Archiv verlassen und diese Seite im Standarddesign anzeigen : Der nahe Osten - Events, Decisions, OOB
[B@W] Abominus
15.09.10, 12:33
Was mach ich mit den Timuriden? Ich habe das Startdatum des Herrn von 1370 auf 1368 gesetzt, aber es bleibt immer noch das Problem, dass Timur zwar fix, aber noch nicht zu dem Zeitpunkt ein Riesenreich hatte...
[B@W] Abominus
19.10.10, 14:17
Ilchane, Seldschuken, Timuriden, das ist alles noch nicht so das Wahre, wenn ich mir die Karte 1368 anschaue. Auf den Versuch hat keiner reagiert, vermutlich weil es wenig bis gar keine Karten frei verfügbar gibt. Ich weiß aber auch noch nicht mal ansatzweise, was dort für Herrscher und Länder regierten.
Die Ilchane und Seldschuken sind untergegangen, soweit klar, aber Griechenland als hellenistisches Reich kann ja historische gesehen auch entstehen (siehe ).
Chris der Große
01.12.10, 17:34
Ein anderes Problem ist ja, dass das Timuridenreich im Gegensatz zur Goldenen Horde sofort nach Spielstart zusammenfällt.
Meine Idee wäre, dem Reich das Land als Vasallen zu geben. So wird das Reich zwar kleiner, bleibt aber stark.
[B@W] Abominus
20.09.12, 17:21
Hier sind einige Links (in der To-Do-Liste aufgeführt), die dazu beitragen, das Timuridenreich 1368 interessanter zu machen.
[B@W] Abominus
21.09.12, 11:44
Ich habe in der aktuellen Testversion einige neue Länder eingebaut. Wer möchte, kann mir gern RGB-Codes dafür nennen, dass die nicht alle ähnlich aussehen:
[B@W] Abominus
21.09.12, 12:05
Neue Kultur, Religion Buddistisch, Techgruppe Indian, ...
[B@W] Abominus
05.10.12, 10:29
Habe mal testweise zwei Missionen zur Niederringung der Chupaniden erstellt.
