Archiv verlassen und diese Seite im Standarddesign anzeigen : Development Diaries Patch 1.05
Am 17.4. soll der Patch auf Version 1.05 erscheinen. Bis dahin gibt's freitags regelmäßig Infos.
Hier ( die erste Vorschau - es wird Änderungen bei den Kreuzzügen geben.
Inhalt des 1.05 DLC: Crusader Kings II Ruler Designer DLC announcement trailer! - YouTube (
Who do you want to be today in Crusader Kings II? It is the question that every player faces; still finding that perfect character to play is always the challenge. You may have found the perfect place but well the man who has it just isn’t quite right. A stat is a little too low, that trait is a little annoying, he could really do with an heir, the less said about the nose the better, and why does he have such a stupid name?
With the new Crusader Kings II: Ruler Designer DLC all these are in your hands. Customize your character your way. Tweak and change any aspect of the character or even create an all new character and dynasty to play with. Create your portrait, change the name and dynasty and even customize your coat of arms. Change traits and stats at will and decide the size of the immediate family. The game that lets you choose your goals will now let you choose your character.
Crusader Kings II: Ruler Designer DLC will be released on the 17th of April to a suggested retail price of 4,99 USD.
Muss ich dann irgendwann mal im Sonderangebot kaufen, da das nun wirklich nicht spannend ist.
Wie schade. Ich hatte was interessantes in Richtung Intrigen erwartet.
Li Shunchen
30.03.12, 21:00
Dürfte sich wohl um einen Aprilscherz handeln, oder?
Crusader Kings II Ruler Designer DLC announcement trailer! - YouTube (
EDIT: Ein Attribute-Editor?! Eindeutig ein Aprilscherz xD
Ban Josip Jelacic
30.03.12, 21:10
Ist zum Glück ein DLC und kein Addon!
Hello everybody and welcome to the second development diary about the 1.05 patch. Last week we talked about the revised crusade system and all the new features supporting it. Now we have come to discuss something that may be a surprise to some.
1.05 is introducing a concept called Dynamic Kingdoms. The original release introduced the concept of de-jure kingdoms, but they were 100% static, and each province belonged to a kingdom from the start to the end of the game. While this system had its advantages, there were some slight drawbacks to it, and we wanted to improve upon it.
The first feature of this concept is the fact that duchies can now be assimilated into another de-jure kingdom, after belong to that kingdom for at least 100 years. So if England holds Normandy for 100 years, it will become a de-jure part of England, and the crown-laws of England will apply to Normandy. This also makes the unification of Spain, as one Kingdom, a long-term practical goal
We also introduced the concept of creating titular titles, if you hold the scripted capital. Titular titles are more expensive to create than titles that have land already de-jure to them. This means that you can now create the Kingdom of Venice if you so desire..
We have also added quite a lot of kingdoms to the map from the start, so that some of the major ones like France and Germany are slightly less powerful blocks at the start of the game. Frisia, Lotharingia, Bavaria, Pomerania, Aquitaine and Britanny are now de jure kingdoms from 1066, even if they are not actual titles held by someone. If they are not created and held by someone they will eventually be assimilated.
Some changes to kingdom setup also include Galicia and Navarre being de jure kingdoms, and the kingdom of Al-Andalus is now called Andalusia and can be created by anyone in the Arabic culture group.
An interesting mechanic change is that a kingdom can only be created if you are already a king or emperor, OR you hold more than one duchy title. After all, who would respect a mere duke claiming to be a king.
Kings and Emperors can now also take counties inside their de-jure realms, as we changed how Ducal Claims work to now be a "De Jure Claim", so if you as King of Burgundy holds a province that is de jure France, France can always attack you for it.
I have to apologise for the lack of screenshot in this development diary, but I am writing it from home, as its a holiday week.
Enjoy, and you'll see more details next week.. where we may finally be more shady!
Wir sind der Auffassung, daß sich beide Ergänzungen durch die schlichtes Pätsche sehr schön anhören (Verbesserung der Kreuzzüge ist immer gut). Den ersten DLC verstehen Wir hingegen nicht (und auch nicht die Lobpreisungen dazu im Paradox-Forum).
Sehen wir ähnlich. Auf den DLC werden wir sicher verzichten, entzieht sich doch unserem Verständnis, wie er abseits vom Modding sinnvoll eingesetzt werden kann. Während der Partie könnte man doch höchstens das Aussehen des Charakters ein wenig modifizieren - denn dann an den Fähigkeiten zu schrauben würde das Spiel ja sinnlos machen. Und nur um einen ersten Charakter zu erstellen brauchen wir das nicht.
Oder haben wir da etwas übersehen?
Es macht andererseits auf uns den Eindruck, dass eine immens hohe Erwartung an die DLCs besteht, wobei manchmal anscheinend in Vergessenheit gerät, dass diese keine signifikanten Änderungen beinhalten können, da ja alle Versionen, die auf dem gleichen Patch- (bzw. in Zukunft auch Addon-) Stand sind, miteinander kompatibel sein sollen. So bleiben für wirklich große Verbesserungen oder Erweiterungen nur die Möglichkeiten: kostenloser Patch oder richtiges Addon. Uns soll's recht sein, wenn es einiges per Patch gibt.
wobei manchmal anscheinend in Vergessenheit gerät, dass diese keine signifikanten Änderungen beinhalten können, da ja alle Versionen, die auf dem gleichen Patch- (bzw. in Zukunft auch Addon-) Stand sind, miteinander kompatibel sein sollen. So bleiben für wirklich große Verbesserungen oder Erweiterungen nur die Möglichkeiten: kostenloser Patch oder richtiges Addon. Uns soll's recht sein, wenn es einiges per Patch gibt.
Ja, das hat mich auch stutzig gemacht. Mir scheint das Paradox sich hier selber ein bisschen ins Bein schießt. Es hätte mich nicht gestört wenn die DLCs die Kompatibilität von Spielen behindert hätte. Den erstens spielt nicht jeder MPs und zweitens sollen alle DLCs ja im Startmenü deaktivierbar sein, so dass man sich jederzeit auf den kleinsten gemeinsamen Nenner einigen kann.
12.04.12, 18:27
als jemand, der ganze vormittage damit verbringt, gute namens-wappen-kombinationen zu finden, bevor er loslegt, kann ich den release dieses neusten DLCs gar nicht erwarten :D haus von waldersee ick hör dir trapsen!
Hello everybody and welcome to the third and final development diary about the 1.05 update. This time we'll talk alot more about added content, and not just about added or improved features.
We shipped with about 2,100 events for Crusader Kings II, which is more than we've ever had in any game we've ever released, even with multiple expansions. This does not mean that we did not want to add more events, and this free update contains over 300 new events.
First of all, there is a huge event series now to create more personal relationships. The Friendships and Rivalries event series creates friends and rivals, and also gives more flavour and repercussions for good and bad opinions.
Of course, there are quite an amount of interesting traits like dwarf, hunchback and stutter. These have now been given events, some bad and some good, but most there for making your characters feel more unique.
Finally, when it comes to events, we have spent a lot of time on making sure that regencies feel different than when your character have some sort of absolute power of his or her throne. There is now several event-series that can occurr during a regency, and many of them may have some drawbacks.
One of the most popular features in CKII is the possibility to plot. It's a concept we're proud of and definitely want to add more in, whenever possible. This update contains two new plots. As an independent ruler, you tend to not have that many different types of plots to select from, and this is something we want to improve upon. 1.05 contains a new plot where you can plot to revoke titles from your vassals. For those that are vassals, there is also a new plot where you can weaken a fellow vassal and strengthen you.
For those of you that got frustrated about lack of plots, the Kill Plot is now more available and targets a wider selection of logical characters.
To make it easier to plot, there is now a plot-button on the character window. If you click on it on your own character, you get the possibility to select an ambition from the icons that appear.
On other characters it shows icons of relevant plots targetting that character, which most of the time involves how to arrange a lethal accident conveniently.
Causes of Death – It is now possible to see what characters died of, so that you will know if your son was murdered or not. This is shown in a tooltip over the skull-icon which is shown on dead characters. Causes of death include, Natural, Murder, Diel, Suicide, Battle, From Trait, Accident and many more.
Now its just a four days until April 17th and the release!
17.04.12, 10:32
Na dann bin ich ja mal gespannt, der Patch soll heute kommen?
Der junge Fritz
17.04.12, 15:03
noch nix ?
17.04.12, 15:50
Nope, im Paradoxforum laufen sie deswegen aber auch schon Amok. Kann es sein, das vermehrt Blizzard-Konsumenten bei Paradox aufgeschlagen sind oder wie kann man sich diese Stilblüten erklären? :D
I need it now. I'm dying. OMG
I am staring at the boards, waiting for the patch, instead of working. My boss will kill me.
17.04.12, 17:44
Wo denn ?
17.04.12, 18:53
Hier gibt die Patchnotes:
Klingt alles sehr spannend.
@Dirty: Im off. CKII Forum.
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