[B@W] Abominus
20.09.12, 15:57
Aktuell sieht es so aus, dass man keinen Harem gründen kann. Grund: In der Decision ist noch angegeben, dass man den Royal Palace als Provinzmodifier hat, gibt es aber nicht mehr, heißt jetzt genauso, ist aber ein Gebäude. Das Gebäude ist erst ab Regierung 32 möglich.
Oh, ich sehe grad, ich habe in vorauseilendem Gehorsam die Decision angepasst, so dass auch Nicht-Türken diese wählen können, obwohl darüber bereits eine besteht, auf die sich die Gebäudevariante bezieht. Also nur für mich zur Info und zum Austausch:
harem_errichten = {
potential = {
OR = {
AND = {
capital_scope = {
has_national_focus = yes
has_owner_religion = yes
has_building = royal_palace
not = { has_province_modifier = has_harem }
OR = {
government = feudal_monarchy
government = despotic_monarchy
government = imperial_government
government = administrative_monarchy
government = absolute_monarchy
government = tribal_despotism
government = tribal_federation
government = steppe_horde
government_tech = 15
religion_group = muslim
NOT = { tag = TUR }
AND = {
capital_scope = {
not = { has_province_modifier = has_harem }
OR = {
government = feudal_monarchy
government = despotic_monarchy
government = imperial_government
government = administrative_monarchy
government = absolute_monarchy
government = tribal_despotism
government = tribal_federation
government = steppe_horde
religion_group = muslim
151 = {
is_capital = yes
owned_by = THIS
tag = TUR
allow = {
prestige = 0.8
officials = 5
army_tradition = 0.8
capital_scope = {
has_national_focus = yes
has_owner_religion = yes
effect = {
officials = -5
prestige = 0.1
capital_scope = {
add_province_modifier = {
name = "has_harem"
duration = -1
ai_will_do = {
factor = 1
Die erste Decision fliegt raus.
[B@W] Abominus
02.10.12, 15:07
Das Timar-System:
has_timar_system_global = {
discipline = 0.05
land_morale = 0.05
icon = 7
has_timar_system_local = {
local_manpower = 0.05
base_tax = -1
local_tax_modifier = 0.05
icon = 7
has_timar_system_global;Timar;;Das Timar-System;;;;;;;;;;;x
desc_has_timar_system_global;In the Ottoman Empire, the Timar system was one in which the projected revenue of a conquered territory was distributed in the form of temporary land grants among the Sipahis (cavalrymen) and other members of the military class including Janissaries and other kuls (slaves) of the sultan. These prebends were given as compensation for annual military service, for which they received no pay. In rare circumstances women could became Timar holders. This position however was restricted to women who were prominent within the imperial family, or high-ranking members of the Ottoman elite. Timars could be small, when they would be granted by governors, or large, which then required a certificate from the Sultan, but generally the fief had an annual value of less than twenty thousand akces (an Ottoman silver coin). This system of land tenure lasted roughly from the fourteenth century through to the sixteenth century. The goals of the system were necessitated by financial, state and expansionist purposes. The financial aims of the system were to relieve pressure from the Ottoman state of paying the army as well as to gain a new source of revenue for the central treasury. The expansionist aims were to increase the number of cavalry soldiers and to gradually assimilate and bring conquered countries under direct Ottoman control. The Ottoman state also desired to centralize the sultan’s authority by removing the feudal system and aristocratic elements from dominating the empire.;;Das Timar-System war ein Spezifikum des Osmanischen Reiches. Es diente zur Entlohnung der Bediensteten der Staatsverwaltung. Zahlreiche Inhaber von zivilen und militärischen Ämtern wurden nicht mit einem Gehalt besoldet, sondern man wies ihnen für ihre Dienste Ländereien, sog. Timare (T?mar) zu, aus denen sie ihren Lebensunterhalt bestritten. Die Grundstücke gingen dabei nicht in den Besitz der Würdenträger, Beamten und Militärs über. Ihnen wurden lediglich die Nutzungsrechte übertragen. In der Regel verpachteten die Timar-Inhaber das Land dann zur Bewirtschaftung an die Bauern. Sie selbst lebten von den Abgaben, die die Landbevölkerung ihnen zahlen musste, und fungierten in ihrem Gebiet als Steuereintreiber des Staates. Die Timare wurden auf Lebenszeit verliehen, und durften von den Timarioten weder verkauft noch verschenkt werden. Auch waren die Ländereien nicht erblich, sondern fielen nach dem Tode des Inhabers an den Staat zurück, um vom Sultan neu vergeben zu werden. Zwar gab es in der Praxis eine gewisse Kontinuität - viele Pfründe blieben innerhalb einer Familie und wurden nach dem Tode des Vaters dem Sohn erneut verliehen -, doch gab es kein ererbtes Vorrecht. Ein jeder musste sich im Dienst für Staat und Sultan neu beweisen, um in den Vorzug eines Amts bzw. Timars zu gelangen. Dieses System der individuellen Entlohnung nach dem Leistungsprinzip sicherte dem Sultan das unbedingte Engagement und die Loyalität der Führungsschicht. So konnte sich eine politische und militärische “upper class“, eine Art Amts- oder Leistungsadel im Dienste des uneingeschränkt herrschenden Sultans, herausbilden.;;;;;;;;;;;x
has_timar_system_local;Timar;;Das Timar-System;;;;;;;;;;;x
