13.01.05, 15:07
Da aus dem hiesigen Forum nicht immer alle im Paradoxforum vorbeischauen, habe ich hier einige nützliche Tools für HOI2 zusammengestellt:
Review of HoI 2 for Modders
Eine wirklich Review für Modder:
Quelle: Paradox-Forum (http://forum.paradoxplaza.com/forum/showthread.php?t=180918)
Provinces by ID
Provinces by ID, part 1 - overview of provinces with IDs ranging from 1 - 849 (http://hoi2.nsen.ch/wiki/index.php/Provinces_by_ID,_part_1)
Provinces by ID, part 2 - overview of provinces with IDs ranging from 850 - 1699 (http://hoi2.nsen.ch/wiki/index.php/Provinces_by_ID,_part_2)
Provinces by ID, part 3 - overview of provinces with IDs 1700 and above (http://hoi2.nsen.ch/wiki/index.php/Provinces_by_ID,_part_3)
Quelle: HOI2-WIKI (http://hoi2.nsen.ch/wiki/index.php/Main_Page)
Hoi2 Skin template
This is a Photoshop Skin template for Hearts of Iron 2.
First its a good idea to familiarise yourself with the skins already made in: \HOI2\Game\gfx\SKINS
1. Replace the Japanese test flag with a new country flag
2. Add nationspecific pictures or artwork in new layers with
Opacity set to something like 50%. Try using different blending modes on the layers, like "overlay" or "screen"
Old Propaganda pictures and Posters works well but you can
use any art you find suitable.
3. Make a silhouette of one of your pictures by tracing it with the
lasso tool and then fill it with a bright colour.
Use a blendingmode on the layers so things show through
from the background.
4. Add the countrys aviation symbol if you like
5. Fill the backgroundlayer with a colour you think is suitable
and change the toplayers colour too.
7. Create a new folder in \HOI2\Game\gfx\SKINS\ or overwrite the existing one
Name it with the correct tag for example USA for United States.
(you can find the tags in: \HOI2\Game\config\world_names.csv
6. Cut it up along the guides and save as different bmp files named like this:
fullscreen.bmp (hide the black_border layer when saving this file)
8. Now youre finished. Good luck and have fun!
-> http://forum.paradoxplaza.com/forum/attachment.php?attachmentid=4694
Quelle: Paradoxforum (http://forum.paradoxplaza.com/forum/showthread.php?t=180563)
Leader & province editor for HoI 2
This is a leader + province editor for HoI 2. It makes it easier to edit certain data in HoI 2.
Screenshot 1 (http://www.cse.unsw.edu.au/~sher500/public/hoi2/screen1.jpg)
Download here (http://www.cse.unsw.edu.au/~sher500/public/hoi2/leadereditor.zip).
Compatible files:
1. Any HoI 2 leader files
2. HoI 2 province.cvs file
Major new changes:
1. You can open province.cvs and edit the data in it.
2. Improved the speed to save files.
What this program can do:
1. Increase/decrease provinces IC, metal, resource, etc
2. Modify other statistics for provinces
3. Change any/all leader statistics
4. Push back leader death date to 1990, effectively making them live forever in the game.
Things to know:
1. Make sure the file you are editing is not opened by any other program (e.g. notepad, Excel). If it is, you may have some trouble saving the game.
2. Opening province.cvs can take from 30 seconds to one minute, depending on computer speed. I know it's bad, probably I will try to increase the efficiency later.
3. The program needs Microsoft .NET framework to run. You can get it here (http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?FamilyID=262d25e3-f589-4842-8157-034d1e7cf3a3&displaylang=en).
4. Make a backup before you edit anything in case there is any mistake or bug.
Probably next update:
1. Ability to change all the leader death dates in a few clicks instead of opening multiple files.
2. Ability to edit tech teams
3. Ability to edit ministers
Please feel free to comment, post any problem or suggest improvements. Enjoy!
Quelle: Paradoxforum (http://forum.paradoxplaza.com/forum/showthread.php?t=180945)
No Leader Deathdate Modification
I have attached a zip file that changes the leader deathdates for the major nations to 1960, effectively creating a series f leader files in which a leader will not die unless he is killed off in an event.
The countries covered are:
Nationalist China
Nationalist Spain
United Kingdom
United States
To use this, simply unzip the contents of the file into your db/leader folder. Enjoy.
-> http://forum.paradoxplaza.com/forum/attachment.php?attachmentid=4706
Quelle: Paradoxforum (http://forum.paradoxplaza.com/forum/showthread.php?t=180922)
Clickable World Map
Simple principle - thumbnailed pictures of world arranged together to form integrate map with option to click each sector for enlarging detail picture.
It is political map of world on the beginning of 1936 scenario.
Quelle: Paradoxforum (http://forum.paradoxplaza.com/forum/showthread.php?t=180972)
Clickable World Map2
Jetzt noch mit dem Terrain.
Ein paar zusätzliche Events für Barbarossa (inwieweit sie funktionieren weiß ich nicht):
emkeien - graphical & misc modding
To download a pack, right click on the link and choose "Save Target As"...
