dre van kempen
29.09.03, 04:10
Werter Carl dies fanden wir in der Germanica situierung der Longobarden im unteren Elbe strohmteil ....
aus Tacitus Germania:)
What on the contrary ennobles the Langobards is the smallness of their number, for that they, who are surrounded with very many and very powerful nations, derive their security from no obsequiousness or plying; but from the dint of battle and adventurous deeds. There follow in order the Reudignians, and Aviones, and Angles, and Varinians, and Eudoses, and Suardones and Nuithones; all defended by rivers or forests. Nor in one of these nations does aught remarkable occur, only that they universally join in the worship of Herthum; that is to say, the Mother Earth. Her they believe to interpose in the affairs of man, and to visit countries. In an island of the ocean stands the wood Castum: in it is a chariot dedicated to the Goddess, covered over with a curtain, and permitted to be touched by none but the Priest. Whenever the Goddess enters this her holy vehicle, he perceives her; and with profound veneration attends the motion of the chariot, which is always drawn by yoked cows. Then it is that days of rejoicing always ensue, and in all places whatsoever which she descends to honour with a visit and her company, feasts and recreation abound. They go not to war; they touch no arms; fast laid up is every hostile weapon; peace and repose are then only known, then only beloved, till to the temple the same priest reconducts the Goddess when well tired with the conversation of mortal beings. Anon the chariot is washed and purified in a secret lake, as also the curtains; nay, the Deity herself too, if you choose to believe it. In this office it is slaves who minister, and they are forthwith doomed to be swallowed up in the same lake. Hence all men are possessed with mysterious terror; as well as with a holy ignorance what that must be, which none see but such as are immediately to perish.
Moreover this quarter of the Suevians stretches to the middle of Germany. The community next adjoining, is that of the Hermondurians; (that I may now follow the course of the Danube, as a little before I did that of the Rhine) a people this, faithful to the Romans. So that to them alone of all the Germans, commerce is permitted; not barely upon the bank of the Rhine, but more extensively, and even in that glorious colony in the province of Rhoetia. They travel everywhere at their own discretion and without a guard; and when to other nations, we show no more than our arms and encampments, to this people we throw open our houses and dwellings, as to men who have no longing to possess them. In the territories of the Hermondurians rises the Elbe, a river very famous and formerly well known to us; at present we only hear it named.
Close by the Hermondurians reside the Nariscans, and next to them the Marcomanians and Quadians. Amongst these the Marcomanians are most signal in force and renown; nay, their habitation itself they acquired by their bravery, as from thence they formerly expulsed the Boians. Nor do the Nariscans or Quadians degenerate in spirit. Now this is as it were the frontier of Germany, as far as Germany is washed by the Danube. To the times within our memory the Marcomanians and Quadians were governed by kings, who were natives of their own, descended from the noble line of Maroboduus and Tudrus. At present they are even subject to such as are foreigners. But the whole strength and sway of their kings is derived from the authority of the Romans. From our arms, they rarely receive any aid; from our money very frequently.
geschrieben um 80n.ch
Nützlich?..o.k sonst können wir diesser wieder löschen wenn ihr möchtet..
Stimt das ,hat Tacitus wirklich den Longobarden dort gesehen?,nein hat er nicht.
Tacitus basiert seine berrichten auf geschichtten von Germanen und Römer die entweder aus oder in Germanien gedient haben....
Was sint so die theorien die es über die longobarden gibt....
In Internet findet man fiehle aber das meiste ist wohl zugeschnitten auf die zeit das sie in Italien herschten nun wenn man eben NICHT diesser periode benutzen will wirt es nicht grad einfacher....
Was ist am meist ahnnehmliche ....nun das die Longobarden genau wie die meiste Germanischer stämmen in wellen nach west-Europa rubber siedelten.
Die größte gruppe wurde von den Hunnen aufgetrieben und floh nach Polen wo sie ankamen in geselschaft von den Gepieden die wechselent Herr und diener der größere Gothen stämmen waren.
Sie wohnten meist logischer weise in den gebiet zwischen den Polnischer Thorun und Neurenberg mit auslaüfer nach Prag und wo möglich auch nach sachsen hinauf bis Magdenburg.
Die Gothen beherschtte das gebiet was jetst Central und Ostpolen ist samt der Pommerische kuste bis nach den masurische meren und wälder.
Wenn man von "beherschen" spricht dan meint man damit die Überwegende bevölkerungs gruppe zu sein, dies mahl zu verdeutlichung.
Indertaat wohnten die Longobarden zimmlich nahe an den fruheren centrum für eisenbearbeitung Halstädt in österreich und ist es nicht verwunderlich das eisen ein wichtiger platz in ihren dencken und religieuse erlebniswelt einnahm....wie die Gothen ein specieeler band mit holz hätten.
Gut....wann kamen dan die Longobarden nach west-Europa?....
da über kan man streiten und das tun die Herrn gelehrten dan auch....
