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Mikael XII
21.10.02, 11:39
Ich gefundet ein wunderschön seite mit viele viele bilder des revolution 1848. Aber viele aus den bildern möchten ich mehr informatzion haben.
Und dann beginnt ich:
Erstes habe ich ein bild mit ein declaration mit den name "An Die Deutche Nation!"
Und den beginttext: "Ein neue glorreiche Geschichte gebt mit dem beutigen tage für euch an"
Wisst sie info über diesen text ?
Ich habe aus en bild "Aufloesung des preussischen Landtages 1848", ich weiss was Aufloesun des preussischen landtages bedeutes, aber ich würden gesichtlichen informatzion haben.
Warum aufloesung ? unt so weiter.
Ich habe aus ein bildt ein revolt ins Berlin in märz 1848. War es des grossen revolt ?
Und dann habe ich ein bild aus ein man mit den namen Robert Blum, (who was he ?)
Ich habe aus ein bild aus ein man mit den namen Brentano.
Und ein bild mit den namen , und ich würden gehrn wissen was est war "Buergerwehrschiesstaufarbeiter.jpg".
Ich habe aus den text und melodie ein lied mit den name "Demokratenmarsch".
Was war den Deutche Nationalversammlung ?
Ich habe aus ein bild den ermordung ders fürsten Lychnowskys, was es ein specielle ermordung ???
Und dan ein bild aus Friedrich Jahn... ?
Und ein bild aus Friedrich Hecker... ?
Und ein schönes bildt ein dame Lola.. ??
ich habe ein slacht bild aus den Paulskirche. Berühmte slacht ??
Welchen rolle hat den Reichministers ?
Und ein bild mit den name Rastatt aufstand... ?
Und das war alles, alles das ich habe nehmt würden ich gern informatzion haben.
Mit freundlichen grüsen
(PS: Antwort in english, ich screibt in deutch nur zu lernen und für den deutchen das nicht english verstehen können reden)
Many interesting questions Mikael.
Not easy or fast to answer.
First Attemp :
look at the fellowing page - it's in english. Some of your questins
will be answerd there.
Mikael XII
21.10.02, 19:27
Ok, i have looked through the site, and read through it, and i get many answers yes. But not as deep as i want on certain, so theese questions remains.
Erstes habe ich ein bild mit ein declaration mit den name "An Die Deutche Nation!"
Und den beginttext: "Ein neue glorreiche Geschichte gebt mit dem beutigen tage für euch an"
Wisst sie info über diesen text ? Is this an Imperial decree, or a calling of the people?
Ich habe aus en bild "Aufloesung des preussischen Landtages 1848", ich weiss was Aufloesun des preussischen landtages bedeutes, aber ich würden gesichtlichen informatzion haben.
Warum aufloesung ? unt so weiter. Who absolved the landtag, and why ?
Ich habe aus ein bildt ein revolt ins Berlin in märz 1848. War es des grossen revolt ?
As there was one image specially named Berlin in märz. Was that the big rebellion ?
Und dann habe ich ein bild aus ein man mit den namen Robert Blum, Who was he ?
Ich habe aus ein bild aus ein man mit den namen Brentano. Who was he ?
Und ein bild mit den namen , und ich würden gehrn wissen was est war "Buergerwehrschiesstaufarbeiter.jpg". Do not even know what the word meens fully
Ich habe aus den text und melodie ein lied mit den name "Demokratenmarsch". I guess that is the marsch of the republicans
Ich habe aus ein bild den ermordung ders fürsten Lychnowskys, was es ein specielle ermordung ??? Who was the Fürst Lyschnowsky, and did their death play any major role ?
Und ein schönes bildt ein dame Lola.. ?? Who was she, there where many images of this Lola. One one image it says Lona Montez
ich habe ein slacht bild aus den Paulskirche. Berühmte slacht ?? On the image you see a lot of citizens and military firing at them
Welchen rolle hat den Reichministers ?
Und ein bild mit den name Rastatt aufstand... ? Is this the end of the rebellion or not so important event ?
