Archiv verlassen und diese Seite im Standarddesign anzeigen : Patches 1.01 - 1.09
- Badboy value is no longer increased for taking national provinces.
- The AI will now take maximum army size into account much more.
- Now other things than getting war declared upon you will bring your technology speed up to par as american indian.
- The timing code for determening when revolts form new countries have been rewritten to work properly even when no armies present.
- No longer will the AI claim provinces controlled by someone not even involved in the war.
- A bug which caused astronomical growth rates in some colonies were fixed.
- The lord of a vassal will now recieve a casus belli when the vassal cancels the vassalization.
- You can no longer move ships into enemy harbours.
- The AI is now smarter on when to cancel vassalizations.
- Weird Transcontinental alliances are now extremely unlikely to happen.
- A minor bug in the peace offer AI were fixed.
- Messages about alliances with countries you have not discovered will no longer be shown.
- Events affecting monarch values are now relative instead of absolute.
- The AI will no longer accept peaces with values above 100.
- The crashbug with Burgundy losing all provinces in 1477 and then getting the annexation event was fixed.
- A few fixes were done in the 1419 setup to strengthen Turkeys position.
- A few bugs in the monarch tables were adressed.
- Events can no longer completely empty a province.
- The troop gathering AI has been improved to determine much better gathering spots for its troops.
- The bug which caused some monarchs to reign forever were fixed.
- A full set of japanese historical events were added.
- A set of historical events for the Hussites were added.
- New historical leaders for China and Songhai were added.
- Another serious crashbug were hunted down and fixed.
- A few missing event texts were fixed.
- New CoT in Samarkand in 1419 to prevent the Thrace CoT from appearing automatically.
- The Hanseatic League is now simulated by a northern German alliance in 1419.
- Adjustments to initial Iberian province religion and cultures.
- England now starts out protestant in all scenarios.
- Slight adjustments to the Central Asian power balance.
- All four Scottish provinces now turn Reformed with Calvin.
- There is now a port in the Firenze province.
- A few more historical events for Timurids and Persia were added to the grand campaign.
- There is now a cheatcode "ney" to allow players to run hand-off games without eventwindows pausing the game.
- A rounding error in the provincial taxincome were fixed.
- Fixed a bug which gave a four province country a penalty to tech development.
- A few bugs in various historical events fixed.
- Several spell mistakes have been fixed.
- Orthodox countries can no longer be involved in force conversion.
- Eventboxes will now size better to size of text.
- The instant siege-won loophole has been fixed.
- Changing autosave frequency ingame should now be effective immediately.
- Missionaries will now save correctly.
- Events can no longer steal someone elses vassals.
- Frontier countries now get colonists even if they have no ports.
- Central Asian Hordes to exotic Tech group in 1419.
- France to trade level 1 in 1419.
- Eternal revoltrisk in Novgorod fixed.
- Kazan and Crimea should now be muslim when revolting.
- TPs made colonies in Scandinavia 1419. (Got burned down too often.)
- Maya and Zapotec made peaceful.
- Timurids should now turn into Mughals and can move capital to Delhi.
- Known provinces corrected for some nations in 1795.
- Zheng He explorer for China now has shorter existence.
- Some changes to revolt.txt.
- Flandres leaders and monarchs corrected.
- Savoy a little friendlier to France in 1419.
- Improved events pertaining to the Dutch independence. (Holland should emerge much stronger.)
- Improved events for the resurrection of Persia. (Persia will emerge much stronger.)
- End of Kalmar Union event will now happen correctly in the 1492 scenario as well.
- Civil War in Castile event now makes sense.
- Portugal and Castile now have small colonies in the Azores and Canary islands in 1419. Not historical, but proven necessary.
- Resurrection of Persia will now happen correctly for the Timurids as well.
- "The Abdication of Charles V" event will now happen correctly in the 1492 scenario.
- Provincial revoltrisk from events now get set to zero if province is conquered.
- Fleets should now stop unloading when they get attacked.
- Some minor bugs with access to vassals ports were fixed.
- Countries should always be annexed properly now.
- Sicily will no longer appear in Apulia.
- Burgundy will now also have a special event losing provinces to the Netherlands.
- Several minors had too much money invested in stability in 1419 causing an infinite stab bug.
- Portuguese AI will now attempt to conquer Zanj and Malacca.
- French AI will no longer concentrate on LUX and BUR, hopefully turning its attention to ENG instead.
- Japanese colony names added for those who like to play Japan.
- Initial population levels in the Low Countries adjusted.
- Minor event script bugs fixed for Spain.
- More countries will now start with tech level 1 instead of 0 in 1419.
- A few bugs which made trade agreements not work properly were fixed.
* Gameplay tweaks
- Hordes of diplomatic annexations should now be much less likely.
- Enter is no longer usable as keyboard shortcut for accepting peace offer.
- You can no longer ask for military access from countries you are at war with.
- There is now a connection between Smyrna and Ionia, so that armies can move between it.
- Religion is more likely to revert to the religion of the capital when goverment is broken.
- Pagan countries no longer get religion penalties when declaring war on other pagan countries.
- Morale modifier from offensive/defensive domestic policies tweaked.
- Morale modifier from land/naval domestic policies are now only beneficiary, no penalties.
- Offering a loan now costs 1 diplomat.
- New default message settings which should be much more newbie friendly has been implemented.
- Fine Arts manufacturies now give 5$ to stability monthly.
- American nations can not build fleets until they have had enough contact with europeans.
- You will now discover the seazone outside your port if you start building a fleet.
- The probability of losing a manufactory from losing control of a city has been reduced from 10% to 2%.
- Looting your own provinces will no longer destroy manufacturies.
- Provinces controlled by rebels for a long time may now defect to already existing countries.
- Missionaries will now also change culture of Pagan provinces.
- COT province assignment is now calculated each time a new cot arrives, even if its during the year.
- Rollover texts for several diplomatic actions have been extended.
- Some technology rollover text inconsistencies were changed.
- Events happening to your own country are now shown in the history log.
- Chinese techgroup speed lowered to be slower than moslem techgroup speed.
- Revoltrisk from religious tolerance is now based on the tolerance of the controller.
- You should now be able to be in supply while in vassals at peacetime too.
- Revolting countries will now have logical culture and religion when created.
- Tech costs has been increased by a total of about about 20%, so that maxing out technologies should happen close to 1820 than 1750.
- The effects of some religions have been slightly tweaked.
* AI Fixes
- AI bonuses are now only adapted at the highest difficulty levels, and is now granted to all ai nations.
- Spanish, Dutch and French ai file tweaks.
- There are now two more variables exported to ai-files.
- Default AI slightly less aggressive.
- French AI now hates England more.
- The AI for determening which religion to switch to has been improved.
- AI is now more likely to colonise provinces closer to home.
- Some AI nations will now send missionaries.
- AI is less likely to repeatedly ask for military access and guaranteeing the same country within a few years.
- The Peace negotiation AI will no longer completely disregard demands until he is destroyed.
- The amount of longdistance declaration of wars from the AI should be reduced further now.
- The AI will no longer lockup in a hundred year war just because they don't like any provinces in a peaceoffer.
- There should be slightly more wars started by the AI in the later parts of the game now.
- Diplomatic annexations probabilities have been tweaked up a bit.
- AI should now be much more likely to go on badboy wars.
- AI Vassals will now go to war and not remain passive all the time.
- The AI is now more likely to defends its vassals when they are attacked.
- The AI may now accept alliance offers even if you are not neighbours.
- The AI is now even smarter when adapting its army size.
- The AI now looks at its troops morale before the final charge much more.
- The Turkish AI will now be much more inclined to blitzing with his armies.
- The AI is now a bit smarter when it comes to using cavalry instead of infantry.
- The AI for gathering of troops should now be smarter on where to gather his armies.
- The Military AI will be a bit faster to react now.
- The AI should be less passive with its troops now.
- The AI is now a little bit smarter in not always pouring in huge amounts of troops in all places.
- The AI should now be more likely to keep some reserves around.
- The AI is a lot smarter about determening which unit should be assigned to which plan now.
- AI is now more likely to garrison locations with high revolt risk.
- The AI now keeps around a large enough force to siege properly.
* Scenario Setup
- All present countries should now be selectable in all of the scenarios.
- Norway is now playable in 1419. Denmark strengthened to compensate.
- "Indian" culture split into five new culture groups.
- A large amount of new names for randomleaders were added.
- DP settings tweaked for France and the Russian principalities.
- DP settings adjusted for the Indonesian nations and Malacca.
- Provinces around the Great Lakes can no longer have ports.
- A problem with the Hanover kings not appearing for England in later scenarios fixed.
- Population in Dauphine increased in most scenarios.
- Core provinces for Brittany, France and the french minors have been tweaked.
- Bohemia and Granada adjusted as revolters.
- Punjab/Sikh nation added as a revolter.
- Sir Francis Drake added as an explorer (could also be an admiral).
- Leaders and monarchs for Zulu, Norway and Dahomey added.
- Danish leader file greatly expanded.
- The Algerian admiral Barbarossa added.
- Ayutthayan monarch skills adjusted.
- Country Culture in the scenarios and events corrected for the Knights of St John.
- Known provinces corrected for a large amount of asian nations.
- Known provinces corrected for Ethiopia and Oman.
- 1419 Turkish capital moved to Bursa for play balance reasons.
- Ottomans now have better quality troops in 1419.
- Ottoman Empire now has a larger fleet in 1419.
- There are now many tiny alliances of states around the Ottoman Empire to prevent them from being absorbed by the Hungarian or Polish power blocs.
- The Ottoman Empire now has slightly different relations to its neighbors.
- Central Asian states somewhat tweaked in 1419.
- Oman now has trade posts in Quatar and Damman to prevent silly European colonies there.
- Corrected known provinces for Oman.
- Brunei now has another province.
- Assam is now Buddhist/Bengali and owns the Kachin province.
- Samarkand is now mongol rather than Uzbekh.
- RotW tech level a bit higher in 1492.
- Habsburgs in 1617 now have Hungarian core provinces.
- Afghanistan may no longer appear before 1600.
- Vijayanagar can no longer revolt after 1650.
* Events
- Events can now be targetted to province owners.
- Three new event commands added: war, technology and independence.
- Many events changed to make use of the new "war", "independence" and "tech" event commands.
- Lot of new historical events added for Byzantium, England, Nippon, Bosnia, Cyprus, Chagatai, Delhi, Mughals, Tibet, Ireland, Vijayanagar, Walachia, Kazakhs, Kleve, Bavaria, Brandenburg, Cologne, Pfaltz, Mamluks, Bohemia, Greece, Norway, Trebizond and Hungary.
- Creation of Russia events have been changed.
- American Revolution has been much improved and should likely provide a more historical USA.
- Dutch Independence have been completely rewritten and should now create a viable Netherlands.
- Spanish unification have been changed.
- Dissolution of Golden Horde and Timurid Empire made more severe.
- Inheritance of Burgundy have been tweaked.
- Turkey now starts in the Orthodox tech group, but most likely falls to Muslim around 1615.
- There is now a very slight chance that China gets the muslim tech group around 1450.
- "Persia is Resurrected" event now offers an alternative.
- Fixed a small bug in the "Sacking of Moscow" event.
- Event 3517 for Prussia now uses the correct event text.
- The restoration of the French kings events should now work correctly.
- England now gets an Anglia CoT with the Admiralty event.
- The "Spanish Wedding" event no longer leads to vassalization of Spain or Austria to make sure they keep using their diplomatic options.
- The Portuguese "The Duke of Coimbra" event no longer gives eternal revolt risk.
- Two events (of minor importance) for Brandenburg disabled until the correct text can be found.
- Luxemburg's incorporation into Burgundy should now work better.
- "Repatriation of the Netherlands" event now specifically requires the Holland province in the trigger.
- Loads of new random events added, which should alter the random event balance quite a lot.
* Generic Bugfixes
- You can now ask to join alliance of an AI nation even when that leader lack a diplomat.
- Centers of Trade should now come correctly from events.
- The list of potential vassals is now correct even when you are at war and got territory occupied.
- No Center of Trade will be in same color as empty provinces now.
- Napoleonic ships moving northwest should no longer be invisible.
- The shields and flags of Würzburg and Brabant have been fixed.
- Waked monarchs and leaders should now come at correct dates.
- Monarch leaders will never defect in civil wars anymore.
- Stability increase bonus is now applied correctly in all cases.
- Gaining buildings and manufactories from events should now always work.
- Ships built in Ghuangzhou should now be able to access the sea.
- Events should now show the rollover correctly on the ledger screen too.
- Peaceoffer value should no longer be overwritten by long country names.
- The rightclick shortcut should now work properly for all pages in the ledger.
