Archiv verlassen und diese Seite im Standarddesign anzeigen : Wo ist der Fehler?

[B@W] Abominus
17.09.04, 04:54
# Event to uncivilize any nation...
event = {
id = 81000
random = no
invention = yes

trigger = {
civilized = yes
NOT = { prestige = -1000 }

date = { day = 1 month = january year = 0 }
offset = 30
deathdate = { year = 2999 }

name = "Unzivilisiert"
desc = "In den Augen der Welt sind wir nun nur noch dreckiger Abschaum!"
style = 0

action_a = {
name = "ARGH!"
command = { type = civilized value = no }
command = { type = badboy value = 50 }
command = { type = army_revolt value = 100 }

Problem ist, daß es nicht von allein feuert.

Und zwar soll es darum gehen, daß wenn ein Land, welches Zivilisiert ist, im Bereich -1000 Prestige landet, oder auch weniger hat, automatisch unzivilisiert wird.

Per Hand kann ich es triggern, aber auch nur wenn die Bedingungen erfüllt sind.

Bei der CSA, die zum x-ten Mal Pleite gegangen sind, klappt es (haben weniger als -1000 Prestige, also irgendwo um die -2000) mit den Engländern (mehr als 3000 Prestige) geht es naturgemäß nicht.

Wo ist mein Denkfehler?

17.09.04, 05:19
ich nehme an ihr wollt ein Land strafen das 1000 Prestigepunkte verloren hat.

Dann müsstet ihr irgendwo einbauen was als Grundlage genommen werden soll.

Z.b. müsstet ihr irgendwie dem Compi verständlich machen das er die -1000 Prestige von irgendwas abziehen soll. Und das irgendwas muss auch angegeben werden.

Man bräuchte ein Prestigeprüfer und zwar andauernd.

17.09.04, 08:42
trigger = {
civilized = yes
NOT = { prestige = -1000 }

hmm, ich bin nicht der Code-Experte, aber heißt das nicht, daß das Event nicht feuert, wenn der Prestigewert = -1000 ist??

17.09.04, 10:27
trigger = {
civilized = yes
NOT = { prestige = -1000 }

ich würde das probieren:
trigger = {
AND = {civilized = yes }
{ prestige < -1000 }
eine sowohl als auch-Verknüpfung, oder ?

oder, wenn es das '<' nicht gibt

trigger = {
civilized = yes
NOT = { prestige > -1000 }


[B@W] Abominus
17.09.04, 11:32

# Event to civilize any nation...
event = {
id = 6667
random = no
invention = yes

trigger = {
civilized = no
prestige = 100
industry = 50
military = 10

date = { day = 1 month = january year = 1836 }
offset = 30
deathdate = { year = 1921 }

name = "EVT_6667_NAME"
desc = "EVT_6667_DESC"
style = 0

action_a = {
name = "ACTIONNAME6667A"

command = { type = civilized value = yes }

Ein Land, welches Unzivilisiert ist, bekommt mit 100 Prestige oder mehr, 50 Industrie oder mehr, und 10 Militärwertung oder mehr die Gabe der Zivilisation.

Ich wollte es auch in die andere Richtung machen.

Wenn ein zivilisiertes Land also seinen Prestigewert auf mindestens -1000 runterhaut, bzw. es noch weniger als -1000 ist, also z.B. -1200 oder -2000, dann soll das Event feuern und man soll unzivilisiert werden.

Das Problem ist das
NOT = { prestige = -1000 } und ich weiß nicht, wie ich das anders lösen soll. Ich bin schon kurz davor, es im Paradoxforum zu posten mit der Hoffnung, daß es Johann sieht und sagt: Dat jet nit! :rolleyes:

17.09.04, 11:42
bei der Skandinavischen Vereinigung gibt es einen Trigger, der auf dem Prestige beruht (eine Nation braucht mehr Prestige als die andere). das Argument ist irgendwie "bigger_prestige =" oder so, kann es gerade nicht nachschauen. aber vieleicht hilft das ja irgenwie weiter...
eventuell gibt es auch einen "lower_prestig"-Argument??

