29.05.15, 23:04
Es gibt tatsächlich einen neuen Patch für 1.04
Changelog Part 1
Darkest Hour 1.04
(Changes since patch 1.03)
Engine changes:
Fixed bugs
1. Fixed a bug with Expeditionary Forces changing country permanently upon save and reload.
2. Fixed a bug with doctrines currently in research on country TAG change or when a team is returned to home country when "Tech Team takeover" option is enabled. If a land doctrine that disables another land doctrine is under research, the research progress is lost (have to reselect), but the other research option (branch) does not get unlocked even though the technology which disables it is not yet researched.
3. Fixed foreign teams not researching anything, but in the active teams list not removed from it on home country liberation
4. Fixed a bug with missing tech teams on TAG change when "Tech Team takeover" option is enabled and tech teams for the new TAG are currently in another country.
5. Fixed a rare display bug in combat casualties’ report (country with more then one entry in the list).
6. Fixed a bug with air units targeted by friendly AA guns when bombing retreating enemy units in the same province and also doing damage to buildings in the province.
7. Fixed a bug with ministers’ modifiers to land and air brigades where only effects of the first brigade are applied to the unit.
8. Fixed a cosmetic bug with incorrect attrition losses logged for countries. 1.03 RC1 bug
9. Added an extra validation on brigade attaching to units to fix some rare issues or exploits.
10. Fixed a bug with countries that share only impassable borders still reported as land connected.
11. Fixed bugs with increase/decrease of serial builds or order of new builds of Nuclear reactors and Rocket test sites in some situations.
12. Skip end combat AI check for air or naval combats that cannot be terminated yet.
13. Added missing post battle messages for air combats that end in a draw.
14. Fixed an issue with starting naval combat range calculation favoring defender’s preference in most cases.
15. Fixed a bug with Fleet positioning in naval combat calculation caused by improper use of 2 misc.txt modifiers (Fleet size and Fleet composition modifiers).
16. Fixed issue with some naval missions availability when path from target province to naval base is blocked by enemy controlled strait even when the fleet is currently in open seas and should not be blocked.
17. Fixed a bug with military controlled AI fleets disengaging on their own from combat.
18. Fixed a bug with military controlled AI armies disengaging on their own from combat.
19. Fixed issues with military controlled AI fleets starting missions on their own.
20. Fixed a bug with military controlled AI fleets rearranging on their own when in port.
21. Fixed a cosmetic issue with Casualties Report Style 1 when only controlled by the player foreign units are attacking (switched columns so taken casualties to be in red and inflicted to be in green color).
22. Fixed missing messages when military controlled country losses convoys or when military controlled fleets detect or sunk enemy convoys.
23. Fixed issues with invalid army orders (time menu) when multiple land units are selected and some of these are currently in combat like:
- only orders to the current or to adjacent provinces can be passed to land units in combat;
- only orders to friendly provinces can be passed to units in combat;
- only None, Anti partisan duty and Reserves missions are passed to only attacking land units (effectively stopping the attack);
- Move (attack) for defending units is ignored if ordered to the current province;
24. Fixed a bug with country specific unit model icons not updated on country TAG change (save/reload was required).
25. Fixed issues on country liberation and/or puppeting like units in seceded provinces temporary remaining out of supply.
26. Fixed incorrect flag on some places (like trades list) when using custom country flag set by flag_ext command.
27. Fixed incorrect flag on some places (like trades list) when country changes TAG after a successful coup or by event.
28. Ignore invalid orders (time menu) when multiple units are selected for any unit(s) in the list that cannot do the mission.
29. Tweaked flag_ext command execution.
30. Fixed incorrect flag on scenario selection for countries that use non-default flags (changed by flag_ext command or preset in scenario).
31. Fixed incorrect name on scenario selection for countries that use non-default name (changed by name command or preset in scenario).
32. Fixed a bug with max_strength cap on units removed on unit upgrade.
33. Fixed a cosmetic issues on equipment report style 3 for units with max_strenght cap (incorrect value of less items)
34. Fixed rare stability issues with some event commands working on a random province (revolt, province_revoltrisk, province_manpower, province_keypoints, add_prov_resource, construct).
35. Fixed some event commands that work on random owned province to check current province controller too (revolt, province_manpower, province_keypoints, add_prov_resource, construct).
36. Fixed ignored prioritize, reinforce and upgrade unit settings for divisions in redeployment.
37. Fixed issues with air units left based in neutral provinces (after peace or secede command). Those will not be auto redeployed to capital if it has air base anymore (old behavior), but to the closest controlled airbase (new behavior) or the air unit will be disbanded and all air divisions will be returned to the deployment pool (with 7 days delay) for future deployment (new behavior).
38. Improved deployment logic of air units redeployed from seceded provinces when deployment target is no longer valid (not controlled by the country or with no air base). Such units will be deployed to the closest air base instead to a random one (old behavior) and if no air base is found the deployment will be canceled leaving all air units in the deployment pool for future deployment instead of deleting them (old behavior).
39. Fixed secedeprovince, secedearea and secederegion commands to not remove units owned by the country that secede provinces from seceded provinces as this is both redundant (there’s logic that takes care of that on the next game hour) and buggy (as this worked only for land units and air units if the capital has air base and also destroyed units’ structure – name, settings, leader).
40. Fixed a bug with unit teleport to previous move target after redeployment in some cases – clear mission and scheduled moves on redeploy.
41. Allow trade of controlled only provinces with province owner (fixed a bug where taken from rebels allied province cannot be returned by trade to its original owner).
42. Fixed issue with missing current/max size tool-tip for province buildings if selected province is out of supply.
43. Fixed issue with Ground Attack air mission not working for Air unit’s base province (for targeting retreating enemy army for example).
44. Fixed issue with movement time calculation for invalid neighbour provinces in case for impassable connection (land units) or different sea zone (for fleets when moving to port from a sea province or vice versa).
45. Fixed issues with texts for some triggers when used for current country (data = 0 or no data used) – capital, core, claims.
46. No MP from destroyed divisions is returned to the MP pool anymore.
47. Fixed CTD in battle scenarios or on custom maps when province with ID 399 is not used or is not land and there’s at least one province controlled by rebels. The first valid province ID for the map is assigned as capital to rebels now.
48. Removed exploit with allowed direct unload of troops from transports at sea to friendly provinces with no beach or port.
49. Removed exploit with allowed direct load of troops to transports at sea from friendly provinces with no beach or port.
50. Fixed issues with land units losing their retreat state in some situations (like after flag_ext command or when unit is given as EF to another country etc.).
51. Fixed a bug with released countries having all secret techs available for research.
52. Fixed a bug with slept decisions still listed in available decisions list.
53. Fixed a bug with alliance command – join to an empty major alliance should work now.
54. Fixed issues with center map to a province functionality (Goto buttons or events history) which didn’t worked properly for some provinces.
55. Fixed an issue with air units using surface defense value instead of air defense while attacked by enemy carriers.
56. Fixed an issue with max infrastructure damage done by nukes (it was limited to 0.2 remaining infrastructure, changed to 0.1).
57. Fixed an issue with ferocity = yes AI parameter not preventing the country to make peace offers, but only to accept those.
58. Fixed an issue with inherit command not being available in events shown for clients in MP games and even preventing events from firing in some situations (one action event with this command only).
59. Fixed invalid sprite animation while paratroopers are bombed by enemy planes (paratroopers shown as if being dropped).
60. Fixed an issue with "Combat events duration in hours" misc.txt modifier not applied in all situations (keeping the default 8 hours duration)
61. Removed irrelevant (0%) terrain combat modifiers text from unit tool-tip during bombardment.
62. Added missing combat icons on battle panel for some combat modifiers during bombardment.
63. Ignore terrain combat modifiers for Port Strike and Carrier strike on port missions.
64. Fixed invalid combat mission icon on combats list for carrier fleets doing port strike and airbase strike missions – proper bombardment icon will be used instead of the air combat one.
