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21.09.20, 22:01
Es verdichten sich die Hinweise, dass ein neuer Stellaris-DLC in der Mache ist ... es soll u.a. "Death Cults" geben. Wird das Religionskonzept endlich mal angegangen?

21.09.20, 22:13
Sind die Death Cults nicht erstmal nur eine neue Civic? Viel toller (Wer Ironie findet darf sie behalten) fand ich ja das letzte "Performance" Dev Diary, wo man stolz wie Bolle berichtet, wie man die Startzeiten vom Spiel verbessert hat. Als ob das Spiel nicht größere Performance-Probleme hat ...

21.09.20, 22:45
Freu mich trotzdem drauf ... irgendwie.

[B@W] Abominus
05.10.20, 16:13

05.10.20, 17:50
Hab ich jeden Morgen, wenn ich auferstehe ...

13.03.21, 20:32
Der nächste DLC Nemesis kommt am 15. April raus und kann ab dem 15.03. vorbestellt werden:

Stellaris: Nemesis will release on April 15th. Pre-Orders Begin on March 15th (http://pdxint.at/3atMO0v)!

Snatch a glimpse behind the fog of war with new Espionage Mechanics, curry favour and be declared the Galactic Custodian, protect the stability and security of the Galaxy by forming the Galactic Imperium, or take the menace option to BECOME THE CRISIS.

Ultimately, you will have to choose whether to grasp the reins of power or ferment chaos throughout the galaxy.


The Nemesis expansion includes (Paid Features):

Become the Crisis: You are the fire that spreads across the galaxy, threatening its very existence. As your empire becomes more and more menacing, you’ll unlock powerful bonuses to finish a hopeless galactic stalemate on your own terms. If the rest of the galaxy can’t stop you in time, you can unleash enough power to end all of existence!
Galactic Custodian: It’s up to you to campaign for the Galactic Community to declare you a Custodian, granting you emergency powers to combat the Crisis. Use them to bring the galaxy back from the edge of destruction and restore order. When the crisis is defeated you may choose to relinquish your powers...or keep them, and form a new Galactic Imperium.
Espionage: Knowledge is power; use new tools to spy on your enemies (or friends). Deploy Envoys to lead covert Operations and counterintelligence behind enemy borders. Lies and deceit will throw your enemies off your scent while you learn their deepest secrets. As your Infiltration Level grows you’ll unlock new operations, such as Sabotage Starbase, Acquire Assets, or Steal Tech. Turn allies against each other through the use of smear campaigns and by instigating diplomatic incidents. Play your cards right, and they’ll be none the wiser: what they don’t know will hurt them.
New Ship Set: Nemesis includes new ships inspired by some of the most imposing empires in science fiction. Whether you’re taking control of the galaxy or wiping it out, you’ll look as powerful as you feel.
Nemesis gives you the most powerful tools ever available in Stellaris, the fate of the galaxy now rests in your hands.

Pre-Orders Begin March 15th! (http://pdxint.at/3atMO0v)

25.03.21, 05:02
Für alle die sich Stellaris oder etliche DLCs dazu holen wollen, hat Humble Bundle dazu aktuell ein tolles Angebot (https://www.humblebundle.com/games/stellaris-discovery-bundle?mcID=102:605a7c3df2351355920d6ee8:ot:5eb4672d76488a0eff7a9771:1&linkID=605b858af235134ab3195447&utm_source=source&utm_content=content&utm_medium=medium&utm_campaign=21_03_24_Stellaris_Extension_Test).

Für 1€ das Spiel selbst. Ab 8,32€ gibts die 3 DLCs Utopia, Plantoids und Leviathans mit dazu.
Ab 12,26€ zusätzlich noch 4 weitere DLCs: Synthetic Dawn, Apocalypse, Megacorp, Ancient Relicts dazu.

Das ist echt ein Schnäppchen, Stellaris und 7 DLC für 12,26€.

P.S.: Damit hat man alle DLC´s außer die letzten 3:
Lithoids Species Pack
Cecroids Species Pack.

Die Species Packs kosten zum Vollpreis je 7,99, das DLC Federations aber 19,99€. Wohlgemerkt Vollpreise. Die gibts bestimmt auch bald man wieder günstiger.

26.03.21, 09:29
Danke Dave, nun haben wir alles und werden heute Abend mal anfangen.

24.04.21, 11:17
So, Stellaris mit dem Nemesis-DLC gespielt, große Galaxie, 5 Fallen Empires, 2 Marauder und die Nomadenhändler aktiv gehabt, lief erstaunlich flüssig. Eigentlich so gut wie keine Verlangsamung mehr bemerkt, geilo.

Hmm, ok, die Krise habe ich für meine Nation gleich mal ausprobiert ... ich weiß nicht, die drei Schiffsklassen, die man damit freischaltet, die sind für die Tonne. Sicher, brauchen nur Mineralien zum Bauen, aber die Korvetten und Zerstörer bringen es nicht im Mid/Late-Game und die Kreuzer waren auch eher Kanonenfutter.

Es kommt einfach nichts gegen Flotten mit einem Titan und 30 Schlachtschiffen mit Artilleriebewaffnung an, die hatten ungefähr eine Kampfstärke von 120.000 Punkten als die Fallen Empires aufgewacht sind, mit den repetitiven Forschungen habe ich es aber bis zum Jahr 3200 auf 220.000 Punkte hochgedrückt, ohne Admiralsbonus. Mit dem Admiralsbonus (Stufe 8 bis 10) war ich zwischen 250.000 und 300.000 Punkten.

Naja, jedenfalls kamen die Unbidden zu Besuch, die haben ungefähr zwei Drittel der Galaxie vernascht, während ich mich mit dem dicksten Fallen Empire herumgeärgert habe, Gott, was hasse ich deren Dark Matter Engines, 125% Beschleunigung sind schon geil. Sind dann noch zwei weitere Fraktionen der Unbidden gespawnt, die haben dann die Flotten des Fallen Empires abgelenkt, damit konnte ich endlich deren Kernwelten neutralisieren und übernehmen. Die Unbidden waren dann nur noch Aufwischen für meine Flotten.

