Archiv verlassen und diese Seite im Standarddesign anzeigen : Wann wird ein Land zivilisiert

Oliver Guinnes
09.02.04, 13:39
Diese Diskussion startete in schwarzrotgolds lesenwerten Japan AAR, um diesen nicht zu sehr mit einer abweichenden Diskussion zu überfrachten habe ich mal diesen Thread eingerichtet.

Werter schwarzrotgold,

falls Ihr mit Zivlisierung die Aufnahme Eures Reiches in den erlauchten Kreis der zivilisierten Nationen meint, so müssen Wir Uns erdreisten und Euch widersprechen. Dies wird zwar durch ein Event kund getan ist jedoch keineswegs zufällig oder an eine Jahreszahl gebunden, sondern an zwei Bedingungen: Ihr müsst ein Prestige von 500 oder mehr haben und eine bestimmte Technologie erforscht haben, Wir wissen nicht mehr genau welche, aber Wir meine es hatte etwas mit Gewehren zu tunm, Steinschloß? Schaut einfach mal in das Event um zu sehen, was die Trigger sind. Guinnes

Weiß jemand die Techonologiebedingung genau?

@Oliver Guinnes
Habe den Event am selben Tag gehabt wie der ehrenwerte Schwarzrotgold und zu diesem Zeitpunkt auch noch keine 500, sondern nur 400+, auf dem Konto.
Kann es sein das der Event automatisch zu diesem Zeitpunkt ausgelöst wird wenn man vorher den Satelitenstatus zu den Niederlanden akzeptiert hat? amicus-optimus

Klingt so, als ob bein einigen Länder, darunter dann wohl auch Japan, ein weiteres Event das ganze zu einem festen Datum triggert.


09.02.04, 14:49
*Noch mehr Verwirrung stiftend*

Ähh, ist es nicht so, dass in 1.02 von allen unzivilisierten Nationen überhaupt nur Japan und China zivilisiert werden können, und auch das nur per national-spezifische Events?

Ich glaubte, gelesen zu haben, dass erst in 1.03 wieder (wie schon in 1.01) allen unzivilisierten Nationen die Möglichkeit eröffnet werden soll, nach Erreichen gewisser Vorbedingungen (Großmacht-Status?) zivilisiert zu werden...

Dommolus magnus
09.02.04, 17:59
Ich glaubte, gelesen zu haben, dass erst in 1.03 wieder (wie schon in 1.01) allen unzivilisierten Nationen die Möglichkeit eröffnet werden soll, nach Erreichen gewisser Vorbedingungen (Großmacht-Status?) zivilisiert zu werden...

Es wurde auf den Paradoxforen diskutiert, dass ein gewisser technologischer Fortschritt gepaart mit öffentlichen Ansehen, als Kriterium für die Zivilisierung dienen sollte. Ob Paradox diesen Vorschlag animmt, entzieht sich unserer Kenntnis.
Übrigens, auch Mughalistan kann Zivilisiert werden.

09.02.04, 21:04
und persien, damit haben wir aber alle 4, die nach events zivilisiert werden.

interessant ist noch, dass China auf jeden Fall Anfang des 20.Jhd. wieder unzivilisert wird und
das Osmanische Reich unzivilisiert wird, wenn Russland es gelingt, die Balkanvölker zu befreien.

Oliver Guinnes
10.02.04, 09:56
Dann wollen Wir mal zusammenfassen. Folgende Länder können zivilisiert werden:

China, fällt aber später auch wieder zurück.

Weiß jemand die Jahreszahlen oder andere Trigger?


10.02.04, 10:20
Wenn China also eines Tages wieder in den Status einer unzivilisierten Nation zurück fallen sollte, so bedeutet dies, das China auf der einen Seite die Großmacht Nr.1 auf der Welt sein könnte und gleichzeitig unzivilisiert?!

10.02.04, 11:50

The Self-Strengthening Movement
event = {
id = 12518
random = no
country = CHI

trigger = {
flag = { name = flg_Arrow_War_Lost value = 1 }

name = "EVT_12518_NAME"
desc = "EVT_12518_DESC"
style = 0

date = { day = 25 month = january year = 1856 }
offset = 31

thdate = { day = 30 month = december year = 1920 }

action_a = {
name = "ACTIONNAME12518A" # Graft Chinese ways onto the Western system
ai_chance = 50
command = { type = pop_militancy which = 100 value = 1 }
command = { type = setflag which = flg_Self_Strength value = 1 }
command = { type = gain_tech which = -1 }
command = { type = gain_tech which = -1 }
command = { type = gain_tech which = -1 }
command = { type = gain_tech which = -1 }
command = { type = prestige value = 50 }
action_b = {
name = "ACTIONNAME12518B" # Learn all we can from the Round-eyed Devils!
ai_chance = 25
command = { type = setflag which = flg_Self_Strength value = 1 }
command = { type = pop_militancy which = 100 value = 2 }
command = { type = pop_militancy which = aristocrats value = 2 }
command = { type = pop_militancy which = officers value = 2 }
command = { type = gain_tech which = -1 }
command = { type = gain_tech which = -1 }
command = { type = gain_tech which = -1 }
command = { type = gain_tech which = -1 }
command = { type = gain_tech which = -1 }
command = { type = gain_tech which = -1 }
command = { type = prestige value = 100 }
command = { type = civilized value = yes }
action_c = {
name = "ACTIONNAME12518C" # The Round-eyed Devils are not to be Trusted
ai_chance = 25
command = { type = pop_dominant_issue which = 10 value = jingoism }

