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Oliver Guinnes
10.10.04, 16:52
Final Release Candidate !!! (23.02.2006) (
Change Log seit 1.04a
********* CRUSADER KINGS 1.05 CHANGE LOG *********
Crusader Kings 1.05 represents a massive undertaking in overhauling many game mechanisms, introducing many new features, and completely reworking and rebalancing almost all aspects of the game. This offical 1.05 enhancement was more than 18 months in the making; and would have been impossible without the support of Paradox's development team; the tireless dedication of a small group of betas; and most importantly it would never have happened without the continued interest of our fans in the Public Beta forum who have devoted countless hours making suggestions, posting feedback, testing, and assisting us with events and text translations...and so much more.
The following list of changes is only a general overview of the primary differences between 1.05 and 1.04. To view a complete and detailed list; please see the change logs that accompanied each of the 34 distinct public beta patches. (
#### Gameplay ####
- Created new system of cyclical Crusades with varying targets based on game situation. The game will now consist of a series of shorter crusades, with periods of peace in between. The end of a crusade will occur at some time after the crusade target (as identified by hovering your mouse over the crusade flag) has been captured; and will happen sooner if surrounding provinces have also been captured.
- Introduced massive events to control Crusades and provide flavour while Crusades occur.
- The AI has been made reactive to Crusades and powerful rulers are likely to embark on aggressive campaigns in support of them.
- The maximum demesne size is now based on the ruler's INTRIGUE rating and not the ruler's stewardship rating.
- The Martial stat of the ruler and the marshal now determines the recruitment speed for the provincial regiments.
- Difficulty no longer affects regiment size, only speed of recruitment.
- Removed tax rate impact on regiment size.
- The Byzantine demesne bonus has been reduced.
- Rulers can now press the claims of co-belligerent vassals and/or courtiers if the ruler lacks his own claim.
- Peace is now enforced for all vassals (and vassals of vassals) when a liege makes peace. This includes truce periods.
- Higher titles (duke and king level) can now be created even if all provinces are held by your vassals and no demesne is present.
- Granting a Duchy/Kingdom title will also grant appropriate vassals.
- Destroyed titles may be recreated with only 1 province if a claim exists to the destroyed title.
- Titles are no longer destroyed by taking all demesne if the ruler still has vassals.
- New vassals are 100% loyal.
- Vassals very distant from liege demesne may break away.
- Vassals that become independent due to religious differences receive a claim on the liege.
- Vassals now sorted in loyalty order for liege.
- Vassals may now become rebellious if they are far away from their liege, or if they have a very high intrigue level, or if their liege has a very poor intrigue level, or if they are a different religion than their liege. This can lead to increased chances that they will attempt to assassinate their liege; or they may even attempt to initiate a civil war.
- Fixed assignment of Bishoprics from the Papal Controller's court to exclude married courtiers or those with court rank.
- Provinces that are a considerable distance from the demesne capital will tend to dissolve into anarchy and rebellion. When a human ruler is leading a regiment, any parts of his demesne that are far away from his current location (including provinces near the demesne capital!) may also be subject to revolt and thievery.
- The Pope can no longer inherit titles.
- The Pope receives base prestige equal to the Papal Controller per month. Some events now give the Pope and those around him extra piety.
- Only rulers may be excommunicated by the Papal Controller.
- Provinces converting to non-Christian lose all Christian buildings.
- Moslem ruler succession can sometimes trigger interesting (and tumultuous) results.
- Adjusted frequency of female birth and random spawning.
- Added loyalty adjustment for liege laws.
- Rulers are limited to one alliance, although it is possible to exploit this by responding affirmatively to two (or more) simultaneous offers.
- Now possible to agree when a courtier thinks they would "be a better" court member which will automatically promote them into that position.
- Bankruptcy now degrades fortifications instead of removing them.
- Formation of a Crusader State from within your lands is a boon to a ruler rather than a penalty.
- Implemented terrain restrictions on province buildings. No more advanced lumber industry in the desert.
- Tweaked province buildings/improvements cost, time, and effects.
- Rebalanced pillage gold and piety effects based on buildings and province effects.
- You should no longer be pested by non-coreligionist courtiers seeking officer positions in your court.
- The Pope and Patriarch are now only annoyed if you appoint heathens to court officer positions, but not if you simply have some unemployed ones in your court. However; the Pope will complain if you appoint Orthodox court officers during a crusade so players should generally avoid doing so except under extreme emergencies.
- Combat losses now displayed in results window.
- Regimental commanders of different religions will not claim lands for themselves but for the ruler while at war vs. religious enemies.
- Thieves, smugglers, and highway robbers are now more likely to spring up when the province regiment is away.
- Mercenary system now changed so mercenaries are sometimes useful.
- Tweaked many combat values to increase shock and reduce losses. Much more likely to see routs and less annhilation.
- Naval transport costs vastly increased and slowed speed. Extremely expensive to sail directly to religious enemy.
- Completely redesigned the Mongol Hordes, their initial armies, their wants, desires, succession preferences.
- The plague may now appear and almost any time and will spread not only through provinces, but also through courts.
- God now looks unfavorably on heathens, heretics, etc who somehow get control of (or could inherit control of) the Papacy of Religious Orders.
- Heretic provinces now red on religion map.
- All trait effects have been rebalanced. The previous "lisp" and "stutter" traits have been combined into the "lisp" trait, and the "intestinal worm" and "leper" traits have been eliminated. Three new traits have been introduced: "rebelliousness", "realm duress" and "parental upbringing". Rebelliousness means that a vassal is considering declaring independemce, or that he might attempt to wreak havoc within his liege's realm. Realm duress is a trait that a liege will receive if one or more of his vassals is attempting to initiate a civil war. Until he can regain stability by putting down all signs of rebellion, he will be at far greater risk of further uprisings. Parental upbringing is a trait given to a child when a ruler has decided to take a more direct hand in his or her education. It willl usuaully only occur for the player's immediate family.
- Full name and title is now the default for event effects.
- Mortality rates have been increased for all characters except for rulers and primary heirs
- Capitals now have some inertia.
- The restriction that removed chaste and lustful traits from younger characters when loading a save game has been removed.
- Random male courtiers will be generally a bit younger than before.
##### AI CHANGES #####
- AI of ALL religions will now grant titles (including setting up new counties and duchies)
- AI is now smarter at deciding when to accept a marriage proposal - especially when the target is a court member.
- AI Rulers will now attempt to pledge allegiance to default rulers (duke/king) under some conditions.
- AI tweaked for court position assignment.
- AI no longer claims titles of religious enemies.
- AI now grants Ducal titles to appropriate counts.
- AI now much, much smarter in wars and with mobilization of troops.
- AI now avoids revoking titles when vassals are disloyal.
- AI more likely to ally when marriage/family ties are involved.
- AI no longer automatically involves itself in inter-vassal wars.
- AI Kings more likely to Crusade.
- AI lieges will demand support of vassals on Crusade.
- AI Catholic rulers are less likely to accept muslim neighbours
- AI should no longer appoint court officers who aren't co-religionists.
##### EVENTS #####
- Added events for varying Heresies.
- Added in-depth system of child educational events
- Added a series of events making it more difficult to control non-religion provinces.
- Added a series of events to better model Mongol Horde succession.
- Added several series of events based on the court members.
- Added a series of events based on realm laws.
- Tweaked technology spread and discovery events for realm tier and current status (war, crusading, etc).
- Added a series of events that destabilize the Byzantine Empire.
- Added a series of intrigue events for vassals to get uppity.
- Crusader States will attempt to form themselves when Catholics make gains in the Holy Land.
- The Pope will ask nicely for Rome back, should you have it and should he be homeless. Beware saying 'No'.
- Added a siege event that could speed a siege... or not.
- Cultural and Religious Conversion events re-coded. Repeatedly. And then a few more times. And then once more.
- Added a series of events for bastard children to either turn into William the Bastard... or die horribly.
- Added a series of events for bastards to disrupt courts if they are so inclined.
- Added a series of regency events for child rulers. Beware your vassals.
- Made some logical adjustments to bankruptcy events defining what you can and cannot steal.
- The Pope and Patriarch get very unhappy when your court is run by heathens. Especially while a Crusade is in effect.
- Chancellors and Stewards impact length of revolts and province wealth.
- New ultracomplex event for distant vassals to break free from their lieges.
- New even more ultracomplex events added to make it rather difficult to maintain law, order, and loyalty in demesne provinces that are distant from the demesne capital (i.e. are not in the same area or an adjacent area). The player will also be at some risk of two of these events whenever the demesne's ruler is far away at war (an approximation of Prince John's treachery when Richard was off on crusade). The AI is not subject to this latter case since it could be too hard for it to manage.
- Added several battle and siege oriented events.
- Added a new event that no one expects, and that will do something with fear, surprise, ruthless efficiency and a fanatical devotion to
#### SCRIPTING ####
- Added "type = papacy" to event_effects file.
- Added "on_crusade" condition. Returns true on at war with Crusade target.
- Added condition to prevent any crusade starting (except "Retake Rome") if Rome is owned by a non-Catholic.
- Added a "province" condition to check province religion/etc.
- Added "type = court value = n" check for more than 'n' adults in a ruler's court.
- Added target "this" for further character events for the current target.
- Added target "knight" for random adult male courtier.
- Added "crusade_target_owner" to determine owner of the current crusade's target province.
- Added "declare_war" effect.
- "remove_regiment" effect fixified.
- Added "type = pregnant" condition.
- Added province condition "is_besieged"
- Added the 'papacy_csc' and 'controller_csc' csc conditions for character conditions.
- "papacy" and "controller" are now valid targets for character event effects.
- Added an 'any_enemy' csc condition for characters.
- Added an 'is_alive' condition.
- Added a 'primary_heir' which is true if first heir to his fathers primary title.
- Added a 'other_heir' which is true if a heir but not the first heir to his fathers primary title. ***seems not to be working at present***
- Added a 'primary_heir' csc for characters.
- Added a 'primary_heir' target for character effects.
- Added a 'other_heir' target for character effects, which picks a random heir which is not the primary heir of current char.
- Added a 'badboy' event effect for characters.
#### TECHNICAL ####
- Changed network protocal from tcp/ip to directplay internal.
#### BUG FIXES ####
- It is no longer possible to be at war with oneself.
- Female court members no longer lose assigned position when married to a courtier.
- Heretics and Excommunicated courtiers no longer granted bishoprics or Papacy.
- Siege and Occupation no longer reset on ruler death.
- Claims should no longer be received against religious enemies via event.
- Fixed faulty logic in health related events.
- Fixed nested event errors possibly responsible for many CTDs.
- Characters with 0 or less piety (or "scum of the earth" badboy) can not be canonized.
- Low fertility characters now less likely to sire bastards.
- Only christians can build churches, monasteries, templar houses, etc.
- Fixed the elusive Virtual Function Call CTD (and there was much rejoicing)
- Fixed hordes of CTDs and other bugs.
- Eliminated possibility to get multiple claims on the same title.
- It should be impossible for a character to receive two educations now.
- RND seeding is now correctly re-rolled for each instance that it is used.
###### SCENARIO CHANGES ######
The list of individual scenario changes annd corrections is simply too long to include in detail. Please go to to view a complete list of all changes.
### CREDITS FOR 1.05 ###
- Johan Andersson - Producer. Without his support and willingness to do a considerable amount of coding during his "free time", this would never have been even remotely possible.
- MrT - project development coordinator, version control, game design, event scripting, database revisions, scenario revisions
- Byakhiam - game design, event scripting, database revisions, scenario revisions
- Grosshaus - game design, bug report management
- Havard - scenario revisions
- Solmyr - scenario revisions
- Styrbiorn - scenario revisions
- King - scenario revisions
- Mad King James - scenario revisions
- BiB - game design, coffee-maker-extraordinaire, head of the pro-Dutch lobby :D
- and a handful of the original beta team who tested and provided internal feedback (Txini, Secret Master, Drakken, Cat Lord, Guiness Monkey, Castellon, magdat, Sonny, Lucias Sulla, celedhring, and apologies to anyone we might have forgotten)
- ALL OF YOU! There is no way this would have happened without your interest and feedback
- In particular, the following members went "above and beyond" to provide special input (events, scenario revisions, text revisions, translations, names, and feedback): Jinnai, Duuk, King of Men, richvh, Gratianus, Zebedee, Clydog, Jools, Riddermark, CSK, Third Angel, Condottiere, Mikon Orod, JScott991, The Phoenix, Fat, Veldmaarschalk, Gaute65, Lord Leto, Cliffracer RIP, Damocles, NexusRTI, esbenmf, Alexandre, ambrox62, viper37, Imrryran, hildoceras, Fawr, and our apoligies to anyone we might have missed or forgotten over the course of the last 18 months of public beta.
We sincerely appreciate everything you have done to help us release this enhancement.
Oliver Guinnes
10.10.04, 17:04
Wären die Regenten, die den Betapatch probieren so nett und würden Ihre Erfahrungen zu posten? Der ein oder andere mag zunächst davor zurück schrecken und ich selbst möchte erst mein Castile-for-ever-Spiel zu Ende bringen (habe von CK nach EU exportiert und spiele mit dem Gedanken auch in Vicky weiterzumachen).
Werde es mir nun mal installieren und später meine Eindrücke posten :)
Oliver Guinnes
10.10.04, 17:26
Und da dachte ich Ihr seid mit KoH mehr als ausgelastet.... :D
Also mir fallen direkt zwei fette Aergernisse auf:
- Im 1337 Szenario starten alle Charaktere mit den Ansehens und Geldwerten der jeweiligen Herrscher
- Unabhaengige Herzoege und Grafen schliessen sich sofort den jeweils zugehoerigen Oberherren an. Bretagne, Genua, Katalonien usw.
Nun ja, ich halte CK noch immer für ein Spiel mit viel Potential, auch wenn ich in aller Regelmäßigkeit vor dem Bildschirm einschlafe - vor allem bin ich nun auf das neue Kreuzzugssystem gespannt und ob die KI stärker in der Lage ist, sich an Kreuzzügen aktiv zu beteiligen. Gesetz dem Fall, das Kreuzzugssystem wäre nun etwas interessanter und nicht nur eine Möglichkeit Piety zu bekommen, müsste nur noch etwas mehr (nun ja, etwas viel mehr) an der Diplomatie geschraubt werden, und das Spiel könnte mich aufs neue begeistern.
Hier mal ein Screenshot, wie diese Kreuzzugsziele aussehen:
Der Kreuzzug ist nun ein gutes halbes Jahr aktiv. Ich bin gespannt, ob und wann sich die christliche KI auf den Weg nach Toledo macht. Leider gab es kein Eventfenster oder ähnliches, dass den Kreuzzug angekündigt hat.
Oliver Guinnes
10.10.04, 18:07
- Unabhaengige Herzoege und Grafen schliessen sich sofort den jeweils zugehoerigen Oberherren an. Bretagne, Genua, Katalonien usw.
Das kam mir auch schon beim Durchlesen der Änderungsliste recht merkwürdig vor. Das scheint mir auch wenig sinnvoll. Mal sehen, vielleicht probier ich es auch, und dann poste ich das mal im Paradoxforum, falls das dort nicht schon irgendwer getan hat.
Erstaunlicherweise hab ich zuerst genau das Gegenteil gedacht. Ich hatte sowieso schon dieses Wochenende ueberlegt was man anders machen koennte um z.B. die Lebensdauer grosser Koenigreiche zu erhoehen, und da ist mir auch eine aehnliche Idee gekommen. In der Form wie es aber jetzt ist, macht es aber keinen Spass, weil es das Ganze Setting zerstoert. Man muesste den Effekt erheblich runterschrauben.
Kann ich ebenfalls bestätigen. Bretagne ist hat sich bei mir nun auch direkt Frankreich angeschlossen. Mir scheint es in der Hinsicht sinnvoll, als dass die Königreiche weniger labil sein könnten und Zusammenbrüche weniger häufig bzw. extrem erfolgen. Wenn sich Herzöge schneller einem König anschließen, als dies bisher der Fall war, so dürften Reichabspaltungen seltener vorkommen. Eine eigenartige Möglichkeit die häufigen Zusammenbrüche der Königreiche zu unterbinden, aber eventuell gar nicht so dumm.
/edit: Da war ich wohl zu langsam ;)
Oliver Guinnes
10.10.04, 18:18
Ich habe mal kurz im Paradoxforum nachgesehen. Beide Probleme sind schon gemeldet. Mir scheint die Idee prinzipiell korrekt, müsste aber weniger häufig passieren. Vielleicht sollte sowas ausgeführt werdne, wenn das jeweilige Herzogtum im Krieg ist oder ein minderjähriger Herrscher auf Thron sitzt oder so.
Naja. Inwiefern es von besonderer Intelligenz zeugt, einen uebermaessigen Abspaltungswahn mit einem horrenden Anschliessungswahn zu berichtigen mag jeder selbst entscheiden.
Ich persoenlich bevorzuge lieber ein richtiges System als zwei falsche.
Es passiert aber doch ganz offensichtlich nur bei ganz bestimmten Herzögen und Grafen. Wäre das System völlig unausgegoren, dann wären jetzt Irland, Wales, Süditalien etc. nicht mehr unabhängig. Also wird es schon von gewissen Faktoren abhängen.
Hier im Übrigen etwas sehr kurioses dazu *g* :
Ich frage mich wirklich, ob solche Patches richtig getestet werden, wenn ich dergleichen sehe.
Es passiert aber doch ganz offensichtlich nur bei ganz bestimmten Herzögen und Grafen. Wäre das System völlig unausgegoren, dann wären jetzt Irland, Wales, Süditalien etc. nicht mehr unabhängig. Also wird es schon von gewissen Faktoren abhängen.
Ja, es haengt davon ab, ob es ein Reich gibt, zu dem diese Provinzen eigentlich gehoeren wuerden. Da es aber in 1066 weder das Koenigreich Irland noch das Koenigreich Wales gibt, bleiben die selbstverstaendlich unabhaengig. Zu welchem Koengireich Apulien gehoert weiss ich jetzt nicht, aber ich gehe mal jede Wette ein, dass sie nicht zum Koenigreich Italien gehoeren.
*lol* hab mir grad mal angeschaut was 1337 in Irland passiert.