destroy_CHU = {
type = country
allow = {
TIM = { nomad = yes }
tag = TIM
exists = CHU
CHU = {
neighbour = this
not = { vassal_of = THIS }
NOT = { war_with = CHU }
abort = {}
success = {
war_with = CHU
chance = {
factor = 1000
modifier = {
factor = 2
NOT = { relation = { who = CHU value = 100 } }
immediate = {
casus_belli = {
type = cb_horde_vs_civ
months = 120
target = CHU
effect = {
prestige = 0.1
random_owned = {
limit = { controlled_by = THIS }
cavalry = current
cavalry = current
cavalry = current
cavalry = current
cavalry = current
cavalry = current
infantry = current
random_owned = {
limit = { controlled_by = THIS }
cavalry = current
cavalry = current
cavalry = current
cavalry = current
cavalry = current
cavalry = current
infantry = current
random_owned = {
limit = { controlled_by = THIS }
cavalry = current
cavalry = current
cavalry = current
cavalry = current
cavalry = current
cavalry = current
infantry = current
conquer_CHU = {
# Checked for all provinces bordering the country, with the country in the parent scope.
type = neighbor_provinces
allow = {
this = { tag = TIM }
is_subject = no
TIM = { nomad = yes }
NOT = { owner = { vassal_of = THIS } }
TIM = { war_with = CHU }
has_discovered = THIS
abort = {
owner = { not = { neighbour = this } }
success = {
controlled_by = THIS
chance = {
factor = 1000
modifier = {
factor = 1.5
culture = THIS
modifier = {
factor = 1.5
religion = THIS
modifier = {
factor = 1.5
MIL = 6
modifier = {
factor = 0.5
NOT = { MIL = 5 }
immediate = {
add_temp_claim = THIS
abort_effect = {
remove_temp_claim = THIS
# The effect always has country scope (for the country that gets the mission)
effect = {
add_core = THIS
secede_province = THIS
destroy_SBD = {
type = country
allow = {
TIM = { nomad = yes }
tag = TIM
exists = SBD
SBD = {
neighbour = this
not = { vassal_of = THIS }
NOT = { war_with = SBD }
abort = {}
success = {
war_with = SBD
chance = {
factor = 1000
modifier = {
factor = 2
NOT = { relation = { who = SBD value = 100 } }
immediate = {
casus_belli = {
type = cb_horde_vs_civ
months = 120
target = SBD
effect = {
prestige = 0.1
random_owned = {
limit = { controlled_by = THIS }
cavalry = current
cavalry = current
cavalry = current
cavalry = current
cavalry = current
cavalry = current
infantry = current
random_owned = {
limit = { controlled_by = THIS }
cavalry = current
cavalry = current
cavalry = current
cavalry = current
cavalry = current
cavalry = current
infantry = current
random_owned = {
limit = { controlled_by = THIS }
cavalry = current
cavalry = current
cavalry = current
cavalry = current
cavalry = current
cavalry = current
infantry = current
conquer_SBD = {
# Checked for all provinces bordering the country, with the country in the parent scope.
type = neighbor_provinces
allow = {
this = { tag = TIM }
is_subject = no
TIM = { nomad = yes }
NOT = { owner = { vassal_of = THIS } }
TIM = { war_with = SBD }
has_discovered = THIS
abort = {
owner = { not = { neighbour = this } }
success = {
controlled_by = THIS
chance = {
factor = 1000
modifier = {
factor = 1.5
culture = THIS
modifier = {
factor = 1.5
religion = THIS
modifier = {
factor = 1.5
MIL = 6
modifier = {
factor = 0.5
NOT = { MIL = 5 }
immediate = {
add_temp_claim = THIS
abort_effect = {
remove_temp_claim = THIS
# The effect always has country scope (for the country that gets the mission)
effect = {
add_core = THIS
secede_province = THIS
destroy_SHI = {
type = country
allow = {
TIM = { nomad = yes }
tag = TIM
exists = SHI
SHI = {
neighbour = this
not = { vassal_of = THIS }
NOT = { war_with = SHI }
abort = {}
success = {
war_with = SHI
chance = {
factor = 1000
modifier = {
factor = 2
NOT = { relation = { who = SHI value = 100 } }
immediate = {
casus_belli = {
type = cb_horde_vs_civ
months = 120
target = SHI
effect = {
prestige = 0.1
random_owned = {
limit = { controlled_by = THIS }
cavalry = current
cavalry = current
cavalry = current
cavalry = current
cavalry = current
cavalry = current
infantry = current
random_owned = {
limit = { controlled_by = THIS }
cavalry = current
cavalry = current
cavalry = current
cavalry = current
cavalry = current
cavalry = current
infantry = current
random_owned = {
limit = { controlled_by = THIS }
cavalry = current
cavalry = current
cavalry = current
cavalry = current
cavalry = current
cavalry = current
infantry = current
conquer_SHI = {
# Checked for all provinces bordering the country, with the country in the parent scope.
type = neighbor_provinces
allow = {
this = { tag = TIM }
is_subject = no
TIM = { nomad = yes }
NOT = { owner = { vassal_of = THIS } }
TIM = { war_with = SHI }
has_discovered = THIS