Augustus Rex
21.10.02, 19:45
Originally posted by Mikael XII
Ok, i have looked through the site, and read through it, and i get many answers yes. But not as deep as i want on certain, so theese questions remains.
Erstes habe ich ein bild mit ein declaration mit den name "An Die Deutche Nation!"
Und den beginttext: "Ein neue glorreiche Geschichte gebt mit dem beutigen tage für euch an"
Wisst sie info über diesen text ? Is this an Imperial decree, or a calling of the people?
Ich habe aus en bild "Aufloesung des preussischen Landtages 1848", ich weiss was Aufloesun des preussischen landtages bedeutes, aber ich würden gesichtlichen informatzion haben.
Warum aufloesung ? unt so weiter. Who absolved the landtag, and why ?
Ich habe aus ein bildt ein revolt ins Berlin in märz 1848. War es des grossen revolt ?
As there was one image specially named Berlin in märz. Was that the big rebellion ?
In my eyes, it was the biggest rebellion in Prussia, at least in Berlin. There is a famous painting of Adolf Menzel: "Die Aufbahrung der März-Gefallenen". You might be interested in this.
The March-Rebellion of 1848 was the only point of the revolutionary movement, when the Prussian king got under real (almost personal) pressure.
He was forced to lift his hat, when the dead rebels were buried.
Und dann habe ich ein bild aus ein man mit den namen Robert Blum, Who was he ?I'm not sure, but I believe, Blum was an Austrian rebel, who took a leading part in Vienna-Revolution.
Ich habe aus ein bild aus ein man mit den namen Brentano. Who was he ?
Brentano was one of the most important romantic poets in Germany. His probably most famous book was "Des Knaben Wunderhorn", a collection of stories and poems, I believe.
Und ein bild mit den namen , und ich würden gehrn wissen was est war "Buergerwehrschiesstaufarbeiter.jpg". Do not even know what the word meens fully
Ich habe aus den text und melodie ein lied mit den name "Demokratenmarsch". I guess that is the marsch of the republicans
Ich habe aus ein bild den ermordung ders fürsten Lychnowskys, was es ein specielle ermordung ??? Who was the Fürst Lyschnowsky, and did their death play any major role ?
Und ein schönes bildt ein dame Lola.. ?? Who was she, there where many images of this Lola. One one image it says Lona Montez
ich habe ein slacht bild aus den Paulskirche. Berühmte slacht ?? On the image you see a lot of citizens and military firing at them
Welchen rolle hat den Reichministers ?
Und ein bild mit den name Rastatt aufstand... ? Is this the end of the rebellion or not so important event ?
Rastatt is situated in Baden (southwestern Germany) and used to be tha very last fortress of the rebels. It's a reallly important place of the revolution.
He,he the prussians don't shot so fast
And I don't write so fast, expacially in english.
Here are some more answers :
Barricade fight in Berlin
Already since beginning of March 1848 the general discontent will be attracted attention also in Berlin. The Prussian capital was full filled with soldiers. The presence of the military increased the tension.
On the 14 March, the cavalry advanced for the first time against demonstrating citizens. On the 15 March the first barricades were erected. First shots fell.
The 18 March 1848 became the critical day. A crowd of people had met themself before the Berlin Palace. The king stepped on the balcony. The excited crowd took impetus at the mass of the troops and required loudly the deduction of the military. Friedrich Wilhelm IV. reacted spontaneously and violently, he commanded to bring "the scandal to an end ".
On the evacuation of the palace place through cavalry and infantry, some shots unloaded themselves. The excited crowd believed, the king had betrayed them.
Within shortest time, approximately thousand barricades in the streets of Berlin emerged. It came to hard fights. About 4,000 rebellious, stood vis-a-vis 14,000 soldiers. Berliners out of all layers of the population fighted side on side with great courage.
There were deads and woundeds.
Friedrich Wilhelm IV. was deeply shoked of the bloodshed. He believed in to be able to rescue the situation through personal intervention, and he wrote in the night the proclamation "my dear Berliners". When several delegations assailed him, the unsteady king gave the command to the deduction of the troops out of Berlin. This leaves, how royalist of excited, Berlin "unprotected in the force of the rebellious ".
