Archiv verlassen und diese Seite im Standarddesign anzeigen : HOI2 - Quiz: "What World War II leader are you?"
Edit: Ich == Field Marshal Bernard Montgomery :wirr: :top:
You resemble...
Yamashita Tomoyuki
Yamashita Tomoyuki (Nov 8, 1885 - February 23, 1946) was one of the most formidable generals of the Japanese Army. His 30,000 soldiers took 80,000 Allied soldiers prisoner at the Fall of Singapore and for this he became known as the "Tiger of Malaya."
You are a diligent, ambitious and determined leader who always remains completely loyal to your superiors. Your strict discipline contributes to your ability to be an aggressive strategist and you will always be the last man standing. Your high standards can seem daunting for your followers who will never feel sufficient.
Ups, wen habe ich denn da erwischt:
Tomoyuki Yamashita (1885-1946) erwarb sich den Ehrennamen "Tiger von Malaya", als er im Dezember die Halbinsel und den Hafen Singapur gegen eine dreifache Übermacht der Briten eroberte. Nach einem Zwischenspiel im Oberkommando der Mandschurei wurde ihm Ende 1944 die Verteidigung der Philippinen anvertraut; seine Stellung - im Norden von Luzon von der Außenwelt abgeschnitten - konnte er sechs Monate verteidigen. Wegen der unsagbaren Greueltaten, die ihm nominell unterstehende Einheiten während dieser Zeit in Manila begingen, wurde er am 23. Februar 1946 gehenkt.
Ich bin anscheinend auch ein Montgomery-Typ.
Naja. Es gab ja kein Bier zum Auswählen.
Blitzkrieg rulez :D
Heinz Guderian (GER)
Heinz Guderian (June 17, 1888 - May 14, 1954) was the well known "Panzer General" of the German Army during World War II, and one of the founders of the concept of blitzkrieg.
Dynamic and efficient, you are pivotal in development of strategies and operational tasks and often set the standards of what will then follow. Although your leadership style does not always mean you will rise in ranks you are still a very respected leader who does not think twice about questioning those of the highest rank.
George Patton
George Patton, Jr. (November 11, 1885 - December 21, 1945), one of the most successful American generals in World War II.
When put in a position that will meet your potential, your "larger than life," flamboyant, charismatic and controversial personality is hard to miss. You are inspirational and your troops achieve great deeds under your leadership. Just keep in mind to always back up those great words with action.
Ruprecht I.
10.12.04, 16:46
Wie passend für Unser Seefahrts-Quiz :D
Der schwarze Herzog
10.12.04, 16:47
You resemble...
Yamashita Tomoyuki
Yamashita Tomoyuki (Nov 8, 1885 - February 23, 1946) was one of the most formidable generals of the Japanese Army. His 30,000 soldiers took 80,000 Allied soldiers prisoner at the Fall of Singapore and for this he became known as the "Tiger of Malaya."
You are a diligent, ambitious and determined leader who always remains completely loyal to your superiors. Your strict discipline contributes to your ability to be an aggressive strategist and you will always be the last man standing. Your high standards can seem daunting for your followers who will never feel sufficient.
Ups, wen habe ich denn da erwischt:
Tomoyuki Yamashita (1885-1946) erwarb sich den Ehrennamen "Tiger von Malaya", als er im Dezember die Halbinsel und den Hafen Singapur gegen eine dreifache Übermacht der Briten eroberte. Nach einem Zwischenspiel im Oberkommando der Mandschurei wurde ihm Ende 1944 die Verteidigung der Philippinen anvertraut; seine Stellung - im Norden von Luzon von der Außenwelt abgeschnitten - konnte er sechs Monate verteidigen. Wegen der unsagbaren Greueltaten, die ihm nominell unterstehende Einheiten während dieser Zeit in Manila begingen, wurde er am 23. Februar 1946 gehenkt.
Mich traf das selbe Schicksal...
10.12.04, 17:10
Mich traf das selbe Schicksal...
dito, mich ebenfalls!
bin Rommel!
Erwin Rommel (GER)
Erwin Rommel (November 15, 1891-October 14, 1944) was one of the most distinguished German Field Marshals and commander of the Deutsches Afrika Korps in World War II. He is also known by his nickname "The Desert Fox."