Ich glaub ich lass das Spielen erstmal sein, das macht so keinen Sinn.
nun wer diese betapatches installiert ist dazu da fehler zu finden.....
wie schon erwähnt gibt es probleme mit dem neuen crusade system
und nein burgos war nicht häretisch ;-)
gut der erste kleine Fix ist heraussen....
sollte obiges problem lösen, allerdings ist es anscheinend so das es keine event für kreuzzugsstart gibt.....
Nun gegen eine etwas erhöhte Anschlusshäufigkeit hätten wir an sich nichts, aber ein sofortiges Anschließen ist definitiv zu viel des guten.
Mit Rücksicht auf laufende Spiele werden wir uns vorerst auch dem Patch mal enthalten.
Werter Umgssda, da ihr unsere Neugier geweckt habt: was passiert 1337 in Irland?
btw. Apulien---> Kgr. Neapel, existiert auch nicht, passt daher in euer Muster.
Na alle unabhaengigen Fuersten und Grafen schliessen sich dem "Koenigreich" Irland an. Das eigenltich auf ein Herzogtum heruntergestuft wurde und zu England gehoert. Also nach ca. drei Wochen wird ganz Irland von England kontrolliert und nicht ein kleines gaellisches Doerfchen weit und breit leistet noch Widerstand.
hat es schon irgendwer geschafft oder gesehen das ein Kreuzzug beendet wurde?
Start im jahre 76 um Toledo zu befreien..
Nope, KI geht weiterhin nicht auf Kreuzzüge - da scheint nur ne marginale Verbesserung statt gefunden zu haben, wenn überhaupt. Ich leg das Game auch erstmal wieder zur Seite ;)
So wie ich die Eventbefehle verstehe ist da ein riesen Fehler in den Kreuzzugsbeenden Event. Andererseits glaube ich nicht, dass die Skripter so daemlich sind. Also gehe ich im moment noch davon aus, dass ich da einfach etwas falsch verstehe und die Sache nur auf das Zufallsprinzip bei den Ereignissen zurueckzufuehren ist.
Oliver Guinnes
11.10.04, 10:19
Ich frage mich wirklich, ob solche Patches richtig getestet werden, wenn ich dergleichen sehe.
Natürlich nicht. Es ist ein Betapatch der zum öffentlichen Test freigegeben wurde, unteranderem weil die festen Betatester schon in neuen Projekten arbeiten (HoI 2 ?). Der Sinn ist ja gerade, dass die Community tested und vor Problemen ist auch ausreichend in Johanns Text gewarnt worden.
Voellig korrekt. Ich habe mich auch ueber die mangelnde Qualitaet geaergert, aber genau dazu wurde der Patch ja veroeffentlicht.
Also mal ehrlich. Dass sich nach einer Abspaltung von einem Königshaus, der entsprechende Herzog einem meilenweit entfernten Byzantinischen Reich anschloss und mitten im blauen Schweden ein byzantinisches lila erstrahlte, konnte ich schon nach 20 minuten spielen feststellen. Ich verstehe ja, wenn solche Patches als Betapatches markiert werden, damit die Community neue komplexe Systeme austestet. Aber soetwas, sollte den Entwicklern der Patches doch eigentlich selber auffallen, bevor sie den Patch vor die Säue werfen. Man muss Paradox nun wirklich nicht auf Biegen und Brechen verteidigen - hörig bin ich denen jedenfalls noch nicht.
Gibbet noch nen Link, der Europa... funzt nicht (heute) ?
Ich kann ihn Euch per mail schicken, da er nur 1,1MB umfasst.
es gibt nun wohl eine geringfügig verbesserte Version des Patches! Bei mir funktionieren die Downloads aber in jedem Fall:
Hhmm komisch bei mir net, ich schreib Dir mal meine Mail per PM und würde mich über ne Mail freuen :) ...
Oliver Guinnes
11.10.04, 22:26
Naja, werter Arcain, was heißt hörig? Ich geh zum Beispiel auch nicht überall rein wo betreten auf eigene Gefahr steht. Und wenn offiziell darauf hingewiesen wird, dass das ganze noch nicht ausgereift ist, sollte man sich nicht überrascht zeigen, wenn's nicht ausgereift ist. Zudem hat MrT einen Zusatz gepostet, der einige der schlimmsten Fehler wohl behebt.
ich denke, dass es durchaus das bißchen enttäuscht sein wert ist, die neuen betas auszuprobieren und seine erkenntnisse zu posten sei es hier oder im paradox-forum.
War es doch sehr lustig, als Tirol die Bayern und das hl. Reich in den Kreuzzug zu hetzen, unseren Herren den Vortritt zu lassen, bis diese ein wenig zusammengeräumt hatten und sich dann mit 310 mutigen Tirolern nach Spanien aufzumachen.
Als ich dann im 3 oder 4 Anlauf endlich eine Belagerung mit mehr als 2000 meiner genialen Führung unterstehenden zusammengebracht hatte, und das Tiroler Banner schon bei 3/4 Mast war, schloß mein bayrischer Lehnsherr Frieden....
Außer Spesen nichts gewesen, aber wenn Paradox und oder die anderen engagierten Leute es zusammenbringen, da wirklich einen multiköniglichen, herzoglichen,... Kreuzzug entstehen zu lassen wo jeder versucht seine Schäfchen ins Trockene zu bringen, dann zahlt sich ein wenig Ärger doch aus.
Aufgrund der Aufmerksamkeit des werten Ilkhold, wurde das Kreuzzugsproblem nun geklärt...
Das Problem war das für die Kreuzzugsendeevents nach der Religion der PROVINZ und nicht der Herrschers über die Provinz gefragt wurde......
Nun das soll jetzt behoben werden, wird wohl ein wenig (paar Tage, So, Mo) dauern.
Sowas passiert halt, wenn die eine Hand nicht weiss was die andere macht, ihr aber blind vertraut.
neuer betapatch
Oliver Guinnes
25.10.04, 14:24
Wie auch schon im ersten Post angekündigt, gibt's einen neuen Betapatch (23.10). Und zwar hier (
Oliver Guinnes
01.11.04, 14:27
Zu Halloween gab's eine neue Beta Version. Und zwar hier (
Die Änderungen sind im Eingangspost eingefügt und findens sich auch beim verlinkten Post.
Oliver Guinnes
18.11.04, 18:31
Nuer Beta-Patch vom 18.11. (, eher geringfügige Änderung, die Multiplayer und Stabilität verbessern.
Wir haben uns, des Wartens müde, nun auch mal den 18.11-Beta runtergeladen und angetestet, wir hatten zweimal ziemlich seltsame Prestigeverluste ohne irgendetwas getan zu haben, wir sind uns nicht ganz sicher ob es nicht sogar mehr waren jedenfalls konnten wir einmal ein Abrutschen von 20 auf -43 und einige Monate darauf von -43 auf -73 feststellen, getan haben wir in der fraglichen Zeit wie gesagt nichts.
(dachten erst es würde an einem abgelehnten Vassalisierungangebot hängen, aber als wir das wiederholten und es abgelehnt wurde verloren wir kein Prestige)
Ist einem der anwesenden Regenten schon ähnliches wiederfahren?
Oliver Guinnes
03.02.05, 19:02
Und hoch mit dem Thread. Hat schon wer den neuen Beta ausprobiert?
An sich wären wir gern dazu bereit, doch sagt werter Guiness wisst ihr etwas über die Savegamekompatibilität zwischen dem 18.11 patch und dem aktuellen?
Wir haben gerade eine recht schöne Partie laufen und würden diese ungern verlieren.
Hab gerade mal ein Save geladen und es ein paar Jährchen durchlaufen lassen, bisher keine Probleme...
Habt dank für die Information, dann werden wir den Patch gleich mal instalieren.
Oliver Guinnes
06.02.05, 14:32
Ich habe mich erst jetzt ran gewagt und kann nur sagen, dass es auf gar keinen Fall zu 1.04a kompatibel ist.
Nun da wir uns ohnehin um den 1.04a gedrückt hatten und erst mit einer der 1.04b gestartet waren, hatten wir keinerlei Probleme, das Spiel und auch die Savegames funktionieren tadellos.
Seltsam war eben nur das eine Vasallenverhältnis (siehe Thread weiter unten), das allerdings auch erst nach dem letzten Upgrade entstand also nicht auf Versionsunverträglichkeit zurück zu führen sein sollte.
Hatte bisher einen CTD, weiß nicht warum, er kam aber auch nicht wieder. :) Das ist jetzt die 1. beta, die ich spiele, aber mir ist etwas seltsames auffgefallen. Ich habe Herrscher gesehen (der Emir von Mallorca und der König von England), die immer noch den Titel hielten, obwohl sie kein Land mehr hatten. Dafür führten sie aber fleissig Krieg. :???:
Das ist an sich nicht seltsam, gabs bei den Heiden und Moslems früher schon wenn man die Demesne der Herrscher eingenommen hatte, das ist jetzt eben auch auf die christlichen Herrscher ausgeweitet worden. Damit kann man ein Reich nicht mehr zerschlagen indem man einfach die Demesne klaut, finden wir eigentlich ganz schön so.
Imerhin kann der Herrscher ja immer noch mithilfe von Vasallentruppen wieder Land erobern oder einfach einen Titel einfordern und sich so wieder eine Demesne aufbauen.
Etwas umständlich ist es nur immer mit derartigen "Lacklands" zu verhandeln, man muss dann immer über den Personenscreen eines seiner Vasallen auf den Lehensherrn gehen und in dessen Screen dann aufs Wappen.
Aber anscheinend verschwinden sie auch wieder. Jedenfalls waren sie bei mir weg, als ich jetzt weitergespielt habe. Aber die Ohneland sind mir bis jetzt entgangen.
Hatte übrigens noch einen CTD, wieder bei above normal, keinen Grund wieso.
Naja manchmal kriegen sie eben Land, oder ihre Vasallen lehnen ab, was ja Loyalitätsverluste zur Folge hat, sobald die zu groß werden, fallen die Vasallen eben ab. Ist Glückssache.
Wir hatten in unserem aktuellen Provence/Aragon-Spiel ein fast von den Ziriden überanntes Apulien, das nur noch aus zwei Vasallengrafschaften bestand, mittlerweile ist eine der Grafschaften wieder Demesneprovinz.
Oliver Guinnes
18.03.05, 10:23
Werter Regenten und Kreuzfahrere,
es mag Euch interessieren, dass MrT zurückgekehrt ist und die Zügel des Beta-Patch-Prozesses wieder in die Hand genommen hat. Es scheint sogar so, dass Johann, wenn auch wenig, Zeit finden wird um etwas Hard coding vorzunehmen. Insgesamt stellt MrT eine Prioritäten-Liste mit den von den Spielern gewünschten Änderungen zusammen. Wär sich also da einbringen möchte, sollte vielleicht mal im offiziellen Beta-Forum vorbeischauen.
P.s.: Es scheint, dass wir Ende nächster Woche auf ein neues Beta hoffen können.
Oliver Guinnes
22.03.05, 13:43
Und kaum angesprochen, schon ist's da: 21.03.05-Patch (
Ne dumme Frage, ich weis :rolleyes: , aber kann ich ein Savegame auch mit dem neuen bata weiterspielen?
Oliver Guinnes
22.03.05, 20:45
Wie heißt's so schön: dumme Fragen gibt es nicht, allefalls sich wiederholende. Ich hab's nich ausprobiert und im Paradoxforum konnte ich gerade auch nichts dazu finden. Man weiß also nichts genaues, wir können aber Vermutungen anstellen:
a) bei den meisten alten Betas gingen die Savegames; warum nicht dies Mal?
b) es gab keine Änderung an der exe; die meisten Änderungen basieren auf Tweaks der Events bzw. neuen Charaktären in den Anfangsszenarien, das sollte auch nix mit den Safegames machen.
c) Probieren geht über studiern (bzw. fragen)? :)
Super danke!
Hatte nur Angst, dass ich meinen königstitel wieder abgeben muss :D
Update: Beta 24.03.05 (
Ach ja, und:
I found a couple more bugs but I am certain that there is still at least one instance of the dreaded VFC crash bug still in existence (possible theory is that it might relate to the mouse buffer interfering with saves). Until we can track it down and kill it the best way to avoid it appears to be some combination of:
When saving manually, pause the game first and then make a "slow" series of mouse clicks (wait half a second between clicking on buttons) instead of rushing through it.
Avoid making rapid, jerky mouse motions while waiting for a save to finish
If possible, slow game down to "below normal" or lower just prior to each autosave and avoid unnecessary mouse motions just before the save.
Oliver Guinnes
28.03.05, 21:04
Habt Dank,
ich habe gerade mein Usteruralaub abgschollsen. Ich editiere den ersten Post entsprechend.
Oliver Guinnes
01.04.05, 15:27
Und schon wieder ein neues Patch. Schieb hoch und verlink (
Da sind ein paar feine Sachen drinnen!!
Oliver Guinnes
01.04.05, 17:56
Jap. Aber die poste ich auch immer beim ersten Post, der Links zu allen Betas enthält. Change Log gibt's hier (
* Intrigue instead of stewardship is now determining the demesne size.
MUHAHAHA, das heißt wir können jetzt noch gezielter unsere Monarche zu Meuchlern heranziehen, wo waren noch gleich unsere Dolche, Giftfläschchen etc. ? :D
* AI: Rewrote assignment of ducal titles, to only give duchies to vassals with a province in that area already.
Sehr schön, also kein Erzbistum Salesbury auf Mallorca mehr.
Bedauerlicherweise keine Änderung an der sofortunterwerfung von unabhängigen KI-Grafen/Herzögen unter die entsprechenden Könige, hoffen wir das da noch was kommt.
EDIT: weiß eigentlich irgendjemand warum das cultural-conversion-event jetzt eine MTTH von 4000 JAHREN hat? Bzw. warum es überhaupt drin ist?
Geändert worden ist daran soweit wir sehen können, vorher warens 1000 Monate, wenn wir recht entsinnen.
Also ist schon toll, das im Laufe der gesamten Menschheitsgeschichte eine Provinz ihre Kultur ändern kann, nur der Sinn des ganzen erschließt sich uns nicht wirklich.
* Intrigue instead of stewardship is now determining the demesne size.
Wo ist denn da der Sinn der Sache? Oder warum vor 900 Jahren nur die Illuminaten am Werk?
Das mit den Provinzen ist gut, hoffentlich funktioniert es auch wie geplant. War auch nicht immer einfach die Titel richtig/sinnvoll zu vergeben.
Oliver Guinnes
04.04.05, 14:27
Tja, das ist auch für mich eine der Änderung mit der ich mich am wenigsten anfreunden kann. Die Ursach liegt weniger an inhaltlichen Dingen sondern vor allme am Spielmechanismus. Es war das Bestreben einiger Diskutanten im Beta-Forum die übermäßige Bedeutung des Diplomatie- und Verwaltungswertes herunter zufahren und den beiden anderen Eigenschaften mehr gewicht zu geben. Als Beleg für die faktische Bedeutungslosigkeit im Spiel wurde darauf verwiesen, dass wohl fast alle Spieler bei ‚Züchtung’ und Ausbildung (sowie gegebenenfalls Auswahl) des zukünftigen Thronfolgers vor allem auf Diplomatie (wegen der Vasallenloyalität) und Verwaltungsfähigkeit (sowohl Zahl der zu haltenden Eigengüter und Höhe des Einkommens hieraus) achteten und die Militär- bzw. Intrigenwerte nicht beachtet würden. Dies ist eine Beobachtung, die z.B. auch für mich gilt.
Die Bedeutung des Militärwerts wurde durch die entsprechende Konditionierung der Rekrutierung gehoben. Das ist gut so. Die Bedeutung des Ränkewerts soll durch die Verknüpfung mit der Zahl der Eigengüter gestärkt werden. Spielmechanisch vielleicht sinnvoll, inhaltlich zweifelhaft, wenn auch einige der Aktiven im Betaforum hiefür Gründe finden: Auch die Eigngüter wurden ja nicht direkt verwaltet sondern von ‚angestellten’ Verwaltern oder kleinen Vasallen (Rittern) und der Intrigenwert gibt an wie gut man in der Lage ist diese zu lenken und eventuell Unterschlagungen, Korruption etc. aufzudecken.
Wie gesagt, ich käme auch gut ohne diese Änderung aus, aber ganz abwegig ist’s nicht.
Neuer Stoff ( für die werten CK-Fans!
@Djambo: Danke. :)
Scheint so, als hätte Johann keine Lust mehr auf HOI2. :D
Oliver Guinnes
08.04.05, 21:53
Schön brav von Euch Jungs, dass Ihr immer ein Auge drauf habt. Da kann ich ja richtig in Ruhe arbeiten :) ! Ich habe den ersten Post um den Link und das Change Log eingefügt.
(also gleich, in wenigen Minuten)
Basileios II
08.04.05, 22:26
All die netten Beta-Patches haben mich dazu bewogen, das Spiel heute iwder aus dem Regal zu kramen und zu installieren. Spiele derzeit mit dem Königreich Neapel (vormals Herzogtum Apulien) und treibe die Heiden vor mir her. :D
Oliver Guinnes
08.04.05, 22:34
Und, edler Herr, wie gefallen Euch die Änderungen?
Oliver Guinnes
15.04.05, 13:48
Neuer Beta Patch (
(nach unten scrollen)
Schon wieder! :eek:
Kein Wunder, dass das mit HOI2 1.02 nix wird... :D
A character may now only have one alliance.Bin mal gespannt.
Full name+title is now always used for event messages.
Changed the 'click-area' of units to make it easier to select a province with a unit in it.Sehr gut! :)
Tweaked MTTH of advance discovery events to allow many low level techs to be discovered a little more rapidly but higher level techs to be a little slower
Tweaked MTTH of advance spread events to allow somewhat more rapid spread of some low level techs.Schneller aus der Steinzeit. :D
Bastards now have their own unique event to start off their education
Bastards have some special modifiers added to the finish education events if they possess an additional "tag trait"
You will see somewhat more bastards created during the game (apologies if they happen a little too often now and the mtth needs to be tweaked a bit)
Bastards will now play a somewhat more active role in court life - in some cases this will be good and in other cases... Once in a while a bastard event will trigger that branches out into several event chains. Resist the urge to look at them in advance and have some fun role-playing them. The event chains might result in a little bit of spam once in a while, but it's all in a good game-play cause. This is the first instalment of a larger planned set. Enjoy!Sehr schön!