On the 19 March, the corpses of the fallen barricade fighters were brought to the palace. The accompanying crowd forced with loud calls the appearance of the king on the balcony. There he bowed for the deads. This gesture counted many as a sign of the humiliation and submission under the revolution. Now the peoples wrath centered against prince Wilhelm (born 1797). He was the brother of the king and a sharp opponent to the demands of the people. They got him responsibly for the operations of the military. The bad word of the "Kartätschenprinzen"(*) arose. Wilhelm had to escape in night and fog. He went to England into the exile. No one, also he himself, was able to suspect that he would become 23 years later the first emperor of the new German empire.
On the 21 March, Friedrich Wilhelm IV rides, with a blackly-red-golden bandage and accompanies by his ministers, generals and the royal prince, through the city. In the evening of this 21 March Friedrich Wilhelm IV announced a new proclamation : "At the German nation"(**). A day later have been buryed, under the sympathy of whole Berlin, the 190 civilians, who died in the fights. 183 men, 5 womans and 2 childrens.
Kartätsche - this is a weapon. I don't know how to translate. I think this is a kind of grenade launcher with lead shot. But I'm not sure.
At the German nation!
A new glorious history raises with the current day for you! You are henceforth again a consolidated large nation, strongly, freely and importantly in the heart of Europe! Prussia Friedrich Wilhelm IV. has risen itsself, in the confidence on your heroical assistance and your intellectual rebirths, to the rescue of Germany at the top of the complete-homeland. You will perceive him with the old, venerable colors of the German nation yet today to horses in your middle. Safely and blessing to the constitutionel sovereign, the leader of the total German people, the new king of the free, reborn German nation.
Berlin, the 21 March 1848
Attention ! I had not found the proclamation in english. So I have it translated by myself. And I be in doubt for correctness.
Here is the orginal german text :
An die deutsche Nation!
Eine neue glorreiche Geschichte hebt mit dem heutigen Tage für Euch an! Ihr seid fortan wieder eine einige große Nation, stark, frei und wichtig im Herzen von Europa!
Preußens Friedrich Wilhelm IV. hat Sich, im Vertrauen auf Euren heldenmüthigen Beistand und Eure geistige Wiedergeburt, zur Rettung Deutschlands an die Spitze des Gesamt-Vaterlandes gestellt.
Ihr werdet Ihn mit den alten, ehrwürdigen Farben Deutscher Nation noch heute zu Pferde in Eurer Mitte erblicken.
Heil und Segen dem constitutionellen Fürsten, dem Führer des gesamten deutschen Volkes, dem neuen Könige der freien, wiedergeborenen deutschen Nation.
Berlin, den 21. März 1848
A link to a short biography of Friedrich Hecker
Zum Bild "Burgerwehr schiesst auf Arbeiter" :
16 October 1848 : "militia shoots on laborer"
It concerns an event during the building of the Luisenstädtischer Kanal (Connection between Spree and Engelbecken in Berlin).
Construction time 1848 - 1852
The opening for the navigation took place at that 15. March 1852.
It has nothing to do with the revolution of 1848. It has to do with rationalization and releases during the building of the canal.
The events in October 1848 in the building of the Luisenstädtischer Kanal
Shortly after start of the Ausschachtungsarbeiten(1), beginning of October 1848, a steam engine was set up, to pumup out the water.
The machine, so was whispered under the workers, should serve to set laborer free. In the night of that 12th to the 13 October 1848 the machine was destroyed.
Thereupon was announced to the workers, they would have to fire a number of them. On the 16 October, should this take place.
Because the authorities reckoned with resistance, in the adjoining Exerzierhaus(2) a battalion of militia had been positioned.
A group of the workers wanted to go demonstratively into the city. They were stoppt by the militia.
The situation escalated.
It came to cusses and mutual threats. In the end stones throws and the militia shots on the workers. Three workers were killed, two died further at the injuries.