Unser meinung nach kamen die erste gruppen schon kurz nach den einsätz der niedergang der Keltische herschaft in central-Europa also rund 200 V.ch, also gute 100 jahr vor die Germanisch-Keltische stämme der Cimberen und Teutonen von dänemark aus in den Süden startetten und Rom das fürchten für Germanischer furor beibrachtten....
aus Tacitus Germania:)
What on the contrary ennobles the Langobards is the smallness of their number, for that they, who are surrounded with very many and very powerful nations, derive their security from no obsequiousness or plying; but from the dint of battle and adventurous deeds. There follow in order the Reudignians, and Aviones, and Angles, and Varinians, and Eudoses, and Suardones and Nuithones; all defended by rivers or forests. Nor in one of these nations does aught remarkable occur, only that they universally join in the worship of Herthum; that is to say, the Mother Earth. Her they believe to interpose in the affairs of man, and to visit countries. In an island of the ocean stands the wood Castum: in it is a chariot dedicated to the Goddess, covered over with a curtain, and permitted to be touched by none but the Priest. Whenever the Goddess enters this her holy vehicle, he perceives her; and with profound veneration attends the motion of the chariot, which is always drawn by yoked cows. Then it is that days of rejoicing always ensue, and in all places whatsoever which she descends to honour with a visit and her company, feasts and recreation abound. They go not to war; they touch no arms; fast laid up is every hostile weapon; peace and repose are then only known, then only beloved, till to the temple the same priest reconducts the Goddess when well tired with the conversation of mortal beings. Anon the chariot is washed and purified in a secret lake, as also the curtains; nay, the Deity herself too, if you choose to believe it. In this office it is slaves who minister, and they are forthwith doomed to be swallowed up in the same lake. Hence all men are possessed with mysterious terror; as well as with a holy ignorance what that must be, which none see but such as are immediately to perish.
Moreover this quarter of the Suevians stretches to the middle of Germany. The community next adjoining, is that of the Hermondurians; (that I may now follow the course of the Danube, as a little before I did that of the Rhine) a people this, faithful to the Romans. So that to them alone of all the Germans, commerce is permitted; not barely upon the bank of the Rhine, but more extensively, and even in that glorious colony in the province of Rhoetia. They travel everywhere at their own discretion and without a guard; and when to other nations, we show no more than our arms and encampments, to this people we throw open our houses and dwellings, as to men who have no longing to possess them. In the territories of the Hermondurians rises the Elbe, a river very famous and formerly well known to us; at present we only hear it named.
Close by the Hermondurians reside the Nariscans, and next to them the Marcomanians and Quadians. Amongst these the Marcomanians are most signal in force and renown; nay, their habitation itself they acquired by their bravery, as from thence they formerly expulsed the Boians. Nor do the Nariscans or Quadians degenerate in spirit. Now this is as it were the frontier of Germany, as far as Germany is washed by the Danube. To the times within our memory the Marcomanians and Quadians were governed by kings, who were natives of their own, descended from the noble line of Maroboduus and Tudrus. At present they are even subject to such as are foreigners. But the whole strength and sway of their kings is derived from the authority of the Romans. From our arms, they rarely receive any aid; from our money very frequently.
geschrieben um 80n.ch
Nützlich?..o.k sonst können wir diesser wieder löschen wenn ihr möchtet..
Stimt das ,hat Tacitus wirklich den Longobarden dort gesehen?,nein hat er nicht.
Tacitus basiert seine berrichten auf geschichtten von Germanen und Römer die entweder aus oder in Germanien gedient haben....
Was sint so die theorien die es über die longobarden gibt....
In Internet findet man fiehle aber das meiste ist wohl zugeschnitten auf die zeit das sie in Italien herschten nun wenn man eben NICHT diesser periode benutzen will wirt es nicht grad einfacher....
Was ist am meist ahnnehmliche ....nun das die Longobarden genau wie die meiste Germanischer stämmen in wellen nach west-Europa rubber siedelten.
Die größte gruppe wurde von den Hunnen aufgetrieben und floh nach Polen wo sie ankamen in geselschaft von den Gepieden die wechselent Herr und diener der größere Gothen stämmen waren.
Sie wohnten meist logischer weise in den gebiet zwischen den Polnischer Thorun und Neurenberg mit auslaüfer nach Prag und wo möglich auch nach sachsen hinauf bis Magdenburg.
Die Gothen beherschtte das gebiet was jetst Central und Ostpolen ist samt der Pommerische kuste bis nach den masurische meren und wälder.
Wenn man von "beherschen" spricht dan meint man damit die Überwegende bevölkerungs gruppe zu sein, dies mahl zu verdeutlichung.
Indertaat wohnten die Longobarden zimmlich nahe an den fruheren centrum für eisenbearbeitung Halstädt in österreich und ist es nicht verwunderlich das eisen ein wichtiger platz in ihren dencken und religieuse erlebniswelt einnahm....wie die Gothen ein specieeler band mit holz hätten.
Gut....wann kamen dan die Longobarden nach west-Europa?....
da über kan man streiten und das tun die Herrn gelehrten dan auch....
Unser meinung nach kamen die erste gruppen schon kurz nach den einsätz der niedergang der Keltische herschaft in central-Europa also rund 200 V.ch, also gute 100 jahr vor die Germanisch-Keltische stämme der Cimberen und Teutonen von dänemark aus in den Süden startetten und Rom das fürchten für Germanischer furor beibrachtten....