desc_has_timar_system_local;In the Ottoman Empire, the Timar system was one in which the projected revenue of a conquered territory was distributed in the form of temporary land grants among the Sipahis (cavalrymen) and other members of the military class including Janissaries and other kuls (slaves) of the sultan. These prebends were given as compensation for annual military service, for which they received no pay. In rare circumstances women could became Timar holders. This position however was restricted to women who were prominent within the imperial family, or high-ranking members of the Ottoman elite. Timars could be small, when they would be granted by governors, or large, which then required a certificate from the Sultan, but generally the fief had an annual value of less than twenty thousand akces (an Ottoman silver coin). This system of land tenure lasted roughly from the fourteenth century through to the sixteenth century. The goals of the system were necessitated by financial, state and expansionist purposes. The financial aims of the system were to relieve pressure from the Ottoman state of paying the army as well as to gain a new source of revenue for the central treasury. The expansionist aims were to increase the number of cavalry soldiers and to gradually assimilate and bring conquered countries under direct Ottoman control. The Ottoman state also desired to centralize the sultan’s authority by removing the feudal system and aristocratic elements from dominating the empire.;;Das Timar-System war ein Spezifikum des Osmanischen Reiches. Es diente zur Entlohnung der Bediensteten der Staatsverwaltung. Zahlreiche Inhaber von zivilen und militärischen Ämtern wurden nicht mit einem Gehalt besoldet, sondern man wies ihnen für ihre Dienste Ländereien, sog. Timare (T?mar) zu, aus denen sie ihren Lebensunterhalt bestritten. Die Grundstücke gingen dabei nicht in den Besitz der Würdenträger, Beamten und Militärs über. Ihnen wurden lediglich die Nutzungsrechte übertragen. In der Regel verpachteten die Timar-Inhaber das Land dann zur Bewirtschaftung an die Bauern. Sie selbst lebten von den Abgaben, die die Landbevölkerung ihnen zahlen musste, und fungierten in ihrem Gebiet als Steuereintreiber des Staates. Die Timare wurden auf Lebenszeit verliehen, und durften von den Timarioten weder verkauft noch verschenkt werden. Auch waren die Ländereien nicht erblich, sondern fielen nach dem Tode des Inhabers an den Staat zurück, um vom Sultan neu vergeben zu werden. Zwar gab es in der Praxis eine gewisse Kontinuität - viele Pfründe blieben innerhalb einer Familie und wurden nach dem Tode des Vaters dem Sohn erneut verliehen -, doch gab es kein ererbtes Vorrecht. Ein jeder musste sich im Dienst für Staat und Sultan neu beweisen, um in den Vorzug eines Amts bzw. Timars zu gelangen. Dieses System der individuellen Entlohnung nach dem Leistungsprinzip sicherte dem Sultan das unbedingte Engagement und die Loyalität der Führungsschicht. So konnte sich eine politische und militärische “upper class“, eine Art Amts- oder Leistungsadel im Dienste des uneingeschränkt herrschenden Sultans, herausbilden.;;;;;;;;;;;x
timar_system_global_title;Timar;;Das Timar-System;;;;;;;;;;;x
timar_system_global_desc;In the Ottoman Empire, the Timar system was one in which the projected revenue of a conquered territory was distributed in the form of temporary land grants among the Sipahis (cavalrymen) and other members of the military class including Janissaries and other kuls (slaves) of the sultan. These prebends were given as compensation for annual military service, for which they received no pay. In rare circumstances women could became Timar holders. This position however was restricted to women who were prominent within the imperial family, or high-ranking members of the Ottoman elite. Timars could be small, when they would be granted by governors, or large, which then required a certificate from the Sultan, but generally the fief had an annual value of less than twenty thousand akces (an Ottoman silver coin). This system of land tenure lasted roughly from the fourteenth century through to the sixteenth century. The goals of the system were necessitated by financial, state and expansionist purposes. The financial aims of the system were to relieve pressure from the Ottoman state of paying the army as well as to gain a new source of revenue for the central treasury. The expansionist aims were to increase the number of cavalry soldiers and to gradually assimilate and bring conquered countries under direct Ottoman control. The Ottoman state also desired to centralize the sultan’s authority by removing the feudal system and aristocratic elements from dominating the empire.;;Das Timar-System war ein Spezifikum des Osmanischen Reiches. Es diente zur Entlohnung der Bediensteten der Staatsverwaltung. Zahlreiche Inhaber von zivilen und militärischen Ämtern wurden nicht mit einem Gehalt besoldet, sondern man wies ihnen für ihre Dienste Ländereien, sog. Timare (T?mar) zu, aus denen sie ihren Lebensunterhalt bestritten. Die Grundstücke gingen dabei nicht in den Besitz der Würdenträger, Beamten und Militärs über. Ihnen wurden lediglich die Nutzungsrechte übertragen. In der Regel verpachteten die Timar-Inhaber das Land dann zur Bewirtschaftung an die Bauern. Sie selbst lebten von den Abgaben, die die Landbevölkerung ihnen zahlen musste, und fungierten in ihrem Gebiet als Steuereintreiber des Staates. Die Timare wurden auf Lebenszeit verliehen, und durften von den Timarioten weder verkauft noch verschenkt werden. Auch waren die Ländereien nicht erblich, sondern fielen nach dem Tode des Inhabers an den Staat zurück, um vom Sultan neu vergeben zu werden. Zwar gab es in der Praxis eine gewisse Kontinuität - viele Pfründe blieben innerhalb einer Familie und wurden nach dem Tode des Vaters dem Sohn erneut verliehen -, doch gab es kein ererbtes Vorrecht. Ein jeder musste sich im Dienst für Staat und Sultan neu beweisen, um in den Vorzug eines Amts bzw. Timars zu gelangen. Dieses System der individuellen Entlohnung nach dem Leistungsprinzip sicherte dem Sultan das unbedingte Engagement und die Loyalität der Führungsschicht. So konnte sich eine politische und militärische “upper class“, eine Art Amts- oder Leistungsadel im Dienste des uneingeschränkt herrschenden Sultans, herausbilden.;;;;;;;;;;;x