That killed were carried by the laborers through the city. Again take schootings place and two more laborers were killed. Thereupon in the afternoon the laborers builded barricades. The militia stormed this barricades. Once again three workers were killed. Also a militia man was killed when he wanted to pull down a flag, blowing on the barricades. He ran into friendly fire.
On the 20 October 1848, the fallen laborers would burried on the cemetery under large participation. Also the most militia were attended.
There was no essential delay in building the canal.
(1) Ausschachtungsarbeiten - I don't know how to translate. It means to dig and put the earth away for the canal.
(2) Exercierhaus - a kind of barracks
Sorry, Mikael, but I don't know any Demokratenmarsch.
I've found a Song from 1848 called the "Freiheitsmarsch". Perhaps it is th same. I've tryed to translate it. But I've never before translated a old song. Nevertheless I hope this will help you.
There are many Songs from this period.
I've also tryed to translated my favorit song from this time called "badisches Wiegenlied".
( Remark : I'm comming from the southwest of Germany )
1. Hurrah! awake, man for man,
who only can move his arm !
Hurrah! Come on, everybody who can fight
hurrah! strait toward to the enemy,
: /: peoples breast feels revange /:
raise up thousand an thousand,
to the battle for death! and life!
2. The prist and tyranns
long had us flayed,
fatten itself with our blood
bound the revengers arm!
:/:Hurrah! Come on! the arm is free!:/:
we chase these gang away
fom the german lands!
3. The barricade build up,
that freedom rampart climbed
planted the freedom flag thereon,
for dying or for victories
: /: red like blood to the heros death!:/:
the freedom banner blow,
we will stand to it!
4. Up! brave Fighters goes on
cowardly servants only trembles.
Soon overcome the Mercenaries,
the tyranns power is distrubted;
: /: power to the people! No another more,:/:
we stand with Gods graces
on our barricade.
1. Hurrah! wacht, auf sieht Mann für Mann,
Wer nur den Arm kann regen!
Hurrah! herbei, wer kämpfen kann,
Hurrah! dem Feind entgegen,
:/: des Volkes Brust fühlt Rachelust,:/:
Viel Tausend sich erheben,
Zum Kampf auf Tod! und Leben!
2. Die Pfaffen und Tyrannenbrut
Hat lange uns geschunden,
Gemästet sich von unserm Blut
Den Rächerarm gebunden!
:/:Hurrah! herbei! der Arm ist frei!:/:
Wir jagen diese Bande
Aus unserm deutschen Lande!
3. Die Barrikaden vorgeschanzt,
Den Freiheitswall bestiegen,
Die Freiheitsfahne drauf gepflanzt,
Zum Sterben oder Siegen
:/: mag blutigrot zum Heldentod!:/:
Das Freiheitsbanner wehen,
Wir werden zu ihm stehen!
4. Auf! tapfre Streiter frisch drauf los!
Ein feiger Knecht nur zittert.
Bald ist besiegt der Söldnertroß,
Tyrannenmacht zersplittert;
:/: das Volk ist Herr! sonst keiner mehr,:/:
Wir stehn von Gottes Gnaden
Auf unsern Barrikaden.
Badian lullaby
refrain: sleep, my child, sleep low,
there outside the Preuß goes.
1. he killed your father,
poorly made your mother
and who does not sleep in a quit way,
the Preuß will close his eyes
sleep, my child, sleep low,
there outside the Preuß goes.
2. The Preuß have a bloody hand,
that he stretches allover the badisch land,
and we must all be calm,
like your father beneath the stone
Sleep, my child..
3. To Rastatt on the fortress,
there he plays to the dance,
there he plays with powder and lead,
so he makes all Badener free.
Sleep, my child..
4. Only God knows how long he goes,
until that the freedom revives,
and where your father lies, my child,
there still have many Prussias place.
Scream it, my children, scream it,
there outside the Preuß lies.
Badisches Wiegenlied
Refrain: Schlaf, mein Kind, schlaf leis',
dort draußen geht der Preuß'.
1. Deinen Vater hat er umgebracht,
deine Mutter hat er arm gemacht,
und wer nicht schläft in guter Ruh',
dem drückt der Preuß' die Augen zu.