[B@W] Abominus
17.09.04, 11:51
Das würde im Verhältnis gelten zu einer anderen Nation, aber welche sollte ich da zu Rate ziehen? Tripolis geht generell Pleite, aber auch nicht sofort. Wenn jemand also weniger Prestige als 5 hat, wenn Tripolis 5 haben sollte, wird es unzivilisiert. Ich will es aber erst bei -1000 haben, wäre sonst witzlos.

greater_prestige = { country = DAN country = SWE }

So würde es für Dänemark hat mehr als Schweden aussehen.

[B@W] Abominus
17.09.04, 11:57

relation = {country = [tag] data = X} # From EU2
won_war = {country = [tag1] country = [tag2] } # tag1 has won a war against tag2
peace_treaty = { country = [tag1] country = [tag2] } # Do countries 1 and 2 have a peace treaty?
constitution = { country = [tag] type = [democracy/constitutional_monarchy/monarchy/presidential_dictatorship/proletarian_dictatorship] } # No country field means 'this country'
government = { country = [tag] type = [ruling party ideology] } # No country field means 'this country'
policy = { country = [tag] type = [policy type] } # No country field means 'this country'
ruling_party = [party id]
claim_buildings = [prov id] # There are claim buildings in the same area as prov.
uncolonized = [prov id] # True if the province has no owner
is_GP = [tag/yes/no]
colonialnation = [tag/yes/no/player] # True if nation has a claim buildings or colonies anywhere in the world. 'player' means "any human player" and only checks for new claim buildings not there at scenario start.
pending_revolution = [yes/no] # Militancy is high enough for a revolution to occur.
reform = { type = [reform type] level = [appropriate word] }
owned = { province = Y data = [tag] } # No data field means 'this country'
control = { province = Y data = [tag] } # No data field means 'this country'
pop_militancy = { province = Y data = [0-10] } # True if _any_ POP in province Y has militancy >= data.
event = x #event has happened.
random = x ( % )
leader = x #leader exists
atwar = [yes/no/country tag] # Country tag added to see if other countries are at war
campaign = [yes/no/country tag] # Ongoing political campaign?
civilized = [yes/no/country tag] # Is a country civilized or primitive?
is_satellite = [Country Tag]
satellite = { country = [tag 1] country = [tag 2] } # True if tag 1 is satellite of tag 2
is_dominion = [Country Tag]
dominion = { country = [tag 1] country = [tag 2] } # True if tag 1 is dominion of tag 2
ai = [yes/no/country tag] # Is the country AI controlled?
great_war = [yes/no] # Is there a Great War in progress?
technology = x #True if a certain tech is known.
flag = { name = X value = Y } #true if flag X exists and is greater than or equal to Y (where Y is an integer or [yes/no]).
local_flag = { name = X value = Y } #true if flag X exists FOR CURRENT COUNTRY and is greater than or equal to Y (where Y is an integer or [yes/no]).
owned = { province = a data = tag } # checks if province is owned by country x (if data == -1 then its for country receievin event)
control = { province = a data = tag } # checks if province is controlled by country x (if data == -1 then its for country receievin event)
exists = country #if country exists.
alliance = { country =a country = b } # checks if a and b have a military alliance
war = { country =a country = b } # checks if a and b is at war
year = x (>=x)
revanchism = { country = [tag] data = X } # X% or more of national provs owned by foreigners
desperation = { country = [tag] data = X } # X% or more of national provs occupied by foreigners
occupied = { country = [tag] data = X } # X% or more of owned provs occupied by foreigners
invention = x #True if a certain invention is known.
police_budget = x # True if the crime fighting budget is at X or more % of total budget
stronger_army = { country = A country = B } # True if country A has a more powerful army than country B
stronger_navy = { country = A country = B } # True if country A has a more powerful navy than country B
pop_majority = [religion/culture/ideology/workforce] # Checks if the majority of POPs are of a certain type
prestige = X # Prestige > X
industry = X # Industrial Score > X
military = X # Military Score > X
greater_prestige = { country = tag1 country = tag2 } # tag1 has greater prestige than tag2
slavery = [yes/no] # Is slavery allowed in this country?
minorities = [yes/no] # Are there cultural minorities in the country?
war_exhaustion = { country = TAG value = x } #[0-10] 1 = 10%, 2 = 20%# true if war exhaustion >= value
religion = { country = [tag] type = [religion type] }
culture = { country = [tag] type = [culture type ] }
hi_tax_lo = [yes/no] # Is the high strata tax higher than the low strata tax?
capital = X # Is the national capital in province X?
literacy = X # Is the literacy at or above X%?
badboy = X # Is the bad boy value at or above X
plurality = X # Is the plurality at or above X%?
executive_designation = [parliamentarism/hms_government/laws_by_decree]
party_system = [multi_party/two_party/one_party]
national_value = [liberty/equality/order]


type = badboy value = X # Adjust the badboy value (float).
type = barrel_exploits value = X # Tank reduction of enemy entrenchment bonus
type = infantry_exploits value = X # Infantry reduction of enemy entrenchment bonus
type = gas_attack # Enable gas attacks
type = gas_protection # Enable gas protection
type = add_countryculture which = [culture]
type = remove_countryculture which = [culture]
type = set_religion which = [religion] # Set state religion
type = manpowerpool value = X
type = literacy value = X # NOTE: Where X is 0.0 to 1.0
type = flagname which = "flagname-extension"
type = treasury value = X
type = resource which =[goodstype] value = #change
type = resource_type which =[goodstype] where = province[-1]
type = resource_value which =[goodstype](needed for random) value = #change where = province[-1]
type = relation which = [country tag] value = X # which = -2 means all our satellites and dominions. -3 means all great powers.
type = pop_militancy which = [religion/culture/ideology/workforce/cultural_majority/cultural_minority/religious_majority/religious_minority/X] value = Y where = [prov id] # If no where field is specified the change is for all states. X is a percentage of the total POPs. The "where" field affects whole State of prov id.

type = pop_consciousness which = [religion/ideology/culture/workforce/cultural_majority/cultural_minority/religious_majority/religious_minority/X] value = Y where = [prov id] # If no where field is specified the change is for all states. X is a percentage of the total POPs. Prov id affects the whole state. The "where" field affects whole State of prov id.