timar_system_local_title;Timar;;Das Timar-System;;;;;;;;;;;x
timar_system_local_desc;In the Ottoman Empire, the Timar system was one in which the projected revenue of a conquered territory was distributed in the form of temporary land grants among the Sipahis (cavalrymen) and other members of the military class including Janissaries and other kuls (slaves) of the sultan. These prebends were given as compensation for annual military service, for which they received no pay. In rare circumstances women could became Timar holders. This position however was restricted to women who were prominent within the imperial family, or high-ranking members of the Ottoman elite. Timars could be small, when they would be granted by governors, or large, which then required a certificate from the Sultan, but generally the fief had an annual value of less than twenty thousand akces (an Ottoman silver coin). This system of land tenure lasted roughly from the fourteenth century through to the sixteenth century. The goals of the system were necessitated by financial, state and expansionist purposes. The financial aims of the system were to relieve pressure from the Ottoman state of paying the army as well as to gain a new source of revenue for the central treasury. The expansionist aims were to increase the number of cavalry soldiers and to gradually assimilate and bring conquered countries under direct Ottoman control. The Ottoman state also desired to centralize the sultan’s authority by removing the feudal system and aristocratic elements from dominating the empire.;;Das Timar-System war ein Spezifikum des Osmanischen Reiches. Es diente zur Entlohnung der Bediensteten der Staatsverwaltung. Zahlreiche Inhaber von zivilen und militärischen Ämtern wurden nicht mit einem Gehalt besoldet, sondern man wies ihnen für ihre Dienste Ländereien, sog. Timare (T?mar) zu, aus denen sie ihren Lebensunterhalt bestritten. Die Grundstücke gingen dabei nicht in den Besitz der Würdenträger, Beamten und Militärs über. Ihnen wurden lediglich die Nutzungsrechte übertragen. In der Regel verpachteten die Timar-Inhaber das Land dann zur Bewirtschaftung an die Bauern. Sie selbst lebten von den Abgaben, die die Landbevölkerung ihnen zahlen musste, und fungierten in ihrem Gebiet als Steuereintreiber des Staates. Die Timare wurden auf Lebenszeit verliehen, und durften von den Timarioten weder verkauft noch verschenkt werden. Auch waren die Ländereien nicht erblich, sondern fielen nach dem Tode des Inhabers an den Staat zurück, um vom Sultan neu vergeben zu werden. Zwar gab es in der Praxis eine gewisse Kontinuität - viele Pfründe blieben innerhalb einer Familie und wurden nach dem Tode des Vaters dem Sohn erneut verliehen -, doch gab es kein ererbtes Vorrecht. Ein jeder musste sich im Dienst für Staat und Sultan neu beweisen, um in den Vorzug eines Amts bzw. Timars zu gelangen. Dieses System der individuellen Entlohnung nach dem Leistungsprinzip sicherte dem Sultan das unbedingte Engagement und die Loyalität der Führungsschicht. So konnte sich eine politische und militärische “upper class“, eine Art Amts- oder Leistungsadel im Dienste des uneingeschränkt herrschenden Sultans, herausbilden.;;;;;;;;;;;x
[B@W] Abominus
05.10.12, 10:43
Ich habe die Missionen nochmal überarbeitet:
defeat_the_byzantine_empire = {
type = country
allow = {
tag = TUR
exists = BYZ
BYZ = {
owns = 151
is_lesser_in_union = no
is_subject = no
not = { num_of_cities = 2 } #somit kann es nicht als erste Mission kommen
is_lesser_in_union = no
is_subject = no
abort = {
or = {
is_lesser_in_union = yes
is_subject = yes
BYZ = {
or = {
is_lesser_in_union = yes
is_subject = yes
num_of_cities = 2 #Abbruch, falls Byzanz irgendwen erobert
success = {
owns = 151
chance = {
factor = 5000
modifier = {
factor = 2
is_monarch_leader = yes
modifier = {
factor = 5
year = 1500
immediate = {
add_temp_claim = 151
abort_effect = {
remove_temp_claim = 151
effect = {
prestige = 0.2
add_core = 151
badboy = -5
conquer_southern_greece = {
type = country
allow = {
tag = TUR
or = {
not = { owns = 145 }
not = { owns = 146 }
not = { owns = 1773 }
is_lesser_in_union = no
is_subject = no
abort = {
or = {
is_lesser_in_union = yes
is_subject = yes
success = {
owns = 145
owns = 146
owns = 1773
chance = {
factor = 1000
modifier = {
factor = 2
mil = 7
immediate = {
add_temp_claim = 145
add_temp_claim = 146
add_temp_claim = 1773
abort_effect = {
remove_temp_claim = 145
remove_temp_claim = 146
remove_temp_claim = 1773
effect = {
add_core = 145
add_core = 146
add_core = 1773
badboy = -5
conquer_serbia = {
type = country
allow = {
tag = TUR
exists = SER
greece = { owned_by = this }
is_lesser_in_union = no
is_subject = no
SER = {
owns = 141
owns = 1766
neighbour = this
not = { vassal_of = TUR }
not = { num_of_cities = 4 } #Serbien darf höchstens aus 3 Provinzen bestehen!
abort = {
or = {
and = {
not = { exists = SER }
or = {
not = { owns = 141 }
not = { owns = 1766 }
is_lesser_in_union = yes
is_subject = yes
success = {
owns = 141
owns = 1766
chance = {
factor = 1000
modifier = {
factor = 2
not = { relation = { who = SER value = 0 } }
immediate = {
add_temp_claim = 141
add_temp_claim = 1766
abort_effect = {
remove_temp_claim = 141
remove_temp_claim = 1766
effect = {
add_core = 141
add_core = 1766
badboy = -5
conquer_bosnia = {
type = country
allow = {
tag = TUR
exists = BOS
is_lesser_in_union = no
is_subject = no
BOS = {
owns = 139
owns = 140
neighbour = this
not = { vassal_of = TUR }
not = { num_of_cities = 4 } #Bosnien darf höchstens aus 3 Provinzen bestehen!