Refrain: Schlaf, mein Kind, schlaf leis',
dort draußen geht der Preuß'.
2. Der Preuß' hat eine blutige Hand,
die streckt er über das badische Land,
und alle müssen wir stille sein,
wie dein Vater unterm Stein.
Schlaf, mein Kind ...
3. Zu Rastatt auf der Schanze,
da spielt er auf zum Tanze,
da spielt er auf mit Pulver und Blei,
so macht er alle Badener frei.
Schlaf, mein Kind ...
4. Gott aber weiß, wie lang er geht,
bis daß die Freiheit aufersteht,
und wo dein Vater liegt, mein Schatz,
da hat noch mancher Preuße Platz.
Schrei's, mein Kindlein, schrei's,
da draußen liegt der Preuß'.
Mikael XII
23.10.02, 11:03
I must thank you for your rapid replies and good replies, almost every single question of mine has been answered, only four left, and as i see it they could be the most difficult to answer:
Ich habe aus en bild "Aufloesung des preussischen Landtages 1848", ich weiss was Aufloesun des preussischen landtages bedeutes, aber ich würden gesichtlichen informatzion haben.
Warum aufloesung ? unt so weiter. Who absolved the landtag, and why ?
Ich habe aus ein bild den ermordung ders fürsten Lychnowskys, was es ein specielle ermordung ??? Who was the Fürst Lyschnowsky, and did their death play any major role ?
Und ein schönes bildt ein dame Lola.. ?? Who was she, there where many images of this Lola. One one image it says Lona Montez
ich habe ein slacht bild aus den Paulskirche. Berühmte slacht ?? On the image you see a lot of citizens and military firing at them
Welchen rolle hat den Reichministers ?
Augustus Rex
23.10.02, 14:03
Lola or Lona Montez?
Has she not been a dancer at the Bavarian court theatre of Ludwig II ?
But I am really not sure.
Carl the Great
23.10.02, 15:43
Lola Montez (
Felix Fürst Lichnowsky, am 5. April 1814 in Grätz bei Troppau (Schlesien) geboren, trat 1834 in die preußische Armee ein und war von 1838 bis 1840 Generaladjutant des spanischen Thronanwärters Don Carlos. In der Nationalversammlung zählte er zum rechten Zentrum. Zusammen mit dem 1792 geborenen General Hans von Auerswald, einem politischen Freund, wurde er am 18. September 1848 während des Aufstands in Frankfurt ermordet. Er war ein Freund und Gönner Liszts.
Felix Fuerst Lichnowsky, born on 5 April 1814 in Graetz near Troppau (Schlesien), joined the Prussian army in 1834 and was general aide of the Spanish throne candidate Don Carlo from 1838 to 1840. In the "Nationalversammlung" he belonged to the right Zentrum. Together with the 1792 born General Hans von Auerswald, a political friend, he was murdered on 18 September 1848 during the rebellion in Frankfurt. He was a friend and a sponsor to Liszt.
I suppose the battle of the Paulskirche in Frankfurt belongs to this main rebellion, where Lichnowsky and Auerswald were killed.
Oliver Guinnes
23.10.02, 16:27
Hello Mikael,
a Lola Montez was involved in several affairs. One caused Ludwig I of Bavaria to abdicate, or at least was one reason for his resignation. Try these links for preliminary Information: or
By the way, she was irish born, as you would have guessed looking at her name.