Updated the definition of "ruler_child" in the event effects.txt file
Updated the definition of "independence" in the event effects.txt fileDefinition? :???:
Nur eine Allianz ist ne ganz nette Sache um die Möglichkeiten riesiger Eskalationskriege zu vermeiden, allerdings wäre insgesamt ein Allianzsystem a la EU2 imho schöner gewesen, denn nur PaarAllies sind uns denn doch ein wenig langweilig.
(abgesehen davon, dass wir eigentlich keine Allianzen schließen um so im Krieg alles einheimsen zu können.)
An dieser Stelle mal ein Dank an den werten OG, dass er uns immer auf dem neuesten Stand hält.
Ich glaube ich hatte CK das letzte Mal noch unter 1.03 gespielt.
Habe gestern eine neue Partie gestartet inkl. aller Betas. Der heutige folgt noch.
Allgemein läst sich sagen, das es sich inzwischen besser Spielen lässt und mir jetzt mehr Spass bringt.
Leider habe ich bis zum heutigen Tage nicht begriffen, wie man dafür sorgen kann, fremde Titel zu erben. :rolleyes:
1. Es muss ein Erbrecht sein, dass auch über die weibliche Linie klappt.
2. Es dürfen keine Söhne beim entsprechenden Erblasser vorhanden sein.
3. Man sollte einen Nachkommen mit der Tochter des Erblassers produziert haben.
4. Diese Tochter muss die älteste sein die Kinder hat.
5. Der Erblasser muss einen bedauerlichen Unfall erleiden oder schlicht zu alt sein.
6. Der Nachkomme seiner Tochter (zugleich eigener Sohn oder Enkel) beerbt den Erblasser.
7. Der erbende Sohn/Enkel sollte auch der eigene Erbe sein oder ebenfalls einen bedauerlichen Unfall erleiden.
8. fertig
(9. der Beitrag gehört wohl eher in die Vererbungslehre, wir bitten um Verzeihung)
Oliver Guinnes
16.04.05, 14:49
Nach hier ( kopiert und um einen Aspekt ergänzt.
Nur eine Allianz ist ne ganz nette Sache um die Möglichkeiten riesiger Eskalationskriege zu vermeiden, allerdings wäre insgesamt ein Allianzsystem a la EU2 imho schöner gewesen, denn nur PaarAllies sind uns denn doch ein wenig langweilig.
(abgesehen davon, dass wir eigentlich keine Allianzen schließen um so im Krieg alles einheimsen zu können.)
An dieser Stelle mal ein Dank an den werten OG, dass er uns immer auf dem neuesten Stand hält.
Da wäre doch die Idee von uns mit den verschiedenen "Orden" doch recht brauchbar...
Dr. w.c. Gerland
17.04.05, 20:12
Beste Herren,
auch Wir wollten Uns mit dem aktuellem Beta Patch wieder an Crusader Kings wagen. Nur leider bleibt Uns der Zugang zum Paradoxplaza verwehrt. Seit gestern Abend wird "Die Seite nicht gefunden".
Unsere Frage: Liegt das nun an Uns oder liegt Paradoxplaza brach?
General Guisan
17.04.05, 20:18
Liegt brach, wie so manches Wochenende zuvor auch...
Die Paradox-Seite ist in den letzten Monaten leider immer öfters instabil, die Jungs sind leider weit davon entfernt, das Problem in den Griff zu bekommen scheinbar..
Dr. w.c. Gerland
17.04.05, 20:20
Habt Dank für die schnelle Antwort, edler Guisan. :)
Nun denn werden Wir es eben in den nächsten Tagen wieder probieren und Uns in der Zwischenzeit weiter mit Sim City 4 beschäftigen.
Der Zarewitsch
18.04.05, 13:15
Schön,daß schon wieder ein neuer patch da ist.Habe wohl genau zur rechten Zeit den Wiedereinstieg in CK gewählt.
Hoffe allerdings,daß mein Rechner mit der neuen Version besser zu Recht kommt als bisher.
Drei(!!!!) AAR-Anläufe mußte ich schon abrechen wegen völlig unberechenbarer Spielabstürze. :schrei: :heul: :mad:
Hatte bisher nur einen CtD beim Autosave. (Virtual Function Call halt...) Ansonsten läuft's sehr gut. Befürchte nur, dass ich nächsten Freitag wieder ein neues Spiel anfangen muss. :( :tongue:
BtW, geiler Techtravel... :D
Ich habe damals ja einige Mod´s für CK gemacht, glaube, es war noch zu v1.02er Zeiten.
Bestünde Interesse und wäre es sinnvoll, die jetzt für die neueste Version anzupassen?
Wenn ich mich nicht ganz täusche, dann beißt sich vor allem die Mod für die Dynastie-Namen mit den neuen Patches.
Namen sind nicht mehr das Thema, denke ich, aber als ich Euch hier entdeckte, dachte ich gleich an die großartige CoA-Sammlung, die Ihr damals erstelltet. Es wird sicherlich ein paar andere Titel geben als damals, das Gros (gerade bei Counties) wird aber unverändert sein. :)
Vielleicht sollte man noch 1.05 abwarten.
Namen sind nicht mehr das Thema, denke ich, aber als ich Euch hier entdeckte, dachte ich gleich an die großartige CoA-Sammlung, die Ihr damals erstelltet. Es wird sicherlich ein paar andere Titel geben als damals, das Gros (gerade bei Counties) wird aber unverändert sein. :)
Die CoA´s sind sicher das kleinste Problem. Da kann ich gerne mal eine Komplettdatei basteln.
Inwiefern sind Namen kein Thema mehr? Ist die Originaldatenbank im Spiel über die Patches hinweg erweitert worden? Sind Dynastie-Namen jetzt auch in deutsch erhältlich? Mir wurde bei diesem "of Frankonia" immer so ein wenig schwummrig. ;)
Ich hab's bei den letzten Spielen nicht mehr beachtet, allerdings gab's auch nichts mehr, was mir negativ aufgestossen wäre. Das of Frankonia gibt's glaub ich nicht mehr.
Eine Komplettdatei mit CoAs von Eurer Hand wäre was feines. :)
Der Zarewitsch
19.04.05, 09:59
Namen sind absolut ein Thema!
Bei meiner jetzigen Partie haben mein Patriarch und seine drei Söhne alle den gleichen Vornamen,an meinem Hof lungern zwei Typen mit komplett gleichen Namen rum und die Frauen in Nah und Fern scheinen auch alle nur eine Hand voll Vornamen zu kennen! grrrr!
Eine Auffrischung wäre also mehr als wünschenswert. :top:
Eure frühere Namensliste,verehrter Elias,ließ sich mit den neuen patches gar nicht mehr laden.
Gilt das sowohl für die Vornamen-Liste, als auch für die Dynastienamens-Liste?
Der Zarewitsch
19.04.05, 11:59
Habe nur die Vornamensliste geprüft.
Dann wurde da sicher irgendwas an der Struktur geändert. Weiß jemand was?
Sollte ja eigentlich kein Problem sein auf für die neuen Patches eine Vornamen-Mod zu bauen. Die Namen selbst hab ich alle hier, sie müssen nur richtig eingebaut werden.
Mal was anderes:
Full name+title is now always used for event messages.Sagt mal, funktioniert das bei Euch?
Es wurden sowohl die Vornamen als auch die Dynastien Liste wieder geändert. Sehr ärgerlich für mich, da ich selbst die Dynastien Liste mal "Orginalisiert" habe (also keine "ofs" in Spanien, Frankreich etc.). Leider habe ich die vergessen zu sichern beim Überspielen des neusten Patch. Daher wäre ich für eine "bessere" Dynastie und Vornamen Liste dankbar.
Die Häufung der Vornamen liegt wohl daran, daß Paradox manche Namen mehrfach in der Vornamensliste eingefügt hat, um wahrscheinlich häufig benutzte Namen hervorzuheben. Leider neben dadurch auf Länge hin die Variationen ab und alle nähern sich gleichen Namen ;).
Also Elias! Aktiviert Eure Namensdateien!
Gruß Hesse
PS.: Kann mich natürlich auch irren.
In den ersten Versionen von CK war es ja einfach so, dass es dort viel zu wenig Vornamen gab, so das ständig die selben genommen wurden. Deshalb haben wir das damals ja überhaupt gemacht.
Um die erweiterten Namenslisten jetzt wieder gangbar zu machen müsste man aber wissen warum die alten nicht mehr funktionieren.
Wir glauben, daß diese lediglich ersetzt wurden, da Paradox einige Erweiterungen bei den Namen vorgenommen hat. So scheint es mehr Dynastien zu geben und mehr Vornamen. Eure Vornamensliste dürfte eigentlich verwendbar sein. Bei der Dynastien-Liste müssen wohl die neuen Dynastien herausgefunden bzw. angepaßt werden.
Wie gesagt, es kann auch sein, daß ich vollkommen falsch liege.
Oliver Guinnes
22.04.05, 17:18
Werter Herren,
so leid es mir tut, kann ich Euch diese Woche leider nicht mit der üblichen Meldung beglücken. Zwar hatte MrT einen neuen Patch für heute angekündigt, musste dies jedoch leider zurück ziehen, da die geplanten Änderungen im harten Code in Johans knapp bemessener Zeit nicht fertig wurde. Daher müssen wir uns bis nächste Woche vertrösten, dabei war icht zu erkennen, ob sie dann bis Freitag warten wollen, oder schon zu Beginn der Woche mit einer neuen Version kommen.
Ich hab heute von eins bis halb vier immer wieder meinen Browser refresht, um zu sehen, ob er kommt. :(
Naja, kann ich mein altes Provence-Spiel weiterzocken. :D
Erster! :D
Der Neue (
28.04.05, 18:10
Endlich ne Ausrede mein Spiel aufzuhören....
Lästiger Nachbarfürst hat mich einfach überfallen während ich Heiden bekehren war...grr
Gleich beim ersten Autosave blieb es hängen....
Runtine error # 2...
diesmal als ich selber saven wollte.
Läuft aber ansonsten Jahrelang stabil!
Der Zarewitsch
29.04.05, 09:04
Kann ich alte savegames mit nem neuen patch weiterspielen?
Ja,ja...der runtime error hat mich auch schon paar mal in Wuträusche versetzt!! :(
Für gewöhnlich machen die Beta-Patches keine Probleme was Savegames angeht, aber unsere Hand würden wir dafür nicht ins Feuer legen.
hab mir grade das spiel bei Amazon bestellt und würde gerne wissen welche betapatches ihr mir empfielt.
1.04 und 1.04a müssen vorher instaliert werden, oder?
der normale 1.04a muss drauf sein bevor die Betapatches draufkommen, sonst sucht das Spiel nach der ein oder anderen Datei die nicht existiert und hängt sich auf.
An sich sind die Betapatches durchaus hübsch, natürlich hat man immer das Risiko das einer etwas verbuggt ist.
Darum frage ich ob ihr mir die betapatches empfielt, oder sollte man lieber auf 1.05 warten?
ps. sind ja ich glaub 5 im angebot reicht es aus wenn ich den letzten benutze, oder müssen sie hinternander installieren?
Es reicht eigentlich immer der jeweils letzte Betapatch auf den 1.04a.
Was die Frage angeht ob man sie nutzen sollte, da würden wir mit einem klaren JA antworten, gerade eine ganze Reihe der neuen Events sind wirklich gut gemacht und sehr spielspaßfördernd.
CK hat durch die betas extrem an Spielspaß dazu gewonnen, die Patchs sind für mich zumindest ein muss. :)
29.04.05, 17:42
Behauptet der dreiste Spionagechef doch tatsächlich mein Sohn sei gar nicht meiner Manneskraft entsprungen...
Naja, ich habe ihn jetzt seit dem ich ihm auftrug das Verließ zu kontrollieren, nichts weitere von ihm gehört *gg*
Oh wir hatten schon einen Diözesenbischof der einen Höfling der Ketzerei beschuldigte, da der gute Bischof allerdings schizophren war vermuteten wir einfach er meine sich selbst und spendierten ihm eine Auslandsreise ohne Rückfahrkarte.
Lustig war, dass er danach meinte er habe einen Anspruch auf unsere Krone, woraufhin wir eben noch einen Fahrschein für einen der Herren in Schwarz ziehen mussten. Auch von diesem Bischof ward seither nichts mehr vernommen :D
30.04.05, 14:24
Herrlich, endlich bringt die religiöse Erziehung mal was. Habe mich vorher schon immer gefragt, wieso ich 10 Jahre lang einem Kloster Geld zuschanze, nur damit mein heidnischer Neffe weiterhin seinem Unglauben behaftet bleibt.
Nun wird er endlich wahrer Christ.
Ich sehe das Licht!
Oliver Guinnes
01.05.05, 18:47
Der Link zum 28.04 ist nun auch im ersten Post eingefügt, natürlich samt change log.
P.s.: werter Arminus habt Dank für Eure Aufmerksamkeit!
Braucht man nur den Beta-Patch oder muss man vorher den normalen 1.04er installieren?
04.05.05, 22:49
Braucht man nur den Beta-Patch oder muss man vorher den normalen 1.04er installieren?
Erst den letzten offiziellen Patch, dann den Beta drüber kopieren.
Oliver Guinnes
06.05.05, 11:59
Minibeta (
Wichtig!!! Unbedingt die Anmerkung von MrT lesen
Nanu? Hat wegen des Konvents keiner der Regenten die Beta vom 13.05. mitbekommen?
Link (
Am Wochenende war das Pdox-Forum nur down...
Der Zarewitsch
16.05.05, 16:45
Das ist ja ein ganz schön dickes Paket,das der Johann da zusammengeschnürt hat!
Alle Achtung.
Was meint er wohl damit: Added a system for terrain restrictions on buildings.
Da beschleichen uns böse Befürchtungen z.b. über die Baubarkeit von Minen im Flachland, eine derartige Einschränkung fänden wir ehrlich gesagt nicht wirklich toll
16.05.05, 18:31
Nun es geht darum, dass es reichlich unspektakulär ist seine Provinzen auszubauen. Jede Provinz darf stets das selbe bauen, vorrausgesetzt sie hat genug Einkommen (wichtig für einige Bauten). Es ist aber sicherlich fragwürdig, wie man in den Bergen ein ausgebautes Strassennetz baut oder in der Wüste Förstereien. Von daher gibt es einen Test, dies ein wenig an die Terrainarten anzupassen. Ich finde das eine interessante Idee. Mehr Info hier:
Mr. T wünscht Ideen für Restriktionen der Provinzbauten (
Hab ich es richtig verstanden, dass es die russische Königskrone nicht mehr gibt? :???:
Ansonsten, ja, es ist ein verdammt dickes Paket. Also kann ich mein Welfenspiel einstampfen und auf zu neuen Ufern. Dumm nur, dass der Dynastie-AAR schon begonnen hat, der Patch sieht verdammt gut aus.
Kann es sein, dass mit dem neuen Patch die Wahrscheinlichkeit für die Beulenpest erhöht wurde und diese schon in früheren Jahren einsetzt ?
Ich spiell gerade im Jahre des Herrn 1105 und die Pest hat die bekannte Welt fest im Griff :eek:
cu Drantos
17.05.05, 02:38
das wird sicherlich noch ein wenig "feingetuned" werden, aber die Pest sollte nicht mehr nur noch auf den historischen Pestzeitraum beschränkt sein. Hier allerdings bleibt die Wahrscheinlichkeit hoch.
Guckst du hier: May 13 Plague - FYI ( :)
Naja, dann werd ich einfach den nächsten Beta - Patch abwarten. Hab keine Lust in der db rumzupfuschen.
Kann mich jetzt wenigstens mal um andere Spiele kümmern, die sich aufgrund von CK Abhängigkeit sehr vernachläsigt fühlen :)
cu Drantos
Oliver Guinnes
17.05.05, 20:21
Nun auch auf der ersten Seite verlinkt!
Hab ich es richtig verstanden, dass es die russische Königskrone nicht mehr gibt? :???:
Ansonsten, ja, es ist ein verdammt dickes Paket. Also kann ich mein Welfenspiel einstampfen und auf zu neuen Ufern. Dumm nur, dass der Dynastie-AAR schon begonnen hat, der Patch sieht verdammt gut aus.
Das würd ich nicht sagen, werter Arminus. Ich stampfe meine Chronica auch nicht ein, weil ich für das Dynastie-Game mit der Beta 13.05 spiele.
Ich habe einfach den CK-Ordner in Venedig umbenannt und die Desktop entsprechend geändert. CD reingelegt und auf Reparieren geklickt. Schon habe ich 2 CK's auf dem Rechner. Die neue CK-Installation werde ich nun patchen.
Ich hoffe doch, die Save vom werten Galadon dann auch laden zu können.
Hab ich es richtig verstanden, dass es die russische Königskrone nicht mehr gibt? :???:
tja sieht wirklich so aus, wurde anscheinend durch ne andere ersetzt, auch wenn ich den grund nicht so wirklich dafür verstehe :???:
Oliver Guinnes
18.05.05, 14:08
Werter Madcat,
bezieht sich Eure Aussage auf einen Test mit dem Patch oder das Change-log? Letzteres würde ich eher so interpretieren, dass einige der Provinzen die in den älteren Versionen das Königreich der Rus ausmachten nun bei Cuman gelandet sind, was das Erreichen der russischen Königskrone ja eher erleichtern würde.
ich hatte mich jetzt auf das changelog bezogen, anscheinend ist dieses interpretationsfähig :)
Oliver Guinnes
18.05.05, 17:57
Guter Hinweis. Denn mein vohergehnder Post ist bloß eine Interpretation.
Oliver Guinnes
20.05.05, 18:34
Leider gibt's diese Woche laut MrT keine neue Beta, dafür wird dann die Version in der nächsten Woche umso besser :D ! Vielleicht kmmt die dann auch vor Freitag raus (wäre ja nicht das schlechteste mit dem Feiertag).
Der Zarewitsch
21.05.05, 08:42
Man muß ja sagen,daß die Para-Jungs sehr,sehr fleißig sind.Ihre patches sind mehr schon ein Umschreiben der ursprünglichen Regeln als nur ein Korrigieren und Anpassen.
Einerseits schön für das Spiel und für uns,andererseits störend,besonders wenn man versucht einen einheitlichen AAR zu verfassen.
