!
27.07.05, 09:44
Werter McSlaughter,
die KI in Patch 1.2 scheint weniger halsbrecherisch zu sein als in 1.1, unter dem ich den AAR verfaßte.
Daran mag es liegen.
Ich hätte da mal eine Frage:
Wie kann ich die historischen (orginalen) Forschungsjahre wiederherstellen?
Denn nachdem ich deinen 1932 Mod deinstalliert habe, laufen bei mir Russen und Deutsche bereits im Jahr 1937 mit '43er Infanterie herum und das ist nicht so toll...
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