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Friedrich III.
01.09.14, 04:07

Slate - GamerGate explodes: Gaming journalists declare the gamers are over but they are (http://www.slate.com/articles/technology/bitwise/2014/09/gamergate_explodes_gaming_journalists_declare_the_gamers_are_over_but_they.html)

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The #GamerGate Chronicles (Timeline) (http://www.tiki-toki.com/timeline/entry/336432/The-GamerGate-Chronicles/#vars!date=2014-08-21_08:14:55!)

The Escapist - GamerGate Discussion, Debate, and Resources (http://www.escapistmagazine.com/forums/read/18.860762-GamerGate-Discussion-Debate-and-Resources?page=1)

Huffpost Live: Female Gamers React to #GamerGate (http://www.si-games.com/forum/showthread.php?t=27459&page=4&p=969755#post969755)


So. You discovered #GamerGate. (http://s14.directupload.net/images/141020/9a56iwe3.png)

Spiked - #GamerGate: an un‑PC rebellion (http://www.spiked-online.com/newsite/article/gamergate-an-un-pc-rebellion/16029#.VD-FNhaDnN5)


History of GamerGate (http://www.historyofgamergate.com/)


Pro Vs Anti GamerGate – Two Interviews (http://mangotron.com/pro-vs-anti-gamergate-two-interviews/)


RealClearPolitics - The Gender Games, Part 1: Sex, Lies, and Videogames (http://www.realclearpolitics.com/articles/2014/10/09/the_gender_games_sex_lies_and_videogames_124244.html[/url)

RealClearPolitics - The Gender Games, Part 2: Videogames Meet Feminism (http://www.realclearpolitics.com/articles/2014/10/21/the_gender_games_part_2_videogames_meet_feminism_124375.html)

IBTimes - Developers On 'Gamergate:' Misogyny Isn't A Gaming Problem, It's An Internet Problem (http://www.ibtimes.com/developers-gamergate-misogyny-isnt-gaming-problem-its-internet-problem-1707154)


The Daily Caller - Gawker: Our Advertisers Are Scum, Who Needs Them Anyway? (http://dailycaller.com/2014/10/23/gawker-our-advertisers-are-scum-who-needs-them-anyway/)

#GamerGate Political Compass (http://s14.directupload.net/images/141025/i6iiexyq.png)
Astonishing collection of #GamerGate political views (https://twitter.com/Nero/status/517817242034397184)

Slate - Twitter is broken: GamerGate proves it! (http://www.slate.com/articles/technology/technology/2014/10/twitter_is_broken_gamergate_proves_it.html)


Cliff Bleszinski (https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cliff_Bleszinski) - Anonymous Internet Boy Taliban Tropes (11. März 2013) (http://dudehugespeaks.tumblr.com/post/45150472512/anonymous-internet-boy-taliban-tropes)

Paula Wright (https://twitter.com/SexyIsntSexist) - #GamerGate: The Players and the Played (http://porlawright.wordpress.com/2014/10/23/gamergate-the-players-and-the-played/)


Total Biscuit (https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Bain) - Whose "side" am I on? (http://blueplz.blogspot.gr/2014/10/whose-side-am-i-on.html)


Slate - How to End Gamergate: A divide-and-conquer plan for dissolving a toxic online movement (http://www.slate.com/articles/technology/bitwise/2014/10/how_to_end_gamergate_a_divide_and_conquer_plan.html)


Cathy Young (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cathy_Young) - GamerGate and Misandry (http://splicetoday.com/digital/gamergate-and-misandry)


Gamers and Developers the Big Winners as SJWs Jump the Shark at E3 2015 (http://www.breitbart.com/big-hollywood/2015/06/18/gamers-and-developers-the-big-winners-as-sjws-jump-the-shark-at-e3-2015/)

Friedrich III.
01.09.14, 14:39
Quinnspiracy (http://knowyourmeme.com/memes/events/quinnspiracy)

Quinnspiracy Theory: White Castles and Ivory Towers (http://www.reddit.com/r/videos/comments/2f2dsn/quinnspiracy_theory_white_castles_and_ivory_towers/)

One of the best comments from that YouTube link:

I work for Reuters. I'm a journalist in the media business.

Back in 2008, I sat in a conference and reviewed some proposals to integrate news sources focused on electronic gaming into our RSS service as niche content providers.

We considered IGN, Gamespot, and a few other syndicated online info feeds.

Now, in order to white label a source as affiliated with Reuters, you need to run through a checklist of ~100 items that are necessary for journalistic integrity. The source and its organization has to score at least a 60 out of 100 for it to be considered fair and unbiased.

These tests are carried out by senior journalists, editors, and investigators.

NONE of the gaming publications scored higher than a 15. For reference, the National Enquirer scored a 38 and the MSNBC blogosphere scored 44.

Some failures included:

Economic ties with publishers

Acceptance of favors

0% of staff held journalism degree

Very small percentage worked in other major publications

No real editing process

No accountability

tl;dr: Gaming "journalism" is a joke and the laughingstock of reporting media. Continue to read these publications if you want, but assume that everything you read is biased or an outright lie.

(9 Zeichen)

Friedrich III.
04.09.14, 22:26
The Escapist Forums: Zoe Quinn and the surrounding controversy - Mega Thread (über 500 Seiten) (http://www.escapistmagazine.com/forums/read/18.858347-Zoe-Quinn-and-the-surrounding-controversy)
The Escapist Forums - Zwischenbericht (http://www.escapistmagazine.com/forums/read/18.858347-Zoe-Quinn-and-the-surrounding-controversy?page=517#21352019)

Twitter - #notyourshield (https://twitter.com/hashtag/notyourshield?src=hash)

#NotYourShield: The GamerGate Saga Continues (http://www.gamerheadlines.com/2014/09/notyourshield-gamergate-saga-continues/)

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Slate.com - GamerGate explodes: Gaming journalists declare the gamers are over but they are (http://www.slate.com/articles/technology/bitwise/2014/09/gamergate_explodes_gaming_journalists_declare_the_gamers_are_over_but_they.html)

Maybe gamers don’t trust their press as much as they trust the enthusiasts because the press doesn’t seem as engaged with the games themselves. Compared with the enthusiasts, the journalists’ hearts aren’t in it. This isn’t true for criticism of other art forms. Sure, there are always hack writers, but Pauline Kael didn’t have to put together five hype-building posts about Destiny for every thoughtful review she wrote. Gaming journalists are caught between capitalist reality and their own frustrated aspirations to be serious cultural critics. But they cannot solve their problems by preaching about the death of their audience. That audience is dying only in that it is leaving them, a process the journalists have evidently decided to accelerate. Game journalists are rage-quitting (http://knowyourmeme.com/memes/rage-quit) their meal ticket.

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YouTube - Gaming Journos trying to hide their Patreon pledges from scrutiny? (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EmMeIcwThWw)

Twitter - The Quinnspiracy (https://twitter.com/TheQuinnspiracy/status/507640663085555713)

Borderlands 2 Writer Outs Destructoid As Corrupt In Wake Of #GamerGate (http://attackongaming.com/gaming-talk/borderlands-2-writer-outs-destructoid-as-corrupt-in-wake-of-gamergate/)

Friedrich III.
05.09.14, 10:36


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GamerGate - Current Happenings (https://github.com/GamerGateOP/GamerGateOP/tree/master/Current%20Happenings)

Twitter - #WriteAKotakuArticle (https://twitter.com/hashtag/WriteAKotakuArticle?src=hash)

2014-09-04 Podcast: Honey Badger Radio - Quinnspiracy II: Electric Boogaloo (http://hwcdn.libsyn.com/p/5/7/e/57ef72ab5e9467e7/2014-09-04_Honey_Badger_Radio__Quinnspiracy_II_Electric_Boogaloo.mp3?c_id=7587174&expiration=1409906445&hwt=cd1e2f8386f5ae3ce5dd6962cb0771a3)

Al. I. Cuza
05.09.14, 10:49
Schon komisch, dass ein großer Teil des extremen Feminismus in der Gaming Branche auftaucht.

05.09.14, 14:03
Ich glaube kaum das es ein großer Teil ist. Der, Teil der sich dort engagiert fällt in einer einem noch männlich dominierten und entsprechend für sie produzierenden Branche mehr auf. Ist auch logisch : In allen anderen Medien gibt es haufenweise Beispiele für "starke" Frauen, im Videospielebereich sieht es da, bis auf Lara Croft und die selige Cate Archer eher düster aus. Dementsprechend fällt es leichter durch extreme Positionen Zustimmung und gleichzeitig heftige Ablehnung zu bekommen, sprich : Man fällt mehr auf.

05.09.14, 14:54
Ich glaube kaum das es ein großer Teil ist. Der, Teil der sich dort engagiert fällt in einer einem noch männlich dominierten und entsprechend für sie produzierenden Branche mehr auf. Ist auch logisch : In allen anderen Medien gibt es haufenweise Beispiele für "starke" Frauen, im Videospielebereich sieht es da, bis auf Lara Croft und die selige Cate Archer eher düster aus. Dementsprechend fällt es leichter durch extreme Positionen Zustimmung und gleichzeitig heftige Ablehnung zu bekommen, sprich : Man fällt mehr auf.

Wobei ja selbst die "starken" Frauen kritisiert werden. Feministen gehören in einen sack, draufgeklopt und dann zum Mond geschossen. Die haben in der regel wirklich Garnichts mit Gleichstellung zu tun und die Bequemlichkeit sich wegen z.b Computerspielen aufzuregen während es auf dieser Welt leider noch mehr als genügend richtige Probleme gibt wie z.b die Massenvergewaltigungen in Indien aber da riskiert man ja nachher noch was wenn man sich dafür einsetzen würde....

Es ist aber echt traurig wie viel Knete diese Spinnerin kriegt für diesen Blödsinn.

05.09.14, 15:35
Trauriger finde ich eher, wie mit der Frau umgesprungen wird.

Ganz schlechte Kinderstube kann man der Gamercommunity da unterstellen. (Ja, ja, ich weiß, nicht alle und blaaa) Selbst die fundierten Erwiderungen (denen ich in weiten Teilen zustimme) sind manches mal echt billig.

Besonders die Impertinenz in der sich auf Sarkeesian gestürzt wird, ist echt erstaunlich.

Meine Güte, keep calm and play GTA V...

05.09.14, 15:47
Keine Lust Uns durch den ganzen Gamingschmarrn zu wühlen (Wir bekommen da immer von den ganzen Layouts, Phrasen, Tonlagen und Co. Kopfschmerzen, ernsthaft), worum gehts? Vermutlich um Brüste, aber Wir fragen lieber mal.

Al. I. Cuza
05.09.14, 15:49
Muss Monty da Recht geben. Anstatt sie einfach zu ignorieren und dadurch zu marginalisieren, macht man auf sie aufmerksam...

05.09.14, 16:02
Keine Lust Uns durch den ganzen Gamingschmarrn zu wühlen (Wir bekommen da immer von den ganzen Layouts, Phrasen, Tonlagen und Co. Kopfschmerzen, ernsthaft), worum gehts? Vermutlich um Brüste, aber Wir fragen lieber mal.

Man kann es unter: "Shitty shit" ablegen.

Bestes Beispiel: Tote (!) Frauen in Unterwäsche mit einem Kopfschuss (!) als Werbeplakate für so ein komisches Mörderspiel, wie heißt der Glatzkopf nochmal? Danach kann man eigentlich aufhören das Video anzuschauen. Wir haben nach etwa 5 Minuten aufgehört. Nicht weil die Frau besonders blöd oder besonders radikal ist, sondern weil der Spiegel schon ganz schön in die Fresse knallt. Wir spielen die meisten Spiele nicht welche sie kritisiert und fühlen uns dennoch irgendwie getroffen. Nekrophilie um Absätze zu generieren? Wenn der Hure einfach so, ohne einen wirklichen Gewinn im Spiel zu erreichen, der Hals aufgeschlitzt wird (Assains Creed) stimmt da schon was nicht. Viele werden das Video nicht gesehen haben und einfach sagen: "Feminism! Hate!". Tut nichts zur Sache. Was sie sagt ist wichtig und sollte gehört werden.

Friedrich III.
05.09.14, 16:04
In allen anderen Medien gibt es haufenweise Beispiele für "starke" Frauen, im Videospielebereich sieht es da, bis auf Lara Croft und die selige Cate Archer eher düster aus.

Ich stimme zu, dass auf der einen Seite "prominente", weibliche Zugpferde eines Franchises fehlen.
Aber das auf der anderen Seite starke Frauen bei Videospielen fehlen, kann ich nicht unterschreiben. ;)

Natürlich muss man im Hinterkopf behalten, dass in Spielen - wie auch generell bei Fiktion - mit Überzeichnungen und Stereotypen gearbeitet werden, abhängig davon, welches Szenario man anstrebt.
Ein weitgehend (für Spieleverhältnisse) reales Setting fährt diese auf ein gesundes Maß zurück, während die Titel, die mit "Eyecandy" und "Awesomeness" um sich werfen, natürlich auf den Putz hauen. :D

Die Darstellung und die Rolle von Frauen, generell Stereotypen in Spielen kann und sollte auch hinterfragt werden. Nur wird diese Debatte erfolgreich sabotiert, wenn diese mit Unwahrheiten angefeuert wird.

Die Vorgehensweise von Antia Sarkeesian erinnert an diesen Herrn hier:


Eines haben sie gemeinsam - beides verbohrte Ideologen.

Meine Güte, keep calm and play GTA V...

Nicht auf dich persönlich gemünzt: Aussitzen, Wegschauen oder Vogel-Strauß-Taktik sind hier fatal. Ja, ich stimme zu, man sollte den Urhebern von GamerGate mit Ignoranz strafen, ihnen aber dennoch auf die Finger schauen bzw. "hauen". Wir reden hier nicht von kleinen Schreiberlingen, die nur auf dicke Hose machen (trifft eher auf die Videospiel"journalisten" zu), sondern über Menschen, die über die "Social Justice"-Schiene gesellschaftlichen Einfluss erreichen wollen. Verbohrte Ideologen mit Einfluss sind brandgefährlich.

worum gehts? Vermutlich um Brüste, aber Wir fragen lieber mal.

Mitreden, sich aber nicht informieren wollen. Das ist immer eine "gute" Grundlage für eine Diskussion.

Die oberen Verlinkung von KnowYourMeme, Slate.com und GamerGate - Current Happenings sollten ausreichen.

05.09.14, 16:16
Mitreden, sich aber nicht informieren wollen. Das ist immer eine "gute" Grundlage für eine Diskussion.

Die oberen Verlinkung von KnowYourMeme und Slate.com sollten ausreichen.

Wir haben bisher weder mitgeredet noch wollten Wir Uns nicht informieren, Wir lesen halt die von Euch genannten "Informationsquellen" generell nicht, Kopfschmerzen undso, deswegen fragten Wir höflich nach.;)

Aber macht Euch keine Gedanken. Wir sind ja clever und haben nach kurzem googeln eine "Timeline" der Ereignisse bis zum 24.08 auf deutsch gefunden, welche einen nicht gleich mit yoloswag-reddit4chan Bildern erschlägt.

http://www.bronies.de/showthread.php?tid=19657 (sofern es noch jemanden interessiert)

Fazit: Brüste! Wie vermutet. Da aber die brüstezeigenden Bewegtbilder irgendwie zu fehlen scheinen, hat Unser Interesse gleich wieder nachgelassen. Das Internet ist einfach nicht mehr das, was es mal war.

Anosnsten: "Lawl" dürfte es ganz gut zusammenfassen.


.... Nekrophilie um Absätze zu generieren? Wenn der Hure einfach so, ohne einen wirklichen Gewinn im Spiel zu erreichen, der Hals aufgeschlitzt wird (Assains Creed) stimmt da schon was nicht. Viele werden das Video nicht gesehen haben und einfach sagen: "Feminism! Hate!". Tut nichts zur Sache. Was sie sagt ist wichtig und sollte gehört werden.

Das ist jetzt aber doch nun wirklich nicht neu. Die Kettensägenmassaker mit Blut-und-allem-drauf-Patch Spiele gibt es doch schon seit anbeginn der Zeit. Da heisst es doch sonst auch hinsichtlich der FSK immer "freies Gemetzel für freie Gamer". Ist das jetzt was anderes, weil es nun eine halbnackte Hure ist, welche dran glauben muss? Typisches Internetgamer Bullshit Bingo halt. Die Rl rumhurerei der "Dame" hat ja wenigstens noch etwas Unterhaltungswert bis "Verbotene Liebe" wieder läuft.

05.09.14, 16:22
Nicht auf dich persönlich gemünzt: Aussitzen, Wegschauen oder Vogel-Strauß-Taktik sind hier fatal. Ja, ich stimme zu, man sollte den Urhebern von GamerGate mit Ignoranz strafen, ihnen aber dennoch auf die Finger schauen bzw. "hauen". Wir reden hier nicht von kleinen Schreiberlingen, die nur auf dicke Hose machen (trifft eher auf die Videospiel"journalisten" zu), sondern über Menschen, die über die "Social Justice"-Schiene gesellschaftlichen Einfluss erreichen wollen. Verbohrte Ideologen mit Einfluss sind brandgefährlich.