65. Use Naval Bombardment instead of Naval Combat post battle message type for carrier strike on port missions.
66. Fixed missing province name and invalid Goto position on message about destroyed on fleets and transport planes land units.
67. Fixed an issue with province AA firing twice per round while defending ports against attacking carriers and bombers.
68. Added logic that instantly kills land units left in sea provinces without transports (previously such units stayed in the province slowly dying by attrition). The check is run once per day at midnight.
69. Reduced AI movement time to 1 hour from land province to transports at sea or from transports at sea to friendly controlled land provinces. Fixes issue with AI vulnerability during load/unload as this is the primary way for AI to transport units oversea.
70. Fixed issue with Ground Support air mission not working for Air unit’s base province (for targeting retreating enemy army for example).
71. Fixed issues with Ground Attack air mission not respecting mission restrictions (day/night/str/org/start and end dates/weather/out of fuel etc.) when attacking enemy units in Air unit’s base province.
72. Carriers (CV and CVE unit types) with no CAG type brigade are no longer allowed to participate in carrier strike on port and airbase missions.
73. Carriers (CV and CVE unit types) with no CAG type brigade are no longer considered as CV units in naval combats.
74. Allowed any naval unit type with CAG type brigade to act as carrier in naval combats.
75. UI - disable "Create Resource Convoy" button when "Auto - Create/Destroy Resource Convoys" setting is enabled.
76. UI - disable "Create Supply Convoy" button when "Auto - Create/Destroy Supply Convoys" setting is enabled.
77. UI - disable "+" and "-" buttons for manual maintain of convoy transports and escorts when "Auto - Maintain Convoy Transport/Escorts" setting is enabled.
78. Clear old mission of land units ordered to move to transport ships at sea. Fix for a bug with Support Attack mission preventing the unit to move to ships.
79. Fixed game crash when land unit is incorrectly ordered to move to sea province on click over port icon instead to the land province where this port belongs.
80. Check and cancel no more valid missions for player controlled units.
81. Units not using supplies are no longer receive out of supply penalties when they are in not supplied area.
82. Fixed a cosmetic issue with daily ORG regain displayed on org. bar tool-tip even when the unit is at full org. (rounding issue)
83. Suppressed redundant strategic bombardment losses message after using nukes
84. Fixed a bug (or a feature of HOI2 that was supposed to fix exploits) with setting to 0 ORG of units on previous ally territory when this ally becomes enemy (for example when it switches sides in war by event) resulting in instant destruction of those units because they appear on enemy territory with no ORG remaining.
85. Fixed an issue with Transport AI selection of land and sea provinces from where to load units. Now it will select only land provinces with a proper sea zone (port province) defined (same rule as for players).
86. Fixed issues with transport AI looking for coastal provinces (land provinces next to a sea province) instead for land provinces with a sea zone defined.
87. Fixed issue with transport AI keeping loaded fleets indefinitely at sea provinces next to no longer valid invasion or transport target (for example after a peace while the fleet already got the invade order).
88. Fixed various issues and exploits with moving armies from fleets at sea to land provinces (both for AI and player) or from land to fleets at sea. Moving to land province will be allowed only from the associated sea zone, and moving from land will be allowed only to fleets in that sea zone.
89. Fixed a bug with invalid default convoy air attack mission efficiency and availability set for countries (naval convoy attack mission parameters from misc.txt used instead).
90. Fixed a bug where player was allowed to order attacked land unit to retreat to a neighbour province with impassable border and in result the retreating unit goes through 1 or more extra provinces (including enemy controlled) to get to the retreat target.
91. Removed double use of leader skill in land units’ power calculation (used by AI to calculate attack/defence odds).
92. Fixed incorrect (reversed) unit power calculation with the new combat system (defence vs. vulnerability) used by AI to calculate attack/defence odds.
93. Added a new function to check if a country is player controlled that works in MP games too.
94. Fixed cosmetic bug (country specific MP changes were not accounted like increase/decrease of used MP or strength caps) with manpower requirements on Army/Navy/Air Maintenance Cost Statistic pages.
95. Added missing names for Escort Carrier (CVE), Light Carrier (CVL) and Rocket Interceptor (R Int) unit types to be used in unitnames.csv file instead of numbers.
96. Fixed issue with master/puppet units not able to attack controlled by rebel provinces of the puppet/master when both are not allied too.
97. Fixed issue with serial builds of units ordered by event command all having the same name.
98. Fixed issue with improperly used amphibious combat penalty for units redeployed into friendly province with rebels.
99. Fixed UI issue for combats against rebels in the same province where the attacking unit is - invalid (0) command limit for attacker and over stacking combat modifier icon displayed.
100. Fixed CTD on giving orders of air units to attack areas or regions that has some provinces disabled (as in battle scenarios).
New features
1. Added "Disengage from combat" checkbox to some naval missions (convoy raiding, move, sneak move, sea transport and amphibious assault). Such fleets will break off naval combat ASAP without player intervention.
2. Fleets during amphibious assaults will be instantly detected by air and naval units searching the area for enemy fleets.
3. It is now possible to set custom name and flag for scenarios with the following rules:
- Scenario files where a selectable country uses redefined flag/name should be updated
- Only countries that are selectable by default can benefit from the fix. The rest (that are listed on right-click over a flag) still will use the default flag and country name, but that will be fixed on the next save if they are selected (so all countries in the main selection list will have proper flag and name).
- Here's how name and flag are defined in scenario files (same format is used when saving a game too):
FRA = { picture = "scenarios\data\propaganda_FRA_1941.bmp" flag_ext = _Vic name = VIC }
4. Allowed deployment of units to owned provinces connected to the capital through allied controlled territory.
5. Added distance (direct, air/land and/or naval) between provinces on tooltip on the map when a province is selected and ETA if unit is selected too.
6. Allowed TAG specific experience symbols on divisions plates (gfx\interface\experience_star_TAG.bmp).
7. Improved disputed national (core) province distribution between allies on enemy country annexation. Instead of the first country in alliance getting those, it will be the alliance leader, the master or the country that currently controls the province (in that order).
8. Changed damage_division command to not use MP pool when damaging (return part of the removed strength to MP pool) or repairing (take part of the added strength from the MP pool) a division.
9. Suppressed scheduling of slept events on scenario start or game load. Logged these in savedebug.txt when extra debug logs are enabled (level 2).
10. Messages with no text will no longer be logged to game history.
11. Added a pop-up message for air losses to provincial AA.
12. Improved convoy raiding message by adding losses information for the raiding fleet or air unit.
13. Added missing message after convoy raids when no convoy ships are sunk.
14. Added details on losses by nukes to nuke message shown for attacker and defender.
15. Show the permanent damage to province IC and infrastructure in the strategic bombing report after using nukes.
16. Improved nuke damage to unit logic as follows:
- Do not delete entire units anymore
- Always do damage divisions
- Do not remove units from other combats
- Limit damage to units to ensure that it will remain with at least 1% strength
- Drop ORG of all affected enemy and neutral units by percentage defined in misc.txt
- Damage unit loaded on transport planes too
- Damage units loaded on transport ships too
- Limit max damage to own/friendly units currently in the province by a new misc.txt modifier
- Drop ORG of affected friendly units by percentage defined in misc.txt
- Exported to misc.txt a modifier to the strength damage inflicted to affected units
17. Improved logic for post battle casualties report in style 1 to handle properly nuke bombardments.
18. Added chance (misc.txt) a convoy escort in convoy battle to be represented by a CVE instead by a DD (when CVE unit type is available for the country).
19. Improved combat capability check for naval units in combat. Check air attack when bombed and naval attack in naval battles. Allowed transport to fire back if bombed.
20. Added a new string (UNIT_MAY_NOTFIRE;This unit can not fire in combat.) used when a non-transport ship cannot fire in the combat (no air attack against bombers or no sea attack against ships; there's a message for transports only that is used instead in this case).
21. Refined damage to units in combat logic to ensure that strength hit per round will be no higher then current unit strength. Set strength hit to current unit strength (effectively set strength to 0) if remaining strength would be less then 0.1 for better casualties tracking as such units will be deleted anyway.
22. Refined damage from AA to air units' logic to ensure that hit per round will be no higher then current unit strength. Set strength hit to current unit strength (effectively set strength to 0) if remaining strength would be less then 0.1 for better casualties tracking as such units will be deleted anyway.
23. Improvements to attrition to units function:
- Do losses calculation on host only
- Implemented low limit to damage that attrition could cause to units
24. Added detailed message about attrition losses to units.
25. Added detailed losses message when a land division is destroyed on transport ship.
26. Added combat event name and details tool-tip when hovering over the combat’s event icon on combats list.
27. Added air mission name and details tool-tip when hovering over the mission icon during bombardments on combats list.
28. Added detailed losses to message after carrier strike on port mission.
29. Show current losses from AA during bombardment in combat details.
30. Added a new pop-up message for AA losses after province bombardments shown for attacker and defender.
31. Added a new attrition message for severe attrition – when receiving attrition because out of supply or when remaining STR is less then 10 times "Lowest unit Str. for attrition losses." (misc.txt) or then 5 STR if this modifier is set to 0.0.
32. Added support for Â, Š, and â characters in unitnames.csv.
33. Added detailed losses message for killed/captured units.
34. Added detailed losses message after taking losses by a nuke dropped by neutral country (like when A drops a nuke to province of B while there are troops of C in the said province and A and C are neutral countries).
35. Improved logic for post battle casualties report style 2 to handle properly nuke bombardments.
36. Code optimization in combat end logic – do not gather losses details when these are not going to be needed for displaying
37. Improved post battle casualties report style 2:
- Do not display headers for sides in combat that had no losses
- Proper losses coloring when only player’s country units are taking or inflicting damage
38. Exported and expanded modifiers for mission efficiency effect in combat to db\mission_eff.csv. Removed obsolete misc.txt modifier.
39. Allowed mission efficiency effect to be used in land combats (as defined in db\mission_eff.csv).
40. New optional OrgRegain functionality enabled in DH Full, with new values exported to misc.txt.
41. Implemented logic to return provinces currently controlled by one country, but owned by another non-enemy country:
- If the owner country is not friendly to controlling country, the province will be returned only when it is not in a war zone (has a land link to enemy controlled province)
- The above restriction is ignored if owner country is friendly (allied, puppet-master, same side in a common war) and province will be returned no matter if in war zone or not
New options in misc.txt
1. New modifier in misc.txt ("mod" section):
# Allow console cheats in multiplayer games: 0 - Disable cheats, 1 - Allow cheats
2. New modifiers in misc.txt ("combat" section):
- Land vs. Air - Org dmg lower limit - Air units attacking land units will stop receive ORG damage when ORG drops to or below this absolute ORG value 10.0 #10.0
- Air vs. Land - Org dmg lower limit - Land units attacked by air units will stop receive ORG damage when ORG drops to or below this absolute ORG value 10.0 #10.0
- Navy vs. Air - Org dmg lower limit - Air units attacking naval units will stop receive ORG damage when ORG drops to or below this absolute ORG value 10.0 #10.0
- Air vs. Navy - Org dmg lower limit - Naval units attacked by air units will stop receive ORG damage when ORG drops to or below this absolute ORG value 10.0 #10.0
- Air vs. Province AA - Org dmg lower limit - Air units attacked by province AA during bombardment will stop receive ORG damage when ORG drops to or below this absolute ORG value 10.0 #10.0
- Carriers vs. Bases - Org dmg per hour - ORG lost each hour by carriers while attacking naval or air bases 5.0 #5.0
- Carriers vs. Bases - Org dmg lower limit - Carriers attacking naval and air bases will stop receive ORG damage (see above) when ORG drops to or below this absolute ORG value 0.0 #0.0
- Carriers vs. Bases - Str dmg - Increasing this will increase the STR damage inflicted by carriers to enemy units while attacking enemy bases [multiplier] 2.0 #2.0
- Air vs. Navy - Critical hit chance - Chance for air units to inflict a critical hit (extra STR damage) to ships - checked for each hit inflicted in combat. 0-100 (0 - No critical hits ever, 100 - Every hit is critical) 10 #10
- Air vs. Navy - Str dmg modifier for critical hits inflicted in combats (see above) [multiplier] 10.0 #10.0
- Navy vs. Navy - Critical hit chance - Chance for naval units to inflict a critical hit (extra STR damage) to other ships - checked for each hit inflicted in combat. 0-100 (0 - No critical hits ever, 100 - Every hit is critical) 10 #10
- Navy vs. Navy - Str dmg modifier for critical hits inflicted in combats (see above) [multiplier] 10.0 #10.0
3. New modifiers in misc.txt ("combat" section):
- Nukes: Damage to units modifier. [(0.2 + rand[0.0 to 1.0]) * THIS * Nuke Damage Power]. [multiplier] 0.5 #0.5
- Nukes: Max STR damage (as percentage of current STR) to friendly units (except for the bomber unit that drops the nuke). 0.0 - no damage to friendly units, 1.0 - take damage as any other unit. [multiplier] 0.5 #1.0
- Nukes: ORG damage (as percentage of current ORG) to friendly units in province (except for the bomber unit that drops the nuke). 0.0 - no ORG damage to friendly units, 1.0 - 100% org damage [multiplier] 0.5 #1.0
- Nukes: ORG damage (as percentage of current ORG) to enemy or neutral units in province. 0.0 - no ORG damage to affected units, 1.0 - 100% org damage [multiplier] 1.0 #1.0
4. New modifiers in misc.txt ("combat" section):
- Convoy transports model in battles. 0 = use current researched TP model; -1 = use one level below current researched TP model and so on. Do not use fractions and numbers above 0! -1 #-100(always use model 0)
- Chance for each added escort to convoy battles to be a CVE (when this unit type is activated for the country) instead of a DD. Valid values 0-100. 10 #0
- CVE model in convoy battles. 0 = use current researched CVE model; -1 = use one level below current researched CVE model and so on. Do not use fractions and numbers above 0! -1 #0
5. Added a new message (CRB_ENCIRCLE_BONUS) used when encircled units receive combat bonus instead of penalty (this is defined in misc.txt).
6. New modifiers in misc.txt ("combat" section):
- Daily attrition for Land units out of supply - Str. loss per day. Weather and terrain attrition add on top of it. 0.5 # 0.5
- Daily attrition for Naval units out of supply - Str. loss per day. 0.5 # 0.5
- Daily attrition for Air units out of supply - Str. loss per day. 0.0 # 0.0
- Lowest unit Str. for attrition losses. Units with strength equal or lower then THIS stop receiving attrition damage. Values above 0.0 prevent unit destruction by attrition. [0.5 = 0.5 STR, 100.0 = 100.0 STR etc.] 0.5 # 0.0
7. Expanded a misc.txt modifier ("combat" section) with 2 new options (0.0 and -1.0):
- Land vs. Air - Str dmg air units takes from land units will increase by land unit org/ this value [multiplier] when THIS > 0.0. Ignore this modifier when THIS = 0.0. Use it as multiplier [current org / max org] when THIS = -1.0.
8. New modifiers in misc.txt ("combat" section):
- AA - Min inflicted ORG damage - starting value, it is modified before being used. 2.0 #2.0
- AA - Additional inflicted ORG damage (random) - starting value, it is modified before being used. Don't use fractions! 2 #2
- AA - Min inflicted STR damage - starting value, it is modified before being used. 1.0 #1.0
- AA - Additional inflicted STR damage (random) - starting value, it is modified before being used. Don't use fractions! 3 #3
9. New modifiers in misc.txt ("combat" section):
- Carriers vs. Bases - Org dmg hit after bombardment - Carriers attacking naval and air bases will receive this ORG damage after every bombing run. Remaining ORG cannot be less then 'Carriers vs. Bases - Org dmg lower limit' (see above) 10.0 #10.0
10. New modifiers in misc.txt ("combat" section):
- Naval bombardment [1] - Chance for attacking bombers to hit the most damaged ship in fleet. [1] + [2] <= 100; 100 - [1] - [2] = chance to hit a random ship. Don't use fractions! 50 #50
- Naval Bombardment [2] - Chance for attacking bombers to hit the best ship in fleet. [1] + [2] <= 100; 100 - [1] - [2] = chance to hit a random ship. Don't use fractions! 25 #25
- Tactical Bombardment - Chance for attacking bombers to hit the most damaged (for Ground Attack mission) or the most disorganized (for Ground Support mission), but still above 0 ORG land unit. Otherwise a random land unit is targeted. 100 - THIS = chance to hit a random unit. Don't use fractions! 50 #50
11. New modifier in misc.txt ("mod" section):
- Disallow manual change of assigned transports and escorts to a convoy (to prevent player exploits, especially in MP games). 0 - Manual change allowed, 1 - Manual change disallowed. 0 #0
12. New modifiers in misc.txt ("combat" section):
- Base chance of units attacked by province AA to avoid hit if defences left #0.75
- Base chance of units attacked by province AA to avoid hit if no defences left. #-0.01
13. New modifiers in misc.txt ("combat" section):
- ORG regain [all] - Enable new ORG regain logic. Following ORG regain modifiers are used when this is enabled: 0 - disabled (old logic used), 1 - enabled 1 #0
- ORG regain [all] - Morale effect. [1.0 + Morale * THIS]. Multiplier 0.01 #0.01
- ORG regain [all] - Clear weather effect. Multiplier 1.0 #1.0
- ORG regain [all] - Frozen weather effect. Multiplier 1.0 #1.0
- ORG regain [all] - Raining weather effect. Multiplier 1.0 #1.0
- ORG regain [all] - Snowing weather effect. Multiplier 0.8 #0.8
- ORG regain [all] - Storm weather effect. Multiplier 0.8 #0.8
- ORG regain [all] - Blizzard weather effect. Multiplier 0.6 #0.6
- ORG regain [all] - Muddy weather effect. Multiplier 0.7 #0.7
- ORG regain [naval] - Main modifier - higher this is, faster the ORG regain would be. Multiplier 0.5 # 0.5
- ORG regain [naval] - Out of fuel modifier. Used when out of fuel. Multiplier 1.0 # 1.0
- ORG regain [naval] - Out of supplies modifier. Used when out of supplies. Multiplier 1.0 # 1.0
- ORG regain [naval] - Current/Max ORG modifier. [1.0 + (1.0 - Current/Max ORG) * THIS]. Multiplier 0.0 #0.0
- ORG regain [naval] - At naval base modifier. Used when in naval base. [1.0 + Port Size * THIS]. Multiplier 0.2 # 0.2
- ORG regain [naval] - At sea modifier. Used when not in a naval base. Multiplier 1.0 # 1.0
- ORG regain [air] - Main modifier - higher this is, faster the ORG regain would be. Multiplier 1.0 # 1.0
- ORG regain [air] - Out of fuel modifier. Used when out of fuel. Multiplier 1.0 # 1.0
- ORG regain [air] - Out of supplies modifier. Used when out of supplies. Multiplier 1.0 # 1.0
- ORG regain [air] - Current/Max ORG modifier. [1.0 + (1.0 - Current/Max ORG) * THIS]. Multiplier 0.0 # 0.0
- ORG regain [air] - At airbase Size/Units modifier. Used when in airbase. [1.0 Air base load (0.01 to 1.0) * THIS]. Multiplier 1.0 # 1.0
- ORG regain [air] - Out of airbase modifier. Used when not in airbase. Multiplier 0.0 # 0.0
- ORG regain [army] - Main modifier - higher this is, faster the ORG regain would be. Multiplier 1.0 # 1.0
- ORG regain [army] - Out of fuel modifier. Used when out of fuel. Multiplier 1.0 # 1.0
- ORG regain [army] - Out of supplies modifier. Used when out of supplies. Used as Multiplier when greater or equal to 0.0. Used as flat hourly ORG loss when negative 1.0 # 1.0
- ORG regain [army] - Current/Max ORG modifier. [1.0 + (1.0 - Current/Max ORG) * THIS]. Multiplier 4.0 # 4.0
- ORG regain [army] - Friendly soil modifier. Used when the unit is in province owned by a friendly nation. Multiplier 1.3 # 1.3
- ORG regain [army] - In transportation modifier - Used for loaded on transport ships or planes land units. Multiplier 0.0 # 0.0
- ORG regain [army] - Moving modifier - Used when the land unit is moving (not retreating!) to another province. Used as Multiplier when greater or equal to 0.0. Used as flat hourly ORG loss when negative (and not out of supply) 0.0 # 0.0
- ORG regain [army] - Retreating modifier - Used when the land unit is retreating. Multiplier 1.0 #1.0
14. New modifiers in misc.txt ("diplomacy" section):
- Enable return of occupied provinces, owned by non-enemy countries. If the province is owned by neutral country, it will be returned only when not in a war zone. 0 - Disabled, 1 - Check every day, 2 - Check every other day and so on. 30 #0
15. New modifiers in misc.txt (“ai” section):
- Allow release of a new country if any of its provinces are in a current war zone (land connected to enemy province) for the releasing AI country. 1 - Allow the release, 0 - Do not release countries in war zones 0 #1
16. New modifiers in misc.txt (“ai” section):
- AI unit power calculation [used to calculate attack/defence odds] usage of current STR and effective ORG in the calculation for land units: 0(old) - [(effective_ORG*3 + STR)/4], 1(new) - [(effective_ORG*STR)] 1 #0
- AI unit power calculation [used to calculate attack/defence odds] - use current Ground Defense Efficiency in the calculation for land units: 0(old) - GDE not used, 1(new) - GDE is used as multiplier 1 #0
- AI unit power calculation [used to calculate attack/defence odds] min ORG - return 0 power for any division with ORG less then THIS.2.0 #2.0
- AI unit power calculation [used to calculate attack/defence odds] min STR - return 0 power for any division with STR less then THIS. 1.0 #0.0
17. New modifiers in misc.txt (“mod” section):
- Include MP added by attached to the unit brigades in MP cost calculation for repair of damaged units. 0 - Disabled (unit MP used as MP cost base), 1 - Enabled (unit MP + MP for all attachments used as MP cost base) 0 #0
- Disallow detachment or attachment of brigades to units that are not at least of THIS percentage of their max STR [0.0 - 100.0]. 0.0 - allowed to units at any STR, 100.0 - allowed only to units at max STR. Note: Applied to players only.0.0 #0.0
18. New modifier in misc.txt (“combat” section):
- Land vs. Land - Str dmg limit - stop receiving STR damage once this STR limit is reached (prevent unit killing in land combat) and lose all remaining ORG instead. Set above 0.1 to activate (units with STR less then 0.1 will be killed regardless of this setting) 0.5 #0.0
Changelog Part 1
Darkest Hour 1.04
(Changes since patch 1.03)
Engine changes:
Fixed bugs
1. Fixed a bug with Expeditionary Forces changing country permanently upon save and reload.
2. Fixed a bug with doctrines currently in research on country TAG change or when a team is returned to home country when "Tech Team takeover" option is enabled. If a land doctrine that disables another land doctrine is under research, the research progress is lost (have to reselect), but the other research option (branch) does not get unlocked even though the technology which disables it is not yet researched.
