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15.05.10, 10:57
Hey folks,

I posted a while ago about a Fan Q&A on Facebook... conveniently I can't track down the original thread, so here I am again!

Johan took the time out of his busy schedule to answer a few questions that were posed on Facebook by Hearts of Iron fans. The interview can be found below!

1. Is Paradox aiming to make Hearts of Iron III more historically rigid like Hearts of Iron II or Victoria or more historically flexible like EU3 and Crusader Kings?

Hearts of Iron III is rather flexible, kind of like Victoria was, in that actual dates are not set 100% in stone, but similar behaviour happens. In Semper Fi we are tweaking it to a be bit more rigid as a base, while still allowing for flexible options, should you so desire.

2. Are we going to expect an optimization of the memory leak and the game's lag ?

The 1.3 patch addressed the leaks and lags rather nicely and the game now runs fine on the recommended spec. Currently we are rather happy with that state of the game.

3. Is Paradox going to release any add on packages as in Hearts of Iron 2?
Yes, the first one, called Semper Fi, should be released early this summer.

This is an expansion that focuses on historical immersion, naval warfare, smarter AI, a new 1940 scenario and a lot of interface improvements.

4. Are you going to fix the AI CAG issue (CAG not deployed on newly built carriers) ?

Yes, this will change in Semper Fi.

5. Will the Strategic AI deploy troops on the "coastal theatres" (and not, when performing Barbarossa, let Allies invade France without a single defensive move)?

Yes, that’s the plan. We’ve done quite a lot of work on the AI to understand these issues. Of course you may still be able to catch it unawares…

6. Will we be able to exchange provinces with allies as we could in HOI2 ?

No, that was not a feature that worked. We have had no plans of returning it for HOI3.

7. Semper Fi is supposed to be more of a focus on the Pacific theater. In what way will we most notice a change in the Japaneese and American AI behaviour?

One word to describe it is ‘Islandhopping,’ where the AI will focus on keeping supply lines and making sure that the opponent is not getting any bases behind their lines. We’ve also revised the naval combat system to focus more on proper taskforces instead of killerstacks. All of this together makes for a more fun and historical experience of the Pacific War.

8. Will politics feel less like a pointless encumbrance? Will historic death / retirement events for political leaders be implemented?

No, the game will not destroy the immersion by having events suddenly telling you someone you are using died.

9. How does the "Pride of the Fleet" mechanic work? The navy has always been something that interests me, and I'm curious about this system - I assume that it's based off the HMS Hood?

Yes, its based on HMS Hood. Basically, it’s a special unit that gets some bonuses, but if it gets sunk you receive a few penalties. The decision to pick a Pride of the Fleet should be an important one to the player.

10. I like that you can start WWII at almost any time as Germany, but if you play as any other country it ALWAYS starts on May 1st. Please - will AI decisions have some implementation of RANDOMNESS in Semper Fi?

There have been a lot of changes on this.

11. Have you considered adding the option to remove the "pyramid drift" diplomacy system, as it is a real limitation for modding and overall a gigantic historicity and immersion killer in the game?

No. This is something that’s been in our two most successful version of Hearts of Iron, and something we are proud of having in the game. We feel that the triangle makes for a brilliant visual representation of immersive diplomatic activity.

Hope you enjoyed it! We can do the next one here!


15.05.10, 11:15
6. Will we be able to exchange provinces with allies as we could in HOI2 ?

No, that was not a feature that worked. We have had no plans of returning it for HOI3.

Schade, zumindest konnte man ohne den Texeditor schnell mal eine etwas unschöne Grenze begradigen.

Zumindest sollte es vor der Kapitulation eines Landes möglich sein, einzelne Provinzen mit den Alliierten zu tauschen...

Le Prînglé
15.05.10, 12:58
Zumal es doch manchmal arg verbuggt ist. Ich habe mit deutschen und italienischen Truppen den Seelöwen gestartet und mit deutschen Truppen London besetzt. Die Italiener standen nur zur Küstensicherung in Dover, Portsmouth etc., die ganzen Siegprovinzen nahm der Deutsche ein. Dann kommt schließlich das Kapitulationsevent und alles, was ich auf meiner Stern-Provinzen-Tour habe links liegen lassen, geht an Italien! GB hat dem Event zufolge auch vor Italien kapituliert. :???:

15.05.10, 14:26
Naja, dieses Pride-of-the-Fleet-Feature könnten sie sich sparen. Sollten lieber mal den See-Krieg so umgestalten, dass er für den strategischen Maßstabs HOIs angemessen ist, anstatt immer wieder zu versuchen, die Landkampf-Engine dafür umzubiegen. Dito für den Luftkampf...

18.05.10, 21:23
6. Will we be able to exchange provinces with allies as we could in HOI2 ?

No, that was not a feature that worked. We have had no plans of returning it for HOI3.

Was für ein Eingeständnis! Und das aus deren Munde. Sonst war doch immer alles WAD..
Ich sage nur Sandbox game.. Da komme ich mir schon vor wie bei dem Wahlkampf der SPD mit Schröder asl Kanzlerkandidaten seinerzeit und dem Gefasel einer "neuen Mitte"..

Wie wäre es denn gewesen besagtes feature mal funktionierend einzubauen??
Jetzt wo man doch ein Add-on mit neuem "Content" herausbringt?
Naja, brauchen ja noch "Futter" für die nächsten add-on's.

Eine Frechheit wenn sie z.B die Sache mit den CAGs nicht auch ohne SF ändern..

Die surrender events zeigen ja auch deutlich, das es von vorneherein als "Sandbox-game" entwickelt wurde. Deswegen sind die ja auch so fest und unflexibel.

Ich rate nur jedem sich die engine, bzw. alles drumherum, nicht näher anzuschauen. Das macht einem nur Lust auf Posts wei meinem hier. :eek:


..der nicht merh glaubt das "die" die Kurve noch kriegen..Schließlich machen die mittlerweile auch 3D-shooter! Jippie yeah! :gluck:

Al. I. Cuza
19.05.10, 02:01
..der nicht merh glaubt das "die" die Kurve noch kriegen..Schließlich machen die mittlerweile auch 3D-shooter! Jippie yeah! :gluck:

"Die" sind nur Herausgeber des Shooters, keine Macher ;)

Und die Kurve kriegen sie schon, die Frage ist nur nach wie vielen Addons. :ditsch: