Archiv verlassen und diese Seite im Standarddesign anzeigen : Events bei HoI
[B@W] Abominus
01.11.03, 02:38
Sehr geehrte Demokraten und Diktatoren,
ich wollte mal fragen, wo ich eine gute Seite mit jedwelchen Befehlen für Events bekommen kann.
Vielen Dank im Voraus.
Guten morgen,
es gibt einen sehr guten Tool von dem schlauen und fleißigen User Bismarck(verbeugen wir uns hier noch einmal vor ihm). Mit diesem Tool kannst du praktisch alles machen, was du willst. Ist fast alles automatisch.
Hier kannst ihn ziehen (
Ansonsten gibts noch das hier:
event = x #event has happened.
random = x ( % )
intel_diff = x ( >= x, x = our intel - enemy intel )
dissent = x ( >= x )
warentry = x ( >= x )
leader = x #leader exists
government = [communist/fascist/democratic]
minister_loyalty = x (The minister with the lowest loyalty has loyalty >= x)
leader_loyalty = x (The commander with the lowest loyalty has loyalty >= x)
ideology = [nazi/fascist/paternal_autocrat/liberal_conservative/centrist/reformed_socialist/left_wing_radical/leninist/stalinist]
alignment = [communist/fascist/democratic] (true if closest to given alignment)
atwar = [yes/no/country tag] # Country tag added to see if other countries are at war
minister = [minister id] # Is minister alive?
major = [yes/no] # True if the country is ENG, FRA, GER, JAP, USA, ITA or SOV
ispuppet = [Country Tag]
puppet = { country = [tag 1] country = [tag 2] } # True if tag 1 is puppet of tag 2
headofgovernment = [minister id]
headofstate = [minister id]
ai = [yes/no] # Is the country AI controlled?
technology = x #True if a certain tech is known.
manpower = x (>=x)#true if a nation have at least that amount of manpower.
flag = xxxx #true if the flag exists and is set to true.
owned = { province = a data = tag } # checks if province is owned by country x (if data == -1 then its for country receievin event)
control = { province = a data = tag } # checks if province is controlled by country x (if data == -1 then its for country receievin event)
exists = country #if country exists.
alliance = { country =a country = b ) # checks if a and b is in the same military alliance
war = { country =a country = b ) # checks if a and b is at war
year = x (>=x)
coal = x
oil = x
rubber = x
steel = x
supplies = x
lost_VP = { country = [tag] value = X } # X% or more of _owned_ VPs in enemy hands
lost_national = { country = [tag] value = X } # X% or more of national provs in enemy hands
lost_IC = { country = [tag] value = X } # X% or more of national IC in enemy hands
type = alliance which = country (-1 for random)
type = inherit which = country (-1 for random)
type = leader which = leader id
ype = country
type = trigger
type = capital
type = addcore which = provnum
type = removecore which = provnum
type = secedeprovince which = country value = provice
type = control
type = sleepleader which = leader id
type = sleepevent which = event id
type = setflag which = [keyname]
type = clrflag which = [keyname]
type = steal_tech which = [country tag/-1 for random non-ally] # Steals a random tech
type = gain_tech which = [tech id/-1 for random tech]
type = detect_units which = [country tag/-1 for random neighbor] value = [nr of units]
type = reveal_minister_loyalty which = [minister id/-1]
type = reveal_leader_loyalty which = [leader id/-1]
type = research_sabotaged
type = regime_falls
type = civil_war # Civil war with any possible revolter that has shared national provinces
type = civil_war which = [rebel country tag]
type = set_leader_skill which = [leader id/-1] value = [new value]
type = leader_loyalty which = [leader id/-1] value = [value to add]
type = minister_loyalty which = [minister id/-1] value = [value to add]
type = dissent value = [value to add]
type = industry which = [prov id/-1] value = [value to add]
type = flak which = [prov id/-1] value = [value to add]
type = infrastructure which = [prov id/-1] value = [value to add]
type = coastal_fort which = [prov id/-1] value = [value to add]
type = land_fort which = [prov id/-1] value = [value to add]
type = alignment which = [communist/fascist/democratic] value = [0 - 200]
type = supplies value = [value to add]
type = oilpool value = [value to add]
type = steelpool value = [value to add]
type = coalpool value = [value to add]
type = rubberpool value = [value to add]
type = province_keypoints which = [province id/-1] value = [keypoints to add]
type = peace which = [country tag] value = [0/1] # 1 means separate peace - i.e. pull out of alliance. 0 is full peace, for the whole alliance.
type = influence value = [value to add] # diplomatic influence
type = manpowerpool value = [value to add] # manpower
type = warentry value = [value to add] # for democracies
type = warentry which = [country tag] value = [value to add] # for democracies
type = make_puppet which = [country tag]
type = coup_nation which = [country tag]
type = access which = [country tag] # Grant military access _to_ a country
type = sleepminister which = [minister id/-1/-2] # -2 = minister with lowest loyalty.
type = sleepleader which = [leader id/-1/-2] # -2 = leader with lowest loyalty.
type = switch_allegiance which = [country tag] value = [unit id/-1]
type = delete_unit which = [unit id/-1]
type = independence which = [country tag] value = [0/1] # 0 - units in the area change allegiance, 1 - they don't.
type = ai which = [file name] # Switches the ai file of a country.
type = build_division which = [division type] value = [brigade type]
type = construct which = [AA_batteries/land_fort/coastal_fort/infra/ic] value = [prov nr]
type = start_research which = [tech id]
type = prio_research which = [tech id]
type = add_division which = [div type] value = [brigade type] # Magically create a new division in the force pool
type = add_division which = [div type] value = [brigade type] when = province # Magically create a new division in province
type = end_access which = [country tag] # Revoke military access for nation
type = leave_alliance
type = end_puppet # End puppet status
type = end_mastery which = [country tag] # End puppet mastery over another nation
type = convoy which = [startprov] value = [endprov] when = [resource_bits] 1=oil, 2=steel, 4=coal, 8=rubber, 16=supplies
(gefunden im Events Ordner)
Wenn Du ihm jetzt noch jeden einzelnen Befehl erklärst, ist diese Liste auch hilfreich für ihn ;) Ansonsten hätte der Link auf Harvard's Hacking Heaven gereicht :D
Das ist doch zu 99% Selbsterklärend, wenn man seinen Kopf einschaltet.
[B@W] Abominus
13.11.03, 00:00
Ja da danke ich ersteinmal.
Was mich vor allem interessiert hätte wäre gewesen, in einer zufälligen Provinz die z.B. Ölförderung zu erhöhen.
Zudem suche ich noch eine komplette Liste aller Provinzen. Enthalten ist einer in der Province.csv, ich werde mal sehen, ob ich diese für meine Zwecke verwenden kann.
Gibt keine Möglichkeit das durchzuführen, leider
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