Ahjo, die Sternenbasen waren ungefähr auch so kampfstark wie eine meiner Flotten, 52 Verteidigungsplattformen maximal, macht schon Aua. Die Piratenflöttchen waren auch nen Witz, die spawnen im Late-Game mit 14 Korvetten bei den unbewachten Handelsrouten (Wert zwischen 10 und 40). Die Stationen, die nur das System halten und auch nicht ausgebaut war, haben die Korvetten weggeblasen wie nichts. Die meisten Handelsrouten waren durch meine Stationen gesichert, wenn man den L-Space hat, da braucht man eigentlich nur in dem System Terminal Express eine Zitadelle mit Hangars zu bauen, da hat man eigentlich so gut wie Ruhe.

Hmm, wenn man alle Stufen der Krise geschafft hat und die Megastruktur ausgebaut hat (Aetherophasic Engine), drückt man eine Schaltfläche und Puff, alle Systeme gehen drauf sowie die Bevölkerung der Galaxie, einschließlich der eigenen ... kein letztes "Haha!" von Nelson zu hören. Nunja, ich werde den Crisis-Perk wohl nicht mehr wählen, das ist einfach nur enttäuschend.

25.04.21, 10:23
Spiele es auch gerade mit dem neuem DLC. Ich weiß aus dem Kopf nicht genau, was jetzt durch den DLC und was durch den Patch kam.
Jedenfalls gefallen mir die Änderungen bei Wirtschaftssystem, Erstkontakt und Spionage bisher sehr gut. Ist alles stimmig und wie bei EUIV kaufe ich alle Stellaris DLCs mittlerweile ohnehin blind.

25.04.21, 17:25
Nemesis hat den Baustil "Imperiale Schiffe" mitgebracht, ansonsten auch den Crisis-Perk und hat auch den Senat stark überarbeitet, man kann sich als Beschützer darstellen (Ich bin der Senat!), wenn die Kacke in der Galaxie am Dampfen ist. Ansonsten noch die Spionage bzw. deren Operationen, ohne Nemesis hat man nur eine rudimentäre Spionage.

Die Überarbeitung der Bevölkerung, Distrikte etc., das kam mit dem Patch, damit bin ich vollauf glücklich, macht vieles übersichtlicher.

Mit der Spionage habe ich mich noch nicht wirklich befasst, geh gewohnheitsmäßig immer stramm auf Colossus und Titan und dann juckt mich die Diplomatie/Spionage nen Dreck.

25.04.21, 20:53
In welcher Spielstufe spielt ihr eigentlich Stellaris? Irgendwie ist mir das Spiel zumeist zu einfach. Schon im frühen Midgame (2300) sehe ich bei allen Sternenreichen nur noch überall "Lächerlich" als Vergleich, außer bei den gefallenen Reichen.

Ich spiele auf der Grundeinstellung "Skipper", anfangs beim Erstellen einer neuen Partie.

26.04.21, 15:57
Bis zu diesem Patch, den wir wohl erst mal nicht spielen, haben wir normalerweise immer auf Grand Admiral mit Scaling gespielt. Bedeutet die K.I. fängt mit 0% Boni an und erhält dann jedes Jahr ein wenig Boni um dann im Endgame Jahr (2350 bei uns) 100% der Grand Admiral Boni zu erhalten. Zusätzlich wird versucht mit A.I. Mods oder anderen Mods die Einfluss haben noch was aufzupumpen.

26.04.21, 17:19
Keine Boni für mich oder die KI, keine Lust nach der Arbeit noch einen weiteren Hirnschlag zu riskieren.

26.04.21, 18:35
Ich habe Stellaris erst seit dem Humble-Sale, bin aber über ein Youtube-Let's Play auf folgende Mod gestoßen, die die KI-Boni je nach Vergleich zum Spieler dynamisch hoch oder runter fährt: Hemothep's Dynamic Difficulty (https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1809087738).

28.04.21, 08:53
Ich spiele auf Kapitän(Skipper) aber mit Skalierung. Da mein 2. Start in 3.0 aber mit Ringwelt und MC ist, wird es eher tall statt wide.
Mal sehen wie es läuft. Bisher recht gut. Vielleicht muss ich beim nächsten Start auch mal mit Commodore starten.
Die Änderungen finde ich gut, in allen Bereichen. Es ist gefühlt langsamer, weil man die Pops nicht mehr so boosten kann, aber das macht auch mal Spaß.
Bisher finde ich den DLC sehr gelungen. Mit der Krise hatte ich bisher noch nicht probiert.
Die DLCs kaufe ich bei Stellaris von anfang an schon direkt ab Release. Bin auch bisher nie enttäuscht worden.

[B@W] Abominus
28.04.21, 09:17
Ich habe mein Spiel auf "Standardeinstellungen" (Crisis x2,5, Techkosten x2,5, weniger bewohnbare Welten, sonst alles normal) abbrechen müssen, habe kein Land gesehen.

Mein Psyonisches Imperium mit diversen versklaven Rassen hat sich ins Fäustchen gelacht, als die Unbidden über die im gegenseitig im Krieg befindlichen Fallen Empires herzogen, ich konnte dann sehr schnell interessante Systeme abgreifen. Dann haben die sich aber überlegt, mich zu überrollen. Nach dem dritten verlorenen Planeten habe ich Ragequit gemacht.

Normalerweise spiele ich mit Mid-Crisis um 2450 und End-Crisis um 2600 um genug Zeit zum Aufbau zu haben, aber in der kurzen Zeit war es mir nicht möglich, eine Flotte in adäquater Größe aufzubauen.