Pfff, dann aber bitte nicht auf /v/-Niveau und auch Silem hat recht: Die gute Frau spricht vieles an, was wahr ist. Und die Erwiderungen sind oftmals auf einer Stufe mit "Durch Spiele werden meine Reflexe besser"-Argumenten der 1990er. In diesem Fall ist es aber auch einfach ein amerikanisches Problem. Die Art der Diskussion erfolgt sehr ähnlich der Creationists vs. Evolutionists ab. In diesem wie in jenem Fall gehöre ich natürlich der "guten" Seite an (Gamer bzw. Darwinist), allerdings radikalisiert sich auch diese Seite sehr schnell und wird böse und irrational.

Sehr gut am Channel von Thunderfoot zu sehen, den ich schon seit Jahren verfolge, der sich aber argumentativ auch immer um ein Ding dreht und sich radikalisiert:


Wie gesagt, amerikanisches Problem. Feminismus ist da auf einer ganz anderen Stufe als hier.

Friedrich III.
05.09.14, 16:37
Silem hat recht: Die gute Frau spricht vieles an, was wahr ist.


Wie gesagt, amerikanisches Problem. Feminismus ist da auf einer ganz anderen Stufe als hier.

Willkommen in der Globalisierung mit seinem grenzenlosen Wissenstransfer. :D

Ernsthaft: Angesichts der weitaus mehr bedrohlichen Krisenherden in der Welt ist es natürlich Fliegendreck dagegen, kein Zweifel. ;)

05.09.14, 16:51

Was? Hast du doch selbst gesagt. Nur, dass sie in vielen Fällen unsauber recherchiert, präsentiert und manchmal schlichtweg lügt. Das macht aber die Sachen, die wahr sind, nicht schlechter.

Miese Gewaltorgien gegen Frauen ohne Grips, die wirklich nur auf geifernde Männer zugeschnitten sind, gehören wirklich auf den Müll, meiner Meinung nach. Allerdings lasse ich jedem Jeck seinen Mist, egal ob Mann oder Frau. Und das Argument: "Öh, ja, ich find's aber geil!" ist was für Cretins!

Und beim zweiten Punkt bleibe ich dabei: Globalisierung wunderbar, aber das ist noch immer ein zutiefst amerikanisches Problem. Beweis mich falsch! Da muss man die Kirche auch mal im Dorf lassen. Creationists sieht man ja auch als amerikanisches Problem an und nicht als deutsches. Diese Art des Feminismus ist amerikanisch und ich maße mir nicht an, dort in eine tiefgreifende Diskussion einsteigen zu können, weil ich nicht das tiefgehende Verständnis von der Kultur habe und nicht da lebe, um es zu tun.

"Rape Culture", "Hate Crimes" etc. pp. gibt es in Deutschland seltenst und sie bestimmen auch nicht die öffentliche Diskussion wie in den Staaten. Wer hier als Trittbrettfahrer draufspringt, sollte eher mal die deutsche Gamingkultur verstehen und auf dieser Ebene argumentieren. Die Darreichung der ganzen Videos ist vor allem eines: Unterhaltsam. Genauso unterhaltsam, wie eine Dokumentation über Los Santos... ähm Los Angeles.

Ja, manche Sachen nehmen wir an, aber manche ganz einfach nicht. Gesellschaftspolitisch ist Europa so was von verschieden. Deswegen werden wir eine solche Art der Diskussion hier niemals haben (oder nicht in der Art, Deutschland hat seine eigenen Lasten zu tragen und von diesen genug).

Friedrich III.
05.09.14, 17:57
Was? Hast du doch selbst gesagt.

Das bezog sich auf ihre einseitige Ideologie, das hätte ich dazu schreiben sollen. Mein Fehler.

Durch das grenzenlose Internet ist man (in dem Fall: ich) geneigt, manche Dinge global zu sehen.

Miese Gewaltorgien gegen Frauen ohne Grips, die wirklich nur auf geifernde Männer zugeschnitten sind, gehören wirklich auf den Müll, meiner Meinung nach.

Welche Spiele fordern den Spieler aktiv und ohne Sanktionen auf Frauen zu misshandeln?

05.09.14, 17:59
Das bezog sich auf ihre einseitige Ideologie, das hätte ich dazu schreiben sollen. Mein Fehler.

Welche Spiele fordern den Spieler aktiv und ohne Sanktionen auf Frauen zu misshandeln?

Crusader Kings II.

Friedrich III.
05.09.14, 18:08
Mainstream-Spiele mit einem eindeutig frauenfeindlichem Hintergrund.

05.09.14, 18:09
Crusader Kings II.

Oh ja, Events ala. "ich ging in Ihre Gemächer und besorgte es ihr köstlich" ist natürlich Sexistisch und Untergräbt die Rechte der Frauen. ;) Nur leider war das Geschichtlich nun einmal so.

Ansonsten: ja es gibt auf diesen Planeten und gerade bei Film und Spielen typische Bilder von Frauen. Wir regen uns aber auch nicht über die braun gebrannten mit freien Oberkörper rumlaufenden Klischee Bilder von "Traumkerlen" in Frauenzeitschriften auf obwohl das ja kaum den Bild des Typischen Amerikaners oder Deutschen entsprechen dürfte. Die gute Frau hat für ihre scheinbar mit schlechter Nachforschung und Lügen durchfütterten Videos sehr viel Geld gekriegt und ruft dazu auf noch mehr zu kriegen: das reicht mir schon aus das ich ganz sicher das nicht hochloben werde. Ist genau so Affig wie die aussage damals das "the last of us" frauenfeindlich wäre weil man ein 14 (!!!) jähriges Mädchen durch eine apokalyptische Szenario beschützen muss.... (nein die aussage kam nicht von ihr)

05.09.14, 18:15
Mainstream-Spiele mit einem eindeutig frauenfeindlichem Hintergrund.

Habt ihr das Video angeschaut?

Friedrich III.
05.09.14, 18:17
Weich nicht aus.

05.09.14, 18:23
Weich nicht aus.

Im Video sind dutzende Beispiele. Das Ding läuft nicht umsonst unter FSK18. Aber ihr habt es nicht gemacht. Zeigt nur das typische: Man schaut sich dämliche "debukned" Videos an die, die Frau diskreditieren sollen. Kann mal jemand einfach akzeptieren das exzesive Gewalt gegen Frauen scheiße ist?

Um wieder zu CK zu kommen. Ihr könnt Frauen aus dem Kerker zur Konkubine machen und beglücken. Wie toll fändet ihr es wenn jedesmal ein hyperrealistisches Vergewaltigungsvideo aufploppt das man anschauen muss? Warum müssen Videospiele exzessive Gewalt beinhalten? Was bringen 5 ausgeweidete Frauenkörper im Gruselhaus? Ist das selbe mit den Männern.

05.09.14, 18:25
Welche Spiele fordern den Spieler aktiv und ohne Sanktionen auf Frauen zu misshandeln?

Oh ja, Events ala. "ich ging in Ihre Gemächer und besorgte es ihr köstlich" ist natürlich Sexistisch und Untergräbt die Rechte der Frauen. ;) Nur leider war das Geschichtlich nun einmal so.

Ansonsten: ja es gibt auf diesen Planeten und gerade bei Film und Spielen typische Bilder von Frauen. Wir regen uns aber auch nicht über die braun gebrannten mit freien Oberkörper rumlaufenden Klischee Bilder von "Traumkerlen" in Frauenzeitschriften auf obwohl das ja kaum den Bild des Typischen Amerikaners oder Deutschen entsprechen dürfte. Die gute Frau hat für ihre scheinbar mit schlechter Nachforschung und Lügen durchfütterten Videos sehr viel Geld gekriegt und ruft dazu auf noch mehr zu kriegen: das reicht mir schon aus das ich ganz sicher das nicht hochloben werde. Ist genau so Affig wie die aussage damals das "the last of us" frauenfeindlich wäre weil man ein 14 (!!!) jähriges Mädchen durch eine apokalyptische Szenario beschützen muss.... (nein die aussage kam nicht von ihr)

Wer hier im Thread hat denn tatsächlich die "Tropes vs. Women" Videos von Sarkeesian angeschaut?
Ich habe mir ein paar von denen mal angeschaut und fand sie insgesamt ganz gut, ich stimme ihnen nicht in allen Punkten zu, aber das heißt ja nicht automatisch, dass sie schlecht sind.
Insgesamt geht es in den Videos die ich gesehen habe auch weniger um offene Misshandlungen von Frauen oder Abschlacht-Orgien. Dass diese inakzeptabel sind, sollte eigentlich gar nicht erst diskutiert werden müssen.
Stattdessen geht es um "Tropes" in denen Frauen auf ein oder zwei Charakteristika reduziert werden, oder als reine Objekte auftreten welche den Antrieb für die Geschichte des (männlichen) Helden geben. Das sind tropes wie gefridged (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/StuffedIntoTheFridge) oder gedamseled (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/DamselInDistress?from=Main.DistressedDamsel) zu werden. Dazu kommen dann Tendenzen wie, dass es in manchen Spielen ausreicht einen Charakter als weiblich zu charakterisieren und es dabei zu belassen, was dann heißt, dass der Charakter Schuhe, Kleidung und Parties mag.
Es geht insgesamt in den Videos also um die Ungleichheiten darin wie Frauen in vielen Videospielen dargestellt werden im Vergleich zu Männern. Ich zumindest würde empfehlen, dass sich jeder mal ein paar der Videos anschaut bevor er mit der Keule kommt.

Friedrich III.
05.09.14, 18:26
Im Video sind dutzende Beispiele. Das Ding läuft nicht umsonst unter FSK18.

Was sagt uns das?

05.09.14, 18:43
Und beim zweiten Punkt bleibe ich dabei: Globalisierung wunderbar, aber das ist noch immer ein zutiefst amerikanisches Problem. Beweis mich falsch! Da muss man die Kirche auch mal im Dorf lassen. Creationists sieht man ja auch als amerikanisches Problem an und nicht als deutsches. Diese Art des Feminismus ist amerikanisch und ich maße mir nicht an, dort in eine tiefgreifende Diskussion einsteigen zu können, weil ich nicht das tiefgehende Verständnis von der Kultur habe und nicht da lebe, um es zu tun.


Ja, manche Sachen nehmen wir an, aber manche ganz einfach nicht. Gesellschaftspolitisch ist Europa so was von verschieden. Deswegen werden wir eine solche Art der Diskussion hier niemals haben (oder nicht in der Art, Deutschland hat seine eigenen Lasten zu tragen und von diesen genug).

Der Vergleich mit dem Creationismus hinkt. Es ist nicht so, dass Schulbücher oder das Schulsystem aus den USA bei uns verwendet bzw. Millionenfach verkauft. Die Debatte ist dadurch natürlich auf die USA begrenzt. Das sieht bei Videospielen anders aus. Kunden kaufen hier Spiele, die, zumindest bei AAA-Titeln größtenteils in den USA oder Kanada produziert werden. Die dort stattfinde Debatte hat dadurch mittelbar und unmittelbar absolut Einfluß auf das was später hier konsumiert und produziert werden kann.

Wir könnten jetzt natürlich anfangen und jeden einzelnen Punkt den anspricht analysieren und in "stimmt, gut das sie es angesprochen hat" oder "stimmt nicht, hätte sie besser lassen sollen" einteilen. Das mach allerdings wenig Sinn. Was man analysieren ist die Wirkung die sie insgesamt mit ihrem Werk erzielt bzw. erzielen möchte. Natürlich finden sich bei ihr auch Tatsachen die stimmen und die man persöhnlich mit guten Gründen ablehnen kann (die Hitman-Werbung z.B.). Nur ist das nicht der Punkt. Ihr selber geht es ja nicht darum einzelne Kritikpunkte in der Gamebranche aufzuzeigen um sie zu verbessern. Ihr geht es darum zu zeigen, dass die Gamebranche grundsätzlich frauenfeindlich ist.
Kurz gesagt : Das große Problem was ich mit der Art und Weise von Sarkaasian habe ist das alte Lied von "alle Gamer sind testosterongesteuerte , hirnlose Brutalos" das sie singt. Sie zeichnet ein Bild was nicht stimmt, basierend auf einem verqueren Genderdenken. Lässt man dieses Bild einfach hängen wird es sich in den Köpfen der Leute festsetzen und entsprechend benutzt werden. Das sich Spieler gegen diese Stigmatisierung wehren halte ich für legitim und mein Mitleid mit der Dame was die üblichen Flamer und Arschgeigen angeht hält sich sehr in Grenzen. Klar, nicht in Ordnung und auch der Diskussion nicht förderlich aber letztlich macht sie wenig anderes indem sie eine Gruppe Menschen pauschal für die Wahl ihrer Freizeitbeschäftigung völlige Empathiefähigkeit und Frauenverachtung vorwirft. Und, da wirst du mir hoffentlich zustimmen, auch das schadet mehr als das es nützt.

05.09.14, 18:50
Und das "positive Beispiel" welches die Dame auffährt wird jetzt einfach mal pauschal unterschlagen?

05.09.14, 18:52
Wer hier im Thread hat denn tatsächlich die "Tropes vs. Women" Videos von Sarkeesian angeschaut?
Ich habe mir ein paar von denen mal angeschaut und fand sie insgesamt ganz gut, ich stimme ihnen nicht in allen Punkten zu, aber das heißt ja nicht automatisch, dass sie schlecht sind.
Insgesamt geht es in den Videos die ich gesehen habe auch weniger um offene Misshandlungen von Frauen oder Abschlacht-Orgien. Dass diese inakzeptabel sind, sollte eigentlich gar nicht erst diskutiert werden müssen.
Stattdessen geht es um "Tropes" in denen Frauen auf ein oder zwei Charakteristika reduziert werden, oder als reine Objekte auftreten welche den Antrieb für die Geschichte des (männlichen) Helden geben. Das sind tropes wie gefridged (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/StuffedIntoTheFridge) oder gedamseled (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/DamselInDistress?from=Main.DistressedDamsel) zu werden. Dazu kommen dann Tendenzen wie, dass es in manchen Spielen ausreicht einen Charakter als weiblich zu charakterisieren und es dabei zu belassen, was dann heißt, dass der Charakter Schuhe, Kleidung und Parties mag.
Es geht insgesamt in den Videos also um die Ungleichheiten darin wie Frauen in vielen Videospielen dargestellt werden im Vergleich zu Männern. Ich zumindest würde empfehlen, dass sich jeder mal ein paar der Videos anschaut bevor er mit der Keule kommt.

Vom Grundsatz her völlig in Ordnung darüber zu diskutieren, aber die Frage ist doch was für Beispiele herangezogen werden. Hitman und Mario qualifizieren sich nun wirklich nicht als Beispiel für frauenfeindliche Spiele.

Friedrich III.
05.09.14, 18:53
Das sind tropes wie gefridged (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/StuffedIntoTheFridge) oder gedamseled (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/DamselInDistress?from=Main.DistressedDamsel) zu werden.

Ja, das war das erste Video von ihr, wo sie sich u.a. an Super Mario und Zelda hochzieht. :facepalm:

Super Princess Peach (http://www.amazon.de/Nintendo-Super-Princess-Peach/dp/B000FCMSAS/) erwähnt sie im ersten Video nur indirekt und unterschlägt dabei Zelda: The Wand of Gamelon (http://zelda.wikia.com/wiki/Zelda:_The_Wand_of_Gamelon) und Zelda's Adventure (http://zelda.wikia.com/wiki/Zelda%27s_Adventure).

Friedrich III.
05.09.14, 19:45
Kurz gesagt : Das große Problem was ich mit der Art und Weise von Sarkaasian habe ist das alte Lied von "alle Gamer sind testosterongesteuerte , hirnlose Brutalos" das sie singt. Sie zeichnet ein Bild was nicht stimmt, basierend auf einem verqueren Genderdenken. Lässt man dieses Bild einfach hängen wird es sich in den Köpfen der Leute festsetzen und entsprechend benutzt werden. Das sich Spieler gegen diese Stigmatisierung wehren halte ich für legitim und mein Mitleid mit der Dame was die üblichen Flamer und Arschgeigen angeht hält sich sehr in Grenzen. Klar, nicht in Ordnung und auch der Diskussion nicht förderlich aber letztlich macht sie wenig anderes indem sie eine Gruppe Menschen pauschal für die Wahl ihrer Freizeitbeschäftigung völlige Empathiefähigkeit und Frauenverachtung vorwirft. Und, da wirst du mir hoffentlich zustimmen, auch das schadet mehr als das es nützt.

Ja, genau das ist der springende Punkt.

Al. I. Cuza
05.09.14, 20:07
Was mich stört ist, dass andauernd irgendwelche Pseudewissenschaftler (die nie im Leben ein Videospiel gespielt haben) versuchen mir reinzureden, dass ich ein böser Mensch bin, weil ich ein bestimmtes Hobby habe. Und hinzu kommt noch, dass selbsternannte Journalisten mir einreden wollen, dass diese Zoe Quinn, die so offensichtlich korrupt ist (wie die ganze Gaming-Journalismus-Branche) eine gute Samariterin ist, welche für Gerechtigkeit und Gleichheit kämpft.

Ich sage ja nicht, dass wir kein richtiges Problem in der Gamercommunity haben, Sexismus, Homophobie, Xenophobie, sogar Antisemitismus sind recht weit verbreitet. Spielt 1-2 mal Dota 2 und ihr werdet alles erleben. Aber um diese Probleme schert sich kein Schwein.