Seit meinem Spielbeginn sind bestimmt ein halbes Dutzend patches rausgekommen.
Wenn das so weitergeht muß ich meinen Bericht neu definieren:
AAR = Andauernd Andere Regeln! :D
Oliver Guinnes
21.05.05, 15:22
Jap. Sehr gute Arbeit von den Jungs dort. Ich hoffe sie passen noch die Persönlickeitsentwicklungsevents an. Mit einem großen Hof kostet es verdammt viel Zeit für die Zwei, Sechs- und Zwölfjährigen festzulegen welche Eigenschaften sie nun bekommen. Vielleicht sollten diese nur die Kinder aud der eigenen Dynastie oder gar des Herrschers betreffen. Ich lege mein derzeitiges Spiel mal bis dahin auf Eis.
24.05.05, 21:10
Warum sind auf der ersten Seite alle Beta-Patches aufgeführt? Damit man je nach Geschmack den Patch ziehen kann, dessen Verbesserungen einem am besten gefallen? Oder brauche ich etwa alle?
Oliver Guinnes
24.05.05, 21:12
Ihr braucht 1.04a und dann ein beliebiges Patch. Auf der ersten Seite sind alle der vollständigkeithalber angegeben, damit man sich sein Lieblingspatch ziehen kann.
24.05.05, 21:13
Ich bin ja hier einige Annehmlichkeiten gewöhnt, die dieses Board positiv von anderen abhebt, aber eine dermaßen schnelle Antwort...
...Danke schön! :)
Welchen Beta präferiert ihr denn, werter OG?
24.05.05, 22:30
Ungefragt antworte ich einmal, stets den letzten!
Den vom 28.4. Damit kann ich recht zufriedenstellend spielen. Danach wird es doch etwas zu experimentell.
25.05.05, 09:36
Hmm... leider ist das Paradox-Board wieder mal down. Kann man über die E-mail-Funktion dieses Boards Attachments mitschicken? Dann würde ich jemanden darum bitten mir per E-Mail die Beta vom 28.04. zu senden.
Oliver Guinnes
25.05.05, 09:44
Der letzte Beta ist nur zu empfehlen, wenn man MrTs Anweisung zur Behebung des Pestbugs befolgt. Zudem ist bei etwas größeren Höfen störend, dass es für jedes Kind drei Persönlichkeitsentwicklungsevents gibt. An sich sehr schön von der Atmosphäre her, aber wenn man jeden zweiten Spieltag entscheiden muss welche Charaktereigenschaften irgend so ein Blag bekommt wird's doch etwas nervig. Da dies aber hoffentlich im nächsten Patch behoben wird, sollte es kein Hinderugnsgrund sein, dies Patch zu nutzen (eher schon der Pestbug).
Nein, noch ist die Beta nicht da, aber MrT hat dann doch mal was dazu gesagt:
Actually, I will go so far as to post a few lines from the next patch's change log:
The KoJ formation event will now only trigger for the province of Jerusalem
The KoJ event will now be far less likely to trigger if one of the local duchies - TYRE, SINA, PALE, OULT, ASCA - is in existence (but it still could) and it will not trigger if Jerusalem is directly part of one of those duchy's demesne AND the duchy is independent (but it could happen if the duchy is a vassal).
Crusader state breakfree event tweaked (liege and vassal must be the same religion for this particular event to fire now)
Byzantine Civil War events should work a little better now.
New ultracomplex event for distant vassals to break free has been added (which is really just Byakhiam shooting for the Guiness World Record for "the longest event ever scripted for CK" award :p)
A set of new even more ultracomplex events added to make it rather difficult to maintain law, order, and loyalty in demesne provinces that are distant from the demesne capital (i.e. are not in the same area or an adjacent area). For further challenge, the player will also be at some risk of two of these events whenever the demesne's ruler is far away at war (an approximation of Prince John's treachery when Richard was off on crusade). The ai isn't suject to this latter case since it could be too hard for it to manage. (Oh...and these make Byak's aforementioned world record event-length attempt all for naught :D)
Der Zarewitsch
28.05.05, 14:55
Ich hoffe sie überpatchen das Spiel nicht....ein wenig Sorge überkommt mich da schon.
Werter Zar, mehr Zuversicht. Das Spiel läuft mittlerweile recht stabil. Und wenn Euch gewisse Features stören sollten... der Vorteil ist doch der, dass fast alles bei CK Events sind. Und die kann man mit # immer noch stoppen. ;)
Vom 3.06.2005 (
Change Log
Added a province condition called 'is_besieged'.
Added the 'papacy_csc' and 'controller_csc' csc conditions for character conditions.
'papacy' and 'controller' are now valid targets for character event effects.
Added an 'any_enemy' csc condition for characters.
Added an 'is_alive' condition.
Added a 'primary_heir' which is true if first heir to his fathers primary title.
Added a 'other_heir' which is true if a heir but not the first heir to his fathers primary title.
Added a 'primary_heir' csc for characters.
Added a 'primary_heir' target for character effects.
Added a 'other_heir' target for character effects, which picks a random heir which is not the primary heir of current char.
Added a 'badboy' event effect for characters.
Sieges and occupations are no longer reset if a ruler dies in a war.
Fixed a major bug with the 'this' character target which did not work at all before.
Added more debug-code to track down faulty event-effect targets.
Cleaned up several typo'ed effect targets.
Adjusted some of the effects for traits.
Made some revisions to the trait names (as displayed in game...and yes, this includes the oft-requested correct religious terminology for beatified and sanctified)
Fixed some typos/grammar/descriptions in the trait_text.csv file and added a parenthetical summary of each one's effects to the end of the descriptions)
Vassal break-away event for Catholics now checks that liege is also catholic in the trigger. (Non-coreligionist vassal break-away is handled by a different event.)
Fixed an error I made in the calculations to set the base mtth values for plague events (and executed myself for the stupid error in not noticing that the trigger is for area, not province, and was thus 82 times more likely to trigger than I had originally expected)
Tweaked recovery rate from plague to be a little lower
Plague will spread a little more slowly into and out of certain terrains.
Pneumonic plague will now not break out unless Bubonic plague has already run its course.
Tweaked a few of the health and fertility reducing events to be a little less severe
Several illnesses (plague, pneumonia, leprousy) now have a perminent, lasting effect even if your character manages to recover from them.
For load-reduction reasons, rewrote triggers for the character catching the plague event. Only rulers and court officers will now get plague if any demesne province has the plagu-- as long as they aren't commanding an army. All other courtiers and children will only be at risk if the demesne capital has the plague, or if another character at court has the plague.
Characters who are commanding active regiments will now be at significant risk of contracting the plague if they are located in a province that is suffering from this affliction.
Characters who are commanding active regiments and are located in provinces that are experiencing various diseases (typhoid, malaria, etc.) now stand a very good chance of contracting illness from being there.
Characters who are commanding active regiments will no longer spread any diseases they have to anyone else in court, nor will they be able to contract a disease from another courtier.
Rewrote many of the triggers for the Masque of the Red Death series of events to be less CPU intensive (plus the above changes to make sure spread doesn't happen to or from someone who isn't at home)
Characters who have contracted the plague will have a much better chance of recovering if they are located in a province with either bubonic or pneumonic plague immunity (which is the demesne capital if they aren't currently commanding a regiment).
Added a few more spread neighbours in the Holy Land (thanks to Jinnai for the reminder and leg work )
The KoJ formation event will now only trigger for the province of Jerusalem
The KoJ event will now be far less likely to trigger if one of the local duchies - TYRE, SINA, PALE, OULT, ASCA - is in existence (but it still could) and it will not trigger if Jerusalem is directly part of one of those duchy's demesne AND the duchy is independent (but it could happen if the duchy is a vassal).
If you avail yourself of the "free courtier" events you now have a chance of gaining the "trusting" trait, and if you decline them then you may gain the "suspicious" trait. Rulers who are trusting will now be more likely to be visited by the fleeing nobles and rulers who are suspicious are quite a bit less likely.
New ultracomplex event for distant vassals to break free has been added (which is really just Byakhiam shooting for the Guiness World Record for "the longest event ever scripted for CK" award )
Crusader state breakfree event tweaked (liege and vassal must be the same religion for this particular event to fire now)
Byzantine Civil War events should work a little better now.
A set of new even more ultracomplex events added to make it rather difficult to maintain law, order, and loyalty in demesne provinces that are distant from the demesne capital (i.e. are not in the same area or an adjacent area). For further challenge, the player will also be at some risk of two of these events whenever the demesne's ruler is far away at war (an approximation of Prince John's treachery when Richard was off on crusade). The ai isn't suject to this latter case since it could be too hard for it to manage. (Oh...and these make Byak's aforementioned world record event-length attempt all for naught )
All childhood events can now fire until age 16 so a child that begins life in another (AI) court can still get some interesting traits if he or his dad inherit and become the player's principal dynastic line)
Large courts (15+ adults) will have only ruler and ruler's children receiving the "special" childhood trait events. All others will revert to the "generic" set of childhood traits.
Few areas and regions tweaked slightly in the province.csv, and the base income values of a few provinces in Sicily were adjusted. Also fixed two province area assignments where the area name was incorrect (Syrian Desert instead of Syrian_Desert).
The Kingdom of Navarra is now non-recreatable if it falls. Prov 152 now treated as "naturally" part of CAstile and prov 201 now treated as "naturally" part of Aragon. Yes, historically it managed to endure throughout the era but it's a rather big exploit that needed to be at least partially removed.
Tweaked the Mongol Invasion events a bit. Political choas leading to gavelkind is now less likely to happen. Settlement less likely to happen. Reinforcement events are now double-scaled -- playing at higher difficulty levels will spawn reinforcements when number of realm regiments is below X (with "X" varying by difficulty from 6 to 10).
Temporarily de-randomized the Horde troop events so we can get a better handle on them via consistent testing. They will be re-randomised once overall balance level is better known. (Good idea Pode!)
It is now extremely unlikely that plague will continue to spread within a court once the demesne capital has developed an immunity to the plague (mtthx10 for each immunity so if capital has both then event would have mtth of 3600 months sintead of 36 months)
Fixed a frighteningly large number of event errors where culture = moslem or religion = muslim were used in error (should be the reverse)
Found and fixed a potential situation that could be created by an event and might cause save corruption or a possible crash.
Made some tweaks to the terrain restrictions for province improvements. Huge castle restrictions remain (the terrain effect on attrition in those regions at least has some similar impact). Also tweaked a couple ai build priorities.
It should now be impossible to have two educations (all are now treated as the antithesis of each other).
Fixed an error in the law events that changed a vassal's law to the wrong one.
New random courtier dynasties added in Georgia & Rus
Italian random dynasties expanded and made more historical
To make it a little easier to keep track of, the various large realm disruption events have been removed from their previous assorted files and assembled together in a new file called "realm_disruption_events.txt" and a new ID range has been assigned for future events of this type.
A ruler will no longer get the "you're a coward for not leading your troops" event unless at least one regiment in the realm is active.
Fixed some misleading event text.
Chaplain now has positive modifier effect on the "plays chess" event.
Some minor tweaks to low class power events to make action A a little more appealing in the level 2 and level 3 versions of the event.
Slightly tweaked the effects of the "reward for investment" class events.
Scholarly theologians and mastermind theologians will have a significantly better chance of converting an orthodox province to Catholicism and visa versa.
Some other tweaks made to modifiers on the mass scale conversions events.
The mtth for province cultural conversion has been temporarily dropped rather a lot until I have time to thoroughly review this again and figure out why it isn't happening as expected. All cultural modifiers also remmed out for now.
Made a lot of other tweaks to province_version events.
The heresy event series is under review but no changes have been implemented to this patch since they are not yet fully ready and tested.
English metling pot events will now happen somewhat more slowly than before.
Papal controller will now get a little more benefit from the position by hvaing indulgences trickle his way more often than before.
The Pope and Patriarch will now no longer get upset if you have a non-Christian regimental commander but will continue to be pissed off if you grant them one of the main court offices.
The foreign claim-holder event now allows an option to reject the courtier if you wish.
Court religious purges during crusades will no longer kill (or be otherwise nasty) towards a Catholic ruler's children (if they are living at home and not Catholic). Instead, they will immediately convert to Catholicism.
Vassals with extremely low loyalty may now receive an event to allow them to break free from theier liege (but must declare war when doing so, even without a claim) or attempt to reconcile. They are far more likely to do this if they are not at war at the same time that their liege is. This will give players (and the AI) a chance for freedom without pledging to another liege, however they do not receive a claim when they become independent so they will need to either manufacture one or force their liege to peace by demanding cash and/or recognition of their titles.
Demesne provinces that have a different religion than their owners are now far more likely to cause problems and become rebellious...although this now offers a new chance to convert them (bloodily) to the realm religion.
Added a set of very nasty disruption events for rulers holding multiple kingdom titles.
Removed them again...needs a couple bits of coding before it will work properly.
Byznatine Civil war events reworked a bit. It will tend to lead to internal wars instead of the ping-pong independent/vassal behaviour we've had in previous patches.
Young adults with somewhat conflicting traits may epxerience events that allow them to reconcile these by focussing on one or another trait. They may also have the opportunity to remove the lazy trait or lose the energetic trait.
Regency events have been given a major revision/overhaul.
Nubia now has its own random courtier dynasties separate from the Muslim world
1066 scenario: Mathilda of Canossa now Duchess of Toscana and Papal controller
1066 scenario: Savoie dynasty now called de Savoie and is fully Italian
1066 scenario: historical dynasties/rulers in Sardinia, Corsica, Urbino, Ancona, Orvieto, Trent
1066 scenario: Hildebrand (Gregory VII) now bishop of Orbetello and is likely to become the next Pope
1066 scenario: other historical future Popes now have their historical names/dynasties and traits
1066 scenario: all of Bohemia now Bohemian instead of German
1066 scenario: Franche-Comte now Frankish instead of German
1066 scenario: Lorraine now German instead of Frankish
1066 scenario: Milano now elective with Fulco d'Este as first heir
1066 scenario: many northern Italian domains now direct vassals of the HRE
1066 scenario: Sardinia and Corsica now independent
1066 scenario: added claims: Pope on Benevento, bishop of Parma (antipope) on Papal State, Pisa and Genoa on Corsica and Sardinia, Apulia on Napoli and Capua
1066 scenario: Zachlumia, Ragusa, Hum, Rama now catholic
1066 scenario: Ansbach now represents bishopric of Bamberg
1066 scenario: Von Lenzburg dynasty in Bern
1066 scenario: D'Ardennes/de Bar/de Luxembourg dynasties expanded and connected
1066 scenario: County of Holand expanded its territory
1066 scenario: Mecklenburg and Pommerania now Western Slavic
1066 scenario: Estonia now Ugric Baltic
1066 scenario: Amida, Aleppo, Palmyra now Arab Muslim
1066 scenario: Kiev and Novgorod now allied (father and son)
1187 scenario: added Saladin
1187 scenario: Rastko Nemanjic's stats tweaked
1187 scenario: added Thouars dynasty
1187 scenario: fixed minor issues with dynasties of Forez & Perigord
1187 scenario: expanded dynasty in Limoges
1187 scenario: added de Clare dynasty, likely to inherit Gloucester
1187 scenario: added/expanded de Redvers dynasty
1187 scenario: expanded Gwynedd dynasty
1187 scenario: added counts of Powys
1187 scenario: added Montfort dynasty in Evreux
1187 scenario: added de Preuilly dynasty in Vendome
1187 scenario: gave Philippe of France claims on the areas he conquered right after gamestart
1187 scenario: changed CROA tag to DCRO
1187 scenario: tweaked stats of Queen Thamar the Great of Georgia
1187 scenario: Queen Thamar now some month prematurely married to David Soslan of the same dynasty, in order to make the country playable
1187 scenario: Abkhazia to Georgia
1187 scenario: connected the various Rurikid branches
1187 scenario: removed duplicate 22688
1187 scenario: made Rurik Rurikovich count of Belgorod
1187 scenario: Kujavia now a vassal of Wielkopolska
1187 scenario: added historical figures in Italy: future popes and consuls
1187 scenario: historical ruler in Senj, Subic dynasty
1187 scenario: added Frangepans in Veglia
1187 scenario: added Komnenos dynasty, rulers of Cyprus
1187 scenario: added Rubenid dynasty in Cilicia
1187 scenario: added Laskaris dynasty
1187 scenario: added Hetumi dynasties in Adana and Lykandos
1187 scenario: added Basileos Batatzes, prince of Thrake
1187 scenario: added Kantakouzenos dynasty, princes of Lydia
1187 scenario: added Alexios Banas, ruler of Adrinopolis
1187 scenario: upgraded the techs of the Rûm sultanate
1187 scenario: added de Preuilly dynasty in Vendome
1187 scenario: gave Philippe of France claims on the areas he conquered right after gamestart
1187 scenario: Richard the Lionhearted now start at low loyalty
1187 scenario: Rastko Nemanjic's stats tweaked
1187 scenario: added Thouars dynasty
1187 scenario: fixed minor issues with dynasties of Forez & Perigord
1187 scenario: expanded dynasty in Limoges
1187 scenario: added Saladin
1187 scenario: added de Clare dynasty, likely to inherit Gloucester
1187 scenario: added/expanded de Redvers dynasty
1187 scenario: expanded Gwynedd dynasty
1187 scenario: added counts of Powys
1187 scenario: added Montfort dynasty in Evreux
1187 scenario: kingdom of Sicily changed to Naples, due to tier problems
1187 scenario: principality of Cilicia upgraged to kingdom, due to tier problems
1187 scenario: changed CROA tag to DCRO
Und noch ein paar Kommentare vom Beta-Chef:
Some comments of my own about this patch...
I expect that many of you will be a little disappointed that this patch is probably best characterised as "general maintenence" rather than massive overhaul/fixing...particularly since it's been three weeks in coming. Some event-based steps have been taken to deal with some of the issues, but no major AI or "feature" tweaks. Keep in mind that although the last patch was quite some time ago, Johan has been incredibly busy and has had virtually no time to devote to heavy coding. There was the E3 conference -- which manaded a better working version of the Diplomacy alpha build -- and then all of those annoying Paradox server issues that ate up several unexpected days of his time.
