29.05.13, 11:01
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# 5.2 files
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# AI
- AI will no longer disband all its forces overseas in enemy territory at the end of a war, and they got transports.
- AI is more likely to do more royal marriages when low on legitimacy.
- AI now disbands landlocked armies after peace that is too hard to get home.
- AI is far more likely to remove provinces from HRE if they have taken them and are not in the HRE.
- AI will no longer ignore assaulting if there are token armies nearby.
- Ottoman AI should no longer be crippled by the provincial system decision.
- AI can no longer stop a navy in the middle of a retreat.
- AI is now more likely to cancel movement if its not ideal.
- AI now considers monthly interest payments, not yearly, for monthly budget calculations when maintaining trooplevels.
- AI will now do the kampaku decision.
- AI is now much more reluctant to start wars if low on MP.
- AI drained on MP is now more likely to sue for peace.
- AI will now assign admirals to units at sea. (yes, its a cheat, but without it player has a huge advantage.)
# Gamebalance
- Fleets not on patrol order will not attempt to intercept enemy fleets when moving and/or carrying troops.
- Intercepting enemy fleets that want to avoid it depends on manuever of leaders and light-ship ratio.
- Armies on ships trying to disembark will stall for as long as the navy is in combat.
- Non daimyo countries can no longer release daimyo countries.
- When negotiating peace with Japan, it's now valid to take the capital of a daimyo if it's their last province.
- Some spy activities will now scale in size of the target country instead of being a fixed badboy cost if discovered.
- It is no longer possible to annex the Emperor of HRE.
- Manufactory cost limit is now one per 8 provinces instead of based on manpower.
- Garrison growth can no longer be negative.
- Hofkriegsrat now gives 30% reinforce speed.
- Rebels will now despawn on small islands if they can't siege down the fort.
- Naval positioning can no longer be lower than maneuever of commander.
- Doubled chance of firing at enemy at bad positioning.
- No longer possible to split armies that are loaded on ships.
- Releasing a country voluntarily now removes your cores from their provinces.
- Trade & Production efficiency can no longer be more than 200%.
- Trade Income modifier can no longer be more than 200%.
- The shogunate now properly disbands from occupation of all capitals.
- Indelningsverket now gives +10% manpower.
- When westernising as Ming or Manchu, you will now dissolve the faction system.
- It is now possible to become Shogun when starting when a daimyo had been annexed.
- Daimyo's can no longer call in other nations into wars due to defender of faith.
- Attrition impact on warexhaustion now scales properly on force-limits.
- Conscription centers now give +25% local manpower instead of +5 MP.
- Its now always harder to integrate a large realm that is in a union with you.
- Rejecting an union integration is now -200 relation instead of -50.
- Centralisation now increases spy efficiency much further.
- Halfed effect of free subjects on spy defence.
- Espionage now increases spy-effiency by 10% as well.
- A union with different culture will slowly decay in relation.
- The Emperor now gets slightly reduced reinforcement speed inside hostile territory in the empire.
- Only units that have almost broken morale can have ships captured off them.
- Nomad countries that are force-released will not be made allied with the one force releasing them.
- Nomad countries will no longer be nomads when force released by non-nomads, but regular tribes.
- Countries can now break when at war with nomads only.
- Nomads can now vassalize other nomads.
- Sacking event for tribes now gives bonus to the one doing the sacking.
- Colonies in nomad territory should no longer dissapear when changing tags.
- Wars through vassals and chains of union partners should no longer automatically end with hordes.
- Colonists are now automatically cancelled when you no longer control the province they are being sent to.
- Tributes to nomads are now cancelled when called into a war as well.
- Nomad Neighbour bonus is just IF you have a nomad neighbour, not 1 for each province.
- Nomads will no longer take control of provinces until the buildings are all gone.
- Defensiveness now modifies nomad destruction properly.
- Revolters can no longer force a government to become a nomad.
- Cancelling vassals no longer ends wars with hordes.
- Baroque Music is now just a +cultural_tradition boost.
- South German Organ Tradition no longer reduces revolt risk globally.
- Commedia dell'Arte now increases prestige instead of lowering revolt risk.
- Imperial Integrity now reduce rr by -1 instead of -3.
- Separation of Powers no longer reduces revolt risk.
- Warexhaustion reduces legitimacy 50% faster now.
- National Defense is no longer applied if you are also fighting in any offensive wars.
- Combination act now is a pure production efficiency increase.
- The_dissolution_act now reduces stability cost by 5% instead of revolt risk by 1.
- Formalized measures no longer reduces revolt risk by 1.
- Sunday Schools is now only increasing missionary chance.
- College no longer reduces local revolt risk.
- "d'Appiani d'Aragona" is now "Appiani d'Aragona"
- Religious Unity now requires you to own all your cores as well.
- Regimental Camps now takes 12 months to build.
- Religious Sacrifices is now a true choice.
- Repairs to Great Wall is now more useful.
- Tweaked Indian units types (used to have anomalous tech levels, either hugely overpowered or already obsolete).
- Added exceptions: Union countries can now only change to a culture in their union group.
- Revoke Settlement Policy: will no longer give a Prestige hit when the province is your culture and you revoke the policy.
- Ottoman decision change: HAVE_MORE_BUILDINGS_THEN will no longer be seen in the text.
- Persian decision change: Changed the nomads to the muslim tech group to match their government change from steppe_horde to theocracy.
- No longer need to have Berlin as a capital to form Prussia.
- Basetax increases from prussian events are only in german culture provinces.
- Religion decision change: As the Papal States Nation cannot take the church_tax decision is no longer shown as a possible religion decision for them.
- The Hansa decision change: commission_adler_von_lubeck decision moved any_neighbor_country clause from Potential to Allow, so that the mission doesn't continually come and go as wars start and stop.
- Wokou raids will no longer happen continuously.
- "Grave for a Eunuch"- option A now gives -10 Influence.
- "Treasurer Empties Coffers" - option A now gives -4 Influence .
- "Field Marshall Dishonoured"- both options now provide a more distinct choice.
- "Choosing a Tomb"- option A affects the bureaucrats faction, not the eunuchs.
- "Brigands on the Silk Road" - option B in event moves slider toward decentralisation, not centralisation.
- convince_elector - No female may take this and it will be aborted if the character is female.
- "Generation of Cowards" will no longer happen if at war with a Horde.
- "Gift to the State" - minor tweak.
- "Invest in quality troops" now removes instead of adding money.
- Ships are now less likely to gang up in a battle.
- Ships will try to face of against similar ships first.
- Morale splash damage is now 10% of before.
- Tweaked down strength damage from naval battles by 20%.
- Normalised relative naval damage algoritms to be constant through the ages, aka naval battles should be same length through the ages.
- Navies unloading should now cancel unloading and retreat if forced to retreat.
- Ottomans now start with military drill.
- Colonists in horde lands are now 3 times as quick as the ones in more virgin territories.
- Lucky nations take slightly less attrition now.
- Nomads will not start any new wars if at -3 stability or war exhaustion.
- Restrictions for vassals colonising nomad territory is now enforced for players as well.
- You can now place colonists in nomad territory bordering your vassals.
- Its no longer possible to replace leaders on units that are moving.
- Forming pentarchy now also removes the papal controller.
- National Focus and other local status in your own territory no longer boosts enemy colonization of your precious horde.
- Monarchs can now get to 9.
- Reduced the force limits from level 5 and 6 buildings a bit.
- Fleets can now be forced to retreat back to port if low morale before the first 12 days of battle is up.
- Moving units can now be merged, and if they are all already moving, progress is set to the lowest one.
- Artillery now moves at the same strategic speed as cavalry and infantry.
- Defensiness now modifiers military tactics for the DEFENDER by 50% of its value. (both local and country)
- Reinforcement factors on armies now gets a bonus by 10% per each maneuever value of its leader, up to maximum of the 200% in safe home provinces.
- Increased reinforcement in provinces that have a supply line of invested fortresses to friendly territory to be 100% + manuever.
- Manpower pool is now 10 years to recover, and manpower effects have been lowered.
- Fixed a bug which caused the local controllers global trade income modifier affect everyones trade income for that province, instead of the merchants global trade income modifier.
- State Controlled Guilds no longer increases revolt risk.
- Veterans homes now requre land tech 40, and are now almost guaranteed to happen for a country.
- Per capita tax now only increases stability costs by 10%
- State controlled guilds now only costs 1 magistrare for France.