abort = {
owner = { not = { neighbour = this } }
success = {
controlled_by = THIS
chance = {
factor = 1000
modifier = {
factor = 1.5
culture = THIS
modifier = {
factor = 1.5
religion = THIS
modifier = {
factor = 1.5
MIL = 6
modifier = {
factor = 0.5
NOT = { MIL = 5 }
immediate = {
add_temp_claim = THIS
abort_effect = {
remove_temp_claim = THIS
# The effect always has country scope (for the country that gets the mission)
effect = {
add_core = THIS
secede_province = THIS
destroy_MZD = {
type = country
allow = {
TIM = { nomad = yes }
tag = TIM
exists = MZD
MZD = {
neighbour = this
not = { vassal_of = THIS }
NOT = { war_with = MZD }
abort = {}
success = {
war_with = MZD
chance = {
factor = 1000
modifier = {
factor = 2
NOT = { relation = { who = MZD value = 100 } }
immediate = {
casus_belli = {
type = cb_horde_vs_civ
months = 120
target = MZD
effect = {
prestige = 0.1
random_owned = {
limit = { controlled_by = THIS }
cavalry = current
cavalry = current
cavalry = current
cavalry = current
cavalry = current
cavalry = current
infantry = current
random_owned = {
limit = { controlled_by = THIS }
cavalry = current
cavalry = current
cavalry = current
cavalry = current
cavalry = current
cavalry = current
infantry = current
random_owned = {
limit = { controlled_by = THIS }
cavalry = current
cavalry = current
cavalry = current
cavalry = current
cavalry = current
cavalry = current
infantry = current
conquer_MZD = {
# Checked for all provinces bordering the country, with the country in the parent scope.
type = neighbor_provinces
allow = {
this = { tag = TIM }
is_subject = no
TIM = { nomad = yes }
NOT = { owner = { vassal_of = THIS } }
TIM = { war_with = MZD }
has_discovered = THIS
abort = {
owner = { not = { neighbour = this } }
success = {
controlled_by = THIS
chance = {
factor = 1000
modifier = {
factor = 1.5
culture = THIS
modifier = {
factor = 1.5
religion = THIS
modifier = {
factor = 1.5
MIL = 6
modifier = {
factor = 0.5
NOT = { MIL = 5 }
immediate = {
add_temp_claim = THIS
abort_effect = {
remove_temp_claim = THIS
# The effect always has country scope (for the country that gets the mission)
effect = {
add_core = THIS
secede_province = THIS
destroy_MUZ = {
type = country
allow = {
TIM = { nomad = yes }
tag = TIM
exists = MUZ
MUZ = {
neighbour = this
not = { vassal_of = THIS }
NOT = { war_with = MUZ }
abort = {}
success = {
war_with = MUZ
chance = {
factor = 1000
modifier = {
factor = 2
NOT = { relation = { who = MUZ value = 100 } }
immediate = {
casus_belli = {
type = cb_horde_vs_civ
months = 120
target = MUZ
effect = {
prestige = 0.1
random_owned = {
limit = { controlled_by = THIS }
cavalry = current
cavalry = current
cavalry = current
cavalry = current
cavalry = current
cavalry = current
infantry = current
random_owned = {
limit = { controlled_by = THIS }
cavalry = current
cavalry = current
cavalry = current
cavalry = current
cavalry = current
cavalry = current
infantry = current
random_owned = {
limit = { controlled_by = THIS }
cavalry = current
cavalry = current
cavalry = current
cavalry = current
cavalry = current
cavalry = current
infantry = current
conquer_MUZ = {
# Checked for all provinces bordering the country, with the country in the parent scope.
type = neighbor_provinces
allow = {
this = { tag = TIM }
is_subject = no
TIM = { nomad = yes }
NOT = { owner = { vassal_of = THIS } }
TIM = { war_with = MUZ }
has_discovered = THIS
abort = {
owner = { not = { neighbour = this } }
success = {
controlled_by = THIS
chance = {
factor = 1000
modifier = {
factor = 1.5
culture = THIS
modifier = {
factor = 1.5
religion = THIS
modifier = {
factor = 1.5
MIL = 6
modifier = {
factor = 0.5
NOT = { MIL = 5 }
immediate = {
add_temp_claim = THIS
abort_effect = {
remove_temp_claim = THIS
# The effect always has country scope (for the country that gets the mission)
effect = {
add_core = THIS
secede_province = THIS
destroy_KTN = {
type = country
allow = {
TIM = { nomad = yes }
tag = TIM
exists = KTN
KTN = {
neighbour = this
not = { vassal_of = THIS }
NOT = { war_with = KTN }
abort = {}
success = {
war_with = KTN
chance = {
factor = 1000
modifier = {
factor = 2
NOT = { relation = { who = KTN value = 100 } }
immediate = {
casus_belli = {
type = cb_horde_vs_civ
months = 120
target = KTN
effect = {
prestige = 0.1
random_owned = {
limit = { controlled_by = THIS }
cavalry = current
cavalry = current
cavalry = current
cavalry = current
cavalry = current
cavalry = current
infantry = current
random_owned = {
limit = { controlled_by = THIS }
cavalry = current
cavalry = current
cavalry = current
cavalry = current
cavalry = current
cavalry = current
