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PON Public Beta 1.04RC2 (Stand Juni 2013)
Ausgezeichnet..der erste Patch ist da!
Aber wie der ist nur für die Amazon Version? Ich denke der Patch bezieht sich auf alle CD-Versionen oder?
Ich hoffe dann mal das die Abstürze und die Anzeigefehler ausgemerzt sind!!!
Ausgezeichnet..der erste Patch ist da!
Aber wie der ist nur für die Amazon Version? Ich denke der Patch bezieht sich auf alle CD-Versionen oder?
Ich hoffe dann mal das die Abstürze und die Anzeigefehler ausgemerzt sind!!!Richitg, der Patch ist für alle boxed-Versionen und bringt die Version 1.00 auf den Stand der Downloadversionen zum Veröffentlichungstermin (d.h. 1.01). Er behebt also nur Fehler, die nur in der CD Version, aber nicht in der Download-Version auftreten.
achso..klar, danke. D.h. ja das die Demo schon auf 1.01 war und das Spiel net.. Oh man :rolleyes:
achso..klar, danke. D.h. ja das die Demo schon auf 1.01 war und das Spiel net.. Oh man :rolleyes:
Genau, deswegen habe ich Deine Frage gestern wegen eines Patches verneint, weil Du doch glaube ich ne Download-Version hattest.
Ich musste mir den Patch ziehen.
achso..klar, danke. D.h. ja das die Demo schon auf 1.01 war und das Spiel net.. Oh man :rolleyes:Der Goldmaster für die CD Produktion geht schon einige Wochen vor der Veröffentlichung an den Publisher, damit die CDs rechtzeitig zum Veröffentlichungstermin verfügbar sind. Während dieser Zeitspanne wurde natürlich weiter am Spiel gearbeitet und zum Veröffentlichungstermin wurden die Download-Versionen und die Demo natürlich mit der aktuellsten Version veröffentlicht.
die zeit überholt alles
PON Public Beta Patch 1.02
weiter gehst :smoke:
PON beta patch 1.02
Hi everybody,
By popular demand, we are releasing the latest version of PON to everybody! Please note that this version is a "1.02 beta version" meaning that some bugs may remain, and some improvements are still on the radar.
It is safe to say though, that this Public Beta version will provide you an even better gaming experience than the current 1.01 version you are playing with. :D
Once all issues are fixed, and after the QA department has validated it, this beta patch (internally called 101e) will be made official and will become version 1.02, the first official patch for PON.
This installation procedure is STEAM compatible!
Installing this beta patch asks you a bit of file copying. There is nothing complicated, just follow these steps (they are very detailed but someone knowing how to move files in Windows will do that in a few seconds!):
1. Get the ZIP archive provided at the end of this post. Open it, you should see the game executable PON.EXE and a folder, named VGN. Move these 2 items in a temporary directory, say C:\Temp\PONBeta
2. Find where is located the game, Pride of Nations. A good way of doing that is moving your mouse cursor over the PON icon (you must not have selected an icon for this trick to work, click on an empty space of your desktop to deselect any icon). Wait a few seconds, the location of your game should appear in the tooltip.
If you are using Steam, you won't get all the informations though. You have to head to the main directory where is Steam, then go to \SteamApps\common ... Here you should find all your Steam games!
3. Open the Pride of Nations folder. There are some files and directories. Open the VGN directory. You should see several others directories. Select these ones:
These ones are the first 4 listed normally. Once you have all the 4 selected, delete them. Yes, to the trash! Wait a bit, as there are a lot of files to send to the shredder...
You have to delete them, or you won't be able to play correctly.
4. Move one directory up. You should be back to Pride of Nations, seeing again the main game executable (PON.EXE) and the VGN directory (that we trimmed a bit... summer diet ;) ). Things get easy now. Keep this window open, then go to the directory where you put the 2 items we spoke about in entry (1), so you should head to C:\Temp\PONBeta.
5. Select these 2 items (PON.EXE and VGN directory), then drag&drop them to the Pride of Nations directory. Windows will ask you if you want to overwrite what is there. Say yes to all. The former PON.EXE will be replaced by the new one, and the older VGN directory will receive quite a face lift, with new updated files.
6. Once done, close everything. Double click on the PON icon (on your desktop generally). The splash screen should show you 1.01e Public Beta patch. Should you get an error before seeing the main menu, it can mean you forget a step somewhere. Just restart from (1) in this case.
(too big to attach, but the link works nonetheless!)
It is necessary you restart a new game, discarding older saves. While you install this fix, don't hesitate to delete entirely the Saves folder (you can do that more slowly in game also). We will do our best to stay save-compatible from now on, rest assured.
If after several tries, you don't manage to install the fix, then don't hesitate to post here, we will help you.
FIXED and major: Memory leak removed!
new: You can now cancel Buy orders from the B interface.
fixed: Display bug that masked some structures.
new: Prices recover better and more logically
new: wastage of resource reduced in effect
new: naval resupply algorithm revised entirely, plus message giving details on it.
new: national regions now benefit from a 'minimum development level', if under 10%, you get +1% every 3 months.
new: tribal get replacements for free, slowly.
new: commerce ships in MTBs get back some cohesion over time
fixed: Depot extension and coaling upgrades problem.
new: Initiator of a colonial crisis can lose his CP in the contested colony.
new: minor can be the target of crisis.
fixed: Replacement leaders now appear (note there is perhaps a bug on duplicating leaders though)
fixed: structures in construction can not be activated with the 'activate all' button
fixed: a problem with supply rights that gave the benefit of a defensive treaty.
fixed: Inflation works reliably.
fixed: Map loading improved behavior should now work even if the checkbox is not on (hopefully!)
fixed: Can now use gunboat diplomacy
fixed: DOWing a country now abort all treaties
new: National morale limited to 250. More rubberband mechanisms around morale.
new: if you lack a specific resource for an industry, the message tells you which one.