Aber wehe wehe, die Werbung von Hitman hat ne halbnackte Frau drauf, das darf man nicht. Es ist ja egal, dass unsere ganze Gesellschaft hochsexualisiert ist. Man kann keine Straße runtergehen ohne 100 Werbungen mit halbnackten Frauen zu sehen, aber das Problem liegt bei den Spielen.

05.09.14, 20:24
Was mich stört ist, dass andauernd irgendwelche Pseudewissenschaftler (die nie im Leben ein Videospiel gespielt haben) versuchen mir reinzureden, dass ich ein böser Mensch bin, weil ich ein bestimmtes Hobby habe. Und hinzu kommt noch, dass selbsternannte Journalisten mir einreden wollen, dass diese Zoe Quinn, die so offensichtlich korrupt ist (wie die ganze Gaming-Journalismus-Branche) eine gute Samariterin ist, welche für Gerechtigkeit und Gleichheit kämpft.

Ich sage ja nicht, dass wir kein richtiges Problem in der Gamercommunity haben, Sexismus, Homophobie, Xenophobie, sogar Antisemitismus sind recht weit verbreitet. Spielt 1-2 mal Dota 2 und ihr werdet alles erleben. Aber um diese Probleme schert sich kein Schwein.

Aber wehe wehe, die Werbung von Hitman hat ne halbnackte Frau drauf, das darf man nicht. Es ist ja egal, dass unsere ganze Gesellschaft hochsexualisiert ist. Man kann keine Straße runtergehen ohne 100 Werbungen mit halbnackten Frauen zu sehen, aber das Problem liegt bei den Spielen.

Was mich stört ist, das dauernd irgendwelche Gamer (die nie im Leben das Video gesehen haben) versuche mir einzureden, sie wissen alles und könnten Menschen zu 100% einschätzen, nur weil sie ein bestimmtes Hobby haben. Und hinzu kommt noch, das selbsternannte Gamer mir einreden wollen, das Zoe Quinn korrupt ist und nur jeden Mann kreuzigen will.

Ich sage ja ständig das wir ein Problem in der Gamercommunity haben, jeder fühlt sich wegen einem einzelnen Video beleidigt und hat dann abends um 19:22 nichts besseres zu tun als wildfremde Frauen die er aus 2 "debukned" Videos kennt als korrupt zu bezeichnen. Lest mal das Heiseforum. Da werdet ihr noch schlimmeres erleben. Aber um diese Probleme schert sich kein Schwein.

Aber es ist natürlich vollkommen in Ordnung wenn man mit Mord und Leichen Werbung macht. Man kann ja jede Straße runtergehen und sieht 100 Werbungen mit Leichen, zerhackstückelten Kinderkörpern und vergewaltigten Prostituierten, aber das Problem liegt ja nicht bei der Werbung. Die Konsumenten können es nur nicht richtig interpretieren.


Friedrich III.
05.09.14, 20:42
Ich sage ja nicht, dass wir kein richtiges Problem in der Gamercommunity haben, Sexismus, Homophobie, Xenophobie, sogar Antisemitismus sind recht weit verbreitet. Spielt 1-2 mal Dota 2 und ihr werdet alles erleben. Aber um diese Probleme schert sich kein Schwein.

Das hat mit Spielen eher indirekt zu tun, sondern damit im Schutz der Anonymität die Sau rauszulassen. Darum eskalieren regelmäßig politische Diskussionen im Internet.

Was mich stört ist, das dauernd irgendwelche Gamer (die nie im Leben das Video gesehen haben) versuche mir einzureden, sie wissen alles und könnten Menschen zu 100% einschätzen, nur weil sie ein bestimmtes Hobby haben. Und hinzu kommt noch, das selbsternannte Gamer mir einreden wollen, das Zoe Quinn korrupt ist und nur jeden Mann kreuzigen will.

Schon mal daran gedacht, dass hinter einem moderaten Gamer auch eine richtige Person steht, so mit Empathie und Lebenserfahrung und so, ne?

Aber dann wäre der ganze Trotzbeitrag dahin. Und einreden muss man gar nichts, das erledigen sie auf ihre intolerante Weise schon selbst gut genug. :D

Leider muss man auf die Videos ausweichen, weil die sogenannten Videospiele"journalisten" sich beharrlich geweigert haben über die Angelegenheit zu berichten (die Korruption, NICHT die Eskapaden!).
Warum denn auch? Sie sind dem Anschein nach tief darin verstrickt. Warum also den Ast absägen, auf dem sie sitzen? Stattdessen schweigen sie es tot und beschimpfen unflätig die gesamte Gamercommunity (ihre Kunden!).

05.09.14, 20:44
Moderne Zeiten, ohne PC war alles besser! I miss it.



Al. I. Cuza
05.09.14, 20:44
Was mich stört ist, das dauernd irgendwelche Gamer (die nie im Leben das Video gesehen haben) versuche mir einzureden, sie wissen alles und könnten Menschen zu 100% einschätzen, nur weil sie ein bestimmtes Hobby haben. Und hinzu kommt noch, das selbsternannte Gamer mir einreden wollen, das Zoe Quinn korrupt ist und nur jeden Mann kreuzigen will. Das Video ist irrelevant, ich gebe ihr auch teilweise Recht mit den Sachen die sie sagt. Ein Problem mit Sarkesian und Quinn habe ich wegen ihrer öffentlichen Aussagen, vor allem auf Twitter, die so gamer- und/oder männerfeindlich sind, wie es nur geht.

Ich sage ja ständig das wir ein Problem in der Gamercommunity haben, jeder fühlt sich wegen einem einzelnen Video beleidigt und hat dann abends um 19:22 nichts besseres zu tun als wildfremde Frauen die er aus 2 "debukned" Videos kennt als korrupt zu bezeichnen. Lest mal das Heiseforum. Da werdet ihr noch schlimmeres erleben. Aber um diese Probleme schert sich kein Schwein.

1. Was ist das Heiseforum? 2. Was ich angesprochen habe, hat durchaus etwas mit der Problematik zu tun, welche Sarkesian "untersucht", wird aber leider ignoriert.

Aber es ist natürlich vollkommen in Ordnung wenn man mit Mord und Leichen Werbung macht. Man kann ja jede Straße runtergehen und sieht 100 Werbungen mit Leichen, zerhackstückelten Kinderkörpern und vergewaltigten Prostituierten, aber das Problem liegt ja nicht bei der Werbung. Die Konsumenten können es nur nicht richtig interpretieren.

Das ist nun einfach dumme Polemik... Ihr wisst was ich meine, habt einfach keine Antwort darauf.

05.09.14, 20:51
Ein Problem mit Sarkesian und Quinn habe ich wegen ihrer öffentlichen Aussagen, vor allem auf Twitter, die so gamer- und/oder männerfeindlich sind, wie es nur geht.

Also beleidigen wir Sie? Bezeichnen sie als korrupt? Bezeichnet es als Krieg, Konflikt oder auch einfach nur als Diskussion. Das ist irrelevant. Aber "wir" haben uns schon vor langer Zeit selbst entwaffnet. Wir können nicht erwarten das sie uns mag und mit Respekt behandelt wenn wir sie beleidigen und ihr Gewalt androhen. Anstatt das dieser bunte Haufen von "Gamern" der so oft als tolerant auftreten und sich dann doch irgendwie elitär aufführen sich mal in den Kreis setzt und geschlossen über das Thema debattiert fangen wir einen Krieg an. Natürlich war unser Post polemisch und er war nicht weniger polemisch als euer Beitrag. Ihr wisst nicht ob sie gezockt hat. Vielleicht spielt sie ja Call of Duty und ballert wie eine Irre durch die Menschheitsgeschichte. Wenn ihr den Kampf gewinnen wollt müsst ihr sie ernst nehmen.

Friedrich III.
05.09.14, 21:04
Vielleicht spielt sie ja Call of Duty und ballert wie eine Irre durch die Menschheitsgeschichte.

Tut sie nicht.


(...aber wahrscheinlich ist das Video eine lang angelegte Verschwörung des Patricharchats...)

Wenn dem nicht so ist, dann kann sie eine Gegendarstellung präsentieren.

Al. I. Cuza
05.09.14, 21:08
Also beleidigen wir Sie? Bezeichnen sie als korrupt? Bezeichnet es als Krieg, Konflikt oder auch einfach nur als Diskussion. Das ist irrelevant. Aber "wir" haben uns schon vor langer Zeit selbst entwaffnet. Wir können nicht erwarten das sie uns mag und mit Respekt behandelt wenn wir sie beleidigen und ihr Gewalt androhen. Anstatt das dieser bunte Haufen von "Gamern" der so oft als tolerant auftreten und sich dann doch irgendwie elitär aufführen sich mal in den Kreis setzt und geschlossen über das Thema debattiert fangen wir einen Krieg an. Natürlich war unser Post polemisch und er war nicht weniger polemisch als euer Beitrag. Ihr wisst nicht ob sie gezockt hat. Vielleicht spielt sie ja Call of Duty und ballert wie eine Irre durch die Menschheitsgeschichte. Wenn ihr den Kampf gewinnen wollt müsst ihr sie ernst nehmen.

Gamer ist ein Wort für Leute, die Video Spiele spielen. Unter ihnen, wie in jeder anderen Demographik auch, gibt es komplette Idioten und Arschlöcher. Aber es geht mir hier nicht um ein Gamer vs Gaming-Feministen Duell. Das bringt niemanden weiter, denn auf beiden Seiten gibt es dieselben Idioten.

Wenn man sich aber für Gleichheit und Gleichbehandlung einsetzt, sich selbst nicht daran hält, sollte man lieber den Mund halten und nichts weiter sagen. Und über ihre Korruption lässt sich streiten aber mich haben die Beweise, welche in verschiedenen Formen ins Internet gekommen sind überzeugt.

Friedrich III.
05.09.14, 21:20
Wenn man sich aber für Gleichheit und Gleichbehandlung einsetzt, sich selbst nicht daran hält, sollte man lieber den Mund halten und nichts weiter sagen.


05.09.14, 21:32
Quot erat demonstrandum. Ich glaube, keiner mag sie Ergüsse der Dame wirklich. Der Hass und Fanatismus, der ihr entgegen schlägt, kleidet aber auch nicht gut.

Ein wenig wahn sieht man schon aus den ersten posts sprechen. ;)

05.09.14, 21:44
Und ich würde spoony überall hin folgen. Irre würde es...


05.09.14, 21:54
Das sind einfach typische Theorien, mal auf den Bereich Spiele angewandt. Der momentane "Forschungsstand" in der Praxis. Die Kampagnen gegen Diskriminierung von den 66 Geschlechtern und anderen Minderheiten sind in der Regel genauso gut recherchiert und genauso wunderbar argumentiert. Achso, dass Deutschland ein "rape culture" hat ist genauso "Forschungsstand".

05.09.14, 22:04
Du bist zu weit im Thema drin, weil dich eine hassliebe damit verbindet. In Amerika ist das Thema viel mehr in der Mitte der Gesellschaft angekommen. Hier ist es "Forschung" , unsere sjws haben da andere Schwerpunkte.

05.09.14, 22:20
Du bist zu weit im Thema drin, weil dich eine hassliebe damit verbindet. In Amerika ist das Thema viel mehr in der Mitte der Gesellschaft angekommen. Hier ist es "Forschung" , unsere sjws haben da andere Schwerpunkte.

Wir sind uns durchaus bewusst, dass es hier nicht in der Bevölkerung bekannt ist. Wir gehen sogar davon aus, dass es in den USA selbst nicht so bekannt ist. Es ist aber hier durchaus schon in den bürokratischen Strukturen drin. Es ist auch nicht doof in dem Sinne, sondern auf einer Reihe von Fehlschlüssen bezüglich des Menschen und der Sprache basierend.

Wir haben nach einer Filmvorführung beispielsweise einen Linken anhören dürfen, dass in der Komödie, die und die Figuren einseitig wirken, als hätten sie ausser der Freundschaft zur Hauptfigur kein Eigenleben. Die Begrenztheit der Zeit spielt keine Rolle. In jeder Geschichte soll auch bitte die gesamte Welt drin sein, sonst findet eine Benachteiligung statt. Das gleiche Problem haben sie mit der Sprache. Der Begriff muss präzise und nicht ausgrenzend zugleich sein. Am Ende kommt dann der Vorschlag das Thema ganz aus der Welt zu schaffen: http://www.taz.de/Diversitaet-von-Geschlechterrollen/!145418/

Dennoch kritisiert er Facebook. „Geschlechtervielfalt passt nicht in eine Liste von 2, aber auch nie komplett in eine von 60 Kategorien.“ Ihn stört der neue Verortungszwang. Denn nicht die Fülle der Möglichkeiten ist absurd, sondern das Konzept des Geschlechts selbst.

Friedrich III.
06.09.14, 01:28
Link # 1 (http://www.escapistmagazine.com/forums/read/18.858347-Zoe-Quinn-and-the-surrounding-controversy?page=544#21356016)

Within feminism and social justice at large there are many offshoots for people from all sorts of minority and marginalised groups because the most popular discussions tend to deal with straight white feminist issues. There is often complaint about straight-white-cis-women dominating the narrative, and when it starts to get disruptive and counter productive, women doing that get a bad reputation and discredited.

We don't need to do anything, their actions will come to light and their reputations will be adjusted.

So please, just drop it.

Link # 2 (http://www.escapistmagazine.com/forums/read/18.858347-Zoe-Quinn-and-the-surrounding-controversy?page=545#21356209)

I think the meaning is more "they won't be allowed in the forefront anymore" in place of other, differently plumed spokespersons in order to garner attention and appeal. It really has no bearing here, because while it may be the root of what many of us are angry about (the broad-generalization, slander, and degradation by the gaming journalists in favor of a "Social Justice" spin that was more about creating an atmosphere of "us v. them" between men and women gamers rather than any actual push for inclusion or seeking of common ground), our weapon lies in what we have:

We have the ability to make our voices heard to the companies that employ these journalists, and to the advertisers whose money keeps them alive. If we make it clear now, to those people, what we will and will not stand for, those voices will lose their ability to control the narrative.

I don't want Anita, or Zoe, or anyone silenced. I want their views and discussions to take place in a forum where they can be discussed, and critiqued, without dissent from their lockstep being considered to be misogyny. I want gamers to be able to point out the fault in logic of an argument, and not be instantly branded a bigot.

How we get that, is we make the journalists publish a balanced narrative. Not our narrative, but both sides of a story.

Damit kann man wohl auf einen Nenner kommen.

Friedrich III.
06.09.14, 16:17
#GamerGate - Gamers Are Not Dead, They Just Leveled Up (http://rpgfanashton.tumblr.com/)

I am tired of coming back from work every day where I do my best to help people and see others who sit in front of their computer all day tell me what a horrible person I am for having passion for my hobby.

I am tired of toeing a party line that has been alienating me more and more while calling me names and attempting to shame me for disagreeing, even while they claim to be representing my best interests.

I am tired of the activity I partake in to forget the cruelties of real life becoming the battleground for ideologies and extremist propaganda.

Friedrich III.
15.09.14, 21:51
Gamergate Unofficial Website

Interactive Gamergate Timeline

Detailed Gamergate Timeline

KYM Gamergate archive

Quelle (http://www.escapistmagazine.com/forums/read/18.858347-Zoe-Quinn-and-the-surrounding-controversy?page=809#21396792)

Friedrich III.
19.09.14, 17:00
Twitter: WikiLeaks - #GamerGate'ers should know that the pattern of censorship & cronyism they see is mirrored at the very top. (https://twitter.com/wikileaks/status/511727048931282944)


Julian Assange is best known for being the man responsible for the cable leaks between various diplomatic parties. It’s believed that if America ever gets their hands on him that he’s a goner.

On Reddit, Assange had an opportunity to address people directly and answer any question they had about him, censorship, Wikileaks, censorship, the Fifth Estate… and censorship.

Just to drive the point home, when the Reddit user asked about the censorship surrounding #GamerGate (an ongoing issue within the media space), Here’s what Assange had to say…

“It’s pathetic. But censorship by companies controlling privatized political space is now almost a norm. Facebook is implementing its own “laws” for social behavior and politics. Even Twitter has now folded; censoring for example, leaks about the New Zealand prime minister just this week and some time ago banning Anonymous Sweden after a request from that country. High volume publication+control of publication by powerful organisations = censorship, all the time. We have to fight to create new networks of freedom. The old and powerful always become corrupt.”


So you might be asking what is GamerGate, why should anyone care? That answer is complicated, and I am not qualified to answer, GamerGate, is not one movement, I cared because I have seen too many examples of corruption in the gaming industry and I want to make people aware of it. But it seems I may be a minority. Many GamerGate supporters exclusively talk about Zoe Quinn or Anita Sarkeesian. They hate SJWs, I can understand that position, there should not be political liberal manipulation in games journalism, but what gamers should hate, in my opinion, is the cronyism and corruption. Investigate just a little, and I saw, that two journalists who used to work for IGN, Aubrey Drake, who exclusively reviewed Nintendo games, leaves IGN, gets job at Nintendo. http://www.ign.com/blogs/aminka/2013/06/19/aminka-says-goodbye/

Does this look suspicious? That a reviewer who reviewed Nintendo fans, and gave them a high score, why do gamers care about a game developer (Zoe Quinn) who made a (FREE) game and slept with a journalist who mentioned the game in an article. But they don't see the blatant cronyism that a writer who reviewed only Nintendo games for years and gave them high scores goes to work for Nintendo, surely Nintendo has more pull in the games industry than Zoe Quinn (or her sex appeal). This thing is routinely ignored by GamerGate, which I find disappointing.

