Archiv verlassen und diese Seite im Standarddesign anzeigen : ? Oberbefehl per event

05.12.04, 19:13
Werte Regenten,

wie kann ich per event den Oberbefehl erteilen ??


06.12.04, 00:57
Kann man nicht. Geht nur wenn man ein Land zur Marionette macht (glaube ich).

06.12.04, 09:34
Kann man denn nicht mit einem Event eine Nation zur Marionette machen.

06.12.04, 10:12
Marionette ja, aber das erteilt nicht automatisch den Oberbefehl !


06.12.04, 11:01
Hier mal die Liste mit den möglichen Eventbefehlen. Wenns da nicht dabei ist habt ihr Pech gehabt. Die Liste kann jeder im DB Ordner bei den Orginal Events finden.

event = x #event has happened.
random = x ( % )
intel_diff = x ( >= x, x = our intel - enemy intel )
dissent = x ( >= x )
warentry = x ( >= x )
leader = x #leader exists
government = [communist/fascist/democratic]
minister_loyalty = x (The minister with the lowest loyalty has loyalty >= x)
leader_loyalty = x (The commander with the lowest loyalty has loyalty >= x)
ideology = [nazi/fascist/paternal_autocrat/liberal_conservative/centrist/reformed_socialist/left_wing_radical/leninist/stalinist]
alignment = [communist/fascist/democratic] (true if closest to given alignment)
atwar = [yes/no/country tag] # Country tag added to see if other countries are at war
minister = [minister id] # Is minister alive?
major = [yes/no] # True if the country is ENG, FRA, GER, JAP, USA, ITA or SOV
ispuppet = [Country Tag]
puppet = { country = [tag 1] country = [tag 2] } # True if tag 1 is puppet of tag 2
headofgovernment = [minister id]
headofstate = [minister id]
ai = [yes/no] # Is the country AI controlled?
technology = x #True if a certain tech is known.
manpower = x (>=x)#true if a nation have at least that amount of manpower.
flag = xxxx #true if the flag exists and is set to true.
owned = { province = a data = tag } # checks if province is owned by country x (if data == -1 then its for country receievin event)
control = { province = a data = tag } # checks if province is controlled by country x (if data == -1 then its for country receievin event)
exists = country #if country exists.
alliance = { country =a country = b ) # checks if a and b is in the same military alliance
war = { country =a country = b ) # checks if a and b is at war
year = x (>=x)
coal = x
oil = x
rubber = x
steel = x
supplies = x
lost_VP = { country = [tag] value = X } # X% or more of _owned_ VPs in enemy hands
lost_national = { country = [tag] value = X } # X% or more of national provs in enemy hands
lost_IC = { country = [tag] value = X } # X% or more of national IC in enemy hands

type = alliance which = country (-1 for random)
type = inherit which = country (-1 for random)
type = leader which = leader id
ype = country
type = trigger
type = capital
type = addcore which = provnum
type = removecore which = provnum
type = secedeprovince which = country value = provice
type = control
type = sleepleader which = leader id
type = sleepevent which = event id
type = setflag which = [keyname]
type = clrflag which = [keyname]
type = steal_tech which = [country tag/-1 for random non-ally] # Steals a random tech
type = gain_tech which = [tech id/-1 for random tech]
type = detect_units which = [country tag/-1 for random neighbor] value = [nr of units]
type = reveal_minister_loyalty which = [minister id/-1]
type = reveal_leader_loyalty which = [leader id/-1]
type = research_sabotaged
type = regime_falls
type = civil_war # Civil war with any possible revolter that has shared national provinces
type = civil_war which = [rebel country tag]
type = set_leader_skill which = [leader id/-1] value = [new value]
type = leader_loyalty which = [leader id/-1] value = [value to add]
type = minister_loyalty which = [minister id/-1] value = [value to add]
type = dissent value = [value to add]
type = industry which = [prov id/-1] value = [value to add]
type = flak which = [prov id/-1] value = [value to add]
type = infrastructure which = [prov id/-1] value = [value to add]
type = coastal_fort which = [prov id/-1] value = [value to add]
type = land_fort which = [prov id/-1] value = [value to add]
type = alignment which = [communist/fascist/democratic] value = [0 - 200]
type = supplies value = [value to add]
type = oilpool value = [value to add]
type = steelpool value = [value to add]
type = coalpool value = [value to add]
type = rubberpool value = [value to add]
type = province_keypoints which = [province id/-1] value = [keypoints to add]
type = peace which = [country tag] value = [0/1] # 1 means separate peace - i.e. pull out of alliance. 0 is full peace, for the whole alliance.
type = influence value = [value to add] # diplomatic influence
type = manpowerpool value = [value to add] # manpower
type = warentry value = [value to add] # for democracies
type = warentry which = [country tag] value = [value to add] # for democracies
type = make_puppet which = [country tag]
type = coup_nation which = [country tag]
type = access which = [country tag] # Grant military access _to_ a country
type = sleepminister which = [minister id/-1/-2] # -2 = minister with lowest loyalty.
type = sleepleader which = [leader id/-1/-2] # -2 = leader with lowest loyalty.
type = switch_allegiance which = [country tag] value = [unit id/-1]
type = delete_unit which = [unit id/-1]
type = independence which = [country tag] value = [0/1] # 0 - units in the area change allegiance, 1 - they don't.
type = ai which = [file name] # Switches the ai file of a country.
type = build_division which = [division type] value = [brigade type]
type = construct which = [AA_batteries/land_fort/coastal_fort/infra/ic] value = [prov nr]
type = start_research which = [tech id]
type = prio_research which = [tech id]
type = add_division which = [div type] value = [brigade type] # Magically create a new division in the force pool
type = add_division which = [div type] value = [brigade type] when = province # Magically create a new division in province
type = end_access which = [country tag] # Revoke military access for nation
type = leave_alliance
type = end_puppet # End puppet status
type = end_mastery which = [country tag] # End puppet mastery over another nation
type = convoy which = [startprov] value = [endprov] when = [resource_bits] 1=oil, 2=steel, 4=coal, 8=rubber, 16=supplies

06.12.04, 11:05
Danke, werter Mantikor, aber diese Ddatei kenn ich schon auswendig.
Anderen mag sie aber neu sein :^^:

Leider gibt es eben nur ein end_mastery/end_puppet, aber kein grant_command oder sowas.

@ Admins
Ich glaube, der Thread kann geschlossen werden wegen: Ist Nicht !


06.12.04, 15:50
Was ist das denn?

type = access which = [country tag] # Grant military access _to_ a country

Oder ist das Durchmarscherlaubnis?

von Stollberg
06.12.04, 16:47
Das ist die Durchmarscherlaubnis, werter jeannen!