- replace 40+ shields and flags (modeled using statal insignia to create the shields and national ones to make the flags)
DOWNLOAD flags&shields (http://baseofvista.altervista.org/host/mods/emkeien_0.2_int_s&f.rar)
- improve some skins topbars (adjusting flags and bars style)
DOWNLOAD skins topbars (http://baseofvista.altervista.org/host/mods/emkeien_0.2_int_skins.rar)
- add 12 new urban areas (Paris, Milan, Istanbul, Budapest, Vienna, Prague, Rome, Mexico City, Los Angeles, Cairo, Tokyo and Calcutta)
DOWNLOAD modified province.csv (http://baseofvista.altervista.org/host/mods/emkeien_0.2_int_province.rar)
- insert the cities images for the new urban areas added above, and correct a sizing error for the 192x110 px Paradox stock pics
DOWNLOAD new cities graphics (http://baseofvista.altervista.org/host/mods/emkeien_0.2_int_cities.rar)
- related to the previous packs, make the AI more willing to attack urban areas
DOWNLOAD modded AI (http://baseofvista.altervista.org/host/mods/emkeien_0.2_int_ai.rar)
EDIT: those packs don't contain some german graphics I created (flag, shield, topbar) but I can't show here.
Unit Portrait and Icon alternatives
(A note on some packs. Where the pack is named .png, it is really a .zip file, and to use the images inside you must change the extension to .zip upon downloading. After this you may unpack normally :))
Alice's Panzer icons of DOOM! (http://www.geocities.com/pillpoppingalice/panzermodels.zip)
Ashbery's Icons (http://www.stonyroad.de/viewtopic.php?t=2107) - link to Stony Road
Krill's Icons (http://www.stonyroad.de/viewtopic.php?t=2114) - link to Stony Road
Le Figaro:
Le Figaro's Downloads (http://www.stonyroad.de/viewtopic.php?t=2106) - link to Stony Road
You must open the .png files below for editing with MS Paint or whatever program, use the select all command to copy the entire picture. After this, you must open a new .bmp file, paste the material onto it, shrinking or enlarging the surface as needed to make a good fit for the pasted material. Save the new file as whatever the text beside the picture specifies, copy into game directories, making sure you back up vanilla game files (unless you dont want to), and enjoy!
Icons from Panzer General 2 - I did not draw these, just pasted together. Modders enjoy :)
PG2 Soviet icons pt.I (http://lefigaro.stonyroad.de/pg2icons_SOV.zip)
PG2 Soviet icons pt.II (http://lefigaro.stonyroad.de/pg2icons_SOV2.zip)
PG2 German icons pt.I (http://lefigaro.stonyroad.de/pg2icons_GER.zip)
PG2 German icons pt.II (http://lefigaro.stonyroad.de/pg2icons_GER2.zip)
PG2 German icons pt.III (http://lefigaro.stonyroad.de/pg2icons_GER3.zip)
PG2 Italian icons (http://lefigaro.stonyroad.de/pg2icons_ITA.zip)
PG2 French icons (http://lefigaro.stonyroad.de/pg2icons_FRA.zip)
PG2 Infantry icons pt.I (http://lefigaro.stonyroad.de/pg2icons_inf.zip)
PG2 Infantry icons pt.II (http://lefigaro.stonyroad.de/pg2icons_inf2.zip)
Combat Button (place in GFX\Interface\button area\) - Second Correction
TC Icon (place in GFX\Interface\)
Alternative Counter Strip (by Alice)
tons of new Graphics
I made a lot of new graphics
All Infantry, Mot, mech, HQ, marine, mountain, garrison, paras, militia, tanks
Germany, Italy, Japan, USA, England, France, Sovietunion, Poland, Hungary, Romania and Australia
(Most tanks are based on units made by others)
--> hier (http://forum.paradoxplaza.com/forum/attachment.php?attachmentid=4736)
Starfire Historical Mod Available (Major Mod)
The first release (version A0) of the Starfire Historical Mod is available at:
This is a hasty major mod to fix up some of the most critical issues (specifically attention to slowing down combat, USA and USSR more reasonable).
As always our focus is on historical realism and a concern for multiplayer play (i.e. if you are looking for "fantasy fun" pick a different mod). This does not have an updated province.csv file yet, which was always the key to our previous HoI 1 mods.
Feedback would be greatly appreciated. Enjoy.
REVOLT.TXT: modding revolters and satellites
Some time ago, messing with the database that keeps track of rebellions and puppet status, I discovered some errors in territorial design, and some oddities (from my point of view, of course :rolleyes: ). I've tried to make some changes...