3. Fixed foreign teams not researching anything, but in the active teams list not removed from it on home country liberation
4. Fixed a bug with missing tech teams on TAG change when "Tech Team takeover" option is enabled and tech teams for the new TAG are currently in another country.
5. Fixed a rare display bug in combat casualties’ report (country with more then one entry in the list).
6. Fixed a bug with air units targeted by friendly AA guns when bombing retreating enemy units in the same province and also doing damage to buildings in the province.
7. Fixed a bug with ministers’ modifiers to land and air brigades where only effects of the first brigade are applied to the unit.
8. Fixed a cosmetic bug with incorrect attrition losses logged for countries. 1.03 RC1 bug
9. Added an extra validation on brigade attaching to units to fix some rare issues or exploits.
10. Fixed a bug with countries that share only impassable borders still reported as land connected.
11. Fixed bugs with increase/decrease of serial builds or order of new builds of Nuclear reactors and Rocket test sites in some situations.
12. Skip end combat AI check for air or naval combats that cannot be terminated yet.
13. Added missing post battle messages for air combats that end in a draw.
14. Fixed an issue with starting naval combat range calculation favoring defender’s preference in most cases.
15. Fixed a bug with Fleet positioning in naval combat calculation caused by improper use of 2 misc.txt modifiers (Fleet size and Fleet composition modifiers).
16. Fixed issue with some naval missions availability when path from target province to naval base is blocked by enemy controlled strait even when the fleet is currently in open seas and should not be blocked.
17. Fixed a bug with military controlled AI fleets disengaging on their own from combat.
18. Fixed a bug with military controlled AI armies disengaging on their own from combat.
19. Fixed issues with military controlled AI fleets starting missions on their own.
20. Fixed a bug with military controlled AI fleets rearranging on their own when in port.
21. Fixed a cosmetic issue with Casualties Report Style 1 when only controlled by the player foreign units are attacking (switched columns so taken casualties to be in red and inflicted to be in green color).
22. Fixed missing messages when military controlled country losses convoys or when military controlled fleets detect or sunk enemy convoys.
23. Fixed issues with invalid army orders (time menu) when multiple land units are selected and some of these are currently in combat like:
- only orders to the current or to adjacent provinces can be passed to land units in combat;
- only orders to friendly provinces can be passed to units in combat;
- only None, Anti partisan duty and Reserves missions are passed to only attacking land units (effectively stopping the attack);
- Move (attack) for defending units is ignored if ordered to the current province;
24. Fixed a bug with country specific unit model icons not updated on country TAG change (save/reload was required).
25. Fixed issues on country liberation and/or puppeting like units in seceded provinces temporary remaining out of supply.
26. Fixed incorrect flag on some places (like trades list) when using custom country flag set by flag_ext command.
27. Fixed incorrect flag on some places (like trades list) when country changes TAG after a successful coup or by event.
28. Ignore invalid orders (time menu) when multiple units are selected for any unit(s) in the list that cannot do the mission.
29. Tweaked flag_ext command execution.
30. Fixed incorrect flag on scenario selection for countries that use non-default flags (changed by flag_ext command or preset in scenario).
31. Fixed incorrect name on scenario selection for countries that use non-default name (changed by name command or preset in scenario).
32. Fixed a bug with max_strength cap on units removed on unit upgrade.
33. Fixed a cosmetic issues on equipment report style 3 for units with max_strenght cap (incorrect value of less items)
34. Fixed rare stability issues with some event commands working on a random province (revolt, province_revoltrisk, province_manpower, province_keypoints, add_prov_resource, construct).
35. Fixed some event commands that work on random owned province to check current province controller too (revolt, province_manpower, province_keypoints, add_prov_resource, construct).
36. Fixed ignored prioritize, reinforce and upgrade unit settings for divisions in redeployment.
37. Fixed issues with air units left based in neutral provinces (after peace or secede command). Those will not be auto redeployed to capital if it has air base anymore (old behavior), but to the closest controlled airbase (new behavior) or the air unit will be disbanded and all air divisions will be returned to the deployment pool (with 7 days delay) for future deployment (new behavior).
38. Improved deployment logic of air units redeployed from seceded provinces when deployment target is no longer valid (not controlled by the country or with no air base). Such units will be deployed to the closest air base instead to a random one (old behavior) and if no air base is found the deployment will be canceled leaving all air units in the deployment pool for future deployment instead of deleting them (old behavior).
39. Fixed secedeprovince, secedearea and secederegion commands to not remove units owned by the country that secede provinces from seceded provinces as this is both redundant (there’s logic that takes care of that on the next game hour) and buggy (as this worked only for land units and air units if the capital has air base and also destroyed units’ structure – name, settings, leader).
40. Fixed a bug with unit teleport to previous move target after redeployment in some cases – clear mission and scheduled moves on redeploy.
41. Allow trade of controlled only provinces with province owner (fixed a bug where taken from rebels allied province cannot be returned by trade to its original owner).
42. Fixed issue with missing current/max size tool-tip for province buildings if selected province is out of supply.
43. Fixed issue with Ground Attack air mission not working for Air unit’s base province (for targeting retreating enemy army for example).
44. Fixed issue with movement time calculation for invalid neighbour provinces in case for impassable connection (land units) or different sea zone (for fleets when moving to port from a sea province or vice versa).
45. Fixed issues with texts for some triggers when used for current country (data = 0 or no data used) – capital, core, claims.
46. No MP from destroyed divisions is returned to the MP pool anymore.
47. Fixed CTD in battle scenarios or on custom maps when province with ID 399 is not used or is not land and there’s at least one province controlled by rebels. The first valid province ID for the map is assigned as capital to rebels now.
48. Removed exploit with allowed direct unload of troops from transports at sea to friendly provinces with no beach or port.
49. Removed exploit with allowed direct load of troops to transports at sea from friendly provinces with no beach or port.
50. Fixed issues with land units losing their retreat state in some situations (like after flag_ext command or when unit is given as EF to another country etc.).
51. Fixed a bug with released countries having all secret techs available for research.
52. Fixed a bug with slept decisions still listed in available decisions list.
53. Fixed a bug with alliance command – join to an empty major alliance should work now.
54. Fixed issues with center map to a province functionality (Goto buttons or events history) which didn’t worked properly for some provinces.
55. Fixed an issue with air units using surface defense value instead of air defense while attacked by enemy carriers.
56. Fixed an issue with max infrastructure damage done by nukes (it was limited to 0.2 remaining infrastructure, changed to 0.1).
57. Fixed an issue with ferocity = yes AI parameter not preventing the country to make peace offers, but only to accept those.
58. Fixed an issue with inherit command not being available in events shown for clients in MP games and even preventing events from firing in some situations (one action event with this command only).
59. Fixed invalid sprite animation while paratroopers are bombed by enemy planes (paratroopers shown as if being dropped).
60. Fixed an issue with "Combat events duration in hours" misc.txt modifier not applied in all situations (keeping the default 8 hours duration)
61. Removed irrelevant (0%) terrain combat modifiers text from unit tool-tip during bombardment.
62. Added missing combat icons on battle panel for some combat modifiers during bombardment.
63. Ignore terrain combat modifiers for Port Strike and Carrier strike on port missions.
64. Fixed invalid combat mission icon on combats list for carrier fleets doing port strike and airbase strike missions – proper bombardment icon will be used instead of the air combat one.