Friedrich III.
25.09.14, 18:22
The Escapist - GamerGate Discussion, Debate, and Resources (http://www.escapistmagazine.com/forums/read/18.860762-GamerGate-Discussion-Debate-and-Resources?page=1)

- - -

Even EA speaks neutrally about #GamerGate and raises som interesting points. (https://twitter.com/ElVerudugo/status/515141778178318336) [1] (http://www.escapistmagazine.com/forums/read/18.860762-GamerGate-Discussion-Debate-and-Resources?page=315#21439886)

- - -

“A Weird Insider Culture” - Gamergate and the Airtight Bubble of Journalism in the Social Media Age (https://medium.com/@ryansmithwriter/a-weird-insider-culture-d1c3cc644c29?source=tw-e666341e119a-1411585563714) [2] (http://www.escapistmagazine.com/forums/read/18.860762-GamerGate-Discussion-Debate-and-Resources?page=314#21439780)

“Social media makes it easy for us to be in contact with other reporters at all times. To constantly compare…in some ways, that’s a good thing. But it also creates a weird insider-culture. But I try to remember that my work isn’t — or shouldn’t be — done to earn praise of other reporters.” This was advice that Washington Post political reporter Wesley Lowery tweeted to a journalism student this week, but it – or some version of it — should be hung up on the wall of every member of the media working today.

That’s because there isn’t just an echo chamber of a couple of extremely narrow views in today’s media landscape, there’s an echo mansion. An echo Buckingham Palace.

The huge spate of “Death of Gamers” declarations that were published nearly simultaneously a few weeks ago is prime evidence of that fact. Gamers were considered dead, dying, or being left behind in preachy pieces in mainstream gaming sites, political blogs and general interest web publications: Kotaku, Jacobin, the Daily Beast, Destructoid, Ars Technica, Vice, Gamasutra, Rock Paper Shotgun, and BuzzFeed.

From all the overheated rhetoric, you’d have thought that a million Xboxs had just been hurtled into the sun. Instead, it was prompted after a misguided, but relatively small group of gamers – using the amplifying power of the fringe internet – spoke out and/or harassed developer Zoe Quinn and media commentator Anita Sarkeesian. Another vocal minority took to message boards and social media to complain about the bias of the media. From this, and scant anecdotal evidence, journalists were furiously typing thinkpieces and editorials calling the entire culture of gamers over or “sloughing off like the carapace of a bug” as Gamasutra’s Leigh Alexander did.

A few short days later, hardcore online first-person shooter “Destiny” earned $325 million in it’s first five days on the shelves – making it one of the biggest entertainment products of the year. It made all the “death of gamers” talk look like smoke trailing from the barrel of one of Destiny’s many guns.


It’s even worse with video game journalists – who exist in an incredibly airtight bubble born of factors I talked about in my article “Lack of Critical Distance.” That bubble is rarely pierced by professional criticism. There are no ombudsmen or real media critics with any clout in games journalism (minus a couple of essays from Tevis Thompson) that you see in sports and politics and even other entertainment journalism fields. You’re not going to see FAIR studying Kotaku or Polygon’s coverage of Assassin’s Creed IV.

This lack of outside critique means that when I criticize the work or the ideas of game journalists – which is what I did with regularity in the GameJournosPros discussion group made up of 150 or so professional games journalists, editors, freelancers – it was often taken as an off putting personal assault, especially since the group often toed the line between professional group and chummy “hey, we’re just hanging out!” friend group.


It only got worse after Breitbart recently published a leaked thread from the GameJournosPros group that discussed coverage of the Zoe Quinn affair. In the group, I questioned where these journalists drew the line in terms of covering salacious stories involving sources and asked if they’d actually examined evidence. My inquiries were treated incredulously or ignored. When a small amount of pro-Gamer Gate people online began following me on Twitter and praising me and I began engaging with them, here’s the response I got from journalists in the group: One said I was fueling harassment and threats, called me an “asshole,” some blocked me on Twitter, or tried contacting my colleagues or editors in attempt to shame me into silence or have my bosses silence me.

Friedrich III.
26.09.14, 20:05
#GamerGate – An Issue With Two Sides (http://techcrunch.com/2014/09/25/gamergate-an-issue-with-2-sides/) [1] (http://www.escapistmagazine.com/forums/read/18.860762-GamerGate-Discussion-Debate-and-Resources?page=333#21443135)

In politics, bias isn’t a bug – it’s a feature. Advocates for one side or the other do not tend to see their bias as a simple prejudice to certain types of information over others – instead, it’s a matter of morality. People who share the Red bias are good. People who share the Blue bias are evil. Eliezer Yudkowsky was not exaggerating when he said ‘politics is the mind-killer’ (http://lesswrong.com/lw/gw/politics_is_the_mindkiller/).

However, most ordinary people are not political. They dislike agendas. In an age of unlimited information, it’s relatively easy for readers of an article to find out when a story they’ve been told is one-sided, or omits information. It’s also relatively easy for them to complain about it. This is why “don’t read the comments” has become such a popular slogan among those bastions of bias, political op-ed writers.

If journalists drift too far towards the reds or the blues, their accounts will come to represent a smaller and smaller minority of viewpoints. Confirmation bias will become increasingly severe.

Non-political readers will notice. Try and suppress their criticism, and they will rebel, forming their own biases in the process.

That is #GamerGate.


Gamers will always welcome new people and new ideas with open arms. What they will not welcome is a Thompson-like war for cultural hegemony, regardless of whether it comes from the left or the right.

In a way, gamers of all races, genders and orientations would like to exclude a minority. That minority is the culture warriors, who thrive in an atmosphere of fear and moral condemnation. They are an ill wind that blows no man or woman of any ethnicity any good.

I am keenly aware that many critics will protest that they do not wish to create moral panics; they merely want to observe and analyse. I sympathize with these arguments.

However, when art is accused of perpetuating violence, sexism, or racism, it has strayed beyond artistic critique and into the realm of political argument. “Subjective analysis” cannot be used as an excuse when historical and sociological arguments are being presented. Furthermore, when the entire gaming community is attacked as a pack of bigoted savages corrupted by gaming tropes, it is not even an argument. It’s a panic.


[Since I wrote my initial draft, reports have emerged of increasingly worrying attacks on GamerGate supporters. A friendly reporter had a suspicious syringe sent to his house (https://twitter.com/Nero/status/513666683916255232). There have been real-life threats (https://twitter.com/lizzyf620/status/513708836767924224/photo/1). People have received intimidating phonecalls (http://i.imgur.com/892hZ1A.png) and text messages (http://i.imgur.com/roTtXV5.png) from complete strangers. An academic who supports GamerGate was doxxed and received a violent threat (http://i.imgur.com/PxxSMvt.png). Major games publications have yet to report on these attacks against their consumers.]

- - -

*: A Brave New World of Games Journalism: An Interview with Milo Yiannopoulos (http://apgnation.com/archives/2014/09/15/7259/gamergate-changing-tides-games-journalism-interview-milo-yiannopoulos)

Media outlets are lashing out against the audience that they serve and rely on. It seems counterintuitive, but unfortunately, it is the sad truth we all must bear witness to.

Recently, we got the opportunity to speak with Milo Yiannopoulos (http://yiannopoulos.net/) and discuss the changing face of video game journalism, and how aspiring video game journalists can set themselves up for success. Milo is the founder of The Kernel, (which he sold to Daily Dot Media earlier this year) as well as a weekly columnist for Breitbart.com (http://www.breitbart.com/Columnists/Milo-Yiannopoulos) and Business Insider (http://www.businessinsider.com/author/milo-yiannopoulos). He is also the author of The Sociopaths of Silicon Valley. Milo offers our readers many great insights that can be applied by journalists covering any industry, but are especially relevant in regards to the current state of video game journalism. We take a look at where video game journalism is today and where he sees the industry moving in the next few years.


APGNation: If trends in video game journalism continue, what changes do you see coming to the gaming news industry? In what ways can new media outlets and citizen journalists take the power back and set a new standard for journalistic integrity within the industry?

Milo: There will definitely be new gaming sites emerging in the next few years, and they won’t give a monkey’s about “political correctness.” They will probably be kept afloat by readers, because advertisers are too vulnerable to campaigns by ideologues. But who knows? It’s exciting for me, as someone who has set up a media company before, to watch it all unfold.

APGNation: On September 11th, 2014, you shared the following Tweet; “San Francisco Police Department has confirmed to me that it received no complaint from Anita Sarkeesian in August, as she claims. #GamerGate” Do you feel that individuals who are playing up the controversy, or creating controversy where there simply isn’t one, are to blame for the issues at hand? Or do you feel that the blame lies with journalists who capitalize on the controversy without following through with proper journalistic processes and fact checking?

Milo: Obviously, it’s both. These campaigners deliberately court controversy and provoke people, then cry foul when they get sent nasty messages. It’s ugly and dishonest. And credulous journalists repackage their manipulative behavior into think pieces about how awful ordinary gamers are. It makes you wonder if they’ve ever even met a video gamer, because from what I’ve experienced so far it’s one of the most friendly communities on the internet – so long as you’re not a professional offence-taker.

APGNation: While the recent controversy may have began with scandals surrounding Zoe Quinn and Anita Sarkeesian, it has come a long way in the past month and evolved in a number of ways. Do you feel #GamerGate was an inevitable outcome of the boom in digital media over the past few decades? Is this a natural growing pain of the gaming industry, gamers, and the media that will eventually level out? Or is this something that will be always be an issue due to the close relationship that are inherent between all parties involved?

Milo: The gaming industry has grown very quickly, so I suppose it was natural that its media would take a while to catch up. What a pity, though, that they chosen entirely the wrong side of the argument the first time there was a serious growing pain. They’ve alienated their readers, without whom they are nothing. I’d be surprised if the media landscape looked the same in a year or two. I reckon some of these big sites are going to be abandoned by readers and have to start laying off writers.

APGNation: Dialogue between journalists and their readers is vital, especially in the age of digital media. How do you feel communication between these parties can be improved? What is to become of journalists who have come out against #GamerGate and alienated their readers who are in support of the movement?

Milo: There doesn’t seem to be much communication at all, at the moment, or any sign that gaming journalists understand the people they are writing for. Journalists like that are going to see their platforms crumble and new authorities take their place – people who actually care about games, rather than pushing political agendas.

Friedrich III.
26.09.14, 21:55
Gamer Gate Harassment (http://gamergateharassment.tumblr.com/)

- - -

Exposed: The Secret Mailing List of the Gaming Journalism Elite (http://www.breitbart.com/Breitbart-London/2014/09/17/Exposed-the-secret-mailing-list-of-the-gaming-journalism-elite)

The E-mails That Prove Video Games Journalism Must be Reformed (http://www.breitbart.com/Breitbart-London/2014/09/18/The-emails-that-prove-video-games-journalism-must-be-reformed)

'They're On To Us': Gaming Journalists Respond to Critics in Newly Revealed GameJournoPros Emails (http://www.breitbart.com/Breitbart-London/2014/09/22/They-re-on-to-us-gaming-journalists-respond-to-their-critics-in-series-of-new-GameJournoPros-emails)

How Sloppy, Biased Video Games Reporting Almost Destroyed a CEO (http://www.breitbart.com/Breitbart-London/2014/09/23/How-sloppy-biased-video-games-reporting-almost-destroyed-a-CEO)

Friedrich III.
01.10.14, 14:27
#GamerGate: Game Journalists Ignored Facts To Push ‘Gamers Are Dead’ Agenda, According To E-Mails (http://blogjob.com/oneangrygamer/2014/09/gamergate-game-journalists-ignored-facts-to-push-gamers-are-dead-agenda-according-to-e-mails/)

#GamerGate: IGN Contributor Has Public Meltdown Following Game Journo Pro Leaks (http://blogjob.com/oneangrygamer/2014/09/gamergate-ign-contributor-has-public-meltdown-following-game-journo-pro-leaks/)

#GamerGate: Game Journo Pro Member Explains How To Pull Advertiser Support (http://blogjob.com/oneangrygamer/2014/09/gamergate-game-journo-pro-member-explains-how-pull-advertiser-support/)

#GamerGate: Cost, Damage, Consequence And Cultural Scarring (http://blogjob.com/oneangrygamer/2014/09/gamergate-cost-damage-consequence-and-cultural-scarring/)

Postal Dev Comes Out In Support Of #GamerGate While Postal 2 Is 80% Off (http://blogjob.com/oneangrygamer/2014/10/postal-dev-comes-out-in-support-of-gamergate-while-postal-2-is-80-off/)

- - -

A Personal Statement from an Indie Dev on why #GamerGate Is Important (http://daemonpro.tumblr.com/post/97625002839/a-personal-statement-from-an-indie-dev-on-why) [1] (http://www.escapistmagazine.com/forums/read/18.860762-GamerGate-Discussion-Debate-and-Resources?page=412#21457725)

Throughout the entire process of working on the game to its current state, I have not once been afraid of trolls who will make fun of the game for touching on the issue of autism, or harass myself and the other team members of Crowned Daemon Studios for being autistic. What I have been afraid of has been the reactions from the social justice-minded members of the gaming community and mass media, be they positive OR negative. But to explain why I have to explain my own experiences with autism.

I’ve always felt like I’m a burden - on my family, on my friends, on the people around me. My inability to just act normally has caused the people around me no shortage of grief. Even though they hide it, ignore it, or say it doesn’t matter I know it eats away at them. I know they still love me and care for me but that doesn’t change the fact that for the longest time I’ve taken more than I’ve given back.

People have judged me and treated me differently because of my condition but not in the way you might think. I’ve been given preferential treatment my entire life. People have walked on eggshells around me, afraid of calling me out for when I’ve done something wrong for fear of being insensitive (I won’t name names or point to specific examples because I don’t want anyone to feel like I’m blaming them). I understand that these people who have given me this treatment do so for the best of intentions but it isn’t helping me to become more of a well-adjusted person. It’s enabling me to continue justifying my inexcusable behavior. It’s important to me that my game succeeds based on its own merits. I am more than my diagnosis. My failures are mine alone and I will face them as they come. I will not have my condition be used as a shield from criticism, be it against myself or my work.

I never intended to use the subject matter to elevate my game over others. When I started writing up the plot for the game I was very depressed. While I won’t say that I’m ‘over’ any of it, I will say that writing this character has helped me come to understand it better. While I would like for my game to ultimately help other people with autism (or people who know someone who does) to come to a better understanding of the condition, this isn’t going to be ‘Autism Quest’. It’s a game with a character who reflects my life experiences. It likewise is not a game about autism but rather a game that involves a character with autism - an important difference which I would like to emphasize. Nor am I going to be writing a representation of all autistic people everywhere. That would be as inherently impossible and problematic as writing a character who’s meant to represent every member of any demographic.


To those who have allowed Gamergate to get to where it is now, you have my undying thanks. For the past year while writing “Freak”, I’ve known deep down that journalists would never really care about me or my game. They just wanted to use me, and others like me. None of that will stop me. I’ll keep making “Freak”, not for the sake of the cynical, exploitative gaming press. I’m doing it for you, the gamers, whether you can relate to the experiences of Tinker and myself or not. Art is about sharing our experiences with all those who will lend their ears. It’s about being true to ourselves and lending our voices. You take away that voice, and we have nothing.

I know it’s been a long struggle. Gamergate’s been going for almost a month. All I can say is, for the sake of this industry, for the sake of quality journalism and criticism and for the sake of developers like myself and the others who have either spoken out or stayed silent: do not give up. Ever. Even if Gamergate is winding down (and I don’t think it is), carry what you’ve learned here with you. Help those who are willing to stand up for you, be it whole websites or singular content creators on YouTube. You deserve to be represented by good, honest people who will give their all for you.

Friedrich III.
02.10.14, 15:42
Intel removes ads from Gamasutra in wake of GamerGate (http://techraptor.net/2014/10/01/gamasutra-intel/)

The technology giant, Intel, has recently said in an email (https://i.imgur.com/h5WqpM1.jpg) to a concerned consumer that they will be removing their ads from the popular gaming website Gamasutra. After some controversial articles regarding GamerGate were posted on Gamasutra Intel has decided to pull their ads from the site.

The email from Intel specifically states that they decided to remove the ads due to the “recent controversial articles” published on Gamasutra regarding Gamergate. They also note:

Our ads were not a reflection of supporting certain article stances or shifts in editorial positioning. We have since decided to pull our current ad campaign off Gamasutra.


So, if you don’t agree with GamerGate, speak up and speak up reasonably. If you do agree with GamerGate do the exact same thing. The person that wrote the email to Intel would not have received a response if it came in the form of a rant or other jumbled mess. Think carefully in what you believe and why you believe in it. Then, don’t be afraid to speak it.