As a leader you are a performer and your area of interest is mechanical rather than artistic. You tend to save your energy until you come across a project or an adventure worthy of your time, but then you launch yourself at it. Be aware that the thrills you constantly seek might one day get the best of you.
Jeanne d'Arc
10.12.04, 17:28
Mawasawi oder so, hab den Namen vergessen, auf jeden Fall ein japanischer Admiral... ;)
[B@W] Abominus
10.12.04, 17:58
Karl Dönitz
Karl Dönitz (September 16, 1891-December 24, 1980) was a naval leader in Germany during World War II.
Your strengths include ruthless application of battle technique, an iron-willed determination never to surrender and unbounded enthusiasm. You often leave "smaller" tasks that do not show immediate results on the back burner, sometimes with devastating results. You are very loyal towards your superiors.
Erich v. Manstein (GER)
Erich von Manstein (November 24, 1887-June 10, 1973) was one of the most prominent commanders of German Armed Forces during World War II, attaining the rank of Field Marshal. Manstein was the mastermind behind Fall Gelb.
Your strategic mind makes you a leader that thrives in situation where this precise skill is requested. Admired by your followers and sometimes even by your enemies this can sometimes get to your head. You thrive in situations where you find yourself as the "underdog" and need to use your strengths to their full potential.
Karl Dönitz
Karl Dönitz (September 16, 1891-December 24, 1980) was a naval leader in Germany during World War II.
Your strengths include ruthless application of battle technique, an iron-willed determination never to surrender and unbounded enthusiasm. You often leave "smaller" tasks that do not show immediate results on the back burner, sometimes with devastating results. You are very loyal towards your superiors.
Sir H. Dowding
10.12.04, 19:00
Ich bin wie Erwin Rommel
10.12.04, 19:03
Ich bin auch Yamashita Tomoyuki
Konstantin Rokossovsky
Konstantin Rokossovsky (December 21, 1896 - August 3, 1968), Soviet military commander and Polish Defence Minister.
Used to fending for yourself, you are independent and the only person you rely on to create your success is you. With strong determination, a sense of carefulness and your efficient leadership style you are quick to take in a situation and act accordingly. Your decisions are never rash which is sometimes perceived as an unwillingness to act.
Ich bin auch Yamashita Tomoyuki ... wohl aber eher ein Schatten seiner selbst :)
[B@W] Abominus
10.12.04, 21:37
@ Vietminh
Ich wette Du hast so lange rumprobiert, bis der Sowjet rauskam, oller Kommunist :^^:
Gunichi Mikawa
Gunichi Mikawa (August 291888 - February 25) was an admiral in the Imperial Japanese Navy during World War II.
Able to take even the worst of circumstances and turn them into your favour, you are known for your determination, good luck and control of any situation. Unfortunately your way of following through what you have set out to do is not always done in the best way and for that you have many critics.
the general
10.12.04, 23:11
Hab den selben Russen wie Vietminh
10.12.04, 23:36
Karl Dönitz
Karl Dönitz (September 16, 1891-December 24, 1980) was a naval leader in Germany during World War II.
Your strengths include ruthless application of battle technique, an iron-willed determination never to surrender and unbounded enthusiasm. You often leave "smaller" tasks that do not show immediate results on the back burner, sometimes with devastating results. You are very loyal towards your superiors.
Von Krüscher
10.12.04, 23:47
Karl Dönitz ! :prost:
11.12.04, 18:26
Soll auch Manstein sein.
12.12.04, 01:17
...Yamashita Tomoyuki...
Auch ich leide unter der "Gelbsucht".
Heinz Guderian
Nicht kleckern - klotzen!
12.12.04, 11:20
Bernard Montgomery
Field Marshal Bernard Montgomery, (November 17, 1887 - March 24, 1976) was a British military officer during World War II.
Inspirational and successful are two words to describe your leadership. You tend to go against the current and your own uniqueness will show in everything that you do. Your troops love you and you are known to get what you want in life - just be careful as this precise characteristic makes you less prepared to deal with defeat.
Der war nach dem Krieg auch polnischer Feldmarschall...ich mag den net :tongue:
PS: N polnischen gibts net oder? Kein Smigly-Rydz, kein Anders? :eek: :(
Ich hab auch den Montgomery.:)
Bernard Montgomery
Field Marshal Bernard Montgomery, (November 17, 1887 - March 24, 1976) was a British military officer during World War II.