DOWNLOAD MODDED FILE revolt.txt (http://upl.silentwhisper.net/uplfolders/upload7/emkeien_revolt_0.2.zip)
+ GER has now intrinsic_gov_type set to fascist -> effect: right-wing conquerors only can release a national socialist Germany
+ DFR (aka, FRG) has now intrinsic_gov_type set to market liberal -> effect: liberal conquerors only can release the German Federal Republic (DDR, aka the German Democratic Republic, can be released yet by left-wing occupants)
+ DDR and FRG have now 1/1/1936 as start date
+ DDR and FRG cannot revolt
- regular_id = USA and intrinsic_gov_type = fascist removed from California and Texas definitions -> effect: a USA couped by fascists no longer turns in California (now, it become the CSA)
- regular_id = ENG and intrinsic_gov_type = fascist removed from Scotland definition -> effect: a UK couped by fascists no longer turns in Scotland (now, it keeps the UK tag)
+ Richmond is now the capital for a released CSA
+ Rome is now the capital for a released Italy
+ Gaza is now the capital for a released Palestine
- Jerusalem is no longer a province in released Palestine -> Jerusalem isn't a province for Israel: let the choice to the player
- Sinai (Suez, el-Arish and Sharm el-Sheikh) is no longer an owned territory in released Egypt -> this keeps control of the Suez channel to the master and releaser
- Cyprus is no longer a province in released Greece
- Lanzhou (in the middle of China!) is no longer a province in released Khazakhstan
- Eleuthera (in the Caribbean!) and eastern New Guinea (several provinces) are no longer an onwned territory in released Indonesia
- Siberia (several provinces) is no longer an owned territory in released Russia
- Curacao is no longer a province in released Netherlands
- Istanbul is no longer a province in released Turkey
- Alaska (several provinces) is no longer an owned territory in released USA
- Ceylon (two provinces) and Baoshan are no longer an owned territory in released India
+ Baoshan is now a province in released Burma
- Rio de Oro and spanish northern Morocco (several provinces) are no longer an owned territory in released Spain (republican)
- Newfoundland and Labrador are no longer provinces in released Canada
- Yinchuan is no longer a province in released Communist China
- Yinchuan and Qumul are no longer a province in released Xibei San Ma
- São Tomé is no longer a province in released Gabon
- Greenland is no longer a province in released Denmark
- Falkland Islands are no longer a province in released Argentina -> a base in the southern Atlantic: let the choice to the player
- Cabinda is no longer a province in released Angola
- Juan Fernández Archipelago and Isla San Félix are no longer provinces in released Chile
- Bonin Islands and Iwo Jima are no longer a province in released Japan
+ Maribor is now a province in released Slovenia
+ Djibouti is now a province in released Somalia
+ Aden and Mukalla are now provinces in released Yemen
+ Shumushushima is now a province in released Primorsk
+ Baoji is now a province in released Communist China
Suggestions and corrections are welcome!
Quelle: http://forum.paradoxplaza.com/forum/showthread.php?t=184898
Yugoslav unit icons download.
Yugoslav icons - 56 units in this download... unzip and place all pics in GFX/Interface/models folder.
get here:
(also at this site are 118 - Nationalist/Republican Spain unit icons and Map icons)
Hoi2Lib is a library of tools for modding Hearts of Iron 2 that I'm currently developing.
I plan on doing modules for most things that can be modded, currently the Tech Tree module is 90% complete - I'll release v1.00 as soon as I'm through with that.
Just announcing it here to see if I get any preliminary comments or wishes before releasing the first version
Tired of having to guess when a tech team will finish researching a tech? Salvation!
Some of us prefer to conduct our research as efficiently as possible, but Johan believes that providing the player with a time estimate is unnecessary. Therefore, I present the Hearts of Iron II Research Assistant. This program will give you a precise prediction for when a tech will be completed.
I've spent around 15-20 hours in the last few days testing the game in order to nail down the tech research calculation exactly. If the formula is still off, I swear to God I'm going to kill myself.
Requirements: Hearts of Iron II v1.1, 1024x768 or higher resolution. The program reads the HoI2 path from the Registry, so it's best if the game is installed properly.
In order to produce accurate results, you need to provide the program with the proper data for your game. Make sure you set the start date to reflect the current in-game date, choose the proper difficulty, check off all the +% Research techs that you have, etc.
Finishing research on techs that grant +% Research (such as Basic Computing Machine) in the midst of researching other techs will obviously affect the completion time, therefore the prediction will be off.
Building rocket test sites and nuclear reactors in the midst of researching a tech with components that those buildings affect will obviously change the research time and mean that the prediction will be off.
In rare circumstances, rounding can cause the time estimate to be off if you save and load a game in the midst of researching a tech. This will happen more frequently with high research penaltys.
If there is a (×2) after the component name, that means that the component has its research time doubled.
Ministers that supposedly grant +% Research do not affect research time whatsoever. I tested the Infantry Proponent, Resource Industrialist, Technical Specialist, and School of Fire Support ministers and none gave any research bonus.
Dissent has no effect on research time.
Each level of a rocket test site or nuclear reactor adds +5 to the skill of the team when researching an appropriate component. For example, if Germany has a size 3 rocket test site, Wernher von Braun (skill 9) will effectively be a skill 24 tech team when researching rocketry components.
You can start on December 30 with no penalty for researching techs of the next year (ie. starting a tech on December 30, 1936 which has a historical year of 1937).
Minimum tech team skill is 1.
Minimum difficulty for a tech component is 3.
The workings of the 'Find Fastest Tech Team' commands is not necessarily self-evident, hence here is an example.
Tech Team # of Days to Research
Krupp 100
I.G. Farben 110
Wernher von Braun 115
Porsche 100
MAN 122
Messerschmitt 115
The 'Find Fastest Tech Team' command would find Krupp and Porsche.
The 'Find Second Fastest Tech Team' command would find I.G. Farben.
The 'Find Third Fastest Tech Team' command would find Wernher von Braun and Messerchmitt.
Download links: (2.5MB)
Mirror 1 (http://site.voila.fr/hoifiles28/hoi2ra.zip)
Mirror 2 (http://site.voila.fr/hoifiles29/hoi2ra.zip)
Mirror 3 (http://site.voila.fr/hoifiles30/hoi2ra.zip)
Mirror 4 (http://site.voila.fr/hoifiles31/hoi2ra.zip)
Mirror 5 (http://site.voila.fr/hoifiles32/hoi2ra.zip)
Mirror 6 (http://site.voila.fr/hoifiles33/hoi2ra.zip)
The program is also available from the Total Realism Project's website (thanks Lothos): http://trp.powerguilds.com/dload.php?action=category&cat_id=7
Hearts of Iron II Research Assistant v1.02 Update (http://site.voila.fr/hoifiles39/hoi2ra.zip): After installing, overwrite the original EXE with the one in this ZIP file.