"Gamergate": Intel beendet Werbekampagne (http://www.heise.de/newsticker/meldung/Gamergate-Intel-beendet-Werbekampagne-2410704.html)

Intel hat eine Werbekampagne auf der IT-Nachrichtenseite Gamasutra (http://gamasutra.com/) wegen Kritik an einem dort veröffentlichten Kommentar zur Debatte über Sexismus in Videospielen vorzeitig beendet. Das berichtet Recode (http://recode.net/2014/10/01/under-pressure-from-gamers-intel-pulls-advertising-from-gamasutra/) unter Berufung auf Aussagen von Intel und Gamasutra. Der Kommentar "'Gamers' are over (http://www.gamasutra.com/view/news/224400/Gamers_dont_have_to_be_your_audience_Gamers_are_over.php)" hatte sich gegen jenen Teil der Spielergemeinde gerichtet, der eine feministische Auseinandersetzung mit Spielen kritisiert. Gamasutra-Redakteurin Leigh Alexander hatte sich damit an der Debatte über das "GamerGate" beteiligt, woraufhin unzufriedene Leser massenhaft von Intel gefordert haben, keine Werbung mehr auf Gamasutra zu schalten.

Friedrich III.
02.10.14, 18:28

The Factual Feminist? A Factcheck (https://medium.com/@cainejw/the-factual-feminist-a-factcheck-f5ae584f56da)

Next time, I believe that more people should consider utilizing Sommers’s methods when speaking about a culture or a people. You may find that you have more success when you approach a people with respect and a willingness to learn instead of entering the group with labels, jargon, insults, and degradation.

Friedrich III.
06.10.14, 17:12
Amnesia (http://chobituary.blogspot.de/2014/10/amnesia.html) [1] (http://www.escapistmagazine.com/forums/read/18.860762-GamerGate-Discussion-Debate-and-Resources?page=526#21474003)

I grew up during the Super Nintendo era and (contrary to their reputation) I was drawn to games specifically because of how lush and feminine they were. Worlds were constructed in glossy pastels, bright colors and orchestrated with beautiful music. Even the more macho titles were lit with the shimmering gleam of 80's sci fi. Gaming for me was a rich, sensual experience.

Not just in aesthetic but even in function, videogames were a revelation. Reading about or observing a character is one thing but being able to play as a character of another gender offers a form of identity exploration that simply did not exist before now.

The Street Fighter games are not a commentary upon the evils of institutionalized violence. They're not supposed to be. They're supposed to be fun games where I can play as a Chinese Interpol agent who effortlessly dispatches men twice her size in hand-to-hand combat. This empowers me as a woman. Belief in invisible systems of patriarchal control does not.

The Legend of Zelda titles have little to say about the everyday reality of life of as an orphan but they tell us something of society regardless.

Link is an orphan specifically because the player needs to bond with him emotionally if they are to commit themselves to his quest. This is a test of character. We are given charge of someone vulnerable and alone and rather than abandon them, we care for their needs and go on an adventure together.

Games represented a safe space for me. They not only gave me respite from the ills of reality but they also let me explore within myself. As a child I fantasized and prayed to be taken away from my abusive caretakers and to go somewhere safe. When the reality of your life is less than ideal, fiction and fantasy form a surrogate. This is precisely why marginalized and minority people are attracted to videogames.

I had no involvement in GamerGate or NotYourShield until I was attacked by their opposition. I avoid identity politics the same way I avoid other sources of faceless drama. This wasn't always the case. Up until a few years ago I worked as a community advocate and inclusion facilitator for the type of worthy causes Social Justice types gush over. I began with high ambitions but in reality no one involved really wanted to change anything. They wanted to fuss over victims, not stop people from being hurt. By the time the Warrior Class of Social Justice enthusiast targeted me for harassment I had already made my resolution; if I could live my life well and take care of myself and the people I care about, it would do more good in the world than empty words and promises. I quit my job and moved on.

And so to GamerGate. I was attacked for 'claiming' to be a woman who played videogames. Initially I laughed this off.


According to Anti-Gamer Activists, women are victims. They require protection because they will always be victims. And should a woman break the confines of the Victim archetype, strange things start to happen.

A woman who speaks for herself, defends herself and takes responsibility for herself is not a victim. However we are dealing with an ideology which defines women exclusively as Victims. Therefore women who fail to fulfill the role of Victim must be broken and returned to their proper place. They must be subject to abuse or de-feminized and told they have been corrupted by patriarchal ideology.

Women are supported and encouraged but they are only supported and encouraged to be broken and helpless. They are kept within a set archetype.

(9 Zeichen)

Friedrich III.
06.10.14, 22:13
An Issue With Agendas (http://unprofessionalportfolio.wordpress.com/2014/10/03/an-issue-with-agendas/)

The journalists behind these articles know that there are more clicks in a “This game promotes misogyny!” article than there are in a “This game is a good example of a strong female character” article, so almost all of their critique trends towards the negative. We see reviews that mark a game down because it made the reviewer “feel like a bully” (https://archive.today/OJqwh). We see articles telling us that this video game makes us equate kissing with killing (https://archive.today/XpO7f). Their method of change is not to produce “less problematic” content or invite discussion, it is to find something they perceive as objectionable and then denounce it. When you’re told over and over that everything you like is terrible, its easy to become frustrated with those doing the telling.


While gaming journalists may believe they are doing this for the best, saving the delicate flowers from criticism, this attitude harms the creators too. The worst thing you can do for someone’s art is to tell them it is perfect when it isn’t. When you hear nothing but universal praise and dismiss criticism by its very nature, where then is the drive to get better? By insulating women in the gaming industry from criticism you are telling them “this is good enough, do not attempt to improve yourself”.

This is what gamers hate about the modern industry, success does not seem to be achieved through skill, but by playing by the rules. When there is a “megaphone” waiting to crush your dreams, why divert from the narrative? Gamers want a meritocracy, and above all they want good games. If people entering the industry refuse to take criticism then I am sorry to say, maybe they shouldn’t be in this industry.


If someone creates a painting that you hate, a painting that you find horrible and objectionable, a painting you believe is a representation of all that is wrong in the world…

You still have no right to change it.

You can choose not to look at it or you can refuse to buy a print but the artist is under no obligation to change it based on your opinion. For better or worse, everything in that painting is the choice of the artist.

Game critics don’t seem to grasp this idea. Games appear to be the only art form that must appeal to and represent every demographic simultaneously. They will demand playable female characters when the game was not written for a playable female character; Mighty No. 9, Assassin’s Creed Unity. They will decry freedom of choice built into a game because if framed a very particular way it can be seen as sexist; Hitman: Absolution, any GTA game. And they will claim 30 year old games are examples of modern societal issues; Dragon’s Lair, Ms. Pac Man.

The tragic part is that these were the people who led the “games are art” charge. They campaigned for legitimacy and respect for our medium and when they got it they set about burning it down. They told game developers, “Yes what you made is art, now lets start talking about how your art can appeal to me”.

What I, and I believe many gamers would love to see is less attacking of existing art and more provision of opportunity. Nobody is arguing against diversity of sex, race or sexual orientation on screen or in development, we would just like to see it come from positivity, not guilt trips. Yelling at a game for featuring primarily white men is the negative approach, providing opportunities for minority developers to get into the industry and change that is the positive. Tearing down a game because it uses a “trope” is the negative approach, trying to get girls interested in games and game development is the positive. If diversity comes as a result of shaming games and game developers at the highest levels, it will only grow to be resented as all things forced upon you are. If it comes from a grassroots movement, it will be much more likely to be embraced as a representation of how diverse we truly are at all levels of the industry.

Friedrich III.
10.10.14, 04:34
The Gender Games: Sex, Lies, and Video Games (http://www.realclearpolitics.com/articles/2014/10/09/the_gender_games_sex_lies_and_videogames_124244.html) [1] (http://www.escapistmagazine.com/forums/read/18.860762-GamerGate-Discussion-Debate-and-Resources?page=596#21486593)

As often happens, reality is more complex than any of these narratives. While the gamers’ revolt has very legitimate issues, it is also true that it has been linked to some very ugly misogynist harassment of feminists. It also seems clear that the overwhelming majority of GamerGate supporters reject such tactics—and that harassment related to this conflict has been a two-way street. For a supposed misogynist “hate mob,” GamerGate includes a lot of vocal women—and they have their own complaints of gender-based abuse, such as being called gender traitors or even “male sockpuppets.” Finally, the feminism GamerGate rebels against is not simply about equality or diversity; it is an authoritarian, far-left brand of gender politics that views everything through the lens of patriarchal oppression and tolerates no dissent.

A disclaimer is in order: I am not a gamer [...].

I do have personal experience with the gamers’ mortal enemies, the so-called “social justice warriors,” to know they can be a highly toxic Internet presence. Those who voice their loathing of “the SJWs” are not simply talking about people sympathetic to socially progressive causes but about cultist zealots who enforce the party line with the fervor of Mao’s Red Guards, though luckily without the real-life power.


Here’s a fun fact: Adam Baldwin’s role in GamerGate started with retweeting (https://twitter.com/MissAngerist/status/504234850560536576) a post by “concerned feminist blogger” Ariel Connor (a pseudonym), or “MissAngerist” on Twitter, who wrote (http://www.twitlonger.com/show/n_1s644c0) that she had been wrong in her earlier negative view of the anti-Quinn backlash and in her defense of Quinn. She has become one of many strong female voices on GamerGate’s side.


One such woman, Sabrina Harris, a British technical writer and self-described “general consumer of traditionally nerdy things,” recently published an essay (https://medium.com/@SabrinaLianne/please-stop-erasing-us-your-feminism-or-the-highway-1e1d40b17fc4) asking writers who depict GamerGate as misogynist to “please stop erasing us.” In an email to me, Harris stressed that she has never seen GamerGate support misogyny or harassment of women and that “plenty of people on the tag have actively policed” such comments when they do show up.

Interestingly, Harris not only considers herself a feminist but is quite willing to acknowledge that there are real issues of both sexism in gaming culture and sexist depictions of women in videogames. Yet she strongly believes that most feminists currently addressing these issues are doing so in a counterproductive way.

Friedrich III.
13.10.14, 16:08
Listening and Believing: What Vicious Harassment Really Looks Like (http://www.zenofdesign.com/listening-and-believing/) [1] (http://www.escapistmagazine.com/forums/read/18.860762-GamerGate-Discussion-Debate-and-Resources?page=659#21498379)

This article is about harassment. And it’s not just about attacks on anti-gamergaters. Some are #gamergaters who were harassed – either by antis or anarchistic assholes. But many of these are from events that predate #gamergate, in totally different scandals and explosions.


I’ve said from the beginning (http://www.zenofdesign.com/our-growing-fuckwad-culture-problem/), as long as there are people harassed, and my friends and colleagues are afraid to speak freely on the topic (http://www.zenofdesign.com/the-most-important-part-of-this-escapist-articles-is-the-anonymity/) – pro or con, then I don’t give a shit about the cause of journalistic corruption. Worrying about what an op-ed writer said a month ago, and whether some shitty independent games award was won legit means NOTHING to me because right now, bullies (on both sides) are trying to silence dissonant voices. Most frequently, that means women, especially women who don’t ‘pick the right side’.


Do I think that #Gamergate has its share of creepers and harassers buried in the ranks? I absolutely do. The traffic on the Brianna Wu 8chan thread and the Zoe Quinn KiA thread pretty much makes that clear. I believe that there is a small number of Gamergaters (probably 1%) who is using #Gamergate as camoflauge to do incredibly shitty shit to further the cause. However, the more I look at it, the more that I’m convinced that the real problem are assholes who just want to watch the world burn. They probably don’t consider pro- or anti-, they just want to make people mad. And right now, the easiest way to make people mad is to dox an anti-gamergater. Because it just reinforces the existing narrative that #gamergate is about harassment. Which just forces #gamergaters to get angry, defensive and self-righteous. And so the perpetual outrage machine just keeps churning on.

13.10.14, 16:26

Danach wurde sie massiv beschimpft und belästigt, bis schließlich ihre Adresse veröffentlicht wurde

Die armen Gamer. Das hat bestimmt nur wieder jemand falsch verstanden. Die wollten doch nur kuscheln!

Friedrich III.
13.10.14, 16:37
Siehe das Zitat im Post über dir. ;)

Friedrich III.
13.10.14, 19:07
Female Game Developers Share Their Views on #GamerGate (http://www.escapistmagazine.com/articles/view/video-games/features/12306-Female-Game-Developers-Make-Statements-on-GamerGate)

What Male Game Developers Think of #GamerGate (http://www.escapistmagazine.com/articles/view/video-games/features/12383-Game-Developer-GamerGate-Interviews-Shed-Light-on-Women-in-Games)

Friedrich III.
13.10.14, 21:39
Kathy Sierra [1] (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kathy_Sierra) - Trouble at the Koolaid Point (http://seriouspony.com/trouble-at-the-koolaid-point/)

Andrew Auernheimer (weev) [2] (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Weev) - "Women in tech", doxing, Kathy Sierra, and the koolaid. (https://weev.livejournal.com/409913.html?nojs=1)

Guardian - The truth about trolls and the men they worship (http://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2014/oct/09/trolls-men-witch-hunt-internet)

The Daily Beast - Men Are Harassed More Than Women Online (http://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2014/09/04/men-are-harassed-more-than-women-online.html)

There is the obvious danger of censoring legitimate speech. In Canada right now, a middle-aged designer named Gregory Elliott is on trial (http://fullcomment.nationalpost.com/2014/07/23/christie-blatchford-the-twitter-trial-of-gregory-elliott-is-becoming-much-like-twitter-itself-shrill-and-uber-sensitive/) for criminal harassment for sending non-sexual, non-threatening, but argumentative unwelcome tweets to feminist activist Stephanie Guthrie. But there is also the danger of perpetuating women’s vulnerabilities in the name of protecting them. In her analysis of videogames, Sarkeesian has been particularly critical of damsel-in-distress stereotypes and casual “depictions of female victimhood.” Yet we bolster the same stereotypes when we focus on nasty things said to women while trivializing threats against men even though men are much more likely to be victims of violence by strangers.

As long as the Internet exists, there will be rude, nasty, and unstable people on it—and sometimes, you will be attacked, especially if you write and speak on controversial subjects. We need a better middle ground between telling victims of harassment to grow a thick skin, and telling people they have a right to be shielded from all un-pleasantries. As we search for that middle ground, we should beware of paternalism based on the mistaken view that Internet nastiness is a particular problem for women.

Friedrich III.
15.10.14, 00:09


(Video) CNN - Gaming culture war raging (http://www.cnn.com/video/data/2.0/video/business/2014/10/14/wbt-death-threats-to-female-gamer-narcisse.cnn.html)

BBC - GamerGate: 'Press must tackle misogyny,' says developer (http://www.bbc.com/news/technology-29616197) [1] (http://www.escapistmagazine.com/forums/read/18.860762-GamerGate-Discussion-Debate-and-Resources?page=709#21504661)

Friedrich III.
15.10.14, 18:32

(Video) Huffpost Live: Female Gamers React to #GamerGate - Does #GamerGate Have The Support Of Female Gamers? (http://live.huffingtonpost.com/r/segment/gamergate-and-women-in-video-game-culture/543c686878c90a71ff000157) [1] (http://www.escapistmagazine.com/forums/read/18.860762-GamerGate-Discussion-Debate-and-Resources?page=743#21508273)

As #GamerGate continues to stir up controversy both within and beyond the gaming community, plenty of female gamers have spoken up in support of the movement. A panel of female gamers joins us to discuss what they really think #GamerGate is about.

Originally aired on October 15, 2014

Hosted by:

Ricky Camilleri


Georgina Young @georgieonthego (Saga, Japan) Staff Writer at Gamesided
Jennie Bharaj @jenniebharaj (Vancouver, Canada) YouTuber; Gamer
Jemma Morgan @ShuluuMoo (London, United Kingdom) Gamer

Friedrich III.
16.10.14, 18:36

[1] (http://www.escapistmagazine.com/forums/read/18.860762-GamerGate-Discussion-Debate-and-Resources?page=768#21512467) The Escapist Forums

[2] (https://twitter.com/RickyCam/status/522741943840014336) Twitter

#GamerGate: an un‑PC rebellion (http://www.spiked-online.com/newsite/article/gamergate-an-un-pc-rebellion/16029#.VD-FNhaDnN5) [3] (http://www.escapistmagazine.com/forums/read/18.860762-GamerGate-Discussion-Debate-and-Resources?page=764#21511760)

In the early 2000s, the socially conservative activist Jack Thompson gained notoriety for engaging in a stream of litigation (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jack_Thompson_%28activist%29#Rap_music) against video-game companies, arguing that they were responsible for everything from gang violence to school shootings.

The tenor of moral panic has changed since then. Now, the main source of fear, loathing and general misanthropy in the gaming industry stems from the cultural left rather than the socially conservative right. Similar to the old right, the new cultural warriors argue that games promote violence and reinforce so-called rape culture (https://archive.today/oF3p3). Arguments that games perpetuate sexism (http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/06/14/tropes-vs-women-in-video-_n_1597214.html) and racism (http://motherboard.vice.com/read/blockbuster-video-games-still-suck-at-handling-racism) are also fairly common. Instead of being seen as mere escapism, the tastes of modern gamers are portrayed as dangerous and subversive, a threat to right-on values.


The growing contempt of the games-industry elite for the preferences of gamers has accelerated in recent months. Following a major confrontation between gamers and activists last August over allegations of journalistic favouritism, article after article (http://www.slate.com/articles/technology/bitwise/2014/09/gamergate_explodes_gaming_journalists_declare_the_gamers_are_over_but_they.html) has been published decrying the gaming community for its alleged bigotry, sexism and narrow-mindedness. The worst examples of ‘social-media harassment’ were used as an excuse to present gamers as a mass of hateful savages. To those familiar with the regular and sometimes absurd panics over football fans, this language will sound familiar.

You may well ask how these activists are able to sustain these bizarre beliefs, particularly given the mounting evidence that gamers are actually a pretty diverse and welcoming group of people after all (http://www.cinemablend.com/games/-NotYourShield-Video-Shows-All-Different-Faces-Behind-GamerGate-67173.html).


Some very strange political alliances are forming. I’ve seen self-described socialists and communists write impassioned comments of gratitude beneath pro-gamer articles on right-wing news site Breitbart. I’ve seen trans activists join forces with right-wing commentators to stick it to the activists of the authoritarian left – those very same activists who claim to speak on their behalf!


If we are at the point where women, minorities, and left-wing sympathisers prefer to support right-wing libertarians over the authoritarian gaming press, it suggests something interesting is taking place in this surprisingly large arena of cultural politics.

16.10.14, 19:05


Friedrich III.
16.10.14, 19:13
Einseitig und oberflächlich.

Bzgl. der Bombendrohung/generellen Drohungen, siehe (nochmal) (http://www.si-games.com/forum/showthread.php?t=27459&page=3&p=969433#post969433).

Friedrich III.
16.10.14, 23:43
CNN (Twitter) - You know that #Gamergate hashtag you've been seeing in your feeds? This is what it means (https://twitter.com/CNN/status/522831910343413761) [1] (http://www.escapistmagazine.com/forums/read/18.860762-GamerGate-Discussion-Debate-and-Resources?page=775#21513774)


CNN - Behind the furor over #Gamergate (http://cnn.it/1wdyWO4)

Friedrich III.
18.10.14, 15:13
How to Spot – and Defeat – Disruption on the Internet: The 15 Rules of Web Disruption (http://www.washingtonsblog.com/2012/08/the-15-rules-of-internet-disinformation.html) [1a] (http://www.escapistmagazine.com/forums/read/18.860762-GamerGate-Discussion-Debate-and-Resources?page=779#21514408)

Internal Email Shows Guardian Had Mind Made Up on GamerGate (http://theralphretort.com/internal-email-shows-guardian-mind-made-gamergate/) [1b] (http://www.escapistmagazine.com/forums/read/18.860762-GamerGate-Discussion-Debate-and-Resources?page=782#21514848)

Tits or GTFO: An Editorial on #GamerGate and #NotYourShield (http://theflounce.com/tits-gtfo-editorial-gamergate-notyourshield/) [2] (http://www.escapistmagazine.com/forums/read/18.860762-GamerGate-Discussion-Debate-and-Resources?page=784#21515410)

#GamerGate may be a victim of a false flag operation (https://storify.com/LadyFuzztail/gamergate-may-be-a-victim-of-a-false-flag-operati) [2] (http://www.escapistmagazine.com/forums/read/18.860762-GamerGate-Discussion-Debate-and-Resources?page=784#21515410)

- - -

I am a woman, I am a game developer, and I support GamerGate. This is why. (http://www.sjword.com/stephanie/ydtg) [3] (http://www.escapistmagazine.com/forums/read/18.860762-GamerGate-Discussion-Debate-and-Resources?page=813#21519802)

After that, the boy continued to reach for my breasts any chance he had. I tried to avoid him, but he still managed to find me alone once every month or so until the year was over. Whenever I saw him coming for me, my mind would just leave my body. I was completely defeated, utterly resigned to being a victim. I had learned to just let it happen. Any time he was assaulting me, I just repeated in my mind, "It will be over in a few seconds. Don't worry. It's really not a big deal."

I am crying as I write this.

The only ones in school who were ever nice to me were punks, goths, and one other group I will now mention.

During those years, spending weekends with my small group of friends brought me the only happiness I had. I felt SO safe and happy with them. We shared so much laughter and joy. At the end of the day, my cheeks were often hurting because I had been smiling too much. If I had not had them in my life, I know I would be dead today.

They were the most tolerant, caring, and imaginative people I had ever met.

They were gamers.

We would usually start out playing Dungeons and Dragons, imaginations alight with creativity, a burning inferno of fantastic imagery as our dungeon master helped tell the story of our quest. Then we would play Super Smash Brothers Melee until our fingers were numb, cracking jokes that seemed so brilliant at the time. We'd usually end the night by playing Pokemon together.

They were more than friends to me, they were heroes. I will never forget them. They never made me uncomfortable. They never made me feel bad for who I am inside. They offered sympathy and support when I needed it most.

My safe space was gamers.

Today, a decade later, I am an independent game developer. I am also a social justice warrior. I regularly work with other SJWs to help build safe spaces in our community and discuss ways we can take action to change society for the better. I sometimes contribute articles reaching out to trans women and men. We collaborate and print physical zines, and we distribute them to those open to learning what we stand for whenever we get the chance.

Games are a part of the safe spaces we build. In the collectives in my city, we often have vegan potlucks where anyone sympathetic to social justice causes is invited to hang out, have fun with us, and share ideas. In my own collective, we have a Wii U and a PS4, and we spend a lot of time playing games to reduce stress and nurture mutual affinity.

I understand many people reading this may not agree with SJWs, but in the context of GamerGate, I believe we all share a similar interest in routing out corruption and destroying the skewed, patriarchal power structure modern game journalism represents. Furthermore, I do not understand why some people in the game journalism industry are claiming to represent the social justice movement. It's absurd on a fundamental level. Real SJWs would never willingly work for an entrenched patriarchal gaming journalism media oligarchy, owned and operated by and for the exclusive benefit of a group of privileged, wealthy men and their equally privileged stockholders.

I am a woman, I am a SJW, and I support #GamerGate.

The Ceaseless March of GamerGate (http://techraptor.net/content/ceaseless-march-gamergate) [4] (http://www.escapistmagazine.com/forums/read/18.860762-GamerGate-Discussion-Debate-and-Resources?page=815#21520076)

I feel dirty writing 1700 words about this; not because I have second thoughts about why I chose to support GamerGate or why I believe GamerGate is absolutely necessary—the Re/code, Kotaku, and Gamasutra articles I linked should make that abundantly clear. I feel dirty about writing 1700 words on this topic because we, pro-GamerGate and anti-GamerGate alike, never should have made it to this point. Dialogue should have happened long before now. Boogie tried to initiate it, and was crapped on by both sides for making the effort. Erik Kain suggested it (http://www.forbes.com/sites/erikkain/2014/10/06/its-time-for-video-game-journalists-to-engage-with-gamergate/) less than a week ago, only to have the T.C. Sottek hatchet piece hit. To his credit, Mr. Sottek did hit up the burgersandfries IRC channel to chat with folks in there, but most of that conversation was people talking past each other, with Sottek trying to convince people to go after AAA, and the IRC folks trying to explain why an Editor in Chief owning a piece of an indie developer is an obvious conflict of interest.

Friedrich III.
19.10.14, 00:24
Justice For Autism (http://mindlesszombiestudios.com/content/justice-autism) [1] (http://www.escapistmagazine.com/forums/read/18.860762-GamerGate-Discussion-Debate-and-Resources?page=825#21521705)

There has been a recent event that was brought to my attention today, Monday October 13th, 2014, that, as a moral and ethical person, compels me to bring this to your attention as well. As I was watching MSNBC today, they ran a story regarding, "#GamerGate", a consumer revolt against the video game industry who have been dealing in corrupt and unethical business practices for many years now. The guest for this segment was a woman by the name of Brianna Wu, A Massachusetts local to the Boston area who spoke out against this revolt. In her interview, you can see here at the following link:


and backup copies at these links as well:

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NMtLPCBIfFY & http://videobam.com/FHRUL

Ms Wu had mentioned people were unhappy about "a meme" she had re-tweeted on her social media account via "Twitter", (http:www.twitter.com/spacekatgal). which you can hear her reference at the start of her interview when she comes on at 2 minutes 30 seconds seen here:


and finishes at 3 minutes 31 seconds has sent a major outcry in the video gaming community.


The reason I mention all these critical facts to your attention is that Ms Wu never said why the general public is so upset at Ms Wu over the content she had reposted on her twitter account. The following links are from Ms Wu's twitter account, as I had posted to you above, in addition to, links to, "the photos in questioned" (the archive.today links are the same as her twitter status tweets just incase she deletes her tweets so I have a backup copy.)






As you can see, Ms Wu says about these images and I direct quote Ms Wu you can see from the following links are:

"This was just sent to me, a new meme called Oppressed Gamergater. Love it. "


"Haha. This Oppressed Gamergater thing is so full of win. I'll RT the best ones. "

Ms Wu has every right under the American Constitution to, "The right to free speech," which I am perfectly fine with, but my complaint (and more importantly what has to do with your organization) has to do with "the photo she used" in her meme. You may not recognize the origins of Ms Wu's image but Ms Wu's image used in her meme that she claims that she, "Loves It"

and "Is so full of win," came from an "AutismSpeaks" presentation found at the following link,


I believe this may be a case of Ms Wu, engaging in unlawfully infringing on copy-written content towards your organization by using a photo from a presentation without prior consent to not only harass/bully a large community while using their image, but to also use your company to ridicule people.

Ms Wu has over 15,200+ followers on her Twitter account, who all saw Ms Wu use your image and even encouraged people to "make their own meme's" using the same image that was infringed upon. How dare Ms Wu not only steal an image she has no legal ownership of, but to also openly mock and encourage others to make fun of a community that has been striving to not be ridicule and to be taken seriously for decades! I am outraged by Ms Wu's shallowness meanwhile on worldwide television not even have the courage to address as to "what nor why" people are so upset at her over in the first place is a sure sign of cowardice.

Ms Wu pretends to be innocent and a victim meanwhile her interactions via social media depeict a completely "different" person than Ms Wu really is in real life. She is a theif, a liar, and a horrific person to steal a photo from the autistic community, lie to millions of people on live television as to what the actual content of the photo everyones upset over in the first place and just the immoral indecency to ridicule a community that she finds it hilarious is appauling of her character.

Heise News Foren - Der eigentliche Auslöser wird mal wieder verschwiegen (http://www.heise.de/newsticker/foren/S-Der-eigentliche-Ausloeser-wird-mal-wieder-verschwiegen/forum-286729/msg-25940361/read/)

Brianna Wu hatte auf Twitter einen Fakeaccount angelegt, um
#GamerGate zu diskreditieren. Hier die Ankündigung:
Hier die Ausführung:

U.a. kam dann sowas dabei raus:
"The death scenes in Tomb Raider give me an erection, but that
doesn’t make me a misogynist. #gamergate"

Nicht, dass dies die Drohungen gegen sie rechtfertigen würde, aber es
ist schon auffallend, dass solche Informationen von der Presse - und
eben auch von Heise - gerne mal unterschlagen werden - anscheinend in
der Absicht, die involvierten Feministinnen als arglose
Unschuldslämmer erscheinen zu lassen.

Friedrich III.
19.10.14, 00:42

Tut sie nicht.


Die beiden Clips in "Schwarzweiß" stammen aus diesem Video [27:44 und 29:44] (über Proxy erreichbar):


Alternativ: Vimeo [12:47 und 14:47] (http://vimeo.com/13216819)

Friedrich III.
19.10.14, 14:21
#Gamergate moral panic resembles the 90s, which directly affects women's career choices (http://adland.tv/adnews/gamergate-moral-panic-resembles-90s-which-directly-affects-womens-career-choices/1629488701#1b42eRKGwcw1uziI.99) [1] (http://www.escapistmagazine.com/forums/read/18.860762-GamerGate-Discussion-Debate-and-Resources?page=839#21523566)

By now, if you haven't been living off-grid, you've heard of Gamergate. It's been mentioned in connection to recent school massacre email threat made to Utah State University, who were clear on that they "determined that there was no threat to students, staff or the speaker, so no alert was issued", prior to Anita Sarkeesian scheduled lecture. Ms Sarkeesian decided to cancel anyway, and in the NYT profile on her she makes some points about Gun Control (http://www.nytimes.com/2014/10/16/technology/gamergate-women-video-game-threats-anita-sarkeesian.html?_r=0), since Utah is a concealed carry state. The NYT article also has no problems connecting the threats to #gamergate.


Now, I already gave a quick rundown about the problem affecting us professionals in advertising in insulting consumers shrinks the market (http://adland.tv/adnews/gamergate-insulting-consumers-shrinks-market/1027025677). Since then Intel pulled ads from Gamasutra (http://adland.tv/adnews/intel-has-gamers-inside-pulls-advertising-gamasutra/251869514) and just today Gawker Media lost Mercedes (http://adland.tv/adnews/mercedes-pulls-advertising-gawker-network/1636503170) as their advertiser. In a world where yellow journalism has respawned as clickbait journalism in an effort to draw the ad-dollar when our news outlets financial support relies on CPM, it seems we're now peddling outrage rather than a dedicated interested readership an advertiser would want to target. The discourse in 140 chars and microwave mentality (http://adland.tv/adnews/microwave-mentality-part-two-all-news-fit-gank/1350757195) only serves to amplify the ugly. Moral panic brings a lot of clicks. Won't somebody think of the (insert woman, child or minority here).


Now, if you're sensing a pattern here, it's because there is one. By painting gaming and gamers, developers and fans as a large group of violent misogynistic creeps, you are shrinking the market, there's no doubt in my mind. And right at this very moment, there might be a young gamer-girl in College who is getting a phone call telling her that her internship won't happen because a dev is closing shop. By painting anything said about three women as threats and misogynistic violence and then attaching it to all gamers & the game-dev industry, the media may very well have poisoned the well for all other women.

I got doxxed and sent some really gross threats... (http://gamergateharassment.tumblr.com/post/99995431621/i-got-doxxed-and-sent-some-really-gross-threats)
Well, that was a surprisingly real phonecall... (http://hokuto-ju-no-ken.tumblr.com/post/99774092444/well-that-was-a-surprisingly-real-phonecall) [2] (http://www.escapistmagazine.com/forums/read/18.860762-GamerGate-Discussion-Debate-and-Resources?page=842#21523795)

I feel that with the unique nature of how this harassment turned out and actually having been able to confront the person who did it that people should see that people are being conditioned into thinking that this is an acceptable way to respond to people with different opinions. Don’t get me wrong, it doesn’t excuse it one bit, but it does highlight another huge problem in the internet social justice culture. Impressionable young minds are being mislead and manipulated.

Gamergate Movement Claims Their Female, LGBT, And Non-White Supporters Are Under Attack (http://www.inquisitr.com/1548436/gamergate-movement-claims-their-female-lgbt-and-non-white-supporters-are-under-attack/) [3] (http://www.escapistmagazine.com/forums/read/18.860762-GamerGate-Discussion-Debate-and-Resources?page=845#21523969)

Gamergate supporter Adam Baldwin disputes many of the claims (http://www.inquisitr.com/1540781/brianna-wu-gamergate-tied-to-death-threats-adam-baldwin-claims-deceptions/) made by both women. Baldwin believes the Gamergate movement is really about ethics in journalism (http://www.inquisitr.com/1533026/gamergate-transforms-into-a-political-debate-on-feminism-cultural-marxism-and-the-liberal-media/) and how progressive ideals are being embedded into the published articles of major gaming websites. Oddly enough, he has also noted that some of the gaming community under attack by anti-Gamergate supporters may in fact agree with their attackers in regards to ideology.

RT @BlMarketParade “anyone who still holds #GamerGate to be a hate movement instantly loses their credibility.”

— Adam Baldwin (@AdamBaldwin) October 18, 2014

MT @RoninGreg “I’d guess that most gamers are younger, liberal folks, Democrat base. The MSM attacks on #GamerGate has been an eye opener.”

— Adam Baldwin (@AdamBaldwin) October 18, 2014

The Gamergate movement has largely been described as being while males. While no one knows the exact demographics for certain, Gamergate supporters say there is a good percentage of fellow members who are female, non-white, and LGBT. The oddest accusation of all is that one of the Twitter handles run by the ISIS terrorist group (https://archive.today/y7F7E) even started tweeting in opposition of Gamergate. In addition, it’s claimed that at least 30 individuals have been harassed in various ways and Gamergate supporters accuse the media of ignoring their plight.

For example, a transgender person named Alexander Wuori (http://www.twitlonger.com/show/n_1sbcbss) was outed publicly and called over the phone. Wuori describes the experience, saying, ” I was pretty much shaking in my boots at this point.” Then a specific threat was made by the unknown caller.

“Do your family and friends know you’re trans? It looks like they don’t… Wouldn’t it be funny if someone called them up and outed you to all of them? Oh, oh! And what if they found out you’re a F***ING LOSER who bakes cookies for an imaginary cartoon character?! I’d bet they’d reeeaaally like that one! How would your parents react if they were told just how much of a pathetic, disgusting, loser the son they raised turned out to be?”

Essentially, Wuori was doxxed, which is the practice of publicly exposing someone’s real name or address on the Internet. The targets of doxxing typically don’t want their information online, and because of this The Inquisitr will not publish their Twitter handles in order to prevent any further harassment.