- Creating a vassal should no longer give weird side effects.
- Allies should no longer be able to steal huge amounts of land in a peacedeal when you have conquered the opponent.
- There should no longer be a possibility for a country to take a province controlled by a 3rd party in a peace offer anymore.
- The "atwar" scripting trigger should now work with the argument "no". This means that some events will now occurr at the correct times.
- Palette on Kongo's shield fixed.
- The artwork depicting where there is landconnection across bodies of water is now shown correctly.
- Some revolters (USA, Jerusalem, and the religious factions.) now always start with the correct culture and religion.
* Misc
- All historical description texts revised.
- Many minor scenario and event fixes too small to mention, and a batch of minor bugfixes.
* Stability Issues
- Large memory optimizations have been done, reducing the used memory in a grand campaign to about 75% of what it required in 1.02.
- The code have been severly optimized, and should run at about 20% faster.
- Fixed a crashbug that occurred when the AI was trying to retreat with multiple armies.
- Autosave crashes should no longer be disastrous as the previous file is copied to "oldautosave.eug", before being written.
- The infamous 1750 crashbug has been fixed.
* Gameplay tweaks
- You can no longer send missionaries to a province which is under occupation.
- Siege, Fire and Shock modifiers are now in the range from +1/-1.
- A conquered colony will no longer give revolt risks when you colonise it to above 700.
- A bug which caused warexhaustion cap to be set to 0 in most cases have been fixed.
- Provinces will no longer defect while being besieged.
- The logic for province defection has been tweaked to be more likely to defect to countries with same religion and/or culture.
- Vassals are now extremely likely to join your alliance when invited.
- Share Exploration feedback is now given as default into messageboxes.
- A few messages are no longer shown if you haven't discovered those countries.
- Naval domestic policy will now give the bonus again, and not the malus.
- The Religions have been slightly tweaked. CRC and Buddhism improved, Hinduism slightly worse.
- Revoltrisk modifier code have been fixed. If two effects are active at the same time, then they get added together until the duration of the last one.
- Nationalism is now valid outside of europe too.
- The 6 special events (reformation, tordesillas), now have effects listen in the rollover.
- Revised the trade value of goods completely.
- Revolts among american natives will no longer have cavalry.
- New countries created from revolts will now be added to the list of selectable countries in the savegame.
- Mercenary costs are now affected by inflation.
- New revolting countries should now receieve some core provinces.
- Gaining provinces from government collapses will now increase badboy.
* AI Fixes
- Oldstyle badboy wars will now kick in at the highest difficulty level.
- Skyrocketing inflation in Spanish AI should no longer be a problem.
- The AI no longer more likely to accept annexation offers from other AI nations than the player.
- The AI will now also try to improve its military alliance while in war.
- Some improvements were done to the naval transportation AI.
- The AI is now a little bit more agressive in colonial warfare against native nations.
- AI is now less likely to accept annexation, but the amount of years of vassalization is now counted much more positively.
- AI bonuses at higher difficulties should now mostly apply when they at war with player.
- Russian AI will now go after Nogai and Kazak Horde if they are around.
- Portugese AI will now attack Oman more aggressively.
- The AI is now a little bit smarter about not having long colonial wars.
- AI is now a little bit smarter about its resources.
- The AI should now be a little bit quicker about realising when to build new troops.
- The AI is now a little bit better in striking down rebels.
- The AI is no longer interested in completely funding loansharks.
* Scenario Setup
- The Fantasia scenario should now work correctly.
- City sizes adjusted in 1419 and 1492, mostly for RotW countries.
- Kazan no longer has Russian state culture.
- Lappland, Finnmark, and other Scandinavian colonies are now correctly protestant.
- The Directory should now be the starting ruler of France in 1795.
- Brabant should no longer have French as state culture.
- China no longer has fortresses in the inland provinces. Mostly to slow it down a bit.
- Corrected some city names in China.
- Perak and Johor cities are now Perak and Johor.
- Random leader names added for most SE Asian nations.
- TUR as revolter should now always have the correct religion and culture.
- Ruthenian state culture removed from Poland. Galizia now has Polish culture.
- Lenapi now have their capital in Susquehanna province. (And thus an extra province.)
- Timurid capital is Samarkand in 1492.
- Lithuania now correctly still exists in the 1492 scenario.
- Russia does not yet exist in the 1492 scenario.
- Monarchs added or modified for Brunei, Uzbek, Dai Viet, Sikhs and Persia.
- Leaders added to Muscovy, Delhi, Malacca, Ayutthaya & Sikhs.
- Countries in the Fantasia scenario now have cultures too.
- Cambodian culture removed. (It is the same as Khmer after all.)
- Bosnia province is now Catholic instead of Orthodox.
- Russia now knows of Gästrikland in 1617.
- The inland provinces of Zanj are now just TPs in all scenarios.
- Vijayanagar weakened, Mysore strengthened.
- Baden is now a vassal of Austria in 1419.
- Austria has a temporary CB on Switzerland in 1419. (Lasts until 1450.)
- Istria is now an Austrian, Hungarian and Croatian core province.
- Venice now starts out at war with Croatia and Hungary in 1419.
- The Meso-American states now have DP quality 1 instead of 10.
- Canton is now the only Chinese CoT in the later scenarios.
- Portugal now holds Macao in the later scenarios.
- Switched Danzig CoT for Astrakhan.
- Dai Viet is now a vassal of China in 1419.
- Oman is now shiite to prevent rampant diplo-annexations.
- The capital of Vientiane corrected in the later scenarios.
- Luang Phrabang and Vientiane switched in 1773 and 1795 scenarios.
- Japanese Sea Zones renamed to be more correct.
* Events
- A few minor problems with the event commands for gaining ships were fixed.
- The 'desertions' command should work fine now.
- The "conversion of heretics" random event will now convert the province to state religion and nothing else.
- The hardcoded time restricts on conquistadors and explorers from events were fixed.
- The duration on the revoltrisk command should now be set properly.
- Dutch revolt events should now work correctly.
- The French "Holy League" event fixed.
- Smyrna and Anatolia should now become Sunni and Turkish with the "City of Men's Desire" event.
- Event 3430 for Russia fixed.
- The Ottoman Serbian Independence event now correctly grants independence to Serbia.
- Portuguese and Venetian fortresses to level 2 in 1419 and 1492.
- "Welsh Act of Union Event" is now correctly marked as happened in 1617 and later scenarios.
- Event 3433 for Russia fixed.
- Russian GNW event very slightly tweaked.
- Two more random explorer events added, triggered by low mercantilism and high naval DP.
- Edict of Tolerance now flagged as happened in the 1700 scenario.
- Spanish event 3156 fixed.
- Courland events tweaked for RUS, SWE, POL and PRU.
- Ottavio Bottigella no longer serves for 148 years.
- Event texts added for two Prussian events.
- Kyushu Daimyo reunification events fixed for Japan.
- Tokugawa's Edict of Expulsion event fixed.
- A big batch of new Chinese events added, courtesy of Demetrios and Håvard.
- A bunch of Korean major and flavour events by Aetius added.
- "Revolt of Mysore" event added for Vijayanagar.
- If Prussia has been annexed by the TO, it will break free when the Order collapses.
- Hussite events for Bohemia adjusted so that Bohemia can convert to protestantism a century early...
- Two events added to Burgundy to worsen their relationship with England. Thanks Demetrios and Håvard!
- Kleves Inheritance event tweaked for Brandenburg (Kleve becomes a core province).
- Events for Annam added, courtesy of Demetrios and Håvard.
- Events for Ayutthaya added, courtesy of Demetrios and Håvard.
- Events for Dai Viet added, courtesy of Demetrios and Håvard.
- Events for Pommerania added, courtesy of Demetrios and Håvard.
- More events for China and Manchuria added, courtesy of Demetrios and Håvard.
- More events for Delhi, Mughals and Timurids added, courtesy of Demetrios and Håvard.
- More events for Muscovy, Persia and Ottomans courtesy of Demetrios and Håvard.
- Numerous event bugs fixed (for the Knights, Spain, Austria and Russia).
* Generic Bugfixes
- Some minor problems with banning countries from alliances were fixed.
- Natives can no longer fully burn down fortified colonies.
- No longer should there be possible to have multiple monopolies in the same CoT.
- A bug which caused tutorial windows to not always show its texts was fixed.
- The shield for Gelre is now correct in the menus.
- The small arrows guiding the large movement arrows are now shown in the correct palette.
- The manufactory art in the province view should now always show the correct artwork.
- Domestic Policy effects should now show properly in the rollovers for colonists, missionaries and merchants.
- The shield for french catholics should now look correct in the menu's.
- Natives should now be saved and loaded correctly in Fantasia.
- The rollover information for disabling future leaders from events is now correct.
and lots of other minor bugfixes and scenario tweaks.
* Multiplayer bugfixes
- You should no longer get multiple stability hits when clicking on policy changes in multiplayer games.
- The infinitely re-starting scenario download problem have been fixed.
- A serious crashbug when war's get split due to annexations in multiplayer games was fixed.
* Gameplay tweaks
- You may now blockade at any tech-level.
- Maintenance costs for fleets have been halved.
- The loophole to build lots of manufactories for the same price when paused has been eliminated.
- You may now gain manpower from provinces in the same adjacent area as your capital.
- Religions tweaked again. All Christian religions now get an extra settlers to varying degrees. Orthodox, Catholic and CRC now also get _substantial_ stability bonuses.
- Religions tweaked again, taking into consideration that all Muslims and Christians were evangelists/expansionists.
- Sending out privateers will now increase your badboy value.
- Badboy for declaring war will now also be given to non-european nations.
- There is no badboy for europeans declaring war on pagans.
- Pagan nations can now always be annexed fully in one war.
- Pagan provinces no longer give nationalism.
- Nonpagan provinces will no longer defect to Pagan nations.
- A bug which made the amount of electors not applied correctly for the HRE election was fixed.
* AI Fixes
- AI now cheats war-exhaustion on the higher difficulties.
- AI is now more aware of war-exhaustion when negotiating peace.
- Gaining a new COT should no longer cripple the economy for that AI.
- AI should now bring more troops when invading natives across the atlantic.
- The AI should no longer go bankrupt repeatedly as often.
- The AI is now more likely to disband armies which is stuck after wars.
- The AI should now be quite a bit more likely to take out rebels.
* Scenario Setup & Events
- Swedes now like Danes better in 1419 to prevent an early breakup of the union.
- Switzerland slightly strengthened to deal with an aggressive Austria.
- Burgundy inheritance should now be more equal between Austria and France in the case of a Super-Burgundy.
- Fixed some minor Chinese/Manchu event chain issues.
- The 'losebuilding' event command should now work properly.
- All American natives now start at 0 land land (some had 1).
- The Knights are now allied with Cyprus instead of the Mamelukes.
- Russians/Muscowites are a bit more narrowminded.
- Switzerland and Holstein strengthened a bit in 1419.
- Poland now gets Lithuanian state culture when inheriting Lithuania.
- Norway now starts with a fleet.
- Spain, Portugal and Holland now get shipyards through events.
- Lithuania and Poland now like Prussia a little better, to prevent annexation (futile, but...)
- Uzbeks now have Bukhara and Samarkand as core provinces.
- Spain is now a bit more land oriented.
- The siege values of some Knights of St. John leaders are now more reasonable.
- Novgorod and Muscowy slightly re-balanced.
- Sweden likes Novgorod a little better.
- Portugal and Spain are now very mercantilist (they should still get settlers enough).
- The "Torquemada" and "Expulsion of Morisques" events now correspond better to actual province values.
- The random gain manufactory event now gives a random type rather than always a weapons manufactory.
- Plague and gain population events a bit toned down.
- Some problems fixed in the Chinese and Manchurian events (revolt risks, event triggers).
- English Civil War and the Defenestration of Prague should now occur more often.
- Assam now has the correct capital province as revolter.
- Genoa now starts out in 1419 with the correct number of merchants.
- Conversion of Heretics event now more common for extremely narrowminded nations.
- Byzantines now also have Slavonic state culture. It is supposed to be an empire after all (if it can survive).
- Persia can no longer revolt before 1480.
- The Versailles event problem have now been fixed.
- Corrected the province revolt risk chains for the Japanese civil war.
- Removed the added CoTs that appear through Japanese events.
* Generic Bugfixes
- Savegames should no longer get corrupted.
- Graphs should now save properly again.
- Fixed a CTD with selecting an invisible unit.
- Ships in foreign ports should no longer become invisible.
- A rare CTD when countries get annexed was fixed.
- Another rare CTD was hunted down and fixed.
* Enhancements
- There is now a scenario editor for EU2.
- EU can now be started with a "moddir" as an argument. This will make the game look for files in that directory structure before looking at the normal place.