28.04.21, 12:46
Habe zum ersten mal den Psionischen Weg gespielt, weil ich im meinem Gebiet extrem große Zron Vorkommen entdeckt habe. Wusste gar nicht was sich dort dann alles für Möglichkeiten auftun.
Habe dann im Schleier auch die Baupläne für den Psionischen Schild gefunden und mein Herrscher ist jetzt der Auserwählte und unsterblich.
Das passt. Bin sowieso ein Imperium und Anführer einer Hegemonie, welche die halbe Galaxis (max. Größe) beherrscht.

Außerwählt, unsterblich, Imperator, Anführer der Galaxie und Herrscher über den Senat... so in etwa habe ich mir meinen Lebenslauf auch vorgestellt. :D

28.04.21, 13:07
Nachdem neusten Update funktionierten viele MODs leider nicht mehr und das Spiel stürzte ab. Nun nur noch drei aktiviert.
Aber wo finden wir den TechTree im Spiel, um zu sehen, was wir forschen sollen?

28.04.21, 13:31

Im Spiel gibt es keinen. Der Techtree funktioniert so auch nicht. Ob eine Technologie erscheint liegt auch an den Würfelchancen. Manche sind Bis zu einem bestimmten Ereignis z.B. 0. Andere werden auch durch Traits Der Forscher beeinflusst.

28.04.21, 13:59
Achso, ich dachte, der funktioniert so wie bei CIV VI .. Wieder was dazu gelernt

[B@W] Abominus
28.04.21, 14:02
Achso, ich dachte, der funktioniert so wie bei CIV VI .. Wieder was dazu gelernt

Es gibt Technologien bzw. glaube ich Traditionen, die es Dir erlauben, aus mehren auszuwählen. Schön ist auch, dass seit diesem Update nicht nur die Erforschung der Galaxie automatisiert werden kann, sondern auch die Forschung. Ich liebe das Feature, irgendwann, wenn man mit den normalen Technologien durch ist, ist man froh, nicht mehr ständig reinschauen zu müssen, welche wiederholbare Tech man jetzt auswählen will.

28.04.21, 14:32
Abominus;1229484']wenn man mit den normalen Technologien durch ist, ist man froh, nicht mehr ständig reinschauen zu müssen, welche wiederholbare Tech man jetzt auswählen will.

DANKE PARADOX!!! Best feature ever! soviel Klicks, meine Finger danken es ihnen.

[B@W] Abominus
28.04.21, 23:20
Ich bin zu doof für das Spiel. Nach meinen Ragequit habe ich was neues angefangen, nach 45 Jahren neben einem fanatischen Säuberer musste ich dann wieder aufgeben, den zweiten Krieg habe ich nicht überlebt.

[B@W] Abominus
02.05.22, 11:44

Die Dev Diarys sind interessant, auch der aktuelle macht Lust auf mehr. Halb-Maulwurfmenschen, oder auch Zwerge, lassen sich damit gut darstellen. Wundervoll!

Auch die anderen Diarys geben dem Spiel nochmal einen Drall in die richtige Richtung. Wann war Release?

02.05.22, 11:50
Tatsächlich sind die AI Upgrades gefühlt insbesondere für frustrierte Spieler. Denn dass die AI ihre Flotten aufspaltet, war für Gegner echt unangenehm. Da konnte man dann mit seinen 2-2 Flotten von Sieg zu Sieg fliegen, nur um sich Tod zu Siegen. Während die AI einem 1000 Nadelstiche setzte.

Zumindest wenn die Star Lanes das hergaben. Jetzt gehen sie zurück zu große Flotte sucht den Kampf, stirbt, Krieg vorbei.

[B@W] Abominus
02.05.22, 11:59
Ja, das ist echt nervig. Zerschlagung des Festungsrings des Gegners mit Stack of Doom und dann wurschtelt der sich mit Kleinstflotten durch und man braucht ewig, die einzufangen.

[B@W] Abominus
05.05.22, 13:13
Patch Notes

######################### VERSION 3.4.0 ###########################

Overlord Expansion Features

Three new advanced subject types called Specialist Empires have been introduced, which excel in certain areas while having deficiencies in others.

Bulwark - A bastion of defense that leaves basic resource acquisition to others.
Prospectorium - Excels at resource acquisition but has weaker research.
Scholarium - Specializes in research but relies on their allies for military support.

Similar to how Federations advance or degrade based on Cohesion, Specialist Empires improve based on loyalty, gaining additional perks and strengthening their bonuses and penalties as they level up through three tiers.

New Constructions and Megastructures

Hyper Relays - Chained together, Hyper Relays permit high speed fleet travel and projection of effects to systems connected via the network.
Orbital Rings - Built around your worlds, Orbital Rings act similarly to Starbases and allow further development or defense of these core planets.
Quantum Catapult - The galaxy is within reach as the Quantum Catapult lets you fling ships across the galaxy, though with questionable accuracy. Yeet.

New Enclaves

Salvager Enclave - A generally friendly bunch of tinkerers, obsessed with engineering, battle debris, and restoring or scrapping antiquated ships.
Shroudwalker Enclave - Disciples of the Shroud, the Shroudwalkers can call upon its powers to create shroud tunnels, or to attempt to divine the future - if you dare.
Mercenary Enclave - Empires can release a fleet to create a self-reinforcing Mercenary Enclave that brings dividends back to their patron. But remember, business is business, and concepts like loyalty don’t pay the bills.

New Origins

Imperial Fiefdom - Your first steps into space were brutally short. Immediately subjugated alongside several others by a powerful and decadent overlord, you begin the game as a Specialist Empire of your choice.
Teachers of the Shroud - Your civilization was identified as a civilization of interest long ago by the Shroudwalkers, who carefully nurtured your development as their visions instructed. Your species begins with the Latent Psionics trait and in contact with the Shroudwalker coven.
Slingshot to the Stars - The Slingshot to the Stars origin explores how a nearby Quantum Catapult could shape your civilization. The histories of your people are filled with tales of brilliant lights flashing across the sky before the long seasons of darkness.
Subterranean - The underground homes of Subterranean empires grant defensive and mining benefits while allowing them to avoid hostile environments on the surface, at the cost of slower expansion.
Progenitor Hive - Hive-Mind only (also requires Utopia). The hive relies on the presence of the powerful offspring of the progenitor, guiding the hive’s will with incredible skill. Protect them well, for the drones are lost without their presence.