- Born under a star is now even better.
- RUS is now only able to make St. Petersburg its capital if it has over 300 treasury to prevent RUS having to take a loan after taking the decision.
- HRE is now more likely to stay decentralized due to events.
- Sound Toll event no longer makes anyone lose merchants.
- The Tunisian starting monarch "Abd al-Aziz" martial stat has been boosted to better match his stats as a general.
- Attrition is no longer considering hostile troops retreating away from you as "present in province" for attrition checks (for your army).
- HRE bonus manpower bonus is now scaled same way as other manpower.
- Hindustan, Malaya, Mughal and Persia can no longer be formed by the Papacy or HRE.
- Nobles Ally with Foreign Power - prevented effect from happening to a vassal state.
- Armies will no longer be eliminated if they arrive in a province where another army is eliminated.
- Supply limit now scales from 100 to 125% of base value depending on relation with province controller&owner.
- Armies now reinforce about 50% slower than before, maneuever is more important on hostile territory.
- Removed reinforce bonus in the empire.
- Disbanding a regiment now returns 50% of the manpower remaining in it..
- Assaults can no longer be broken off manually.
- Assaults are now a bit more bloody.
- Base tradition gain from combat increased by 33%.
- Tradition gain is now halfed if you fight someone with and you have the larger army.
- Strength damage from combat has been dropped by 50%
- Removing someone from a sphere of influece now only cost 5 peace score.
- Conquering Thrace is now a more important mission for the ottomans, and it will not abort as easily.
- Ottoman tolernace now reduces stability costs by 10% instead of increasing it.
- Reverted the x3 from sliders over max.
- Units being eliminated now restores 50% of their MP back to the pool.
- Increased morale damage from land combat.
- Rebels now reinforce at half speed, and also reduced depending on techgroup of the owner of the province they stand in.
- Crimea and Astrakhan are now part of the nomad_group tech group.
- Occupation no longer reduces force limits.
- There is now a base manpower for all countries.
- Manpower gain is never lower than 100 per month.
- Starting fleets are no longer above force limits.
- Removed the 10x hit for being over forcelimits.
- Removed impact from production income on force limits.
- Fixed a bug which caused moving units to get attrition where only retreating should.
- Position cap penalty depends on guns/guns on your best bigship.
- Warexhaustion from attrition & combat have been increased by 20%.
- Minimum position can now go down to 0, while manuever increases amount allowed before penalty.
- Truce now lasts ten years.
- Rebels that have "friends" now use the max-morale of the friend if higher.
- Ottoman Empire now takes National Conscripts as the first idea.
- Recruiting Crisis event will now be able to happen.
- Our Fleet is the Pride of the Nation will no longer happen if you don't have any ships.
- Military Development will no longer happen if you are already maximum quality.
# Interface Improvements
- Implemented a system for attaching units to other nations units in the same province. aka, Coalition Armies for MP.
- When sending diplomatic offers as the shogun to countries outside of the shogunate, there's a message telling that you're doing this as Japan.
- Claim Throne is now only shown for monarchies.
- Its now possible to see the tooltip and select units that are zoomed out alot.
- Connected in the civilisation out of range peace message for Nomads.
- Fixed some modifier icons that was positive to show as green.
- Improved tooltips for spy actions to see what actions are possible.
- Fixed War of Third Coalition and First Muscovite-Lithuanian war so no more erroneous display on participants.
- National Statistics ledger no longer is named "National Statistics" in any other language than English, it has the correct translation now.
- Improved tooltips for force limit goals in missions.
- You can now see what government forms can be discovered that you can convert to, but still greyed out.
- Fixed display issue for colonial growth and low maintenance.
- Fixed display of colonist growth.
- Improved tooltip for when to get attrition to new rules.
- Fixed a tooltip bug on weight in province.
- Tooltip for unit weight is now taking present armies into consideration properly.
# User Modding
- The dynasty trigger now accepts a dynasty name as an argument
- The define_ruler effect now accepts THIS, FROM, and TAG as valid arguments for its dynasty.
- All console commands now take lower case tags
- add_core effect now accepts country tags as argument
- Added triggers unit in province triggers for cavalry, artillery, big ship, light ship and transport
# Setup & Scripts
- The Sound Toll and the Bosphorus tolls are now more interesting with events and stuff :9
- Prestige & Legitimacy triggers now properly checks for = THIS/FROM.
- on_hre_wins_defensive_war will no longer fire for nomad wars.
- Income should no longer wrap around.
- Fixed a few cases where the game was looking at "catholic" in the executable instead of a scripted check.
- Colonial Maintenance for colonies in horde provinces is now loaded from savegames.
- Fixed a few names of Scottish Monarchs.
- Fixed a few names of Polish monarchs and leaders.
- Fixed Hindustan formation decision to not add in Persian territory as cores.
- Revised RAJ and PUN flags.
- correct dynasty name to Walashma in two places
- Fixed Jihad Achievement.
- Fixed a LOT of localisation errors.
- A lot of missions that gives temporary cb's now remove them properly where they did not before.
- Fixed a few spelling and grammar errors.
- Mexican War of Independence now starts at correct date.
- Fixed Bali Lombok - Blambangan connection issue.
- Removed pixels of the North Channel that were in bays adjacent to the Irish Sea off Scotland.
- Fixed pixels of the Aegean Sea that were on the wrong side of the Isthmus of Corinth.
- Kalunda is now in Siberia, not in Central Asia.
- Separated the island of Euboea from the rest of Athens and Larissa.
- Lolland is now part of Sjaelland.
- Fehmarn is now part of Holstein.
- Removed the 'real' Trinidad and Tobago.
- Fixed pixels of Three Kings Island that were on the wrong side of Whangarei.
- Fixed the pixelation in southern Athens and on the south-west coast of Lake Tchad.
- Amended Option A section to allow player an opportunity to join a new trade league before losing all his trade stations without warning
- Amended event effects of base_tax=-1 so that they only could happen to provinces with base_tax=2 or higher, to prevent creation of provinces with 0 base_tax as that prevents colonisation ("province is too remote and inhospitable ..."). This meant that non-hordes couldn't colonise that province if it's owned by horde, and so ensured perpetual war with that horde as they can then never be conquered
- A Habsburg decision changed to two explicit NOT statements rather than two within one NOT block.
- An Indian Trade Company decision change: grand_shipyard is ineffective if province already have one.
- Theocracies can now form the Kingdom of Jerusalem.
- "Introduce Hangul Writing System" and "Hall of Worthies" will show up on the list of decisions when available, no longer possible to take them repeatedly. The new alphabet will only be introduced once.
- Event 9493 - works as it should now.
- Military Reforms event changes: minor tweak.
- DW changed tech requirements for some building types, tweaked event 6408 to 6416 to adapt to the new tech requirements.
- Event 4006 - minor tweak.
- Brandenburg will now have the primary culture "prussian" from 1650.1.1.
- Danzig now has historically correct government type changes.
- King Charles VI de Valois stats has been lowered to better match his historical counterpart.
- Charles Cumberland now has his correct death date.
- Wrong numbering of George III 1738, changed from George II to George III.
- KUR's first ruler now has the correct start date, name and stats. KUR becomes a vassal of POL at the correct date. Livonia and its provinces are removed from the HRE after the Treaty of Stettin.
- Magdeburg: corrected Interregnum to Ernst I, and changed 1551.5.18={government=administrative_monarchy} to 1551.5.18={religion=protestant} as it was ruled by administrators from Brandenburg and was still an Archbishopric not a hereditary monarchy. Add 1650.1.1={primary_culture=prussian } to match change of province culture of its only province, 52 Altmark
- Sadamori's birthday changed from day 215 to 15.
- Corrected Gioachino to Gioacchino.
- Added monarchs of Tir(Tyrol) from 1490-1665.
- Westfalia now has correct ruler start date to match start of the country and made into a constitutional monarchy.
- Added death dates to ANS, KHD, MAL heirs, and fixed invalid dates in MIN.
- Added Westphalia as a vassal of RFR 1807-1813.
- Champa is a vassal of Annam to 1802, then it becomes a vassal of Dai Viet.
- Added Cathedral of Lund at game start, and University of Lund 1456.
- Added University of Greifswald 1456.
- Trent is now owned by HAB from 1665.
- Bern and Schwyz is removed from HRE in 1648 (end of 30 years war).
- The County of Provence ceases to be a fiefdom of the Holy Roman Empire in 1246, as it did historically.
