Archiv verlassen und diese Seite im Standarddesign anzeigen : Industrieverlegung Sowjetunion bei Krieg mit DR

21.10.03, 23:39
Folgender Sachverhalt:
1936, Oberkommunist HAY-Deez befiehlt den kompletten Ausbau der Sowjetindustrie. toll.
die Provinzen westlich der Stalinlinie werden dem Deutschen in die Hände fallen (so sieht es mein Verteiligungsplan vor ;) ), von daher wird sich ein weiter Ausbau nicht lohnen.

Meine Frage ist, welche Industrien aus diesen West-sowjetischen Provinzen nach Sibirien verlegt werden und bei welchen sich damit der weitere Ausbau lohnt. (ich gehe mal davon aus, dass auch die nach 36 gebaute Industriestärke mit nach Sibirien genommen wird).

Ich teste momentan den CORE Mod 6.2.
Allerdings interessiert mich auch diese Industrieverledung bei 1.05c und Stony.

Bin für Hinweise sehr dankbar :prost:

Der Zarewitsch
22.10.03, 06:44
Habe SU noch nicht gespielt,kann also nichts Genaues sagen.

Aber dies sind die event files für die Verlegung der Industrie nach Sibirien.
Hier könnt Ihr sehen welche Provinzen wie betroffen sind.

# Moving of Industry to Sibiria
event = {
id = 2633
random = no
country = SOV

trigger = {
control = { province = 781 data = SOV } #Smolensk
control = { province = 775 data = SOV } #Kiev
control = { province = 857 data = SOV } #Kharkov
control = { province = 788 data = SOV } #leningrad
control = { province = 1377 data = SOV } #Sverdlovsk
control = { province = 1378 data = SOV } #Tjeljabinsk
control = { province = 1371 data = SOV } #Magnitogorsk
war = { country = GER country = SOV }

name = "EVT_2633_NAME"
desc = "EVT_2633_DESC"
style = 0

date = { day = 1 month = january year = 1936 }
offset = 7 # Check for trigger conditions every seven days
deathdate = { day = 30 month = december year = 1947 }

action_a = {
name = "ACTIONNAME2633A" # Let's move our industrial base to Sibiria
command = { type = industry which = 781 value = -5 } #Smolensk
command = { type = industry which = 775 value = -5 } #Kiev
command = { type = industry which = 857 value = -5 } #Kharkov
command = { type = industry which = 788 value = -15 } #leningrad
command = { type = industry which = 1377 value = 5 } #Sverdlovsk
command = { type = industry which = 1378 value = 5 } #Tjeljabinsk
command = { type = industry which = 1371 value = 20 } #Magnitogorsk
command = { type = warentry which = USA value = 15 }
command = { type = province_keypoints which = 781 value = -3 }
command = { type = province_keypoints which = 1377 value = 3 } command = { type = province_keypoints which = 775 value = -3 }
command = { type = province_keypoints which = 1378 value = 3 }
command = { type = province_keypoints which = 857 value = -1 }
command = { type = province_keypoints which = 788 value = -5 }
command = { type = province_keypoints which = 1371 value = 6 }
action_b = {
name = "ACTIONNAME2633B" # No let it be.
command = { }
# Moving of Industry to Sibiria
event = {
id = 2634
random = no
country = SOV

trigger = {
control = { province = 861 data = SOV } #Rostov
control = { province = 862 data = SOV } #Sevastapol
control = { province = 764 data = SOV } #Odessa
control = { province = 1394 data = SOV } #Kurgan
control = { province = 1395 data = SOV } #Kustanai
control = { province = 1396 data = SOV } #Koktjetav
war = { country = GER country = SOV }

name = "EVT_2634_NAME"
desc = "EVT_2634_DESC"
style = 0

date = { day = 1 month = january year = 1936 }
offset = 7 # Check for trigger conditions every seven days
deathdate = { day = 30 month = december year = 1947 }

action_a = {
name = "ACTIONNAME2634A" # Let's move our industrial base to Sibiria
command = { type = industry which = 861 value = -5 } #Rostov
command = { type = industry which = 862 value = -5 } #Sevastapol
command = { type = industry which = 764 value = -5 } #Odessa
command = { type = industry which = 1394 value = 5 } #Kurgan
command = { type = industry which = 1395 value = 5 } #Kustanai
command = { type = industry which = 1396 value = 5 } #Koktjetav
command = { type = province_keypoints which = 861 value = -1 }
command = { type = province_keypoints which = 1394 value = 1 }
command = { type = province_keypoints which = 862 value = -1 }
command = { type = province_keypoints which = 1395 value = 1 }
command = { type = province_keypoints which = 764 value = -1 }
command = { type = province_keypoints which = 1396 value = 1 }

