Archiv verlassen und diese Seite im Standarddesign anzeigen : Seetransport / amphibische Landung
Werte Herren,
könnte ein "Wissender" uns kurz erklären mit welchen "Tastenkombinationen" einmal ein Seetransport und zum anderen eine amphibische Landung durchführbar sind !?
Es gibt wohl auch Einschränkungen/Bedingungen zu beachten :
--- die zu verschiffende Einheit darf nicht motorisiert/gepanzert sein
--- der Russe kann in alle 4 Seezonen Schiffstransport/amphibische Landungen durchführen - der Deutsche nur in der Ostsee und dem Schwaren Meer
... mehr konnten wir - trotz längerem "Rumgesuche" im Handbuch, hier im Forum und bei Matrix - nicht finden ...
Schon mal danke im voraus und Grüße
Komischer Kunde
19.06.17, 13:39
Das Handbuch warf folgende Infos aus:
Port and Water Hex Information:
»» Sea Zone: The name of the associated sea or
lake zone for the port or water hex.
»» Shipping Available: Number of shipping points available in the associated
sea zone for the sea transport of ground units between friendly ports.
»» Amphibious Available: Number of amphibious points available
for the associated sea zone for the amphibious transport of
combat units from a friendly port to coastal hexes.
F3 ist die Taste für Seetransport
und nun hier:
Strategic movement using naval amphibious transport between a friendly port and a coastal
hex is accomplished as follows:
Summary: Left click to select, right click to load on ship and conduct amphibious movement
from ship to shore.
Details: Units must start on or be moved by other movement to a hex with a friendly port in order
to conduct amphibious transport strategic movement. First select a hex with eligible units and
use the unit bar to deselect any units that will not be moved. The current strategic movement
point (SMP) allowance will always be displayed next to the SMP symbol just below the unit
counter graphic in the unit bar. With ‘show movement allowed’ enabled (default) hexes the unit
with the fewest movement points remaining cannot reach will be shaded gray. Impassable
hexes will be shaded red. If ‘show movement path’ is enabled (default) then moving the mouse
cursor over the hexes where movement is allowed will display a line of symbols, each with a
number showing how many movement points the unit with the fewest remaining movement
points would have left if it was moved to the hexes along that path. To move the selected units
to an allowed location, right click in the desired hex. The on-map counter unit will display the
on ship symbol and the ‘on ship’ button will appear in the unit bar. The unit will remain on the
ship until the target hex is reached and the unit conducts an amphibious movement from ship
to a coastal hex. If the unit(s) that was just moved is eligible to undo the move, the ‘undo move’
button (hotkey ‘u’) will appear at the right end of the mode tool bar. See section 14.2.2 for
strategic amphibious transport rules.
Gameplay info: The player has an automatic option available
when conducting air recon, bomb airfield and air transport missions.
Selecting the ‘AI’ button or hotkey (a) in any of these modes will result
in the computer conducting a number of these missions. The player may
conduct additional individual missions both before and after using the
automatic option.
Hochgeschwindigkeitsantwort ! Danke werter KK !
PS :
Mist - leider reicht die befahrbare Seezone in der Ostsee nicht aus, um von finnischen oder deutschen Häfen aus im von unserem Gegner unbesetzten Leningrad zu landen :( ... das wäre ein "Ding" gewesen :teufel:
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