- Poznan and Kalisz is no longer part of the HRE.
- Krakow now has Jagiellonian University at game start.
- Provinces 372, 373, 374, 375, and 376 gives cores on all Irish provinces to Ireland on 1642.6.7.
- Brunei now has the correct dates of SPA ownership.
- Jeolla is no longer owned by JAP.
- The city name of Conoy (953) has been changed to "St. Mary's City" (capitalised the "c" in "city").
- Obdorsk and Berezov is controlled by RUS after end of rebellion in 1620.
- Mahe and Diego Garcia is now owned by GBR after the fall of Napoleon.
- Bourbon is now owned by GBR from 1810 to 1815.
- Kostroma is no longer a NOV core in 1478.
- Sundgau becomes a (FRA?) core in 1648 when it becomes part of FRA.
- The Pima province label in Mexico is now in the centre of the province.
- Croatia's port is now correctly in Croatia, not Dalmatia.
- Negev is now in the middle_east_central_asia region.
- Provinces in Switzerland, Presburg, Croatia and Istria is removed from the German region. Added Kazan, Perm, and Uralsk to Western Siberia region. Corrected Chinese Coast and East Asian CoT regions to account for new provinces on coast and CoTs being moved in DW.
- conquer_sicily and conquer_naples missions now gives multiple claims and multiple cores. - chance= section of both discover_mission and establish_colony_mission has TAG= triggers, as a province mission they needed to be put in THIS scope to refer to the mission-receiver
- /missions/conquest.txt and diplomatic.txt - in ten places over those two files, corrected logic of tag=JAP/NOT={num_of_daimyos=1} code from an OR to an AND, as with an OR it always evaluated to be true and was thus useless
- attack_rivals missions now has no effect on cores.
- earn_more_from_trade mission is now prevented to repeat ad infinitum.
- Fixed missing curly brackets & missing equal signs in several files.
- Removed some duplicated national ideas in some countries.
- Fixed typo in common\countries\Ferrara
- Fixed typo in common\countries\Fujiwara
- Fixed chronological order and wrong date in lots of history files.
- Fixed error with revolt effect in history\provinces\1023 - Echizen
- Removed double cores for Venice on 142 - Corfu
- Removed one of two rulers with same date in history\countries\AQU - Aquileia
- Deleted duplicated slider info in history\countries\FRA - France
- Deleted inconsistent info in history\countries\POL - Poland
- Deleted inconsistent info in history\countries\ZAZ - Zaporozhie
- Deleted unnecessary heir in history\countries\KBO - KanemBornu
- Fixed missing monarch_name in history\countries\ASS - Assam
- Fixed missing monarch_name in history\countries\DAI - Dai Viet
- Added missing claim in history\countries\CHA - Champa
- Added missing claim in history\countries\FER - Ferrara
- Added missing claim in history\countries\NAP - Naples
- Added a casus belli to the SecondRussoSwedishWar
- Sweden no longer removed from the Thirty Years War between 1642 and 1644
- Deleted duplicated information in some history files.
- Added missing owner scope to several events.
- Added a lot of missing owner scopes to events & decisions.
- Fixed wrong scopes in event 11332
- Added missing any_owned_province scope in event 10005
- Added missing any_owned scope in event 10005
- Added missing any_owned_province scope in event 6407
- Added missing any_owned_province scope to event 5098
- Moved base_tax out of owner scope in event 5063
- Moved treasury into owner scope in event 5057
- Moved monthly_income into owner scope in build_colony_to_city mission
- Moved nomad = no inside owner scope in generic_annex_vassal_mission mission
- Added missing THIS scope in lift_siege_mission mission
- Added missing THIS scope in blockade_enemy_coast mission
- Moved contry triggers out of province scope in reclaim_mecca mission
- Moved contry triggers out of province scope in control_halland mission
- Added missing THIS scope in establish_trade_in_cot mission
- Added missing THIS scope in gain_monopoly mission
- Moved contry triggers out of province scope in reclaim_jerusalem mission
- Fixed wrong scope in various decisions.
- Removed unnecessary owner scope in some events.
- Removed unnecessary owner scopes in improve_tariff_mission mission
- Fixed trigger technology_group being in wrong scope in decisions\Westernization
- Fixed effects set_country_flag being in wrong scope in decisions\Westernization
- Removed obsolete decisions from history files.
- Deleted several unnecessary AND & OR statements in decisions and events.
- Fixed wrong OR statement in break_blockade mission
- Added missing months to casus_belli in kampaku decision
- Deleted revolt_risk trigger from create_green_standard_army decision
- Changed incorect add_country_modifier to add_province_modifier in 11338
- Removed duplicate add_core in decisions\HindustanNation
- Fixed wrong culture_group in cultural_shift decision
- Deleted inconsistent emperor trigger in join_hre decision
- Removed unnecessary MTTH modifier in event 11326
- Changed landforce_limit to army_size_percentage in event 11210
- Added missing months to MTTH in event 10016
- Changed incorect add_country_modifier to add_province_modifier in 10509
- Removed duplicated ai_chance in event 10508
- Removed effect revolt_risk from trigger in event 10508
- Removed duplicated ai_chance in event 10507
- Fixed wrong manpower trigger in event 6418
- Fixed wrong value for trigger has_discovered in event 881
- Changed token current to THIS in event 6007
- Changed adm = -4 to adm = 4 in 9577
- Changed factor = 1.0 to factor = 1.1 in event 6025
- Changed is_lesser_in_union = THIS to junior_union_with = THIS in subjugate_burgundy mission
- Removed unnecessary treasury trigger in build_university mission
- Removed unnecessary treasury trigger in build_fine_arts_academy mission
- Added correct has_building trigger in reduce_inflation mission
- Changed MIL = 10 to MIL = 9 in Spanish_Missions
- Removed duplicate trigger is_subject in annex_the_jalayrids mission
- Removed duplicate trigger is_subject in annex_berar missions
- Removed duplicate unit_transfer = no from reactionary_rebels in rebel_types
- Changed trigger has_country_flag to has_province_modifier in haixi_expedition mission
- Changed trigger has_country_flag to has_province_modifier in ninguta_expedition mission
- has_province_flag = border_forts to has_province_modifier = border_patrol in events\KoreanEvents
- Changed trigger any_neighbor_country to any_neighbor_province in event 10018
- Added missing equal sign in defeat_saruhan mission
- Removed unnecessary ADM MTTH modifier in establish_trade_in_cot
- Removed duplicated unit_type in eastern_carabinier
- Removed duplicated unit_type in eastern_skirmisher
- Removed duplicated unit_type in eastern_uhlan
- Added ottoman_eastern_carabinier unit
- Added ottoman_eastern_skirmisher unit
- Added ottoman_eastern_uhlan unit
- Changed has_country_flag to has_country_modifier in events\Napoleonevents
- Changed has_province_flag = border_forts has_province_modifier = border_patrol in event 10700
- Edited the text for event 960
- Commented out duplicated localisation for PAUSED_BY
- Commented out duplicated localisation for events 4001, 4002, 4003 and 4004
- Duplicated tooltip string HRE_EMPEROR changed to IS_HRE_EMPEROR
- A Formal Request will only trigger for christian countries.
- Paying the Sound Toll now properly removes merchants from cots in baltic and nowhere else.
- Splitting units now give navy names to navies, and not army names.
- Heirs names in events will now get proper monarch numerals.
- Releasing a vassal voluntarily now properly removes the core on that province.
- Effects setting national_focus can now handle this/from properly.
- Horde war status is now only set up when entering the game, and will no longer be problems with dat changing.
- construct_navy mission now aborts if you own no ports with cores and no longer abort just because you don't have a land connection to your port.
- Kabuki mission no longer loops ad infinitum.
- danish_missions retake_halland - changed to province 26-Halland instead of 6-Skane.
- No longer able to get blockade_enemy_coast mission continually.
- /missions/Dutch_Missions.txt - dutch_colony_in_south_africa missions, remove NOT from the three has_discovered statements, and put an OR around them
- /missions/french_missions.txt - add add_core= effects for several subjugate/recover missions
- Fixed "Establish National Guard" - changed land tech requirement to 19 to match when regimental camps first become available.
- Papal mission to build Fine Arts academy in Rome no longer aborts if you build a different kind of manufactory instead.
- /missions/prussian_missions.txt - conquer_hinterpommern , connect_brandenburg_and_prussia , connect_the_prussian_lands missions. With the capital now correctly placed in Stettin all that is needed to make Pommeranian Succession sensible is to make it add core on Hinterpommern, also allowing Prussia to get the mission. For connecting Prussian lands, made the mission affect only Danzig and Warmia and give cores on both - with a separate mission to get Hinterpommern there's no need for another mission that gives claim on it, and Stettin is not necessary to connect Brandenburg and Prussia as long as Brandenburg keeps the province east of Berlin
- Reclaim Jerusalem/Reclaim Mecca missions will now not work when in a union and abort when vassalized/under a union. Only independent nations have access to these missions and get temp claims for both missions and cores on success.
- Tech groups that cannot get ships will no longer be able to get the improve_tarriff_mission.
- Changed "Burgundian Inheritance" mission now aims for PU rather than vassalisation.
- "Silesia Relations" mission is nerfed to 2 Infamy and it now requires a RM. Can only be done once per BOH ruler. Did same to bohemia_austria relations mission.
- Changed "Recover Eastern Balkans" mentions of Bursa province to say Bulgaria.
- Added Manchu to "Colonise Deren" mission.
- The missions "conquer warmia", "conquer danzig", and "conquer ming china" no longer requires to be at war to be available.
- "Make an Impregnable Fortress" will no longer fire if the province already has a tier5 building of any sort.
- conquer_istria mission no longer requires to own province 111
- subjugate_aquileia mission no longer requires to own province 111
- conquer_fruili mission only fire if Fruili is not capital, or owner oly has 1 province
- conquer_bosnia mission now has correct province numbers in abort trigger
- common/countries/cherokee.txt - changed Johan Ross to John Ross
- rebel_types.txt - ikko-ikki and ronin_rebels will only occur in Japanese culture provinces
- Copied correct sound toll event.
- Fixed a few scripting errors with missions. - Mazovia is now a vassal of Poland from 1399 until 1526.
- Remove second ETR (Etruria) alliance, and modified ETR's vassalship to RFR to match the alliance dates of 1801-1807 (when ETR disappears anyway).
- Plock - change starting ownership and cores to MAZ, transfer back to POL on death of JanuszII in 1495
- EFR is not in the peninsular war anymore.
- Fixed more grammar and spelling errors, including German translations
- Fixed positions of cities and various buildings in 34 provinces
- Corrected Allow clause of conquer_core mission, removed NOT from is_subject=no and war=no lines
- Annex_mazovia mission for Poland now gives some cores.
- The Timurids no longer start with cores on Erserum and Van in 1399.
- Golden Horde no longer has cores on Cherson, Kouban, Cherkassk, Kharkov, Zaporozhia & Crimea
- Savoys capital is now Chambery until 1563 in the start.
- Savoy now has occitain as accepted culture, and the province Savoie is now occitain.
- Spanish localisation fixed for 5.1 texts.
- Corrected more german text files.
- Fixed a bug with the bring the dutch back to catholisism mission.
- Swapped positions of gaelic and Finno-ugric cultures, to make Gaelic and French different colours
- Promote Cultural unity now lets you remove nationalistic rebels when nationalism is expired, not before.
- Fixed names of Bruno and Galilei.
- Japanese rebels can now only appear in Japan.
- Tokhtamysh removed as a GOL general at game start
- Paying Sound Toll now requires the sound toll to actually exist
- Turkey & Urbino are now friends of Ragusa from the start.
- Fortresses of Ragusa is now improved.
- Ragusa is now a maritime style republic from the start.
- Ragusa can now enact Thalassocracy.
- Delhi and Timurids now start with a truce.
- Golden Horde and Genoa now starts with a truce.
- Wokou pirates will no longer appear in Korea after defeated.
- Papacy creation fixed.
- Shogun will no longer write satires about himself.
- Continental Congress can no longer be made into a military leader.
- Trigger conditions for missions have been changed to make sure only monarchies can form unions.
- Now more countries may get subjugate/conquer missions.
- All PAP provinces is now immune to Conquest missions.
- Using generic_annex_vassal_mission no longer means you might end up with unlawful territory ~10.5 infamy and a stab hit for completing the mission.
- The mission Iberian conquest of Tangier will only trigger after 1420.
- Changed Conquer Finland mission to make it trigger more often.
- Forming the Mughals will not revert tech to Muslim tech if you have westernised to the oriental tech group.
- TUN and TRI is now allied from game start to 1510 (to represent Hafsid Empire).
- MAZ is now a vassal of POL at game start to 1526.
- ETR is now a vassal of RFR from 1801-1807.
- Plock (256) is owned by MAZ from game start and transferred to POL after 1495.
- The capital of Podlasia (269) is changed to Drohiczyn from game start to 1657. Province is now owned by POL from 26 March 1569 and no longer a core province of LIT from July 1, 1569.
- Volhynia (279) is owned by POL from 26 March 1569 and no longer a core province of LIT from July 1, 1569.
- Kiev (280) is owned by POL from 26 March 1569 and no longer a core province of LIT from July 1, 1569.
- Poltava (290) is owned by POL from 26 March 1569 and no longer a core province of LIT from July 1, 1569.
- Gafsa (352) now has fort level 1 at game start.
- Gabes (353) now has fort level 1 at game start.
- All MOR/TRI/TUN/ALG provinces now has training_fields from game start.
- Cairo (361) now has the Al Azhar university at game start.
- Changed capital of Priangan (625).
- Changed trade good of Sierra Leone (1118) to ivory. GBR owns Sierra Leone (1118) from 1787.
- EFR is removed from peninsulawar.
- Spelling and grammar mistakes are corrected.
- Cities and buildings positions has been fixed in several provinces.
- Map borders/seacoasts and other flaws has been fixed.
- Trent (110) has been added to the German region and removed from Italian region.
- Ancona (119) and Romagna (114) has been removed from Lombardia region.
- Lausitz (60) and Niederlausitz (1763) has been removed from the German region.
- Gorz (1769) has been added to Austria region, removed from Croatia region and removed from Western Balkans region.
- Krain (129) has been added to Austria region and removed from Croatia region.
- Conquer_Florida mission now awards temp_claims on all four provinces.
- tobacco_factory checks for any existing manufactory and rewards are more substantial.
- Conquest mission is corrected and should be Working As Designed now.
- Completing annex_mazovia mission now adds cores on 256 and 257.
- The four reqonquista missions are now accessible after 1420, 1440, 1460 and 1480
- conquer_bosnia mission now points at proper Bosnian provinces.
- conquer_istria and subjugate_aquileia no longer need to own 111 to successfully finish the missions.
- conquer_fruili only triggers if Fruili is not a capital or owner only owns one province.
- Aztecs now are more centralized at start.
- Tweaked setup of the Aztec empire.
- Morocco now has capital changes properly in its history files.
- Tunis and Trier no longer a cozy union in 1399.
- Fixed a few broken files regarding polish annexation in 1569.
- Ceuta's capital is now called Ceuta.
- Fixed spellin in several places.
- numerous corrections to German text
- Tweaked a few portugese missions to behave more historically.
- Turkey now takes back ownership of Serbia and Kosovo in 1739.
- Prevented HRE or PAP for forming the other four Indian nations too, not just the Dravidian one
- Capital of Sanxing is now Yulin.
- Mexico citysize change got a date correction.
- Even more german spelling and grammar fixes.
- Savoie is no longer in the italian region.
- Manpower is reduced with less at the start of the game if at war.
- Fixed trade-value display from local_trade_income_modifier.
- Crimea and Astrakhan are now steppe horde.
- Battlescores are now scaled on total amount of troops killed.
- Changing country tag should now keep league status.
- Fixed a few events that could happen when they shouldn't.
- Conquer missions will not be given when in a regency.
- Discover Madeira mission fixed.
- Naval Rival mission fixed.
- Some spelling and localisation fixes done.
# Stability & Performance
- Game will no longer crash if your country has no female names and you get the Maid of Orleans event.
- Game will no longer crash if you play Ming and change tag to Manchu.
- Game no longer locks up if trying to remove a faction.
- Launcher now checks correct path for update.
- Fixed a reason for OOS issues with events.
- Fixed an issue with autosaving not working properly when loading an autosave.
- Fixed a crashbug.
- Fixed a calculation error in colony growth for nomad territory.
- Fixed a crashbug with two france at the same time.
- Fixed saving game crash.
- Fixed a rare OOS issue in multiplayer.