action_b = {
name = "ACTIONNAME2634B" # No let it be.
command = { }
# Moving of Industry to Sibiria
event = {
id = 2635
random = no
country = SOV

trigger = {
control = { province = 778 data = SOV } #Minsk
control = { province = 709 data = SOV } #Riga
control = { province = 707 data = SOV } #Tallinn
control = { province = 1430 data = SOV } #Alma-Ata
control = { province = 1515 data = SOV } #Semipalatinsk
control = { province = 1524 data = SOV } #Krasnojarsk
war = { country = GER country = SOV }

name = "EVT_2635_NAME"
desc = "EVT_2635_DESC"
style = 0

date = { day = 1 month = january year = 1936 }
offset = 7 # Check for trigger conditions every seven days
deathdate = { day = 30 month = december year = 1947 }

action_a = {
name = "ACTIONNAME2635A" # Let's move our industrial base to Sibiria
command = { type = industry which = 778 value = -7 } #Minsk
command = { type = industry which = 709 value = -5 } #Riga
command = { type = industry which = 707 value = -5 } #Tallinn
command = { type = industry which = 1430 value = 7 } #Alma-Ata
command = { type = industry which = 1515 value = 5 } #Semipalatinsk
command = { type = industry which = 1524 value = 5 } #Krasnojarsk
command = { type = province_keypoints which = 778 value = -3 }
command = { type = province_keypoints which = 1430 value = 3 }
command = { type = province_keypoints which = 709 value = -1 }
command = { type = province_keypoints which = 1515 value = 1 }
command = { type = province_keypoints which = 707 value = -1 }
command = { type = province_keypoints which = 1524 value = 1 }
action_b = {
name = "ACTIONNAME2634B" # No let it be.
command = { }

Graf Oskar
22.10.03, 12:44
Und ich dachte, ich kann mit einem Blitz, sagen wir 39, diese Verlegung durchkreuzen, auf meinem Kreuzzug gegen die Roten. Schade eigentlich

22.10.03, 12:48
danke :)
komme nämlich noch nicht ganz mit dieser even liste klar.

Aber laut dem, was da steht, wird nur der anfangswert der provinz berechnet, sprich, ausbauen lohnt sich nicht.
Oder habe ich was falsch "gelesen"?

22.10.03, 13:09
Nein, die jeweilige Industrie wird um x erhöht oder abgesenkt.

Warum kostet die verlegung eigentlich nichts???

22.10.03, 17:34
Nein, die jeweilige Industrie wird um x erhöht oder abgesenkt.

Warum kostet die verlegung eigentlich nichts???

Erweiterung in Stony Road, Teil von Redflag-Europe:

# Stalin Orders tank industries moved east past Urals #
#by redflag

event = {
id = 55529
random = no
country = SOV

trigger = { war = { country = SOV country = GER}
headofgovernment which = 4002 # USSR has to be stalanist for this event to occur
date = { day = 2 month = january year = 1936 }
offset = 3
deathdate = { day = 30 month = december year = 1947 }

name = "EVT_55529_NAME"

desc = "EVT_55529_DESC"

style = 0

action_a = {
name = "ACTIONNAME55529A" #We shall not fail you great leader!
command = { type = industry which = 788 value = -20 } # Leningrad
command = { type = industry which = 781 value = -1 } # Smolensk
command = { type = industry which = 778 value = -3 } # Minsk
command = { type = industry which = 764 value = -1 } # Odessa
command = { type = industry which = 862 value = -1 } # Sevastapol
command = { type = industry which = 864 value = -1 } # Donetsk
command = { type = industry which = 1365 value = -2 } # Baku
command = { type = industry which = 1225 value = -10 } # Staningrad
command = { type = industry which = 856 value = -1 } # Saratov
command = { type = industry which = 846 value = -20 } # Moskva
command = { type = industry which = 1237 value = -2 } # Kirov
command = { type = industry which = 775 value = -2 } # Kiev
command = { type = industry which = 857 value = -1 } # Kharkov
command = { type = industry which = 864 value = -1 } # Rostov
command = { type = steelpool value =-5000 }


# 1 month after Stalin Orders tank industries moved east past Urals #
#by redflag

event = {
id = 55530
random = no
country = SOV

trigger = {
event = 55529A
date = { day = 2 month = january year = 1936 }
offset = 30
deathdate = { day = 30 month = december year = 1947 }

name = "EVT_55530_NAME"

desc = "EVT_55530_DESC"

style = 0

action_a = {
name = "ACTIONNAME55530A" #Yes sir
command = { type = industry which = 1377 value = 7 } # Sverdolvsk
command = { type = industry which = 1378 value = 7 } # Tjeljabnsk
command = { type = steelpool value = -1000 }