type = pop_dominant_issue which = [religion/ideology/culture/workforce/cultural_majority/cultural_minority/religious_majority/religious_minority/X] value = [new issue type] where = [prov id] # X is a percentage of the total POPs. The "where" field affects whole State of prov id.
type = pop_cash which = [religion/culture/ideology/workforce/cultural_majority/cultural_minority/religious_majority/religious_minority/X] value = Y where = [prov id] # If no where field is specified the change is for all states. X is a percentage of the total POPs. The "where" field affects whole State of prov id.
type = convert_pop_type which = [religion/culture/ideology/workforce/cultural_majority/cultural_minority/religious_majority/religious_minority] value = [religion/culture/ideology/workforce/cultural_majority/religious_majority] where = [prov id] when = X # If no where field is specified the change is for all states. X is a percentage of the total POPs. The "where" field affects whole State of prov id.
type = revolt which = culture value = division_type where = [prov/-1] [when = state (if -1 to limit inside)] # which = -2 means the largest minority culture
type = life_sustainability which = prov value = X when = [1/0] # if no 'when' field is specified, or if set to 0, the change is permanent, else it will gradually normalize over time.
type = education_modifier value = X
type = research_points value = X
type = social_reform_cost_mod value = X
type = political_reform_cost_mod value = X
type = plurality value = X
type = national_trauma value = [yes/no]
type = separatism value = [yes/no]
type = revanchism value = [yes/no]
type = rebel_spawn_rate which = [ideology] value = X
type = terminate_loans
type = railroad_cost_mod value = X
type = railroad_level value = X
type = land_fort which = [prov id/-1] value = [value to add]
type = railroad which = [prov id/-1] value = [value to add]
type = TA_to_hit value = X # Torpedo Attack to-hit-chance
type = GA_to_hit value = X # Gun Attack to-hit-chance
type = pop_growth_mod value = X
type = attrition_mod value = X
type = work_hour_eff value = X
type = bond_sale_mod value = X
type = tax_eff value = X
type = tariff_eff value = X
type = loan_interest_rate value = X
type = loan_repayment_eff value = X
type = may_inc_capacity
type = may_dec_capacity
type = capacity_cost_mod value = X
type = factory_cost_mod value = X
type = capitalist_bonus value = X
type = aristocrat_bonus value = X
type = account_eff which = [main/education/police/social] value = X
type = strata_income_mod which = [rich/middle/low] value = X
type = event_chance which = [event id] value = X
type = establishment which = [naval_industrial/army_industrial/banker_science/industrialist_science/traditional_academic/radical_academic]
type = ban_party which = party id
type = allow_party which = party id # -1 means all banned parties
type = sleep_party which = party id
type = wake_party which = party id
type = leave_alliance which = [tag] # If no which field is specified, all alliances are broken
type = guarantee which = [tag] # Guarantee independence
type = hold_election
type = diplomatic_efficiency value = X
type = alliance which = country value = [0/1] where = country when = [0/1] # If 'value = 1' the alliance will be defensive. If 'where' is set, that country will be an exception to the alliance. 'when' = 1 means the alliance will never expire.
type = war which = country
type = inherit which = country (-1 for random)
type = leader which = leader id
type = country which = [tag] # Change country tag, name and flag
type = trigger which = event id
type = capital which = provnum
type = addcore which = provnum # -1 is a random non-national province bordering the country, -2 is a randon non-national province in the country, -3 is a random non-national province bordering your national provinces (in the country or outside)
type = removecore which = provnum
type = secedeprovince which = country value = provice
type = receiveprovince which = prov
type = control which = country value = province
type = sleepleader which = leader id
type = sleepevent which = event id
type = setflag which = [keyname] value = X # Where the value field is optional
type = incflag which = [keyname] value = X # Where the value field is optional
type = clrflag which = [keyname]
type = local_setflag which = [keyname] value = X # Where the value field is optional
type = local_incflag which = [keyname] value = X # Where the value field is optional
type = local_clrflag which = [keyname]
type = gain_tech which = [tech id/-1 for random tech]
type = peace which = [country tag] value = [0/1] # 1 means separate peace - i.e. pull out of alliance. 0 is full peace, for the whole alliance.
type = access which = [country tag] # Grant military access _to_ a country
type = switch_allegiance which = [country tag] value = [unit id/-1]
type = delete_unit which = [unit id/-1/-2/-3] # -1 = land or naval unit, -2 = land unit, -3 = naval unit
type = independence which = [country tag] value = [0/1] # 0 - units in the area change allegiance, 1 - they don't, and the new nation becomes a satellite
type = ai which = [file name] # Switches the ai file of a country.
type = build_division which = [division type] value = [brigade type]
type = add_division which = [div type] value = [brigade type] # Magically create a new division in the force pool
type = add_division which = [div type] value = [brigade type] when = province # Magically create a new division in province
type = end_access which = [country tag] # Revoke military access for nation
type = make_satellite which = [country tag]
type = make_dominion which = [country tag] # If the country does not exist, it will be created if its core provinces are owned by the nation getting the event
type = make_colony which = [country tag]
type = end_satellite # End satellite status
type = end_satellite_mastery which = [country tag] # End satellite mastery over another nation
type = end_dominion # End dominion status
type = end_dominion_mastery which = [country tag] # End dominion mastery over another nation
type = convoy which = [startprov] value = [endprov] when = [resource_bits] 1=oil, 2=steel, 4=coal, 8=rubber, 16=supplies
type = construct which = [coaling_station/fort/mission/trade_post/railroad] where = [prov id/-1/-2] # -1 is a random province, -2 is a random core province. NOTE: Will replace any previous claim buildings. Use with care.
type = civilized value = [yes/no]
type = set_slavery value = [yes/no] # Declare slavery legal or illegal
type = set_ruling_party which = [party id]
type = force_ruling_party which = [ideology] # Will try to institute a party corresponding to the given ideology
type = fort_level value = X # Allowed max level (limited by techs). Like the railroad level.
type = prov_owner_war which = [province] value = [country tag] # War on owner of province. If a country is specified in the value field, ignore this command if the country is the owner of the province.
type = break_guarantee which = [tag]
type = neutrality # Dissolve all alliances and set all satellites free
type = army_revolt which = [prov] value = [chance] # Prov affects its whole state. No which field means whole nation.
type = leadership value = X
type = pop_ideology which = [religion/ideology/culture/workforce/cultural_majority/cultural_minority/religious_majority/religious_minority/X] value = [new ideology] where = [prov id] # X is a percentage of the total POPs. The "where" field affects whole State of prov id.
type = canal where = prov_id