For example, one woman was attacked on Twitter because “apparently I hate women because I’m a gamer.” When others suggest she out those attacking her, she replied, “I’m afraid of being doxxed, sorry. These people actively target who they consider ‘gender traitors’ or apostates.” Other women were told by anti-GamerGate supporters that they had access to private data on their Facebook accounts and demanded that they stopped tweeting in favor of Gamergate. Some of those who oppose Gamergate also could not believe that actual women could support Gamergate and instead claimed they were men posing as women online.

There’s even stories of people calling the workplaces of Gamergate supporters in order to claim they are part of a hate group. As a consequence, it’s alleged the Gamergate supporters were fired from their jobs. One of these users tweeted about their situation.

“I’m on leave without pay until a decision is made on if I will continue employment at my company…. Its a bit of mixed feelings from everyone involved, ones worried about public relations and more so the way I handled it.”

Just this past week, a woman claims her business with Amazon was blocked due to anonymous complaints. Amazon was allegedly withholding her income and she was trying to resolve the situation. Even on Saturday, October 18, she had multiple Twitter users harassing her with threats like “seriously hope you kill yourself you worthless thot” and “none of this would have happened if [name removed] had stayed in the kitchen.”

There have also been multiple death threats. For example, one Twitter user claimed the entire family was threatened.

“Just last night I deleted a youtube comment from a user who posted my home address and said he’d kill my wife and leave me to mourn.”

Another back and forth conversation involved an anti-Gamergate supporter saying, “I’m gonna stab you multiple times over if you don’t stop targeting defenseless women.” The Twitter user then tweeted the Gamergate supporters’s home address and claimed he or she would “wait outside your house ’till you leave and blow out your brain. Going to go pick up my gun now. After I’m through, you won’t need a casket.” The Gamergate supporter responded, “If you come onto my property I will kill you for trespassing, bury you in my yard, and go on with life.”

Needless to say, the amount of personal attacks involving Gamergate have continued to escalate. The question remains if Gamergate will result in positive changes overall, or if the cycle of attacks will escalate.

Friedrich III.
20.10.14, 16:28
Pro Vs Anti GamerGate – Two Interviews (http://mangotron.com/pro-vs-anti-gamergate-two-interviews/) [1] (http://www.escapistmagazine.com/forums/read/18.860762-GamerGate-Discussion-Debate-and-Resources?page=870#21527114)

Uncle Thursday's Thoughts (http://unclethursday.tumblr.com/post/100381513443/on-gamergate) [2] (http://www.escapistmagazine.com/forums/read/18.860762-GamerGate-Discussion-Debate-and-Resources?page=875#21527815)

Adriaan den Ouden - On #GamerGate ( tmblr.co/ZUPBDm1Tax2qn) [3] (http://www.escapistmagazine.com/forums/read/18.860762-GamerGate-Discussion-Debate-and-Resources?page=875#21527815)

Friedrich III.
21.10.14, 23:30
The Gender Games, Part 2: Videogames Meet Feminism (http://www.realclearpolitics.com/articles/2014/10/21/the_gender_games_part_2_videogames_meet_feminism_124375.html) [1] (http://www.escapistmagazine.com/forums/read/18.860762-GamerGate-Discussion-Debate-and-Resources?page=905#21533404)

What’s left out is that many of the 2013 best-sellers, such as Saints Row IV, allow players to customize the lead character as male or female; others, such as Assassin’s Creed IV and Lego Marvel Super-Heroes, have multiple playable characters of both sexes, while Minecraft features a genderless Lego-like player figure. In the EEDAR sample, nearly half of the games had a female-protagonist option. Highly popular game franchises with an optional female lead include Skyrim, Fallout, and Mass Effect; in the latter, even male gamers often chose the female-protagonist option, apparently due to the female voice actor’s impressive performance.


Sarkeesian’s Tropes vs. Women videos, which feature prominently in the debate about videogames, feminism and sexism, are full of selective and skewed analysis—one that neglects positive female images, ignores examples of male characters getting the same treatment she considers sexist for women, and attacks games for encouraging deadly violence toward female characters when killing those characters is actually the “bad” option that causes player to lose points. (A fairly detailed three (http://gamesided.com/2014/09/08/sarkeesian-truth-part-1-straw-feminist-trojan-horse-censorship/)-part (http://gamesided.com/2014/09/09/sarkeesian-vs-truth-part-ii-phantom-sources-dixie-kong-double-standards/) discussion (http://gamesided.com/2014/09/10/nsarkeesian-vs-truth-part-iii-impossible-argument-men-koopas/) of the flaws in Sarkeesian’s critique was posted a few weeks ago on Gamesided.com; for upfront disclosure, the first part quotes from an old column of mine criticizing radical anti-sex feminist Andrea Dworkin, on whose theories Sarkeesian sometimes relies.) It should go without saying that the biased shoddiness of Sarkeesian’s arguments does not in any way excuse the online harassment toward her, let alone violent threats. But the harassment should not preclude a critical examination of her critique—instead of the largely unquestioning adulation it has received from the elite gaming media.


In this kind of atmosphere, it’s not surprising that many people aren’t very keen on having discussions of gender and sexism. Sabrina Harris, the British tech writer and longtime gamer who supports GamerGate, told me in an email:

Many gaming publications have, over the past few years, demonised any attempt to evaluate the arguments of women involved in gaming criticism, no matter how idiotic or demonstrably false the things they say can be. If you’re a man criticising a woman, you’re sexist. If you’re a woman criticising a woman, you have internalised misogyny. There is no allowing for discussion with the kind of people writing these articles: you agree with their worldview or you are a bigot. Personally, I feel #GamerGate is a result of this shameful attitude being pushed by those in the gaming media with positions of power for a prolonged period of time.


But after following the #GamerGate tag closely for several weeks, I see no evidence that people like Cernovich—of whom I had never heard until I saw Binder’s post—are influential in the movement. This is an anti-authoritarian rebellion, not an antiwoman backlash.

Developers On 'Gamergate:' Misogyny Isn't A Gaming Problem, It's An Internet Problem (http://www.ibtimes.com/developers-gamergate-misogyny-isnt-gaming-problem-its-internet-problem-1707154) [2] (http://www.escapistmagazine.com/forums/read/18.860762-GamerGate-Discussion-Debate-and-Resources?page=906#21533568)

“Calling something misogynist is an easy way to dismiss any rational points that have come out of Gamergate," gaming industry veteran and Alberta, Canada, developer Jennifer Dawe (https://twitter.com/GMShivers) tells International Business Times. "The reality is if this were just 'misogyny' it would have died off a long time ago. There are enough people keeping it going and I do not believe most if any of them are actual misogynists.”

What about the female game developers who have been targeted by Gamergate supporters, receiving threats of rape and choosing to leave their homes out of fear for their safety? Nick Robalik (https://twitter.com/PixelMetal), a developer at PixelMetal Games and Gamergate supporter, questions the source of these attacks.


Dawe feels the best way to deal with online harassment is to ignore it. If someone feels her life is in danger, she should alert authorities but not give the online trolls any publicity, Dawe suggested. This is the opposite of what developer Zoe Quinn, Brianna Wu and feminist blogger Anita Sarkeesian did. All three women openly tweeted about their harassment, also alerting the online community that they were leaving their homes.

“The main thing is not to respond to it. The more you stoke the fires and argue with random trolls, the more they are going to come at you because they are getting visibility and satisfaction,” Dawe said. “It's also very dishonest to use something that regularly happens on the Internet and attribute it to a group, who just want game journalists to stop insulting them, by default.”

Robalik also believes it's unfair this type of negative behavior is automatically being attributed to the gamergate movement, when, in fact, this type of behavior happens all the time.

“While there are anonymous people on Twitter sending out what could be perceived as threats or harassment, no real evidence exists, or at least has not been presented, that illustrates their connection to the #gamergate hashtag in any substantial way,” Robalik added. “This is one of the major downsides of this discussion being forced on to Twitter. Game-related websites, which should be hosting and fostering this discussion, have instead been attempting to control the narrative and block any dissenting opinion. As a result, we’re forced to discuss this on Twitter where anyone, anywhere, with any motivation, can post to what is a public hashtag on a public website.”

Friedrich III.
23.10.14, 23:27
Gawker: Our Advertisers Are Scum, Who Needs Them Anyway? (http://dailycaller.com/2014/10/23/gawker-our-advertisers-are-scum-who-needs-them-anyway/) [1] (http://www.escapistmagazine.com/forums/read/18.860762-GamerGate-Discussion-Debate-and-Resources?page=958#21540894)

First was Sam Biddle calling (http://i.imgur.com/MeNQuTe.png) for nerds to be viciously bullied, which led to email campaigns convincing Intel (http://www.theverge.com/2014/10/2/6886747/intel-buckles-to-anti-feminist-campaign-by-pulling-ads-from-gaming), Mercedes-Benz (http://adland.tv/adnews/mercedes-pulls-advertising-gawker-network/1636503170), and Adobe to pull advertising from the unrepentantly pro-bullying site. Demonstrating vast chutzpah, Gawker’s Max Read went on to claim (http://unvis.it/gawker.com/how-we-got-rolled-by-the-dishonest-fascists-of-gamergat-1649496579) that Intel “is run by craven idiots,” “employs pusillanimous morons,” and without even a hint of irony, that the tech company “lacks integrity.”

The message is clear and obvious: if you pull your advertising from the pro-bullying, vapidly disingenuous rag, you’re just a piece of shit and Gawker doesn’t need you anyway. The passive-aggressive attitude of the site’s “journalists” constitutes an implicit threat to other advertisers (http://www.reddit.com/r/KotakuInAction/comments/2ji8ji/the_full_list_of_gawkers_advertisers_as_well_as/) Gawker fears might want to dissociate themselves from the explicit approval of bullying. “Continue advertising with us, or we’ll say nasty, defamatory things about you like we did with Intel,” is the implicit threat.


Has the media overplayed its hand? Despite unanimous condemnation of #GamerGate by every prog journalist looking to add a notch to their keyboards, the ragtag band of #GamerGate underdogs appear to only be encouraged by the resistance they meet. No matter how many media outlets declare that the media is not compromised, it is understandable the persecuted are unwilling to believe these proven liars.

It seems that #GamerGate has disturbed a slumbering beast. Neutrality is no longer permissible (http://www.theguardian.com/technology/2014/oct/13/gamergate-right-wing-no-neutral-stance); the battle lines are drawn between the forces of good and evil. Either you unquestioningly believe the narrative the media chooses for you, or you are a dangerous reactionary representing everything evil.

Friedrich III.
25.10.14, 19:09
GamerGate and the incentives of threats (http://mitrailleuse.net/2014/10/23/the-apparent-inability-to-comprehend-incentives/) [1] (http://www.escapistmagazine.com/forums/read/528.860762-GamerGate-Discussion-Debate-and-Resources?page=989#21546269)



Why are so many people anti-Gamergate?! (http://thespectacularspider-girl.tumblr.com/post/100761306919/why-are-so-many-people-anti-gamergate-this-whole)

Gamergate is not for the ‘ethnic’ (since when is female ethic?) cleansing of women in gaming. Are you not aware of the notyourshield tag, which is FILLED with women, minorities and LGBT that support gamergate because we were fucking annoyed that journos declared us dead as gamers as well as the white guys? Completely white washed us.

Are you not aware of the numerous feminists in our group? Or that Gamergate is overwhelmingly left leaning, anti-authoritarian, given our political compass. Or that pro-Gamergate people have been doxxed, including the women and including the black guy who made ‘notyourshield’ (lost his job thanks to it).


Goons are third party trolls attacking every side they can for ‘the lolz’.

Felicia Day’s doxxing (which consisted of her home address and email) was condemned by Gamergate. Why would Gamergate attack her? What would Gamergate get from that? She said she was going to not speak on it again, she was relatively neutral, she was making a personal blog post. Gamergate got absolutely nothing but bad PR for this and there was no reason for Gamergate to do so.

[B@W] Abominus
25.10.14, 19:15
Könnte mir mal einer in ein paar wenigen Sätzen zusammenfassen, worum es hier überhaupt geht?

Ruprecht I.
25.10.14, 19:17
Klar, gerne :D

Friedrich III.
25.10.14, 19:23
Abominus;970919']Könnte mir mal einer in ein paar wenigen Sätzen zusammenfassen, worum es hier überhaupt geht?


25.10.14, 19:23
Es gibt auf Twitter extra einen Algorithmus der jeden Account blockiert der nach dem Auftauchen von Gamergate kreiert wurde und den #Gamergate-Hashtag nutzt. In meinen Sphären ist Gamergate ein Schimpfwort!

Friedrich III.
25.10.14, 21:50
Twitter is broken: GamerGate proves it! (http://www.slate.com/articles/technology/technology/2014/10/twitter_is_broken_gamergate_proves_it.html)

How many seemingly normal people have revealed their worst selves on Twitter? There was the PR executive who tweeted a racist joke (http://www.slate.com/blogs/the_slatest/2013/12/22/justine_sacco_apologizes_for_aids_in_africa_tweet.html) about AIDS in Africa before getting on a plane; she lost her job shortly after landing. The already prickly scientist Richard Dawkins looks even worse in tweeted form, as when he advised a woman to abort her fetus (http://www.theguardian.com/science/2014/aug/21/richard-dawkins-apologises-downs-syndrome-tweet) if it had Down syndrome.

But the full spectrum of Twitter’s defects only became known to me as I have been covering the #GamerGate imbroglio (http://www.slate.com/articles/technology/bitwise/2014/09/gamergate_explodes_gaming_journalists_declare_the_gamers_are_over_but_they.html), the ongoing and increasingly incomprehensible (http://www.theverge.com/2014/10/6/6901013/whats-happening-in-gamergate) angry-gamers-vs.-angry-journalists public relations nightmare that started over a month ago. GamaSutra editor-at-large Leigh Alexander wrote a “gamers are over” (http://www.gamasutra.com/view/news/224400/Gamers_dont_have_to_be_your_audience_Gamers_are_over.php) article in which she called gamers “these obtuse shitslingers, these wailing hyper-consumers, these childish internet-arguers.” Her article prompted Intel to pull an ad campaign from GamaSutra last week, presumably on the grounds of needing those hyper-consumers’ money. Alexander’s Twitter stream is arguably even less temperate, with remarks such as “it’s funny how dudes who are ‘aspiring games journalists’ tweet bullshit at me as if I cannot instantly kill all their dreams” and “maybe mean of me to burn a young female writer but, sorry, this is not gonna be a career for her.” I doubt that GamaSutra would have published her statement that actor and GamerGate supporter Adam Baldwin “jacks off goats (https://twitter.com/leighalexander/status/518311038824222720).” You are a professional writer who has just written that a mainstream actor who disagrees with you masturbates goats. What is going on with you?

Possible answer: Twitter is what is going on with you. In a great guest post (http://www.zenofdesign.com/the-problem-with-gamergate-is-twitter/) on Damion Schubert’s blog, Schubert’s fellow game designer Dave Rickey declared that, in the case of GamerGate, “Twitter is a breeding ground for social dysfunction,” where whatever subtleties may have lurked in those “gamers are dead” articles were reduced to blanket statements such as “Regardless of race creed gender or religion you can still play games and therefore still be garbage. (https://twitter.com/daddy_warpig/status/517402449351426049)” Rickey pointed to the 140-character limitation and its tendency to encourage mindless agreement (or disagreement), but that’s secondary to the bigger problem: that Twitter breaks the public/private divide in a way that people simply can’t cope with.

Twitter’s founders initially formulated it as a broadcast tool to publish announcements to your friends and to the world, and to that extent it works fine. But once dialogue is taking place, Twitter becomes a cocktail party where everyone has a megaphone. Twitter lets you shout in public—so imagine everyone trying to shout conversations with one another in a public space. Alexander may have felt like she was broadcasting to her friends, but she was actually broadcasting to the world. Likewise, I suspect Borderlands 2 writer Anthony Burch doesn’t actually think that GamerGate “legitimizes and furthers ... CP [child pornography] (https://twitter.com/reverendanthony/status/508100852821680130),” but nonetheless he made the remark on Twitter in a fit of pique and faced hundreds of outraged responses (“Burch, you have a fucking screw loose if you think anyone condones CP”) and complaints to his boss. Dell executive George Reese was, I pray, being hyperbolic when he said Monday that “The #Gamergate cabal are the technology world’s ISIS (http://s14.directupload.net/images/141025/hehjrhic.png),” but try telling that to the poor Dell employees (https://twitter.com/davidchen10/status/519215268870881280) who have to deal with the ensuing chaos (http://i.imgur.com/QJsWyo4.png).

25.10.14, 22:12
Twitter ist also "broken" und Gamergate beweist es? Twitter ist nicht "broken" weil der verrückte Mob durch die Straßen zieht und alles niederbrennt was ihm nicht gefällt. Twitter ist auch nicht "broken" weil es dazu verleitet komplizierte Botschaften auf 140 Zeichen zu brechen. This is how it works. Das ist genau der Sinn von Twitter. Twitter war nie eine großartige Debattenplattform und ist dafür auch nicht geeignet. Für so etwas gibt es Facebook oder Foren. Vielleicht sollte man dann auch zu Facebook oder Foren ausweichen.