Also, due to a tentitive timetable we're working with for eventual 1.05 official patch release, it was imperative that the last of the requested new event conditions, effects, and targets (plus fixes to broken existing ones) be completed ASAP. Johan coded the bulk of them this morning so you won't see any of them actually being used in events yet. I'll try to put together a quick scripting syntax guide for you all shortly. At any rate, we have to have all new events completed fairly soon so we can do a new event lockdown and text freeze, so these were higher priority than AI fixes. Also, we need to see how our event-based fixes are behaving to know just how much to subsequently tweak the AI, so the more observations we get about that, the better. I would expect that the last new events will be added over the course of the next couple weeks and after that it will only be tweaks to existing ones.
The waaaaaaaaay-cool kingdom fracturing events that I spent much of my time writing in the past few weeks had to be yanked at the last minute because the scripting tools weren't ready yet. I will introduce those new patch instead, once I've confirmed that they ware working as designed. There are, however, two new sets of headaches for large kingdoms (one by Byak and one by me) which have been included. Brace yourself. Large kingdoms -- and particularly those that lack religious harmony -- are going to be a real nightmare to keep under your thumb. Also, when you're away from home you're going to be at some risk of the "prince John" effect.
Anyway, I just wanted to let you all know this so you'll be aware that the reason that AI fixes and tweaks aren't in this patch is NOT because they aren't goingto be done. It's because we had some other higher-priority things that needed to happen first.
We hope you enjoy the patch.
Oliver Guinnes
03.06.05, 19:38
Zwischenzeitlich wurde noch ein elender Käfer zerquetscht der wohl sehr nervig war. Hier ( gibt's die Käferklatsche. Der Patchlink ist von MrT ebenfalls aktualisiert wurden, so dass ab jetzt jeder Download einen käferfre.. ähm käferarmen Patch ergeben sollte. Ich Füge den Link auf der ersten Seite ein.
Der Zarewitsch
03.06.05, 22:20
Wenn 1.05 draußen ist,sollten wir uns vielleicht die Mühe machen und die FAQ erweitern.Nicht jeder liest die langen Änderungslisten gewissenhaft durch oder kann sich alles darin merken.Immerhin kam seit 1.04 einiges hinzu.
Damit wäre wohl nicht nur Neulingen geholfen. :rolleyes:
Leider funktionieren anscheinend die alten Saves nicht mehr!
Oliver Guinnes
04.06.05, 17:11
Das ist nicht korrekt. Mein alter save des Hauses Billung lief vortrefflich.
Was ist denn überhaupt mit deren Forum bzw. der ganzen Seite los? Ich finde keine einzige Seite mehr wieder
Da hat die Putzfrau wohl den Server mit dem Mopp erwischt. Da bleibt uns nichts anderes, als zu warten. :(
Keine neue Beta bis jetzt, aber ein paar allgemeine Worte von MrT:
FYI: re next beta patch and then some...
Well, it's been two weeks since the last beta patch was made public and I'm sure that most of you are expecting a new one today. Sadly, this isn't possible and I can't give you an exact ETA on it either. What I can do -- to a liited degree -- is give you all a bit of an explanation...
First off, as you are aware there are some rather major issues with the PI server. The forum has been up and down today several times, and it's Johan who currently has the pleasure of trying to make the fixes. This means that he's up to his eyeballs in server and firewall software and can't spare any time today for the patch.
Nextly, before any patch goes public it gets run through the super-duper-extra-special debug mode on Johan's computer. That can catch some bugs that the regular debug you folks are using -- or the special debug mode that some of the beta team has -- won't catch. Most particularly, it can see more complex scenario errors and such (alathough, as we saw last patch, it isn't infalible either). At any rate, it takes Johan some time to run that and with today's server issue that means that he can't test the final files I've submitted to him. Rather that take the chance, he'd perfer to delay the patch a bit and make sure it's as bug-free as humanly possible.
As for longer term things, the work on Diplomacy is understandably his #1 priority. That's what will be paying PI's bills for the coming months, not a CK patch, so it's to be expected that if time is short then CK will get the short end of the stick. That's been the case for the last month or so, hence the slowdown to bi-weekly patches (or more). There's an up side to this: we get longer and more thorough testing of the individual patch, and we get to read your observations from longer stretches of play, so that in itself can help to catch problems that don't show up in short (50-year or whatever) games.
The current goal is to release a final CK 1.05 sometime this summer. As I posted some weeks ago we'd hoped for various schedules to have this work out to a late July release. In the interim some stuff has cropped up that has changed some schedules and has resulted in 1.05 being far more likely to be pushed back a bit. That is also potentially a good thing since it means more testing and scripting time (although it doesn't mean more coding time since Johan's otherwise preoccupied). We'll just have to keep playing it by ear a bit to see how things go.
On a final note, we definitely don't want to release a half-baked official patch, so there are certain criteria that must be met before 1.05 is finished. If that ends up taking longer then so be it. Better a "late" patch than a bad one -- as I'm sure you'll all agree. Besides, as Johan's sig points out it's always ready when he intends it to be.
Anyway, that's your update. I think that for most people the game is running smoothly enough and also crash-free enough that delays won't pose a major issue. We will continue to try to get scenario, database and event "fixes" (or mostly enhancements) out to you fairly regularly but you will have to be patient for any coding changes to come along. Try to bear this in mind as you comment on the patches: CK is now more in the realms of a labour of love, and such things need patience and time. We have both...and we hope you do too.
Oliver Guinnes
18.06.05, 12:18
Recht hat er und ich finde den aktuellen Beta recht zufriedenstellend. Was ist Eure Meinung?
Die aktuelle Beta ist sehr solide. Unser 4. Community-AAR läuft ja damit und es gab bisher keine Probleme. Ohne das Break-Up-Event hätte unsere Familie wahrscheinlich eine ganz andere Entwicklung genommen. (Hoffe, dass ich heute noch dazu komme, was dazu zu posten... :o)
Mir ist aufgefallen, dass die gottlosen Heiden gewaltige Reiche erobern und dann keine Vasallen einsetzen. Dies führt dazu, dass sie zum Teil 90 % weniger Einnahmen und dementsprechend weniger Soldaten haben.
Wenn das noch gepatcht werden würde, wäre ich mit dem Spiel restlos zufrieden.
cu Drantos
Mal wieder was neues von der Front:
BTW, what happened to Mr. T? I see he hasn't posted in over 2 weeks!
Schedule is somewhat revised for final CK 1.05. It's still possible that it can be achieved by late summer but if necessary it will have to be pushd back to early fall. Other projects are currently occupying 101% of my time and probably 150% of Johan's time so until that situation changes there will be a temporary delay in new beta patches. I'll see if there's a way to squeeze in a modest patch this week so you can at least see some of the excellent progress made by Byakhiam, Styrbiorn and Solmyr. That still has to be run through detailed debug (which takes Johan-time) so no promises, but I'll see what I can arrange.Aus diesem Thread (
Der Zarewitsch
14.07.05, 16:42
Naja,wie ich schon vorhin im HOI-thread geschrieben habe: Geduld haben! *seufz*
Schade,dann wird mein aar wohl noch eine Weile auf sich warten lassen müssen...
Immerhin ist es noch Diskussionspunkt bei Paradox; und late summer, early fall ist besser als "Wir patchen CK nicht mehr".
Oliver Guinnes
14.07.05, 20:26
Ääh werter Pain, die haben sogar letztes Jahr noch EU II gepatcht, von daher bin ich optimistisch.
Ja schon, aber z.B. bei Vicky warten wir ja nun schon Ewigkeiten oder?
Bei den Betas gibt's nichts neues (vermutlich Diplo-bedingt), aber kleine Veränderungen zum Selbstimplementieren:
Do-it-yourself improvements for june 3rd beta (
Distant province revolts:
This is an obvious problem, mostly because we have a bug in area code that makes it fire when it should not. Now, there are two kind of fixes for this.
Firstly, you can delete events 5416, 5417 and 5418 from realm_disruption events. Since this involves deleting some 15000 lines of event script, I'll attach a zipped file with june 3rd realm_disruption_events with those events removed for you. Unpack to db\events and overwrite previous version.
Secondly, you can change the mean_time_to_happen for these events to higher figures, like for example 600 or 900 months. It will still fire for provinces too close to your capital, but will do it much less frequently. Easy way to do this is to open your realm_disruption_events file. Find "5416" and then next "mean" from that. Change months = 180 to desired figure. Repeat with "5417" and "5418".
Childhood events
They may be firing for other than your own children and you might hate it. If it is so, open trait_events and replace all these entries
court value = 15
with these entries
court value = 0
They might not be firing for your sister's children when you want them to. If it is so, open trait_events and replace all the first above entries with these
court value = 1000
Lazy-giving events
There are two of these in Trait_events, 6903 and 6904. 6903 can give you Lazy, but not in every option. 6904 gives you Lazy in any case. If you feel these are firing too often, raise the MTTH, to for example 70 and 80 months from their current 66 and 72 months.
Nun, 1.05 scheint nahe der Erscheinung zu sein...vielleicht warte ich noch ein wenig mit der Installation von Beta-Patches (hab bislang nur 1.04a, weil ich CK erst seit kurzem besitze)... :)
Ts, ein neuer Betapatch und keiner sagt was... :D
Hi folks.
It's been a long time since the last public beta release -- mostly because Johan and I have both been very busy with other projects and simply haven't been able to devote the time to work on CK. That doesn't mean that everyone has been idle. This patch has quite a few changes, and credit for the vast majority of these goes to Styrbiorn, Byakhiam, and Solmyr. They've done a fantastic amount of work and testing and deserve a very large round of applause for their excellent efforts.
Johan is still tied up, so the EXE file remains unchanged from June 3rd. That means that the area bug and a few other things are still there in this patch and that this will inevitably cause some ongoing problems with this patch. We thought, however, that you should at least have an opportunity to play with some of the other changes that we've made to the scenarios, events and database files. Just bear in mind that all of the exe-related issues you've reported have not yet been addressed (but we will deal with as many of them as possible in future betas). I can't give you an ETA on this, but here's the progress to date:
Change Log
Fixed disastrous crash bug in initial June 3 patch release and will execute myself in a grizzly manner when I can find time to do so.
Reduced cost of hiring the war veteran marshal in the crusade events.
Forestry will now give you a 5% reduction to build times (was 0%) and sawmills now give only 5% (was 10%) to compensate somewhat for the new terrain restrictions.
Fixed a typo in the trait tooltip
Fixed an event trigger bug in an intended AI-only event.
Tweaked the effects of quite a few of the traits for improved balance (should make some choices less obvious without violating the spirit of the actual meaning of the words being used. The effects are now:
Chaste : +1 diplomacy, -1 intrigue, +3 monthly piety
Lustful : +2 fertility, -1 diplomacy, -3 monthly piety
Energetic : +1 martial, +1 diplomacy, -1 intrigue
Lazy : +1 intrigue, -1 martial, -1 stewardship
Forgiving : +1 diplomacy, -1 intrigue, +2 monthly piety
Vengeful : +1 intrigue, -1 diplomacy, -2 monthly piety
Generous : -1 stewardship, +2 monthly prestige, +1 monthly piety
Selfish : +1 stewardship, -2 monthly prestige, -1 monthly piety
Honest : +1 diplomacy, -1 intrigue, +1 monthly prestige
Deceitful : -1 diplomacy, +1 intrigue, -1 monthly prestige
Just :+1 stewardship, -1 martial
Arbitrary : +1 martial, -1 stewardship
Merciful : -1 martial, +2 monthly piety
Cruel : +1 martial, -2 monthly piety
Modest : +1 monthly piety, -2 monthly prestige
Proud : +1 monthly prestige, -2 monthly piety
Zealous : +1 martial, +2 monthly piety
Sceptical : +1 intrigue, -3 monthly piety
Wise : +1 martial, +1 diplomacy, -1 intrigue
Reckless : +1 intrigue, -1 martial, +1 monthly prestige
Temperate : -2 fertility, +1 diplomacy, +2 monthly piety
Indulgent : +2 fertility, -1 diplomacy, -2 monthly piety
Trusting : +1 diplomacy, -2 intrigue
Suspicious : +1 intrigue, -2 diplomacy
Valorous : +1 martial, -2 intrigue, +2 prestige
Coward : +1 intrigue, -1 martial
Some trait opinion_of values have also been tweaked a bit.
Updated the event effects.txt file to include the most recent event scripting additions.
Advance discovery mtth values revised once again to slow down pace of technology somewhat
Critical thinking technologies will now contribute somewhat to the advancement in military technologies
Critical thinking and religious flexibility will now contribute somewhat to the advancement in production technologies
Religious flexibility and religious stringency techs have had their religion restrictions removed once again since non-Christian AI didn't know not to research them and can't easily be taught not to. If it makes you feel any better, when you see a realm with a religious technology that makes no sense for the religion (like Muslim realm with inquisition) just treat it as having achieved a similar degree of advancement in religious philosophy that would be roughly the equivalent of the Christian term being used.
The rate of spread of technology has been more or less universally reduced.
Religious stringency and religious flexibility will now only spread between provinces that are either the same religion or are part of the same realm, but the specific religion restrictions for the spread have been removed.
Found and fixed a potential trigger logic bug in the cultural conversion event (#9007) that was probably preventing it from ever firing in many cases that it should have. I suspect that conversion will now take place and that it is likely to happen too fast. Also found and fixed a couple bugs in the modifiers that were intended to give large bonuses but weren't. QUANTITATIVE FEEDBACK WANTED on what you're seeing on this now, please!
Adjusted, tweaked and/or reworked many of the heresy series of events. Also, event 7140 (courtiers randomly killing one another in courts that had both heteric and non-heretic courtiers) has been removed since it was too much of a CPU hog relative to its function.
Reactivated several battle events with the new is_besieged command.
Added a bunch of new events to have besieging troops periodically destroy province structures.
Added some events where rebelous peasants might now take matters into their own hands and eliminate thieves, smugglers and highway robbers by themselves (if they've gotten to the point where they've actually rebelled).
Added an event to quell provincial riots (will remove revolt and restore some loyalty to all castes if the province is in revolt, is besieged, and isn't at war with anyone) although this won't cause any besieging rebels to stand down so you'll still have to deal with any remaining militants.
The Hordes will now get a few more starting troops at higher difficulty levels (but aren't yet re-randomized)
The Hordes will now get a trickle of reinforcement troops at higher difficulty levels
Expanded the dynastic squabbles in the Horde by adding a few new events that will cause some rather interesting problems for a weak Khan
Rewrote a couple of the Horde triggers for better responsiveness to what's going on around them.
Horde vassals will now tend to cause havoc (rebel) when ruled by a weak Khan, creating the potential for the Hordes to implode under certain circumstances.
Horde vassals will begin to want to become independent after 1350 and increasingly so as the game progresses into the 15th century.
Activated all is_alive conditions that were in place for the script additions from last patch.
Fixed several bugs reported by the public (thanks for reporting them!)
Mentors are a bit rarer for average kids, but more common for primary heirs and rulers
Knight mentors dislike girls
Distant province trouble events have got significantly increased MTTH
Vassal king of Jerusalem should fix himself now
More regency events added to better make you feel not being in control
Tweaked early childhood events a little bit again
Civil war should be less common now
Bastard generation events will now happen a little less often so there should be somewhat fewer of them.
Now that bastards are able to wreak vengeance and havoc upon your primary heir, they do. Mwuah ha ha ha.
Legitimizing a bastard is now likely to annoy your primary heir and probably another heir as well.
Small error in a bastard event's logic that targeted the wrong victim has now been fixed.
Buildings increase loot yield, except crime buildings which decrease it
Fishing Wharf = +1 gold
Civilian Harbour = +1 gold
Naval Harbour = +2 gold
Grand Shipyard = +2 gold
Sawmill = +2 gold
Forestry = +1 gold
Smithy = +2 gold
Armory = +4 gold
Mine = +1 gold
Improved Mine = +2 gold
Watermills = +1 gold
Windmills = +1 gold
Cheese Dairy = +2 gold
Brewery = +1 gold
Dyeworks = +1 gold
Glassworks = +1 gold
Spinningmill = +1 gold
Tilefactory = +1 gold
Library = +1 gold
School = +1 gold
Traininggrounds = +1 gold
Templar House = +2 gold
University = +4 gold
Waracademy = +3 gold
Moneylenders = +1 gold
Monastery = +2 gold
Church = +1 gold
Large Church = +2 gold
Domed Church = +3 gold
Cathedral = +4 gold
Theater = +4 gold
Grand Palace = +10 gold
Roadnet = +1 gold
Extensive Roadnet = +2 gold
Royal Post = +1 gold
Court of Justice = +1 gold
Hill Fort = +1 gold
Small castle = +1 gold
Medium castle = +1 gold
Large castle = +1 gold
Huge castle = +1 gold
Thieves Guild = -5 gold
Smugglers Ring = -5 gold
Highway Robbers Band = -5 gold
Moneylenders now reduce piety monthly instead of having one time hit
Theatre no longer requires piety to build, gives broader loyalty boost and requires Miracle Plays to build
Brewery now requires Sugar Refinery to build
Improved bastard event logic a bit
In a tourney, marshals now have variable chance (depending on outcome) of becoming war invalid instead of automatic health loss
Fixed a little bug in trait conflict events (thanks Duuk!)
Made indulgences to buy off excommunication or heresy fire less often and prevented them for firing if you are already on negative in gold
Made them cheaper too
Vassal king of Jerusalem will need a heir to fix himself too
Hardened prestige gain and loss for distant vassal breakaway
Replaced canonization of living people with more piety and just
Made mentors cheaper again
Refusing vassal law change demands during regency now adds badboy instead of cruel and arbitrary traits
Zealousness and Scepticism now modify chances of moneylender and trade tech adding / removal with Regal / Church supremacy
Mercenary event system overhauled into more practical form
Doubled up some Norman names like William and Roger to make them more common than others
Lappish names revised
Few Lettigallish and Lithuanian names fixed
Added a few more dynasty names
Some corrections and/or additions made to Welsh character names - big thanks to Clydog for these!
Applied a large number of English text corrections and revisions to the event_text.csv and extra_text.csv files. HUGE thanks to Zebedee and Clydog for doing this!!!!