New Ascension Perk - Profit from conflict with the Lord of War Ascension Perk.

New Galactic Community Resolutions - Debate the place of Mercenaries and the rights and responsibilities of subjects and overlords with three new lines of Resolutions.

New music tracks - 4 new songs added to the game and Original Soundtrack

New Achievements - Show the galaxy who leads them with 11 new Steam achievements.

3.4 “Cepheus” Features and Changes

Situations - Include a new system for tracking and interacting with ongoing stories in your empire

Deficit Situations will trigger if you have a negative monthly balance of a resource and it runs out.
Revolt Situations may trigger on planets with low stability, overhauling previous rebellion mechanics.
Machine Uprising Situation replaces old Machine Uprising event (requires synthetic dawn)
Leviathan Situations celebrate your great triumphs when besting such mighty beasts.
Other narrative Situations have been implemented to add even more flavor to your campaigns.

Negotiation of Subjugation Agreements - The terms of subjugation agreements can now be negotiated and changed. Some terms that can be altered include:

Integration Possibility
Diplomatic Freedom
Ability to Expand
Resource Subsidies and Tithes
Defensive and Offensive War Responsibilities
Overlord Holding Limit
Sensor Sharing

The default terms of some contracts have been updated to fit the new system, and some specific terms or settings require Overlord.

Allegiance Wars - The Pledge Secret Fealty diplomatic action has been added, which allows subject empires to secretly plot with a new overlord. This permits a War of Allegiance - a new war goal that allows empires to fight other Overlords for control of subjects that have pledged secret fealty to them. All subjects that have pledged secret fealty will turn on their former overlord during the war.

Subject Changes/Improvements:

Overlords can now build a holding on Subject Planets (holdings may require certain civics, origins, or DLC)

Overlord Garrison
Aid Agency
Ranger Lodge - Environmentalist Civic
Noble Chateaus - Aristocratic Elite Civic
Recruitment Center - Citizens Service Civic
Gaia Seeder Outpost - Idyllic Bloom Civic (requires Plantoids)
Tree of Life Sapling - Tree of Life Origin (requires Utopia)
Dread Outpost - Reanimators Civic (requires Necroids)
Sacrificial Shrine - Death Cult Civics (requires Necroids)
Reemployment Center - Permanent Employment Civic (requires Necroids and Megacorp)
Franchising HQ - Franchising Civic (requires Megacorp)
Communal Housing Outreach - Shared Burdens Civic (requires Utopia)
Organic Haven - Rogue Servitor Civic (requires Synthetic Dawn)
Experimental Crater - Calamitous Birth Origin (requires Lithoids)
And twelve more holdings with Overlord.

Subjects now have a Loyalty value, rather than loyalty solely depending on their opinion of their overlord.
Subjects’ ethical compatibility with their Overlords may result in a monthly loyalty bonus or penalty.
Having more than one subject adds a monthly loyalty penalty to all subjects, which can be worked around with various civics and or the Shared Destiny ascension perk.
Subjects and Overlords have a bonus to infiltration growth on each other.
Operations on your subject or Overlord are reduced in difficulty.
Additional trade deal options between subjects and Overlords have been added.
Releasing a sector as subject now grants an initial 100 intel on that subject.
Integration is disabled by default.
Sectors released as subjects can now inherit the following origins from their parent empire, where appropriate - Progenitor Hive, Subterranean, Void Dweller, or Calamitous Birth.
Gateways (and Hyper Relays) can now be built in subject space.
AI Subjects of Player Empires now receive AI bonuses as if the difficulty level of the game were one level lower, rather than losing their bonuses entirely.

MegaCorp Improvements as both Overlords and Subjects:

Empires that are the target of Impose Ideology wars or those created from Status Quo peace deals are no longer rival Megacorps, but instead Oligarchies with the Merchant Guilds civic.
Corporate Overlords can establish branch offices in their non-corporate subjects without having to sign a Commercial Pact. Likewise, corporate subjects with a non-corporate overlord can open branch offices in their overlord and fellow subjects.

Major improvements to Planetary Automation:

Planetary Automation scripts based on designation are now more focused regarding what they build.
Right clicking on the planetary automation button will now open a menu which allows you to customize your focus of planetary automation: for instance, as well as the designation based focus (“build more minerals buildings”), it lets you enable handling of amenities and housing, crime, as well as more specialized building options such as psi corps.
Sector automation and planetary automation have been unified into the same system (sector automation will activate planetary automation for all planets in the sector, and assign relevant planetary designation types to the planets unless overridden.)
Additional planetary or sector automation options have been added:

Added a Unity sector automation setting
Forge, Factory and Industrial designations are now available on Ring Worlds
Fortress world designation is now available on Machine Worlds and Hive Worlds

Automatic Resettlement Improvements

The Auto Resettlement formula for picking which planet pops will be resettled to has been improved: it is now easier to steer pops towards your capital and other special worlds (e.g. ring worlds).

Pops will now pick which planet to auto-migrate to based on which planet has the most free jobs, rather than the least. They also now take free housing into account better
"Ideal" worlds such as ring worlds, gaia worlds, hive worlds and machine worlds now have a 50% higher score when pops are deciding where to automatically resettle to. So they are more likely to want to move to your newly-founded ring world, for instance. Capital world planet designations also have a +10% score, and freshly founded colonies have 25% from their designation.