fixed: you'll get every 3 months a message about your progress on the historical missions.
new: AI time usage in case of war reduced by 10% (not to 10% ;) )
new: Hosting time reduced between 10 and 15%, depending of the turn.
new: the harbors close to your capital can always send sea supply to harbors close to any MTB where you have ships. (Basically if you have a ship as GBR in Southern Africa Trade box, then the harbors near London can send supply to the harbors in South Africa).
new: Can't play prospectors in region where there is no hidden resources.
new: You don't prevent merchant ships to commerce even if you have combat ships in their MTB.
new: When you form up a colony, relationships with the tribal will be at least 0.
new: The resources icons on map now show the number of resources in their tooltip.
new: Before building a structure, the tooltip tells you about the theoretical input and output.
new: Unit building panel code optimized, should not slow down the game anymore.
changed: Crisis about a colony asks for an average 15 CP, not 5.
changes and fixes focused on data:
* Fixed some budget and costs of the EIC army: GBR now receives 250£ every 6 months as 'contribution' to finance the Army in India (till 1860)
* fixed some upgrade costs on units - Also added missing pictures for some units
* Fixed EvalColStatusArea script error
* Fixed natural disasters events (wrong religion alias caused crash)
*Models DB fixes (costs, tech upgrades, new pictures, new values for some elements)
* Fixed a script error that prevented the Missions annual checks to be effected and displayed.
* In addition FP of economic structures is adjusted for some missions (e.g. more cereal farms for Russia)
* New 1850 GC OOB: lots of African and Asian nations forces added on map (still WIP if volunteers want to bring corrections)
* Changed Cotton resources on map outside USA: much lower until the ACW occurs, then Cotton 'spreads' to Egypt, India and Southern Brazil in greater quantities
* Diplomatic parameters for AI added (thanks to Ehrenbourg tremendous work!)
* New events for SPA, POR, BEL and TUR added
* More Colonial and Balkan crisis events
* Allowed German unification by peaceful means to occur earlier
* Fixed wrong states borders in the USA (thanks to Aragos)
* Cherokee are friendly to USA, other Indian tribes start at peace
* Fix of abilities (CinC appliance)
* Oil, gold, gems and rubber resources fix (add population during rushes)
* Some 1850 setup fix in regions (control, trade, resources)
Gibt übrigens das nächste kleine Update zum Download 1.01f
Zu finden am üblichen Orte.
nächster schritt :gluck:
*fixed: Warscore evaluation and cost of treaty proposals
*changed: 'NON' nation is always hostile.
*fixed: AI siege bug
*changed: Colonial Merchant can augments dev level up to 15%.
*fixed: Defensive treaty could be accepted while not being valid in the end.
*fixed: you can't build a depot upgrade over a depot in construction.
*changed: some silly cases of crisis.
*changed: you will get back military control and cities, from non hostile nations, in some cases, in regions you legitimally own.
*fixed: yet another memory leak (a significant one)
*added: AI will now explain why she refuses a treaty proposal.
*changed: Drain lands should now work only in swamps
*changed: AI has more chance to accept peace.
*added: Relations with a tribal will change, depending of your ownership of their capital. If you are in protectorate or better status, they become friendly, otherwise, they become hostile.
* Changed all events with diplomatic item FullWar to War (so peace talks and conditions should be easier for the initial stages). Note that the ACW, the 3rd Carlist War and the Taiping rebellion remain FullWar, i.e. peace is almost impossible except via total victory (or event ending)
* Fixed ACW events (US fleets go to NYC instead of upper Mississippi, fixed too much REB loyalty, especially in Washington)
* Fixed AI reaction in many events (German Unification, Crimean War)
* Added events about natives getting access to more modern weapons later on in game
* Fixed errors in Units & Models
* Added new Leaders portraits (from our Beta team)
* Changed many sprites positions in various regions to improve visibility
* Finally completed Dutch events
* Made TUR and BEL playable in this version (although the game was NOT designed for this initially) - These nations need your feedback to be as interesting as possible for the official patch!
* Added extra events for colonial crisis (Cuba, Philippines, Aceh, Morocco)
*New look for the Tech Tree Navigation interface
*Added new links from the Research Interface to the Tech Tree Navigation
*Solved the problem with Coaling Station Upgrade removing the Port if the CP on the region was not enough
*Solved reported bugs on Rulers (corrected refferences, removed extra spaces that prevented some images to be loaded, etc)
*Added new portraits for German Minors, Spain and China
*Plugged the new placeholder ruler portraits to some factions
*Fixed some Tech Startup problem with some techs that you had ahead of time (you had the second level instead of the prerequisite)
Zu finden am üblichen Orten. :smoke:
Engine & AI
* New functionality: SPACEBAR switches between modes (Military -> Economy -> Colonial -> Decisions -> back to the beggining). ALT+SPACEBAR goes into the submode.
* Fixed the crash bug on Population F6 interface (mostly reported on USA)
* Fixed many region display problems on the F6 interface (water regions, enemies regions, etc) and problems with the pie charts construction.
* New: now the conversion of a few merchandises (Gold, gem) to state money can increase inflation (low chance: 1%)
* Improved: depending on your tariff level, there is a chance to hurt relations with other factions (change much upped compared to before).
* New: regional decisions on enemy controlled territory had a chance to be “burned down”.
* Fixed: crash bug related to pillagers units on regions without an owner.
* Fixed: script problem with the commands EvalContentment, EvalMilitancy and EvalEducation that prevented them to work properly in some cases.
* You can now enter any region held by an enemy (50% more control) even if the region is owned by someone with whom you don’t have a passage treaty.
* False positive Report fixed during battle (No Friendly Group message)
* Tribal relationship will at least be 1 after a formal peace settlement, so they are never hostile after a peace.
* You can enter an enemy controled region, whoever is the legit owner.
