Archiv verlassen und diese Seite im Standarddesign anzeigen : HoI3: Their Finest Hour. DD 6 - Lend lease and Strategic warfare

06.09.12, 15:48
Is it a bird? Is it a plane? No! It’s a new dev diary! Today I’ll be talking about Lend Lease (the feature so good we posted it on Facebook twice!) and the Strategic warfare screen.
Let’s start with Lend Lease. For those who don’t know, The Lend lease act is the popularly used name for a law the USA passed in 1941 to Lend or Lease war material to nations fighting the Axis powers. Technically, being lent meant the goods should be returned after the war, but as one senator commented, “War material is like chewing gum, you don’t want it back after someone else is done with it”, so it was effectively a gift. In game terms, this is done by spending some of your Industrial Capacity in the Lend Lease slider, and then you can share it out on a sub-screen between nations who have requested LL aid from you, which grants the target nation bonus IC:

The nation giving out the LL pays the resource cost for the IC given, the receiver gets bonus IC added to their total which does not cost them resources to run. Some of you may wonder why we have modelled this as granting IC rather than, say, shipping out a bunch of Sherman tanks. Well, partly it’s to make it more flexible when receiving Lend Lease – You get to build what you want, not what another player/AI chooses to lend you- but mostly it’s because a lot of Lend Lease aid was not things you can build directly in HoI3. Things like locomotives, trucks, rations, uniforms were shipped out in great numbers, and this allowed the receivers to focus their industry on building their own tanks, guns, and other equipment themselves.
Any nation may give out LL, but they are limited by Neutrality: It needs to be below 60 to give any LL, and the percentage of your total IC you can share is also capped by your Neutrality. The actual mechanic works like trading resources, if you share capitals on the same continent then no convoys are needed, but if not the receiver must ship the goods themselves. We assume multiple routes are used for such important convoys, so 50% of the LL IC is always received, but the other half depends on how much of the trade convoy is getting through.
Ok, enough Lend Lease, it’s time to talk about the Strategic Warfare Screen. The SWS is basically a summary of how your nation is doing in Strategic Warfare vs any/all(selectable) of your enemies, we do this by estimating the losses of each side in IC and comparing them by type. For example, your convoy raiders/subs losses compared to their convoys sunk:

Or the damage done to your by strategic bombing compared to the damage taken by your enemy’s bombers:

There’s also a comparison of land losses, shown in MP and IC:

Don’t worry about the scale on the graphs and the colours, we’re still working on this screen, so it will be easier to read when you get your hands on it.

Next week: Espionage!


06.09.12, 15:52
Das sieht beides sehr gut aus. :top:

Al. I. Cuza
06.09.12, 16:14
Das sieht einfach toll aus!

07.09.12, 13:56
Das neue Addon sieht generell super aus. Leider befürchte ich das dies nur im Multiplayer genutzt werden kann und die AI von den ganzen Neuerungen nichts mitbekommt und es wieder einige Patches oder Modder bedarf um das ganze rund zu machen.

Al. I. Cuza
07.09.12, 16:50
Das neue Addon sieht generell super aus. Leider befürchte ich das dies nur im Multiplayer genutzt werden kann und die AI von den ganzen Neuerungen nichts mitbekommt und es wieder einige Patches oder Modder bedarf um das ganze rund zu machen.

Das ist doch bei den meisten Paradoxspielen so. MP macht sowieso den meisten Spaß.