The resettlement tooltip (found by hovering over unemployment in the planet view) now provides far greater insights into how the system works, including showing the reasons pops cannot automatically resettle or the planet they are most likely to resettle to.
The outliner has been updated so planets with unemployed pops that are auto-migrating are now shown a yellow suitcase. The red suitcase should only appear if the planet actually requires your attention to resolve the unemployment problem.

Various AI improvements with a focus on military behavior - full details in section below

Added 73 new flag emblems, 63 new flag backgrounds and 47 new flag colors (including white!).

12 new emblems each to match the Plantoid, Lithoid, Necroid, Aquatic, and Imperial shipsets
6 new emblems for the Corporate and Legion categories
1 new emblem for Paradox Arctic in Umeå

Added improved human portraits, with 5 phenotypes, 5 eye colors, 7 clothing styles and many, many hairstyles (including facial hair)!

Added Japanese and Korean language support.


Subjugation casus belli is now automatically granted towards inferior empires.
The Parliamentary System civic now allows factions to be generated much earlier in the game.
Defense Platforms now have increased range, fire rate, tracking, and hull points, and are faster to build.
Base market price for slaves doubled from 500 to 1000 energy credits to make selling pops more viable. Slave traits cost Modifiers for the Slave Market have been increased by roughly 10 times for positive ones and 4 times for negative traits.
Endgame Crises can now happen after 25 years rather than 50 of the End Times.
The Plunder wargoal now increases the chance to steal relics (that aren't the Galatron) to 50%.
The Numistic Administration trait no longer provides an increase to energy output, it now provides a +33% output to trade value from jobs.
Removed the requirement to have an upgraded capital building in order to build research labs or rare resource manufacturing buildings
The Shared Destiny AP no longer affects subject integration cost or trust, instead removes the monthly loyalty penalty from having multiple subjects. Additionally, it can now be taken by Corporate empires.
The Grasp the Void AP now grants increased draw weight for FTL travel techs.
The Unbidden can no longer spawn in pulsar systems (as the star will disable their Dimensional Portal's shields)
Resistance is Frugal no longer grants your strongholds a unity production of 3, instead it gives you 0.5 unity for each defensive army you have.
Strength of Legions and Warbots now start with rank 3 Admirals and Generals.
Espionage Operations now cost Influence to start rather than Energy Credits. Costs have been reduced by a factor of 10.
Low Military Intel is now gained at 30 Intel instead of 40 and Medium Military Intel is now gained at 60 Intel instead of 70. The effects of Medium and High Military Intel have been swapped - medium now allows you to view ship loadout, high now grants visibility of location of military fleets.
Added a nanites deposit to the Scavenger Bot system so you can use the reward you get for killing it.
The Subterranean empire from the Seismic Disturbances event chain now spawns with the new Subterranean origin.
Numistic Data Modeling technology now provides +5% Trade Value.


With sufficient Intel, there will now be a notification that the AI is planning to declare war on the player.
Fixed a variety of AI military fleet behavior issues, including:

AI will be better at merging fleets where that makes sense (e.g. during peacetime, or when they have the same mission)
Fixed issues where your allies would follow your take point command even though they were not hostile to your targets, and several other issues with take point and follow fleet behavior
AI will now more actively engage hostile crises if they or their allies have been attacked by them
Fixed an issue where an AI fleet could get trapped in an enemy system by a disabled starbase. It will now approach the starbase to capture it.

AI will now enable buildings that have been disabled.
AI will now scale the production of rare resources according to the size of their economy.
Moderately reduced the frequency of how often AI will sell slaves on the market.
AI will now only consider jobs producing at least 3 amenities when doing the planet amenity balancing logic.
AI will now declare "death spiral status" if they have 0 minerals and a negative mineral income. Jobs consuming minerals will be deprioritized until a sufficient mineral income has been reached and the empire can start rebuilding itself.
The AI will now wait for a period of time before changing planet designations when taking over a player empire in multiplayer.
AI members of a federation will no longer propose a vote on a law change that has been proposed in the last 10 years by anyone in the Federation.
The player now gets a notification when the AI has recalled their embassy.
AI will now only propose an embassy if they have a positive +50 relation and remove their embassy if they have lower than -50
The AI is now better at dealing with non-standard colony ships (e.g. private colony ships, Lithoid colony asteroids).
AI will now sell resources more aggressively to buy what they need in order to recover from death spiral type situations.
Fixed several issues with Galactic Community voting, AI will no longer propose resolutions against their alignment, AI can recall their proposals or vote against their own proposals in some situations where it makes sense. Tooltips will now show the reasons an AI empire is voting the way they are.


Added new section in outliner for loaned out fleets (lease timer and its tooltip).
The alert for diminishing resource stockpiles now properly only lists resources which you will imminently run out of.
Added tooltips for agreement presets and specialist types to the Agreements view.
The outliner will now tell you about blockers you can remove if you are approaching the planet's carrying capacity and therefore suffering growth penalties.
Improved the layout of the Host DLC icons and surrounding elements in the Multiplayer Lobby.
Moved the “Copy Server ID” functionality to a separate button in the multiplayer lobby.

Performance & Stability

Optimized calculations for whether you are in breach of any galcom resolutions, which should provide a boost if many sanctions have been passed.
Improved the performance of using triggered economic category modifiers.
Improved performance of bypass handling in pathfinding to account for the fact that there are now many more of them in the galaxy (via hyper relays).
Adjusted various ship textures for improved performance.

Other Improvements

Significantly improved pop job assignment weightings:

Automatic scripted handling of resource output, trade and amenity bonuses and penalties from traits, i.e. pops with the better traits for the job will more reliably take the job. This eliminated many errors where we had imperfectly attempted to achieve this result in a much less robust and more verbose way.
Weighting now takes into account output penalties from low habitability
If you are in deficit, jobs producing that resource will now be weighted significantly higher, so your pops won't ignore mining jobs while your empire burns for lack of miners.