1066 scenario: Napoli now independent
1066 scenario: de Provence dynasty expanded
1066 scenario: Viviers now bishopric
1066 scenario: Wittelsbach dynasty expanded
1066 scenario: von Andechs dynasty in Innsbruck
1066 scenario: Artois now part of Flanders demesne
1066 scenario: historical dynasty in Guines
1066 scenario: de Lomagne dynasty in Labourd
1066 scenario: Raymond de Toulouse (leader of First Crusade) now count of Rouergue
1066 scenario: Breton rulers now have Frankish culture (better than Norman)
1066 scenario: de Porhoet dynasty in Vannes
1066 scenario: Maine to Robert of Normandy
1066 scenario: claims on Maine to Geoffroy d'Anjou, Raoul de Valois and Hugh d'Este
1066 scenario: Normandy provinces now have Frankish culture
1066 scenario: all English Normans now have Norman culture
1066 scenario: William the Bastard had his traits revised and is now a bit more of a bastard
1066 scenario: Odo and Robert now half-brothers of William de Normandie instead of full brothers
1066 scenario: removed the archbishopric of Sussex(Canterbury), replaced with county of Kent
1066 scenario: Odo, brother of the conqueror, new count of Kent
1066 scenario: Robert de Courseulles in Somerset
1066 scenario: added sons of Harold Godwineson in Leinster, with claims on England
1066 scenario: Edgar Atheling now has claim on England
1066 scenario: added various historical earls and nobles in England
1066 scenario: no more dukes in England except the Saxon ones
1066 scenario: renamed FitzOsbern dynasty to de Breteuil and expanded it
1066 scenario: added Montfort dynasty
1066 scenario: added Avranches dynasty in Avranches
1066 scenario: added de Brionnes as counts of Devon
1066 scenario: fixed various small issues with Norman dynasties
1066 scenario: Deheubarth and Glamorgan now have more historical rulers
1066 scenario: most surviving Godwinesons have now moved away from English court to more appropriate locations
1066 scenario: Gruffyd ap Llywellyn in Leinster now has claims on both Gwynedd and Leinster
1066 scenario: fixed the birthyear of the wife of the duke of Mar
1066 scenario: gave Svend Estridsson claims on the Danelaw
1066 scenario: Harald replaced his brother Björn as duke of Slesvig
1066 scenario: Skuli and Ketil Tostison now have claims on Cumberland
1066 scenario: county of Ulaid now playable after initial ruler dies
1066 scenario: some bugfixing and cleanup in Iberian dynasties (both Christian and Muslim)
1066 scenario: Leon now has claim on Castile
1066 scenario: Aragon and Navarra now have claims on each other
1066 scenario: Granada now got Algeciras as vassal and a claim on Ceuta
1066 scenario: Magnus Duke of Trondelag now has intestinal worms (he died quite young)
1066 scenario: some rearrangement of province ownership in Finland
1066 scenario: Åland now independent of Sweden
1066 scenario: members of Rurikovich dynasty tweaked to fit their historical personalities
1066 scenario: Kujawy now part of Mazovia
1066 scenario: added two more sisters of Geza Arpad
1066 scenario: duchy of Serbia now independent, dynasty tweaked slightly
1066 scenario: Ragusa now independent republic
1066 scenario: Bulgarian counts are now southslavic culture with appropriate names and dynasties
1066 scenario: Croatian Trpimirovic dynasty tweaked
1066 scenario: Dmitar Zvonimir now has claim on Croatia
1066 scenario: Venice now has claims on Dalmatia
1066 scenario: Hungary now has claims on Slavonia
1066 scenario: various Byzantine character and dynasty changes and additions made
1066 scenario: more Byzantine principalities now ruled by hereditary historical dynasties
1066 scenario: Cherson and Samos now principalities
1066 scenario: rulers of Ural now cuman pagan to match their provinces
1066 scenario: Volga Bulgars have had their dynasty expanded and now use the BOLG kingdom tag
1066 scenario: Cumans now ruled by an adult
1066 scenario: added the remnants of Khazars in Itil
1066 scenario: greatly expanded the Bagratuni dynasty and added other Armenian/Georgian dynasties
1066 scenario: changed the Armenian/Georgian setup to be more historical
1066 scenario: Alan rulers now Orthodox (and hence playable); most provinces are still pagan
1066 scenario: Alan ruling dynasty expanded
1066 scenario: Georgia and Alania allied
1066 scenario: Abbasid and Seljuk dynasties revised slightly
1066 scenario: Seljuks got some famous historical courtiers
1066 scenario: Qarakhan dynasty revised
1066 scenario: Ghaznavid dynasty moved from Seljuk court to Turkestan and now rules it
1066 scenario: Mazyadid dynasty moved from Toledo court to Tigris (Hillah) and now rules it
1066 scenario: A few muslim dynasties now have more appropriate "native" names.
1066 scenario: Fatimid dynasty revised
1066 scenario: Almoravid dynasty revised
1066 scenario: various tag and dynasty name changes among Muslim rulers for more historical setup
1066 scenario: Aswan moved from Fatimids to Nubia
1066 scenario: all Muslim-held crusade targets now have small castles (but not the tech for them)
1066 scenario: Rome now has small castle, Byzantion now has large castle (but not the techs)
1066 scenario: tweaked Zähringen dynasty
1066 scenario: gave a few Obodrit girls westernslavic culture
1066 scenario: tweaked the Stade dynasty
1066 scenario: added Krutoj, duke of Mecklemburg
1066 scenario: Rügen and Wolgast vassals of Krutoj
1066 scenario: added Nakonid dynasty as counts of Lübeck
1066 scenario: splitted tribe of Sames in two
1187 scenario: removed the bishopry of Slupsk, replaced with a county representing Schlawe-Pommerania
1187 scenario: expanded Gryfita dynasty
1187 scenario: tweaked the dynasty on Rügen and renamed it Wizlawid
1187 scenario: fixed and expanded the Piast dynasty
1187 scenario: expanded de Lorraine dynasty
1187 scenario: fixed Babenberg dynasty
1187 scenario: expanded Wettin dynasty
1187 scenario: added Dedo von Wettin as count of Lausitz
1187 scenario: expanded Premyslid dynasty
1187 scenario: Konrad Ota Premyslid made duke of Moravia
1187 scenario: added (landowning/prince-)bishoprics in Bremen, Osnabrück and Münster
1187 scenario: Brunswick to Lüneburg
1187 scenario: added FitzAlans as counts of Shewsbury (governors and sheriffs)
1187 scenario: expanded the Stewart dynasty
1187 scenario: expanded Dunkeld dynasty
1187 scenario: replaced placeholders in Moray, Sutherland and Ross with historical rulers
1187 scenario: added Mar dynasty
1187 scenario: tweaked Angus dynasty
1187 scenario: added de Windsors and de Barrys as courtiers in Ireland
1187 scenario: added a few historical Muslim rulers
1187 scenario: added marriage between Teresa of Portugal and Philippe de Lorraine
1187 scenario: expanded Blois dynasty
1187 scenario: added duchy of Tröndelag and Rein dynasty
1187 scenario: Akerhus duchy created, representing the Kuvlung rebels
1187 scenario: added Jon Ingesson (Kuvlung) as duke of Akerhus, dynastical ties added
1187 scenario: added historical lawspeaker on Iceland
1187 scenario: added Jon Loptsson on Austisland with dynasty and stepson
1187 scenario: expanded Norwegian royal family
1187 scenario: expanded Danish royal family
1187 scenario: tweaked Valdemar the Victorious
1187 scenario: made Valdemar duke of Slesvig, with claims on Holstein(CK provinces Lübeck+Hamburg)
1187 scenario: added Galen dynasty on Fyn
1187 scenario: Alcantara and Plasencia to Leon
1187 scenario: Henri de Champagne made Duke of Champagne
1187 scenario: Germanized Obodrit dynasty added in Mecklenburg and Rostock
1187 scenario: Werle to Mecklenburg
1187 scenario: Western slavic culture in a few provinces
1187 scenario: Rhys, Lord of South Wales, added as the new duke of Deheubarth
1187 scenario: tweaked John Lackland
1187 scenario: added de Braose dynasty in Gwent
1187 scenario: added Butler dynasty in Urmunu
1187 scenario: made the culture of Wales Welsh
1187 scenario: corrected a couple of errors in English dynasties
1187 scenario: removed the Khazar state
1187 scenario: Naissos to Serbia
1187 scenario: tweaked and expanded Bulgarian royal family
1187 scenario: expanded royal Bulgarian demesne
1187 scenario: added Hriz dynasty in Strymon
1187 scenario: created bishopric of Zamora
1187 scenario: Alan rulers made Orthodox, as well as the land
1187 scenario: improved fortifications in crusade targets
1187 scenario: created archbishopric of Galicia/Compostela
1337 scenario: created bishopric of Zamora
1337 scenario: created archbishopric of Galicia/Compostela
1337 scenario: Alan rulers made Orthodox, as well as the land
1337 scenario: fixed some errors in dynastical links
1337 scenario: made Lithuanian lands pagan
1337 scenario: tweaked Gediminas dynasty
1337 scenario: distributed Lithuanian lands to the sons of the king
1337 scenario: Smolensk and Kiev under Lithuanian overlordship
1337 scenario: added Teodoras/Fedor, brother of Gediminas, as prince of Kiev
1337 scenario: Bulgarian royal dynasty (Shishman) tweaked
1337 scenario: made Mihail Shishman, brother of king Ivan Alexander, count of Mesembria
1337 scenario: made another Mihail Shishman count of Naissos
1337 scenario: made Ivan Komnin Shishman count of Dyrrachion
1337 scenario: improved fortifications in Muslim-held crusade targets
1337 scenario: connected the "von Pommern" dynasty with the Gryfits, and made Polish
1337 scenario: Rügen to Barnim Gryfita
1337 scenario: Rostock directly to Mecklemburg
1337 scenario: Werle a vassal of Mecklemburg rather than Pommerania
1337 scenario: Slupsk to Pommerania
1337 scenario: added missing marriages to Johann von Werle
1337 scenario: Atholl removed from the Strathbogie and made royal demasne
1337 scenario: the Douglases are now Scottish instead of English
1337 scenario: the kids of Colin Campbell are now Campbells instead of MacDuffs
1337 scenario: expanded and connected the Brienne dynasties
1337 scenario: duchy of Norrland split into counties
1337 scenario: Celle to Bremen
1337 scenario: Ludwig von Wittelsbach, king of Germany, enemy of the pope, starts with negative piety
1337 scenario: Slesvig to Valdemar, who got it back in 1336
1337 scenario: Gerhard the Great compensated with duchy of Holstein, so he can have his vassals
1337 scenario: Osnabrück made a bishopric
1337 scenario: Weimar now represents bishopric of Halberstadt
1337 scenario: Plauen to Saxony(-Wittenberg)
1337 scenario: Sundgau to the Habsburgs
1337 scenario: Nordgau made to represent bishopric of Strassbourg, which owned most of the province
And probably a lot more little stuff that we've either forgotten that we've tweaked or has slipped between the cracks in the assembly of this change log.
Einen Minifix gibt's auch schon...
There is a text display error that may annoy people (but won't hurt play at all). If it's driving you nuts then you can download the attached file. Unpack it and place the two files in your \ck\config folder.
Hier zu finden: Klick mich! (
Und für den Gesamtüberblick der Änderungen seit 1.04a gibt's hier eine Auflistung von MrT: Master Change Log - pushing towards 1.05 (
Oliver Guinnes
17.08.05, 18:49
Habt Dank werter Arminus. Montags habe ich nicht geschaut, da ich mich an die Freitagsroutine gewöhnt hatte. Hinter dem Patch-Post von MrT gibt's einen weiteren mit eine Quick-fix für ein Display-Problem!
Viel Spaß!
Sieht ja interessant aus.
Wir hoffen trotzdem auf einen baldigen 1.05...
Habt Ihr Erehnwerten Regenten den neuen Beta schon getestet? Unsere Staatsgeschäfte erlauben z.Zt. keine längeren Partien :(
Wir werden auf 1.05 warten. Wir spielen CK zumeist im MP und Unsere Mitregenten sprechen nicht besonders gut auswärts.
Sind die Muslime jetzt eigentlich in der Lage größere Reiche zu verwalten? Uns ist aufgefallen, dass sie zu wenig Vasallen einsetzen und mit zunehmender Reichsgröße inakzeptable Mali auf Einnahmen und Truppenstärke erhalten. In dem neuen Beta Patch haben Wir von der Beseitigung dieses Problems nichts gelesen.
cu Drantos
Die letzten Patches verfolgten den Ansatz, muslimische Großreiche zerbrechen zu lassen. Ländereien geben sie mittlerweile auch aus.
Einzig und allein die Ill-Khanate stören mich noch. Die haben keine Domänenbeschränkung und führen sich auf wie die Horde in früheren CK-Versionen...
Oliver Guinnes
20.08.05, 08:52
Neuer Quick-Fix (
Im Para-Forum wird von vielen CTDs berichtet. Sind diese mit dem letzten Hotfix passé?
Wie sind Eure Erfahrungen?
23.08.05, 19:03
ich spiele aktuell mit dem Hotfix vom 17. August und hatte bisher noch keine Abstürze. :top:
Aus dem Betaforum, für's Zwischendurch:
Der Zarewitsch
27.08.05, 16:32
So wird also im beta-Forum "gearbeitet"?!
Deswegen läßt der patch so lange auf sich warten!.... :tongue:
Ruprecht I.
27.08.05, 19:57
Das Wichtigste habt Ihr aber übersehen: '1.06' und 'CK2' :D
Ein Thread im Paradox-Forum wo man sich die neueste Karte zur aktuelle Beta runterladen kann:
Der Zarewitsch
13.11.05, 11:04
Quote aus dem Paradox-Forum:
The patch 1.05 will arrive after the Vic patch (probably in december or january)
Also Dezember oder Januar...
20.11.05, 13:34
Kann man das ernst nehmen?? Ist endlich ein Ende abzusehen?
Warte auch schon seit längerem gespannt, vielleicht werden die Probleme ja wirklich mal weniger;)
Oliver Guinnes
20.11.05, 13:39
Die Betas sind doch ganz gut, Probleme gibt es doch nur noch wenige.
Wie man diesem Thread ( des Paradoxforum entnehmen kann, wird es zwischen dem letzten Beta-Patch und 1.05 kaum Unterschiede geben. Only the really important stuff is changed anymore, darunter zumindest auch der Area Bug.
p.s.: Bei EU2 ist es mit dem 1.09 genauso, eine reine Beta-Sammlung. Ich bin mal gespannt, was Vicky 1.04 bringt, würde aber mittlerweile fast vermuten, dass es sich dabei um einen leicht veränderten 1.03c handelt. Meine Annahme geht dahin, dass Pdox mit den Patches erstmal einen Schlußstrich unter diverse Projekte ziehen will, um sich um neues zu kümmern...
Zumindest EU 2 könnten sie ruhigen Gewissens mit einem letzten Nicht-Beta-Patch abrunden, ich kenne kein Spiel, dass so lange verbessert wurde. Über Victoria kann ich nicht viel sagen, aber weitere Verbesserungen und Neuerungen nehme ich gerne mit :cool:
Frischer Stoff noch kurz vor 1.05:
- Fixed what could crash the game with certain province effect events.
- Fixed some script errors in traits, 1066_countries, mongol_invasions, 1066_characters, 1337_countries
- Fixed some glitches which caused several provinces to be tagged to "no area".
- Its now very likely that cousins will produce inbred offspring.
Link (
Oliver Guinnes
08.12.05, 18:34
Es ist Dezember und auf den Tannebaumspitzen sieht man die Betas blitzen: Beta vom 08. Dezember (
Beta vom 8ten Dez? Oo
Auf der gelinkten Hp ist zwar ne neue antwort aber der (neue Patch) ist 1.4b!
Blick nimmer durch und würde mich über Aufklärung freuen ;)
Aares der vom Graf zur Weltherrschaft ging :)
Der Zarewitsch
09.12.05, 09:00
Werter Aares,
hier handelt es sich um einen aktualisierten betapatch.
Der offizielle 1.05 patch steht noch aus.
Oliver Guinnes
09.12.05, 19:29
Jap, der Beta ist natürlich 1.4b. Zudem wird beim Aufrufen des Spiels die Version vom 1.4b von irgendwas im Juni genannt. Da hat Johann wol vergessen in der exe den Timestamp anzupassen.
oh oki dann vielen Dank. Naja wir haben es momentan aufgegeben CK im Lan zu zoggn. Mit 1.05b is das Spiel noch unstabiler geworden als es mit 1.04 schon war. Nun gibbet feine Exe-crashes im 2-30 Minuten Takt. Nach ca 4-5 Std Spielzeit liegt die max Spieltime von einem crash zum anderen bei max 3 Minuten. So macht das kein Sinn und Fun. Wir zoggn aber nur zu 2t. Das Problem liegt auch bei benutzung anderer Pcs immernoch vor. Also auf den Deutschen 1.5 off warten udn hoffen das wir nach all der Zeit mal im Multi 1 spiel wirklich durchziehen können. Die Sucht -_-
So Frust von der Backe gelabert ;)
PS: Würde mich über Infos dieses neuen 1.4b freuen. Bezüglich tauglichkeit MP.
23.01.06, 21:32
Welche Patches (von Anfang an) muß ich denn installieren, um CK mit der aktuellen Beta vom 8. Dezember spielen zu können?
Einfach den Patch 1.4a installieren und dann die aktuellste Beta drüberziehen.
Schon hat man die neueste Version von CK...
Frisches Futter!!!! :feier:
1.05 Release Candidate A (
edit: Und vor allem lese ich öfters was von 1.06 :)
Der Zarewitsch
04.02.06, 09:19
Added a new event that no one expects, and that will do something with fear, surprise, ruthless efficiency and a fanatical devotion to
Was er wohl damit meint?...
Basileios II
04.02.06, 16:46
No one expects the Spanish Inquisition! Ist ein alter Sketch von Monty Python.
Wer A sagt, muss auch B sagen, muss auch C sagen! :D
1.05 Release Candidate C (
Hmm, fange ich jetzt schon wieder ein neues Spiel an? :wirr:
scripted a new 10-event series that WILL NEED BALANCING IN A BIG WAY but replaces two previous event series: the far way vassals breaking free event AND the entire Byzantine civil war event series which was broken due to a code issue with RND seeding that can't be corrected. The new events use the new rebelliousness and realm duress traits, and apply to ALL realms. Not only will the Byzantine civil war work properly, but the HRE and Magna Carta (and similar periods of civil war) are also modeled using exactly the same event set. Byak and I now jointly hold the record for longest and most complex event series ever scripted.