type = prestige value = X
type = activate_building_type which = [factory/RGO type]
type = production_modifier which = [factory/RGO type] value = X
type = minority_emigration value = X
type = prestige_mod value = X
type = research_cost value = X
type = research_time value = X
type = colonial_migration value = X
type = colony_creation_prestige_mod value = X # NOTE: Less is better. This reduces the prestige penalty for taking provinces in a peace, if they are of an accepted culture. At 0, the penalty is 0.
type = same_culture_prov_prestige_mod value = X
type = defense_spending_prestige_mod value = X
type = tech_prestige value = X
type = pop_research_mod which = [workforce type] value = X
type = social_anthropology value = [yes/no]
type = vote_on_ideology value = [yes/no]
type = constitution which = [democracy/constitutional_monarchy/monarchy/presidential_dictatorship/proletarian_dictatorship]
type = executive_designation which = [parliamentarism/hms_government/laws_by_decree]
type = party_system which = [multi_party/two_party/one_party]
type = national_value which = [liberty/equality/order]
type = voting_rights which = [none/landed/wealth/suffrage]
type = press_rights which = [state_press/censorship/free_press]
type = political_parties which = [none_allowed/right_to_ban/all_allowed]
type = trade_unions which = [none/non_socialist/socialist/all]
type = public_meetings value = [yes/no]
type = maximum_workhours which = [8/10/12/14/24]
type = minimum_wages which = [none/trinkets/low/acceptable/good]
type = safety_regulations which = [none/trinkets/low/acceptable/good]
type = health_care which = [none/trinkets/low/acceptable/good]
type = unemployment_subsidies which = [none/trinkets/low/acceptable/good]
type = pension_funds which = [none/trinkets/low/acceptable/good]

type = add_pop which = [culture/workforce] value = X where = [prov/-1]
type = receivestate which = prov when = [0/1] # when = 1 means only claim buildings
type = crime_fighting_eff value = X
type = controlstate which = country value = prov # Give control (but not ownership) of state to some other country
type = secedestate which = country value = prov when = [0/1] # Give control and ownership of state to some other country. When = 1 means only claim buildings.
type = gain_building which = prov/-1 value = [type] # If a factory, prov specifies a state. Value = -2 means a random factory.
type = remove_building which = prov/-1
type = remove_corruption which = prov/-1

type = activate_division_type which = [div/brigade type]
type = deactivate_division_type which = [div/brigade type]
type = activate_torpedo_attack

type = shock_attack which = [land unit type] value = X
type = fire_attack which = [land unit type] value = X
type = gun_attack which = [naval unit type] value = X
type = torpedo_attack which = [naval unit type] value = X
type = shore_bombardment which = [naval unit type] value = X
type = range which = [naval unit type] value = X
type = visibility which = [naval unit type] value = X
type = detection which = [naval unit type] value = X
type = transport_capacity which = [naval unit type] value = X
type = minelayer which = [naval unit type] value = X
type = minesweeper which = [naval unit type] value = X
type = defense which = [unit type] value = X
type = build_time which = [unit type] value = X
type = speed which = [unit type] value = X
type = max_elan which = [unit type] value = X
type = max_organization which = [unit type] value = X
type = supplyconsumption which = [unit type] value = X
type = reliability which = [unit type] value = X

Das sind alle möglichen Event Commands. Habe es mal aus der Datei hier rein kopiert.
Allerdings scheinen das nicht alle zu sein. Surrender ist nicht mit enthalten.

17.09.04, 11:58
Vielleicht kommt Vicky einfach nicht mit year = 2999 klar. Da sollte man mal erst uebliche Zahlen probieren.

[B@W] Abominus
17.09.04, 12:00
Das ist kein Thema mit der Jahreszahl. Es geht auch mit anderen Sachen für andere Zeiten. Ich kann es mal probieren, habe da aber nicht allzuviel Zuversicht...

17.09.04, 12:00
greater_prestige = { country = DAN country = SWE }

funktioniert das denn so auch??

greater_prestige = {1000}

dann wärst du ja schonmal einen schritt weiter. dann müßte man nurnoch herausfinden, ob es auch ein '"lower_prestige"-Argument' gibt... :???:

edit: die Antwort kam schon vor der Frage :)

[B@W] Abominus
17.09.04, 14:34
greater_prestige = {1000}

geht nicht, grad getestet...

Aus Verzweiflung hab ich schon im Paradoxforum (http://forum.paradoxplaza.com/forum/showthread.php?t=166619) gepostet...

Datum geändert, bringt aber auch nichts. 5 Jahre lang keine Änderung bei den CSA.