- A few new triggers added to the event system, to check badboy, relation, neighbor, countrysize, province-religion and province-culture.
- The hint texts have been updated to the hints proposed by the community.
- We added a new unique army sprite, so that USA gets the uniforms of the continental army.
- Efforts have been made to visualise some important factors affecting combat. Small icons will show which side have cavalry superiority and wind advantage from being in national waters. Cavalry numbers will be shown in grey color where they are operating under half effect. Artillery will be shown in grey color in terrain where their fire is halved.
* Gameplay tweaks
- Rebels can now get a little bit higher technology in the end game.
- Revolters now get core provinces from all provinces defined in the revolt database.
- You will now get a new capital if the former one is taken by rebel seceders.
- Manpower from a province is now reduced when the province have nationalism with 1 the first 10 years.
- You no longer reduce badboy by releasing pagan vassals.
- There is no more nationalism after converting a pagan province
- There is no longer a badboy penalty for taking provinces from a pagan nation if you are european.
- There is now a penalty on colonists when going land in domestic policies.
- Naval in domestic policies now give a boon to trade efficiency.
- Plutocracy now gives a bonus to production efficiency.
- The moslem flags were all changed to more historical looks, as well as some new custom shields and flags which were added, all made by James Dahl.
- You can now only diplomatically annex countries in YOUR military alliance.
* Generic Bugfixes
- The infamous 1750 ctd have been fixed.
- Warning now works if the country warned attacks either your neighbour or his neighbours.
- Guarantees should now give casus belli at all times.
- The game should no longer crash when you try to reload a game from within the game during wars.
- At least 4 different identified "random" CTD's have been fixed.
- The CTD at the surrender screen should be fixed now.
- There should now be a message when rebels move in from another province and start sieging one of your provinces.
- The tech-group command for events should now work properly.
- Slept events will no longer be considered "to have happened" for triggers.
- Events triggered for other countries will now be shown correctly in the tooltip.
- Yearly autosave setting should now start at the first year instead of after second year.
- The breakvassal event command was not working if the country receiving the event was at war.
- You can also break RM while at war.
- Stability changes are now always shown even when they are the consequences of other actions like declaring wars.
- A Crashbug in the Ledger when clicking among the names on the diplomatic pages was fixed.
- Morale is now calculated correctly when units are merged.
- Attrition is now computed with the exact army sizes, that is it does matter in how many units the troops are divided (useful when many reinforcement where send to help for a siege and can't be reorganized).
- Events won't add a duplicate RM between two countries.
- You can split naval unit if they contain at least 2 ships of the sametype.
- Historical leaders should now be split correctly also when fleets are splitted.
- Religion effect is now always shown for colonist, missionaries and diplomats
- A sleepmonarch or sleepleader command should really deactivate the monarch/leader even if the game is not saved/reloaded before monarch/leader activation date
- There should no long be any trailing numbers at the left edge of the screen in higher resolutions.
- Status of Wartaxes should now save correctly in the savegame.
- The political mapmode have a new coloring scheme, which will make it easier to see what province belongs to what nation.
- The autosend merchant will no longer send merchants to a COT if there is no open slots and you have trade-agreement with all present.
- The freesubjects modifier on production efficiency is now applied.
- Embargoed merchants should now be much likely to be competed out of CoT's
- New countries in America should get the correct whiteman value.
- Catholic provinces will not be considered as wrong-religion for CRC countries anymore.
- Events will now be checked during the entire interval even if the country targetted does not exist at the first check.
- Fleets on patrol will no longer autoflee at engagement.
- Resource and Terrain of a province can now be defined in the scenario file.
- Edict of Tolerance should now cancel Treaty of Tordesillas correctly.
- CRC nations should now convert back after the edict of tolerance.
- You can no longer use the loophole to send multiple colonists to the same province.
- A crashbug in Fantasia was fixed.
- No more missing messages when merchants are sent to CoT
- All events changing monarch attribute values by negative amount should work correctly now.
- When monarch attributes are modified, they should be restored correctly at the end of the period. That means that several modifications are cumulative until end of the longest period (like revolt risk), that the restoration works well even if the game is saved and loaded again, and that if the monarch dies, the next monarch is not affected in any ways.
- Preconditions and consequences of diplomatic actions more exact for RM,vassalization, annex, military access, embargoes, alliances and insults and warnings.
- Updated rollovers for conditions to build a Naval Equipment manufactory and for income of Breweries on non sugar/wine resources.
- Missing text in Allow Trade rollover was added.
- The Leave Alliance option was not always disabled when it should have been, leading to no effect when selected and confirmed.
- Missionary success-status is now saved even when missionary will fail.
- Message in log & boxes was wrong when a country is banned from an alliance.
* Multiplayer bugfixes
- The status-waiting screen in multiplayer is now working properly again.
- A CTD when negotiating peace in multiplayer games have been fixed.
- It should now be possible to join games in the valkyrienet lobby again.
- There are now a much more complex and thorough check of datafiles for MP to make sure that everyone is playing with compatible setups. This means that you should NOT have any modified files in your db-folders or you will not be able to join anyone elses MP game unless they have exactly the same files.
- A major problem in MP which caused slept leaders to not get slept on other machines than the host were fixed.
- Playername info is no longer stored in multiplayer games, so should no longer be a problem to continue savedgames when playing with different localised versions in the same game.
- The playerlist in Valkyrienet should look better when there is a large amount of players in the lobby now.
* AI Fixes
- The colonial powers (ENG, FRA, SPA, POR) will now try harder to conquer colonial revolters.
- England will now try harder to conquer Wales and the Puritans should they appear.
- AI Countries that aim for reformed religion will now change to protestants first.
- China should now aim to colonise asia and africa ahead of america.
- The naval AI have been given some improvements.
- The AI should now be more likely to vassalize troublesome countries, than annexing them.
- Denmark and Burgundy are now less aggressive.
- Genoa and Papal States should now turn Counter-Reformed-Catholic.
- The AI for Spain, Russia, Portugal, England, France, Turkey, Persia, Venice and Genoa have been tweaked.
* Scenario Setup & Events
*** Generic
- Mexico can no longer revolt if the Aztecs still exist.
- Russian pre-1520 leaders moved to Muscovy.
- Poland no longer has Memel and Prussia as core provinces.
- Danzig province now richer.
- Jylland and Sjaelland a bit poorer.
- LOTS of inconsistencies with SE Asian nations have been fixed.
- Cyrenaica no longer exists as a revolter.
- Some problems with Russian and Chinese known and owned provinces in Siberia the later scenarios were fixed.
- The Centers of Trade have received a major overhaul in all scenarios.
- A certain Korean monarch now got his great stats as expected.
- French revolutionary monarchs now made dormant if the monarchy survives.
- CoT order tweaked to fix color problems.
- Spain and Russia should not be revolters if Castille and Aragon, or Novgorod and Muscowy exists.
- Revolt fixes to PRU, ROY, FUC and FPR.
- Awdaghost and Walata provinces now have a large number of high-agression natives.
- Nogai now in muslim tech group (was orthodox).
- Ak Koyunlu and Qara Koyunlu now in muslim tech group (were in exotic).
- Haiti is now in the latin tech group.
- Granada is now in the latin tech group.
- The capital of the Teutonic Order is now Riga. Works much better when the Order becomes Kurland.
- Xhosa and Zulu added to the earlier scenarios too (since we can't make them appear through events.)
- Coffee is now the trade goods in Aden, Yemen, Keren and Kefa.
- The Teutonic Order now ceases to exist as a revolter in 1562.
- Kurland now begins to exist as a revolter in 1562.
- The town of Kirkenes has been renamed to Vardø.
- The town of Narvik has been renamed to Vaagan.
- Random Leader names for Eire fixed.
- Several (minor) countries now get more correct random leader names.
- Russian/Muscowian core provinces adjusted in all scenarios to correspond correctly with the events.
*** Events
- The Tibet events should now happen.
- The inheritance of Burgundy event have been tweaked.
- The "Creation of the Dutch Republic" event now makes Brabant a core province instead of Artois.
- Event 3716 (Spain) should now sleep the "Isabel y Fernando" monarch in the unhistorical choice.
- Spain should no longer vassalize Aragon if she is already a vassal of Aragon, or Aragon owns Toledo.
- Some major errors which stopped the later polish event files from executing properly were fixed.
- The "Bavarian Archbishops" should now happen for Cologne.
- The "Erasmus" event will now happen for England.
- The "Treaty of Arras" can now only happen if England and France exists.
- The "The Repatriation of the Netherlands" should now happen properly for England too.
- The historical descriptions for the Ayutthayan historical events are now shown.
- Both "End of Kalmar Union"-events should no longer go off in the same game for Sweden.
- You can now select whether to get Johan III as swedish king or not.
- Some minor inconsistencies in the Chinese and Manchurian events were fixed.
- The French "Constitutional Monarchy" event now happens if the other two revolutions don't occur. It is not a perfect solution, but those revolutionary monarchs need to be slept.
- The "Abdication of Charles V" will now always go to the correct country.
- A few missing provinces were added to the "Claim the Steppes" event.
- The event with moving the capital to St.Petersburg will now make the province russian and orthodox if you chose to move the capital.
- A bug with a russian event changing adm to 240 for a month was fixed.
- Centralization will now only be changed by -2, not -15 in the American Revolution, option C.
- Austria now gets the correct CB shields in event 3338.
- Danish event 3756 now works correctly.
- Event 3651 should now trigger correctly.
- Olivares and Alberoni should now come at their historical dates and be effective for more than a year.
- Trigger fixes to a bunch of random events to improve plausibility.
- The "Holy League" event for the Papacy should now give negative relations with Turkey.
- Fixes to English event 3051.
- Trigger fixes to two Eng events about the USA revolt.
- "Unhappiness among the peasantry" events now deals a loss to stability instead of a revolt risk.
- Some corrections to the event #Le Tellier and Louvois#
- The Japanese pirates events now have the correct names for the selectable actions.
*** 1419
- Magdeburg now a vassal of Brandenburg.
- Danzig now a Prussian province.
- Guangdong is now a Chinese core province.
- Norwegian TPs in Greenland in 1419. Norway knows of Newfoundland.
- Hungary now has Transylvania as a national province (1419 and 1492)
- Daghestan is now owned by the Golden Horde, not Ak Koyunlu.
- Maharashstra now owned by Hyderabad, not Vijayanagar.
- The Hedjaz is now a vassal of the Mameluks.
- Tampico is now a neutral province, not owned by the Aztecs.
- Timbuktu now owned by Mali, but under rebel or native control
- Krain is now owned by Croatia and not Hungary.
- Alsace is now owned by an independent Strassburg.
- Fixed Brittany's known provinces.
*** 1492
- The Chimu have now been conquered by the Inca in 1492.
- Austria now has core provinces in the Netherlands.
- Muscowy no longer has unhistorical core provinces.
- Spanish land tech bumped up one notch.
- Tlaxcala and Tehuantapec now owned by the Aztecs.
- Zapotec are now Aztec vassals.
- Tampico is now an uncontrolled province.
- Maharashstra is now owned by Hyderabad, not Vijayanagar.
- Nubia province is now owned by the Mameluks.
- Muscowy now gets its description.
- Granada now exists in a state of occupation in 1492. Ought to prevent strange reappearances.
*** 1617
- Kleves is now a part of Brandenburg-Prussia.
- Brandenburg and Prussia have now merged.
- England now knows about Malta.
- Orania province is now Spanish.
- Jedisan, Kaffa, Daghestan and Kerch are now owned by the Ottomans.
- Carpathia is now Austrian instead of Ottoman.
- Nubia's capital is now at Bisharin
- Nubia province is now Ottoman.
- The Hedjaz are now an Ottoman vassal
- Mali now exists, representing the Pagan nation of Segu.
- Songhay now exists as a remnant, made up of Say and Zaria provinces, with Say as the capital.
- Bambuk province now belongs to Morocco.
- Damman and Quatar now have Ottoman TPs.
- The Uzbek capital is now at Bukhara.
- Annam now exists, made up of Da Nang and Da Lat provinces, with the capital at Da Nang.
- Atjeh now exists, made up of Ajeh and Riau provinces with the capital at Ajeh.
- Malacca now exists, made up solely by Johor province (but with CBs on their old provinces).
- The Maya now still exist, in Campeche province.
- Wabana province now has an English TP.
- Tampico province is now neutral, not Spanish.
- The default countries now get their correct descriptions.
*** 1700
- Turkey had two vassalizations of Crimea. Now fixed.
- Artois and Alsace are now French.
- Morea now belongs to Venice.
- Bailiffs promoted in most European provinces.
- Wallachia and Moldavia are now independent, but Ottoman vassals.