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# 5.2 files
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# AI
- AI will no longer disband all its forces overseas in enemy territory at the end of a war, and they got transports.
- AI is more likely to do more royal marriages when low on legitimacy.
- AI now disbands landlocked armies after peace that is too hard to get home.
- AI is far more likely to remove provinces from HRE if they have taken them and are not in the HRE.
- AI will no longer ignore assaulting if there are token armies nearby.
- Ottoman AI should no longer be crippled by the provincial system decision.
- AI can no longer stop a navy in the middle of a retreat.
- AI is now more likely to cancel movement if its not ideal.
- AI now considers monthly interest payments, not yearly, for monthly budget calculations when maintaining trooplevels.
- AI will now do the kampaku decision.
- AI is now much more reluctant to start wars if low on MP.
- AI drained on MP is now more likely to sue for peace.
- AI will now assign admirals to units at sea. (yes, its a cheat, but without it player has a huge advantage.)
# Gamebalance
- Fleets not on patrol order will not attempt to intercept enemy fleets when moving and/or carrying troops.
- Intercepting enemy fleets that want to avoid it depends on manuever of leaders and light-ship ratio.
- Armies on ships trying to disembark will stall for as long as the navy is in combat.
- Non daimyo countries can no longer release daimyo countries.
- When negotiating peace with Japan, it's now valid to take the capital of a daimyo if it's their last province.
- Some spy activities will now scale in size of the target country instead of being a fixed badboy cost if discovered.
- It is no longer possible to annex the Emperor of HRE.
- Manufactory cost limit is now one per 8 provinces instead of based on manpower.
- Garrison growth can no longer be negative.
- Hofkriegsrat now gives 30% reinforce speed.
- Rebels will now despawn on small islands if they can't siege down the fort.
- Naval positioning can no longer be lower than maneuever of commander.
- Doubled chance of firing at enemy at bad positioning.
- No longer possible to split armies that are loaded on ships.
- Releasing a country voluntarily now removes your cores from their provinces.
- Trade & Production efficiency can no longer be more than 200%.
- Trade Income modifier can no longer be more than 200%.
- The shogunate now properly disbands from occupation of all capitals.
- Indelningsverket now gives +10% manpower.
- When westernising as Ming or Manchu, you will now dissolve the faction system.
- It is now possible to become Shogun when starting when a daimyo had been annexed.
- Daimyo's can no longer call in other nations into wars due to defender of faith.
- Attrition impact on warexhaustion now scales properly on force-limits.
- Conscription centers now give +25% local manpower instead of +5 MP.
- Its now always harder to integrate a large realm that is in a union with you.
- Rejecting an union integration is now -200 relation instead of -50.
- Centralisation now increases spy efficiency much further.
- Halfed effect of free subjects on spy defence.
- Espionage now increases spy-effiency by 10% as well.
- A union with different culture will slowly decay in relation.
- The Emperor now gets slightly reduced reinforcement speed inside hostile territory in the empire.
- Only units that have almost broken morale can have ships captured off them.
- Nomad countries that are force-released will not be made allied with the one force releasing them.
- Nomad countries will no longer be nomads when force released by non-nomads, but regular tribes.
- Countries can now break when at war with nomads only.
- Nomads can now vassalize other nomads.
- Sacking event for tribes now gives bonus to the one doing the sacking.
- Colonies in nomad territory should no longer dissapear when changing tags.
- Wars through vassals and chains of union partners should no longer automatically end with hordes.
- Colonists are now automatically cancelled when you no longer control the province they are being sent to.
- Tributes to nomads are now cancelled when called into a war as well.
- Nomad Neighbour bonus is just IF you have a nomad neighbour, not 1 for each province.
- Nomads will no longer take control of provinces until the buildings are all gone.
- Defensiveness now modifies nomad destruction properly.
- Revolters can no longer force a government to become a nomad.
- Cancelling vassals no longer ends wars with hordes.
- Baroque Music is now just a +cultural_tradition boost.
- South German Organ Tradition no longer reduces revolt risk globally.
- Commedia dell'Arte now increases prestige instead of lowering revolt risk.
- Imperial Integrity now reduce rr by -1 instead of -3.
- Separation of Powers no longer reduces revolt risk.
- Warexhaustion reduces legitimacy 50% faster now.
- National Defense is no longer applied if you are also fighting in any offensive wars.
- Combination act now is a pure production efficiency increase.
- The_dissolution_act now reduces stability cost by 5% instead of revolt risk by 1.
- Formalized measures no longer reduces revolt risk by 1.
- Sunday Schools is now only increasing missionary chance.
- College no longer reduces local revolt risk.
- "d'Appiani d'Aragona" is now "Appiani d'Aragona"
- Religious Unity now requires you to own all your cores as well.
- Regimental Camps now takes 12 months to build.
- Religious Sacrifices is now a true choice.
- Repairs to Great Wall is now more useful.
- Tweaked Indian units types (used to have anomalous tech levels, either hugely overpowered or already obsolete).
- Added exceptions: Union countries can now only change to a culture in their union group.
- Revoke Settlement Policy: will no longer give a Prestige hit when the province is your culture and you revoke the policy.
- Ottoman decision change: HAVE_MORE_BUILDINGS_THEN will no longer be seen in the text.
- Persian decision change: Changed the nomads to the muslim tech group to match their government change from steppe_horde to theocracy.
- No longer need to have Berlin as a capital to form Prussia.
- Basetax increases from prussian events are only in german culture provinces.
- Religion decision change: As the Papal States Nation cannot take the church_tax decision is no longer shown as a possible religion decision for them.
- The Hansa decision change: commission_adler_von_lubeck decision moved any_neighbor_country clause from Potential to Allow, so that the mission doesn't continually come and go as wars start and stop.
- Wokou raids will no longer happen continuously.
- "Grave for a Eunuch"- option A now gives -10 Influence.
- "Treasurer Empties Coffers" - option A now gives -4 Influence .
- "Field Marshall Dishonoured"- both options now provide a more distinct choice.
- "Choosing a Tomb"- option A affects the bureaucrats faction, not the eunuchs.
- "Brigands on the Silk Road" - option B in event moves slider toward decentralisation, not centralisation.
- convince_elector - No female may take this and it will be aborted if the character is female.
- "Generation of Cowards" will no longer happen if at war with a Horde.
- "Gift to the State" - minor tweak.
- "Invest in quality troops" now removes instead of adding money.
- Ships are now less likely to gang up in a battle.
- Ships will try to face of against similar ships first.
- Morale splash damage is now 10% of before.
- Tweaked down strength damage from naval battles by 20%.
- Normalised relative naval damage algoritms to be constant through the ages, aka naval battles should be same length through the ages.
- Navies unloading should now cancel unloading and retreat if forced to retreat.
- Ottomans now start with military drill.
- Colonists in horde lands are now 3 times as quick as the ones in more virgin territories.
- Lucky nations take slightly less attrition now.
- Nomads will not start any new wars if at -3 stability or war exhaustion.
- Restrictions for vassals colonising nomad territory is now enforced for players as well.
- You can now place colonists in nomad territory bordering your vassals.
- Its no longer possible to replace leaders on units that are moving.
- Forming pentarchy now also removes the papal controller.
- National Focus and other local status in your own territory no longer boosts enemy colonization of your precious horde.
- Monarchs can now get to 9.
- Reduced the force limits from level 5 and 6 buildings a bit.
- Fleets can now be forced to retreat back to port if low morale before the first 12 days of battle is up.
- Moving units can now be merged, and if they are all already moving, progress is set to the lowest one.
- Artillery now moves at the same strategic speed as cavalry and infantry.
- Defensiness now modifiers military tactics for the DEFENDER by 50% of its value. (both local and country)
- Reinforcement factors on armies now gets a bonus by 10% per each maneuever value of its leader, up to maximum of the 200% in safe home provinces.
- Increased reinforcement in provinces that have a supply line of invested fortresses to friendly territory to be 100% + manuever.
- Manpower pool is now 10 years to recover, and manpower effects have been lowered.
- Fixed a bug which caused the local controllers global trade income modifier affect everyones trade income for that province, instead of the merchants global trade income modifier.
- State Controlled Guilds no longer increases revolt risk.
- Veterans homes now requre land tech 40, and are now almost guaranteed to happen for a country.
- Per capita tax now only increases stability costs by 10%
- State controlled guilds now only costs 1 magistrare for France.