For those who are inexperienced at reading the event files (or find it too mind-numbing to read through and digest the 6300+ lines of script that make up the ten events), I thought I'd give you a rough overview of how it works and roughly what's supposed to happen.
As I just mentioned, there are 10 events in this series (although a few of them are rally just "notifiers" to let the liege know that something's afoot.
EVENT #6451: "Now might be the time to begin considering my future relationship with my liege."
This is the event that begins there series and is intended to "prime" a vassal for future trouble. Only vassals of independent lieges will get the event (so a count who is vassal to a duke who is, in turn, a vassal to a king will not get it; but a count who is a direct vassal to a king will) and it will happen in one of five situations:
1. The vassal is part of a realm that is already experiencing a civil war (more on that shortly)
2. The vassal is not the same religion as his liege
3. The vassal has extremely high personal intrigue, or very high court intrigue.
4. The liege is significantly over his demesne limit, or the liege has extremely poor personal intrigue, or very poor court intrigue (no spyumaster is BAD!).
5. The vassal is "far away" as per the previous far away vassal general event.
There are further restrictions that will prevent the event from firing:
- the vassal has the "modest" trait (spam prevention, see below)
- the liege has 5000+ prestige
- the vassal is underage (<16)
- the vassal has less than 25 prestige
- the vassal and liege are both Catholic and the liege is currently at war with the owner of the crusade target.
- a vassal who is primary heir will not rebel -- EVER
There are a ton of modifers that will affect how likely this event is to trigger (too many to detail) but conflicting traits, crap loyalty, very high vassal prestige, very low liege prestige, and very distant vassals are far more likely to cause this to happen,
The effect of the event is to "mark" the vassal as a trouble-maker by giving him the "rebelliousness" trait (intestinal_worm has been redifined to rebelliousness) and to reduce his loyalty (A LOT!). The vassal may, however, elect to remain loyal to his liege, in which case he gets the "modest" trait instead (to prevent spam).
EVENT #6452: "It is time to decide how to end my relationship with my liege."
This event can only happen to a vassal who has already been "marked" with the rebelliousness trait. Its purpose is to decide how the vassal wishes to part company with his liege: either by slipping away quietly and without a fuss, or whether to try to spark a civil war.
There are lots of modifers that determine how soon this vassal is likely to think about doing this; and the AI vassal's decision is HEAVILY modified by how distant he is, how loyal he is, etc.
If he decides to slip away quietly then the effect is the same as the old far-away vassal event: he declares independence, he and his liege both get claims on one another, his rebelliousness trait is cleared, and the liege is notified (to which he can respond passively or aggressively).
If he decides to try to spark a civil war, he will not only leae, but will also declare war on his liege. Further, the liege is given the new "realm duress" trait (it used to be the leper trait) which marks the liege as being in trouble. DEEP trouble. CIVIL WAR trouble.
Remember, the first event has that as one of the 5 things that will allow it to once one vassal has tried to initiate a civil war he will mark his liege and all other vassals can now have the event trigger that allows them to become rebellious too (unless they fail the mandatory conditions). They still (probably) won't rebel until they have gained this trait; but the mtth of the events drops a lot so it is FAR more likely that other vassals will start to get this event and do something nsaty about it.
EVENT #6453: "A former rebellious vassal of your liege petitions you to join the civil war."
Once one vassal has initiated a civil war, any other vassals that also have the rebelliousness trait will soon receive this event (there are modifiers that control just exactly how soon). They will then have the choice to:
1. Join the civil war by DOWing their liege.
2. Leave quietly (simply declare independence)
3. Give up their rebelious ways (remove the trait and add modest trait instead) and support their liege.
All of these choices are heavily modified depending on wehere they are and so on.
EVENT #6454: "A vassal has broken free from you and is trying to spark a civil war in your realm. You should be careful with any remaining vassals or they may revolt as well!"
This is a simple notifier that the liege gets when the first vassal decides to start a civil war (#6452). All it does is give the liege the "realm duress" trait (and a prestige hit).
EVENT #6455: "Another vassal has broken free. Civil war may be inevitable."
This is the notifier a liege gets if another vassal joins in the civil war (#6453).
EVENT #6456: "A vassal has declared independence."
This is the notifier the liege gets when a vassal decides to leave quietly (#6452, #6453). He then has the choice of how to respond (the same choice that used to be in the far-away break free event).
EVENT #6457: "Perhaps I should reconsider whether I ought to be so rebellious?"
This event can fire for any vassal who has the rebelliousness trait, and gives that vassal a chance to change his mind about leaving the realm. He can elect to become loyal again (love the trait) or to re-affirm his position (gain prestige and lose loyalty...accelerating the process of potetially breaking free or sparking civil war).
EVENT #6458: "My liege's realm could dissolve into civil war. Perhaps I should carefully consider my options."
This event allows a vassal who earlier decided to be loyal to his liege (and be tagged with the modest trait) but whose loyalty to his liege is somewhat low, to now change his mind if one of the realm's other vassals has sparked a civil war. His choice will be either to remain loyal, to become rebellious, or to simply back-stab his liege and declare war (of course the liege will be notified of this last option).
EVENT #6459: "It seems that my realm is no longer under direct threat of civil war."
You'll have noticed that all of the above events (except the notifiers) are driven by the vassals. It was the only way to script it and avoid the RND seed bug/issue. This event, however, is for a liege who has the "realm duress" trait that makes him vulnerable to civil war. This is the ONLY way to get rid of the trait -- and the trigger and modifers also make it work as a safety net in case someone gets the trait who shouldn't.
For this event to fire, the liege must have either:
- lost his independence
- or lost *all* of his vassals
- or must have no remaining vassal who has the rebelliousness trait
It will take quite a while to trigger if he's at war (because most likely he'll be at war with the vassal who sparked the civil war and any others that jumped on teh bandwagon) but should come along fairly quickly if he isn't. (There are the usual large number of modifiers that affect this).
EVENT #6460: "AI loyalty hit event for civil war precipitation"
That's what it's called in the event file, but you should never see it in game because it's an ai-only event. What it does is act as an extra nudge to certain AI vassals who are already rebellious to gradually boost their prestige and reduce their loyalty so, over time, it will make a rebellious vassal more and more likely to actually do something about it.
- Some of the law events where vassals and lieges are at odds with one another now also have a (small) chance of giving a vassal the rebelliousness trait.
- The Magna Carta event is now very likely (50%) to give THREE vassals the rebelliousness trait (unless you're very lucky).
- all of the previous "Byzantine disruption events" have been completely removed. The only ones to survive the purge are a couple of law-related ones and the "Manzikert" event which have now been de-specified -- meaning that they can happen to anyone if the conditions are right.
- Byzantium and the HRE have been given extra (though different) modifiers that will tend to make this new event set happen to them somewhat more often than any other TAG. Those are the only concessions we made to history -- everything else is entirely dependent on situation/context and can happen to anyone.
- I will also be tweaking a couple other events to add modifiers that make things a little nastier for lieges with the realm duress trait (that will come in the next RC)
- The "Catholic Vassals in the Holy Land" break free event is still in play -- meaning that a vassal in that neck of the woods won't necessarily trigger a civil war and may break free via the old method.
- The trouble & strife events in distant provinces (the ones I wrote 6-7 months ago) are still there too. I will definitely be adding in some modifiers to make this much more likely for lieges who have been tagged as realm duress, and to a lesser degree for vassals who have the rebelliousness trait.
- All scenarios have been correctly adjusted to make sure nobody accidentally has one of the signifier traits. There are new trait icons (thanks to Gratianus) and the trait text that appears when you hover over the icon is correct (as is the reporting in event boxes and history log)! (Thanks to the translators' quick, hard work!)
- The signifier traits (plus redefining and using stutter in Byak's childhood trait series) were chosen because they were very sparcely used, and there's a bug we discovered with the leper trait that can't be fixed (I had fertility modifier of -1000 and still they were having kids ). I know why it was broken but it requires a code change to fix and I figured that given the choice, it was more important to get this event set to work and simply live without having lepers in the game.
I've probably forgotten to mention something, but it's late and I'm tired from having worked on this all weekend.
Byak and I hope you enjoy them, and we're pretty confident that with your collective help we can hvae them balanced in time for the target release date for 1.05.Endlich, endlich richtige Bürgerkriege! :feier: :teufel:
von Holstein
06.02.06, 15:45
Wird man 1.05 mit den Regeln aus Originalhandbuch noch sinnvoll spielen können?
Gibt es vielleicht irgendwo eine neue zusammengefasste Regelversion?
Ich fürchte als als Spieler der Originalversion findet man sich nach den ganzen Veränderungen nicht mehr zurecht.
Das Handbuch von CK gehört in die Reihe der Prä-HOI2-Handbücher, taugte also eh noch nie.
Es wird ein großes Changelog zusammengestellt, dass alle Änderungen seit 1.04a enthalten soll. Und da die fundamentalen Änderungen erst in dieser Phase kamen...
Es ist ein Paradoxspiel, also einfach starten, der Rest ergibt sich. Gerade CK ist ein Spiel, wo man einfach auf die richtige Gelegenheit wartet, planbar ist es seltener.
Ihr habt uns, also dürft Ihr jederzeit fragen. :D
Gibt`s das Teil eigentlich auch schon auf deutsch oder dauert das noch?
Für 1.05 laufen die Übersetzungen, dieser wird als offizieller Patch wieder in mehreren Sprachen erscheinen...
Ah super und danke für die Info! :)
Wenn ich mir überlege, wie lange meine Saves bei der CK public beta überleben...Wenn man vom Teufel spricht: 1.05 Release Candidate D ( :teufel:
Aber nicht so viele wichtige Änderungen:
After discovering that Chris (MrT) had forgotten that leper was hardcoded to disallow a character to lead a regiment, there was a very messy and brutal execution, followed by the leper and stutter traits being NOW leper = parental upbringing (since character is <16 and can't lead a regiment anyway) and stutter = realm duress.
A rebelious vassal may resort to assassination rather than outright rebelion -- particularly primary heirs (and even moreso if elective and/or BYZA). (Still require French and Italian translations of the new text for this please)
It now costs less gold to have your child raised (childhood trait events), but now you lose a bit of prestige as well.
A few of the more remove HRE vassals are now inclined to be rebellious in 1066. Might need a bit of toning down if it makes early break up of HRE too likely.
Basileios II
08.02.06, 16:47
Edit: Mist, Arminus war schneller. :( :D
Das Ding kam vor 18 Stunden und wir posten beide erst jetzt? Jaja, zwei Dumme, ein Gedanke. :)
Ach ja, neue Informationen bezügl. 1.05:
The release candidates will probably come somewhat fast and furious for the next little bit. In fact, maybe I should let you all in on "the plan" as it stands tight now. Working backwards....
We (Byak and I) are desperately trying to meet the announced CK 1.05 official release date of Feb 23rd. To do this, I will need to submit final files to Johan by absolutely no later than the night of the 19th so it will be in his in-box when he gets into work on the 20th. That's cutting it close, so the 17th would be better.
To achieve that, I really want the "final" release candidate posted on the 13th. If there's a slight last-minute tweak to be done (like a minor mtth or cost adjustment) then I could still do it, but otherwise I want the last RC to have a solid week of testing before I hand it all over to Johan.
So between now (the 7th) and next Monday we have 6 days to balance stuff. I am hoping to get enough feedback in the next couple days to make some more tweaks and post a patch on Friday, which will give you folks (and us) a whole weekend to play with and report back on.
The one thing that might derail that plan (slightly) is that Johan has said that he'll try to find a few moments this week or very early next week to make one -- and ONLY one -- exe tweak to allow moslems to grant titles to vassals. This is so the break-up events will do a better job of splitting off remote satellite vassals (sheik of Praha). That's not a promise, though, since he can't guarantee that he will be able to make the time to do it and create a new build. It's just a "crossing our fingers" thing.
So that's the plan. Today's RC should (we hope) give us data to tweak and release RC-E on Friday. A weekend's testing should let us tweak again and post RC-F on Monday, and we hope that will be suitable (with only tiny tweaks) for an offical 1.05 to be submitted a week later for the various localized installers to be built. Barring major dissaster, that's what we're shooting for.
Needless to say, any and all help you folks can give us by testing and reporting back to us will go a long way to making 1.05 what it should be; so let us thank you all in advance for your efforts. :)
Für alle, die dem Neuhochangelsächsischem (sprich modern english) nicht so mächtig sind, am 23. Februar gibt's 1.05. Hoffentlich :rolleyes:
So, wenn alles gut läuft, sollte dieser Thread erst nach Doomsday und Victoria 1.04 wieder gebraucht werden, wenn die Public 1.05b startet:
1.05 Release Candidate E (
#Finally relenting to popular demand, cultural conversion (via spread) no longer requires that the two provinces be the same religion; however, if they are then the spread will happen quite a bit more rapidly.
#Undead rulers will get stakes driven through their hearts a lot faster.
#Fans of Frank Herbert's Dune series may now find that there's a nasty surprise in store for them.
# Papal controller is now more likely to get indulgences trickling their way.
# Papal controller is now more likely to receive papal blessing in a coreligionist conflict
von Holstein
10.02.06, 22:18
Reduced the cost of raising a child yourself, but there is now a chance that this will be a very straining period and will affect your fertility (20%) and possibly even your health (5%).
:D Ich glaube ich werde das "neue" CK mögen ! :D
Fans of Frank Herbert's Dune series may now find that there's a nasty surprise in store for them.
Was mag damit nur gemeint sein ? :???:
Seufz. :(
Some other random thoughts...
This candidate has had some tweaking -- in some cases rather heavy, in other cases only slight. Hopefully the net result will be a bit better balance of the recently-added civil war events. Feedback will be important to tell me how close I've gotten to the desired results, and it would be better if you start a new game rather than continuing one that you started under RC-D.
Let me know how the court sizes are faring. I've tweaked mortality rates adn whatnot again, so I think things should be a bit better now.
Next expected RC will be made based on your play feedback this weekend and will likely be posted sometime Monday afternoon (my time...which is about the same time of day that I posted RC-E) or Tuesday morning.
"The state of CK is still too close to call.
But we'll keep You informed." :cool:
@von Holstein: Darüber rätsel ich auch. Vielleicht kann man ja endlich doch den Kwisatz Haderach (wie genau der sich jetzt auch immer schreibt) auf die Welt bringen.
Release Candidate F (
Ja, hätte nicht gedacht, dass es so viele werden. :rolleyes: Aber bald ist ja Ruhe:
As of today CK 1.05 beta new text freeze and new event freeze in effect.
Only text fixes will be done. No new texts and only minor changes to existing text will happen until 1.06 beta.
Only event tweaking will be done. No new events will be added.
Spaghettimonster sei Dank, vielleicht kann man bald eine Partie beginnen ohne Sorge, dass nach der Nachtruhe ein neuer RC zum testen bereit steht... :D
Noch ist es zwar noch nicht so weit, aber um schon mal eine Vorstellung davon zu bekommen:
What I envision for 1.06 is roughly the following:
Phase 1 - canvass opinion as to what is wanted, desirable, necessary. Pretty much the sky's the limit. Lots and lots of public input into this, and conclude with a rough attempt to "sort" these on the basis of what is most wanted to what is least wanted.
Phase 2 - Take the list generated by phase 1, and then split it into four parts:
Stuff that requires a lot of coding - since coding time isn't going to be available (coders will be working on EU3) beyond very, very tiny amounts, anything in this category is highly unlikely to happen. Possibly identify a #1 item that is desirable (from a game standpoint) and feasible, and see if we can beg for enough time for it to be done.
Stuff that requires only a tiny bit of coding - here we might be able to pitch a list of some 10-20 items that could be done over a period of time.
Stuff that requires no coding but lots of event scripting or revisions -- this is the stuff that, once approved, I would look to "assign" to project leaders drawn from the pubic. They would help to organise and refine that part of the project, and they will "submit" a final version to me for approval. Where possible, I would try to provide guidance and direction along the way so efforts don't go to waste.
Stuff that is in the realms of "scenario" development - this includes the revisions necessary for the 3 existing scenarios, as well as the development of at least one new scenario. Again, I will be looking for "project leaders" from the public to handle day-to-day stuff, and then will try to provide input or guidance as time goes by. All such things as culture revisions, database changes, special events, etc would occur on a scenario basis where possible; and the existing 3 scenarios would continue to use the "old" files from 1.05 plus any revisions/new events from #3 above.
Phase 3 - Actually doing it and testing it. As each thing is prepared, I will tentitively approve it and implement it into a patch for public testing. Stuff that works, stays; and stuff that doesn't work gets reworked or axed.
Phase 4 - Somewhere down the road when all seems well, shift to release candidate testing.
Juhuu, ein neues Szenario! :ja:
[...]I would look to "assign" to project leaders drawn from the pubic.[...]Wie muss ich mir das genau vorstellen? :???:
15.02.06, 23:27
Wie muss ich mir das genau vorstellen? :???:
:DVielleicht so?
Nach einem anstrengenden Tag als Event-Skripter: völlig ausgepumpt! (
Nicht schlagen, bitte, ich will's nie wieder tun... :engel:
:D :D :D Was es nicht alles gibt... :eek:
Final Release Candidate (
Fixed another crash bug (exe)
Made more (somewhat drastic) changes to try to reduce religious conversion rates.
Mostly undid previous patch's change to make demesne capitals change to realm religion quickly (there's a slight bonus, but nowhere near previous is now 0.85 instead of 0.000001).
Event ID6700 will now only convert if ruler has elective law and has eccl education
Pulled the Hordes' teeth -- rather significantly.
Tweaked mtth of parental upbringing series to make slightly more likely to get another trait or two
This is it!
This is the final release version that will be in the offical 1.05 installer (localized, of course).Damit dürfte der Thread dann erstmal pausieren, nun ja, das Brain Storming für 1.06 hat bereits begonnen. :feier: :feier: :feier:
editiert durch OG
Oliver Guinnes
21.02.06, 18:41
Für alle die's interessiert kommt hier das Change Log (auch im post Nr. 1 zu finden):
********* CRUSADER KINGS 1.05 CHANGE LOG *********
Crusader Kings 1.05 represents a massive undertaking in overhauling many game mechanisms, introducing many new features, and completely reworking and rebalancing almost all aspects of the game. This offical 1.05 enhancement was more than 18 months in the making; and would have been impossible without the support of Paradox's development team; the tireless dedication of a small group of betas; and most importantly it would never have happened without the continued interest of our fans in the Public Beta forum who have devoted countless hours making suggestions, posting feedback, testing, and assisting us with events and text translations...and so much more.