Hotkey list
Province Commands
a = Build AA
n = Build infrastructure
i = Build factory
l = Build land fort
c = Build coastal fort
Unit commands
. = Cycle Through Divisions
, = Reverse Cycle Through Divisions (',.' are useful for cycling through divisions within the same unit)
PgUp = Cycle Through Units
PgDown = Reverse Cycle Through Units (PgUp/PgDown is most useful for a quick tour through all units rather than individual divisions - units on transports are shown hidden in the deepest Africa )
l = load to ship
u = unload from ship
General Commands
ctrl+ = Speed Up
ctrl- = Slow Down
+ = Zoom In
- = Zoom Out
\ = Find Province/Nation (? instead of \ on some keyboards)
tab = Chat in MP
pause = pause
HOME = Centre on Capital
F1 = VP and mission standing (in battlescenarios) on main screen
F6 = Go to the ledger on the last page you viewed
F10 = Menu
F11 = Screendump to file ScreenSaveXXX.bmp (does not work in ledger)
PrtScrn = Screendump to clipboard (does work in ledger, but you'll have to paste it somewhere not to lose it)
F12 = Open Console and enter commands, trigger events, or cheat outrageously (in SP)
Flags und shields Seiten
Meiner Meinung nach die beste:
Austria Skin
Well here's a skin for austria. Just unzip in \GFX\SKINS and enjoy!
New minimap
The Sexxicolor's Map Mod
Greetings all!
I loved HOI1 and love HOI2, but if there is one thing I hate about it, it is the colors on the map.
Luckily it's moddable! :p
And so, I have spent many hours reworking the entire HOI2 map. The codename? Sexxicolors! :D Here is a little preview to spark interest!
The rest can be viewed by clicking these links!
North America (http://people.tamu.edu/~icc9709/namerica.jpg)
South America (http://people.tamu.edu/~icc9709/samerica.jpg)
Asia (http://people.tamu.edu/~icc9709/asia.jpg)
The New World Order! (http://people.tamu.edu/~icc9709/nwo.jpg)
As you can see, nearly every country has an improved color or totally new color, including many revolters, including the Caucus Republics, the Balkans, and other popular revolters such as the Confederate States, Egypt, Flanders, Wallonia, and Scandinavia.
Enjoy the download!
Simply download this file (http://people.tamu.edu/~icc9709/sexxicolorsBETA1.zip) and extract it to your Hearts of Iron main folder. It will ask you if you'd like to overwrite existing files. Say yes! :D
Special thanks to Ian Coccozza for hosting the pics and download. :)
Be sure to check out his upcoming flag and shield mod! It's AMAZING!
Be sure to post feedback, good or bad, if you've downloaded and tried Sexxicolors. :cool:
Sexxicolors 1.0 Beta (http://people.tamu.edu/~icc9709/sexxicolorsBETA1.zip)
Yours truly,
Jamison Geibel
Hochinteressante (Grafik-) Seite:
provinces ID Maps
Europe (http://strategium.alliance-francophone.net/fileadmin/images/Strategium/EUR-OUEST.png)
Western USSR (http://www.alliance-francophone.net/fileadmin/images/Strategium/URSS-OUEST.PNG)
Western Africa (http://www.alliance-francophone.net/fileadmin/images/Strategium/AFRIQUE-NO.PNG)
Eastern Africa & Arabia (http://www.alliance-francophone.net/fileadmin/images/Strategium/Hearts_of_iron_2/EGYPTE-ARABIE.PNG)
Southern Africa (http://www.alliance-francophone.net/fileadmin/images/Strategium/Hearts_of_iron_2/AFRIQUE-SUD.PNG)
Siberia, China & Japan (http://www.alliance-francophone.net/fileadmin/images/Strategium/URSS-SIBERIE.PNG)
India & Indochina (http://www.alliance-francophone.net/fileadmin/images/Strategium/Hearts_of_iron_2/Inde-SudChine-Indochine.PNG)
Indonesia & Australia (http://www.alliance-francophone.net/fileadmin/images/Strategium/Hearts_of_iron_2/Indonesie-Australie.PNG)
Northern Pacific (http://www.alliance-francophone.net/fileadmin/images/Strategium/Hearts_of_iron_2/PacifiqueNord.PNG)
Central Pacific (http://www.alliance-francophone.net/fileadmin/images/Strategium/Hearts_of_iron_2/PacifiqueCentral.PNG)
Southern Pacific (http://www.alliance-francophone.net/fileadmin/images/Strategium/Hearts_of_iron_2/PacifiqueSud-NZelande.PNG)
North America (http://www.alliance-francophone.net/fileadmin/images/Strategium/Hearts_of_iron_2/Canada-USA-Mexique.PNG)
Southern America (http://www.alliance-francophone.net/fileadmin/images/Strategium/Hearts_of_iron_2/AmeriqueSud.PNG)
HOI2 Vicky Converter
Allgemein würde ich noch die drei folgenden Seiten empfehlen:
HOI2 WIKI (http://hoi2.nsen.ch/wiki/index.php/Main_Page)
z.B. Baukostenauflistung etc.
HOI download section (Seite von 701) (http://www.heartsofiron2.de/download/download.html)
z.B Endlospatch etc.