* Changed: An harbor of a nation with a trade agreement is valid for exporting goods, before you need to be allied with them (this can explain oddities with oversea assets).
* Inflation increases structure cost.
* You can't capture (or the AI can't) ships from a nation you are at war with, if the war just erupted. Capturing ships after some clever amphibious or land operations will still work.
* Contesting a stake in colonial mode should trigger much more often now.
* You can now see the various sources of prestige gained during past turn by checking the tooltip over the prestige icon, top left of the screen.
* Militancy will have higher impact than before on the long term.
* Fixed a bug where the crisis initiator would lose his planning.
* Less Prestige gain in crisis.
* You can disband troops without prestige loss now. If you are at peace and not under a threat, troops with the ‘mobilize’ tags will be removed each December.
Data or Events oriented changes
* Fixed: some Russian events (e.g. Kolokol 1857) that made loyalty plunge down too fast and too strong in anticipation of Serfdom Abolition event (moved forward to 1861)
* Eased the requirements for Child Work abolition and made chances of vote higher
* Fixed typo in Merchant Fleet mission which wrongly stated 100 merchant ships instead of 30 (50 for Britain)
* Fixed an error in the German/Italian unification events that made them occur only once
* Fixed various text typos
* Added a new entry system for USA and CSA generals during the ACW if it occurs at an earlier date
* Added some events to boost appearance of German and Italian unity when the player is either USA or Japan (in order to create a more ‘known’ Europe and higher challenge for player)
* Corrected file names for some military units that had typos, thereby preventing them to be displayed correctly
* Fixed some models data that was preventing proper showing of units pictures
* Added Amadeus’ German proofreading of texts
* Renamed some units pictures that prevented them to be shown correctly
* Added missing texts for British Events: 1852 NZ Constitution and 1854 Miner Rebellion, same for French and Italian events about the 1864 September Convention
* Changed the Rebels proportion (lowered) in manu events, including Poland’s martial law (Russian)
* Renamed Hevea to Rubber (English) to all concerned events
* Reworked merchandises contentment values and prices.
* Fixed: bug related to railroad/advanced railroad efficiencies that created an excessive bonus coming from the tech tree.
* Fixed: streamlined VP gain per turn coming from faction modifiers to reduce the snowballing effect seen on GBR.
************************************************** **
PON 1.02 Patch release candidate (public beta 1.01 serie Q, updated Nov 05)
Started by Pocus, 05-11-2011 11:43
Dear all,
Here is public beta patch Q. Baring major/severe issues, it will be made official, so that many Steam users can update their game.
STEAM users can patch PON using this setup. You'll have either to make a separate copy of PON and apply the patch there, or be sure to not have Steam 'update' your game, as this would revert it to the last official version, which is 1.01
Engine & AI
* Length of war augments chances to have the AI propose or accept a peace, +1% for every 3 turns, up to the current calculated chance.
* Recurring mobilization problem fixed (need 2 turns to correct itself in this new patch though)
* Suez canal problem not completed if enemy fixed.
* Several others bug fixes.
* if you have high militantism or if you see the AIs with too many strikes (same cause), it is generally because of the series of mobilizations. You can reset it to 0 (or another value) with the setting twkMilitancyResetTo = 0 in any .opt file.
Data or Events oriented changes
* A few texts fixed.
Engine & AI
* If a colonial mansion is lost (burned by native etc.) it will be recreated sooner or later for free.
* If a region within a protectorate/colony don’t have enough CP to switch status, it will gain +1 CP a turn.
* If a tribal owns a city in a region with protectorate+ status, it will relinquish it.
Data or Events oriented changes
* Some fixes on treaties.
* Austrian Constitution event fixed.
* Coal will be sold more easily by AI.
* Removed coal consumption from coal producing structures.
* Updated AI stockpile, maintenance and usability parameters for some merchandises.
* Increased build time for all structures.
* Increased capital required to build all economical structures
* Fixed some problems on faction modifiers granted by the land techs.
* Moved around transactions to capital trade areas for all majors.
Pride of Nations patch 1.02 changelog – November 17th, 2011.
Engine & AI
You can now remove a structure in a region you don’t own legitimally, provided you are in peace with the owner (e.g can remove a mine you built in a foreign land).
* Removal of ongoing region decision now works perfectly (right click on the helmet).
* Can’t plant a foreign structure if there is an army of a country with -25 or lower relationships (before was -1).
* Demobilize bug solved.
* Length of war augments chances to have the AI propose or accept a peace, +1% for every 3 turns, up to the current calculated chance.
* Suez canal problem not completed if enemy fixed.
* If a colonial mansion is lost (burned by native etc.) it will be recreated sooner or later for free.
* If a region within a protectorate/colony don’t have enough CP to switch status, it will gain +1 CP a turn.
* If a tribal owns a city in a region with protectorate + status, it will relinquish it.
* Troops in regions they can’t stay in anymore can now be redeployed up to 8 regions away to a legal region (before it was 3).
* Objectives are now correctly added to your list of claims.
* Consulate and governor mansion don’t require anymore to have a minimum development level, as it is already checked by the colonial decisions creating these buildings (clearer for gameplay).
* More detailed messages when a decision can’t be used because the structure it will build is invalid. Same for the presence of enemy force (hidden or not), a specific message is added.
* Improved the behaviour of the "Upgrade Structure" button on the new Structures List interface.
* New setting (add it in any .opt file, even a new file), aiDoTakeOver, default is false (0). If true, AI takes over abandonned human turns, if false, it leaves them ‘as is’. Good for PBEM.
* Structure cost now properly shown in tooltip (including the penalty for many structure, every fifth structure).
* Adjacent territories when liberating a nation were not freed reliably (even if qualified as to be freed). Warscore costs in the interface was erroneously too low (fixed).
* Foreign investments in structures will be costlier and more dangerous (more chance to get seized).
* In some cases, elements could receive replacements without any spending from mother nation.
