Archiv verlassen und diese Seite im Standarddesign anzeigen : TOAW 3 Equipment Editor - Komplett Neu!

11.11.09, 22:20
TOAW ermöglicht es seinen Nutzern zu den Standart Einheiten komplett neue festzulegen. Die veränderten Dateien müssen in einen entsprechenden Senario -Ordner, denn sie sind nur mit dem für sie ausgelegten Senario verwendbar. Hier nun der neue Editor: 11th November 2009. Initial release.

This a brand-new TOAW III Equipment Editor. It has been designed to replicate the functionality of the "Units" section of the original BioEd and updated TOAW IIII BioEd Editors but has been rewritten from scratch.

The user interface (and operation) of the TOAW III Equipment Editor is based on that of the TOAW III Scenario Viewer in that the hierarchy of the equipment categories and types is displayed as a navigable tree in one pane and a set of appopriate editing controls in another whenever a tree node is selected.

With the exception of the "master" equipment file ('Equipment.eqp' in the TOAW III Graphics folder), any appropiate .EQP file can be edited. Loading the master equipment file results in a completely read-only display. A "Save as" should be performed if the user intends to use this equipment file as a starting point.

There is an 'Autosave' option. 'Autosave' can be turned on or off (the user's choice is stored in the registry). When it is on, all changes to equipment data are automatically reflected in the underlying data structures (in memory) as the user types. When it is off, the user will be prompted to save if navigating away from the changed item to another entry. This does not affect actually saving changes to disc which is always a non-automatic action i.e. quitting the app or loading another file will result in a prompt for saving (which can of course be ignored).

Display of the 2D Icon file ('Equipment265.bmp') does not reflect its actual contents. The icons are extracted and displayed individually inside a container that is in Portrait rather than Landscape mode to allow all to be visible simultaneously. The icon numbers still run in row first then column order though.

It is possible to create too many equipment entries. Adding or copying will show a warning message when that happens but it will not be prevented - nor will saving the file. In addition, a count of free slots is shown at the top right of the display next to the "Close" buton.

Actioning the erase operation on the root node of the treeview removes all existing equipment entries - a single category with one type is added as a starting point. For an equipment category node its contents are reset to default values and all existing equipment type entries are deleted - a single equipment type entry is added as a starting point. For an equipment type node, its contents are reset to default values.

The "first" TOAW III Equipment Editor has been renamed to the "TOAW IIII BioEd Editor". Installing the newer application (i.e. this one) overwrites both the Desktop and TOAW III Folder icons of the original; it does not, however, uninstall it. Should you wish to retain both applications install V1.1.0 of the BioEd version here (http://homepage.ntlworld.com/a.edmiston/toawedit.htm). The latter update installs to differently named icons - there are no code changes.

There are a number of hotkeys. Details are available from the website.

Shortcuts are placed on the Desktop and in the TOAW III Folder accessible from Start->Program Files. Uninstall should be done through Control Panel. Newer versions will automatically upgrade an installation.

V1.0.0.0 of the TOAW III Equipment Editor is available for download from here (http://homepage.ntlworld.com/a.edmiston/toaweqpedit.htm)