Stony Road (http://www.stonyroad.de/)
viele Grafiken etc.
Review of HoI 2 for Modders
Eine wirklich Review für Modder:
Quelle: Paradox-Forum (http://forum.paradoxplaza.com/forum/showthread.php?t=180918)
Provinces by ID
Provinces by ID, part 1 - overview of provinces with IDs ranging from 1 - 849 (http://hoi2.nsen.ch/wiki/index.php/Provinces_by_ID,_part_1)
Provinces by ID, part 2 - overview of provinces with IDs ranging from 850 - 1699 (http://hoi2.nsen.ch/wiki/index.php/Provinces_by_ID,_part_2)
Provinces by ID, part 3 - overview of provinces with IDs 1700 and above (http://hoi2.nsen.ch/wiki/index.php/Provinces_by_ID,_part_3)
Quelle: HOI2-WIKI (http://hoi2.nsen.ch/wiki/index.php/Main_Page)
Hoi2 Skin template
This is a Photoshop Skin template for Hearts of Iron 2.
First its a good idea to familiarise yourself with the skins already made in: \HOI2\Game\gfx\SKINS
1. Replace the Japanese test flag with a new country flag
2. Add nationspecific pictures or artwork in new layers with
Opacity set to something like 50%. Try using different blending modes on the layers, like "overlay" or "screen"
Old Propaganda pictures and Posters works well but you can
use any art you find suitable.
3. Make a silhouette of one of your pictures by tracing it with the
lasso tool and then fill it with a bright colour.
Use a blendingmode on the layers so things show through
from the background.
4. Add the countrys aviation symbol if you like
5. Fill the backgroundlayer with a colour you think is suitable
and change the toplayers colour too.
7. Create a new folder in \HOI2\Game\gfx\SKINS\ or overwrite the existing one
Name it with the correct tag for example USA for United States.
(you can find the tags in: \HOI2\Game\config\world_names.csv
6. Cut it up along the guides and save as different bmp files named like this:
fullscreen.bmp (hide the black_border layer when saving this file)
8. Now youre finished. Good luck and have fun!
-> http://forum.paradoxplaza.com/forum/attachment.php?attachmentid=4694
Quelle: Paradoxforum (http://forum.paradoxplaza.com/forum/showthread.php?t=180563)
Leader & province editor for HoI 2
This is a leader + province editor for HoI 2. It makes it easier to edit certain data in HoI 2.
Screenshot 1 (http://www.cse.unsw.edu.au/~sher500/public/hoi2/screen1.jpg)
Download here (http://www.cse.unsw.edu.au/~sher500/public/hoi2/leadereditor.zip).
Compatible files:
1. Any HoI 2 leader files
2. HoI 2 province.cvs file
Major new changes:
1. You can open province.cvs and edit the data in it.
2. Improved the speed to save files.
What this program can do:
1. Increase/decrease provinces IC, metal, resource, etc
2. Modify other statistics for provinces
3. Change any/all leader statistics
4. Push back leader death date to 1990, effectively making them live forever in the game.
Things to know:
1. Make sure the file you are editing is not opened by any other program (e.g. notepad, Excel). If it is, you may have some trouble saving the game.
2. Opening province.cvs can take from 30 seconds to one minute, depending on computer speed. I know it's bad, probably I will try to increase the efficiency later.
3. The program needs Microsoft .NET framework to run. You can get it here (http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?FamilyID=262d25e3-f589-4842-8157-034d1e7cf3a3&displaylang=en).
4. Make a backup before you edit anything in case there is any mistake or bug.
Probably next update:
1. Ability to change all the leader death dates in a few clicks instead of opening multiple files.
2. Ability to edit tech teams
3. Ability to edit ministers
Please feel free to comment, post any problem or suggest improvements. Enjoy!
Quelle: Paradoxforum (http://forum.paradoxplaza.com/forum/showthread.php?t=180945)
No Leader Deathdate Modification
I have attached a zip file that changes the leader deathdates for the major nations to 1960, effectively creating a series f leader files in which a leader will not die unless he is killed off in an event.
The countries covered are:
Nationalist China
Nationalist Spain
United Kingdom
United States
To use this, simply unzip the contents of the file into your db/leader folder. Enjoy.
-> http://forum.paradoxplaza.com/forum/attachment.php?attachmentid=4706
Quelle: Paradoxforum (http://forum.paradoxplaza.com/forum/showthread.php?t=180922)
Clickable World Map
Simple principle - thumbnailed pictures of world arranged together to form integrate map with option to click each sector for enlarging detail picture.
It is political map of world on the beginning of 1936 scenario.
Quelle: Paradoxforum (http://forum.paradoxplaza.com/forum/showthread.php?t=180972)
Clickable World Map2
Jetzt noch mit dem Terrain.
Ein paar zusätzliche Events für Barbarossa (inwieweit sie funktionieren weiß ich nicht):
emkeien - graphical & misc modding
To download a pack, right click on the link and choose "Save Target As"...
- replace 40+ shields and flags (modeled using statal insignia to create the shields and national ones to make the flags)
DOWNLOAD flags&shields (http://baseofvista.altervista.org/host/mods/emkeien_0.2_int_s&f.rar)
- improve some skins topbars (adjusting flags and bars style)
DOWNLOAD skins topbars (http://baseofvista.altervista.org/host/mods/emkeien_0.2_int_skins.rar)
- add 12 new urban areas (Paris, Milan, Istanbul, Budapest, Vienna, Prague, Rome, Mexico City, Los Angeles, Cairo, Tokyo and Calcutta)
DOWNLOAD modified province.csv (http://baseofvista.altervista.org/host/mods/emkeien_0.2_int_province.rar)
- insert the cities images for the new urban areas added above, and correct a sizing error for the 192x110 px Paradox stock pics
DOWNLOAD new cities graphics (http://baseofvista.altervista.org/host/mods/emkeien_0.2_int_cities.rar)
- related to the previous packs, make the AI more willing to attack urban areas
DOWNLOAD modded AI (http://baseofvista.altervista.org/host/mods/emkeien_0.2_int_ai.rar)
EDIT: those packs don't contain some german graphics I created (flag, shield, topbar) but I can't show here.
Unit Portrait and Icon alternatives
(A note on some packs. Where the pack is named .png, it is really a .zip file, and to use the images inside you must change the extension to .zip upon downloading. After this you may unpack normally :))
Alice's Panzer icons of DOOM! (http://www.geocities.com/pillpoppingalice/panzermodels.zip)
Ashbery's Icons (http://www.stonyroad.de/viewtopic.php?t=2107) - link to Stony Road
Krill's Icons (http://www.stonyroad.de/viewtopic.php?t=2114) - link to Stony Road
Le Figaro:
Le Figaro's Downloads (http://www.stonyroad.de/viewtopic.php?t=2106) - link to Stony Road
You must open the .png files below for editing with MS Paint or whatever program, use the select all command to copy the entire picture. After this, you must open a new .bmp file, paste the material onto it, shrinking or enlarging the surface as needed to make a good fit for the pasted material. Save the new file as whatever the text beside the picture specifies, copy into game directories, making sure you back up vanilla game files (unless you dont want to), and enjoy!
Icons from Panzer General 2 - I did not draw these, just pasted together. Modders enjoy :)
PG2 Soviet icons pt.I (http://lefigaro.stonyroad.de/pg2icons_SOV.zip)
PG2 Soviet icons pt.II (http://lefigaro.stonyroad.de/pg2icons_SOV2.zip)
PG2 German icons pt.I (http://lefigaro.stonyroad.de/pg2icons_GER.zip)
PG2 German icons pt.II (http://lefigaro.stonyroad.de/pg2icons_GER2.zip)
PG2 German icons pt.III (http://lefigaro.stonyroad.de/pg2icons_GER3.zip)
PG2 Italian icons (http://lefigaro.stonyroad.de/pg2icons_ITA.zip)
PG2 French icons (http://lefigaro.stonyroad.de/pg2icons_FRA.zip)
PG2 Infantry icons pt.I (http://lefigaro.stonyroad.de/pg2icons_inf.zip)
PG2 Infantry icons pt.II (http://lefigaro.stonyroad.de/pg2icons_inf2.zip)
Combat Button (place in GFX\Interface\button area\) - Second Correction
TC Icon (place in GFX\Interface\)
Alternative Counter Strip (by Alice)
tons of new Graphics
I made a lot of new graphics
All Infantry, Mot, mech, HQ, marine, mountain, garrison, paras, militia, tanks
Germany, Italy, Japan, USA, England, France, Sovietunion, Poland, Hungary, Romania and Australia
(Most tanks are based on units made by others)
--> hier (http://forum.paradoxplaza.com/forum/attachment.php?attachmentid=4736)
Starfire Historical Mod Available (Major Mod)
The first release (version A0) of the Starfire Historical Mod is available at:
This is a hasty major mod to fix up some of the most critical issues (specifically attention to slowing down combat, USA and USSR more reasonable).
As always our focus is on historical realism and a concern for multiplayer play (i.e. if you are looking for "fantasy fun" pick a different mod). This does not have an updated province.csv file yet, which was always the key to our previous HoI 1 mods.
Feedback would be greatly appreciated. Enjoy.
REVOLT.TXT: modding revolters and satellites
Some time ago, messing with the database that keeps track of rebellions and puppet status, I discovered some errors in territorial design, and some oddities (from my point of view, of course :rolleyes: ). I've tried to make some changes...
DOWNLOAD MODDED FILE revolt.txt (http://upl.silentwhisper.net/uplfolders/upload7/emkeien_revolt_0.2.zip)
+ GER has now intrinsic_gov_type set to fascist -> effect: right-wing conquerors only can release a national socialist Germany
+ DFR (aka, FRG) has now intrinsic_gov_type set to market liberal -> effect: liberal conquerors only can release the German Federal Republic (DDR, aka the German Democratic Republic, can be released yet by left-wing occupants)
+ DDR and FRG have now 1/1/1936 as start date
+ DDR and FRG cannot revolt
- regular_id = USA and intrinsic_gov_type = fascist removed from California and Texas definitions -> effect: a USA couped by fascists no longer turns in California (now, it become the CSA)
- regular_id = ENG and intrinsic_gov_type = fascist removed from Scotland definition -> effect: a UK couped by fascists no longer turns in Scotland (now, it keeps the UK tag)
+ Richmond is now the capital for a released CSA
+ Rome is now the capital for a released Italy
+ Gaza is now the capital for a released Palestine
- Jerusalem is no longer a province in released Palestine -> Jerusalem isn't a province for Israel: let the choice to the player
- Sinai (Suez, el-Arish and Sharm el-Sheikh) is no longer an owned territory in released Egypt -> this keeps control of the Suez channel to the master and releaser
- Cyprus is no longer a province in released Greece
- Lanzhou (in the middle of China!) is no longer a province in released Khazakhstan
- Eleuthera (in the Caribbean!) and eastern New Guinea (several provinces) are no longer an onwned territory in released Indonesia
- Siberia (several provinces) is no longer an owned territory in released Russia
- Curacao is no longer a province in released Netherlands
- Istanbul is no longer a province in released Turkey
- Alaska (several provinces) is no longer an owned territory in released USA
- Ceylon (two provinces) and Baoshan are no longer an owned territory in released India
+ Baoshan is now a province in released Burma
- Rio de Oro and spanish northern Morocco (several provinces) are no longer an owned territory in released Spain (republican)
- Newfoundland and Labrador are no longer provinces in released Canada
- Yinchuan is no longer a province in released Communist China
- Yinchuan and Qumul are no longer a province in released Xibei San Ma
- São Tomé is no longer a province in released Gabon
- Greenland is no longer a province in released Denmark
- Falkland Islands are no longer a province in released Argentina -> a base in the southern Atlantic: let the choice to the player
- Cabinda is no longer a province in released Angola
- Juan Fernández Archipelago and Isla San Félix are no longer provinces in released Chile
- Bonin Islands and Iwo Jima are no longer a province in released Japan
+ Maribor is now a province in released Slovenia
+ Djibouti is now a province in released Somalia
+ Aden and Mukalla are now provinces in released Yemen
+ Shumushushima is now a province in released Primorsk
+ Baoji is now a province in released Communist China
Suggestions and corrections are welcome!
Quelle: http://forum.paradoxplaza.com/forum/showthread.php?t=184898
Yugoslav unit icons download.
Yugoslav icons - 56 units in this download... unzip and place all pics in GFX/Interface/models folder.
get here:
(also at this site are 118 - Nationalist/Republican Spain unit icons and Map icons)
Hoi2Lib is a library of tools for modding Hearts of Iron 2 that I'm currently developing.
I plan on doing modules for most things that can be modded, currently the Tech Tree module is 90% complete - I'll release v1.00 as soon as I'm through with that.
Just announcing it here to see if I get any preliminary comments or wishes before releasing the first version
Tired of having to guess when a tech team will finish researching a tech? Salvation!
Some of us prefer to conduct our research as efficiently as possible, but Johan believes that providing the player with a time estimate is unnecessary. Therefore, I present the Hearts of Iron II Research Assistant. This program will give you a precise prediction for when a tech will be completed.
I've spent around 15-20 hours in the last few days testing the game in order to nail down the tech research calculation exactly. If the formula is still off, I swear to God I'm going to kill myself.
Requirements: Hearts of Iron II v1.1, 1024x768 or higher resolution. The program reads the HoI2 path from the Registry, so it's best if the game is installed properly.
In order to produce accurate results, you need to provide the program with the proper data for your game. Make sure you set the start date to reflect the current in-game date, choose the proper difficulty, check off all the +% Research techs that you have, etc.
Finishing research on techs that grant +% Research (such as Basic Computing Machine) in the midst of researching other techs will obviously affect the completion time, therefore the prediction will be off.
Building rocket test sites and nuclear reactors in the midst of researching a tech with components that those buildings affect will obviously change the research time and mean that the prediction will be off.
In rare circumstances, rounding can cause the time estimate to be off if you save and load a game in the midst of researching a tech. This will happen more frequently with high research penaltys.
If there is a (×2) after the component name, that means that the component has its research time doubled.
Ministers that supposedly grant +% Research do not affect research time whatsoever. I tested the Infantry Proponent, Resource Industrialist, Technical Specialist, and School of Fire Support ministers and none gave any research bonus.
Dissent has no effect on research time.
Each level of a rocket test site or nuclear reactor adds +5 to the skill of the team when researching an appropriate component. For example, if Germany has a size 3 rocket test site, Wernher von Braun (skill 9) will effectively be a skill 24 tech team when researching rocketry components.
You can start on December 30 with no penalty for researching techs of the next year (ie. starting a tech on December 30, 1936 which has a historical year of 1937).
Minimum tech team skill is 1.
Minimum difficulty for a tech component is 3.
The workings of the 'Find Fastest Tech Team' commands is not necessarily self-evident, hence here is an example.
Tech Team # of Days to Research
Krupp 100
I.G. Farben 110
Wernher von Braun 115
Porsche 100
MAN 122
Messerschmitt 115
The 'Find Fastest Tech Team' command would find Krupp and Porsche.
The 'Find Second Fastest Tech Team' command would find I.G. Farben.
The 'Find Third Fastest Tech Team' command would find Wernher von Braun and Messerchmitt.
Download links: (2.5MB)
Mirror 1 (http://site.voila.fr/hoifiles28/hoi2ra.zip)
Mirror 2 (http://site.voila.fr/hoifiles29/hoi2ra.zip)
Mirror 3 (http://site.voila.fr/hoifiles30/hoi2ra.zip)
Mirror 4 (http://site.voila.fr/hoifiles31/hoi2ra.zip)
Mirror 5 (http://site.voila.fr/hoifiles32/hoi2ra.zip)
Mirror 6 (http://site.voila.fr/hoifiles33/hoi2ra.zip)
The program is also available from the Total Realism Project's website (thanks Lothos): http://trp.powerguilds.com/dload.php?action=category&cat_id=7
Hearts of Iron II Research Assistant v1.02 Update (http://site.voila.fr/hoifiles39/hoi2ra.zip): After installing, overwrite the original EXE with the one in this ZIP file.