Es gibt natürlich auch gute Gründe warum man auf Twitter bleibt: Man kann einfacher andere Leute trollen und belästigen. Die wenigsten Nutzer haben ihre Accounts auf privat gestellt (was auf Twitter auch absurd ist) und sind jederzeit erreichbar. Bei Facebook oder Foren muss man meistens langwierige Registrations- und Authentifizierungsprozesse durchlaufen.

Friedrich III.
25.10.14, 22:33
Twitter war nie eine großartige Debattenplattform und ist dafür auch nicht geeignet. Für so etwas gibt es Facebook oder Foren. Vielleicht sollte man dann auch zu Facebook oder Foren ausweichen.

Es gibt natürlich auch gute Gründe warum man auf Twitter bleibt: Man kann einfacher andere Leute trollen und belästigen.

Das ist das Problem und es hat sich schon längst festgefahren.

Es ist vorallem ausschlaggebend, wie im Artikel beschrieben, dass einige Twitter mit ihrem Wohnzimmer verwechseln und ihre "Tiefflieger" mit der ganzen Welt teilen.

25.10.14, 23:19
hat sich schon längst festgefahren..

Es ist der israelisch-palästinensische Konflikt für Gamer.

Friedrich III.
26.10.14, 01:07
Es ist ein Konflikt, der sich durch Dritte (Trolle) immer weiter hochschaukelt und dadurch kein Dialog entsteht.

26.10.14, 11:40
Ich glaube da werden die Möglichkeiten des Dialogs überschätzt. Eine ehrliche Debatte liefe ungefähr so:
A: Viele -keineswegs alle- Spiele sind sexistisch.
B: Stimmt. Juckt mich nicht.

Ende der Diskussion. Stattdessen bauschen sich beide Seiten in einem Wulst von Moralin auf. Da merkt niemand, wie hochgradig lächerlich es ist darüber zu debattieren ob Spiele, deren Hauptinhalt das Töten von Menschen ist moralisch integer sind.

Friedrich III.
26.10.14, 13:43
Die Frage, inwiefern Spiele sexistisch und/oder "unmoralisch" sind, ist eigentlich ein Nebenkriegsschauplatz.

Das eigentliche Problem ist, dass ALLE Gamer/Spieler durch "moralische Panikattacken (http://www.spiked-online.com/newsite/article/gamergate-an-un-pc-rebellion/16029#.VD-FNhaDnN5)" (feels like 1999) der Spielepresse/"SJW" (http://de.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=SJW) in die "Weißer, frauenhassender Mann"-Ecke gestellt werden, obwohl es DEN Gamer/Spieler gar nicht gibt und es schon lange nicht mehr eine Exklusivveranstaltung für Jungen und Männer ist.

Neben dem krampfhaften Festhalten an dieser diffamierenden Berichterstattung, sorgt zudem die Anmaßung dieser Gruppe, welche auch Doppelmoral (http://www.gamerheadlines.com/2014/10/gamergate-abuse-victims-media-wont-tell/) an den Tag legt, sich als Sprachrohr für Minderheiten aufzuspielen für Unmut (siehe #NotYourShield (http://www.cinemablend.com/games/-NotYourShield-Hashtag-Shows-Multi-Cultural-Support-GamerGate-67119.html)).

Nach der anfänglichen Aufregung, wäre es mehr als an der Zeit den Dialog zu suchen und den Konflikt beizulegen, anstatt sich weiter mit Schlamm, im schlimmsten Fall mit Steinen zu bewerfen.
Nur bewegt sich die Abwärtsspirale immer weiter, angefeuert von Provokateuren von beiden Seiten (https://storify.com/stillgray/matt-binder-nails-gamergate-based-lawyer-mike-cern) [1] (http://www.escapistmagazine.com/forums/read/528.860762-GamerGate-Discussion-Debate-and-Resources?page=1013#21550874) und Trollen (http://theralphretort.com/gnaa-trolls-admit-gamergate-sabotage/) [2] (http://www.escapistmagazine.com/forums/read/528.860762-GamerGate-Discussion-Debate-and-Resources?page=1005#21549530).

Friedrich III.
26.10.14, 14:57
Cliff Bleszinski (https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cliff_Bleszinski) - Anonymous Internet Boy Taliban Tropes (11. März 2013) (http://dudehugespeaks.tumblr.com/post/45150472512/anonymous-internet-boy-taliban-tropes) [1] (http://www.escapistmagazine.com/forums/read/528.860762-GamerGate-Discussion-Debate-and-Resources?page=1008#21550125)

Disclaimer: I was a key creative in what is often considered one of the more “dudebro” franchises out there, Gears of War. I’d also like to remind everyone out there that I went out of my way in working with our team, the writers, and Epic’s artists to make sure that female characters are represented well in that franchise. By the time we got around to Gears 3 the female soldiers were kicking butt right alongside the men in outfits that weren’t drastically different than the men’s, and with a restrained depiction of hair and makeup. (I was just tired of seeing stripper looking female game characters after all of those years…ironic, considering how exaggerated the men were.)

(I’m also not the best person to post about misogyny on the internet as I’ll be the first one to post a sexy picture of my wife or give young boys tips on how to flirt with girls.)


We’re the gamers, the dorks. We’re the ones who were on our computers during prom. We’re the ones that were in the back of the lunch room who were playing D&D instead of tossing a football around on the quad. We were supposed to be the open, friendly ones, the ones who welcomed all into our wonderful geeky circle.

We’re not supposed to be a mob that’s storming the gates with our pitchforks and torches.


Recently at the DICE summit in Las Vegas David Cage called on the industry to “grow up.” In some ways, David, I agree… we can do better in many, many areas. We can make more mature and engaging plot lines and explore unique game mechanics beyond sawing someone in half. The reason we haven’t? It’s because it’s fucking hard and we’re looking at an industry that is ever more risk averse as more and more money is needed to craft product.

However if we’re going to grow up as an industry we’re going to need the consumer to grow up a bit as well. The latent racism, homophobia, and misogyny online are black marks on an otherwise great hobby. Anonymity is the gasoline on the fire of hate that flares up on forums, chat rooms, and Xbox Live on daily basis.

Why are there so many shooters? Because it’s easy to make a trace in code to see if you virtually “tagged” someone. Why were there so many princesses in need of rescue? Because it was easy, and for many years we didn’t have the tools or desire to try something else. Why did Mario have a moustache originally? Because they didn’t have the graphical fidelity to depict much more. The purpose of research is to encourage rational thought in areas where there may have not been much before. If, by watching Anita’s videos I, as a developer, can reconsider how I depict women in any future product of mine then her work may very well be worth it.

Paula Wright (https://twitter.com/SexyIsntSexist) - #GamerGate: The Players and the Played (http://porlawright.wordpress.com/2014/10/23/gamergate-the-players-and-the-played/) [2] (http://www.escapistmagazine.com/forums/read/528.860762-GamerGate-Discussion-Debate-and-Resources?page=999#21548571)

The #GamerGate (http://www.forbes.com/sites/erikkain/2014/09/04/gamergate-a-closer-look-at-the-controversy-sweeping-video-games/) controversy reached a new high (or low depending on your perspective) recently when one of its main protagonists, the radical feminist and cultural critic, Anita Sarkeesian, was featured on the front page of the New York Times. Ironically, in view of the focus of her criticism about passive female characterization in video games, she herself was cast as the “damsel in distress (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X6p5AZp7r_Q)”, under threat from active male protagonists.

Ostensibly, headlines like this are a direct validation of her work. Sarkeesian asserts that video games directly contribute to a culture of gendered violence in real life and – hey presto – there it is!

But are radical feminist claims about games promoting violent norms really correct? Studies of violence in video games say no (http://www.christopherjferguson.com/SCOTUSPaper.pdf). Last year the U.S. Supreme Court evaluated the evidence and came to a disappointing conclusion for people, like Sarkeesian, who are fond of using ideological rhetoric to win hearts over minds before all the evidence is in.


*What makes people angry with Sarkeesian (anger is allowed, abuse is not), is that she is unaccountable. Her videos on sexism and toxic masculinity are used as educational aids in schools, yet they are based on ideology not evidence.


Sarkeesian is adamant that the culprits are the supporters of #GamerGate. Yet the evidence points to third-party mischief-makers (http://blogjob.com/oneangrygamer/2014/10/gamergate-journalist-allegedly-outed-as-twitter-harasser-sending-death-threats/) and anonymous trolls being equally vicious to both sides (http://www.vice.com/en_uk/read/gamergate-hate-affects-both-sides-so-how-about-we-end-it). Journalists are disseminating the radical feminist narrative uncritically, but they themselves are implicated in the scandal, so their impartiality cannot be taken for granted. The involvement of the notorious hacking/trolling group GNAA (who are experts at tricking the media into panic-mode (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gay_Nigger_Association_of_America#Trolling)) should also send alarm bells ringing.


In a story about games and players, it’s difficult to discern just who is the player and who is the played.

Who are the most likely suspects? GNAA aside, in every 100 people there will be one bona-fide psychopath. Twitter alone has over 200 million active users per month! There are estimated to be around one billion “gamers” worldwide. That certainly leaves room for a sizeable minority of psychopaths who would jollily send prominent women obscene emails. I’m inclined to think it’s these kinds of people who are responsible for the threats, and a recent study (http://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/your-online-secrets/201409/internet-trolls-are-narcissists-psychopaths-and-sadists) of online trolls supports this. A lazy trend in the media towards favouring the narrative of lunatic minorities on Twitter to draw sweeping conclusions about gender and culture is not a healthy one.

Friedrich III.
27.10.14, 16:29
Total Biscuit (https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Bain) - Whose "side" am I on? (http://blueplz.blogspot.gr/2014/10/whose-side-am-i-on.html) [1] (http://www.escapistmagazine.com/forums/read/528.860762-GamerGate-Discussion-Debate-and-Resources?page=1014#21551355)

Why am I doing all of this? Because I firmly believe that focusing on the minority perpetrating harassment and abuse will perpetuate more of it and give them the power and attention they so crave. The media, either mainstream or gaming does not seem to agree with me on that one and keeps hammering out article after article after article on harassment. Does it help? Has it done anything what-so-ever to slow down the #Gamergate hashtag? Has it done anything to reduce online abuse? If it has I've seen no evidence of any of those things. Gamergate associated boards and subreddits continue to grow, the hashtag continues to go strong long after futile slacktivist efforts to kill it such as #stopgamergate2014 have imploded and gone away. Why you might ask? We wrote so many articles condemning harassment, why isn't Gamergate going away?

Because you are peddling a one-sided narrative. If you want this to end you MUST address the moderate majority who want to talk about ethics. A recent statistical analysis by Newsweek attempt to prove that Gamergate supporters are by and large using the hashtag to harass women, yet their analysis was clearly flawed. They attempted to create the link by showing that Anita Sarkeesian and Brianna Wu were the individuals that received the most tweets which also contained the #gamergate hashtag, however, their analysis also showed that the vast majority of these tweets were neutral in nature and contained neither positive nor negative tone. Now unless we are claiming that "tweeting at this person = harassment" which is in itself ridiculous, I find it hard to take this as proof that the majority of people participating in this thing want to harass women. Indeed what we see is that the two people who have most actively engaged with #gamergate in a negative fashion, throwing constant accusations at it over Twitter are the ones who have received the most feedback. This is entirely logical. Those who have not actively done so, have received less direct engagement.


If you believe in guilt by association, if you believe that by associating in any way with Gamergate that I am irredeemably tainted, or as people on NeoGAF seem to believe "on the wrong side of history", then you are of course more than welcome to exercise your right as a consumer and stop consuming my media. However before you do that, I'd like to ask you this, particularly if you've followed my content for a while. Have I ever done or said anything that has not been consumer-first? Ask yourselves a question. If I believe that good can come from this, I must have a solid set of reasons for putting myself in the line of fire, yes? Am I the sort of person that harasses women? Do I have a long-standing axe to grind with minorities? Am I a racist? If the answer to any of those questions is yes then that's unfortunate, you don't seem to know me very well at all.


I call on those who identify as part of Gamergate to focus on ethical issues. All too many threads on forums seem to consist of "Look at what Anita did this time!" This has nothing to do with journalistic ethics. I understand the desire to defend yourself against a barrage of media that is portraying you as evil. Games media of all people should understand that desire, they have told us to "hold our ground" against similar media criticism over the past 20 years. However, if you are constantly on the defensive you will get nothing done. I am aware it is the job of journalists to investigate these ethical concerns but some of them are implicated in them and there is an unwillingness to do so and thus the job falls to you. Is this about ethics? Then talk about ethics. I call on them to reject false and misleading labels such as "SJW". The concept of social justice is ridiculously complex and it seems that people have wildly differing opinions and interpretations on its very meaning. Do not engage in hypocritical behavior. If you do not wish to be labeled, then do not label. Argue points, concepts, ideas, do not argue against the "SJW" strawperson.


If this was never about ethics, then The Escapist, Polygon and Kotaku would not have updated their ethical policies in the wake of it.

28.10.14, 11:35

Friedrich III.
28.10.14, 16:06
Unnötige Twitter-Provokation und dient allein nur zur Schmierung der "Hass-Maschine".

Friedrich III.
28.10.14, 20:22
How to End Gamergate: A divide-and-conquer plan for dissolving a toxic online movement (http://www.slate.com/articles/technology/bitwise/2014/10/how_to_end_gamergate_a_divide_and_conquer_plan.html) [1] (http://www.escapistmagazine.com/forums/read/528.860762-GamerGate-Discussion-Debate-and-Resources?page=1045#21558331)

The Gamergate “debate,” such as it is, currently boils down to people screaming “It’s actually about ethics in gaming journalism!” and “It’s actually about misogyny in the gaming world!” at each other on Twitter. People are forced to take sides or else get caught in the crossfire.

It is imperative to stop Gamergate because it’s currently a troll’s paradise (http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=81c_1413874285), providing cover for a whole host of bad actors (http://theralphretort.com/gnaa-trolls-admit-gamergate-sabotage/), whether they’re pro-Gamergate, anti-Gamergate, or simply wantonly malicious. Whatever a troll does under the cover of Gamergate—such as doxxing actress Felicia Day (http://imgur.com/Lrdebkq) or offering free game codes to accounts that send death threats—is guaranteed to get a lot of attention (far more than typical Internet harassment) and to be blamed not on the individual but on Gamergate collectively. For a troll, this is a perfect setup: maximum effect, minimal exposure. I could dox any woman in gaming, and Gamergate would get blamed. So as long as Gamergate drags on, trolls who care less about games than about causing chaos (http://wehuntedthemammoth.com/2014/10/15/the-threats-that-shut-down-anita-sarkeesians-talk-come-from-someone-who-seems-to-be-deeply-steeped-in-the-misogynstic-mens-rights-subculture/) will wreak havoc. Even some of the anti-feminist members of Gamergate still try at least to appear reasonable in order to get their distasteful points across. It’s the psychos, the hateful teenagers, and the diehard trolls who perform the scariest acts, and both sides of Gamergate serve them well. As a thoughtful IGN editorial put it (http://www.ign.com/articles/2014/10/24/on-the-problem-of-harassment), “[A]dditional visibility only encourages those who want to use the Movement as a means to stop rather than start discussions.” (For this reason, I will not be repeating the grisly details of specific harassment incidents here.)


You probably can’t kill Gamergate altogether, any more than you can kill misogyny. Even Gamergate’s own members can’t stop their movement, since there’s no central authority. They’re able to manage coordinated action to a point, such as with letter-writing campaigns and attempts to police harassment coming from their ranks. But they can’t stop trolls and lunatics from sending death threats.

28.10.14, 20:29
Das eigentliche Problem ist, dass ALLE Gamer/Spieler durch moralische Panikattacken in die "Weißer, frauenhassender Mann"-Ecke gestellt werden [...]

Joa gibt schlimmeres. Fragt mal eine beliebige Exfreundin ob Ihr ein Sexist und oder Arschloch seid. :)

Friedrich III.
28.10.14, 20:59
Bei einer weltweiten Pauschalisierung über Online-Medien sieht das Ganze anders aus, vorallem bei einem bunten Haufen von Menschen.

Das hier schon vergessen? (http://www.heise.de/newsticker/meldung/RTL-Bericht-ueber-Gamer-verstoesst-nicht-gegen-Medienrecht-1331889.html)

Es schlug in eine ähnliche Kerbe, wobei es aber letztlich eine reißerische Aufmachung um der Sensation willen war und am Ende lenkte RTL ein.
Im Vergleich zu GamerGate, ein Sturm im Wasserglas.

28.10.14, 22:06
Die Sexismushatz ist ein fester Bestandteil gewisser politischer Kulturen geworden. Wer das Ernst nimmt ist selbst dran schuld. In den letzten zwei Wochen wurden schon Öttinger und Apple durchs Dorf getrieben. Nur machen die es richtig: Einfach ignorieren, dann ist der Medienpulk schnell weitergezogen, denn in Wahrheit interessiert es keine Sau. Gamergate und all die Mimosen im Netz geben den Möchtegernfrauenrechtlern doch erst so richtig Auftrieb.

Friedrich III.
28.10.14, 22:38
Das eine ist leider politischer Alltag. Das hier ist Verunglimpfung einer in­ho­mo­genen Gruppe.

Im Moment werden beide Streitparteien davon bedient. Die Moderaten gehen unter und die Extremisten schreien sich nieder.