infantry = current
random_owned = {
limit = { controlled_by = THIS }
cavalry = current
cavalry = current
cavalry = current
cavalry = current
cavalry = current
cavalry = current
infantry = current
conquer_KTN = {
# Checked for all provinces bordering the country, with the country in the parent scope.
type = neighbor_provinces
allow = {
this = { tag = TIM }
is_subject = no
TIM = { nomad = yes }
NOT = { owner = { vassal_of = THIS } }
TIM = { war_with = KTN }
has_discovered = THIS
abort = {
owner = { not = { neighbour = this } }
success = {
controlled_by = THIS
chance = {
factor = 1000
modifier = {
factor = 1.5
culture = THIS
modifier = {
factor = 1.5
religion = THIS
modifier = {
factor = 1.5
MIL = 6
modifier = {
factor = 0.5
NOT = { MIL = 5 }
immediate = {
add_temp_claim = THIS
abort_effect = {
remove_temp_claim = THIS
# The effect always has country scope (for the country that gets the mission)
effect = {
add_core = THIS
secede_province = THIS
destroy_CHU = {
type = country
allow = {
TIM = { nomad = yes }
tag = TIM
exists = CHU
CHU = {
neighbour = this
not = { vassal_of = THIS }
NOT = { war_with = CHU }
abort = {}
success = {
war_with = CHU
chance = {
factor = 1000
modifier = {
factor = 2
NOT = { relation = { who = CHU value = 100 } }
immediate = {
casus_belli = {
type = cb_horde_vs_civ
months = 120
target = CHU
effect = {
prestige = 0.1
random_owned = {
limit = { controlled_by = THIS }
cavalry = current
cavalry = current
cavalry = current
cavalry = current
cavalry = current
cavalry = current
infantry = current
random_owned = {
limit = { controlled_by = THIS }
cavalry = current
cavalry = current
cavalry = current
cavalry = current
cavalry = current
cavalry = current
infantry = current
random_owned = {
limit = { controlled_by = THIS }
cavalry = current
cavalry = current
cavalry = current
cavalry = current
cavalry = current
cavalry = current
infantry = current
conquer_CHU = {
# Checked for all provinces bordering the country, with the country in the parent scope.
type = neighbor_provinces
allow = {
this = { tag = TIM }
is_subject = no
TIM = { nomad = yes }
NOT = { owner = { vassal_of = THIS } }
TIM = { war_with = CHU }
has_discovered = THIS
abort = {
owner = { not = { neighbour = this } }
success = {
controlled_by = THIS
chance = {
factor = 1000
modifier = {
factor = 1.5
culture = THIS
modifier = {
factor = 1.5
religion = THIS
modifier = {
factor = 1.5
MIL = 6
modifier = {
factor = 0.5
NOT = { MIL = 5 }
immediate = {
add_temp_claim = THIS
abort_effect = {
remove_temp_claim = THIS
# The effect always has country scope (for the country that gets the mission)
effect = {
add_core = THIS
secede_province = THIS
destroy_CHU_title;Destroy the Chupanids;;Vernichtet die Chupaniden;;;;;;;;;;;x
destroy_CHU_desc;Destroy the Chupanids;;Vernichtet die Chupaniden;;;;;;;;;;;x
conquer_CHU_title;Conquer the Chupanids;;Erobert die Chupaniden;;;;;;;;;;;x
conquer_CHU_desc;Conquer the Chupanids;;Erobert die Chupaniden;;;;;;;;;;;x
destroy_SBD_title;Destroy the Sarbadars;;Vernichtet Sarbadar;;;;;;;;;;;x
destroy_SBD_desc;Destroy the Sarbadars;;Vernichtet Sarbadar;;;;;;;;;;;x
conquer_SBD_title;Conquer the Sarbadars;;Erobert Sarbadar;;;;;;;;;;;x
conquer_SBD_desc;Conquer the Sarbadars;;Erobert Sarbadar;;;;;;;;;;;x
destroy_SHI_title;Destroy the Shirvan;;Vernichtet Schirwan;;;;;;;;;;;x
destroy_SHI_desc;Destroy the Shirvan;;Vernichtet Schirwan;;;;;;;;;;;x
conquer_SHI_title;Conquer the Shirvan;;Erobert Schirwan;;;;;;;;;;;x
conquer_SHI_desc;Conquer the Shirvan;;Erobert Schirwan;;;;;;;;;;;x
destroy_MZD_title;Destroy the Mazandaran;;Vernichtet Mazandaran;;;;;;;;;;;x
destroy_MZD_desc;Destroy the Mazandaran;;Vernichtet Mazandaran;;;;;;;;;;;x
conquer_MZD_title;Conquer the Mazandaran;;Erobert Mazandaran;;;;;;;;;;;x
conquer_MZD_desc;Conquer the Mazandaran;;Erobert Mazandaran;;;;;;;;;;;x
destroy_MUZ_title;Destroy the Muzaffarids;;Vernichtet die Muzaffariden;;;;;;;;;;;x
destroy_MUZ_desc;Destroy the Muzaffarids;;Vernichtet die Muzaffariden;;;;;;;;;;;x
conquer_MUZ_title;Conquer the Muzaffarids;;Erobert die Muzaffariden;;;;;;;;;;;x
conquer_MUZ_desc;Conquer the Muzaffarids;;Erobert die Muzaffariden;;;;;;;;;;;x
destroy_KTN_title;Destroy the Kartids;;Vernichtet die Kartiden;;;;;;;;;;;x
destroy_KTN_desc;Destroy the Kartids;;Vernichtet die Kartiden;;;;;;;;;;;x
conquer_KTN_title;Conquer the Kartids;;Erobert die Kartiden;;;;;;;;;;;x
conquer_KTN_desc;Conquer the Kartids;;Erobert die Kartiden;;;;;;;;;;;x
Edit: Einen vermeindlichen Fehler gefunden (sonst hätte es jede Nation bekommen) und neue Ländereroberungsfeldzüge hinzugefügt.
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