With this Brentano guy you should be a litte cautious, because there were several important men coming from the Bretanos. This family is one of the great German families, as you might have guessed again by the name :D (is Germanicus somewhere around here to start a discusion about German immigratin policy?? :D ). So it could be the poet Augustus mentioned or another guy from that family:
A Lorenz Brentano, born 1813 in Mannheim and died in Chicago 1891, was invoved in the revolution of 1848/49. You can find some information here:
Clemens von Brentano (1778-1842) was the poet. Born in Ehrenbreitstein near Koblenz, he first tried an apprenticeship as an trader (his father was a trader), but before finishing his training he tried to study medical science and "Kameralwissenschaft" (its the German version of the science how to run a state and especially its budget and economy. It was in Germany the predecessor of economics). However, he did not finish his studies and decided to live on the expense of his farthers fortune. Having nothing else to do he turned his attention to poetry and wrote among ohters these works:
"Godwi oder das steinerne Bildnis der Mutter" (1801)
"Romanzen vom Rosenkranz" (1803-18112)
"Des Knaben Wunderhorn" (1806 Volksliedersammlung, zusammen mit Achim von Arnim herausgegeben)
"Geschichte vom braven Kasperl und dem schönem Annerl" (1817)
"Das bittere Leiden unsers Herrn Jesus Christi" (1833)
Brentano, Franz (1838 - 1917)
German philosopher generally regarded as the founder of Act Psychology, or intentionalism, which concerns itself with the acts of the mind rather than with the states of mind or the impact of stimuli upon consciousness; his “empirical psychology” develops empiricism in the direction of subjective idealism, with a sharp line drawn between physical and psychical phenomena and denying any objective content for ideas, deeply connected with his Theism; Brentano was an important influence on Husserl.
Heinrich von Bretano (????-????)
Was a politican in the early yeras of the Federal Rebublic of Germany, he lead for some time the pariamentary party of the CDU/CSU and was in the early sixties Minister of foreign affairs.
There might be ohters I do not rember. (Clemens had also a famous sister, Bettina, somtimers appearing as von Bretano and sometimes as von Armin. The latter is her husbands name, who was a friend of Clemens)
Your Brentano would be probably Lorenz or Clemens. Please let us know, which guy was the right one!
Ah, this Lola you are looking for. Lola Montez.
Sorry, I was standing on the wire.
( Ich stand auf der Leitung - keine Ahnung wie die englische Redewendung dafür heißt )
The famous Lola Montez :-)
I can tell you something about her.
Lola Montez and Ludwig I of Bavaria
The best story of the revolution year 1848 took place in Munich. The participants were Lola Montez and Ludwig I of Bavaria. It concerned sex, power and money. Everything what a good story needs.
On the 5 October 1846 arrived, the 25 years old Elizabeth Rosanna Gilbert, in Munich. She was born in an Irish village. She was tripped before as a Spanish dancer through Europe. The cavaliers lays on her feet. She had transferred her place of birth to Sevilla. She borrowed her name from the most famous bullfight of this time, Francisco Montes. In Berlin, Warsaw, London, Paris, in Bonn and Baden-Baden she had already worried for shocking scandals.
Only two days after her arravial, granted king Ludwig I her an audience.
Within only 18 months the liaison between Ludwig I and Lola Montez should errupt the Bavarian monarchy. Ludwig I, at this time over 60 years old, provided her the Bavarian citizenship (whereupon the whole officiating government retreated ) and gave her the titel 'countess of Landsfeld'.
Soon knews everybody in Munich, that Lola Montez was not spanish. Only her glowing lover belifes this wish picture. This wish picture hollowed out his autocratic domination and costs him finally the crown.
It was a strange and grotesque story. Lola Montez pesented herself in always new rolls. Once as an exotic Bolero-dancer from Sevilla, once as a whip swinging amazone and Femme fatal, once as a luxurious lady, once as the extraordinare kept woman of the king and once as countess Landsfeld raised in the bavarian peerage.
All Germany 1847/1848 sings impudent songs on the Bavaria king and were a part of the background music for the revolution. Everywhere circulated leaflets, that showed the Bavarian lion lying totally crazy in the arms of a whip swinging Senorita. Lola Montez had made the Wittelsbacher totally crazy. And finally she wents to the politics. The "cabinet Lola Montez" rules bavarian.
Enormous sums were dissipated for the kept woman of the king, while the people had a year of hunger. Ludwig bought his love a palace and financed her expensive lifestyle. For pretty women and classic buildings nothing was too expensive for him. On the otherside he counted every penny. He weared all his lifetime the same patch strewn house skirt.
In February 1848 the soul of the citizens of Munich exploded with the call 'this bitch must away!'.This was the the spark, connected with the demands for 'one free homeland', to ignite the flame of revolution. In March burns whole Europe. Ludwig resignd, on a advice of Lola, with the hope, to live with her together in a 'country where the lemons bloom'. To late recogniced the sixty year-old monarch, that it had been fooled whole the time.
