Archiv verlassen und diese Seite im Standarddesign anzeigen : Neuer Betapatch geplant?

[B@W] Abominus
14.08.09, 11:01
Well, I was lucky enough to get the august 12th patch before it got removed due to crashes. I will not be providing this file but I want to tell you all about my findings so far. If a moderator thinks I am spilling the beans so to speak and this is not allowed, then just delete this thread.

I know that PI doesnt usualy document every little aspect of thier patches (and I am not blaming them here) so this is my attempt to help give more documentation. So, again, please forgive me PI, but I am excited and thought I would get other modders looking forward to this patch. Thanks again PI for this planned patch and thanks for including things that will help modders improve thier mods.

After lots of bug fixes I made in Terra Nova mod, I finaly got the mod working (it used to crash before the game fully loaded after choosing a nation) with this new patch thanks to the detailed log file writing that was added to this patch. The game still crashes when I Alt-Tab and then come back to the game (like others have reported). The game also still crashes after a few months after starting a game.

======================= Log Files ================================

The game seems to be a bit slower but not by much. This might be due to the real time log file additions while playing the game.

now, when a CTD happens, there is a new folder created in the EU3\logs\ folder. the name of the folder is the date, time (24 hour clock), and other information. In that folder is the log files for that crash and complete gaming session (it seems).

here is a example of the a new ai.log file entry for each nations:

AI[ai.cpp:779]: Policies: England considers going towards Centralisation to be worth -1.56
AI[ai.cpp:805]: Policies: England considers going towards Decentralisation to be worth -7.6
AI[ai.cpp:779]: Policies: England considers going towards Aristocracy to be worth 11.4
AI[ai.cpp:805]: Policies: England considers going towards Plutocracy to be worth 13
AI[ai.cpp:779]: Policies: England considers going towards Serfdom to be worth 8.42
AI[ai.cpp:805]: Policies: England considers going towards Free Subjects to be worth 13.26
AI[ai.cpp:779]: Policies: England considers going towards Innovative to be worth 16.72
AI[ai.cpp:805]: Policies: England considers going towards Narrowminded to be worth 10.1
AI[ai.cpp:779]: Policies: England considers going towards Mercantilism to be worth 24.42
AI[ai.cpp:805]: Policies: England considers going towards Free Trade to be worth -3.76
AI[ai.cpp:779]: Policies: England considers going towards Offensive to be worth -1.38
AI[ai.cpp:805]: Policies: England considers going towards Defensive to be worth -0.32
AI[ai.cpp:779]: Policies: England considers going towards Land to be worth 7
AI[ai.cpp:805]: Policies: England considers going towards Naval to be worth -1.36
AI[ai.cpp:779]: Policies: England considers going towards Quality to be worth 17.76
AI[ai.cpp:805]: Policies: England considers going towards Quantity to be worth -0.34
AI[ai.cpp:833]: Policies DECIDED: England sets Mercantilism vs. Free Trade to -2

as you can see here, there was a policy slider change available to england at the start of the game and because it valued Mercantalism more (keep in mind that this is from TN mod), the England AI chose to move its slider to mercantilism (it started at -1 for that slider).

I suspect there will be a continuos stream of entries into this file as the AI makes choices on various aspects in the game. I will probably keep adding sneak peaks here.



Der Zarewitsch
14.08.09, 11:20
Ich hoffe die neue (und funktionierende) Patch-Version wird bald online sein. Mal sehen was es an "Verbesserungen" geben wird. Ich wüßte schon ein paar...

14.08.09, 21:58
Eine andere Länderfarbe für Deutschland zum Beispiel....igitt Türkies...