abort = {
or = {
and = {
not = { exists = BOS }
or = {
not = { owns = 139 }
not = { owns = 140 }
is_lesser_in_union = yes
is_subject = yes
success = {
owns = 139
owns = 140
chance = {
factor = 1000
modifier = {
factor = 2
not = { relation = { who = BOS value = 0 } }
immediate = {
add_temp_claim = 139
add_temp_claim = 140
abort_effect = {
remove_temp_claim = 139
remove_temp_claim = 140
effect = {
add_core = 139
add_core = 140
control_medina = {
type = country
allow = {
tag = TUR
is_lesser_in_union = no
is_subject = no
384 = {
not = { owned_by = this }
any_neighbor_province = { owned_by = this }
abort = {
or = {
is_lesser_in_union = yes
is_subject = yes
success = {
owns = 384
chance = {
factor = 1000
modifier = {
factor = 2
mil = 7
modifier = {
factor = 2
384 = {
owner = { not = { religion_group = muslim } }
immediate = {
add_temp_claim = 384
abort_effect = {
remove_temp_claim = 384
effect = {
add_core = 384
control_mecca = {
type = country
allow = {
tag = TUR
is_lesser_in_union = no
is_subject = no
385 = {
not = { owned_by = this }
any_neighbor_province = { owned_by = this }
abort = {
or = {
is_lesser_in_union = yes
is_subject = yes
success = {
owns = 385
chance = {
factor = 1000
modifier = {
factor = 2
mil = 7
modifier = {
factor = 2
385 = {
owner = { not = { religion_group = muslim } }
immediate = {
add_temp_claim = 385
abort_effect = {
remove_temp_claim = 385
effect = {
prestige = 0.05
missionaries = 3
add_core = 385
vassalize_candar = {
type = country
allow = {
tag = TUR
exists = CND
is_lesser_in_union = no
is_subject = no
CND = {
is_lesser_in_union = no
neighbour = this
not = { vassal_of = TUR }
not = { num_of_cities = this }
is_subject = no
abort = {
or = {
not = { exists = CND }
CND = { is_lesser_in_union = yes }
is_lesser_in_union = yes
is_subject = yes
success = {
CND = { vassal_of = TUR }
chance = {
factor = 1000
modifier = {
factor = 2
not = { relation = { who = CND value = 0 } }
immediate = {
casus_belli = {
type = cb_vassalize_mission
months = 120
target = CND
abort_effect = {
remove_casus_belli = {
type = cb_vassalize_mission
target = CND
effect = {
add_core = 325
army_tradition = 0.1
remove_casus_belli = {
type = cb_vassalize_mission
target = CND
annex_candar = {
type = country
allow = {
tag = TUR
is_lesser_in_union = no
is_subject = no
exists = CND
CND = {
vassal_of = TUR
neighbour = this
not = { num_of_cities = this }
owns = 325 # Kastamon
religion_group = this
abort = {
or = {
not = { exists = CND }
CND = {
not = { religion_group = this }
is_lesser_in_union = yes
is_subject = yes
success = {
not = { exists = CND }
owns = 325
chance = {
factor = 1000
modifier = {
factor = 2
relation = { who = CND value = 100 }
modifier = {
factor = 2
relation = { who = CND value = 200 }
immediate = {
add_temp_claim = 325
abort_effect = {
remove_temp_claim = 325
effect = {
add_core = 325
prestige = 0.1
centralization_decentralization = -1
vassalize_karaman = {
type = country
allow = {
tag = TUR
exists = KAR
is_lesser_in_union = no
is_subject = no
KAR = {
is_lesser_in_union = no
neighbour = this
is_subject = no
not = { vassal_of = TUR }
not = { num_of_cities = this }
abort = {
or = {
not = { exists = KAR }
KAR = { is_lesser_in_union = yes }
is_lesser_in_union = yes
is_subject = yes
success = {
KAR = { vassal_of = TUR }
chance = {
factor = 1000
modifier = {
factor = 2
not = { relation = { who = KAR value = 0 } }
immediate = {
casus_belli = {
type = cb_vassalize_mission
months = 120
target = KAR
abort_effect = {
remove_casus_belli = {
type = cb_vassalize_mission
target = KAR
effect = {
add_core = 324
army_tradition = 0.1
remove_casus_belli = {
type = cb_vassalize_mission
target = KAR
annex_karaman = {
type = country
allow = {
tag = TUR
is_lesser_in_union = no
is_subject = no
exists = KAR
KAR = {
vassal_of = TUR
neighbour = this
not = { num_of_cities = this }
owns = 324 # Karaman
religion_group = this
abort = {
or = {
not = { exists = KAR }
is_lesser_in_union = yes
is_subject = yes
KAR = { not = { religion_group = this } }
success = {
not = { exists = KAR }
owns = 324
chance = {
factor = 1000
modifier = {
factor = 2
relation = { who = KAR value = 100 }
modifier = {
factor = 2
relation = { who = KAR value = 200 }
immediate = {
add_temp_claim = 324
abort_effect = {
remove_temp_claim = 324
effect = {
add_core = 324
prestige = 0.1
centralization_decentralization = -1
vassalize_dulkadir = {
type = country
allow = {
tag = TUR
exists = DUL
is_lesser_in_union = no
is_subject = no
DUL = {
is_lesser_in_union = no
neighbour = this
is_subject = no
not = { vassal_of = TUR }
not = { num_of_cities = this }
abort = {
or = {
not = { exists = DUL }
DUL = { is_lesser_in_union = yes }
is_lesser_in_union = yes
is_subject = yes
success = {
DUL = { vassal_of = TUR }
chance = {
factor = 1000
modifier = {
factor = 2
not = { relation = { who = DUL value = 0 } }
immediate = {
casus_belli = {
type = cb_vassalize_mission
months = 120
target = DUL
abort_effect = {
remove_casus_belli = {
type = cb_vassalize_mission
target = DUL
effect = {
infamy = -5
army_tradition = 0.1
remove_casus_belli = {
type = cb_vassalize_mission
target = DUL
retake_smyrna = {
type = country
allow = {
tag = TUR
318 = { is_core = this }
exists = AYD
AYD = { owns = 318 }
is_lesser_in_union = no
is_subject = no
abort = {
or = {
and = {
AYD = { not = { owns = 318 } }
not = { owns = 318 }
is_lesser_in_union = yes
is_subject = yes
success = {
owns = 318
chance = {
factor = 1000
modifier = {
factor = 2
not = { relation = { who = AYD value = 0 } }
effect = {
infamy = -5
vassalize_wallachia = {
type = country
allow = {
tag = TUR
exists = WAL
is_lesser_in_union = no
is_subject = no
WAL = {
is_lesser_in_union = no
neighbour = this
is_subject = no
not = { vassal_of = TUR }
not = { num_of_cities = this }
owns = 161
abort = {
or = {
not = { exists = WAL }
WAL = { is_lesser_in_union = yes }
is_lesser_in_union = yes
is_subject = yes
success = {
WAL = { vassal_of = TUR }
chance = {
factor = 1000
modifier = {
factor = 2
not = { relation = { who = WAL value = 0 } }
immediate = {
casus_belli = {
type = cb_vassalize_mission
months = 120
target = WAL
abort_effect = {
remove_casus_belli = {
type = cb_vassalize_mission
target = WAL
effect = {
add_core = 161
army_tradition = 0.1
remove_casus_belli = {