- Georgia now exists, made up of Georgia and Sochi provinces with Georgia as the capital, as an Ottoman vassal.
- Kaffa and Kerch are now Ottoman.
- Quatar is now an Ottoman TP.
- Algiers, Tunisia and Tripoli are now part of the Ottoman Empire.
- Nubia province is now Ottoman.
- Bisharin province is now Nubian and that nation's capital.
- Mali (Segu) now exists as an independent nation.
- Songhay now exists as an independent nation.
- Morocco owns interior West Africa just like in 1617.
- The Uzbek capital is now at Bukhara.
- Mangalore province now belongs to Mysore.
- Bangalore province now belongs to Hyderabad.
- Arakan now exists, made up of Santal and Chan provinces with Santal as the capital.
- Atjeh now exists in Ajeh province as a Dutch vassal.
- Malacca now exists in Johore province as a Dutch vassal.
- Makassar now exists in Makassar province as a Dutch vassal.
- Annam now exists as an independent nation.
- Baja and Chihuahua provinces are now Spanish colonies.
- Salton and Altar provinces are now neutral.
*** 1773
- The Capital of USA is now Philadelphia.
- Kurland is now independent, but as a Polish vassal.
- Moldavia and Wallachia are now independent, but as Ottoman vasals.
- Nubia now exists in Bisharin province.
- Massawa province is now Ottoman.
- Morocco now retains most of her interior West African possessions in this scenario.
- Songhay now exists in Say and Zaria provinces with Say as the capital.
- Mali/Segu now exists (a little bigger than before).
- Palanas province now belongs to England.
- Fernando Po from Portugal to Spain.
- Cabinda and Launda provinces now belong to Portugal.
- Lobito province is now neutral, not Portuguese.
- Karoo is now Dutch.
- Zambezia, Nampuia, Niassa, and Mtawa are now Portuguese TPs.
- Azerbaijan now belongs to Persia.
- Bukhara and Samarkand now belong to the Uzbeks.
- Madras ans Tirhut now belong to England.
- Raiput and Sambalpur now belong to the Marattis
- Punjab now exists as an independent nation.
- Jodhpur now exists.
- Thar and Sindh provinces now belong to Afghanistan.
- Malacca now exists as a Dutch vassal.
- Annam's capital is now in Da Nang.
- Matagorda, Concho, and Llano Estarado now belong to Spain instead of France.
- Known provinces fixed for some countries.
*** 1795
- Mainz now belongs to Bavaria.
- Kurland is now an independent Polish vassal.
- The Balaeres now belong to Spain.
- Moldavia and Wallachia now exist as Ottoman vassals.
- Nubia now exists in Bisharin province.
- Massawa now belongs to the Ottomans.
- Palanas and Gambia are now English.
- Mali now exists.
- Songhay now exists.
- Sahara province now belongs to Morocco.
- Fernando Po is now Spanish.
- Cabinda and Launda are now Portuguese, but Lobito is neutral.
- Xhosa now exists in Ciskei province.
- Karoo now belongs to the Netherlands.
- Zambezia, Nampuia, Niassa, and Mtawa provinces now belong to Portugal.
- Azerbaijan now belongs to Persia.
- Bukhara and Samarkand now belongs to the Uzbeks with Bukhara as their capital.
- Jodhpur now exists as a nation.
- Punjab now exists in Bikaner, Panjab, and Chandagahr with Panjab as their capital.
- Malwa now exists in Malwa province as a Maratti vassal.
- Gujarat now exists in Gujarat province as a Maratti vassal.
- Madras is now English
- Malacca now exists in Johor province as a French vassal (The Dutch are also vassalized by the French.)
- Nanaimo and Olympia are no longer Russian TPs.
- Llano Estarado, Concho and Matagorda now belong to Spain instead of France.
- Mosquitos now belongs to Spain (England lost it after the American Revolution).
- Haiti is now independent and at war with France.
- Known provinces fixed for some countries.
And lots of other minor tweaks and fixes.......
*** Features & GameBalance
- The peace system have been completely rewritten to allow better negotiations between alliances.
- The New Monarch message is now shown for each country.
- The primary culture for a nation will now be its capitals culture if no cultures are listed.
- Rounding problems in investment calculations should no longer occurr. All fractions will be added to treasury.
- Research investments are now shown in ledger as expenses.
- In a province is converted to the state religion, any missionary in that province is cancelled.
- When your country can vassalize another country in an event, this is no more displayed as "Gain a Royal Marriage with X" but as "Gain X as vassals."
- Stolen rutters has been corrected: now you gain the knowledge of up to ADM + 5 see or coastal provinces adjacent to those you already know, and the message box is shown only if at least one new province is known.
- The AI learned to no longer stack huge armies at coast waiting for transports.
- Breaches are now reset properly when a siege starts.
- Starving of garrison from sieges now work as originally intended, so a fort can be starved into submission.
- Prices of Cloth, Cotton, Fur, Ivory, Chinaware, Spices & tea increased
- Prices of Sugar and Tobacco dropped.
- Conscription Centers are now the same price as shipyards.
- You can now build conscription centers in all your provinces.
- Manufactories are now slightly more expensive when you build many.
- The manpower effects from the quantity/quality slider is now half of the previous.
- The bonus to leader stats now come earlier than the last step of the off/def and quan/qual sliders.
- The penalty cost of having more than maximum supported units have been tripled.
- A bug which caused the extra penalty of artillery to be 10x as high was fixed.
- Default maintenance costs for troops doubled.
- The highest fortlevels now have incredibly high costs.
- Domestic policy settings were tweaked for a lot of nations.
- Confucianism downgraded slightly.
- +3 stability no longer gives +25 income, but just +20% income.
- Early trade income is now much lower.
- Morale bonus for shia moslems have been decreased.
- Some balances to make reformed less superior were done.
- Fixed some problems with Turkish, Chinese and Japan level 1 unit artwork.
- Added in some Portugese and Venetian 18th century artwork for units.
- Random revolts can now come in non-national provinces too.
- Stability effects from the Serfdom slider is now half as big.
- Conscription centers now only doubles the manpower.
- Upgrading mayors now costs 100$ and takes 2 years.
- You can no longer construct conscript centers in your colonies.
- Gold will now affect your inflation if its above 25% of your income instead of 33%.
- Warexhaustion is no longer magically cleared when at peace.
- Fixed the siege attrition problems.
- Economical resources (monthly income) now affects how many troops you are able to support.
- Estimated monthly income is now saved properly in savegames, so calculations should be more accurate when restarting games.
- Added in MKJ's ai files into the official version.
- Added a new trigger to the event system: ai = yes/no
- Added a new trigger to the event system: flag = flagkey
- Added two new commands to the eventsystem: "type = setflag which = keyname" and "type = clrflag which = keyname"
- Added a new command to the eventsystem, "ai =" to load a new file for the ai.
- You can now set the name "AI_EVENT" in an event to make it not appear in the text-log.
- Ai preferencess are now saved inside the savegame files.
- You can do define "flags" in the ai-preference files, which can be set on and off from events, and triggered upon.
- Maintenance costs for units are no longer affected by slider positions in domestic policies.
- The 'core' event-trigger is now working as it should.
- The 'provinceculture' event command now only works on owned provinces.
- The 'relation' event-trigger will no longer be true if you have no contact with that nation.
- 'Province' events should now fire to the correct target, and not just for the player.
- Trade efficiency above 100% should now look correctly on the tooltip.
- Nations annexed should no longer have any relations left with any other nations.
- Income from production can no longer be negative.
*** General Bugfixes
- Religious tolerance for pagan religion are now set correctly when loading a game.
- The Centralisation modifier to Production Efficiency is now correct.
- Random manufactories won't appear in provinces with a manufactory under development anymore.
- Naval attrition due to time at sea does not apply after naval tech 41 anymore, as stated in the naval tech documentation.
- Newly arrived units to a province will now join all combats properly, and not just stand watch.
- Fixed the province and modddir bug.
- Removed the debris artwork in various rivers, where it misformed the map.
- Moddir should now be correct for loadgame/savegame dialogs.
- A more accurate income estimation is now done at the start of a game.
- Unitcosts tooltips at military screens should now be correct.
- The technology databases should now work properly with the moddir.
- The mp3 files should now work properly with the moddir.
*** Multiplayer and Stability fixes
- Fixed an interface ctd.
- Fixed a lategame rare ctd.
- Fixed some problems which would cause crashes when trying to chat in MP.
- CB's should now be granted for tordesillas provinces taken, on all machines in MP.
- Another CTD was fixed.
- Fixed a serious bug which caused the game to crash alot for clients in MP if a frame update came in the middle of combat initialisation.
- Fixed a CTD with the Burgundian heritance event.
- Fixed a serious CTD when exiting the game.
*** Scenario & Event Fixes.
- Mecklenburg got its known provinces fixed in the 1617 scenario.
- SWE event 3225 was always giving you Johan III as monarch no matter what options you chose.
- Bugzilla event bugs 2111, 2323, 2324, 2325, 2343, 2344, 2345 and 2326 fixed.
- Bosnia event #3873 had an error, instead of affecting province #364 (Bosnia) it affected province #36 (Honduras)
- Fix to Treaty of Arras event to stop BUR siding with ENG or FRA while at war with them.
- Corrections to the inheritance of Hungary & League of Augsburg.
- Changed date of POL 3466 event from 15xx to 14xx, which lines up with the history text and other related events.
- Added trigger for existence of Manchu to CHI event 10026, inheritance of CHI by MCH.
- Add #659 to CHI national provinces as per other scenarios.
- Added Gaelic to ENG cultures for 1795 & 1773.
- TUR event 3387: added exists = PER trigger
- SPA event 3167: removed random culture changes
- Corrected event 3638 - shoudl be -150 rel with TUR.
- Altered great hunt event to alternate + and - ralations lines so if the same nation randomly comes up several times (as people claim it does) and relations are maxed out at 200 already they won't just get the minuses.
- Eng event 3051 - remove anglosaxon culture from a Quebecois province
- Fixed Holy League event for all nations - Changed Relations TUR to -150 instead of +150
- Fixed start date of Henri IV
- Fixed PAP and HUN relations in Knights of St. John event 3535
- Fixed SCO events 3075 and 3085 - both had duplicate action_a lines.
- Fixed Polish succession - added sleepmonarch lines to options _b and _c.
- Several countries added as selectable nations in the GC
- Fixed event 3122 option C - bad syntax, reversed.
- Added province ownership trigger for Taj Mahal event
- Changed duplicate deathdate of Mos monarch 05173 to startdate as it should be.
- Fixed syntax of random event 1021
- Changed name of file from leaders.tus to leaders.tos to match correct nation tag.
- Removed duplicate Bra/Pru leaders
- Removed self-referential trigger for Holy League event
- Brought forward start date for duplicate PRU/BRA leaders Friedrich I and von Dessau so they don't overlap.
- Oskosh changed to be inland province, as consistent with its other internal values.
- Event for KOL was in major_col.txt.
- Corrected population and fortresses for 3 provinces in
- Remove ART from Army Enthus and replace by CAV, to prevent pre-ART nations getting some ART when they shouldn't.
- Further change to Enthusiam for the Army - now it's just infantry, no-one can agrue with that!
- Alpha-sorted events.txt list
- Fix FRA event 3114 syntax, reduce duration and increase extra MIL value
- Update to Brabant's monarchs and add trigger to related Burgundy event
- Changed three more provinces to be Inland as they should be
- Updated moscovy events and monarchs as per very long thread recently in bug forum!
- Gave event 3900 eventname 3806 - as it is missing all 3900 text in text.csv.
- Removed KHM from revolters and fixed up duplicate Spanish leader
- Switched Lorraine's cultures around so French is listed first, so that any of its colonies become French.
- Modified de Rais event and leader so the leader disappears if he is executed.
- Correct Bosnian event to affect Bosnia not Honduras
- Added Ingermanland as National province of MOS and RUS.
- Fixed the start date of Ulaszlo (Hungary) so he appeared properly.
- Fixed some events in Lorraine, so leaders are always slept when they should.
- Changed the status of some lakes who were previously sea zones in Russia.
- Fixed some reported problems with French and Scottish events.
- The Timurids now have the same knowledge in 1492, as in 1419.
- The Timurids now have a slightly smaller army in 1492.
- Russian and Ottoman armies in 1492 have been decreased somewhat, to not cripple the nations.
- Aden no longer have a gigantic 60K army in 1492.
- Moved around some spanish units, and removed some unnecessary cb's for Spain.
- Mexican provinces now have a lot lower populations after the Spanish conquests.
- Several spanish leaders have been upgraded and fixed.
- Several problems with the Spanish events were fixed.
- Fixed a small bug in the Turkish ai file where it said SEI instead of SIE.