The scandal and the demands of the revolution of 1848, constitutional guaranteed expansion of the middle class rights, press freedom, public courts and tribunals, don't realy damaged the monarchic system in Bavarian. A deep respect before the king as an inviolable instance could not create revolution heros - like about Friedrich Hecker in Baden-Baden.
The burning soul of the people forced the famous kept woman, who was walked smoking (smoking on the street was forbidden since the first unrests in 1847. And a woman, smoking in public, was an unpardonable provocation) and whip swinging with her blood dog through Munich streets, to escape out of the city.
A little revolution took place in Munich after the banishment of Lola. On the 4 March 1848 forced a crowd the arsenal. It was the carnival saturday. The rebels were armed with medieval equipment like poleaxes and ball-and-chain. There were no more effective weapons in the arsenal. In the historic armament the revolutionary crowd looks more like a carneval festival.
Prince Karl, the brother of the king, rides to the revolutionary crowd and promised that the representatives of the states are convened to the 16 May. No revolution shouting, but "Vivat"-calls was the result. The citizens of Munich carried the weapons back into the arsenal.
The white-blue dynasty of the Wittelsbacher were not realy affected by the revolution and the scandal. The oldest son of Ludwig I, Maximilian, takes the crown of Bavaria. So Bavaria had further a king, Maximilian II.
The younger son of Ludwig I, Otto, had become, in the panhellenic compromise, king of Greece.
After the death Maximilians II the Bavarians got even a 'fairy tale' king, Ludwig II, the grandson of Ludwig I.
A link to biography of Lola Montez
Oh, I've seen the honored Oliver Guiness had also shown this link.
This must be a really good link.
Mikael XII
23.10.02, 22:54
Only Auflösung Preussichen landtag left :)
And thanx for the extremly good info.
all of you.
Carl the Great
24.10.02, 00:31
Mein Link zu Lola Montez ist ebenfalls der gleiche - was eben bei Google als erstes rauskommt... :rolleyes:
Oliver Guinnes
24.10.02, 01:16
@ carl
jau. Aber nur wer gut sucht, der auch gut findet.
Auflösung des preußischen Landtages
Die Preußische Nationalversammlung
( The prussian national congress )
22.03.1848 : Proclamation Friedrich Wilhelm IV about
political reforms and the convoking of a Congress,
called the Preußischen Nationalversammlung.
Their task should be to work out a constitution
for the kingdom of Prussia.
01.05.1848 : Election of the Preußischen Nationalversammlung .
22.05.1848 : Opening session of the Preußischen Nationalversammlung
in Berlin.
12.10.1848 : Beginning of the constitutional discussions
in the Preußischen Nationalversammlung .
08.11.1848 : Relocation of the Preußischen Nationalversammlung
to Brandenburg.
10.11.1848 : Invasion of general Wrangels with 40.000 soldiers
to Berlin.
12.11.1848 : Imposition of the state of siege ( Belagerungszustand )
in Berlin.
15.11.1848 : Decision of the tax refusal by the
Preußischen Nationalversammlung
27.11.1848 : Reopening of the Preußischen Nationalversammlung
in Brandenburg.
05.12.1848 : Dissolution of the Preußischen Nationalversammlung.
The constitution, worked out by the Preußischen Nationalversammlung,
was rejected by the king.
But many basic articles of this constitution found entrance
into the revised constitution of 1850.
The revised constitution was valid in Prussia until 1918.
Mikael XII
24.10.02, 22:09
I can not express my grattitude in words, but it is a lot :)
Without your aid those images i have would be fairly useless to me, now i have enough info, and material to even start construction of a revolution of 1848 site :), but i wont yet.
With your aid you aided me in expanding my biographic section of Bavaria (On each of my states on the site there will be a biography section, of the non royal/ducal etc, and so far on Bavaria i had Strauss, now i have Lola Montez. )
So a thousand times, 90*1000^58= A LOT, thanx to you all.
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