* Windowed mode should now behave as expected, resolution-wise.
* The game will now pause correctly (if pause on battle is chosen) during turns, without generating display glitch.
* Declaring a protectorate in a region with a significant colonial presence from another country can generates automatically a crisis now (no need to have a stake/contest stake decisions issued).
* AI has added interests in selling or buying non critical merchandises (like tropical fruits, etc.)
* Tradepost now generate their goods later in the turn, so that stockpile situation is clearer for the player.
* AI will favor even more strongly the presence of railroads when seeking a construction site.
* Crash when doing a distant unload fixed.
* 4 colonial structures, when placed, lower others nations CP by 5 each: Mission, School, Dispensary, Outpost. This can be seen as a tool to sap away the influence of others colonial powers.
* New window, listing structures (F11 key).
* There is now a +33% cost penalty to each element which is fighting and was besieged the past turn.
* More effects for the ‘Show Support’ diplomatic action. Will give you a tiny fraction of the monthly prestige gain from the supported nation, will raise progressively your relationships plus the AI will be aware of supporters before declaring war. If the nation you supported is the target of a DOW, you’ll lose some prestige, plus 25 relationships point with the attacker. You’ll also get a chance to have a committing CB against the attacker (double-edged sword).
* Cyclical economic crisis have arrived, please refer to the AGE wiki for the rules about them:
* AI now factors fully the net of treaties and supports when seeking for a potential target of a DOW.
* Objectives regions are always at least in your claim list (can be national too, which is the grade above).
* Economic structures after the fifth cost +20% cumulative in capital funds, when being built. This represents the bigger difficulty in convincing investors to fund structures that don’t represent brand new opportunities (and is also there to slow down the bigger economy, admittedly!)
* You can now get back the city of regions your legitimately own, if at peace with the owner, even if the region is not national to you (e.g Austria is holding a Polish city, taken from Rebels, and giving it back to Russia).
* When a country is liberated, it will also get back (in addition to its capital region) adjacent regions which are national to it, if owned by the war loser.
* AI will play more and more aggressively colonial decisions (if they can be afforded).
* Fixed a bug that prevented merchant fleets from being repaired in certain circumstances.
* Martial Law will now be enabled automatically, in regions where you have troops and too much militancy. A ruthless country will activate Martial Law as soon as there is 1 point of militancy. An autocratic country will wait for 10 points, and the rest of government types will wait for 30 points accumulated. In the short term, Martial law will tend also to reduce contentment at the same time, mostly for liberal countries.
* The 3 icons at the top of the screen (the ones that change when you change mode) are now fully operational with detailed tooltips. Check them!
* You can’t try upgrading a level 4 depot anymore.
* If a region is not pillaged, then there won’t be a natural decay in development level even if the region is above the calculated maximum level (dependant of city size and some techs).
* There is now a message indicating when the worth of a colonial area (Sphere of Influence rating) improves because you (heavily) invested into it. Target the colonial capital for maximum effect.
* Scores in various domains are now shown as a tooltip in the Objectives screen, on each of the nation’s flag. For your scores, check your capital icon for the corresponding tooltip.
* AI is more dynamic on trading.
* You can’t convert supply and ammo if your capital is besieged.
New functionality: SPACEBAR switches between modes (Military -> Economy -> Colonial -> Decisions -> back to the beggining). ALT+SPACEBAR goes into the submode.
* Fixed the crash bug on Population F6 interface (mostly reported on USA)
* Fixed many region display problems on the F6 interface (water regions, enemies regions, etc) and problems with the pie charts construction.
* New: now the conversion of a few merchandises (Gold, gem) to state money can increase inflation (low chance: 1%)
* Improved: depending on your tariff level, there is a chance to hurt relations with other factions (change much upped compared to before).
* New: regional decisions on enemy controlled territory had a chance to be “burned down”.
* Fixed: crash bug related to pillagers units on regions without an owner.
* Fixed: script problem with the commands EvalContentment, EvalMilitancy and EvalEducation that prevented them to work properly in some cases.
* You can now enter any region held by an enemy (50% more control) even if the region is owned by someone with whom you don’t have a passage treaty.
* False positive Report fixed during battle (No Friendly Group message)
* Tribal relationship will at least be 1 after a formal peace settlement, so they are never hostile after a peace.
* You can enter an enemy controled region, whoever is the legit owner.
* Changed: An harbor of a nation with a trade agreement is valid for exporting goods, before you need to be allied with them (this can explain oddities with oversea assets).
* Inflation increases structure cost.
* You can't capture (or the AI can't) ships from a nation you are at war with, if the war just erupted. Capturing ships after some clever amphibious or land operations will still work.
* Contesting a stake in colonial mode should trigger much more often now.
* You can now see the various sources of prestige gained during past turn by checking the tooltip over the prestige icon, top left of the screen.
* Militancy will have higher impact than before on the long term.
* Fixed a bug where the crisis initiator would lose his planning.
* Less Prestige gain in crisis.
* You can disband troops without prestige loss now. If you are at peace and not under a threat, troops with the ‘mobilize’ tags will be removed each December.
* AI going-to-war diplomacy bug fixed, giving way to a more logical and prudent AI.
Fixed: AI diplomacy bias was not working correctly
Fixed: crash when browsing the 2D building cards
Fixed: Several events errors, including EvalColSPatus etc.
Fixed: Extended options (SOIs) are now saved
Fixed: Siege where 2 countries or more are besieged now work as intended.
Changed: Non colonial crisis probabilities significantly upped.
Added: VSynch and MultiSampling settings can now be changed, to speed up display.
Added: Merchants Ships in MTBs can now get back hits (with replacements). Build Shipyards!
Added: Rails can now be repaired automatically either by civilian entrepreneurs, or if you have units of the Engineer family.
Changed: Regions in harsh climate can recover from pillage.
new: legitimate owner of a region gets back MC from allies.
fixed: No more North pole crisis.
fixed: All capital icons are now working and send to Diplomacy Window
changed: Decisions Missions, Merchant, Tradepost. Missions will mostly create the Mission building. Merchants give 5£ a turn and enable the use of the Tradepost mission. Tradepost once completed creates the Tradepost building.
fixed: can now scrolls the structures in the 'built structures' panel.
fixed: hits lost by units now show correctly in the Military screen
changed (improved): ctrl-click replaced by right-click in Balance and Industrial screens.
new: tooltip on the population behaviors in Population screen
new: decisions cost and 'tech boosting' cost traced immediately in your balance, top of the screen.
new: Mini tech browser Window, click on the tech category in the Tech screen to open it (in the making!)
FIXED and major: Memory leak removed!
new: You can now cancel Buy orders from the B interface.
fixed: Display bug that masked some structures.
new: Prices recover better and more logically
new: wastage of resource reduced in effect
new: naval resupply algorithm revised entirely, plus message giving details on it.
new: national regions now benefit from a 'minimum development level', if under 10%, you get +1% every 3 months.
new: tribal get replacements for free, slowly.
new: commerce ships in MTBs get back some cohesion over time
fixed: Depot extension and coaling upgrades problem.
new: Initiator of a colonial crisis can lose his CP in the contested colony.
new: minor can be the target of crisis.
fixed: Replacement leaders now appear
fixed: structures in construction can not be activated with the 'activate all' button
fixed: a problem with supply rights that gave the benefit of a defensive treaty.
fixed: Inflation works reliably.
fixed: Map loading improved behavior should now work even if the checkbox is not on (hopefully!)
fixed: Can now use gunboat diplomacy
fixed: DOWing a country now abort all treaties
new: National morale limited to 250. More rubberband mechanisms around morale.
new: if you lack a specific resource for an industry, the message tells you which one.
fixed: you'll get every 3 months a message about your progress on the historical missions.
new: AI time usage in case of war reduced by 10% (not to 10% )
new: Hosting time reduced between 10 and 15%, depending of the turn.
new: the harbors close to your capital can always send sea supply to harbors close to any MTB where you have ships. (Basically if you have a ship as GBR in Southern Africa Trade box, then the harbors near London can send supply to the harbors in South Africa).
new: Can't play prospectors in region where there is no hidden resources.
new: You don't prevent merchant ships to commerce even if you have combat ships in their MTB.
new: When you form up a colony, relationships with the tribal will be at least 0.
new: The resources icons on map now show the number of resources in their tooltip.
new: Before building a structure, the tooltip tells you about the theoretical input and output.
new: Unit building panel code optimized, should not slow down the game anymore.
changed: Crisis about a colony asks for an average 15 CP, not 5.
Data or Events oriented changes
* Some fixes on treaties.
* Austrian Constitution event fixed.
* Coal will be sold more easily by AI.
* Removed coal consumption from coal producing structures.
* Updated AI stockpile, maintenance and usability parameters for some merchandises.
* Increased build time for all structures.
* Increased capital required to build all economical structures
* Fixed some problems on faction modifiers granted by the land techs.
* Moved around transactions to capital trade areas for all majors.
* Fixed a bug in Austrian Constitution revoked 1851 event
* Added more keys to regenerations of laws and reforms (conditions are now more stringent)
* Added 130 missing or wrongly labelled event pictures (thanks to Berto checking tool)
* Fixed many diplomatic relations that were inverted.
* Added some german alliances with Austria (the southern states have a defensive alliance with AUS now)
* Reduced initial POPNeeds in 20% for all factions.
* Corrected some problems in the obsolete generation path of some structures.
* New Zealand Constitution event fixed.
* Niger Trade Zone has now a liaison with the Gulf of Guinea maritime box.
* Added new portraits for HOL rulers and ministers.
* Streamlined China starting colonial situation.
* Added some cities around China to prevent the starting messages “New city has been founded”.
* Changed Xinjiang, Tibet and Korea status to feudal factions.
* Changed the Port of Venetia to a Naval Base (with a lower level to compensate).
1870 DLC FPW changes
* added AI guidelines events for Prussia
* added Production (pools and assets)
* added French "Franc-Tireurs" events (guerrillas)
* added French leaders 3*** promotion for AI
* Reduced output of late game structures (-1 production all around the place)
* Increased capital input for all structures and all levels.
* Reworked late game structures output, now they have a linear progression (level1=5, level2=10, level3=15), before it was a 2x relation (level1=5, level2=10, level3=20).
* Reworked input and output relation to fit the new system of linear progression.
* Removed manufactures goods input for Shipyard.
* Reduced Iron base price to 3
* Reduced Minerals base price to 3
* Reduced Nitrates base price to 3
* Reduced Rubber base price to 3
* Reduced Luxuries base price to 11
* Reduced Wood base price to 2
* Reduced Dyes base price to 2
* Reduced Electrical parts base price to 8
* Reduced Autos base price to 25
* Reduced Aviation base price to 30
* Increased cost to build structures outside your country.
* Promise local support duration upped to 24 turns (was 12).
* Peace treaty now also creates a 6-turns right of passage temporary agreement. Once elapsed, forces will be forcefully moved to nearest territory.
* Fixed Italian unification CTD because of a nonexistent treaty
* Fixed BEL crash related to the Vlaandern forts
* Fixed SPA and TUR objectives (No longer the “North Pole”)
* Added new objectives for other minor factions (DAN, SWE, MEX, PER)
* Adjusted USA colonial structures to the requirements of the colonial game
* Fixed all FRA events referencing the wrong alias “Kabylie” to the correct one “Kabilyia”
* Fixed all GBR events referencing a non existent area (Area_North_India)
* Fixed USA oil events that generated a CTD
* Reduced prices for all merchandises
* Reworked input/outputs of many structures to adapt the new situation to the new prices.
* Reworked AI stockpile algorithm and logic during the course of the game (to reduce huge stockpiles early on).
* Updated faction stockpile to fit the new AI stockpile algorithm.
* Reworked some structures force pool, now it is spread more along the tech tree (to reduce big jumps in production).
* Reduced some early structures force pool to reduce the huge availability of resources in 1850 because all major nations became powerhouses way too early (See next point).
* New faction traits: now each major faction gets 2 traits (GBR 3) that will increase your structure force pool based around historical production (GBR more coal mines, RUS more cereal farms, etc).
* Updated canned food and furniture industries graphics.
* Fixed the missing “name” and “text” entries for some technologies (some error introduced with the replacement of “armour” for “armor”).
* Fixed all “programm” and “canon” appearances on all texts (replaced by “program” and “cannon” respectively).
* Fixed many minor errors reported on event scripts.
* Reduced all prestige gain/loss from all structures.
* Colonial roads decision allows again a region to develop to road level. (bugfix)
* Fixed a problem with wrong objectives assigned during the ACW for USA
* Changed the Coast of Senegal “terrain type” to Coastal Water (instead of Ocean).
* Added Zwedru region to the Ivory Coast colonial area.
* Fixed the problem that prevented in some cases to build railroads for players that already discovered the advanced railroad.
* Fixed: some Russian events (e.g. Kolokol 1857) that made loyalty plunge down too fast and too strong in anticipation of Serfdom Abolition event (moved forward to 1861)
* Eased the requirements for Child Work abolition and made chances of vote higher
* Fixed typo in Merchant Fleet mission which wrongly stated 100 merchant ships instead of 30 (50 for Britain)
* Fixed an error in the German/Italian unification events that made them occur only once
* Fixed various text typos
* Added a new entry system for USA and CSA generals during the ACW if it occurs at an earlier date
* Added some events to boost appearance of German and Italian unity when the player is either USA or Japan (in order to create a more ‘known’ Europe and higher challenge for player)
* Corrected file names for some military units that had typos, thereby preventing them to be displayed correctly
* Fixed some models data that was preventing proper showing of units pictures
* Added Amadeus’ German proofreading of texts
* Renamed some units pictures that prevented them to be shown correctly
* Added missing texts for British Events: 1852 NZ Constitution and 1854 Miner Rebellion, same for French and Italian events about the 1864 September Convention
* Changed the Rebels proportion (lowered) in manu events, including Poland’s martial law (Russian)
* Renamed Hevea to Rubber (English) to all concerned events
* Reworked merchandises contentment values and prices.
* Fixed: bug related to railroad/advanced railroad efficiencies that created an excessive bonus coming from the tech tree.
* Fixed: streamlined VP gain per turn coming from faction modifiers to reduce the snowballing effect seen on GBR.
*fixed: Warscore evaluation and cost of treaty proposals
*changed: 'NON' nation is always hostile.
*fixed: AI siege bug
*changed: Colonial Merchant can augments dev level up to 15%.
*fixed: Defensive treaty could be accepted while not being valid in the end.
*fixed: you can't build a depot upgrade over a depot in construction.
*changed: some silly cases of crisis.
*changed: you will get back military control and cities, from non hostile nations, in some cases, in regions you legitimally own.
*fixed: yet another memory leak (a significant one)
*added: AI will now explain why she refuses a treaty proposal.
*changed: Drain lands should now work only in swamps
*changed: AI has more chance to accept peace.
*added: Relations with a tribal will change, depending of your ownership of their capital. If you are in protectorate or better status, they become friendly, otherwise, they become hostile.
* Changed all events with diplomatic item FullWar to War (so peace talks and conditions should be easier for the initial stages). Note that the ACW, the 3rd Carlist War and the Taiping rebellion remain FullWar, i.e. peace is almost impossible except via total victory (or event ending)
* Fixed ACW events (US fleets go to NYC instead of upper Mississippi, fixed too much REB loyalty, especially in Washington)
* Fixed AI reaction in many events (German Unification, Crimean War)
* Added events about natives getting access to more modern weapons later on in game
* Fixed errors in Units & Models
* Added new Leaders portraits (from our Beta team)
* Changed many sprites positions in various regions to improve visibility
* Finally completed Dutch events
* Made TUR and BEL playable in this version
* Added extra events for colonial crisis (Cuba, Philippines, Aceh, Morocco)
*New look for the Tech Tree Navigation interface
*Added new links from the Research Interface to the Tech Tree Navigation
*Solved the problem with Coaling Station Upgrade removing the Port if the CP on the region was not enough
*Solved reported bugs on Rulers (corrected refferences, removed extra spaces that prevented some images to be loaded, etc)
*Added new portraits for German Minors, Spain and China
*Plugged the new placeholder ruler portraits to some factions
*Fixed some Tech Startup problem with some techs that you had ahead of time (you had the second level instead of the prerequisite)
¤ IA choices modified in multi-choices events.
¤ Japan events and Perry visit events fixed (txt added + balancing)
¤ all models and units file names changed to allow better performance with non-Western O/S
¤ Native American and GBR leaders pictures added
* Fixed some budget and costs of the EIC army: GBR now receives 250£ every 6 months as 'contribution' to finance the Army in India (till 1860)
* fixed some upgrade costs on units - Also added missing pictures for some units
* Fixed EvalColStatusArea script error
* Fixed natural disasters events (wrong religion alias caused crash)
*Models DB fixes (costs, tech upgrades, new pictures, new values for some elements)
* Fixed a script error that prevented the Missions annual checks to be effected and displayed.
* In addition FP of economic structures is adjusted for some missions (e.g. more cereal farms for Russia)
* New 1850 GC OOB: lots of African and Asian nations forces added on map (still WIP if volunteers want to bring corrections)
* Changed Cotton resources on map outside USA: much lower until the ACW occurs, then Cotton 'spreads' to Egypt, India and Southern Brazil in greater quantities
* Diplomatic parameters for AI added (thanks to Ehrenbourg tremendous work!)
* New events for SPA, POR, BEL and TUR added
* More Colonial and Balkan crisis events
* Allowed German unification by peaceful means to occur earlier
* Fixed wrong states borders in the USA (thanks to Aragos)
* Cherokee are friendly to USA, other Indian tribes start at peace
* Fix of abilities (CinC appliance)
* Oil, gold, gems and rubber resources fix (add population during rushes)
* Some 1850 setup fix in regions (control, trade, resources)
ich hoffe die Meckerzausel sind alle zufrieden...
herzliche grüsse
Hohenlohe, der aktuell auf dem Laufenden ist...:smoke:*teeschlürfend*
Themenfremde Inhalte gelöscht.
1.03 RC1
Engine & AI
* You now get the history (past 12 turns) of the transactions of each merchandise, in the F4 window, when moving the mouse over the commerce & transactions band of icons.
* You can’t use Mobilize agenda in crisis if you are at war with anybody
* You can’t use Mobilize or Ultimatum agenda if under a peace treaty with other nation (as this would lead you to a war while under peace treaty)
* Ultimatum dominancy value reduced from 175 to 150. Partial mobilization dominancy value reduced from 350 to 300. Crisis control changed from -10 to -15.
* Besieged forces will now take attrition hits every turn, in proportion of their number and how the siege roll went (anti over-crowding rule).
* If too many breaches accumulated, then a surrender roll is always possible (whatever the presence of a depot, super elite troops, etc.)
* Rebels faction will now assault when possible.
* In siege, the besieger will spend a quarter of his battle usage of ammos per turn of siege (plan to have supply trains on the long run), and will suffer -50% to his siege value if he can’t afford that. For the besieged, the spending will be 15% per turn, with a -35% siege value if there is a lack of ammos.
* Fixed bug of a leader removed from his parent unit, corrupting the unit he is in.
* Regional decisions can’t be played anymore in region that are yet to be unlocked by the scenario
* fixed a bug where a lone sneaky leader could prevent a siege to happen, even if siege indicator was correctly shown
* A retreating army can now split static units (abandon them) to escape better
* Revised upkeep costs for units, all is WAD. Ships cost a lot on purpose (historical).
* Revised when AI are dormants, fixing a bug preventing minor nations (even if controlled by players) from being able to pathfind correctly (hopefully!)
* Reserve units (tag with *Mobilize* at the unit level) when disbanded (happens if the nation is at peace and not under threat) will now return their value in conscripts and officers into the pool.
* If you have a negative number of colonial decisions, they are still shown in the interface: fixed.
* Structures get the transport efficiency of their owner, not the owner of the region: fixed
* More precision about who fights who in the battle log.
* Factions created after game start have Terra Incognita everywhere: fixed once a turn is processed.
Data or Events oriented changes
* Fixed sugar cane and sugar beet sync problem (sugar3 structures were activated before sugar2 and create an update problem).
* Moved Niger colonial capital to the proper colonial area (it was present in Mali)
* Added some force pool changes to some late game units to increase their capacity later in the game.
nb on the new tooltip about transactions and the added checks on crisis agenda: we will try to improve that further...
So hier der offizielle Patch 1.3
Here is the latest patch for PON!
This patch is comprehensive. It is better to use this installer on an unpatched PON though, the installation will be cleaner and the game slightly faster.
You an also use it on a copy of your Steam version of PON. This will also lead to a slightly cleaner configuration of the game.
nb: If you have ongoing games, events or techs that have already fired and had errors won't be fixed, for the rest, you should be good.
latest manual
* AI will calculate less extensively a few things in some theaters of operations distant from the player (increasing its speed slightly).
* AI will cache more paths calculation, speeding it up moderately.
* Units changed to ensure proper regional recruitment for subnationality forces (e.g., Russia, Commonwealth) - full compatibility with previous DB and saves.
* Reserve units (tag with *Mobilize* at the unit level) built normally by the player and disbanded when the nation is at peace and not under threat (no strong nation with poor relationships toward you) will now return their value in conscripts and officers originally paid into the pool.
* Revised upkeep costs for units, all is WAD. Ships cost a lot on purpose (historical).
* New code that detects better possible replacements used by units (should solve all GIN/IND cases).
* Revised when AI are dormant, fixing a bug preventing minor nations (even if controlled by players) from being able to pathfind correctly (hopefully!)
* You can now disembark troops from a fleet trapped in ice to an adjoining land region you have the right to enter.
* Land bombardment against offshore ships toned down. Naval bombardment effect increased.
Combat Report:
* More precision about who fights whom in the battle log.
* Besieged forces will now take attrition hits every turn, in proportion of their number and how the siege roll went (anti over-crowding rule). Check the tooltip in the stack window (encircle icon) for information about over-crowding.
* If too many breaches accumulate, then a surrender roll is always possible (whatever the presence of a depot, super elite troops, etc.)
* Rebels faction will now assault when possible.
* In siege, the besieger will spend a quarter of his battle usage of ammo per turn of siege (plan to have supply trains for a long siege), and will suffer -50% to his siege value if he can’t afford that. For the besieged, the spending will be 15% per turn, with a -35% siege value if there is a lack of ammo.
* A too low cohesion can make a stack call off an assault; aggressive leaders will have a tendency to force the troops though.
* Fixed a bug where a lone sneaky leader could prevent a siege actually commencing, even if a siege indicator was shown.
* If an attack is called off without routing (aka AutoRetreat), the attacking forces will revert to defensive posture but won’t retreat into another region.
* A retreating army can now split static units (abandon them) to escape better.
MTB Warfare:
* Exported and modified 6 variables for ‘Maritime Trade Box’ warfare (a bit more damage against merchant ships).
Loyalty Bug:
* Creeping loyalty bug most probable cause fixed.
* Depending on the National Identity attribute, some loyalties in each country will be attrited away and given to owner. If you have suffered from the loyalty bug, you can bring up the console and type 'CleanupLoyalty’. On next turn processing, odd loyalties will start to be removed as described above but 100 times faster. In MP, only the Host needs to use this command.
* All structures previously had to pay upkeep before production. Structures upkeep and production are now ‘intermixed’. This will make it easier for players and AI to run their economies and avoid unintended structure shutdowns.
* You now get the history (past 12 turns) of the transactions in each merchandise, in the F4 window when moving the mouse over the commerce & transactions band of icons. May improve further.
* Added a craftsmen production increase to many existing Techs that multiply craftsmen production over the course of the game. These increases depend on the resource availability and internal production (more resource availability = less craftsmen production). The purpose of this is to help maintain economies over time, especially minor nations.
* When a businessman emergence event triggers, you’ll also get some precious merchandise in ‘exchange’ of the capital spent - message in the message log.
* Fixed structures to get the transport efficiency of their owner, not the owner of the region.
* Fixed sugar cane and sugar beet sync problem (sugar3 structures were activated before sugar2 and created an update problem).
Foreign Investment:
* Structures built in foreign lands cost more in capital funds (+100%, modified by a faction modifier named 'ForeignInvestMod'). Depending the nature of the host country (i.e closed trade, etc.) this modifier will be different. Host country is the one possessing the city if any (it can be a tribal).
* Foreign investments in your country now yield extra taxes (based on production value and your corporate tax rate). If taxation is too heavy, foreign businessmen can protest (lowering your relationship slightly) – this shows as a message just before the national market sales summary.
* Experimental & Major change: you can now place railways in foreign regions. The host country will end up owning the railway (and bear associated costs).
*Greatly increased chance for tariffs to hurt relations with other factions (based on tariff level). The chance is only based on amount of money taxed by tariffs.
* Regional decisions now can’t be played in a region yet to be unlocked by the scenario.
* Colonial decisions ‘Gunboat Diplomacy’ and ‘Naval Demonstration’ have been significantly toned down in the CP they can give (their advantage is to be effective in one turn), plus they can now trigger a revolt in 10% of the cases. Don’t spam them!
* All Colonial decisions had their money/capital cost upped by 50%.
* Decisions that change the status of a colonial area will broadcast a message to the world each turn they are running (so that players can play a contest stake more easily).
* New diplomatic item: Degrade Relationship. By applying various diplomatic pressures (legitimate or not) you can slightly degrade the relationship with the country of your choice.
* Fixed issue with others’ nations scores not appearing in Objective window.
* Lending support to another nation now always gives a 6 turns CB against aggressor against supported nation. This CB don't cost prestige anymore if you declare war (to help your protégé)
* Reworked the wording of some diplomacy items.
* All CBs between two nations are deleted when they go to war.
* Cost or gain of prestige from treaties/diplomatic entries is obtained only if the diplomatic entry deprecates naturally (example temporary CB aborted by war don’t cost prestige anymore).
* Duration listed in the tooltip, diplomatic window, is now the number of turns remaining.
* An interface bug in the Diplomatic window prevented the cancel of some entries.
* Defensive treaty prevents the use of any crisis agenda that can declare war or mobilize against the other country.
* You can’t use Mobilize agenda in crisis if you are at war with anybody
* You can’t use Mobilize or Ultimatum agenda if under a peace treaty with other nation (as this would lead you to a war while under peace treaty)
* Ultimatum dominancy value reduced from 175 to 150.
* Partial mobilization dominancy value reduced from 350 to 300. Crisis control changed from -10 to -15.
* Contest Stake regional decision has been reworked and should trigger much more reliably. Remember though that its aim is to trigger a crisis, with the stake being the colonial area in contest, and that no crisis can ever happen between countries with 25+ relationship.
MAP CHANGES: [applicable to ongoing games]
* Moved Niger colonial capital to the proper colonial area (it was present in Mali)
* Added a MTB connection for East Persia and North Balkans.
* Added some force pool changes to some late game units to increase their capacity later in the game.
* Fixed bug of a leader removed from his parent unit, corrupting the unit he is in.
* Fixed China (and other minor nations) problem of not being able to use their Junks ships because of early updates that made obsolete the unit too early in the game. Can't be applied to ongoing games, if the tech already triggered.
* Leaders killed in battles while embedded in an unit (corps commander e.g.) won’t cause recombination problems anymore.
* Models changed to include new Spanish army pictures (thanks to Xesco) - full compatibility with previous DB and saves
* GIN troops under GBR command reviewed and should get replacements as others troops now. [applicable to ongoing games]
* Events files fixed for syntax errors or wrong region selection processes which led to absence of effects (12 files - thanks to Bohémond for doublechecking).
* Fixed an interface bug in the Diplomacy window that duplicated costs in tooltips.
* Fixed regression bug leading to 0 upkeep. No more happy hour!
* Negative numbers of colonial decisions are no longer shown in the interface:
* Factions created after game start have Terra Incognita everywhere: fixed once a turn is processed.
* Fixed oil1 and oil2 structures sync problem (oil2 could appear BEFORE oil1).
* Upgraded REB faction to Unstable for gameplay reasons.
* Removed the merElectrical requirement for Shipyard2 Structure (was required way too early).
* Added the RI_Electrification requirement to all techs that activate structures that require merElectricals to operate to avoid the early need of merElectricals when actually you do not produce that resource (and most probably other nations do not either).
Der Link zum englischen Handbuch funzt anscheinend ned, ansonsten danke für den Patch, werter MADCAT...
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Sollte jetzt gehen das Handbuch, hoffe ich jedenfalls :D
Sollte jetzt gehen das Handbuch, hoffe ich jedenfalls :D
Das Handbuch funzt jetzt, danke vielmals...
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