- Born under a star is now even better.
- RUS is now only able to make St. Petersburg its capital if it has over 300 treasury to prevent RUS having to take a loan after taking the decision.
- HRE is now more likely to stay decentralized due to events.
- Sound Toll event no longer makes anyone lose merchants.
- The Tunisian starting monarch "Abd al-Aziz" martial stat has been boosted to better match his stats as a general.
- Attrition is no longer considering hostile troops retreating away from you as "present in province" for attrition checks (for your army).
- HRE bonus manpower bonus is now scaled same way as other manpower.
- Hindustan, Malaya, Mughal and Persia can no longer be formed by the Papacy or HRE.
- Nobles Ally with Foreign Power - prevented effect from happening to a vassal state.
- Armies will no longer be eliminated if they arrive in a province where another army is eliminated.
- Supply limit now scales from 100 to 125% of base value depending on relation with province controller&owner.
- Armies now reinforce about 50% slower than before, maneuever is more important on hostile territory.
- Removed reinforce bonus in the empire.
- Disbanding a regiment now returns 50% of the manpower remaining in it..
- Assaults can no longer be broken off manually.
- Assaults are now a bit more bloody.
- Base tradition gain from combat increased by 33%.
- Tradition gain is now halfed if you fight someone with and you have the larger army.
- Strength damage from combat has been dropped by 50%
- Removing someone from a sphere of influece now only cost 5 peace score.
- Conquering Thrace is now a more important mission for the ottomans, and it will not abort as easily.
- Ottoman tolernace now reduces stability costs by 10% instead of increasing it.
- Reverted the x3 from sliders over max.
- Units being eliminated now restores 50% of their MP back to the pool.
- Increased morale damage from land combat.
- Rebels now reinforce at half speed, and also reduced depending on techgroup of the owner of the province they stand in.
- Crimea and Astrakhan are now part of the nomad_group tech group.
- Occupation no longer reduces force limits.
- There is now a base manpower for all countries.
- Manpower gain is never lower than 100 per month.
- Starting fleets are no longer above force limits.
- Removed the 10x hit for being over forcelimits.
- Removed impact from production income on force limits.
- Fixed a bug which caused moving units to get attrition where only retreating should.
- Position cap penalty depends on guns/guns on your best bigship.
- Warexhaustion from attrition & combat have been increased by 20%.
- Minimum position can now go down to 0, while manuever increases amount allowed before penalty.
- Truce now lasts ten years.
- Rebels that have "friends" now use the max-morale of the friend if higher.
- Ottoman Empire now takes National Conscripts as the first idea.
- Recruiting Crisis event will now be able to happen.
- Our Fleet is the Pride of the Nation will no longer happen if you don't have any ships.
- Military Development will no longer happen if you are already maximum quality.
# Interface Improvements
- Implemented a system for attaching units to other nations units in the same province. aka, Coalition Armies for MP.
- When sending diplomatic offers as the shogun to countries outside of the shogunate, there's a message telling that you're doing this as Japan.
- Claim Throne is now only shown for monarchies.
- Its now possible to see the tooltip and select units that are zoomed out alot.
- Connected in the civilisation out of range peace message for Nomads.
- Fixed some modifier icons that was positive to show as green.
- Improved tooltips for spy actions to see what actions are possible.
- Fixed War of Third Coalition and First Muscovite-Lithuanian war so no more erroneous display on participants.
- National Statistics ledger no longer is named "National Statistics" in any other language than English, it has the correct translation now.
- Improved tooltips for force limit goals in missions.
- You can now see what government forms can be discovered that you can convert to, but still greyed out.
- Fixed display issue for colonial growth and low maintenance.
- Fixed display of colonist growth.
- Improved tooltip for when to get attrition to new rules.
- Fixed a tooltip bug on weight in province.
- Tooltip for unit weight is now taking present armies into consideration properly.
# User Modding
- The dynasty trigger now accepts a dynasty name as an argument
- The define_ruler effect now accepts THIS, FROM, and TAG as valid arguments for its dynasty.
- All console commands now take lower case tags
- add_core effect now accepts country tags as argument
- Added triggers unit in province triggers for cavalry, artillery, big ship, light ship and transport
# Setup & Scripts
- The Sound Toll and the Bosphorus tolls are now more interesting with events and stuff :9
- Prestige & Legitimacy triggers now properly checks for = THIS/FROM.
- on_hre_wins_defensive_war will no longer fire for nomad wars.
- Income should no longer wrap around.
- Fixed a few cases where the game was looking at "catholic" in the executable instead of a scripted check.
- Colonial Maintenance for colonies in horde provinces is now loaded from savegames.
- Fixed a few names of Scottish Monarchs.
- Fixed a few names of Polish monarchs and leaders.
- Fixed Hindustan formation decision to not add in Persian territory as cores.
- Revised RAJ and PUN flags.
- correct dynasty name to Walashma in two places
- Fixed Jihad Achievement.
- Fixed a LOT of localisation errors.
- A lot of missions that gives temporary cb's now remove them properly where they did not before.
- Fixed a few spelling and grammar errors.
- Mexican War of Independence now starts at correct date.
- Fixed Bali Lombok - Blambangan connection issue.
- Removed pixels of the North Channel that were in bays adjacent to the Irish Sea off Scotland.
- Fixed pixels of the Aegean Sea that were on the wrong side of the Isthmus of Corinth.
- Kalunda is now in Siberia, not in Central Asia.
- Separated the island of Euboea from the rest of Athens and Larissa.
- Lolland is now part of Sjaelland.
- Fehmarn is now part of Holstein.
- Removed the 'real' Trinidad and Tobago.
- Fixed pixels of Three Kings Island that were on the wrong side of Whangarei.
- Fixed the pixelation in southern Athens and on the south-west coast of Lake Tchad.
- Amended Option A section to allow player an opportunity to join a new trade league before losing all his trade stations without warning
- Amended event effects of base_tax=-1 so that they only could happen to provinces with base_tax=2 or higher, to prevent creation of provinces with 0 base_tax as that prevents colonisation ("province is too remote and inhospitable ..."). This meant that non-hordes couldn't colonise that province if it's owned by horde, and so ensured perpetual war with that horde as they can then never be conquered
- A Habsburg decision changed to two explicit NOT statements rather than two within one NOT block.
- An Indian Trade Company decision change: grand_shipyard is ineffective if province already have one.
- Theocracies can now form the Kingdom of Jerusalem.
- "Introduce Hangul Writing System" and "Hall of Worthies" will show up on the list of decisions when available, no longer possible to take them repeatedly. The new alphabet will only be introduced once.
- Event 9493 - works as it should now.
- Military Reforms event changes: minor tweak.
- DW changed tech requirements for some building types, tweaked event 6408 to 6416 to adapt to the new tech requirements.
- Event 4006 - minor tweak.
- Brandenburg will now have the primary culture "prussian" from 1650.1.1.
- Danzig now has historically correct government type changes.
- King Charles VI de Valois stats has been lowered to better match his historical counterpart.
- Charles Cumberland now has his correct death date.
- Wrong numbering of George III 1738, changed from George II to George III.
- KUR's first ruler now has the correct start date, name and stats. KUR becomes a vassal of POL at the correct date. Livonia and its provinces are removed from the HRE after the Treaty of Stettin.
- Magdeburg: corrected Interregnum to Ernst I, and changed 1551.5.18={government=administrative_monarchy} to 1551.5.18={religion=protestant} as it was ruled by administrators from Brandenburg and was still an Archbishopric not a hereditary monarchy. Add 1650.1.1={primary_culture=prussian } to match change of province culture of its only province, 52 Altmark
- Sadamori's birthday changed from day 215 to 15.
- Corrected Gioachino to Gioacchino.
- Added monarchs of Tir(Tyrol) from 1490-1665.
- Westfalia now has correct ruler start date to match start of the country and made into a constitutional monarchy.
- Added death dates to ANS, KHD, MAL heirs, and fixed invalid dates in MIN.
- Added Westphalia as a vassal of RFR 1807-1813.
- Champa is a vassal of Annam to 1802, then it becomes a vassal of Dai Viet.
- Added Cathedral of Lund at game start, and University of Lund 1456.
- Added University of Greifswald 1456.
- Trent is now owned by HAB from 1665.
- Bern and Schwyz is removed from HRE in 1648 (end of 30 years war).
- The County of Provence ceases to be a fiefdom of the Holy Roman Empire in 1246, as it did historically.