65. Use Naval Bombardment instead of Naval Combat post battle message type for carrier strike on port missions.
66. Fixed missing province name and invalid Goto position on message about destroyed on fleets and transport planes land units.
67. Fixed an issue with province AA firing twice per round while defending ports against attacking carriers and bombers.
68. Added logic that instantly kills land units left in sea provinces without transports (previously such units stayed in the province slowly dying by attrition). The check is run once per day at midnight.
69. Reduced AI movement time to 1 hour from land province to transports at sea or from transports at sea to friendly controlled land provinces. Fixes issue with AI vulnerability during load/unload as this is the primary way for AI to transport units oversea.
70. Fixed issue with Ground Support air mission not working for Air unit’s base province (for targeting retreating enemy army for example).
71. Fixed issues with Ground Attack air mission not respecting mission restrictions (day/night/str/org/start and end dates/weather/out of fuel etc.) when attacking enemy units in Air unit’s base province.
72. Carriers (CV and CVE unit types) with no CAG type brigade are no longer allowed to participate in carrier strike on port and airbase missions.
73. Carriers (CV and CVE unit types) with no CAG type brigade are no longer considered as CV units in naval combats.
74. Allowed any naval unit type with CAG type brigade to act as carrier in naval combats.
75. UI - disable "Create Resource Convoy" button when "Auto - Create/Destroy Resource Convoys" setting is enabled.
76. UI - disable "Create Supply Convoy" button when "Auto - Create/Destroy Supply Convoys" setting is enabled.
77. UI - disable "+" and "-" buttons for manual maintain of convoy transports and escorts when "Auto - Maintain Convoy Transport/Escorts" setting is enabled.
78. Clear old mission of land units ordered to move to transport ships at sea. Fix for a bug with Support Attack mission preventing the unit to move to ships.
79. Fixed game crash when land unit is incorrectly ordered to move to sea province on click over port icon instead to the land province where this port belongs.
80. Check and cancel no more valid missions for player controlled units.
81. Units not using supplies are no longer receive out of supply penalties when they are in not supplied area.
82. Fixed a cosmetic issue with daily ORG regain displayed on org. bar tool-tip even when the unit is at full org. (rounding issue)
83. Suppressed redundant strategic bombardment losses message after using nukes
84. Fixed a bug (or a feature of HOI2 that was supposed to fix exploits) with setting to 0 ORG of units on previous ally territory when this ally becomes enemy (for example when it switches sides in war by event) resulting in instant destruction of those units because they appear on enemy territory with no ORG remaining.
85. Fixed an issue with Transport AI selection of land and sea provinces from where to load units. Now it will select only land provinces with a proper sea zone (port province) defined (same rule as for players).
86. Fixed issues with transport AI looking for coastal provinces (land provinces next to a sea province) instead for land provinces with a sea zone defined.
87. Fixed issue with transport AI keeping loaded fleets indefinitely at sea provinces next to no longer valid invasion or transport target (for example after a peace while the fleet already got the invade order).
88. Fixed various issues and exploits with moving armies from fleets at sea to land provinces (both for AI and player) or from land to fleets at sea. Moving to land province will be allowed only from the associated sea zone, and moving from land will be allowed only to fleets in that sea zone.
89. Fixed a bug with invalid default convoy air attack mission efficiency and availability set for countries (naval convoy attack mission parameters from misc.txt used instead).
90. Fixed a bug where player was allowed to order attacked land unit to retreat to a neighbour province with impassable border and in result the retreating unit goes through 1 or more extra provinces (including enemy controlled) to get to the retreat target.
91. Removed double use of leader skill in land units’ power calculation (used by AI to calculate attack/defence odds).
92. Fixed incorrect (reversed) unit power calculation with the new combat system (defence vs. vulnerability) used by AI to calculate attack/defence odds.
93. Added a new function to check if a country is player controlled that works in MP games too.
94. Fixed cosmetic bug (country specific MP changes were not accounted like increase/decrease of used MP or strength caps) with manpower requirements on Army/Navy/Air Maintenance Cost Statistic pages.
95. Added missing names for Escort Carrier (CVE), Light Carrier (CVL) and Rocket Interceptor (R Int) unit types to be used in unitnames.csv file instead of numbers.
96. Fixed issue with master/puppet units not able to attack controlled by rebel provinces of the puppet/master when both are not allied too.
97. Fixed issue with serial builds of units ordered by event command all having the same name.
98. Fixed issue with improperly used amphibious combat penalty for units redeployed into friendly province with rebels.
99. Fixed UI issue for combats against rebels in the same province where the attacking unit is - invalid (0) command limit for attacker and over stacking combat modifier icon displayed.
100. Fixed CTD on giving orders of air units to attack areas or regions that has some provinces disabled (as in battle scenarios).
New features
1. Added "Disengage from combat" checkbox to some naval missions (convoy raiding, move, sneak move, sea transport and amphibious assault). Such fleets will break off naval combat ASAP without player intervention.
2. Fleets during amphibious assaults will be instantly detected by air and naval units searching the area for enemy fleets.
3. It is now possible to set custom name and flag for scenarios with the following rules:
- Scenario files where a selectable country uses redefined flag/name should be updated
- Only countries that are selectable by default can benefit from the fix. The rest (that are listed on right-click over a flag) still will use the default flag and country name, but that will be fixed on the next save if they are selected (so all countries in the main selection list will have proper flag and name).
- Here's how name and flag are defined in scenario files (same format is used when saving a game too):
FRA = { picture = "scenarios\data\propaganda_FRA_1941.bmp" flag_ext = _Vic name = VIC }
4. Allowed deployment of units to owned provinces connected to the capital through allied controlled territory.
5. Added distance (direct, air/land and/or naval) between provinces on tooltip on the map when a province is selected and ETA if unit is selected too.
6. Allowed TAG specific experience symbols on divisions plates (gfx\interface\experience_star_TAG.bmp).
7. Improved disputed national (core) province distribution between allies on enemy country annexation. Instead of the first country in alliance getting those, it will be the alliance leader, the master or the country that currently controls the province (in that order).
8. Changed damage_division command to not use MP pool when damaging (return part of the removed strength to MP pool) or repairing (take part of the added strength from the MP pool) a division.
9. Suppressed scheduling of slept events on scenario start or game load. Logged these in savedebug.txt when extra debug logs are enabled (level 2).
10. Messages with no text will no longer be logged to game history.
11. Added a pop-up message for air losses to provincial AA.
12. Improved convoy raiding message by adding losses information for the raiding fleet or air unit.
13. Added missing message after convoy raids when no convoy ships are sunk.
14. Added details on losses by nukes to nuke message shown for attacker and defender.
15. Show the permanent damage to province IC and infrastructure in the strategic bombing report after using nukes.
16. Improved nuke damage to unit logic as follows:
- Do not delete entire units anymore
- Always do damage divisions
- Do not remove units from other combats
- Limit damage to units to ensure that it will remain with at least 1% strength
- Drop ORG of all affected enemy and neutral units by percentage defined in misc.txt
- Damage unit loaded on transport planes too
- Damage units loaded on transport ships too
- Limit max damage to own/friendly units currently in the province by a new misc.txt modifier
- Drop ORG of affected friendly units by percentage defined in misc.txt
- Exported to misc.txt a modifier to the strength damage inflicted to affected units
17. Improved logic for post battle casualties report in style 1 to handle properly nuke bombardments.
18. Added chance (misc.txt) a convoy escort in convoy battle to be represented by a CVE instead by a DD (when CVE unit type is available for the country).