The following list of changes is only a general overview of the primary differences between 1.05 and 1.04. To view a complete and detailed list; please see the change logs that accompanied each of the 34 distinct public beta patches. (
#### Gameplay ####
- Created new system of cyclical Crusades with varying targets based on game situation. The game will now consist of a series of shorter crusades, with periods of peace in between. The end of a crusade will occur at some time after the crusade target (as identified by hovering your mouse over the crusade flag) has been captured; and will happen sooner if surrounding provinces have also been captured.
- Introduced massive events to control Crusades and provide flavour while Crusades occur.
- The AI has been made reactive to Crusades and powerful rulers are likely to embark on aggressive campaigns in support of them.
- The maximum demesne size is now based on the ruler's INTRIGUE rating and not the ruler's stewardship rating.
- The Martial stat of the ruler and the marshal now determines the recruitment speed for the provincial regiments.
- Difficulty no longer affects regiment size, only speed of recruitment.
- Removed tax rate impact on regiment size.
- The Byzantine demesne bonus has been reduced.
- Rulers can now press the claims of co-belligerent vassals and/or courtiers if the ruler lacks his own claim.
- Peace is now enforced for all vassals (and vassals of vassals) when a liege makes peace. This includes truce periods.
- Higher titles (duke and king level) can now be created even if all provinces are held by your vassals and no demesne is present.
- Granting a Duchy/Kingdom title will also grant appropriate vassals.
- Destroyed titles may be recreated with only 1 province if a claim exists to the destroyed title.
- Titles are no longer destroyed by taking all demesne if the ruler still has vassals.
- New vassals are 100% loyal.
- Vassals very distant from liege demesne may break away.
- Vassals that become independent due to religious differences receive a claim on the liege.
- Vassals now sorted in loyalty order for liege.
- Vassals may now become rebellious if they are far away from their liege, or if they have a very high intrigue level, or if their liege has a very poor intrigue level, or if they are a different religion than their liege. This can lead to increased chances that they will attempt to assassinate their liege; or they may even attempt to initiate a civil war.
- Fixed assignment of Bishoprics from the Papal Controller's court to exclude married courtiers or those with court rank.
- Provinces that are a considerable distance from the demesne capital will tend to dissolve into anarchy and rebellion. When a human ruler is leading a regiment, any parts of his demesne that are far away from his current location (including provinces near the demesne capital!) may also be subject to revolt and thievery.
- The Pope can no longer inherit titles.
- The Pope receives base prestige equal to the Papal Controller per month. Some events now give the Pope and those around him extra piety.
- Only rulers may be excommunicated by the Papal Controller.
- Provinces converting to non-Christian lose all Christian buildings.
- Moslem ruler succession can sometimes trigger interesting (and tumultuous) results.
- Adjusted frequency of female birth and random spawning.
- Added loyalty adjustment for liege laws.
- Rulers are limited to one alliance, although it is possible to exploit this by responding affirmatively to two (or more) simultaneous offers.
- Now possible to agree when a courtier thinks they would "be a better" court member which will automatically promote them into that position.
- Bankruptcy now degrades fortifications instead of removing them.
- Formation of a Crusader State from within your lands is a boon to a ruler rather than a penalty.
- Implemented terrain restrictions on province buildings. No more advanced lumber industry in the desert.
- Tweaked province buildings/improvements cost, time, and effects.
- Rebalanced pillage gold and piety effects based on buildings and province effects.
- You should no longer be pested by non-coreligionist courtiers seeking officer positions in your court.
- The Pope and Patriarch are now only annoyed if you appoint heathens to court officer positions, but not if you simply have some unemployed ones in your court. However; the Pope will complain if you appoint Orthodox court officers during a crusade so players should generally avoid doing so except under extreme emergencies.
- Combat losses now displayed in results window.
- Regimental commanders of different religions will not claim lands for themselves but for the ruler while at war vs. religious enemies.
- Thieves, smugglers, and highway robbers are now more likely to spring up when the province regiment is away.
- Mercenary system now changed so mercenaries are sometimes useful.
- Tweaked many combat values to increase shock and reduce losses. Much more likely to see routs and less annhilation.
- Naval transport costs vastly increased and slowed speed. Extremely expensive to sail directly to religious enemy.
- Completely redesigned the Mongol Hordes, their initial armies, their wants, desires, succession preferences.
- The plague may now appear and almost any time and will spread not only through provinces, but also through courts.
- God now looks unfavorably on heathens, heretics, etc who somehow get control of (or could inherit control of) the Papacy of Religious Orders.
- Heretic provinces now red on religion map.
- All trait effects have been rebalanced. The previous "lisp" and "stutter" traits have been combined into the "lisp" trait, and the "intestinal worm" and "leper" traits have been eliminated. Three new traits have been introduced: "rebelliousness", "realm duress" and "parental upbringing". Rebelliousness means that a vassal is considering declaring independemce, or that he might attempt to wreak havoc within his liege's realm. Realm duress is a trait that a liege will receive if one or more of his vassals is attempting to initiate a civil war. Until he can regain stability by putting down all signs of rebellion, he will be at far greater risk of further uprisings. Parental upbringing is a trait given to a child when a ruler has decided to take a more direct hand in his or her education. It willl usuaully only occur for the player's immediate family.
- Full name and title is now the default for event effects.
- Mortality rates have been increased for all characters except for rulers and primary heirs
- Capitals now have some inertia.
- The restriction that removed chaste and lustful traits from younger characters when loading a save game has been removed.
- Random male courtiers will be generally a bit younger than before.
##### AI CHANGES #####
- AI of ALL religions will now grant titles (including setting up new counties and duchies)
- AI is now smarter at deciding when to accept a marriage proposal - especially when the target is a court member.
- AI Rulers will now attempt to pledge allegiance to default rulers (duke/king) under some conditions.
- AI tweaked for court position assignment.
- AI no longer claims titles of religious enemies.
- AI now grants Ducal titles to appropriate counts.
- AI now much, much smarter in wars and with mobilization of troops.
- AI now avoids revoking titles when vassals are disloyal.
- AI more likely to ally when marriage/family ties are involved.
- AI no longer automatically involves itself in inter-vassal wars.
- AI Kings more likely to Crusade.
- AI lieges will demand support of vassals on Crusade.
- AI Catholic rulers are less likely to accept muslim neighbours
- AI should no longer appoint court officers who aren't co-religionists.
##### EVENTS #####
- Added events for varying Heresies.
- Added in-depth system of child educational events
- Added a series of events making it more difficult to control non-religion provinces.
- Added a series of events to better model Mongol Horde succession.
- Added several series of events based on the court members.
- Added a series of events based on realm laws.
- Tweaked technology spread and discovery events for realm tier and current status (war, crusading, etc).
- Added a series of events that destabilize the Byzantine Empire.
- Added a series of intrigue events for vassals to get uppity.
- Crusader States will attempt to form themselves when Catholics make gains in the Holy Land.
- The Pope will ask nicely for Rome back, should you have it and should he be homeless. Beware saying 'No'.
- Added a siege event that could speed a siege... or not.
- Cultural and Religious Conversion events re-coded. Repeatedly. And then a few more times. And then once more.
- Added a series of events for bastard children to either turn into William the Bastard... or die horribly.
- Added a series of events for bastards to disrupt courts if they are so inclined.
- Added a series of regency events for child rulers. Beware your vassals.
- Made some logical adjustments to bankruptcy events defining what you can and cannot steal.
- The Pope and Patriarch get very unhappy when your court is run by heathens. Especially while a Crusade is in effect.
- Chancellors and Stewards impact length of revolts and province wealth.
- New ultracomplex event for distant vassals to break free from their lieges.
- New even more ultracomplex events added to make it rather difficult to maintain law, order, and loyalty in demesne provinces that are distant from the demesne capital (i.e. are not in the same area or an adjacent area). The player will also be at some risk of two of these events whenever the demesne's ruler is far away at war (an approximation of Prince John's treachery when Richard was off on crusade). The AI is not subject to this latter case since it could be too hard for it to manage.
- Added several battle and siege oriented events.
- Added a new event that no one expects, and that will do something with fear, surprise, ruthless efficiency and a fanatical devotion to
#### SCRIPTING ####
- Added "type = papacy" to event_effects file.
- Added "on_crusade" condition. Returns true on at war with Crusade target.
- Added condition to prevent any crusade starting (except "Retake Rome") if Rome is owned by a non-Catholic.
- Added a "province" condition to check province religion/etc.
- Added "type = court value = n" check for more than 'n' adults in a ruler's court.
- Added target "this" for further character events for the current target.
- Added target "knight" for random adult male courtier.
- Added "crusade_target_owner" to determine owner of the current crusade's target province.
- Added "declare_war" effect.
- "remove_regiment" effect fixified.
- Added "type = pregnant" condition.
- Added province condition "is_besieged"
- Added the 'papacy_csc' and 'controller_csc' csc conditions for character conditions.
- "papacy" and "controller" are now valid targets for character event effects.
- Added an 'any_enemy' csc condition for characters.
- Added an 'is_alive' condition.
- Added a 'primary_heir' which is true if first heir to his fathers primary title.
- Added a 'other_heir' which is true if a heir but not the first heir to his fathers primary title. ***seems not to be working at present***
- Added a 'primary_heir' csc for characters.
- Added a 'primary_heir' target for character effects.
- Added a 'other_heir' target for character effects, which picks a random heir which is not the primary heir of current char.
- Added a 'badboy' event effect for characters.
#### TECHNICAL ####
- Changed network protocal from tcp/ip to directplay internal.
#### BUG FIXES ####
- It is no longer possible to be at war with oneself.
- Female court members no longer lose assigned position when married to a courtier.
- Heretics and Excommunicated courtiers no longer granted bishoprics or Papacy.
- Siege and Occupation no longer reset on ruler death.
- Claims should no longer be received against religious enemies via event.
- Fixed faulty logic in health related events.
- Fixed nested event errors possibly responsible for many CTDs.
- Characters with 0 or less piety (or "scum of the earth" badboy) can not be canonized.
- Low fertility characters now less likely to sire bastards.
- Only christians can build churches, monasteries, templar houses, etc.
- Fixed the elusive Virtual Function Call CTD (and there was much rejoicing)
- Fixed hordes of CTDs and other bugs.
- Eliminated possibility to get multiple claims on the same title.
- It should be impossible for a character to receive two educations now.
- RND seeding is now correctly re-rolled for each instance that it is used.
###### SCENARIO CHANGES ######
The list of individual scenario changes annd corrections is simply too long to include in detail. Please go to to view a complete list of all changes.
### CREDITS FOR 1.05 ###
- Johan Andersson - Producer. Without his support and willingness to do a considerable amount of coding during his "free time", this would never have been even remotely possible.
- MrT - project development coordinator, version control, game design, event scripting, database revisions, scenario revisions
- Byakhiam - game design, event scripting, database revisions, scenario revisions
- Grosshaus - game design, bug report management
- Havard - scenario revisions
- Solmyr - scenario revisions
- Styrbiorn - scenario revisions
- King - scenario revisions
- Mad King James - scenario revisions
- BiB - game design, coffee-maker-extraordinaire, head of the pro-Dutch lobby :D
- and a handful of the original beta team who tested and provided internal feedback (Txini, Secret Master, Drakken, Cat Lord, Guiness Monkey, Castellon, magdat, Sonny, Lucias Sulla, celedhring, and apologies to anyone we might have forgotten)
- ALL OF YOU! There is no way this would have happened without your interest and feedback
- In particular, the following members went "above and beyond" to provide special input (events, scenario revisions, text revisions, translations, names, and feedback): Jinnai, Duuk, King of Men, richvh, Gratianus, Zebedee, Clydog, Jools, Riddermark, CSK, Third Angel, Condottiere, Mikon Orod, JScott991, The Phoenix, Fat, Veldmaarschalk, Gaute65, Lord Leto, Cliffracer RIP, Damocles, NexusRTI, esbenmf, Alexandre, ambrox62, viper37, Imrryran, hildoceras, Fawr, and our apoligies to anyone we might have missed or forgotten over the course of the last 18 months of public beta.
We sincerely appreciate everything you have done to help us release this enhancement.
1.05 englische Version ist raus.
click (
cu Drantos
Habe mir den deutschen Patch 1.04b hier geladen. Jetzt sind aber (?) neben einer menge sehr guter verbesserungen im Spiel, leider auch ein paar Probleme aufgetreten. Gerade hatte ich einen CTD. Außerdem läuft es etwas ruckeliger.
Oder bilde ich mir das nur ein? :???:
Oliver Guinnes
23.03.06, 19:28
Nehmt 1.05.
Nehmt 1.05.
Hm, denn scheint es aber nur auf Englisch zu geben, oder irrt sich meine wenigkeit da? :???:
Hm, denn scheint es aber nur auf Englisch zu geben, oder irrt sich meine wenigkeit da? :???: Bislang ist tatsächlich nur die englische Version erschienen. Allerdings äusserte der werte aka hier kürzlich, dass er für den Eigenbedarf bereits eine Übersetzung des 1.05 gefertigt hätte:
Weiter geht's:
Firstly, a disclaimer:
This pack is by CK fans for CK fans and therefore not official Paradox Interactive product alike CK 1.05 patch and as such, if you have problems with it, you should NOT start threads in Bug Reporting, but here in Public Beta. This pack may be less stable than 1.05 patch, use it at your own discretion.
Changelist so far (01/09/06):
Great deal of scenario analysis and fixes done by Fat (big cheers!)
Creatable areas of duchies and kingdoms reworked, see thread for full details
1066 scenario adapted to the new duchies and kingdoms
1066: Emirate of Mallorca to use different tag
1066: County of Lleida to Emirate of Zaragoza
1066: University added to Cairo
1066: School and Monastery added to Salerno
1066: Louis de Montbéliard made count of Verdun, given claim on Upper Lorraine and made direct vassal of the king
1066: Monastery, Church and tech for Large Church added to Macon
1066: Monastery added to Capua
1066: Fatimids renamed to Egypt
1066: Kingdom of Nubia changed to Muslim emirate of Al-Maris
1066: Robert de Conteville realized he had two sons and his wife was a bit older
1066: Nizam of Seljuk Turks has been Persified
1066: Robert de Hauteville is now Guiscard
1066: Saxon lords in England have raised the flags of Rebelliousness
1066: Gaitelgrima of Salerno made her appearance in Apulia
1066: Count of Valladolid has improved his familial connections
1066: Some Jews have spawned in Spain
1066: Some new courtiers grace the county of Gelre
1187 scenario adapted to the new duchies and kingdoms
1187: Kingdom of Cilicia downgraded to duchy of Armenia Minor
1187: Yaroslav, count of Vyazma, made prince of Novgorod (see, first D3)
1187: School added to Salerno
1187: Large and Domed Church added to Macon
1187: Ayyubids changed into Egypt (using FATI tag)
1337 scenario adapted to the new duchies and kingdoms
1337: Brunswick Welfs given their rightful dynasty
1337: Mamluks changed into Egypt (using FATI tag)
1337: Historical universities added to their appropriate provinces
1337: School added to Salerno
1337: Scots degraded in bow technology, English upgraded
As with 1.04-betas, unrar the pack into your Crusader Kings folder. You do need 1.05 patch before adding this on top.
As you can probably see from the changelist, I have not had time to do everything already agreed upon. Next pack should not take as long as this one to be finished however.
Known issues:
- Although tags have been swapped around, the country colours and CoAs have not been adjusted yet. This will not affect the gameplay beyond looking ugly in places. If you do wish to fix this for yourself before pack 2 is out, there are many modding-suave people frequenting in Scenarios and Modifications subforum who most certainly can give you pointers on how-to.
Quelle: Post 1.05 improvement packs DL thread (
Also keine Beta für einen zukünftigen 1.06, es scheint, als würde es sowas wohl nicht mehr geben. (Aber vielleicht fällt ihnen ja noch ein, dass man mit einem CK-Addon auch noch Geld machen könnte. :D)
Datei hier ( im Downloadthread (, gleicher Disclaimer wie oben, Changelist siehe Quote, Feedback bitte hier (
Changelist of Improvement Pack 2, see previous changelist(s) for earlier pack(s):
- To Be Added, forgot the list home :oUm Stauffi zu zitieren: Gott strafe Byakhiam!!! :schrei: :D
Nachträglich noch die Changelist für das letzte Post 1.05 Improvement Pack:
Changelist of Improvement Pack 2, see previous changelist(s) for earlier pack(s):
- Divided South Slavic blob into Croatian, Serbian and Bulgarian
- Gave some cultures their proper names
- Added Breton, Berber, Mordvin and Andalusi cultures
- Slovaks turned into Bohemians instead of Hungarians
- Fixed a little bug with "on sea" condition in Realm Disruption Events
- Fixed a problem with Cultural Conversion event
- Included a fix to the "inland coastal" provinces (thanks to Fat for this!)
- 1066: Gave Willy the Conq some Realm Duress
- 1066: Made SOUM tag kingdom level
- 1066: Fixed an oversight with IP1 changes in Verdun
- 1066: Gave poor Michael Dukas his wife
- 1066: Added a large bunch of people to Croatia and Venice
- 1066: Fixed a number of slight errors in (mostly) dead characters
- 1066: Adjusted the Muslim situation a tad
- 1066: Added alliance between England and Brittany
- 1187: Made Tripoli elective
- 1187: Adjusted Almohad ruler
- 1187: Added some family for Saladin
- 1337: Set the situation between Marinids and Ziyanids to reflect the result of their war ended later in the year
- 1337: Added a son for Marinid ruler
- 1337: Changed Novgorod into a Republic
- 1337: Gave rulers of Trebizond their proper dynasty and fixed some domestic matters there
- 1337: Improved Anatolia's historicality
- 1337: Revamped Il-Khanate and it's surroundingsNicht viel, allerdings ist anscheinend die same_realm/same_ruler Sache in der Kulturkonversion repariert worden...
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