- Poznan and Kalisz is no longer part of the HRE.
- Krakow now has Jagiellonian University at game start.
- Provinces 372, 373, 374, 375, and 376 gives cores on all Irish provinces to Ireland on 1642.6.7.
- Brunei now has the correct dates of SPA ownership.
- Jeolla is no longer owned by JAP.
- The city name of Conoy (953) has been changed to "St. Mary's City" (capitalised the "c" in "city").
- Obdorsk and Berezov is controlled by RUS after end of rebellion in 1620.
- Mahe and Diego Garcia is now owned by GBR after the fall of Napoleon.
- Bourbon is now owned by GBR from 1810 to 1815.
- Kostroma is no longer a NOV core in 1478.
- Sundgau becomes a (FRA?) core in 1648 when it becomes part of FRA.
- The Pima province label in Mexico is now in the centre of the province.
- Croatia's port is now correctly in Croatia, not Dalmatia.
- Negev is now in the middle_east_central_asia region.
- Provinces in Switzerland, Presburg, Croatia and Istria is removed from the German region. Added Kazan, Perm, and Uralsk to Western Siberia region. Corrected Chinese Coast and East Asian CoT regions to account for new provinces on coast and CoTs being moved in DW.
- conquer_sicily and conquer_naples missions now gives multiple claims and multiple cores. - chance= section of both discover_mission and establish_colony_mission has TAG= triggers, as a province mission they needed to be put in THIS scope to refer to the mission-receiver
- /missions/conquest.txt and diplomatic.txt - in ten places over those two files, corrected logic of tag=JAP/NOT={num_of_daimyos=1} code from an OR to an AND, as with an OR it always evaluated to be true and was thus useless
- attack_rivals missions now has no effect on cores.
- earn_more_from_trade mission is now prevented to repeat ad infinitum.
- Fixed missing curly brackets & missing equal signs in several files.
- Removed some duplicated national ideas in some countries.
- Fixed typo in common\countries\Ferrara
- Fixed typo in common\countries\Fujiwara
- Fixed chronological order and wrong date in lots of history files.
- Fixed error with revolt effect in history\provinces\1023 - Echizen
- Removed double cores for Venice on 142 - Corfu
- Removed one of two rulers with same date in history\countries\AQU - Aquileia
- Deleted duplicated slider info in history\countries\FRA - France
- Deleted inconsistent info in history\countries\POL - Poland
- Deleted inconsistent info in history\countries\ZAZ - Zaporozhie
- Deleted unnecessary heir in history\countries\KBO - KanemBornu
- Fixed missing monarch_name in history\countries\ASS - Assam
- Fixed missing monarch_name in history\countries\DAI - Dai Viet
- Added missing claim in history\countries\CHA - Champa
- Added missing claim in history\countries\FER - Ferrara
- Added missing claim in history\countries\NAP - Naples
- Added a casus belli to the SecondRussoSwedishWar
- Sweden no longer removed from the Thirty Years War between 1642 and 1644
- Deleted duplicated information in some history files.
- Added missing owner scope to several events.
- Added a lot of missing owner scopes to events & decisions.
- Fixed wrong scopes in event 11332
- Added missing any_owned_province scope in event 10005
- Added missing any_owned scope in event 10005
- Added missing any_owned_province scope in event 6407
- Added missing any_owned_province scope to event 5098
- Moved base_tax out of owner scope in event 5063
- Moved treasury into owner scope in event 5057
- Moved monthly_income into owner scope in build_colony_to_city mission
- Moved nomad = no inside owner scope in generic_annex_vassal_mission mission
- Added missing THIS scope in lift_siege_mission mission
- Added missing THIS scope in blockade_enemy_coast mission
- Moved contry triggers out of province scope in reclaim_mecca mission
- Moved contry triggers out of province scope in control_halland mission
- Added missing THIS scope in establish_trade_in_cot mission
- Added missing THIS scope in gain_monopoly mission
- Moved contry triggers out of province scope in reclaim_jerusalem mission
- Fixed wrong scope in various decisions.
- Removed unnecessary owner scope in some events.
- Removed unnecessary owner scopes in improve_tariff_mission mission
- Fixed trigger technology_group being in wrong scope in decisions\Westernization
- Fixed effects set_country_flag being in wrong scope in decisions\Westernization
- Removed obsolete decisions from history files.
- Deleted several unnecessary AND & OR statements in decisions and events.
- Fixed wrong OR statement in break_blockade mission
- Added missing months to casus_belli in kampaku decision
- Deleted revolt_risk trigger from create_green_standard_army decision
- Changed incorect add_country_modifier to add_province_modifier in 11338
- Removed duplicate add_core in decisions\HindustanNation
- Fixed wrong culture_group in cultural_shift decision
- Deleted inconsistent emperor trigger in join_hre decision
- Removed unnecessary MTTH modifier in event 11326
- Changed landforce_limit to army_size_percentage in event 11210
- Added missing months to MTTH in event 10016
- Changed incorect add_country_modifier to add_province_modifier in 10509
- Removed duplicated ai_chance in event 10508
- Removed effect revolt_risk from trigger in event 10508
- Removed duplicated ai_chance in event 10507
- Fixed wrong manpower trigger in event 6418
- Fixed wrong value for trigger has_discovered in event 881
- Changed token current to THIS in event 6007
- Changed adm = -4 to adm = 4 in 9577
- Changed factor = 1.0 to factor = 1.1 in event 6025
- Changed is_lesser_in_union = THIS to junior_union_with = THIS in subjugate_burgundy mission
- Removed unnecessary treasury trigger in build_university mission
- Removed unnecessary treasury trigger in build_fine_arts_academy mission
- Added correct has_building trigger in reduce_inflation mission
- Changed MIL = 10 to MIL = 9 in Spanish_Missions
- Removed duplicate trigger is_subject in annex_the_jalayrids mission
- Removed duplicate trigger is_subject in annex_berar missions
- Removed duplicate unit_transfer = no from reactionary_rebels in rebel_types
- Changed trigger has_country_flag to has_province_modifier in haixi_expedition mission
- Changed trigger has_country_flag to has_province_modifier in ninguta_expedition mission
- has_province_flag = border_forts to has_province_modifier = border_patrol in events\KoreanEvents
- Changed trigger any_neighbor_country to any_neighbor_province in event 10018
- Added missing equal sign in defeat_saruhan mission
- Removed unnecessary ADM MTTH modifier in establish_trade_in_cot
- Removed duplicated unit_type in eastern_carabinier
- Removed duplicated unit_type in eastern_skirmisher
- Removed duplicated unit_type in eastern_uhlan
- Added ottoman_eastern_carabinier unit
- Added ottoman_eastern_skirmisher unit
- Added ottoman_eastern_uhlan unit
- Changed has_country_flag to has_country_modifier in events\Napoleonevents
- Changed has_province_flag = border_forts has_province_modifier = border_patrol in event 10700
- Edited the text for event 960
- Commented out duplicated localisation for PAUSED_BY
- Commented out duplicated localisation for events 4001, 4002, 4003 and 4004
- Duplicated tooltip string HRE_EMPEROR changed to IS_HRE_EMPEROR
- A Formal Request will only trigger for christian countries.
- Paying the Sound Toll now properly removes merchants from cots in baltic and nowhere else.
- Splitting units now give navy names to navies, and not army names.
- Heirs names in events will now get proper monarch numerals.
- Releasing a vassal voluntarily now properly removes the core on that province.
- Effects setting national_focus can now handle this/from properly.
- Horde war status is now only set up when entering the game, and will no longer be problems with dat changing.
- construct_navy mission now aborts if you own no ports with cores and no longer abort just because you don't have a land connection to your port.
- Kabuki mission no longer loops ad infinitum.
- danish_missions retake_halland - changed to province 26-Halland instead of 6-Skane.
- No longer able to get blockade_enemy_coast mission continually.
- /missions/Dutch_Missions.txt - dutch_colony_in_south_africa missions, remove NOT from the three has_discovered statements, and put an OR around them
- /missions/french_missions.txt - add add_core= effects for several subjugate/recover missions
- Fixed "Establish National Guard" - changed land tech requirement to 19 to match when regimental camps first become available.
- Papal mission to build Fine Arts academy in Rome no longer aborts if you build a different kind of manufactory instead.