type = cb_vassalize_mission
target = WAL
vassalize_transylvania = {
type = country
allow = {
tag = TUR
exists = TRA
is_lesser_in_union = no
is_subject = no
TRA = {
is_lesser_in_union = no
neighbour = this
is_subject = no
not = { vassal_of = TUR }
not = { num_of_cities = this }
owns = 158
abort = {
or = {
not = { exists = TRA }
TRA = { is_lesser_in_union = yes }
is_lesser_in_union = yes
is_subject = yes
success = {
TRA = { vassal_of = TUR }
chance = {
factor = 1000
modifier = {
factor = 2
not = { relation = { who = TRA value = 0 } }
immediate = {
casus_belli = {
type = cb_vassalize_mission
months = 120
target = TRA
abort_effect = {
remove_casus_belli = {
type = cb_vassalize_mission
target = TRA
effect = {
add_core = 158
army_tradition = 0.1
remove_casus_belli = {
type = cb_vassalize_mission
target = TRA
defeat_the_knights = {
type = country
allow = {
tag = TUR
exists = KNI
KNI = { owns = 320 } # Rhodes
is_lesser_in_union = no
is_subject = no
abort = {
or = {
and = {
KNI = { not = { owns = 320 } }
not = { owns = 320 }
is_lesser_in_union = yes
is_subject = yes
success = {
owns = 320
chance = {
factor = 1000
modifier = {
factor = 2
war_with = KNI
immediate = {
add_temp_claim = 320
abort_effect = {
remove_temp_claim = 320
effect = {
add_core = 320
prestige = 0.08
take_crete_from_venice = {
type = country
allow = {
tag = TUR
exists = VEN
war_with = VEN
VEN = { owns = 163 }
is_lesser_in_union = no
is_subject = no
abort = {
or = {
and = {
VEN = { not = { owns = 163 } }
not = { owns = 163 }
is_lesser_in_union = yes
is_subject = yes
success = {
owns = 163
chance = {
factor = 1000
modifier = {
factor = 2
mil = 7
immediate = {
add_temp_claim = 163
abort_effect = {
remove_temp_claim = 163
effect = {
add_core = 163
prestige = 0.08
muslim_asia_minor = {
type = country
allow = {
tag = TUR
war = no
not = { exists = BYZ }
asia_minor = {
owned_by = THIS
religion_group = christian
owns = 151
abort = {
not = { religion_group = muslim }
success = {
not = {
asia_minor = {
owned_by = THIS
not = { religion_group = muslim }
151 = { religion_group = muslim }
chance = {
factor = 1000
modifier = {
factor = 2
exists = TRE
modifier = {
factor = 2
idea = deus_vult
effect = {
army_tradition = 0.3
infamy = -5
vassalize_the_mameluks = {
type = country
allow = {
tag = TUR
exists = MAM
is_lesser_in_union = no
is_subject = no
MAM = {
neighbour = this
is_subject = no
not = { vassal_of = TUR }
not = { num_of_cities = this }
abort = {
or = {
not = { exists = MAM }
MAM = { is_lesser_in_union = yes }
is_lesser_in_union = yes
is_subject = yes
success = {
MAM = { vassal_of = TUR }
chance = {
factor = 1000
modifier = {
factor = 2
not = { relation = { who = MAM value = 0 } }
immediate = {
casus_belli = {
type = cb_vassalize_mission
months = 120
target = MAM
abort_effect = {
remove_casus_belli = {
type = cb_vassalize_mission
target = MAM
effect = {
prestige = 0.1
army_tradition = 0.1
remove_casus_belli = {
type = cb_vassalize_mission
target = MAM
annex_egypt = {
type = country
allow = {
tag = TUR
is_lesser_in_union = no
is_subject = no
any_neighbor_country = { tag = MAM }
#MAM = {
# not = { num_of_cities = this }
abort = {
or = {
not = { any_neighbor_country = { tag = MAM } }
is_lesser_in_union = yes
is_subject = yes
success = {
not = { exists = MAM }
owns = 361
chance = {
factor = 1000
modifier = {
factor = 2
NOT = { relation = { who = MAM value = 100 } }
modifier = {
factor = 2
NOT = { relation = { who = MAM value = 0 } }
immediate = {
any_province = {
limit = { is_core = MAM }
add_temp_claim = THIS
abort_effect = {
any_province = {
limit = { is_core = MAM }
remove_temp_claim = THIS
effect = {
prestige = 0.1
army_tradition = 0.3
any_owned = {
limit = {
religion_group = this
is_core = MAM
add_core = TUR
take_kaffa = {
type = country
allow = {
tag = TUR
not = { owns = 285 } # Kaffa
is_lesser_in_union = no
is_subject = no
abort = {
or = {
is_lesser_in_union = yes
is_subject = yes
success = {
owns = 285
chance = {
factor = 1000
modifier = {
factor = 2
mil = 7
immediate = {
add_temp_claim = 285
abort_effect = {
remove_temp_claim = 285
effect = {
add_core = 285
prestige = 0.05
[B@W] Abominus
24.10.12, 09:58
Ich habe die Türkenmissionen nochmal überarbeitet, da man zumeist zu Beginn direkt die Eroberung von Konstantinopel bekommt, ohne das man es direkt beim ersten mal auch fordern kann. Drei neue Missionen sind dazu gekommen und einige wurden angepasst.
defeat_the_byzantine_empire = {
type = country
allow = {
tag = TUR
exists = BYZ
BYZ = {
owns = 151
is_lesser_in_union = no
is_subject = no
not = { num_of_cities = 2 } #somit kann es nicht als erste Mission kommen
is_lesser_in_union = no
is_subject = no
abort = {
or = {
is_lesser_in_union = yes
is_subject = yes
BYZ = {
or = {
is_lesser_in_union = yes
is_subject = yes
num_of_cities = 2 #Abbruch, falls Byzanz irgendwen erobert
success = {
owns = 151
chance = {
factor = 5000
modifier = {
factor = 2
is_monarch_leader = yes
modifier = {
factor = 5
year = 1500
immediate = {
add_temp_claim = 151
abort_effect = {
remove_temp_claim = 151
effect = {
prestige = 0.2
add_core = 151
badboy = -5
conquer_southern_greece = {
type = country
allow = {
tag = TUR
owns = 148
owns = 147
or = {
not = { owns = 145 }
not = { owns = 146 }
not = { owns = 1773 }
is_lesser_in_union = no
is_subject = no
abort = {
or = {
is_lesser_in_union = yes
is_subject = yes
success = {
owns = 145
owns = 146
owns = 1773
chance = {
factor = 1000
modifier = {
factor = 2
mil = 7
immediate = {
add_temp_claim = 145
add_temp_claim = 146
add_temp_claim = 1773
abort_effect = {
remove_temp_claim = 145
remove_temp_claim = 146
remove_temp_claim = 1773
effect = {
add_core = 145
add_core = 146
add_core = 1773
random_list = {
10 = {
145 = {
add_province_modifier = {
name = "the_devshirme_system"
duration = -1
10 = {
146 = {
add_province_modifier = {
name = "the_devshirme_system"
duration = -1
10 = {
1773 = {
add_province_modifier = {
name = "the_devshirme_system"
duration = -1
10 = { badboy = -5 }
conquer_serbia = {
type = country
allow = {
tag = TUR
exists = SER
greece = { owned_by = this }
is_lesser_in_union = no
is_subject = no
SER = {
owns = 141
owns = 1766
neighbour = this
not = { vassal_of = TUR }
not = { num_of_cities = 4 } #Serbien darf höchstens aus 3 Provinzen bestehen!