# 2 months after Stalin Orders tank industries moved east past Urals #
#by redflag

event = {
id = 55531
random = no
country = SOV

trigger = {
event = 55530A
date = { day = 2 month = january year = 1936 }
offset = 30
deathdate = { day = 30 month = december year = 1947 }

name = "EVT_55531_NAME"

desc = "EVT_55531_DESC"

style = 0

action_a = {
name = "ACTIONNAME55531A" #Yes sir
command = { type = industry which = 1379 value = 7 } #Tjumen
command = { type = industry which = 1391 value = 7 } #Isjim
command = { type = steelpool value = -1000 }


# 3 months after Stalin Orders tank industries moved east past Urals #
#by redflag

event = {
id = 55532
random = no
country = SOV

trigger = {
event = 55531A
date = { day = 2 month = january year = 1936 }
offset = 30
deathdate = { day = 30 month = december year = 1947 }

name = "EVT_55532_NAME"

desc = "EVT_55532_DESC"

style = 0

action_a = {
name = "ACTIONNAME55532A" #Yes sir
command = { type = industry which = 1371 value = 7 } # Magnitogoisk
command = { type = industry which = 1394 value = 7 } # Kurgan
command = { type = steelpool value = -1000 }


# 4 months after Stalin Orders tank industries moved east past Urals #
#by redflag

event = {
id = 55533
random = no
country = SOV

trigger = {
event = 55532A
date = { day = 2 month = january year = 1936 }
offset = 30
deathdate = { day = 30 month = december year = 1947 }

name = "EVT_55533_NAME"

desc = "EVT_55533_DESC"

style = 0

action_a = {
name = "ACTIONNAME55533A" #Great news Commrade. Tank production facilities have been assembled in the east.
command = { type = industry which = 1383 value = 7 } # Serov
command = { type = industry which = 1375 value = 7 } # Nizjni Tagil
command = { type = steelpool value = -1000 }


22.10.03, 19:07
Gut, dann muss ich dem Amerikaner einen Stahlkonvoi schicken, damit ich nicht zu viel verliere.

Lagoda, findest du nicht, dass das etwas zu teuer ist. Stahlverlust und ein Wegfall von 2520 (=5 Infanterie Einheiten) IC!!!

22.10.03, 19:14
findest du nicht, dass das etwas zu teuer ist. Stahlverlust und ein Wegfall von 2520 IC!!!

?!? Bitte deutlicher ausdrücken... was meinst Du? 2500 IK kannst Du ja wohl kaum meinen ;) Und das bissel Stahl sind doch Peanuts.

22.10.03, 19:44
?!? Bitte deutlicher ausdrücken... was meinst Du? 2500 IK kannst Du ja wohl kaum meinen ;) Und das bissel Stahl sind doch Peanuts.

Er meint sicher die weggefallenen IK*die verlorenen Tage. ;)

22.10.03, 20:02
Ach so - ja kann hinkommen. Aber bei 400 Divs später als Russe sind die 5 doch n Fliegenschiss? Und wer die Industrie net verlegen will, brauchts ja auch nicht :)
Bedenk doch einfach mal, dass Deine ganzen Westgebiete dadurch praktisch wertlos werten für den Deutschen.

22.10.03, 21:35
Schon aber überleg mal wer bald den Russen spielt :teufel: :teufel:

23.10.03, 02:27


Ach so... Was haste gesacht? Gute Idee! Ich wert gleich die Kosten für den "Umzug" erhöhen und noch n bissel dissent reinpflanzen - schließlich ist die Bevölkerung ja verärgert wenn auf einmal alle Betriebe in der Ukraine etc. dichtgemacht werden und sie nun ohne Arbeit dastehen ;)

Graf Oskar
23.10.03, 09:35
Wenn die schon verlegt werden, sollte dann nicht auch noch die Infrastruktur um 50% in der jeweiligen Provinz fallen ?
Ich glaube kaum, das die das Schienennetz um die abgebauten Fabriken belassen haben.
Würde die SAche doch glatt ein bisl verschärfen, oder ?
(Auch wenn der Russe zurück kommt!)

23.10.03, 12:56
Gute Idee eigentlich. Die Infra fällt in den abgebenden Provinzen auf 34 und in den aufnehmenden steigt sie entsprechend (oder auch auf dem Weg dahin).

23.10.03, 12:59
@Oskar Hmm ich würde eher drann denken die Infrastruktur in den neuen Fabrik-Provinzen zu verbessern.

@Lago Dafür gibts "blühende Landschaften" im Ural. Stalin nimts, Stalin gibts ;)

23.10.03, 13:11
Gute Idee eigentlich. Die Infra fällt in den abgebenden Provinzen auf 34 und in den aufnehmenden steigt sie entsprechend (oder auch auf dem Weg dahin).

:top: schließe mich an :top: