Archiv verlassen und diese Seite im Standarddesign anzeigen : Patch 5.1 final [BJLT] ist raus!

GAGA Extrem
22.07.11, 12:11
Er ist endlich da!
Quelle: http://forum.paradoxplaza.com/forum/content.php?603-Divine-Wind-5.1-Patch-now-released.

Download direkt über den Spiellauncher.
Checksumme: BJLT

Changelog aus dem Pdox Forum (Big patch is BIG!):

# AI
- The AI is far less likely to join losing wars or countries that can’t handle fighting the war.
- AI is no longer interested in buying non-cores inside the empire if not a member.
- AI will no longer diplo annex countries inside the empire unless he got cores on them. Will still annex if he can keep a large share of it.
- The AI will disband troops it cannot afford
- AI is now far more reluctant to ally with someone at war.
- Ai is a bit more reluctant in joining in with agressors against someone else that is their ally.
- Army AI: More wary of splitting its forces to besiege
- AI now properly checks if its allowed to send colonists or not.
- Army AI: Fixed a bug preventing proper army pursuit
- Army AI: Better at rebel whacking
- AI will now prioritise building buildings if it is close to the magistrate caps.
- AI is more likely to give up tribute to hordes if losing wars against them.

# Gamebalance
- Fixed an exploit which allowed you to move a policy slider multiple times in one go.
- Fixed the exploit where you could refuse "too good" peace offers at -3 by ignoring them.
- Fixed loophole that made it possible to destroy other countries manufactories.
- Improved the effects of the #3 & #4 government buildings.
- Tweaked costs for when you can create and destroy centers of trade upwards a fair bit.
- The limit for autospawn of trade centers are now 40 provinces insted of 35.
- Automatically spawning trade centers will no longer spawn inside a trade league.
- Units will now have their movements properly reset always, when forced to retreat.
- Foreign armies will now automatically disband the shogunate if they control all the daimyo's capitals, including Japan proper.
- Ttweaked up magistrate gain a little bit again.
- Improved vetting, ecumenism, viceroys , siege corps & land of opportunity ideas.
- Despotic monarchy is now a fair bit slower to change its sliders to balance it versus feudal monarchy.
- Non-nomads can no longer annex nomads. (and vice-versa)
- Mercenary pools now upgrade over time when not used. Ie, no more latin knights filling it up.
- The emperor now gets a core and some reduced infamy for taking a province off agressors.
- Red priority will now only make sure you keep 2 merchants in a cot.
- Building things in your national focus restore parts of the magistrates when the building is finished.
- Every time a colony gets a trade goods picked, they gain one magistrate.
- Nomad tribute now expires properly, both when the original country no longer is a nomad, and when they are not neighbours anymore.
- Nomads can no longer be part of a union.
- Positioning is now properly capped in naval battles.
- Morale damage in navalcombat is no longer x100.
- Going bankrupt now clears all tribute relations.
- China can no longer get conquistadors or explorers unless the eunuchs are in power.
- Starting fleet is now scaled by techgroup.
- Civ/horde CBs now also apply to tribal_democracys
- Hordes can no longer claim defender of the faith.
- Non-Hordes can now actually get tributes from hordes.
- Annexation is not always immediately accepted anymore.
- Going bankrupt now lowers the size of your fleet to below force limits.
- Vassalizing japan while daimyo’s are still around is now far more costly.
- Vassals or junior partners of a union can no longer claim the defender of the faith.
- You only get compete chance from your leaguemaster if you have similar or lower badboy.
- You can now put your own vassals in your sphere of influence should you so desire it.
- A country getting vassalized will now break all its unions it is in.
- Alliances for vassals will now expire properly. (ie, one with others than their overlords.)
- The japanese emperor can no longer be inherited by outsiders.
- Mandate of Heaven now requires Celestial Empire.
- Its no longer possible to change from celestial empire.
- Western Influences is against the Mandate of Heaven.
- Nerfed a few stability costs and revolt risk reductions with China.
- Added a 3 cultural decisions to strenghen chinese factions if you got officials.
- Reformed religion now comes a little bit slower after the rise of protestantism.
- The reformation is now a little bit slower.
- Reworked demands for several trading goods.
- Supply from goods is now far less when a province is occupied, blockaded or looted.
- A country being forced to release a country through peace is now set to be a truce with that country.
- You now have access through any vassal if you are at war with its overlord.
- Normalised gun damage in naval battles. Guns on each ship type now do the same damage in fire phase.
- Building levels 1-4 are no longer destroyed on ownershipchange when new owner has core.
- Galleys are now a little bit better in inland seas.
- The witchcraft act gives more missionaries
- Positioning cap now defends on the amount of cannons on the ship in the fleets. 100 cannons = 1% less in cap.
- You can always call in your vassals in any war you participate in.
- Naval maintenance is no longer a joke.
- The naval maintenance factor is now separate per ship type
- Lowered maintenance factor for galleys, and, especially, transports.
- Naval Maintenance is now scaled on tech level.
- Alliances with hordes will now expire properly.
- Hordes occupying provinces will now destroy a building every three month they have occupied a province.
- If a province bordering a horde has no buildings and have been occupied by a horde for at least a year, then they will automatically become horde owned.
- Increased the time it takes for horde to conquer non-core territory.
- Harsh terrain makes it slower for hordes to destroy buildings.
- Techgroup affects how quickly a province falls to horde building destruction.
- Armies can never retreat for more than 1 province in a go.
- Its no longer possible to exploit peaceoffers to cripple an AI with BB for no provinces.
- Implemented a system for giving countries a bi-yearly random event.
- Lots of events that had multiple versions depending on your size, now use one event and scale the actual effects on your income/tech etc.
- Added 35 new random events for yearly pulse, a majority of them positive.
- Docks now are rather more useful.
- Forts in mountains and hills now take a slightly longer time to siege.
- Countries can no longer exists as pure colonies.
- Tributes from peace with horde is now worth a fixed sum in peace costs.
- Terrain bonus for nomad protection is now a fair bit higher.
- Steppe Hordes now have a higher base revolt risk.
- Orthodox countries get same amount of colonists as Catholics do now.
- Several Russian missions now give nice taxbase and manpower boosts.
- Siege duration is now affected more by game difficulty levels.

# Interface Improvements
- Added shortcut tooltips from v2
- Added movement arrow upgrades from v2
- Fixed a tooltip error for lesser union partners in sphere mapmode.
- Improved detailed tooltip for cultural tradition change.
- Owned province reduction on compete, from targets is now displayed properly as 0-100 instead of 0-1.
- Remove-core effect is now shown even when you don’t have a core on that province.
- Loans will now properly offer the option to pay/extend at reload, even if game is saved while dialog is up.
- Advisor death message now lists the title of the advisor dieing.
- Changed highlighting on the infamy toolip.
- Improved display of troopsizes in the military ledger page.
- Culture decisions will no longer clutter the history log.
- Sorting now works on countries on the leader ledger page.
- Gaining revolt risk directly from events is now colored red, not green.
- Cav to Inf ratio is also shown as tooltip over cavalry value in a selected unit.
- Mission popups now appear at the start of the game.
- Nationalism expiry tooltip is now correct even when its just added nationalism from rebels.
- Added mapmode for economical value of provinces.
- Added mapmode for manpower levels.
- Added mapmode for fortlevels.
- Added mapmode for stability costs.
- Added mapmode for trade value of each province.
- Added mapmode for supply limit. (generic if no unit selected, else depending on selected unit.)
- Added mapmode for missionary placement.
- Added mapmode for buildings.
- Added mapmode for recruiting troops costs.
- Added mapmode for recruiting ships costs.
- Added mapmode for technology comparison.
- Added in the specific icons for the new mapmodes.
- Positioning cap is now shown at the unit strength tooltip.
- You can now see how much a province cost to raise stability for.
- You can now set armies to auto-hunt rebels.
- You can now split units by just clicking one button.
- Recruiting advisors now actually show the effect they give in the immediate tooltip.
- Revolt mapmode now shows which seazones have been patrolled recently.
- Supply limit mapmode now have black stripes in territory where your reinforcements will suffer.
- Camera will no longer move while editing names.
- Bottomline in the goodspages in the ledger now gives tooltips.
- Attrition status is now updated automatically in the outliner.
- Building mapmode now gives important info on buildings to horde countries about what border what they currently control.
- Added another outliner category for "human players", which is rather useful in MP.
- Swapped order of infantry and cavalry in one tooltip to be consistent.
- Tradevalue mapmode now colors gold blue.
- Tweaked colors in missionary mapmode.
- Its no longer possible to split fleets that have units loaded on them.

# User Modding
- The command secede_province now takes previous_owner as an argument
- Added support for set_province_flag & clr_province_flag in province history.
- Added a 'trade_range = yes/no' trigger.
- Added a 'remove_core_from = TAG' effect to be used in province scope.
- years_of_income effect is now possible to do in a province scope, and is depending on the province income.
- Define_ruler and define_heir will now properly randomize any stat that is not set in the script.
- Create general/admiral/explorer/conquistador now picks a female name if the level is <0 in an event effect.
- Game will now read maptextures properly from a mod-dir.
- Game now generates cache files properly in the mod-dir.
- AI for Buildings can now be scripted in detail with ai_will_do = {} in each building..

# Setup & Scripts
- Reworked the current random events to be used by the new system.
- Grain depot changed to is_core = THIS from is_core = yes
- Joan of Aragon now belongs to the de Trastamara dynasty.
- Trent now joins Kingdom of Italy in 1809.
- A few rulers are now properly Bonaparte's.
- Capital of Bourbon is now Moulins.
- Changed kampaku decision since the ai doesn't handle the old one anymore
- Changed "mining_act" decision to require tax assessor anywhere in the country
- Changed "Corruption in the church" to require treasury_office instead of tax_assessor
- Changed "reduce_inflation" mission to require treasury_office instead of tax_assessor
- Changed tax_assessor to treasury_office in prices.
- Fixed "improve_the_han"
- Fixed population error in 1021 - Settsu
- Changed ownership of Sakhalin and the Kurils from JAP to FUJ
- Province capital of 238 - Essex changed to Chelmsford
- Fixed and tweaked the Wokou event-chain for Korea
- Fixed and tweaked events and decisions for Manchu/Ming/Korea border raids
- Restore_holy_see mission gives a temp claim and rewards with papal relations.
- Rewrote the "Mughal Nation" decision for hordes
- Event 6007 "A formal request" only fires if the emperor is not at war
- Event 6007 "A formal request" now gives the emperor one of two messages depending on the outcome
- Event 9012 no longer changes your tech group to western.
- Restore Holy see mission now cancels if EITHER rome is owned by papacy or you are no longer a catholic.
- Changed the capital of province Hessen to Marburg
- Changed the capital of Hessen to Kassel after 1567
- Fixed event 6415 (tax assessor)
- 10033 gives shogun influence, not HRE
- Fixed bug in "restore_emperor" decision
- Changed capital of Schwaben from Augsburg to Memmingen
- Fixed bug with "Manchu Alphabet"
- Fixed bug with "MASTER_OF_INDIA" achievement
- Added french cores to Dauphine, Languedoc and Toulouse
- Added french core to Rouergue
- Fixed typo in AUG - Augsburg.txt
- Rewrote the Hindustan nation decision
- You will not get the mission to colonise austrialia if you dont have it.
- Some trading missions now check for trade range.
- Plsen no longer gets a weird population spike in its history file.
- Discover mission will no longer appear repeatedly for countries with quest but no port.
- Fixed "Provincial Taxation System" decision
- Tweaked event 746 (province defects) for hordes
- Twekaed "dissolution_of_the_monasteries" decision
- Removed shogun bonus when JAP is united
- Fixed text in Widespread opposition event.
- Fixed text in legitimacy questioned event.
- A new event to let countries that discovers Japan discover the province of Kyoto
- Rewrote the events for unlawful provinces. The Emperor now returns it to the previous owner unless he has a core or it being a neighbour province and the emperor has low badboy
- Flags set in history files for Pisa and Siena to avoid the unlawful territory event
- Fixed bug in Braveheart event
- Fixed a few minor database errors.
- Event 716 should only fire when aristocratic
- Removed Shipyard from Naval tech 24
- Removed royal palace from gov tech 35
- PRU gets Torun in 1772 now.
- Added missing cores to english, british, and frence nation decisions.
- 1775 - Holstein now starts in the HRE
- Hold_organ_concert has the correct NOT
- Jakob of Baden's birth is now some time before his death.
- Event 6433 has correct button text
- Conquer_ancona mission now checks 119 for aborting
- POR now knows where thier colony in the azores is.
- Several events for Chinese factions will now spawn as intended.
- Spain must be christian event fixed.
- event 6007 checks the emp exists
- constructions file has correct closing bracket
- Added gov tech 4 requirement for nomads forming Mughal Empire
- Added decisions to form Sardina-Piedmont
- Interface now remembers that the culturescreen was open.
- Superior unit type alert will now appear only when both better level and more dots.
- Added core for Parma on Parma
- making st petersburg the capital changed religion to orthodox too
- event 1091 gives bb to the nation it fires for.
- event 758 gives presitge to owner
- the_netherlands_discover_the_carribean_title fixed
- HAB now has missions to form PU with HUN and BOH rather than vassalise them
- merchant message now lists correct tech needed for monopolies
- theme system updated for new provinces
- restorebyzantineempire updated for new provinces
- the_pentarchy mission for BYZ now checks Aleppo and grants a core on Alexandria
- several on_action events now use immediate effects
- hofgericht_desc corrected
- fixed tachiban shipname
- fixed hansa shipnames
- FRA starts at -2 serfdom
- TEU loses their core on Danzig in 1466.10.19
- several events in napoleonevents which grant buildings now require the province to have the previous level of building built.
- force_convert_mission uses THIS scope for idea modifers
- added THIS scope to several missions in diplomatic and religious mission files
- hold_organ_concert checks owner scope for officials.
- Forming Polish-Lithuanian commonwealth repeatedly is no longer a nice xploit.
- "Smuggling problem?" now require trade tech 27 instead of gov tech 29
- Fixed an owner scope bug in event "$PROVINCENAME$ Revolts!"
- Fixed an owner scope bug in event "We have been chosen!"
- Revised and fixed bugs in "Legatus Natus" and "Primas Germaniae" event series
- Added event "Title of Primas Germaniae Lost" to remove Primas Germaniae title
- Added event "Position as Legatus Natus Revoked" to remove Legatus Natus title
- The Printing Press event now triggers properly.
- customs house only appears in the trade tech line, not gov.
- colonize_taiwan should work for manchu if they don't have factions
- Added Adada to theme system too!
- mughals get a core on Lucknow
- forbidden city can be built without factions
- promote_cultural_unity uses owner scope for culture group check
- theme system has corrected name for 326
- the_pentarchy mission check 337 for success
- sardinia_piedmont_nation_inherit decision uses sardinia_piedmont_nation text too
- un-reversed junion union tooltip
- sardinia_piedmont_nation_inherit decision has better tooltip
- Fixed Jacob von Baden's birth date. And I mean it this time
- Added owner scope in trigger for event "$PROVINCENAME$ Revolts!"
- Added icons for event modifiers "Bad Discipline", "Local Fortress", "Compromised Spy Defence", "Illegitimate Ruler", "Relief From", "Medieval Tapestry", "Organ Concert", "Local Autonomy", "Severe Tax Reduction", "Mount Fuji Fail", "New Temple", "Sword Hunter", "United Japan", "Western Embassy Mission"
- Added owner scope to option B in event "Religious Civil Disorder"
- Event "Kyoto Discovered!" no longer triggers if you've already discovered Japan
- Missions "construct_navy" and "rival_navy" now aborts if owner has no port
- Muscowy shipname Vasili changed to Vasiliy
- Name Vasili changed to Vasiliy for Pskov rulers
- MTTH modifiers changed for event "Territory integrated"
- Tianshun now have same stats as when he was called Zhengtong
- Corrected start date for Jingtai becoming heir
- Fixed localisation for option in event "Territory integrated"
- New decision "Return Unlawful Territory" lets you return unlawful HRE provinces
- Fixed decision inconsistencies between ENG and GBR history files
- Fixed misspelled leader- and ship names for Baden
- BYZ restore the pentarchy really checks 377 now.
- BYZ recover_the_balkans mission tweaked
- convince_elector has THIS scope
- PRU conquer_silesia mission adds a core
- connect_the_prussian_lands and connect_brandenburg_and_prussia include stettin and grant 2 officials when completed
- conquer_warmia_pru grants a core
- conquer_ratibor mission sets emp nagged flag for the province
- HAB hegemony_over_north_italy mission now gives cores on Brescia/Cremona
- Changed HAB's PU missions back to vassalise
- HAB annex_bohemia mission removed (terrible idea with new HEW mechanics)
- BAV conquest missions grants cores
- VEN conquest missions grants cores
- colonise_taiwan aborts correctly
- anti-tax rebels no longer remove constables
- Trinidada should no longer connect to Cumana
- moving capital to st petersburg no longer changes religion
- st petersburg set to orthodox at the same time as capital moves in history files.
- Added icon for "illegitimate_ruler"
- Only bishoprics can now hold the title "Legatus Natus"
- 1079 1077 are now part of the Russia region.
- forming Russia gives cores on Karelia and Samara too.
- steppe hordes get increased MP, a better shock bonus at home, and reduced unit costs.
- Factions that cannot colonise get vastly reduced colonists.
- You can only lose the mandate of heaven if you are a celestial_empire.
- You keep the mandate of heaven while resisting western influences.
- NOV starts with a truce with GOL
- OIR and KHA start with a truce with Ming.
- Removed colonist penalty from factions and instead made an AI only modifier.
- Event "Imperial Reconquest" no longer trigger if you have a core on the province
- The Pentarchy triggered modifier checks 377 rather than 327.
- Rearranged The Pentarchy event effects for better tooltip.
- BYZ has a core on Adana.
- Weapons manufactories no longer increase the supply of copper.
- Institute the Societas Jesu requires you to be catholic.
- fixed annex_candar abort trigger.
- Imperial Ban CB only allows HRE provinces to be taken from non-members.
- Removed Ottoman's vassalise MAM mission. Their mission to annex MAM now gives a conquest CB and temp claims on the whole nation.
- Abnaki and Stadacona are no longer adjacent, and the Abnaki-Pennacook border was adjusted.
- Fixed pixelation in Stockholm, Halsingland, Nyland, & Vastergotland.
- Fixed one island of Western Isles that was drawn directly adjacent to the Highlands.
- Adjusted border of Acadia-Micmac to match modern Nova Scotia-New Brunswick border.
- Adjusted border of Sault-Menominee and added missing strait between them.
- Adjusted border of Niagara-Potawatomi and added missing strait between them.
- Shorted the 'ocean' part of the St. Lawrence to match where the 'river' part begins
- Fixed the reported bug on Notre Dame Bay-Cabot Strait.
- Fixed the two pixels of Taqamkuk that were on the coast of Innu (similar to the Trinidad problem)
- Fixed the 'missing' strait between Cape Breton and Nova Scotia
- Fixed the one pixel of the Skagerak that was misplaced in Heligoland Bight.
- Fixed pixelation of coastline of Tosa and Hyuga.
- Found & fixed a stray pixel of Hizen on the coast of Higo.
- Adjusted location of port, manufactory, and city for Pennacook, to account for the adjusted borders.
- Fixed missing portion of the Mississippi River.
- Adjusted unit position on Corfu.
- lowered MTTH on idea events
- Tweaked benign neglect to a bit more scaled.
- set Kola's tradegood to unknown.
- fixed some typos in poland_mazovia_relations_desc
- 9470 only targets nations with no heir
- 9472, cash is in owner scope.
- fixed an extra } in the annex_candar mission.
- fixed brackets on ming's triggered nerf modifier.
- fixed trigger on provincial_system
- Linz is now part of the german region.
- Fixed population in Erz and Moravia.
- Ottoman decisions no longer require them to be at peace, but the ADM requirements have increased to 6.
- land recruiting act gives 10% manpower, naval version gives 5% cheaper ships.
- 9472 cash is back to province scope.
- QIN WUU and XIA no longer start as administrative_monarchy
- fixed another 327/377 change in the Pentarchy and increased missionary gain from it.
- increased cost of buildings. they now go: 50, 75, 100, 150, 200, 300.
- Added 0.05 officials and spies to college and 0.05 missionaries to cathedrals
- Restricted a few Japanese events to not happen for the Shogun when they shouldn't.
- event 9468 now refers to HEIR_DYNASTY
- Going plutocrat now have a chance to give good advisors, not just any stat advisors.
- Way of the Tea now works properly.
- removed manpower trigger from event 9467
- tweaked AI will dos on construction decisions
- HAB's missions to vassalise BOH and HUN now uses the restore union CB but may not fire until 1500
- HAB's claims to northern italy includes verona
- develop_diwani_script decision requires you to be a monarchy
- moved several potential triggers to allow section in national decisions so they are visible earlier
- BYZ's mission for eastern balkans no longers includes TUR's capital
- Reworked country adjectives to fit better.
- Krakow given more realistic government types through history, instead of Constitutional Republic from game start.
- Corrected capital of Byzantine Empire from Roma to Thrace in some parts of the history.
- Corrected Beijing province # to 1816 twice in ManuchuDecisions.txt
- Changed La Mancha and Cadiz from castillian to andalucian culture
- Added missing text size statements for many provinces to /map/positions.txt
- /missions/american_missions.txt - added NOT = { war_with = FRA } to ALLOW condition of the_united_states_france_relations to stop infinite loop - did equivalent with the_united_states_rev_france_relations too.
- added nomad = no to Allow condition of royal_marriage_mission in /missions/diplomatic.txt .
- added government = monarchy to trigger conditions of event 754 in /events/MoreRandomEvents.txt
- duplicated the DECLWAR_MAP line as DECLWAROTHER_MAP in /localisation/httt.csv
- in /missions/Hansa_Missions.txt changed Allow and Abort conditions as per the bug reporter's suggestion
- added Thematic army and fleet names to /common/countries/ByzantineEmpire.txt
- corrected text for Master of Mint text in /localisation/in_nomine_text.csv
- changed localised name of ali_bey_reformed_infantry from infantry to cavalry for all languages in text.csv (as it is actually cav by description)
- fixed Prussian Nation decision so nations with Prussian culture can form Prussia
- In /history/countries/sib - sibir.txt the Sibir are made into a steppe_horde and in the nomad tech group, like their neighbours
- corrected tax amounts in tooltip for vote_on_gemeinerpfennig_desc in httt.csv
- corrected factor=10000 to factor=1000 in Annex Egypt mission in Turkish_Missions.txt . Added any_neighbor_country = { tag = MAM } to Allow and Abort code, removed exists=MAM from both as redundant.
- Added regency=no to triggers of event 9463 in dynastic.txt
- in /history/provinces/863 - suma.txt corrected 1709 capital change to read Chihuahua, not Chicuahua
- In /common/countries/Hindustan.txt changed graphical_culture = chinesegfx to graphical_culture = indiangfx
- fixed spelling of guerrilla and ethiopian in several places in text.csv
- corrected text of Rival Navy mission in /localisation/2nd_inn.csv from "no more than" to "less than" in English and German
- removed duplicate entry for Afonso V as leader from /history/countries/por - portugal.txt
- Charles Middleton removed as an admiral and added as an advisor
- Moved war_college = yes from /common/technologies/government.txt to land.txt .
- changed option A and B text in /localisation/rotw.csv to better reflect the effects of the choices: 'Grant autonomy' and 'Slower Westernization' respectively
- Update burgundian_missions.txt for Liege and Brabant to grant cores to all of those nations, plus set new effects (the any_owned/previous_owner allows it to handle any provinces that they might have acquired instead of only their original ones) - which in turn required a new modifier to be defined in event_modifiers.txt .
- Modified Braveheart event in /events/MoreRandomEvents.txt to have all forces always spawn in Province 252 Highlands, instead of anywhere in the Highlands region.
- Modify Infamy parameters in The Hanami Festival - Sign from above (event 10009 /events/JapanEvents.txt ) to match the ones in event 10008 The Hanami Festival - Ill omen in the sense that they should grade from 0.1-0.5 instead of all being 0.1 , which makes little sense.
- A Formal Request exploit squashed.
- Liberum Veto can now be used in either a War or a Horde War.
- Gain Polish Trade updated for the Hansa Missions.
- Braveheart event further restricted.
- Events that modify Techcost now does it over a longer period of time.
- Crimea, Golden Horde and Trebizond now belongs to another graphics group.
- Abdicate or Commit Seppuku will no longer happen for Regency Councils.
- RFR and HRE can now revoke Edict of Nantes if they used to be France.
- Ninguta now makes Naval Supplies.
- Niobar Isles is now disovered by people nearby.
- Papal States missions to conquer now gives cores.
- Swedish Iron mission aborts if Sweden has no iron.
- Kozani is now part of the Restore Byzantine Empire decision.
- Excom war now uses ALL_CGROUP_PROVS in its desc
- Vote on Hofgericht fixed.
- Ikko-Ikki's now work correctly.
- Golden Horde and Crimea are now easterngfx again to ensure spritepack compability.
- Added missing = to 524/Agra line in MughalNation.txt decision file
- Corrected patron_of_arts to patron_of_art in DiscoveryOfTheFarEast.txt
- Removed excess bracket from "A Formal Request" event in RandomProvinceEvents.txt
- Corrected misplaced bracket in RestoreByzantineEmpire.txt decision
- Change effects of "Spain must be Christian" mission to correctly remove GRA cores when completed.
- Removed all effects of JAP invasion from 6 Korean provinces, as in DW JAP may not have formed by this time.
- Corrected grammar and spelling in numerous descriptions in /localisation/napoleontext.csv
- Corrected "Setto Inland Sea" to "Seto Inland Sea" in /localisation/text.csv
- Added government = monarchy to Potential section of "move court to Versailles" and "l'Etat, c'est moi" decisions in France.txt
- Moved MIL = 7 from Potential to Allow section of Manchu Green Standard Army decision to make requirements clearer to player
- Corrected montly to monthly in National Bank event text in text.csv
- 142-corfu.txt - added add_core=VEN to 1399.1.1 as VEN's core was displaying as the year 51 AD, for some reason
- in_nomine_text.csv - corrected text "warexhaustion" to "War Exhaustion"
- /map/continent.txt - Solikamsk 1077 moved from Asia to Europe (as all provinces around it are in Europe)
- /decisions/IndianTradeCompany.txt and Dutch.txt - in indian_trade_company and found_voc , changed add_building = shipyard to add_building = grand_shipyard, as shipyards are no longer 500-ducat buildings
- decisions\NationalFocusProvince.txt - enact_settlement_policy ai_will_do modifiers put in owner scope
- decisions\CulturalDecisions.txt - hold_organ_concert effects put in owner scope
- decisions\IrishNation.txt - primary_culture is not a province trigger, changed to culture
- common\rebel_types.txt - easterm corrected to eastern on lines 2259 and 2338
- common\countries\Jerusalem.txt - spurious extra quote marks removed from two monarchs
- events\ideaevents.txt - event 6112 option B manpower corrected to change_manpower
- \history\provinces - added remove_core = GOL to 6 Sibir provinces at 1450.1.1 when SIB comes into being
- Re-ordered the NI list for 9 horde countries so that national_conscripts moves from 1st to 4th - hordes have 100% manpower bonus already
- Renamed the Florida lake currently called Everglades to Lake Okeechobee in text.csv
- localisation\httt.csv - corrected CB_ALLOWED_REVOKE;Claim Revokation to CB_ALLOWED_REVOKE;Claim Revocation
- Vassalize_mission can no longer be gained by hordes, or against them.
- Center of Trade mapmode now lists which cot and tradegoods a province is in much clearer.
- In missions\Religious.txt the convert_province_mission abort triggers need an OR clause added
- altered 9 Japanese provinces to trigger ikko_ikki rather than ikko_ikkis to match the label used in rebeltypes.txt and japanevents.txt
- The Reqonuer Breda mission now gives manpower to the Breda province.
- Corrected Piastowie (plural) to Piast (singular ) in the cultures file.
- Fixed convince_elector mission not to fire if we have a female ruler
- Fixed a few issues with newer events to caused them to not show correct text.
- The Basileus achievement now requires three more provinces.
- A few triggers changes to be more logical.
- Stopped a case of mission looping.
- Corrected German language in lots of files.
- A few spelling errors fixed.

# Stability & Performance
- Fixed crash issue for players with older processors when rendering sprites (reported as an AGP gfx card issue)
- Optimized render code
- Minor optimisations done.
- Tweaked view distances for better performance
- Fixed a crashbug in the outliner.
- Clicking the save game tab no longer takes forever if you've got a couple of saves
- Enforced only 1 achievement available of each type in the savegame.
- fixed crashbug when shift + right clicking on the before dragboxing / clicking on land
- fixed Game crashes when attacking the enemy fleet.
- fixed exit crash in history database
- fixed the crashbug when starting with a country that has had a province name changed in its history.
- fixed a crashbug with resigning and reloading savegames with heirs that have become monarchs.
- Becoming another country will not crash the game if you have trade rights.
- Fixed a crashbug with colonists.
- Game no longer crashes when pressing goto on a building finished popup for a besiged province.
- Fixed a crashbug related to maxing out techs.

# Bugfixes
- Inland sea now works properly again.
- Market control achievement can only be gotten from a grand campaign start.
- Fixed a bug which caused the AI to sometimes drown its armies when sending a fleet to attack another fleet.
- Colonies will no longer flicker.
- Fixed a bug with missing brackets in rebel_types.txt
- Terrain graphics is now correct in combat views again.
- Revokable reforms status is now saved in savegames.
- Trade access from gold is no longer causing weird modifier displays.
- Fixed a few issues with governments being set wrongly for newly formed countries.
- Fixed a bug which could cause lesser union partners to steal the leader sometimes at reload.
- Natives at Hokkaido & St.Barthelemy are now properly attackable.
- Empty_province mission scope will now ignore wastelands.
- Fixed a bug which caused you to sometimes get an -2 stability displayed in a call alliance message, even when you didnt get it.
- Fixed a problem with sell-province to the same country twice in a short period of time.
- Fixed daimyo peace score bugs
- Fixed load bug in shogunate
- American Pagans now have a cathedral icon
- Corrected icons for Eastern, Chinese, and Indian Temples + Catherdrals.
- fixed Manufactory GFX vanish after reload
- fixed Icons linger on the map when centres of trade are destroyed.
- fixed When a unique building vanishes you need to reload to build another one
- fixed The Shogun does not appear to lead alliances when dealing with minors.
- fixed Naval Movement arrow goes wild.
- fixed Impossible to become a shogun.
- fixed Conquests does not give prestige
- fixed One sided infamy in the peace UI
- fixed Declaring war on Daimyos when at war with foreign nations.
- fixed Don't allow DOWs in JAP when your have troops on their land
- fixed Daimyo WS modifier not factored on peace screen
- fixed Stability hits when called to arms.
- Updated some tooltips to correct reference to buildings.
- Reworked country adjectives to fit better.
- fixed Invisible, invincible army acts as a fleet and blockades some ports.
- fixed Icons don't expire
- fixed Prestige gains rounding.
- fixed Yearly prestige decay is not working properly.
- fixed Invisible unit
- fixed Title: Nationalism not working properly now works on your cores
- fixed Japanese straits, naval control and military access.
- Added a missing "a" to building tooltip.
- Heavy Frigate textures corrected.
- Rival Navy mission now aborts properly.
- Protection of minorities now aborts properly.
- Fixed a couple of typos in building tooltips.

22.07.11, 12:40
Da warst Du schneller als ich ;) Aber ja... feinchen!

22.07.11, 16:50
mal ne kurze frage,
ist es bei euch auch so das die Beschreibungen und Tooltipps der neuen Features in Französisch sind?
Und das unabhängig davon welche Sprache ich bei der Installation auswähle.

22.07.11, 16:53
Nö, ist bei mir, wie gewünscht, Englisch.

22.07.11, 17:24
so hab das Problem jetzt selbst gelöst, hab die localisation Datei für 5.1 dahingehend geändert das ich die komplette Französische Spalte mit der deutschen überschrieben habe.

22.07.11, 17:55
so hab das Problem jetzt selbst gelöst, hab die localisation Datei für 5.1 dahingehend geändert das ich die komplette Französische Spalte mit der deutschen überschrieben habe.

Wir haben das selbe Problem, könntet Ihr die Lösung auch für einen Laien beschreiben? ;)


22.07.11, 18:17
ich kanns mal probieren.

als erstes den EU3 Ordner öffnen
und dann in den localisation Ordner gehen
dort die Datei v51.csv öffnen (geht bei mir direkt mit exel)

in der Tabelle gibt es mehrere spalten.
nun die Deutsche Spalte Markieren
und über die direkt daneben liegende French Spalte kopieren.
(ich habe am ende nur noch den Spaltenkopf wieder in french geändert)
noch speichern und das war es auch schon

22.07.11, 18:23
ich warte auf den sieg oder tod mod :D

GAGA Extrem
22.07.11, 20:26
Ich kann endlich meinen mod wieder anpassen!

Alith Anar
22.07.11, 20:49
Könntet Ihr wohl jemandem der das Speil zwar hat, aber noch nicht damit warmgeworden ist, für welche Version/AddOns das Update ist. Ich hab EU3 - Collector + HttT

22.07.11, 20:55
Dann fehlt euch noch Divine Wind, dafür ist 5.1 gedacht.

23.07.11, 15:10
Aua, dem erfreulichen Zuwachs der Wirksamkeit von Docks steht die sehr unerfreuliche Verteuerung von neuen Handelzentren entgegen. Es wird doch jetzt allen Ernstes verlangt, dass das nächstliegende HZ mehr als 800 Handelsvolumen aufweist, bevor man ein Neues errichten darf. Ich fand schon die bisherigen 400 als anspruchsvoll und angemessen. Was meint Ihr hierzu?

23.07.11, 16:50
Finde das sehr gut. Vorher war es zu wenig. Ab Mitte des Spiels schossen zu viele Handelszentren aus dem Boden.

Al. I. Cuza
23.07.11, 17:55
Finde das sehr gut. Vorher war es zu wenig. Ab Mitte des Spiels schossen zu viele Handelszentren aus dem Boden.

Um 1500 schon gab es viele Einprovinzler mit HZs die 20 oder 30 wert sind. Wir finden es gut.

Der Zarewitsch
23.07.11, 18:59
Was gibt es denn sonst so an Eindrücken zu berichten, werte Herren?

Al. I. Cuza
23.07.11, 19:00
Naja, es wurde ja nur wenig seit dem letzten Beta Patch geändert.

Fazit: Das Spiel ist wieder komplett spielbar und macht Spaß.

24.07.11, 17:55
ich kanns mal probieren.

als erstes den EU3 Ordner öffnen
und dann in den localisation Ordner gehen
dort die Datei v51.csv öffnen (geht bei mir direkt mit exel)

in der Tabelle gibt es mehrere spalten.
nun die Deutsche Spalte Markieren
und über die direkt daneben liegende French Spalte kopieren.
(ich habe am ende nur noch den Spaltenkopf wieder in french geändert)
noch speichern und das war es auch schon

Wir können das nicht speichern...weiß jemand Rat?

"V51.csv kann Merkmale enthalten die mit CSV (Trennzeichen getrennt) Nicht kompatibel sind. Möchten Sie die Arbeitsmappe in diesem Format speichern?"

Wir drücken ja, aber gespeichert wird es nicht.:???:


24.07.11, 18:38
mmh, hat bei mir so geklappt, aber manchmal haben Computer ja ihren eigenen willen.
Hier ich habe die Datei mal Hochgeladen.

24.07.11, 19:13
Ich habe dasselbe Problem mit den französischen Texten. Vor dem Patch waren manche deutsch, manche gar nicht vorhanden (also im Beta).
Gefällt mir ansonsten sehr gut, es gibt sogar ein Anti-Blob-Modifikator, wie ich grad feststellen muss. :)

Jerobeam II.
25.07.11, 11:04
Kann mir einer der Regenten freundlicherweise einen Download-Link für den Patch geben? Mein Updater will nicht und im Forum ist er nicht angehängt (oder ich übersehe da etwas). Danke.

25.07.11, 11:33
Schaut einmal hier (http://forum.paradoxplaza.com/forum/showthread.php?392267-All-EU3-PATCHES-and-REFERENCE-EU3-checksums-and-datestamps&p=11902377&viewfull=1#post11902377)

Jerobeam II.
25.07.11, 11:40
Habt Dank. Da war ich noch nie ... ;)

25.07.11, 17:14
Ich kann endlich meinen mod wieder anpassen!

Jaaa! Darauf freuen wir uns schon ungemein! :)

GAGA Extrem
25.07.11, 20:38
Erledigt, siehe Modforum.

Der Zarewitsch
02.08.11, 13:05
So, habe jetzt die zig Versionen aufgespielt, directx 9 inclusive. Jetzt fehlt nur noch patch 5.1. Patch meint aber es sei kein DW installiert. Was habe ich übersehen? :???:

Der Zarewitsch
02.08.11, 16:57
Nochmal den Rattenschwanz installiert, registry entrümpelt, Pfade überprüft. DW läuft prima, allein patch 5.1 weigert sich DW zu erkennen. Verflucht! Ich wollte doch nur mal kurz reinschaun. Für lange Partien fehlt mir ohnehin die Zeit. LMAA!

Kennt keiner den Supertrick?
Möchte mir jemand seine funktionierde Version zusenden?
Oder muss ich gar - oh weh - im Pdx-Forum nachfragen? :eek:

02.08.11, 17:06
Nochmal den Rattenschwanz installiert, registry entrümpelt, Pfade überprüft. DW läuft prima, allein patch 5.1 weigert sich DW zu erkennen. Verflucht! Ich wollte doch nur mal kurz reinschaun. Für lange Partien fehlt mir ohnehin die Zeit. LMAA!

Kennt keiner den Supertrick?
Möchte mir jemand seine funktionierde Version zusenden?
Oder muss ich gar - oh weh - im Pdx-Forum nachfragen? :eek:

Tja mal typische standard fragen:

1.) original?
2.) Welche installation: Chronicles oder wirklich EU 3 samt aller Addons installiert?
3.) Probiert die DW patches nacheinander zu installieren? (also nicht gleich den 5.1 sondern die die es vorher gab auch zu installieren (nicht die beta, nur die offiziellen)
4.) Wie lautet die genaue Fehlermeldung?

Der Zarewitsch
02.08.11, 17:31
1.) original?
EU boxed - Rest Gamersgate
2.) Welche installation: Chronicles oder wirklich EU 3 samt aller Addons installiert?
Siehe oben. Addons alle drauf. Jedes nacheinander gestartet, jedes mal ok, samt checksum.
3.) Probiert die DW patches nacheinander zu installieren? (also nicht gleich den 5.1 sondern die die es vorher gab auch zu installieren (nicht die beta, nur die offiziellen)
Noch nicht...wird sogleich geprüft.
4.) Wie lautet die genaue Fehlermeldung?
DW not installed.

Schon mal vielen Dank, werter Shakril!

Der Zarewitsch
02.08.11, 17:43
(also nicht gleich den 5.1 sondern die, die es vorher gab auch zu installieren (nicht die beta, nur die offiziellen)

Gab es denn andere patches für DW?

02.08.11, 18:04
Nö, es gab keine anderen Patches.
Ich hätte auch den Fehler bei der Registry vermutet, aber wenn ihr das schon selbst im Auge hattet ...

Dann bliebe da einfach noch den Inhalt des Patchers zu entpacken und selbst in den Ordner zu kopieren. Das dürfte hiermit gehen: http://innounp.sourceforge.net/

Der Zarewitsch
03.08.11, 07:37
Danke, werter Golwar! Bei mir hat der Entpacker nicht funktioniert. Vielleicht war ich auch nur zu dusselig. Wollt Ihr es mal probieren?

Edit: kann man sich erst mal sparen. DW stürzt ab. Da ist wohl die Wurzel meines Problems. Werde nochmal installieren müssen. Dann dürfte es auch mit dem patch klappen. Ich wundere mich nur. Habe doch die Installation korrekt durchgeführt. Arrghh! So langsam vergeht mir die Lust...

Der Zarewitsch
03.08.11, 11:50
Das Pech geht weiter. Spiel läßt sich starten - das ist schon mal erfreulich. Aber die Grafik spinnt. Landkarte total verzerrt/zerschreddert.

03.08.11, 12:02
Map-Cache geleert?

Der Zarewitsch
03.08.11, 12:42
Ja. Das war es aber nicht. Treiber für Grafikkarte musste aktualisiert werden. Hätte ich auch selber drauf kommen können, ich Trottel. XP wurde ja vor kurzem neu installiert.
Nun, jetzt ist ja alles gut. Danke an all jene, die mir bei der schweren Geburt halfen.


Al. I. Cuza
03.08.11, 15:16
Ja. Das war es aber nicht. Treiber für Grafikkarte musste aktualisiert werden. Hätte ich auch selber drauf kommen können, ich Trottel. XP wurde ja vor kurzem neu installiert.
Nun, jetzt ist ja alles gut. Danke an all jene, die mir bei der schweren Geburt halfen.


Wir verlangen einen grünen Keks :P

10.08.11, 21:17
mal ne kurze frage,
ist es bei euch auch so das die Beschreibungen und Tooltipps der neuen Features in Französisch sind?
Und das unabhängig davon welche Sprache ich bei der Installation auswähle.Die Installationssprache? Die ist doch für das Spiel auch herzlich egal. ;)
Klingt so, als wären da ein paar Semikolons abhandengekommen. - Dann sollte man es vl mal als Französisch starten (wenn man denn Französisch kann); sind die Felder dann in Sprache Spalte 6?
Wie vielzeilig ist denn die Datei?

Wir können das nicht speichern...weiß jemand Rat?

"V51.csv kann Merkmale enthalten die mit CSV (Trennzeichen getrennt) Nicht kompatibel sind. Möchten Sie die Arbeitsmappe in diesem Format speichern?"

Wir drücken ja, aber gespeichert wird es nicht.:???:

GrüßeSo wie ich das sehe hättest du sie nur mit Editor öffnen brauchen, dann hätte er sich diesbezüglich nicht beklagen sollen.

28.02.12, 13:05
Ist der 5.1er Patch immer noch der aktuellste? Ich habe nach über einem Jahr mal wieder mein EU3 ausgegraben und nun feststellen müssen, dass immernoch diese aberwitzigen Ketten-Allianzen passieren... ich dachte das sei gepatcht worden!

Ist BJLT immernoch das aktuellste?

Der junge Fritz
28.02.12, 13:45
ja , 5.1 ist noch aktuell

28.02.12, 15:44
und diese ständigen Betas gibts nicht mehr?

28.02.12, 18:02
und diese ständigen Betas gibts nicht mehr?

Nein, was insofern schade ist, dass es durchaus noch einige Bugs und Balanceprobleme im Spiel gibt.

28.02.12, 21:17
Ja, genau... ich habe mal etwas weitergespielt und die Kettenallianzen sind doch nicht gar so schlimm, aber Bugs und das Hordenproblem gibt es ja immernoch!

28.02.12, 21:28
Was ist denn "das Hordenproblem"?

28.02.12, 21:43
Naja, ist ja sicher Geschmackssache, aber ich finde dass die Horden zu Spielbeginn ziemlich Uber sind... vor allem aber meine ich die Sonderregelungen zu Horden, z.B. dass man Horden nicht angreifen kann, wenn man kein Nachbar ist, sie die Provinzen einfach so klauen, etc.