17.09.04, 14:44
Schonmal 1000 statt -1000 probiert? Moeglich, dass negative Werte einfach nicht akzeptiert werden.

[B@W] Abominus
17.09.04, 14:53
Wenn ich aber nur 1000 als NOT angebe, wird jeder unzivilisiert, der unter 1000 hat, sozusagen jeder... das wäre zwar auch lustig, ist aber nicht wirklich mein Interesse gewesen.

Ich hab mir auch schon gedacht, daß es keine negativen Prestigewerte geben darf im Trigger, aber das muss doch hinzubekommen sein.

prestige = X # Prestige > X
industry = X # Industrial Score > X
military = X # Military Score > X

Das impliziert, daß wenn ich "Prestige = 1000" eingebe, alles davon betroffen wird, was 1000 Prestige und mehr hat.

Wenn ich allerdings NOT = { Prestige = 1000 } angebe, werden alle betroffen, die genau das Gegenteil haben, also alle die exakt unter 1000 Prestige sind, egal wie viel sie haben.

Wenn ich Prestige = -1000 generell nehme, werden alle betroffen, die Prestige -1000 haben und mehr. Also auch -500, -100, 0, 4, 100, 1000, 12500 etc.

Daher bin ich davon ausgegangen, daß NOT = { Prestige = -1000 } bedeutet, daß alle betroffen werden, die weniger als -1000 Prestige haben.

17.09.04, 15:09
Haett ja jetzt nicht gedacht, dass ein Minuszeichen irgendeine semantische Bedeutung hat. Man lernt nie aus.
Spass beiseite.

Hast du es getestet?

[B@W] Abominus
17.09.04, 16:03
Ich muss jetzt weg. Teste aber nachher noch mal, ob es überhaupt geht vielleicht mit 1000.

Dann würde ich zwar auch unzivilisiert werden mit den Türken, aber egal, ist ja nur ein Test.

17.09.04, 18:11
greater_prestige = { country = DAN -1000 }
Des wäre die logische Erweiterung der Funktion.
Aber das wird nicht funktionieren.

Versuch doch mal ein Land (XXX) anzulegen, das -1000 Prestige hat, aber nicht auf der Karte vorkommt, oder was weiß ich. (Sei kreativ...) Und zu dem vergleichst Du dann Dein Land.
greater_prestige = { country = DAN country = XXX }

17.09.04, 18:35
lasst doch mal dieses "greater_prestige" sein, das ist was voellig anderes, der richtige triggerbefehl lautet "prestige"

[B@W] Abominus
17.09.04, 19:24
UND damit klappt es ja leider nicht.

Haben die werten Regenten denn noch eine Idee?

18.09.04, 01:20
ja, lass das gleichheitsszeichen weg.
NOT prestige = -1000
bzw. mit klammern drum. in der syntax steht "not" ja nicht mit gleichheitsszeichen und argumenten, ich vermute, darum funktionierts nicht!

[B@W] Abominus
19.09.04, 19:41
# Event to uncivilize any nation...
event = {
id = 81000
random = no
invention = yes

trigger = {
civilized = yes
NOT = { prestige = -1000 }

date = { day = 1 month = january year = 1836 }
offset = 30
deathdate = { day = 30 month = december year = 1936 }

name = "Unzivilisiert"
desc = "In den Augen der Welt sind wir nun nur noch dreckiger Abschaum!"
style = 0

action_a = {
name = "ARGH!"
command = { type = civilized value = no }
command = { type = badboy value = 50 }
command = { type = army_revolt value = 100 }

So sieht es jetzt aus.

Es scheint zu funktionieren. Mexiko und die CSA sind unzivilisiert. Wie lange es gedauert hat, bis es gefeuert hat weiß ich nicht, da Inventions keinerlei Infos hinterlassen, wie normale Events.

Ich glaube mein Problem ist einfach nur die Ungeduld... das hatte ich bei meinem China-Spiel. Die Bedingungen waren erfüllt, aber auch nach 5 Jahren wollte es nicht feuert, das Zivilisations-Event... Die Gier nach mehr ist einfach schrecklich ;) .

19.09.04, 20:08
Du kannst die Ausloesungsgeschwindigkeit erhoehen, indem du das Enddatum erheblich nach vorne setzt. Besonders wenn es schon abgelaufen ist, wird die Wahrscheinlichkeit das Event zu bekommen groesser.