Added new Subjugation War Terms policy, which sets the default Agreement Terms used when subjugating other empires through war.
You can now nominate other empires to Custodianship, provided they meet the requirements.
Idyllic Bloom has been improved by allowing construction of the Gaia-Seeder buildings (and holding!) to be built on a wider range of planet types, in exchange for increased upkeep, depending on the empire’s terraforming technology. In addition, the civic can now be combined with the Life-Seeded and Shattered Ring origins. Finally, Idyllic Bloom empires start with a Phase 1 Gaia-Seeder on their capital where appropriate.
Shroud Entities that propose Covenants will now prefer empires that have ethics or civics that match their outlook. The End of the Cycle is more likely to offer a Covenant if another empire is a level 5 crisis.
Several improvements to Baol/Zroni spawning: they will no longer spawn arc sites in your capital system, one of the Baol arc sites is now vastly less likely to spawn in someone else's territory, and they are a bit less likely to all spawn in a heap in neighboring systems.
Modifiers giving administrator output now correctly reflect the sort of administrators the empire uses.
Individual names for game objects can now be localized, allowing players to read names in their own language.
Renamed the Corporate and Gestalt versions of Catalytic Processing to Catalytic Recyclers and Organic Reprocessing respectively.

Bug Fixes

Federation allies in Common Ground and Hegemony origins no longer start with 0 resources (sometimes therefore falling into deficit immediately)
Multi-path jumps should now show proper arrows.
Bypass travel times are now correctly specified in days.
War exhaustion icon now displays the correct values when resuming a saved game.
Fixed the appearance of invalid em dash characters in a Crisis diplomacy message and a First Contact/Diplomacy tutorial event.
Update to VIR's diplomatic tact subroutines: the tutorial no longer refers to enclaves as likely possessing an animal intelligence.
Added a scrollbar to planetary production resources in planetview so they don't overflow.
Fixed a variety of issues and oversights where the job weight scripts would not take into account all production bonuses given by traits.
Fixed certain megastructure construction positions.
Planet automation can now use resources from the shared stockpile even when not part of a sector.
Fixed some cases where you would get popups that instantly disappeared while being in a federation.
Fixed DLC icons in the Multiplayer lobby sometimes escaping outside of their container.
Fixed Ancrel.4078 "Fire" event triggering for species that don't eat food.
Fixed order of repaired ringworld segments for ruined and partially ruined ringworlds.
Added emissive_recolor_crunch on some ships and turrets that lacked it
Deviant drones no longer provide trade value based off their living standards.
Gestalts can no longer get the Numistic Data Modeling tech.
Fixed rare case where the empire flag would be randomized for empires created in MP.
Fixed certain colony designation effects not having Planetary Ascension multipliers applied to them,
Fixed a bug where empires could sometimes (e.g. on revolts) end up registering as owning more starbases than they actually did for a time.
Fixed the ship reinforce button sometimes telling you repeatedly that there are no available shipyards.
Enrolled engineers in the Curator's seminar on "Ringworld Repairs and You!" (Repaired ringworlds from the shattered ring origin and alpha refuge no longer have display issues).
The shard will no longer inform the player twice about its demise.
Fixed an issue where the list of supporters for an upcoming resolution in the Galactic Community didn't refresh correctly when clicking between two Resolutions with the same number of supporters.
Fixed armies being mistaken for buildings in some build queue tooltips
Here Be Dragons empires are now less amazed to see an Ether Drake (it's still a remarkable occurrence, but not something the likes of which they've never seen before)
Fixed an issue where only one pop would switch jobs when shift-clicking to change job priority
Sectors released as subjects by empires with the Pompous Purist civic will have the civic removed.
Fixed some issues with AI Uprising Empires, where the created empire would have unreasonably large fleets, but could also immediately go bankrupt in several resources.
Fixed issue with scrollbars ending up outside of the technology window in the "researched” tab of the technology view.
Fixed Starbase triggered station modifiers not always applying properly (which means that now e.g. Offworld Trading Companies have an effect again)
Fixed some cases where countries would have policies set that they were not meant to be allowed to choose.
Fixed players being unable to replace e.g. a Mining District with an Industrial District if they were already replacing two Generator Districts with Industrial Districts.
Fixed scrollbar for DLC feature descriptions not being reset.
Fixed unlocalized DLC names in Multiplayer lobby.
Fixed tooltips for Mortal Initiates.
Fixed truncated data percentage in fleet view (in simple chinese).
Fixed fleet orders and activity text localisation overlaps.
Non-Disclosure Agreements in the Subterfuge traditions now correctly states that it increases Infiltration Required for hostile operations, rather than saying it increased the cost.
Added alternate text and event rewards for when Gestalt empires with the Doomsday origin colonize their first planet.
Transit Hubs no longer have incorrect and outdated text referring to previous versions of the automatic resettlement system.
Improved tooltips for Plunder wargoal.
Fixed federation background not rendering correctly
Fallen Empires spawned from the Scion origin have the correct graphical culture.
Fixed some issues where Artificers had the Artisan icon in certain texts
Fixed missing modifier icon for Ancient Trading Route
Fixed a rendering issue with drop pods.
Fixed a rendering issue with the mammalian orbital habitat.
Fixed some megastructures not animating properly.
Fixed hyperlane shader.


Script Values, Variables and Modifiers:

Added scripted_modifier directory where you can define new modifiers you can use in static_modifiers and apply via modifier:<modifier>
Solved issues where certain modifiers (or static modifiers in modifier fields) were not useable in certain places due to load order issues
Added the ability to use mult = value:script_value in triggered modifiers
Added support for “square = yes”, “square_root = yes”and “pow = x” in script values
The game will no longer spit out errors about event targets if you try to feed a parameter with decimal places (e.g. 0.5) into a script value
Added trigger check_economic_production_modifier_for_job to simplify job weights; rolled out script values across job weight calculations
Amended the distance_to_empire to support use of script values (both it in them and them in it)

Agreements, Subject Types and other Subjugation Topics:

Added new 'agreement' scope type
Added new database in common/agreement_presets for scripting presets of subject agreements
Added new database in common/agreement_term_values for scripting different options for subject agreement terms
Added new static database in common/agreement_terms for scripting terms for subject agreements
Replaced triggers can_be_subject, is_subject_type, and has_tributary with as scripted triggers
Added new 'subjects' trigger to check how many subjects a country has, regardless of agreement preset
Added agreement_event as an event type, along with an agreement_event effect
Added on_agreement_change_accepted on action that triggers when a subject agreement negotiation has been accepted
Added remove_secret_fealty effect to remove a secret fealty pact between two countries
Added trigger has_secret_fealty_with to check if there is a secret fealty between two empires
Add 'has_monthly_loyalty' trigger to check a subject's monthly loyalty
Add 'has_loyalty' trigger to check a subject's loyalty
Added an agreement_preset trigger for checking the selected preset in the agreement scope
Added new effect for setting the preset of a subject agreement
Added the effect set_agreement_terms for setting the terms of a subject agreement
Added a trigger to check if a subject agreement has an active specialization for a specified specialist type
Added a trigger to check the specialist level of a subject agreement
Added a trigger to check if a subject agreement has a specific specialist perk active
Added use_demanded_terms parameter to set_subject_of effect for applying agreement terms of previously demanded agreement diplo action

Added highly scriptable Situations system with many flexible parameters, effects and triggers

Situations are now their own scope (accessible via “any_situation”)
You can fire a new Situation via start_situation effect
The properties of the Situation are customizable in the common/situations folder. A documentation file provides full information on what parameters are available within the system (e.g. how fast the Situation progresses, what happens at various stages of it, and how the interface should look)

Added ImGui UI System

DearImGui is a third party UI development tool that helps us rapidly develop debug UIs.
Use “ImGui show” command to view a list of available views.
Use “ImGui show <view name>” to open an ImGui view.
Current release contains demo views and a “fleets” view for viewing internal fleet and ship data.

You can now specify a pop faction as the location of your event and the button will take you there.
Added scripted checks to diplomatic actions such that it is possible to forbid AI from doing diplomatic actions via script.
Country types can now be given limited_military_construction and limited_leaders, which will let them build fleets and hire leaders but bypasses most other construction.
Turned effects store_galactic_community_leader_backup_data and restore_galactic_community_leader_backup_data into scripted effects using new, more flexible effects for storing and restoring backup data of a country
Added on_colony_yearly_pulse
Added on_colony_25_years_old on_action
Added planet_garrison_strength trigger
Converted has_citizenship_rights from a scripted trigger into a trigger. This makes its performance significantly better (useful as it is checked a lot)
Added disable_building and ruin_building effects
You can now use num_districts in country scope
Global script variables can now be accessed in localization with $@VariableName$
Added "direction = corewards/rimwards" parameter to spawn_system
Added trigger to check if a country has a Secret Fealty pact from a subject of the target country
Error logs within scripted effects and triggers will now have useful file locations again
Shifted script for how many of each ship an AI wants to build from country_types to ship_sizes.
Shifted script for which armies an AI wants to build to the army_types entries from country_types
It is now possible to limit which ships an aura will affect by using a 'limit' trigger in the aura block of the ship component script
Add support for scoping to last_created_design
Add script lists for owned ship designs
Added remove_ship_design and remove_global_ship_design effects
Added modifiers ship_friendly_territory_fire_rate_mult, ship_friendly_territory_accuracy_add, ship_friendly_territory_accuracy_mult, ship_friendly_territory_evasion_add, ship_friendly_territory_evasion_mult, ship_friendly_territory_shield_add, ship_friendly_territory_shield_mult, ship_friendly_territory_tracking_add, ship_friendly_territory_tracking_mult that is only active while in a friendly territory
Added count_starbase_buildings trigger
System scope is now supported on count_starbase_buildings and count_starbase_modules.
Added owner_type option to buildings to specify if a building is a holding or not
Added effects add_starbase_component and remove_starbase_component to add and remove ship components to starbases that are standalone from modules and buildings
Added empire and ship wide windup modifiers for all bypass types. Following the "mod_<bypass_type>_<empire|ship>_windup format
Added quantum catapult modifiers
Added on_pop_resettled on_action
Added the ability to do country_add_ethic = random
Added triggers num_researched_techs_of_tier and can_research_tier
Added a replaceable block to starbase modules taking scope From: Starbase, FromFrom: Starbase.Owner
Added a script folder common/tradable_actions that can be used for scripting actions that can be traded in trade deals
Improved performance of checking “all” on count_x script lists, and also fixed some cases where it was not possible for it to return true.
Added define for how long the AI will wait before proposing a federation law change after a change in that category has been proposed: AI_FEDERATION_PROPOSE_LAW_CATEGORY_COOLDOWN


Weil man mir auf Twitter nicht antwortet: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1889490/Stellaris_Overlord/ ==> 12. Mai ist Release-Day.

05.05.22, 13:25
Habt Dank, werter Abo und auch wegen den Links.
Und warum niemand auf Twitter Euch antwortet, können wir Euch nicht sagen.

05.05.22, 15:26
Auch von mir ein herzliches Dankeschön. Wir haben uns entschieden, das Addon nicht zu erwerben. Wir haben wg ein paaar Neuerwerbungen derzeit kein Geld dafür übrig. Ursprünglich wollten wir bei Eve Online etwas investieren, aber der derzeitigen PLEX Preise davon Abstand genommen. Wir wünschen euch viel trotzdem viel Spass damit.

herzlichste grüsse


05.05.22, 15:48
Abominus;1277227']Patch Notes


Weil man mir auf Twitter nicht antwortet: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1889490/Stellaris_Overlord/ ==> 12. Mai ist Release-Day.

Hab ich doch im anderen Thread gepostet, das release date, hast du sogar für danke gesagt.:???:

[B@W] Abominus
05.05.22, 16:14
Hab ich doch im anderen Thread gepostet, das release date, hast du sogar für danke gesagt.:???:

Hast Du mal auf mein Alter geschaut? Monsieur ist schon was älter und vergesslich.

Ruprecht I.
05.05.22, 16:17
Pfff, Jungspund!

Wer seid Ihr gleich nochmal?

05.05.22, 16:59
Abominus;1277255']Hast Du mal auf mein Alter geschaut? Monsieur ist schon was älter und vergesslich.

Doch schon, ich wollte dir das nicht gleich im ersten Satz gleich aufbuttern was ich mir schon gedacht hatte. Respekt vor dem Alter und so. :ditsch:

16.05.22, 17:40
Das neue DLC ist übrigens diese Woche erschienen.

Was ich am aktuellen DLC (Overlord) besonders gut finde....dass man jetzt endlich so ne Art Autobahn/Bahnstrecke in seinem Reich bauen kann. Vorbei die Zeiten wo man ab dem Midgame Ewigkeiten brauchte um seine Flotte von einer Seite zur anderen Seite seines Reiches zu kutschieren. Irgendwann im Endgame gibts dann ja auch die Sternentore...aber die sind entweder fix platziert, oder sehr langwierig und teuer im Aufbau wenn man sie selbst bauen will.

Merke es gerade bei der eigenen Partie, als gerade der Khan an meiner Nordost Grenze langsam auffährt...und ich alles dort platziert habe an Flotten....und plötzlich klopft der fiese Nachbar im Südwesten an, weil ihm plötzlich einfällt jetzt Krieg gegen mich zu führen. Meine 2 Hauptflotten waren rechtzeitig an der Grenz-Sternenbasis, als die Schlacht gerade schon mehrere Tage bebte. Normalerweise wäre die 5.000er Basis gegen seine 9000er Flotte chancenlos gewesen....aber dann kamen meine 24k und 8k Flotte dazu....jetzt hat er nur noch einen Scherbenhaufen. Dumm ist nur wenn der weitere Flotten schickt, und gleichzeitig der Khan am anderen Ende meines Reiches angreift...mit seiner ersten 24k Flotte. Und der hat bestimmt ein ganzen Dutzend von denen. :( Man sollte diese kleinen Marodeur-Reiche exekutieren solange sie noch nicht erwacht sind. Aber ich hatte auch erst seit kurzem diese Flottenstärke...und da waren mehrere mir feindlich gesinnte Reiche dazwischen. Und es gibt ja immer 2 von diesen Reichen. Ich glaub auch dass Reich 2 sofort erwacht wenn man das andere Reich zu killen versucht. Diese Weltraum-Mongolen mögen sich irgendwie....

[B@W] Abominus
30.05.22, 13:11

Interessant an 3.4.4 wird sein, dass wohl die automatische Erkundung nicht mehr hinter einer Tech versteckt wird (also grundsätzlich verfügbar) und auch der automatische Bau von Minen etc. durch Construction-Ships erfolgt. Warum nicht schon zu Beginn? Sauber!

30.05.22, 13:24

Interessant an 3.4.4 wird sein, dass wohl die automatische Erkundung nicht mehr hinter einer Tech versteckt wird (also grundsätzlich verfügbar) und auch der automatische Bau von Minen etc. durch Construction-Ships erfolgt. Warum nicht schon zu Beginn? Sauber!

*sieht die Jubelstürme im PDX-Forum ausbrechen*

die tech direkt am Anfang zu bekommen, war einer der ersten Mods die ich mir damals runtergeladen hatte. :D

[B@W] Abominus
06.06.22, 13:16

Ich habe schon eine Träne des Lachens verdrückt.

03.09.22, 17:50
Neues Species Pack angekündigt!

Stellaris Dev Diary #263 - Announcing Toxoids (https://forum.paradoxplaza.com/forum/developer-diary/stellaris-dev-diary-263-announcing-toxoids.1540104/)

Man kann den grossen Umweltzerstörer bauen! Bzw für Abo kann man sicher was mit Grossväterchen Nurgle machen!

[B@W] Abominus
03.09.22, 18:12
Jo, hab das zufällig vorhin in meinem Googlefeed auf dem Smartphone gesehen, als ich in meinen zweitliebsten Markt (Baumarkt) gefahren bin. Hatte mir das für später gemerkt, aber dann vergessen, danke dafür, sieht nice aus.

[B@W] Abominus
05.09.22, 15:45

05.09.22, 15:50
Ja, hm, erm …

Irgendwann einmal im Sale.

06.09.22, 20:34
Stellaris Dev Diary #264 - Damn the Consequences (https://forum.paradoxplaza.com/forum/developer-diary/stellaris-dev-diary-264-damn-the-consequences.1540846/)

Ich seh Abo schon mit seinen Legionen von Krieg eine Galaxie nach der anderen für den Imperator erobern.

10.10.24, 13:06
Aboooooooo!!! Mit dem neuen DLC kannst du Viecher in Stellaris züchten!!!

Stellaris Dev Diary #357 -The Care and Feeding of Tiyanki (https://forum.paradoxplaza.com/forum/developer-diary/stellaris-dev-diary-357-the-care-and-feeding-of-tiyanki.1708290/)

[B@W] Abominus
10.10.24, 13:12

Wenn das im Sale ist, schaue ich es mir an :D.

10.10.24, 20:24
Der Season Pass ist leider aus momentan: https://www.cdkeys.com/stellaris-season-08-pc-dlc-steam

Aber ich habs dir für 11.99 gefunden? https://www.cdkeys.com/stellaris-grand-archive-pc-dlc-steam

[B@W] Abominus
11.10.24, 00:19
Danke, ich überlege es mir.