Problem: flag_arrow_war_LOST bekommt man nur durch verlorenen Opiumkrieg, NICHT JEDEN BELIEBIGEN VERLORENEN KOLONIALKRIEG GEGEN ENGLAND, und dadurch, dass Frankreich sich für den arrow-war entscheidet, UND MAN AUCH DEN ARROW_WAR, und NICHT JEDEN BELIEBIGEN KOLONIALKRIEG GEGEN FRANKREICH verliert.

# Cixi Seizes Guang Xu in Coup d'Etat!
event = {
id = 12524
random = no
country = CHI

trigger = {
event = 12523
flag = { name = flg_Opium_War_Lost value = 1 }

name = "EVT_12524_NAME"
desc = "EVT_12524_DESC"
style = 0

date = { day = 10 month = january year = 1899 }

action_a = {
name = "ACTIONNAME12524A" # This Party is Over
command = { type = setflag which = flg_Self_Strength value = 0 }
command = { type = civilized which = no }

Und hier sieht man: opium war lost ist vorraussetzung für arrow war lost, also kann man dieses Ereignis nicht verhindern.

10.02.04, 11:51
Persien erklärt sich von selbst:

# Mohammed Shah
event = {
id = 7800
random = no
country = PER

name = "EVT_7800_NAME"
desc = "EVT_7800_DESC"
style = 0

date = { day = 5 month = february year = 1836 }

action_a = {
name = "ACTIONNAME7800A" # Throw out the Englishmen
ai_chance = 70
command = { type = pop_consciousness which = 100 value = -1 }
command = { type = pop_militancy which = 100 value = -3 }
command = { type = relation which = ENG value = -50 }
action_b = {
name = "ACTIONNAME7800B" # Let the English Reforms continue
ai_chance = 30
command = { type = pop_consciousness which = 100 value = 1 }
command = { type = pop_militancy which = 100 value = 3 }
command = { type = setflag which = flg_Persian_reforms value = 1 }
command = { type = prestige value = 20 }
command = { type = relation which = ENG value = 50 }
command = { type = gain_tech which = 1001 }
command = { type = gain_tech which = 1101 }
command = { type = gain_tech which = 1201 }
command = { type = gain_tech which = 1301 }
command = { type = gain_tech which = 1401 }
command = { type = gain_tech which = 2001 }
command = { type = gain_tech which = 2101 }
command = { type = gain_tech which = 2201 }
command = { type = gain_tech which = 2301 }
command = { type = gain_tech which = 2401 }
command = { type = gain_tech which = 3001 }
command = { type = gain_tech which = 3101 }
command = { type = gain_tech which = 3201 }
command = { type = gain_tech which = 3301 }
command = { type = gain_tech which = 3401 }
command = { type = gain_tech which = 4001 }
command = { type = gain_tech which = 4101 }
command = { type = gain_tech which = 4201 }
command = { type = gain_tech which = 4301 }
command = { type = gain_tech which = 4401 }
command = { type = gain_tech which = 5001 }
command = { type = gain_tech which = 5101 }
command = { type = gain_tech which = 5201 }
command = { type = gain_tech which = 5301 }
command = { type = gain_tech which = 5401 }

# Nasir ud-Din
event = {
id = 7801
random = no
country = PER

trigger = {
flag = { name = flg_Persian_reforms value = 1 }

name = "EVT_7801_NAME"
desc = "EVT_7801_DESC"
style = 0

date = { day = 20 month = february year = 1848 }

action_a = {
name = "ACTIONNAME7801A" # Cease the Reforms
ai_chance = 50
command = { type = pop_consciousness which = 100 value = -1 }
command = { type = pop_militancy which = 100 value = -3 }
command = { type = relation which = ENG value = -50 }
action_b = {
name = "ACTIONNAME7801B" # Continue the Reforms
ai_chance = 50
command = { type = pop_consciousness which = 100 value = 1 }
command = { type = pop_militancy which = 100 value = 3 }
command = { type = prestige value = 20 }
command = { type = relation which = ENG value = 50 }
command = { type = civilized value = yes }

10.02.04, 11:55

zuerst folgendes mit irgendeinem der indischen Kleinstaaten:

# Proclamation of Mughal State
event = {
id = 8800
random = no
country = TRA

trigger = {
prestige = 100
control = { province = 1945 } # Hyderabad
control = { province = 1929 } # Nagpur
control = { province = 1919 } # Bhopal
control = { province = 1920 } # Gwailor
control = { province = 1483 } # Jodhpur
control = { province = 1897 } # Baroda

name = "EVT_8800_NAME"
desc = "EVT_8800_DESC"
style = 0

date = { day = 1 month = january year = 1836 }
offset = 17
deathdate = { day = 30 month = december year = 1920 }

action_a = {
name = "ACTIONNAME8800A" # Create National State!
command = { type = country which = MUG }
command = { type = prestige value = 100 }
command = { type = treasury value = 500 }
command = { type = gain_tech which = 1001 }
command = { type = gain_tech which = 1101 }
command = { type = gain_tech which = 1201 }
command = { type = gain_tech which = 1301 }
command = { type = gain_tech which = 1401 }
command = { type = gain_tech which = 2001 }
command = { type = gain_tech which = 2101 }
command = { type = gain_tech which = 2201 }
command = { type = gain_tech which = 2301 }
command = { type = gain_tech which = 2401 }
command = { type = gain_tech which = 3001 }
command = { type = gain_tech which = 3101 }
command = { type = gain_tech which = 3201 }
command = { type = gain_tech which = 3301 }
command = { type = gain_tech which = 3401 }
command = { type = gain_tech which = 4001 }
command = { type = gain_tech which = 4101 }
command = { type = gain_tech which = 4201 }
command = { type = gain_tech which = 4301 }
command = { type = gain_tech which = 4401 }
command = { type = gain_tech which = 5001 }
command = { type = gain_tech which = 5101 }
command = { type = gain_tech which = 5201 }
command = { type = gain_tech which = 5301 }
command = { type = gain_tech which = 5401 }
command = { type = setflag which = flg_MUG value = 1 }

dann eins dieser beiden

# Modernization of Mughal State
event = {
id = 19300
random = no
country = MUG

trigger = {
flag = { name = flg_MUG value = 1 }
NOT = {
alliance = { country = ENG country = GER }
NOT = {
alliance = { country = ENG country = PRU }
NOT = {
AND = {
exists = GER
exists = PRU

name = "EVT_19300_NAME"
desc = "EVT_19300_DESC"
style = 0

date = { day = 2 month = january year = 1850 }
offset = 22
deathdate = { day = 30 month = december year = 1920 }

action_a = {
name = "ACTIONNAME19300A" # Modernize!
command = { type = civilized value = yes }
command = { type = sleepevent which = 19301 }
command = { type = trigger which = 3006 } # GER
command = { type = trigger which = 4636 } # PRU

# Modernization of Mughal State
event = {
id = 19301
random = no
country = MUG

trigger = {
flag = { name = flg_MUG value = 1 }
NOT = {
alliance = { country = ENG country = FRA }
OR = {
alliance = { country = ENG country = GER }
alliance = { country = ENG country = PRU }
exists = FRA

name = "EVT_19300_NAME"
desc = "EVT_19300_DESC"
style = 0

date = { day = 2 month = january year = 1850 }
offset = 22
deathdate = { day = 30 month = december year = 1920 }

action_a = {
name = "ACTIONNAME19300A" # Modernize!
command = { type = civilized value = yes }
command = { type = sleepevent which = 19300 }
command = { type = trigger which = 7245 } # FRA

10.02.04, 11:57

durch die wahl verschiedener Ereignisse der Jahre 1850-1860 gibt's folgendes Ereigniss entweder im Jahr 1860, 1863, 1867 oder 1870. Aber es kommt auf jeden Fall.

# The Meiji Restoration*
event = {
id = 12606
random = no
country = NIP

trigger = {
event = 12605

name = "EVT_12606_NAME"
desc = "EVT_12606_DESC"
style = 0

date = { day = 19 month = may year = 1860 }

action_a = {
name = "GREAT"
command = { type = constitution which = constitutional_monarchy }
command = { type = executive_designation which = parliamentarism }
command = { type = party_system which = multi_party }
command = { type = pop_consciousness which = 100 value = 3 }
command = { type = pop_militancy which = 100 value = -7 }
command = { type = prestige value = 100 }
command = { type = voting_rights which = wealth }
command = { type = civilized value = yes }
command = { type = gain_tech which = 1001 }
command = { type = gain_tech which = 1101 }
command = { type = gain_tech which = 1201 }
command = { type = gain_tech which = 1301 }
command = { type = gain_tech which = 1401 }
command = { type = gain_tech which = 2001 }
command = { type = gain_tech which = 2101 }
command = { type = gain_tech which = 2201 }
command = { type = gain_tech which = 2301 }
command = { type = gain_tech which = 2401 }
command = { type = gain_tech which = 3001 }
command = { type = gain_tech which = 3101 }
command = { type = gain_tech which = 3201 }
command = { type = gain_tech which = 3301 }
command = { type = gain_tech which = 3401 }
command = { type = gain_tech which = 4001 }
command = { type = gain_tech which = 4101 }
command = { type = gain_tech which = 4201 }
command = { type = gain_tech which = 4301 }
command = { type = gain_tech which = 4401 }
command = { type = gain_tech which = 5001 }
command = { type = gain_tech which = 5002 }
command = { type = gain_tech which = 5101 }
command = { type = gain_tech which = 5201 }
command = { type = gain_tech which = 5301 }
command = { type = gain_tech which = 5401 }
command = { type = gain_tech which = 2002 }
command = { type = gain_tech which = 2102 }
command = { type = trigger which = 212 }
command = { type = trigger which = 214 }