Inspirational and successful are two words to describe your leadership. You tend to go against the current and your own uniqueness will show in everything that you do. Your troops love you and you are known to get what you want in life - just be careful as this precise characteristic makes you less prepared to deal with defeat.
Der war nach dem Krieg auch polnischer Feldmarschall...ich mag den net :tongue:
PS: N polnischen gibts net oder? Kein Smigly-Rydz, kein Anders? :eek: :(
Naja, es gibt auch keinen dänischen, luxemburgischen, holländischen, belgischen, norwegischen, jugoslawischen, griechischen, albanischen und wie die Länder alle heißen, die in wenigen Wochen überrannt wurden :D
Sir H. Dowding
12.12.04, 14:43
Und erst die ganzen erfolgreichen österreichischen Generäle und Feldmarschall Zehner! Gen. Bayer, Major Glaise-Horstenau und erst Gen. Kubena! :D
Monty, war ja klar ich bin gegen eigene Verluste und spiele deshalb mehr Defensiv.
auch ein montgomery. sowas.
12.12.04, 23:00
Naja, es gibt auch keinen dänischen, luxemburgischen, holländischen, belgischen, norwegischen, jugoslawischen, griechischen, albanischen und wie die Länder alle heißen, die in wenigen Wochen überrannt wurden
Hej und was ist mit Frankreich???
Außerdem war das von zwei Seiten mit solchen Massen nicht gerade fair! :tongue: :D
Graue Eminenz
13.12.04, 03:43
Andrew Cunningham
von Stollberg
13.12.04, 14:04
Heinz Guderian :prost:
Der olle Kesselring, was sagt man dazu. (ein General der "Smiling Albert" genannt wurde, sachen gibts)
Yamashita Tomoyuki :eek: :D
Bin ich ja mit dem edlen Roche fast eine Rarität hier! ;)
Isoroku Yamamoto
Isoroku Yamamoto (April 4, 1884 - April 18, 1943) was the outstanding Japanese naval commander of World War II.
Even though you are of sensitive nature, you can still be quite the gambler and something of a playboy, your impatience shining through everything that you do. Your mastermind is often sought after when big decisions need to be made and you have no qualms in executing bold plans. Just remember you cannot do it alone.
03.01.05, 17:11
You resemble...
Erwin Rommel [GER]
König Andre
03.01.05, 17:45
Leider sind meine Möglichkeiten der übersetzung zu gering um es Testen zu können. :rolleyes:
Tja ich steh mit meinem Patton wohl ziemlich alleine da.
General Guisan
04.01.05, 19:39
Tja ich steh mit meinem Patton wohl ziemlich alleine da.
Ich dachte immer, du seist Himmler? :D :D :D
You resemble...
Yamashita Tomoyuki
Yamashita Tomoyuki (Nov 8, 1885 - February 23, 1946) was one of the most formidable generals of the Japanese Army. His 30,000 soldiers took 80,000 Allied soldiers prisoner at the Fall of Singapore and for this he became known as the "Tiger of Malaya."
You are a diligent, ambitious and determined leader who always remains completely loyal to your superiors. Your strict discipline contributes to your ability to be an aggressive strategist and you will always be the last man standing. Your high standards can seem daunting for your followers who will never feel sufficient.
Gunichi Mikawa
Gunichi Mikawa (August 291888 - February 25) was an admiral in the Imperial Japanese Navy during World War II.
Able to take even the worst of circumstances and turn them into your favour, you are known for your determination, good luck and control of any situation. Unfortunately your way of following through what you have set out to do is not always done in the best way and for that you have many critics.
Interessant....... gut zu wissen... viellciht sollte ich doch öfter Japan spielen!?!?
Gestatten, Bradley - Omar Bradley !
Omar Bradley
Omar Bradley (February 12, 1893 - April 8, 1981) was one of the main US Army field commanders in North Africa and Europe during World War II.
Quietly competent, a self-effacing and thoughtful team player, you do not mind being a leader but you detest the waste of human lives in war. Once you make your mind up you go after your goal full speed ahead and thrive when taking calculated risks. You prefer to stay neutral in controversy, which can be seen as difficulty to make decisions.
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