abort = {
or = {
and = {
not = { exists = SER }
or = {
not = { owns = 141 }
not = { owns = 1766 }
is_lesser_in_union = yes
is_subject = yes
success = {
owns = 141
owns = 1766
chance = {
factor = 1000
modifier = {
factor = 2
not = { relation = { who = SER value = 0 } }
immediate = {
add_temp_claim = 141
add_temp_claim = 1766
abort_effect = {
remove_temp_claim = 141
remove_temp_claim = 1766
effect = {
add_core = 141
add_core = 1766
random_list = {
10 = {
141 = {
add_province_modifier = {
name = "the_devshirme_system"
duration = -1
10 = {
1766 = {
add_province_modifier = {
name = "the_devshirme_system"
duration = -1
10 = { badboy = -5 }
conquer_bosnia = {
type = country
allow = {
tag = TUR
exists = BOS
is_lesser_in_union = no
is_subject = no
BOS = {
owns = 139
owns = 140
neighbour = this
not = { vassal_of = TUR }
not = { num_of_cities = 4 } #Bosnien darf höchstens aus 3 Provinzen bestehen!
abort = {
or = {
and = {
not = { exists = BOS }
or = {
not = { owns = 139 }
not = { owns = 140 }
is_lesser_in_union = yes
is_subject = yes
success = {
owns = 139
owns = 140
chance = {
factor = 1000
modifier = {
factor = 2
not = { relation = { who = BOS value = 0 } }
immediate = {
add_temp_claim = 139
add_temp_claim = 140
abort_effect = {
remove_temp_claim = 139
remove_temp_claim = 140
effect = {
add_core = 139
add_core = 140
random_list = {
10 = {
139 = {
add_province_modifier = {
name = "the_devshirme_system"
duration = -1
10 = {
140 = {
add_province_modifier = {
name = "the_devshirme_system"
duration = -1
10 = { badboy = -5 }
control_medina = {
type = country
allow = {
tag = TUR
is_lesser_in_union = no
is_subject = no
384 = {
not = { owned_by = this }
any_neighbor_province = { owned_by = this }
abort = {
or = {
is_lesser_in_union = yes
is_subject = yes
success = {
owns = 384
chance = {
factor = 1000
modifier = {
factor = 2
mil = 7
modifier = {
factor = 2
384 = {
owner = { not = { religion_group = muslim } }
immediate = {
add_temp_claim = 384
abort_effect = {
remove_temp_claim = 384
effect = {
add_core = 384
control_mecca = {
type = country
allow = {
tag = TUR
is_lesser_in_union = no
is_subject = no
385 = {
not = { owned_by = this }
any_neighbor_province = { owned_by = this }
abort = {
or = {
is_lesser_in_union = yes
is_subject = yes
success = {
owns = 385
chance = {
factor = 1000
modifier = {
factor = 2
mil = 7
modifier = {
factor = 2
385 = {
owner = { not = { religion_group = muslim } }
immediate = {
add_temp_claim = 385
abort_effect = {
remove_temp_claim = 385
effect = {
prestige = 0.05
missionaries = 3
add_core = 385
vassalize_candar = {
type = country
allow = {
tag = TUR
exists = CND
is_lesser_in_union = no
is_subject = no
CND = {
is_lesser_in_union = no
neighbour = this
not = { vassal_of = TUR }
not = { num_of_cities = this }
is_subject = no
abort = {
or = {
not = { exists = CND }
CND = { is_lesser_in_union = yes }
is_lesser_in_union = yes
is_subject = yes
success = {
CND = { vassal_of = TUR }
chance = {
factor = 1000
modifier = {
factor = 2
not = { relation = { who = CND value = 0 } }
immediate = {
casus_belli = {
type = cb_vassalize_mission
months = 120
target = CND
abort_effect = {
remove_casus_belli = {
type = cb_vassalize_mission
target = CND
effect = {
add_core = 325
army_tradition = 0.1
remove_casus_belli = {
type = cb_vassalize_mission
target = CND
annex_candar = {
type = country
allow = {
tag = TUR
is_lesser_in_union = no
is_subject = no
exists = CND
CND = {
vassal_of = TUR
neighbour = this
not = { num_of_cities = this }
owns = 325 # Kastamon
religion_group = this
abort = {
or = {
not = { exists = CND }
CND = {
not = { religion_group = this }
is_lesser_in_union = yes
is_subject = yes
success = {
not = { exists = CND }
owns = 325
chance = {
factor = 1000
modifier = {
factor = 2
relation = { who = CND value = 100 }
modifier = {
factor = 2
relation = { who = CND value = 200 }
immediate = {
add_temp_claim = 325
abort_effect = {
remove_temp_claim = 325
effect = {
add_core = 325
prestige = 0.1
centralization_decentralization = -1
vassalize_karaman = {
type = country
allow = {
tag = TUR
exists = KAR
is_lesser_in_union = no
is_subject = no
KAR = {
is_lesser_in_union = no
neighbour = this
is_subject = no
not = { vassal_of = TUR }
not = { num_of_cities = this }
abort = {
or = {
not = { exists = KAR }
KAR = { is_lesser_in_union = yes }
is_lesser_in_union = yes
is_subject = yes
success = {
KAR = { vassal_of = TUR }
chance = {
factor = 1000
modifier = {
factor = 2
not = { relation = { who = KAR value = 0 } }
immediate = {
casus_belli = {
type = cb_vassalize_mission
months = 120
target = KAR
abort_effect = {
remove_casus_belli = {
type = cb_vassalize_mission
target = KAR
effect = {
add_core = 324
army_tradition = 0.1
remove_casus_belli = {
type = cb_vassalize_mission
target = KAR
annex_karaman = {
type = country
allow = {
tag = TUR
is_lesser_in_union = no
is_subject = no
exists = KAR
KAR = {
vassal_of = TUR
neighbour = this
not = { num_of_cities = this }
owns = 324 # Karaman
religion_group = this
abort = {
or = {
not = { exists = KAR }
is_lesser_in_union = yes
is_subject = yes
KAR = { not = { religion_group = this } }
success = {
not = { exists = KAR }
owns = 324
chance = {
factor = 1000
modifier = {
factor = 2
relation = { who = KAR value = 100 }
modifier = {
factor = 2
relation = { who = KAR value = 200 }
immediate = {
add_temp_claim = 324
abort_effect = {
remove_temp_claim = 324
effect = {
add_core = 324
prestige = 0.1
centralization_decentralization = -1
vassalize_dulkadir = {
type = country
allow = {
tag = TUR
exists = DUL
is_lesser_in_union = no
is_subject = no
DUL = {
is_lesser_in_union = no
neighbour = this
is_subject = no
not = { vassal_of = TUR }
not = { num_of_cities = this }
abort = {
or = {
not = { exists = DUL }
DUL = { is_lesser_in_union = yes }
is_lesser_in_union = yes
is_subject = yes
success = {
DUL = { vassal_of = TUR }
chance = {
factor = 1000
modifier = {
factor = 2
not = { relation = { who = DUL value = 0 } }
immediate = {
casus_belli = {
type = cb_vassalize_mission
months = 120
target = DUL
abort_effect = {
remove_casus_belli = {
type = cb_vassalize_mission
target = DUL
effect = {
infamy = -5
army_tradition = 0.1
remove_casus_belli = {
type = cb_vassalize_mission
target = DUL
retake_smyrna = {
type = country
allow = {
tag = TUR
318 = { is_core = this }
exists = AYD
AYD = { owns = 318 }
is_lesser_in_union = no
is_subject = no
abort = {
or = {
and = {
AYD = { not = { owns = 318 } }
not = { owns = 318 }
is_lesser_in_union = yes
is_subject = yes
success = {
owns = 318
chance = {
factor = 1000
modifier = {
factor = 2
not = { relation = { who = AYD value = 0 } }
effect = {
infamy = -5
vassalize_wallachia = {
type = country
allow = {
tag = TUR
exists = WAL
is_lesser_in_union = no
is_subject = no
WAL = {
is_lesser_in_union = no
neighbour = this
is_subject = no
not = { vassal_of = TUR }
not = { num_of_cities = this }
owns = 161
abort = {
or = {
not = { exists = WAL }
WAL = { is_lesser_in_union = yes }
is_lesser_in_union = yes
is_subject = yes
success = {
WAL = { vassal_of = TUR }
chance = {
factor = 1000
modifier = {
factor = 2
not = { relation = { who = WAL value = 0 } }
immediate = {
casus_belli = {
type = cb_vassalize_mission
months = 120
target = WAL
abort_effect = {
remove_casus_belli = {
type = cb_vassalize_mission
target = WAL
effect = {
add_core = 161
army_tradition = 0.1
remove_casus_belli = {
type = cb_vassalize_mission
target = WAL
vassalize_transylvania = {
type = country
allow = {
tag = TUR
exists = TRA
is_lesser_in_union = no
is_subject = no
TRA = {
is_lesser_in_union = no
neighbour = this
is_subject = no
not = { vassal_of = TUR }
not = { num_of_cities = this }
owns = 158
abort = {
or = {
not = { exists = TRA }
TRA = { is_lesser_in_union = yes }
is_lesser_in_union = yes
is_subject = yes
success = {
TRA = { vassal_of = TUR }
chance = {
factor = 1000
modifier = {
factor = 2
not = { relation = { who = TRA value = 0 } }
immediate = {
casus_belli = {
type = cb_vassalize_mission
months = 120
target = TRA
abort_effect = {
remove_casus_belli = {
type = cb_vassalize_mission
target = TRA
effect = {
add_core = 158
army_tradition = 0.1
remove_casus_belli = {
type = cb_vassalize_mission
target = TRA
defeat_the_knights = {
type = country
allow = {
tag = TUR
exists = KNI
KNI = { owns = 320 } # Rhodes
is_lesser_in_union = no
is_subject = no
abort = {
or = {
and = {
KNI = { not = { owns = 320 } }
not = { owns = 320 }
is_lesser_in_union = yes
is_subject = yes
success = {
owns = 320
chance = {
factor = 1000
modifier = {
factor = 2
war_with = KNI
immediate = {
add_temp_claim = 320
abort_effect = {
remove_temp_claim = 320
effect = {
add_core = 320
random_list = {
10 = {
320 = {
add_province_modifier = {
name = "the_devshirme_system"
duration = -1
10 = { prestige = 0.08 }
take_crete_from_venice = {
type = country
allow = {
tag = TUR
exists = VEN
war_with = VEN
VEN = { owns = 163 }
is_lesser_in_union = no
is_subject = no
abort = {
or = {
and = {
VEN = { not = { owns = 163 } }
not = { owns = 163 }
is_lesser_in_union = yes
is_subject = yes
success = {
owns = 163
chance = {
factor = 1000
modifier = {
factor = 2
mil = 7
immediate = {
add_temp_claim = 163
abort_effect = {
remove_temp_claim = 163
effect = {
add_core = 163
random_list = {
10 = {
163 = {
add_province_modifier = {
name = "the_devshirme_system"
duration = -1
10 = { prestige = 0.08 }
muslim_asia_minor = {
type = country
allow = {
tag = TUR
war = no
not = { exists = BYZ }
asia_minor = {
owned_by = THIS
religion_group = christian
owns = 151
abort = {
not = { religion_group = muslim }
success = {
not = {
asia_minor = {
owned_by = THIS
not = { religion_group = muslim }
151 = { religion_group = muslim }
chance = {
factor = 1000
modifier = {
factor = 2
exists = TRE
modifier = {
factor = 2
idea = deus_vult
effect = {
army_tradition = 0.3
infamy = -5
vassalize_the_mameluks = {
type = country
allow = {
tag = TUR
exists = MAM
is_lesser_in_union = no
is_subject = no
MAM = {
neighbour = this
is_subject = no
not = { vassal_of = TUR }
not = { num_of_cities = this }
abort = {
or = {
not = { exists = MAM }
MAM = { is_lesser_in_union = yes }
is_lesser_in_union = yes
is_subject = yes
success = {
MAM = { vassal_of = TUR }
chance = {
factor = 1000
modifier = {
factor = 2
not = { relation = { who = MAM value = 0 } }
immediate = {
casus_belli = {
type = cb_vassalize_mission
months = 120
target = MAM
abort_effect = {
remove_casus_belli = {
type = cb_vassalize_mission
target = MAM
effect = {
prestige = 0.1
army_tradition = 0.1
remove_casus_belli = {
type = cb_vassalize_mission
target = MAM
annex_egypt = {
type = country
allow = {
tag = TUR
is_lesser_in_union = no
is_subject = no
any_neighbor_country = { tag = MAM }
#MAM = {
# not = { num_of_cities = this }
abort = {
or = {
not = { any_neighbor_country = { tag = MAM } }
is_lesser_in_union = yes
is_subject = yes
success = {
not = { exists = MAM }
owns = 361
chance = {
factor = 1000
modifier = {
factor = 2
NOT = { relation = { who = MAM value = 100 } }
modifier = {
factor = 2
NOT = { relation = { who = MAM value = 0 } }
immediate = {
any_province = {
limit = { is_core = MAM }
add_temp_claim = THIS
abort_effect = {
any_province = {
limit = { is_core = MAM }
remove_temp_claim = THIS
effect = {
prestige = 0.1
army_tradition = 0.3
any_owned = {
limit = {
religion_group = this
is_core = MAM
add_core = TUR
take_kaffa = {
type = country
allow = {
tag = TUR
not = { owns = 285 } # Kaffa
is_lesser_in_union = no
is_subject = no
or = {
transport = 10
285 = {
any_neighbor_province = {
owned_by = THIS
abort = {
or = {
is_lesser_in_union = yes
is_subject = yes
success = {
owns = 285
chance = {
factor = 1000
modifier = {
factor = 2
mil = 7
immediate = {
add_temp_claim = 285
abort_effect = {
remove_temp_claim = 285
effect = {
add_core = 285
random_list = {
10 = {
285 = {
add_province_modifier = {
name = "the_devshirme_system"
duration = -1
10 = { prestige = 0.05 }
conquer_macedonia = {
type = country
allow = {
tag = TUR
NOT = { owns = 148 }
is_lesser_in_union = no
is_subject = no
abort = {
or = {
is_lesser_in_union = yes
is_subject = yes
success = {
owns = 148
chance = {
factor = 1000
modifier = {
factor = 2
mil = 7
immediate = {
add_temp_claim = 148
abort_effect = {
remove_temp_claim = 148
effect = {
add_core = 148
148 = {
add_province_modifier = {
name = "the_devshirme_system"
duration = -1
badboy = -5
conquer_bulgaria = {
type = country
allow = {
tag = TUR
NOT = { owns = 150 }
NOT = { owns = 159 }
is_lesser_in_union = no
is_subject = no
abort = {
or = {
is_lesser_in_union = yes
is_subject = yes
success = {
owns = 150
owns = 159
chance = {
factor = 1000
modifier = {
factor = 2
150 = { war_with = TUR }
chance = {
factor = 1000
modifier = {
factor = 2
mil = 7
immediate = {
add_temp_claim = 150
add_temp_claim = 159
abort_effect = {
remove_temp_claim = 150
remove_temp_claim = 159
effect = {
add_core = 150
add_core = 159
random_list = {
10 = {
150 = {
add_province_modifier = {
name = "the_devshirme_system"
duration = -1
10 = {
159 = {
add_province_modifier = {
name = "the_devshirme_system"
duration = -1
10 = { badboy = -5 }
conquer_southern_greece = {
type = country
allow = {
tag = TUR
owns = 148
or = {
not = { owns = 144 }
not = { owns = 147 }
not = { owns = 1773 }
is_lesser_in_union = no
is_subject = no
abort = {
or = {
is_lesser_in_union = yes
is_subject = yes
success = {
owns = 144
owns = 147
owns = 1853
chance = {
factor = 1000
modifier = {
factor = 2
mil = 7
immediate = {
add_temp_claim = 144
add_temp_claim = 147
add_temp_claim = 1853
abort_effect = {
remove_temp_claim = 144
remove_temp_claim = 147
remove_temp_claim = 1853
effect = {
add_core = 144
add_core = 147
add_core = 1853
random_list = {
10 = {
144 = {
add_province_modifier = {
name = "the_devshirme_system"
duration = -1
10 = {
147 = {
add_province_modifier = {
name = "the_devshirme_system"
duration = -1
10 = {
1853 = {
add_province_modifier = {
name = "the_devshirme_system"
duration = -1
10 = { badboy = -5 }
conquer_macedonia_title;Conquer Macedonia;Conquérir le sud de la Grèce;Erobert Mazedonien;;Conquistar el sur de Grecia;;;;;;;;;x
conquer_macedonia_desc;Macedonia could acts as stepping-stones for the infidels to lead a crusade against us. We must secure our southern flank to ensure that the true leader of Islam prospers. ;Les États situés au sud de la Grèce pourraient faire office de tremplin pour permettre aux infidèles de mener une croisade contre nous. Nous devons sécuriser notre flanc sud pour veiller à ce que le véritable chef de l'Islam prospère. ;Mazedonien könnte als Sprungbrett für die Ungläubigen in einem Kreuzzug gegen uns dienen. Wir müssen unsere südliche Flanke schützen um sicherzustellen, das der wahre Anführer des Islams sicher ist.;;Los estados del sur de Grecia podrían servir de pasarela a los infieles para llevar una cruzada contra nosotros. Tenemos que asegurar nuestro flanco sur, para que el auténtico líder del Islam prospere. ;;;;;;;;;x
conquer_bulgaria_title;Conquer Bulgaria;;Erobert Bulgarien;;;;;;;;;;;x
conquer_bulgaria_desc;Bulgaria could acts as stepping-stones for the infidels to lead a crusade against us. We must secure our northern flank to ensure that the true leader of Islam prospers. ;;Bulgarien könnte als Sprungbrett für die Ungläubigen in einem Kreuzzug gegen uns dienen. Wir müssen unsere nördliche Flanke schützen um sicherzustellen, das der wahre Anführer des Islams sicher ist.;;;;;;;;;;;x
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