- Economical techs in 1492 decreased down to reasonable levels for the most advanced nations.
- Burgundy will now try to conquer Flanders and Holland if they exist.
- Habsburg inheritance of Bohemia is now the default choice of that event.
- Fixed the Chinese event regarding Cheng He?s travels. Now the third option, outward expansion gives the better techgroup, not the inward turning option.
- Changed the event in which the Knights get Malta to also move their capital to Malta. That way the Turks can still take Rhodos whereas now they must take Malta before they can take Rhodos.
- The Khalifa event was tweaked.
- The french wars of religion are now much more severe.
- Tweaked the end of the hundred years war.
- England now gets cb shields on Scotland in the Act of Union event.
- The expelling of the moors events have been tweaked.
- It is now much harder for England to avoid the American Revolution.
- Changed the Spanish colonial decision event near 1800 that is supposed to break up the Spanish American empire.
- Spanish bankruptcy events are now much harsher.
- Removed afghani culture from 1419 Timurids.
- IF the papal states revolt back into existence they will be catholic.
- French claims in Italy weakened event fixed so it now happens on a correct date.
- Removed knowledge of Gander from Norway in 1419 as it isn?t accurate and caused weird early American colonisation.
- Fixed sleep/wake monarchs for Bohemia, England, France, Scotland and Hungary.
- Dutch revolt events have been overhauled completely.
- Burgundys starting BB is now much lower.
- Removed the CB shields of Castille on Aragon, they now get them when they inherit Aragon. Aragon gets them on Castille if it inherits it. Becoming Spain makes it lose the Italian state culture though, shift in power and all. The CB shield on Navarra is received when becoming Spain.
- Fixed some problems with the irish revolts.
- Venice and Genoa will no longer colonise like mad.'
- Spanish succession will no longer make Spain a vassal.
- Tweaked some random events to check further on domestic settings.
- Sydney should now be correct in the 1795 scenario.
- CB's for Teutonic Order is now the same in both 1492 and 1419.
- Populations of Kola, Ingermanland and Archangelsk have been tweaked up in 1492.
- The effects of Edict of Restitution is now presetn in the 1700, 1773 and 1795 scenarios.
- Bearn should now be set to correct religion and culture in various scenarios.
- Habsburg now always have the cb on Istria as it had in some scenarios.
- All nations will now recieve random events.
- Fixed Brandenburg cb shields in 1492 and 1617.
- The 'Inheritance of Brandeburg' Event now includes Danzig.
- The Golden Horde's known provinces are now a little bit more logical, and they are aware of Kiev and Moscow.
- CB shields and known provinced for Turkey corrected in 1492.
- The "Move Capital to St:Petersburg" have no longer happened at the start of the 1700 scenario.
- AI is now better at avoiding bankrupcty.
- The "French claims in Italy weakened" event should now be triggered.
- "Bavarian influence in Cologne" now affects Köln and not Colombia.
- The desertions in a few hungarian events should now be correct.
- The english events "The Muscowy Trade Company" and "The Merchant Adventures" now gives a random explorer as originally intended.
- Punjab should now be playable in the 1773 and 1795 scenarios.
- Arabia now got their population corrected in 1492.
*** Gamebalancing and Features
- Only cities and colonial cities are now needed to control for total victory in wars.
- Economical resources now affects how much ships you can have.
- The exploit of clicking back and forth to force interception is no longer possible.
- Placing privateers now only have a 10% chance of increasing badboy, however, all nations nearby get a CB for 3 months.
- Offensive/Defensive slider now affects prices of fortresses.
- Fire and shock bonuses to a leader have no effect when assaulting a fortress.
- There is now actually a -1 penalty to dierolls when attacking across rivers or when landing from ships.
- Each trade agreement you have now reduces trade efficiency with 1%.
- Only innovative nations get free manufactories now.
- Only naval nations get random explorers now.
- Reformed religion tweaked down slightly.
- Large fortresses now need a much larger revoltrisk to be automatically lost to rebels.
- Conscription Centers should now be buildable on the same continent as capital, even outside europe.
- Diplomatic offers will now stay on screen for maximum of 2 months until they auto-cancel, all to avoid "refuse to answer peace" exploits.
- You can no longer have fortresses bigger than the base income tax of the province. ie, one with base 3, hold a maximum of level 3 fortress.
- True Badboy wars now work at Very Hard in MP too. (Exactly the same as SP works.)
- All countries now have permanent casus belli against any human player with badboy >= 35 on the very hard difficulty.
- Your stability will no longer increase by +1 by annexing a minor.
- Badboy cutoff factor for badboy wars at very hard is now depending on the time period (some accumulated badboy is acceptable), and depending on the DIP rating of the monarch.
- Badboy display has been changed to be relative to badboy cutoff limits. Exact numbers shown as tooltip.
- Badboy value can now have decimals, allowing for minor changes over time and from effects.
- Badboy recovery speed have been changed completely, and is changed gradually each month. There is no difficulty modifier to it in MP. The Diplomatic ability of the ruling monarch affects how quickly badboy is recovered.
- Annexing Pagans as a non-pagan no longer increases the badboy.
- Added a new event command.. type = badboy value = change
- Fixed the badboy values from inheritance events, they now give 0.25 for each province.
- Manpower is now shown with one decimal on the city screen.
- Inflation is now shown with one decimal on the financial summary screen.
- Badboy now effects on stability costs, with a scaled effect, and most severe when above the badboy-limit. The effect is capped at 100% though.
- High badboy values makes it more difficult placing merchants in foreign Center of Trades.
- Monthly manpower income is now affected by the domestic policies affecting manpower.
- Removed some hardcoded national bonuses on colonisation success.
- Colonial success have now been rebalanced, conquistador bonuses are bigger, early timeperiod gives a penalty, the first attempts gives penalties, the production efficiencies gives bonuses and the number of current colonies gives a penalty. Basically, the ADM value of the monarch affects how many colonies can be maintained at the same time below colonial city status. This is only valid for colonies not attached to the mainland of the nation.
- The MIL value of a monarch now affects the morale of troops in combat, ranging from +0.25 with a 9 MIL monarch to -0.125 with a 3 MIL monarch.
- Eventwindows will now be auto-closed (option A always chosen), when running Handsoff games with the handsoff cheat.
- The tooltip on the main page now takes vassal incomes into account.
- Tweaked the badboy effect from annexing religious enemies down to +2.
- You no longer lose stability from cancelling a trade agreement.
- Tradingposts no longer count for a nations size in event triggers.
- The plaque random events are now slightly less harsh.
- Effects from off/def slider on fortress costs halfed.
- Blockading a port under siege now increases the supply limit severly for the siegers, as they gain extra supplies.
- There is now slighly more expensive to start a new tradingpost.
- Establishing a trading post in a province where the natives have been killed off is now much harder.
- You can no longer gain a complete victory against a nation which controls any cities.
- Implemented correct countrysize triggers to several events.
- Defenders of the faith accumulate war exhaustion at 80% of normal speed when at war now.
- Defender of the Faith now gets a +10% morale bonus, but also a +15% costs on technologies.
- Added a unique polish sprite for the musketeer era.
- War exhaustion will slightly decrease even when at war, if there is no military action going on in the wars a nation is participating in.
- You can no longer place colonies or tradingposts in provinces which you can not trace a discovered and unblocked path too.
- Sharing maps will never reveal uncolonised provinces.
- Warexhaustion increased by +1 when wartaxes is raised.
- Tweaked down the badboy from turboannexing to be on par with normal province gaining.
- Tweaked the formular for who to compete against in a Center of Trade.
*** Bug Fixes
- Stability should now be affected by the serfdom slider again.
- Economical calculations should now be shown correctly at the sliders again, and fractions are now accumulated in the technological investments.
- The american soldiers in the 1773 scenario should no longer become invisible.
- Total unitcounts should no longer be miscalculated in a reload if units are being built.
- Fixed the supported ships from shipyards message.
- Forced-vassalisation should now make a country leave its previous military alliance.
- Bugfixed plenty of rivers.
- Scenario Editor updated to work with new formats.
- Fixed a bug which made it possible to get ahead in infra and trade technology without any consequences on technology costs.
- Message settings should not be weird after a country changes tag/name.
- Teke now have correct artwork.
- Rebels now use rebel artwork.
- Fixed a bug which caused province-targetted events not working properly when triggered of other events.
*** Multiplayer and Stability fixes
- Fixed three different CTD's, including two common in late games and one on annexation/inheritances.
- Fixed an occasional CTD when accessing Valkyrienet.
- Fixed a problem which made some keycodes in the playernames crash the game in MP chats.
- Fixed a major problem which caused mods using moddir to not work in MP.
- Located and fixed a CTD in the garrison AI.
- Rewrote the file transfer routines for ingame transfer of savegame files. Should be a bit faster now.
- Fixed a crash in the MP lobby.
- Leaving and rejoining a game in MP should now work properly and not crash the game when starting.
- Optimized bandwidth usage heavily in multiplayer.
- You can now modify gamespeed in multiplayer as the host with ctrl+/-.
- Fixed a problem which made the file-transfer not work on dx9 or later.
- EU2 should now be able to support up to 24 players in MP.
- Tweaked some problems in the MP Lobby.
- Improved the chat functionality in MP games.
- Implemented a new pausing scheme where pause is immediate, and anyone can unpause after 30 seconds.
- Connection status should now be shown for clients too in MP.
- Fixed a problem with savegames making clients colonisations fail in MP.
- Changed the slower gamespeeds around a little bit. Normal is the old 2 months/minute speed, and there is now a speed between the old 1/1 and 2/1.
- Fixed a major problem with people being allowed to join MP games in VNET even if they had modded their default files.
*** AI Improvement
- The AI no longer cheats maintenance at very easy.
- Improved AI for inflation management..
- Improved AI for tech research.
- No default AI files are set as "ferocity = yes" anymore.
- Removed some errors in .ai files.
- Numerous countries should now use their proper AI files when they revolt.
- The AI may now default on loans.
- AI Warexhaustion now have a cap on all difficulties except very easy.
- The AI should now know how to change back from reformed to catholic when needed.
- Improved the AI for accepting loans.
- Italian nations should no longer colonise like mad.
- Improved the AI for refusing trade.
- The AI for colonising should no longer fall asleep.
- Improved colonial and exploration AI a little bit.
- AI will now take war exhaustion into account a bit more before declaring war or honoring an alliance.
- AI will build forts a little bit better now.
- Improved AI for refusing trade.
*** Setup tweaks
- Expanded maximum historical leaders id range to 200000.
- Denmark now have claims on Holstein in 1492 and 1617.
- National provinces for Moldovia and Wallachia streamlined in the 1492 scenario.
- Fixed some problems with Algeria in 1617.
- "The Age of Enlightement" scenario now have the correct ending date in the information screen too.
- Fixed the eternal revolt risk problem from french wars of religion.
- Added a few missing silverrimmed shields.
- Östlandet now produces Naval Supplies, not fish.
- Tröndelag is no longer a possible revolt location for Astrakhan
- Fixed swiss land and naval techs in 1492.
- Increased Bergenshus population in all scenarios
- Denmark now have tradingposts at Greenland in all scenarios 1492 and forward.
- Added leader and army names for Norway.
- Fixed the death of Henry IV to be same for leader and monarch.
- Fixed Death of King Lajos event.
- Fixed The Glorious Revolution event.
- Moved port to correct sea for Västerbotten, Österbotten, Tripolitania, Puerto Rico, St. Thomas, St. Martin and Antigua.
- The Caliphate now revolts with moslem technology group.
- Added lots of triggers to randomevents, and added scaled randomevents, so that effects are different depending on countrysize.
- Fixed a broken shield for KSH.
- Fixed some problems with japanese events.
- Emmanuel de Rohan have been downgraded.
- Several more nations should now use their randomleader names.
- Removed Jan Olbracht and extended Aleksander's reign to cover that period for Lithuania.
- Return of Napoleion event should work fine now.
- The Oostende Company event now gives an explorer correctly.
- Pragmatic Santion should now have 3 options.
- The Lisboan Earthquake is now much more devastating.
- Reworked the french setup in 1795 regarding the flow of the historical monarchs.
- Zygimantas II now dies when he historically did.
- Sale of Corsica event fixed.
- Japanese random events for the civil war will no longer happen when the civil war is over.
- The Pugatchev uprising now only gives 6 RR for 120 months
- Marquis de Pombal now arrives after his King.
- Citysizes of Kiel and Hamburg tweaked in various sites.
- Removed some broken triggers in the random events files.
- Removed duplicate commands in some russian major events.
- Vestbygden is now inland.
- Royalists and Puritans can no longer revolt if the other is in play.
- Greenland now becomes norwegian core provinces when they go independent.