- /missions/prussian_missions.txt - conquer_hinterpommern , connect_brandenburg_and_prussia , connect_the_prussian_lands missions. With the capital now correctly placed in Stettin all that is needed to make Pommeranian Succession sensible is to make it add core on Hinterpommern, also allowing Prussia to get the mission. For connecting Prussian lands, made the mission affect only Danzig and Warmia and give cores on both - with a separate mission to get Hinterpommern there's no need for another mission that gives claim on it, and Stettin is not necessary to connect Brandenburg and Prussia as long as Brandenburg keeps the province east of Berlin
- Reclaim Jerusalem/Reclaim Mecca missions will now not work when in a union and abort when vassalized/under a union. Only independent nations have access to these missions and get temp claims for both missions and cores on success.
- Tech groups that cannot get ships will no longer be able to get the improve_tarriff_mission.
- Changed "Burgundian Inheritance" mission now aims for PU rather than vassalisation.
- "Silesia Relations" mission is nerfed to 2 Infamy and it now requires a RM. Can only be done once per BOH ruler. Did same to bohemia_austria relations mission.
- Changed "Recover Eastern Balkans" mentions of Bursa province to say Bulgaria.
- Added Manchu to "Colonise Deren" mission.
- The missions "conquer warmia", "conquer danzig", and "conquer ming china" no longer requires to be at war to be available.
- "Make an Impregnable Fortress" will no longer fire if the province already has a tier5 building of any sort.
- conquer_istria mission no longer requires to own province 111
- subjugate_aquileia mission no longer requires to own province 111
- conquer_fruili mission only fire if Fruili is not capital, or owner oly has 1 province
- conquer_bosnia mission now has correct province numbers in abort trigger
- common/countries/cherokee.txt - changed Johan Ross to John Ross
- rebel_types.txt - ikko-ikki and ronin_rebels will only occur in Japanese culture provinces
- Copied correct sound toll event.
- Fixed a few scripting errors with missions. - Mazovia is now a vassal of Poland from 1399 until 1526.
- Remove second ETR (Etruria) alliance, and modified ETR's vassalship to RFR to match the alliance dates of 1801-1807 (when ETR disappears anyway).
- Plock - change starting ownership and cores to MAZ, transfer back to POL on death of JanuszII in 1495
- EFR is not in the peninsular war anymore.
- Fixed more grammar and spelling errors, including German translations
- Fixed positions of cities and various buildings in 34 provinces
- Corrected Allow clause of conquer_core mission, removed NOT from is_subject=no and war=no lines
- Annex_mazovia mission for Poland now gives some cores.
- The Timurids no longer start with cores on Erserum and Van in 1399.
- Golden Horde no longer has cores on Cherson, Kouban, Cherkassk, Kharkov, Zaporozhia & Crimea
- Savoys capital is now Chambery until 1563 in the start.
- Savoy now has occitain as accepted culture, and the province Savoie is now occitain.
- Spanish localisation fixed for 5.1 texts.
- Corrected more german text files.
- Fixed a bug with the bring the dutch back to catholisism mission.
- Swapped positions of gaelic and Finno-ugric cultures, to make Gaelic and French different colours
- Promote Cultural unity now lets you remove nationalistic rebels when nationalism is expired, not before.
- Fixed names of Bruno and Galilei.
- Japanese rebels can now only appear in Japan.
- Tokhtamysh removed as a GOL general at game start
- Paying Sound Toll now requires the sound toll to actually exist
- Turkey & Urbino are now friends of Ragusa from the start.
- Fortresses of Ragusa is now improved.
- Ragusa is now a maritime style republic from the start.
- Ragusa can now enact Thalassocracy.
- Delhi and Timurids now start with a truce.
- Golden Horde and Genoa now starts with a truce.
- Wokou pirates will no longer appear in Korea after defeated.
- Papacy creation fixed.
- Shogun will no longer write satires about himself.
- Continental Congress can no longer be made into a military leader.
- Trigger conditions for missions have been changed to make sure only monarchies can form unions.
- Now more countries may get subjugate/conquer missions.
- All PAP provinces is now immune to Conquest missions.
- Using generic_annex_vassal_mission no longer means you might end up with unlawful territory ~10.5 infamy and a stab hit for completing the mission.
- The mission Iberian conquest of Tangier will only trigger after 1420.
- Changed Conquer Finland mission to make it trigger more often.
- Forming the Mughals will not revert tech to Muslim tech if you have westernised to the oriental tech group.
- TUN and TRI is now allied from game start to 1510 (to represent Hafsid Empire).
- MAZ is now a vassal of POL at game start to 1526.
- ETR is now a vassal of RFR from 1801-1807.
- Plock (256) is owned by MAZ from game start and transferred to POL after 1495.
- The capital of Podlasia (269) is changed to Drohiczyn from game start to 1657. Province is now owned by POL from 26 March 1569 and no longer a core province of LIT from July 1, 1569.
- Volhynia (279) is owned by POL from 26 March 1569 and no longer a core province of LIT from July 1, 1569.
- Kiev (280) is owned by POL from 26 March 1569 and no longer a core province of LIT from July 1, 1569.
- Poltava (290) is owned by POL from 26 March 1569 and no longer a core province of LIT from July 1, 1569.
- Gafsa (352) now has fort level 1 at game start.
- Gabes (353) now has fort level 1 at game start.
- All MOR/TRI/TUN/ALG provinces now has training_fields from game start.
- Cairo (361) now has the Al Azhar university at game start.
- Changed capital of Priangan (625).
- Changed trade good of Sierra Leone (1118) to ivory. GBR owns Sierra Leone (1118) from 1787.
- EFR is removed from peninsulawar.
- Spelling and grammar mistakes are corrected.
- Cities and buildings positions has been fixed in several provinces.
- Map borders/seacoasts and other flaws has been fixed.
- Trent (110) has been added to the German region and removed from Italian region.
- Ancona (119) and Romagna (114) has been removed from Lombardia region.
- Lausitz (60) and Niederlausitz (1763) has been removed from the German region.
- Gorz (1769) has been added to Austria region, removed from Croatia region and removed from Western Balkans region.
- Krain (129) has been added to Austria region and removed from Croatia region.
- Conquer_Florida mission now awards temp_claims on all four provinces.
- tobacco_factory checks for any existing manufactory and rewards are more substantial.
- Conquest mission is corrected and should be Working As Designed now.
- Completing annex_mazovia mission now adds cores on 256 and 257.
- The four reqonquista missions are now accessible after 1420, 1440, 1460 and 1480
- conquer_bosnia mission now points at proper Bosnian provinces.
- conquer_istria and subjugate_aquileia no longer need to own 111 to successfully finish the missions.
- conquer_fruili only triggers if Fruili is not a capital or owner only owns one province.
- Aztecs now are more centralized at start.
- Tweaked setup of the Aztec empire.
- Morocco now has capital changes properly in its history files.
- Tunis and Trier no longer a cozy union in 1399.
- Fixed a few broken files regarding polish annexation in 1569.
- Ceuta's capital is now called Ceuta.
- Fixed spellin in several places.
- numerous corrections to German text
- Tweaked a few portugese missions to behave more historically.
- Turkey now takes back ownership of Serbia and Kosovo in 1739.
- Prevented HRE or PAP for forming the other four Indian nations too, not just the Dravidian one
- Capital of Sanxing is now Yulin.
- Mexico citysize change got a date correction.
- Even more german spelling and grammar fixes.
- Savoie is no longer in the italian region.
- Manpower is reduced with less at the start of the game if at war.
- Fixed trade-value display from local_trade_income_modifier.
- Crimea and Astrakhan are now steppe horde.
- Battlescores are now scaled on total amount of troops killed.
- Changing country tag should now keep league status.
- Fixed a few events that could happen when they shouldn't.
- Conquer missions will not be given when in a regency.
- Discover Madeira mission fixed.
- Naval Rival mission fixed.
- Some spelling and localisation fixes done.
# Stability & Performance
- Game will no longer crash if your country has no female names and you get the Maid of Orleans event.
- Game will no longer crash if you play Ming and change tag to Manchu.
- Game no longer locks up if trying to remove a faction.
- Launcher now checks correct path for update.
- Fixed a reason for OOS issues with events.
- Fixed an issue with autosaving not working properly when loading an autosave.
- Fixed a crashbug.
- Fixed a calculation error in colony growth for nomad territory.
- Fixed a crashbug with two france at the same time.
- Fixed saving game crash.
- Fixed a rare OOS issue in multiplayer.