Hotkey list
Province Commands
a = Build AA
n = Build infrastructure
i = Build factory
l = Build land fort
c = Build coastal fort
Unit commands
. = Cycle Through Divisions
, = Reverse Cycle Through Divisions (',.' are useful for cycling through divisions within the same unit)
PgUp = Cycle Through Units
PgDown = Reverse Cycle Through Units (PgUp/PgDown is most useful for a quick tour through all units rather than individual divisions - units on transports are shown hidden in the deepest Africa )
l = load to ship
u = unload from ship
General Commands
ctrl+ = Speed Up
ctrl- = Slow Down
+ = Zoom In
- = Zoom Out
\ = Find Province/Nation (? instead of \ on some keyboards)
tab = Chat in MP
pause = pause
HOME = Centre on Capital
F1 = VP and mission standing (in battlescenarios) on main screen
F6 = Go to the ledger on the last page you viewed
F10 = Menu
F11 = Screendump to file ScreenSaveXXX.bmp (does not work in ledger)
PrtScrn = Screendump to clipboard (does work in ledger, but you'll have to paste it somewhere not to lose it)
F12 = Open Console and enter commands, trigger events, or cheat outrageously (in SP)
Flags und shields Seiten
Meiner Meinung nach die beste:
Austria Skin
Well here's a skin for austria. Just unzip in \GFX\SKINS and enjoy!
New minimap
The Sexxicolor's Map Mod
Greetings all!
I loved HOI1 and love HOI2, but if there is one thing I hate about it, it is the colors on the map.
Luckily it's moddable! :p
And so, I have spent many hours reworking the entire HOI2 map. The codename? Sexxicolors! :D Here is a little preview to spark interest!
The rest can be viewed by clicking these links!
North America (http://people.tamu.edu/~icc9709/namerica.jpg)
South America (http://people.tamu.edu/~icc9709/samerica.jpg)
Asia (http://people.tamu.edu/~icc9709/asia.jpg)
The New World Order! (http://people.tamu.edu/~icc9709/nwo.jpg)
As you can see, nearly every country has an improved color or totally new color, including many revolters, including the Caucus Republics, the Balkans, and other popular revolters such as the Confederate States, Egypt, Flanders, Wallonia, and Scandinavia.
Enjoy the download!
Simply download this file (http://people.tamu.edu/~icc9709/sexxicolorsBETA1.zip) and extract it to your Hearts of Iron main folder. It will ask you if you'd like to overwrite existing files. Say yes! :D
Special thanks to Ian Coccozza for hosting the pics and download. :)
Be sure to check out his upcoming flag and shield mod! It's AMAZING!
Be sure to post feedback, good or bad, if you've downloaded and tried Sexxicolors. :cool:
Sexxicolors 1.0 Beta (http://people.tamu.edu/~icc9709/sexxicolorsBETA1.zip)
Yours truly,
Jamison Geibel
Hochinteressante (Grafik-) Seite:
provinces ID Maps
Europe (http://strategium.alliance-francophone.net/fileadmin/images/Strategium/EUR-OUEST.png)
Western USSR (http://www.alliance-francophone.net/fileadmin/images/Strategium/URSS-OUEST.PNG)
Western Africa (http://www.alliance-francophone.net/fileadmin/images/Strategium/AFRIQUE-NO.PNG)
Eastern Africa & Arabia (http://www.alliance-francophone.net/fileadmin/images/Strategium/Hearts_of_iron_2/EGYPTE-ARABIE.PNG)
Southern Africa (http://www.alliance-francophone.net/fileadmin/images/Strategium/Hearts_of_iron_2/AFRIQUE-SUD.PNG)
Siberia, China & Japan (http://www.alliance-francophone.net/fileadmin/images/Strategium/URSS-SIBERIE.PNG)
India & Indochina (http://www.alliance-francophone.net/fileadmin/images/Strategium/Hearts_of_iron_2/Inde-SudChine-Indochine.PNG)
Indonesia & Australia (http://www.alliance-francophone.net/fileadmin/images/Strategium/Hearts_of_iron_2/Indonesie-Australie.PNG)
Northern Pacific (http://www.alliance-francophone.net/fileadmin/images/Strategium/Hearts_of_iron_2/PacifiqueNord.PNG)
Central Pacific (http://www.alliance-francophone.net/fileadmin/images/Strategium/Hearts_of_iron_2/PacifiqueCentral.PNG)
Southern Pacific (http://www.alliance-francophone.net/fileadmin/images/Strategium/Hearts_of_iron_2/PacifiqueSud-NZelande.PNG)
North America (http://www.alliance-francophone.net/fileadmin/images/Strategium/Hearts_of_iron_2/Canada-USA-Mexique.PNG)
Southern America (http://www.alliance-francophone.net/fileadmin/images/Strategium/Hearts_of_iron_2/AmeriqueSud.PNG)
HOI2 Vicky Converter
Allgemein würde ich noch die drei folgenden Seiten empfehlen:
HOI2 WIKI (http://hoi2.nsen.ch/wiki/index.php/Main_Page)
z.B. Baukostenauflistung etc.
HOI download section (Seite von 701) (http://www.heartsofiron2.de/download/download.html)
z.B Endlospatch etc.
Stony Road (http://www.stonyroad.de/)
viele Grafiken etc.