- Tweaked russian conquistadors.
- Added several core provinces to a russian major event to make sure they always get it.
- Tweaked alot of random events to reduce cash and fortress gains.
- Changed some events to/from history in various scenarios.
- Fixed some dutch colonies in 1700, and Sydney in 1795.
- Added 20 more user-definable country-tags.
- Enabled a certain ALI tag if you want to use it
- Added about 80 more countries to support the future CK to EU2 conversion, many of these are possible revolters and also have monarchlists. Feel free to submit new monarchlists and leaders for the possible revolters.
- GUFSM flags and shields are now used.
- Added another event-trigger for elector-status. elector=yes/no
- Added all new factors to the morale tooltip on units.
- Implemented the flagname extension code, so that events can change the flags/shields of a nation with the command "type = flagname which = "test", to change for example ENG to ENGtest for flags/shields.
- You can now use -6 to indicate current emperor instead of -1 for random country in an event.
- Added another event-trigger. "emperor = yes"
- The non-adjacent modifier now affect overseas trade as well.
- You can now toggle through your units in the same province by clicking on them again, like in HoI and vicky.
- You can now immediately switch from selecting landunit to navalunit without deselecting.
- It is no longer possible to abuse badboy by seceding core provinces in a peace and then retake them.
- You can now use the 'm'-key to toggle the message area on/off.
- Added a new eventcommand "type = removecot, which = provid".
- The pauser of a game should now be visible in multiplayer.
- Added a comparison statistical page in the ledger.
- Civil war message is now shown on clients in MP.
- Implemented straitscode, allowing a nation with a fleet to block passage across for enemy armies.
- Crossing a strait gives a bigger penalty than just crossing a river.
- Added back the strait connection between Jutland and Sjaelland.
- Added in a strait connection between Skåne and Sjaelland.
- Movement is now cancelled when crossing straits if there is a hostile fleet in the sea when unit is supposed to actually move.
- Alliance leaders will now become leaders of the war, whenever they honour an alliance call (Changed to MP only as explained below).
- You can now cheat with alliances again in singleplayer. Exploit is only stopped in MP.
- Diplomatically annexing another country now decreases centralization by 1.
- Provinces which you have military access through will now have a supply limit for you that is more friendlier than before where it was treated like enemy troops.
- Tweaked morale-damage factor to be less of an impact.
- Whitepeaces should no longer cancel trade embargoes.
- Morale damage given depends on morale of the troops. ie, should make it possible to have battles decided upon good morale as well as troopsize.
- There should now be an indication at the peace proposals whether they are alliance wide peaces, or separate peaces.
- Armies with cavalry majority are now less effective attacking in rough terrain.
- Rebalanced cavalry shock effects on early techlevels.
- Overhauled CRT for naval combat, which now actually make the first group always worse.
- You can no longer demand more than 100% of spoils in a peace.
- Base cost of artillery have been dropped by about 10$.
- Breaking a truce by rejoining a war now makes you get the same bad effects as if you declared war yourself.
- You will no longer get the truce-breaking penalty for answering a defensive alliance call during the first two months of the war.
- A player nation is now automatically forced to accept peace if all core provinces and all provinces with a landconnection to the capital and the capital itself is occupied.
- Each HRE elector provides one extra manpower bonus to the emperor if he has over 125 relation with them.
- Each elector with good relation with the emperor now provides 2 yearly ducats to the Emperor.
- Fixed a problem where the overseas percent was shown where it shouldnt be.
- Fixed some text errors.
- Native sprites are now shown correctly as intended.
- Fixed some broken tooltips.
- Fixed some recent bugs with cursor logics.
- Fixed a problem with cheats not being cleared when switching games.
- Fixed a reported reproducable CTD.
- Optimized text-sorting algoritms at the start of the game.
- Relations should now match and be the same between two countries, even if different are specified in the scenario file.
- Screenshots are now saved in correct folder, even with moddir.
- Database mismatch error is now more helpful for modders.
- Improved error messages in general for modders.
- A country can no longer get the same culture twice.
- Fixed a bug with countries suddenly not getting anymore random events.
- Fixed a case where VP was removed, but category was not specified.
- Bankloans are no longer forgotten when a country changes tags.
- Constructions should now work properly even after a tag-change.
- Missionaries are now cancelled correctly when they are supposed to.
- New Capitals are now in logical positions whenever a country's capital is forcedly moved by new revolter nations.
- Fixed alot of problems with illegal movementorders not being stopped correctly.
- Correct cursors should now always be seen.
- Revolters will now use their specified capital if possible.
- Fixed a bug with events modifying MIL/DIP/ADM corrupting data.
- Fixed a problem with latest patch that made it possible to go negative in cash.
- Fixed some broken shields.
- Fixed some multiplayer crashes.
- Fixed a bug which allowed units to move with no attrition at all at the last tech-levels.
- Fixed a problem where provincial revolt risk was not checking the controller in all cases.
- Fixed a problem where a privateer gave a cb and relation change multiple times.
- Getting assaulted should no longer mess up your unit counts.
- Fixed the crash with removecot command.
- Some minor interface glitches fixed.
- Fixed some problems with leaders for Ashanti, Russia, Muscowy, Songhai and Spain.
- Fixed some problems with some historical events for the Knights.
- All scenarios should now have the correct selectable nations.
- The chinese historical event "Expulsion of Jesuits" should now have the correct effect.
- Some danish historical event problems fixed.
- Hugh O'Neills rebellion now have two different actions.
- Several problems with Japanse events fixed.
- Some minor fixed in Persian, Swedish, US and Russian historical events.
- The Peace AI had a lockup-problem where they could not decided upon a peace, which was fixed now.
- Pirate ships should no longer succumb to attrition within a few months, as they raid the countryside for food and repairs.
- Some major problem with the tag-changing events were fixed.
- Fixed a problem with rebels sometimes still being weak at occassions.
- A problem with the AI money saving algoritms which accumulated some errors over time was fixed.
- Fixed one problem which made the troop-building AI go to sleep.
- Fixed two different and annoying CTD's.
- Fixed a problem which made the AI lose track of its units at certain times.
- Fixed all properly reported CTDs
- Fixed another reported ctd.
- Fixed three reported CTD's,
- Fixed a major bug which made the AI completely disregard poor provinces when calculating religious tolerance.
- Should no longer be possible to cheat with merchants in MP to send more than you have.
- Fixed a bug in medieval CRT for landfire phase.
- Fixed a multiplayer crash with large amounts of unit moving.
- Fixed another multiplayer crash with recruiting mercenaries
- Most likely fixed a ctd from clicking on a ship in an unitialized naval combat in MP.
- Fixed two late game ctd's.
- Fixed some broken calculations on colony levels.
- It is no longer possible to send gifts to a country you are at war with.
- Lagmessage boxes should no longer appear as often in MP.
- There is no longer any land connection between Jylland and Sjaelland.
- There is now a visual checksum for ingame data when loading in MP.
- You now only gain census tax from provinces with a tax-collector.
- Tax collectors and Legal Counsels are now removed from a province when it is conquered.
- Census taxes revised. A core province gives 25% base, while a non-core gives 0% base. Then a tax collector adds 75% and each step of centralisation gives 2.5%. This is all capped at 100%.
- Improved AI for accepting exploration sharing. Much more likely to accept from friends and good deals.
- Improved automerchant.
- The AI should no longer spam refusing trade with everyone anymore.
- AI will now handle religious tolerance depending on controlled provinces.
- AI should now be less likely to remove its trade embargo now.
- The AI is now aware of the importance of certain buildings.
- AI is no long ferocious in Fantasia.
- Turkish AI should now target Siebenbürgen correctly.
- Improved AI for building tax-collectors.
- Further improved the AI for building tax-collectors.
- Improved AI handling of revolts and enemy sieges.
- Improved AI handling of inflation.
- AI will now always try to colonise provinces it already has if nothing else is available.
- AI learned how to assault a bit better now.
- Improved the AI for maintaining troop sizes.
- The AI should no longer build much more troops than it can maintain.
- Improved the peace negotiation AI.
- The AI will now build tax-collectors even when at war now.
- AI will now refuse trade with nations going to war with them
- The Peace AI now is better to know whether annexing or vassalising another country.
- Improved the military AI to gather armies better, and not send small trickles of armies.
- The AI should now be a bit better into taking terrain into account.
- AI will now build tax-collectors in all it provinces it can, and not just in same religion.
- Revoltrisk is now on a yearly basis instead of a monthly basis.
- Rebels are now about the same tech-level as the country they revolt from.
- Sizes of rebel forces tweaked down.
- Recruiting troops now increases your war exhaustion, where recruiting your entire yearly manpower increases it by 1.
- Revoltrisk now modifies provincial taxes and production instead. Each RR gives a -5% penalty.
- Rebels should no longer be seen with pitchforks, as some people obviously mistakes revolts for peasant uprisings.
- Rebels will now assault if they are able to on the highest difficulty.
- Warexhaustion should now rise much slower due to time fighting.
- Warexhaustion modifier on RR in non-national provinces are now changed. If they are of an accepted culture and the same religion the WE is only 1.25 of core, and if either religion or culture is accepter, then its 1.5 of core.
- Warexhaustion is now calculated as a malus on stability investment as originally designed
- Raising wartaxes now increases inflation by 1.
- Raising wartaxes no longer decrease stability by 1.
- Doubled the non-adjacent effects from land/naval, so full naval gets no penalty at all from overseas provinces.
- Reduced technologycost modifier to be 15% in range, instead of 25% from Innovative/Narrowmindedness.
- The land/naval slider impact on economical modifier on the supportable amounts of ships is now a fair bit bigger.
- Morale modifier from offensive/defensive now range in 20% instead of 10%.
- Stats of historical leaders are now modified by domestic policies.
- Land morale bonus from land-slider increased to 50% instead of 25%.
- The income penalty on Overseas provinces are now modified by the land/naval slider from 5-15% for areas with ports.
- Land now gives a bonus on production efficiency to balance the trade for naval.
- The range on trade efficiency from aristocracy and land have been halved.
- Economical affects on support limits are now modified by the naval-land slider, so that a 100% naval nation gets 50% of economical support limit on land troops, and 150% on ships.
- The naval/land slider now affects manpower. Since ships does not use manpower to be built, this reflects the bonus of focusing on land military
- Artillery costs are no longer affected by the land/naval slider.
- Orthodox techgroup is now at 90% of latin instead of 80% as previous.
- Increased the chinese and moslem tech groups quality now. Moslem is now what orthodox used to be a few weeks ago, and chinese is now at the previous moslem level.
- The religious modifier on stability is no longer a simple bonus to each montly investment, but a cost decrease for each province.
- Reformed religion lost their morale bonus.
- Counter Reformed now gets 10% penalty on trade and production.
- Sunni now have same stability bonus as catholicism.
- You can no longer switch religion if you are at war.
- Reformed Taxincome penalty dropped to -10.
- Reformed techspeed bonus increased to 2.
- Removed production and tax penalty on CRC.
- Decreases stability bonus on CRC to same as catholics.
- Shiite now have same stability bonus as Sunni.
- Changing religion from an historical event no longer gives the -5 stability hit from normal conversions.
- Shipyard restriction is now on base-tax, not current tax.
- Building a conscript center now takes 2 years instead of one year.
- Increased technology costs by 15%
- Deflation Progress is no longer slowed by colonies, only true cities are taking into account.
- Percentage columns in the trade overview in the ledger should now sort correctly.
- Bankruptcy is now much more severe on morale. It halves the morale for the units after all other modifiers during five years.
- Tweaked formula for interest from loans. Less emphasis on amount of loans, and more on annual income.
- It is no longer possible to abuse lag in MP to get more than maximum bankloans.
- Bank-loaning system have been recoded, you can no longer voluntarily take out bankloans unless
you can afford the cost. However, you can always go up to 2 loans unvoluntarily before bankruptcy. You can now loan alot more if you have a high monthly income.
- Bankruptcy now creates some revolts.
- Bankruptcy only increases inflation by 10%+1% for each failed loan now..
- There is now an severe extra penalty on tax income from overseas territories if you are blockaded. This can be up to 50% extra if all your homeports are blockaded.
- Inflation effect from mayors have been changed completely to not make them a super-weapon for only gigantic powers. Now the ratio of mayors versus cities affect a yearly deflation, which is 0.25% when all cities have mayors.
- Changed the gold-inflation cut-off to 40% instead of 25%.
- Inflation increase from gold have been decreased to 1/4th.
- Loans no longer increase inflation.
- The far-ahead tech penalty have now been decreased significantly.
- Tweaked the cost formula for manufactories to increase cost more for several of same type.
- Each Fine Arts Manufactory now lowers total stability cost with about 1%.