19. Improved combat capability check for naval units in combat. Check air attack when bombed and naval attack in naval battles. Allowed transport to fire back if bombed.
20. Added a new string (UNIT_MAY_NOTFIRE;This unit can not fire in combat.) used when a non-transport ship cannot fire in the combat (no air attack against bombers or no sea attack against ships; there's a message for transports only that is used instead in this case).
21. Refined damage to units in combat logic to ensure that strength hit per round will be no higher then current unit strength. Set strength hit to current unit strength (effectively set strength to 0) if remaining strength would be less then 0.1 for better casualties tracking as such units will be deleted anyway.
22. Refined damage from AA to air units' logic to ensure that hit per round will be no higher then current unit strength. Set strength hit to current unit strength (effectively set strength to 0) if remaining strength would be less then 0.1 for better casualties tracking as such units will be deleted anyway.
23. Improvements to attrition to units function:
- Do losses calculation on host only
- Implemented low limit to damage that attrition could cause to units
24. Added detailed message about attrition losses to units.
25. Added detailed losses message when a land division is destroyed on transport ship.
26. Added combat event name and details tool-tip when hovering over the combat’s event icon on combats list.
27. Added air mission name and details tool-tip when hovering over the mission icon during bombardments on combats list.
28. Added detailed losses to message after carrier strike on port mission.
29. Show current losses from AA during bombardment in combat details.
30. Added a new pop-up message for AA losses after province bombardments shown for attacker and defender.
31. Added a new attrition message for severe attrition – when receiving attrition because out of supply or when remaining STR is less then 10 times "Lowest unit Str. for attrition losses." (misc.txt) or then 5 STR if this modifier is set to 0.0.
32. Added support for Â, Š, and â characters in unitnames.csv.
33. Added detailed losses message for killed/captured units.
34. Added detailed losses message after taking losses by a nuke dropped by neutral country (like when A drops a nuke to province of B while there are troops of C in the said province and A and C are neutral countries).
35. Improved logic for post battle casualties report style 2 to handle properly nuke bombardments.
36. Code optimization in combat end logic – do not gather losses details when these are not going to be needed for displaying
37. Improved post battle casualties report style 2:
- Do not display headers for sides in combat that had no losses
- Proper losses coloring when only player’s country units are taking or inflicting damage
38. Exported and expanded modifiers for mission efficiency effect in combat to db\mission_eff.csv. Removed obsolete misc.txt modifier.
39. Allowed mission efficiency effect to be used in land combats (as defined in db\mission_eff.csv).
40. New optional OrgRegain functionality enabled in DH Full, with new values exported to misc.txt.
41. Implemented logic to return provinces currently controlled by one country, but owned by another non-enemy country:
- If the owner country is not friendly to controlling country, the province will be returned only when it is not in a war zone (has a land link to enemy controlled province)
- The above restriction is ignored if owner country is friendly (allied, puppet-master, same side in a common war) and province will be returned no matter if in war zone or not
New options in misc.txt
1. New modifier in misc.txt ("mod" section):
# Allow console cheats in multiplayer games: 0 - Disable cheats, 1 - Allow cheats
2. New modifiers in misc.txt ("combat" section):
- Land vs. Air - Org dmg lower limit - Air units attacking land units will stop receive ORG damage when ORG drops to or below this absolute ORG value 10.0 #10.0
- Air vs. Land - Org dmg lower limit - Land units attacked by air units will stop receive ORG damage when ORG drops to or below this absolute ORG value 10.0 #10.0
- Navy vs. Air - Org dmg lower limit - Air units attacking naval units will stop receive ORG damage when ORG drops to or below this absolute ORG value 10.0 #10.0
- Air vs. Navy - Org dmg lower limit - Naval units attacked by air units will stop receive ORG damage when ORG drops to or below this absolute ORG value 10.0 #10.0
- Air vs. Province AA - Org dmg lower limit - Air units attacked by province AA during bombardment will stop receive ORG damage when ORG drops to or below this absolute ORG value 10.0 #10.0
- Carriers vs. Bases - Org dmg per hour - ORG lost each hour by carriers while attacking naval or air bases 5.0 #5.0
- Carriers vs. Bases - Org dmg lower limit - Carriers attacking naval and air bases will stop receive ORG damage (see above) when ORG drops to or below this absolute ORG value 0.0 #0.0
- Carriers vs. Bases - Str dmg - Increasing this will increase the STR damage inflicted by carriers to enemy units while attacking enemy bases [multiplier] 2.0 #2.0
- Air vs. Navy - Critical hit chance - Chance for air units to inflict a critical hit (extra STR damage) to ships - checked for each hit inflicted in combat. 0-100 (0 - No critical hits ever, 100 - Every hit is critical) 10 #10
- Air vs. Navy - Str dmg modifier for critical hits inflicted in combats (see above) [multiplier] 10.0 #10.0
- Navy vs. Navy - Critical hit chance - Chance for naval units to inflict a critical hit (extra STR damage) to other ships - checked for each hit inflicted in combat. 0-100 (0 - No critical hits ever, 100 - Every hit is critical) 10 #10
- Navy vs. Navy - Str dmg modifier for critical hits inflicted in combats (see above) [multiplier] 10.0 #10.0
3. New modifiers in misc.txt ("combat" section):
- Nukes: Damage to units modifier. [(0.2 + rand[0.0 to 1.0]) * THIS * Nuke Damage Power]. [multiplier] 0.5 #0.5
- Nukes: Max STR damage (as percentage of current STR) to friendly units (except for the bomber unit that drops the nuke). 0.0 - no damage to friendly units, 1.0 - take damage as any other unit. [multiplier] 0.5 #1.0
- Nukes: ORG damage (as percentage of current ORG) to friendly units in province (except for the bomber unit that drops the nuke). 0.0 - no ORG damage to friendly units, 1.0 - 100% org damage [multiplier] 0.5 #1.0
- Nukes: ORG damage (as percentage of current ORG) to enemy or neutral units in province. 0.0 - no ORG damage to affected units, 1.0 - 100% org damage [multiplier] 1.0 #1.0
4. New modifiers in misc.txt ("combat" section):
- Convoy transports model in battles. 0 = use current researched TP model; -1 = use one level below current researched TP model and so on. Do not use fractions and numbers above 0! -1 #-100(always use model 0)
- Chance for each added escort to convoy battles to be a CVE (when this unit type is activated for the country) instead of a DD. Valid values 0-100. 10 #0
- CVE model in convoy battles. 0 = use current researched CVE model; -1 = use one level below current researched CVE model and so on. Do not use fractions and numbers above 0! -1 #0
5. Added a new message (CRB_ENCIRCLE_BONUS) used when encircled units receive combat bonus instead of penalty (this is defined in misc.txt).
6. New modifiers in misc.txt ("combat" section):
- Daily attrition for Land units out of supply - Str. loss per day. Weather and terrain attrition add on top of it. 0.5 # 0.5
- Daily attrition for Naval units out of supply - Str. loss per day. 0.5 # 0.5
- Daily attrition for Air units out of supply - Str. loss per day. 0.0 # 0.0
- Lowest unit Str. for attrition losses. Units with strength equal or lower then THIS stop receiving attrition damage. Values above 0.0 prevent unit destruction by attrition. [0.5 = 0.5 STR, 100.0 = 100.0 STR etc.] 0.5 # 0.0
7. Expanded a misc.txt modifier ("combat" section) with 2 new options (0.0 and -1.0):
- Land vs. Air - Str dmg air units takes from land units will increase by land unit org/ this value [multiplier] when THIS > 0.0. Ignore this modifier when THIS = 0.0. Use it as multiplier [current org / max org] when THIS = -1.0.