- Reduced the deflation random events to give -5 inflation.
- There is now a cap on neighbour bonus at about 25 ducats monthly.
- Increased technology research costs slightly
- There is now a message-popup whenever a CoT dissapears.
- You will now see which county competed your merchant out of a CoT.
- Countrysize trigger now only checks on cities, not colonies.
- Tweaked COT stagnation to be slightly slower.
- Colors for CoT's should now resort everytime one is removed or added.
- Tweaked the CoT stagnation formula slightly.
- ADM and Stability have a slightly less effect on maintaining a merchant in a COT now.
- Mercantilism now makes a merchant more likely to stay in a center of trade.
- Free trade now makes a merchant better at competing out others.
- Centers of Trade will now stagnate and lose provinces, to eventually disappear, if they do not get a steady competition through them.
- Tweaked the formula for allocating new CoT's. Size of city is now much more relevant.
- There is now a penalty when painting the map with level 1 tradingposts. You must now develop your tradingposts to be able to have large amounts of them.
- Further tweaked the CoT allocation formula to focus on big new colonial cities.
- Made some further tweaks to CoT allocation algoritms.
- Culture in conquered colonies will now change to an accepted one after the nationalism has faded.
- Culture changes in colonies now only happens in TRUE colonies, ie where culture is different from province's default culture.
- Tweaked cot allocation slightly again.
- Colonies now require at least 1000 population before they are considered colonial cities.
- There is no longer any possibility of stealing maps from pagan nation
- Annexing pagans will no longer give you maps.
- Civil wars will no longer happen when at positive stability.
- Civil wars are now more likely if no centralization, but less likely if centralized.
- Manpower no longer affect naval support limits.
- Yearly merchants, shipyards, number of ports and naval manufactories now affect naval support limit quite a bit more.
- Added some historical monarchs for Navarra.
- Modified a number of random events to reduce over-supply of stab hits
- Portugal recieved 5 new historical admirals.
- Increased several provinces in GC to be cities again, since city limit is 1000.
- Added known provinces so Cherokee could see themselves (!) and also see the Creek in GC
- Change city name of Moldova province from Iasi to Suceava for GC
- Change city name of Wallachia province from Bucaresti to Targoviste for GC
- ENG and SCO now start off 1492 scenario at truce with each other, as per history
- Add Fine Arts manufacury to Kansai in 1492 scenario
- Move ENG colony in Bandjarmasin to Sunda in 1617 scenario
- Increase known provinces for HAI to the same as FRA and add whiteman value of 5 in 1795 scenario
- Make province Memel German culture as required by event 3516, in 1617 and later scenarios
- Added new DAN historical leader Otto Krumpen 1519-1533
- Add new leaders file for NAP
- Change startdate for SWE leader Gyllenhielm from 1585 to 1595
- Add AngloSaxon culture to Scottish lowlands in Act of Union event, and to Highlands in 2nd Jacobite Rebellion event
- Add new PRU event 3543 to absorb Protestants expelled by HAB event 3203 or SLZ event 3755
- Add trigger to POR event 3274 and extend deathdate so it fires no matter which Spanish vassalisation event occurs, 3162 or 3163
- Changed TIM monarch Ahmad's startdate to 1469 as per history
- Add random leader names for BUL, no longer have to use SER names
- Inserted the values from Asian Manpower mod into the province database.
- 1419: fixed some problem with the norwegian policy settings.
- 1419&1492: The city of Iasi was renamed to Suceava.
- 1419&1492: The city of Bucaresti was renamed to Targoviste.
- 1617: Ulster is now anglosaxon and reformed.
- 1617: Scotland and England have a RM and have 120 in relation. England also lost their CB on scotland.
- 1617: England lost Bandjarmasin, and gained Sunda.
- 1617: Corrected english posessions in the carribean.
- 1617: The dutch colony is Sambas is now a TP.
- 1617: Persia gained Daghestan and Azerbaijan from Turkey.
- 1617: Moved Tula, Welikia, Kursk, Belgorod and Donetsk from Poland to Russia.
- 1700: Ulster is reformed now.
- 1700: England lost Bandjarmasin and Sunda.
- 1700: Holland gained Sunda.
- 1700: Lorraine got its army moved to its homeprovince.
- 1700: Persia gained Daghestan and Azerbaijan from Turkey.
- 1700: Moved Welikia, Smolensk and Chernigov from Poland to Russia and Ukraine.
- 1700: Sweden got Riga from Poland.
- 1773: Moved Senegal's TP from France to England.
- 1773: Moved Daghestan from Russia to Persia,
- Changed some provinces to 0 natives in some scenarios.
- Genoa gained 2 admirals and a general.
- Poland lost Sigismud II as a leader.
- Removed some Savoy leaders that only fought for other nations.
- Changed deathdates for some Spanish leaders.
- Increased alot of provinces to be above the new 1000 limit in the scenarios.
- Renamed the cities of Ismail->Chilia, Magnitogorks->Kurgan, Pskow->Pskov, Warsawa->Warszaw, Pyatigorsk->Stavropol, Souchi->Abkazia and several more...
- Kalmuk is now buddhist.
- Kazan is now sunni.
- Welikia is now russian culture.
- Kazan is now mongol culture.
- Dobrudja is now slavonic.
- Zanzibar is now arabic.
- Yorkshire is now protestant, while Lancashire is catholic.
- Scotlands default capital is now 239, not 238.
- Revised some Lithuanian and Polish leaders incase no union etc.
- Added Magdeburg, Oldenburg, Münster, Thüringen, Bremen and Mainz to revolt.txt.
- Expanded potential revolter for Bulgaria.
- Added some random leader names for Bulgaria.
- Revised climate in North-American provinces to make winter more realistic.
- "Manchu Takeover of China", now removes cantonese and adds manchu as country cultures.
- "Kingdom of Prussia" changes Memel and Prussia to german culture.
- "Hohenzollern Prussia become Polish Duchy" changes Memel and Prussia to german culture.
- "The incorporation of Prussia into Brandenburg" changes Memel and Prussia to german culture.
- B choice in "Dutch Nobility demands General Estates" for Spain, Austria, Burgundy, France, & England is now CEN-1 instead of INN+1
- Fixed bug in trigger of "Repatriation of Holland" event.
- C choice in "The Effects of the Pragmatic Sanction" now affects PRU/FRA instead.
- "Swedish Parliament of 1738" now sleeps the "Mercantile Reforms of the Hats", if the Hats option is not chosen.
- Spanish succession events revised completely for alliances.
- "The Crown of France" gives Flandern french culture.
- Luxemburg can never get "The Crown of France" anymore.
- Changed Navarra's timespan for "The Crown of France" to 1480-1575.
- Moved addition of Altai culture from "Claims in the East" event to "Claims in the Steppes" event where it's more appropriate.
- Revised triggers of "The Act of Union".
- Removed revoltrisk from the French National Bankruptcy.
- Fixed some bugs in "The Polish Succession of 1733"
- Spain nolonger gets benefits from the expulsion of Moors.
- Moved Fuggers Event from 1510 to 1517.
- "Royal Letter of Bohemia" now opens a CoT either in Prague or Vienna.
- "Phillip of Bourbon succedes Carlos II in Spain" now gives some cores to Austria.
- Norway is now land=2 as default.
- Moslem influence event now makes it more likely to keep hindiusm.
- Fixed some bugs with events for Aquitania, England, Holland and China.
- England must now exist for Ireland to get Queen Elisabeths Offer.
- Added addcores for Franche Comté and Lorraine to Chambers of Reunion event
- Akbars Religious Tolernace event is shorter in duration now.
- Russia gets cores on Crimea during the 2nd Partition of Poland now.
- Revised Monarchs for Ashanti, Lithuania, Persia, Wallachia.
- Russia gets Livland as core provinces from 1617 forward now.
- Russian Claims on the Steppe event now gives a little less cores early.
- Rebelsprites now always use the REB artwork.
- Changed some german information in various scenarios.
- Added in some Polish leaders.
- Revised Moldavian leader.
- Revised "Repatriation of Holland" for Burgundy, Austria, Spain, France and England.
- Polish succession oif 1733 has been corrected.
- Austria will not secede Alsace in events as they did before.
- Gaspesie is now a potential part of a revolting Quebec.
- 1419: made NOR land=1 (ie naval), defense=2 and aristo=3.
- 1419: Trebinzond got Kastamon, Antalya and Taurus as core provinces to match BYZ
- 1419: Karaman got Kastamon and Antalya as core provinces to match BYZ
- 1492: France lost Franche Comté and Lorraine as National Provinces.
- 1492: Increased Irish population so that they are not colonies.
- 1617: Removed Martinique, and added Bermuda and Barbados for England.
- 1617: All English colonies outside Europe should be Protestant
- 1700: All English colonies outside Europe should be Protestant, with the exception of Massachussetts, Connecticut, Manhattan and Delaware.
- 1773: Added Mobile, Talahassee, Seminole and Eveglades to England.
- 1773: All English colonies outside Europe should be Protestant
- 1795: All English colonies outside Europe should be Protestant
- 1795: Sydney is now correct!
- 1795: Lots of countries now know abut provinces they should
- 1795: Crimea and Podolia are now cores.
- Crimea now gets alot more coreshields when revolting.
- Ezochi is now much poorer in all ther scenarios.
- Venice only have 6 merchants in the 1700 scenario start now.
- Tordenskold is now 4/2/6 instead of 4/3/3
- Changed 'Turgot's edicts' to be more logical with text.
- Spain is now land 5 in 1492.
- England is now 4 innovative in 1492.
- Changed some errors in the 1419 Chimu setup.
- Livland is now ugric.
- Montana now produces fish and is named correctly.
- Finland will no longer revolt from Lapland.
- Most of Sibir's provinces are now altai.
- Sibir will revolt with Altai as culture.
- Sibir now has Altai as primary culture in all scenarios.
- Georgia will now produce wine.
- Teutonic Order now has Ugric as culture in 1492 and 1419.
- Catalunya is now capital of Aragon in 1419.
- Aragon can now only revolt before Spain exists.
- Catalonia can now only revolt if Spain exists.
- Tver is now a vassal of the Golden Horde in 1419
- Russian minors have much better relation with the Horde in 1419 now.
- Russia now has altai as state culture in 1617 and all scenarios afterwards.
- Russia now gets altai as state culture with the Claims of the East event.
- Akk Koyonlu now has Daghestan in 1419.
- Golden Horde gets Altai as culture in 1419 and 1492.
- English aristocracy is dropped to 5 in the 1700 scenario.
- The Tradecenter of Sevilla event now only happens if Spain owns Andalucia.
- The Pomjestija Reform only occurrs if Muscowy owns Novgorod now.
- The "Debroglie" event now happens in the historical time period.
- England now has land3 and quality 6 in the 1617 scenario.
- St.Thomas is now a danish colony in the 1700 scenario.
- Turenne should now have correct start and deathdate.
- Manchuria knows a few more provinces in 1419/1492.
- The Great Wall event now refers to correct provinces.
- Fixed some errors with other chinese events.
- The "Manchu Advance" now triggers correctly.
- Election of a Swedish Crownprince will now inform the swedish player that he is vassalized.
- Sweden no longer gets the Baltic Culture from events.
- Swedish Parliament events should now occurr properly.
- Tweaked several triggers for English events.
- The Moor Expulsion events now only trigger if Spain owns the provinces.
- Dai Viet now starts with 0 stability in 1419 now.
- The Colbert Event now increases the size of loans for France.
- Jesuit King event will no longer force Poland back to catholic if selecting religious tolerance.
- Fixed start dates of several monarchs to correct historical dates.
- Fixed several colonies to correct culture/religion in 1617, 1700,1773, 1795.
- Removed Koln and added Artois and France-Comte to cores for Spain in 1617.
- Navarra is now a spanish core in 1700.
- Tweaked the Fjodor Baikov event.
- English and Hanoverian relations now detoriate if a Jacobite victory from some events.
- Some polish provinces are now slightly richer and have more manpower.
- The province inheritance is now supposed to have happened in the 1492 scenario, so the Anjou events will now occur properly.
- Poland now have latin technology until the Union with Lithuania.
- Tweaked down the effects from the Spanish state-bankruptcy events.
- St.Martin and Curacao should now be dutch and reformed in the 1700 scenario.
- Trebizond should now have the same core provinces as Byzantium in 1419.
- Corrected techlevels for Shawnee and Iroquois in 1773
- Overhauled some monarchs for Ashanti, Colombia, Swizz, Hansa, Tunis, Ukraine, Zimbabwe.
- Reworked the hungarian inheritance events to work when Hungary is defeated by the Turkish.
- There is no longer a center of trade in Manhattan at the start of the game.s.
- There is now a strait between Macedonia and Smyrna.
- The Ottoman Empire no longer have a military access through Byzans, but one through Athens instead.
- Portugese provinces are now slightly richer.
- Portugal now has done some colonial attempts already in the 1419 and 1492 scenarios, so they gain a small bonus on colonisation.
- Lissabon now has a shipyard in the 1492 scenario.
- Algarve now have a naval manufactory in the 1492 scenario.
- The St.Petersburg event now gives 10.000 citizens to the city.
- The events for Auld Alliance will not trigger if Scotland is at war with France.
- The dutch revolt events will now produce several revolts as well as revoltrisk.
- The CoT in Mecklenburg will now dissapear when the one in Svealand is added from event.
- The CoT in Flandern will now dissapear when the one in Holland is added from event.
- The novgorod CoT is now moved to Moscow in the "The Pomjestija Reform" event.
- The "The Fate of the Teutonic Order" event now removes the CoT in Riga.
- A CoT can now added to Danzig in the 'The Nieszawa Privileges-'Conventiones Particulares' Event.
- Several other event tweaks and fixes done.
- Reduced the Habsburg/Spain bonuses for becoming Emperor significantly.
- Each elector in the Holy Roman Empire, and is considered supportive, reduces techcosts and stability costs of the emperor of 1%.
- A supportive elector (used for manpower, techcost and income bonuses) is now when they have relation >=100 instead of >125.
- All new German potential states are now marked as electors.
- Doubled the impact of grain producing provinces on the supportable amounts.
- The building costs of shipyards now increase with 100 for each.
- The building costs for conscript centers now increase with 250 for each.
- Recoded how merchants get checked in multiplayer.
- Refusing trade no longer gives a stability hit.
- Each Trade Embargo you have now reduces your TE by 3%.
- Monopolist in a CoT will not be automatically targeted first anymore.
- Each monopoly now gives 2% in TE bonus.
- Doubled the effect from serfdom on stability slider.
- Increased technology cost by 10%.
- Each vassal a nation has now has reduces the stability and technology costs by 2%. This effect is capped at 20%.
- Guarantees and Warnings now last 20 years instead of 5 years.
- Warnings now work for any country the warned nation declares war upon.
- Dropped the cost of insulting to 1/10th of before.
- Halved the monetary cost of Claim Throne.
- Claiming a Throne now only drops your stability by 1 instead of 3.
- Morale bonus from defender of faith is now +.5 instead of .15.
- Corrected Centralization change in "End of Hundred Years War" event from -1 to +1
- Corrected warship fire value for Nav tech 36 from 250 to 230.
- Only the controller and not the owner of a province is now checked for whether that province is embargoed for traders.
- An embargoed nation's trade income from a province is now multiplied by the controllers TE% and given to the controller.
- Benefits from vassals now are depending on centralization, where at maximum centralization you don't get any cost reductions.
- Being above the badboy limit now makes it more likely to get a civil war.
- Every nation in a multiplayer game now gets a casus belli on anyone above the badboylimit, like difficulty very-hard for single player.
- Increased badboy effect on stability costs.
- Only Catholics in Europe or current electors may become emperor now.
- All land adjacencies to Venice can now be blocked by a fleet in the sea next to it.
- Trading posts no longer increase badboy when you annex a country.
- Ahead of time penalty on technology costs are now quite a bit higher but kicks in slightly later.
- The richness of ports now matters for naval support limit instead of just the number of ports.
- Yearly Merchants affect naval support limit much more now.
- Fleets can no longer flee in a chosen direction unless they got a good maneuver rating and succeed on a dice roll. This makes it possible to block access with fleets.
- You now get manpower bonus from your vassals. Up to 50% of their manpower depending of how decentralized you are.
- There is no longer a -1 centralization hit after annexing a vassal.
- Added manpower and tax boosts to several Brandenburg and Prussian Events.
- Brandenburg now gets cores on almost entire northern Germany when proclaiming Kingdom of Prussia.
- Denmark now gets German culture if they choose Christian of Holstein, but for a heavy price.
- You will no longer lose your vassals when you change religion.
- You no longer get badboy for declaring war on human players if you have a cb, and only 1/3rd badboy of normal if you don't.
- You now only gain benefit from vassals with the capital on the same continent as yourself.
- You can no longer release vassals that only consist of trading posts.
- Support limit in vassals or where you have military access or is in a war together is now much higher as you gain the bonus from fortress/barracks.
- Sending missionaries to colonies & colonial cities on other continents is now significantly cheaper.
- Each trade agreement now reduces TE by 3%.
- Badboy from taking provinces off another player dropped to 1/3rd.
- Exceptional years now only reduce inflation by 2%.
- Tweaked historical years of economical techs 5 to 10 significantly.
- Doubled income from looting.
- Leaders of alliances are now leaders of alliances in wars as well.
- The effect off trade efficiency on merchant placement is now gradually applied instead of just a 50% bonus.
- Lowered base chance for merchant placement form 50% to 35%.
- Fixed a crash with tag-changing
- Fixed a crash with chatting after a nation has been eliminated in multiplayer.
- Cuman can no longer revolt.
- Fixed a problem with mod-dir in MP.
- Made a slight fix to MP logic to fix one reason for lag-loans.
- Corrected spelling of HOL and VEN colony names
- Corrected death date of ENG leader Clarence from 1431 to 1421
- Adjusted numerous provinces' icons to avoid obscuring the province name or to prevent overlap.
- Correct Fort icon placement in early Minor cities
- POR leader Diego de Senill renamed to Diogo de Silves
- Corrected spelling of BOS monarch Vladislav
- Corrected start and death dates for most KOR kings
- Corrected spelling of 3 POL kings
- Changed climate of three provinces in northern India from 8 (southern hemisphere) to 7
- Correct attrition tooltip to 8% for desert, plus several other minor corrections and updates to tooltips
- Fixed a problem with banning from alliance that may have caused a CTD.
- Fixed a thing which caused occasional crashes with MP.
- Fixed a crashbug with colonial revolters.
- Finally tracked down and fixed the reason for building manufactories not always finishing building.
- Fix duplicate ID in POL monarchs
- Fixed the crashbug when scrolling between channels in VNET.
- Fixed the Venice island adjacency.
- Corrected Ahwaz to Awhaz.
- AI is now smarter on trade agreements and trade refusals.
- Vassals to human players will no longer ever sign peace with anyone that is at war with their overlords.
- Added Austria as HRE to 1492, 1617, 1773 and 1795 scenarios.
- Changed the province-cap from 1615 to 2020 provinces for modders.
- Canary Islands is now part of Spanish Tordesillas, not the Portuguese.
- Recoded the revoltrisk to not stack to the maximum date, but keep each revoltrisk for the separate duration.
- Removed Lorraine and Franche-Comté from National Provinces of French minors in GC
- Corrected Known provinces for DAK, CHE, HUR, OHI and TIB in GC
- Removed colonization bonuses from SWE and KUR in AoM
- Fixed Capital for China in AoEn
- Corrected relationship tag DEN to DAN for PRU in AoEn
- Set Aristo = 9 in FRA in AoR to encourage the French Revolution to actually occur!
- Removed Archangelsk as National Province for SWE in AoR
- Set the Khanates (CHG, KZK, NOG, SIB, UZB) to Land 10
- Regraded new DAN leader Otto Krumpen to rank 2
- Added three new SAV leaders
- Changed Karl XI to be a SWE leader from the age of 16, not 4!
- Corrected TUR leader Kara Mustapha to live 1676-1683
- Added Mughal governors as BGL "monarchs" to cover historical Mughal period for benefit of Bengal players
- Changed weak UZB monarchs to excellent ministers, as they really ruled in the 1750s
- Made Susquehanna Lenape culture and make Savannah Creek culture
- Changed climate of Walata in Africa from snow to Tropical
- Corrected galley setting for some Mediterranean provinces
- Change random "English pirates" event from invalid province # 1389 to -1 (random province)
- Add Anspach as a Minimum Province for GER, as it was only listed as a capital.
- Added Samarkand to TOX, Granada to ALM, Würzburg to FRC, and Toubkal to NAF; these are all necessary to make the nations contiguous
- Change capitals of SAV and NAV revolters to historically correct provinces, Piedmonte 404 and Bearn 425 respectively
- Add straits graphic between Jylland - Sjæland and Sjæland - Skåne to match actual terrain
- Add text to POR Meuthen Agreement action names to make clear the player will become a vassal of ENG in Option A
- Renamed Ural River to Ob and Irtych Rivers
- Scottish provinces except for the Highlands are now anglo-saxon culture in the 18th century.
- England no longer has the gaelic culture in 1773 and 1795.
- Correct dates for Duque de Alba and Gustav III.
- Monarchs for Polotsk should now work properly.
- Added a blockable strait between Strathclyde and Ulster.
- Added a blockable strait between Gibraltar and Tangiers.
- Added a blockable strait between Calais and Kent.
- Kexholm is now orthodox in the early scenarios.
- Gave KNI core on Malta when they get it from SPA, and remove their core on Rhodes if they choose to become SPA vassals
- Removed Maranhao from BRZ revolter to make its territory contiguous
- Added fortress and bailiff to Finnmark in 1600 and all later scenarios (as they are there in the 1492 scenario)
- Up populations of misc Spanish colonies from ~700 to 1,000 in later scenarios
- All nations designated Whiteman = 100 in Fantasia scenario
- Added in historical Spanish King Luis I who reigned for 9 months in 1724, when he died and his father (the previous monarch) ruled again
- Correct mine values for 3 provinces.
- Add port to Algarve (Sagres) and change city name to the correct capital, Faro
- Remove port from Emilia (as there were and are none there)
- Added in about 30 leaders for HEL (Switzerland)
- Correct BAE entry in revolt.txt
- Point MOS to RUS tactics info file info in Age of Exploration
- Added the Azores to the POR ToT territory
- Added Meath to known provinces for Austria in 1617.
- Fixed adjacency for Karelia.
- Added Provence to HRE.
- Correct triggers on "build a great palace" random events
- Changed effect of SCO #John Knox and the Religious Strife# event to implement Reformed religion, not Protestant
- Added {exists = FRA} trigger to ENG #The Bank Restriction Act# event, as historically it required an anti-French coalition to exist
- Added "exists = ENG" trigger to FRA #Eden Agreement# event
- Fix ENG, FRA, HAB and SPA #Dutch Nobility Demand Estates# events
- # Jean Parisot de la Valette now gives a fort at Malta, not a random province.
- Triggers for the Great Palace event fixed.
- Removed #St:Petersburg# event 3424 as being already triggered in AoEn, to allow historical move to St.P.
- Corrected triggers of #The Dutch Revolt is successful!# events to point to correct "Repatriation of the Netherlands" event of each nation, rather than to the BUR version that they all point to now.
- Moved DAN event #The Regency of J.H.E. Bernstorff# to 16 Jan to match history
- Corrected dates in #Sir Francis Walsingham# event and #Sir Thomas Gresham's Currency Reform# event
- Corrected #Jean Parisot de la Valette# event to give fortress in Capital, not Malta
- Changed duplicate EVENTNAME to EVENTHIST in several NIP events
- Changed option B of SWE #The Great Army Reorganization# event to give -1 VP instead of do nothing, as the empty tooltip confused players
- Correct action_c name from ACTIONNAME3386B to ACTIONNAME3386C in TUR #The Reforms of Kemankes (Kara Mustafa Pasha)# event
- Added trigger so that CYP has to be vassal of VEN for Venice to inherit it
- Changed HAN to CHIHAN culture in one Manchu event
- Spanish State Bankruptcy event 3164, dropped inflation hit from 15% to 10% as it has more severe effects now.
- Reduce size of Inflation hit in all events due to its worse effects now
- TUR "The 1st Celali Uprising" event 3370 added religion != shiite trigger
- TUR "The Great Naval Reform / Imperial Halic Shipyard" event 3367 added ownership of Thrace trigger.
- Restored "flagname" command to ENG Act of Union event
- Remove 478 Smyrna from conversion to Shiite in option C.
- "Turko-Persian Conflicts" event as it was Orthodox until the 1920s.
- Revised looks of ITA and HOL flags/shields.
- Revised icon positions slightly.
- Spellchecked a lot of stuff in the game.
- Changed to another internal directplay protocol to decrease latency.
- Changed the tag for Han culture to "chihan" to not confusing it internally with the tag for the country Hanover.
- Just peeking at religion sliders without changing will no longer cause revolt checks after the first change has been done.
- Improved checksum checking for multiplayer games.
- Moved straits definitions to a moddable file. map\adj_defs.csv
- Exported HRE, Spanish ToT & Portuguese ToT values to province.csv
- Added JUCD75_5_Anonymus (Gaudete), which was present but unused, to 15C music file
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