8. New modifiers in misc.txt ("combat" section):
- AA - Min inflicted ORG damage - starting value, it is modified before being used. 2.0 #2.0
- AA - Additional inflicted ORG damage (random) - starting value, it is modified before being used. Don't use fractions! 2 #2
- AA - Min inflicted STR damage - starting value, it is modified before being used. 1.0 #1.0
- AA - Additional inflicted STR damage (random) - starting value, it is modified before being used. Don't use fractions! 3 #3
9. New modifiers in misc.txt ("combat" section):
- Carriers vs. Bases - Org dmg hit after bombardment - Carriers attacking naval and air bases will receive this ORG damage after every bombing run. Remaining ORG cannot be less then 'Carriers vs. Bases - Org dmg lower limit' (see above) 10.0 #10.0
10. New modifiers in misc.txt ("combat" section):
- Naval bombardment [1] - Chance for attacking bombers to hit the most damaged ship in fleet. [1] + [2] <= 100; 100 - [1] - [2] = chance to hit a random ship. Don't use fractions! 50 #50
- Naval Bombardment [2] - Chance for attacking bombers to hit the best ship in fleet. [1] + [2] <= 100; 100 - [1] - [2] = chance to hit a random ship. Don't use fractions! 25 #25
- Tactical Bombardment - Chance for attacking bombers to hit the most damaged (for Ground Attack mission) or the most disorganized (for Ground Support mission), but still above 0 ORG land unit. Otherwise a random land unit is targeted. 100 - THIS = chance to hit a random unit. Don't use fractions! 50 #50
11. New modifier in misc.txt ("mod" section):
- Disallow manual change of assigned transports and escorts to a convoy (to prevent player exploits, especially in MP games). 0 - Manual change allowed, 1 - Manual change disallowed. 0 #0
12. New modifiers in misc.txt ("combat" section):
- Base chance of units attacked by province AA to avoid hit if defences left #0.75
- Base chance of units attacked by province AA to avoid hit if no defences left. #-0.01
13. New modifiers in misc.txt ("combat" section):
- ORG regain [all] - Enable new ORG regain logic. Following ORG regain modifiers are used when this is enabled: 0 - disabled (old logic used), 1 - enabled 1 #0
- ORG regain [all] - Morale effect. [1.0 + Morale * THIS]. Multiplier 0.01 #0.01
- ORG regain [all] - Clear weather effect. Multiplier 1.0 #1.0
- ORG regain [all] - Frozen weather effect. Multiplier 1.0 #1.0
- ORG regain [all] - Raining weather effect. Multiplier 1.0 #1.0
- ORG regain [all] - Snowing weather effect. Multiplier 0.8 #0.8
- ORG regain [all] - Storm weather effect. Multiplier 0.8 #0.8
- ORG regain [all] - Blizzard weather effect. Multiplier 0.6 #0.6
- ORG regain [all] - Muddy weather effect. Multiplier 0.7 #0.7
- ORG regain [naval] - Main modifier - higher this is, faster the ORG regain would be. Multiplier 0.5 # 0.5
- ORG regain [naval] - Out of fuel modifier. Used when out of fuel. Multiplier 1.0 # 1.0
- ORG regain [naval] - Out of supplies modifier. Used when out of supplies. Multiplier 1.0 # 1.0
- ORG regain [naval] - Current/Max ORG modifier. [1.0 + (1.0 - Current/Max ORG) * THIS]. Multiplier 0.0 #0.0
- ORG regain [naval] - At naval base modifier. Used when in naval base. [1.0 + Port Size * THIS]. Multiplier 0.2 # 0.2
- ORG regain [naval] - At sea modifier. Used when not in a naval base. Multiplier 1.0 # 1.0
- ORG regain [air] - Main modifier - higher this is, faster the ORG regain would be. Multiplier 1.0 # 1.0
- ORG regain [air] - Out of fuel modifier. Used when out of fuel. Multiplier 1.0 # 1.0
- ORG regain [air] - Out of supplies modifier. Used when out of supplies. Multiplier 1.0 # 1.0
- ORG regain [air] - Current/Max ORG modifier. [1.0 + (1.0 - Current/Max ORG) * THIS]. Multiplier 0.0 # 0.0
- ORG regain [air] - At airbase Size/Units modifier. Used when in airbase. [1.0 Air base load (0.01 to 1.0) * THIS]. Multiplier 1.0 # 1.0
- ORG regain [air] - Out of airbase modifier. Used when not in airbase. Multiplier 0.0 # 0.0
- ORG regain [army] - Main modifier - higher this is, faster the ORG regain would be. Multiplier 1.0 # 1.0
- ORG regain [army] - Out of fuel modifier. Used when out of fuel. Multiplier 1.0 # 1.0
- ORG regain [army] - Out of supplies modifier. Used when out of supplies. Used as Multiplier when greater or equal to 0.0. Used as flat hourly ORG loss when negative 1.0 # 1.0
- ORG regain [army] - Current/Max ORG modifier. [1.0 + (1.0 - Current/Max ORG) * THIS]. Multiplier 4.0 # 4.0
- ORG regain [army] - Friendly soil modifier. Used when the unit is in province owned by a friendly nation. Multiplier 1.3 # 1.3
- ORG regain [army] - In transportation modifier - Used for loaded on transport ships or planes land units. Multiplier 0.0 # 0.0
- ORG regain [army] - Moving modifier - Used when the land unit is moving (not retreating!) to another province. Used as Multiplier when greater or equal to 0.0. Used as flat hourly ORG loss when negative (and not out of supply) 0.0 # 0.0
- ORG regain [army] - Retreating modifier - Used when the land unit is retreating. Multiplier 1.0 #1.0
14. New modifiers in misc.txt ("diplomacy" section):
- Enable return of occupied provinces, owned by non-enemy countries. If the province is owned by neutral country, it will be returned only when not in a war zone. 0 - Disabled, 1 - Check every day, 2 - Check every other day and so on. 30 #0
15. New modifiers in misc.txt (“ai” section):
- Allow release of a new country if any of its provinces are in a current war zone (land connected to enemy province) for the releasing AI country. 1 - Allow the release, 0 - Do not release countries in war zones 0 #1
16. New modifiers in misc.txt (“ai” section):
- AI unit power calculation [used to calculate attack/defence odds] usage of current STR and effective ORG in the calculation for land units: 0(old) - [(effective_ORG*3 + STR)/4], 1(new) - [(effective_ORG*STR)] 1 #0
- AI unit power calculation [used to calculate attack/defence odds] - use current Ground Defense Efficiency in the calculation for land units: 0(old) - GDE not used, 1(new) - GDE is used as multiplier 1 #0
- AI unit power calculation [used to calculate attack/defence odds] min ORG - return 0 power for any division with ORG less then THIS.2.0 #2.0
- AI unit power calculation [used to calculate attack/defence odds] min STR - return 0 power for any division with STR less then THIS. 1.0 #0.0
17. New modifiers in misc.txt (“mod” section):
- Include MP added by attached to the unit brigades in MP cost calculation for repair of damaged units. 0 - Disabled (unit MP used as MP cost base), 1 - Enabled (unit MP + MP for all attachments used as MP cost base) 0 #0
- Disallow detachment or attachment of brigades to units that are not at least of THIS percentage of their max STR [0.0 - 100.0]. 0.0 - allowed to units at any STR, 100.0 - allowed only to units at max STR. Note: Applied to players only.0.0 #0.0
18. New modifier in misc.txt (“combat” section):
- Land vs. Land - Str dmg limit - stop receiving STR damage once this STR limit is reached (prevent unit killing in land combat) and lose all remaining ORG instead. Set above 0.1 to activate (units with STR less then 0.1 will be killed regardless of this setting) 0.5 #0.0