Archiv verlassen und diese Seite im Standarddesign anzeigen : v1.1 Readme (Releasepatch)

06.08.09, 21:57

# Changes for 1.1 below.

- AI Improvements
* Misc AI
- The production AI will now fill up the queue with infantry or militia divisions if no other needs and have available IC + manpower.
- AI won't care about spam penalty when it comes to influencing.
- AI may now invite countries currently at war to its faction.
- Japan will no longer declare war on the USA if the usa is in the axis.
- All AI countries in factions will now influence if they can.
- AI should now be a bit smarter about how to spend DI for influencing.
- Bigger countries will no longer spam smaller for debts.
- AI countries will now only mobilise when they have less than 20% between neutrality and effective threat.
- AI will no longer join factions if a stronger neighbour is in a hostile faction.

* Unit AI
- Fixed some movement correction glitches
- Rewrote how reserves are handles by the AI, and it will use garrison type units more for that.
- Improved handling of very damaged units
- HQs no longer counted as "infantry" archetype in force needs
- More focused on seizing VP provinces
- Use of expeditionary forces between AI nations outside the regular diplomatic framework
- Substantial rewrite of inter-area allocation of troops, taking into account more factors.
- Very safe pathfinding (used by the AI) will now avoid provinces under attack
- Fixed some problems with troop allocation in puppet/master areas
- Fixed a problem that prevented some fleets at sea from ever moving again
- Fixed a problem causing unit ping pong effects.

* Garrison AI
- Improved initial unit selection, with more efforts at a stable garrison force, and more logical troops will be used.
- Adjusted France vs Low Countries border prios
- Fixed a problem where zero prio provinces were still being added to the garrison province list (causing odd garrisoning of borders with friends)
- Rewrote a function to choose more logical troops
- Adjustments to emphasize coastal provinces
- Fixed a bug with return of garrison divisions to fronts
- Fixed a bug that might have affected front distribution a bit
- Will no longer pull divisions from lower prio provinces to garrison higher prio ones (caused a lot of shuffling when some units had to stomp partisans etc)

* Front AI
- France should be more prepared on the Belgian border
- Fixed a slight distance bug
- Adjusted stance org thresholds
- Fixed a "Parkinson" bug
- Fixed a bug with attack orders sometimes being cancelled at once
- Fixed an issue with overestimation of current strength and org for both friendly and enemy units
- Will now consider army experience
- Many improvements to breaking out of pockets
- More aware of dig in factor
- Better handling of multiple fronts in the same theatre with few total divisions
- Improved some distribution code
- Will now be more intelligent about troop distribution around encircled enemy provinces
- Added a bunch of missing modifiers to odds calculations

* Air AI
- Fixed a bug in Logistical Strike missions
- Fixed an issue with constantly splitting and merging MR and Interceptors
- Fixed some more issues with carrier bases being used for the wrong air types
- CAGs will now properly be used to pound enemy units when invading
- Tactical bombers will prioritize invasion targets if they are in range
- Support for flying bombs and rockets
- Added support for nukes
- Added logistical strike missions
- CAGs should no longer get mixed up with other air types
- Fixed a bug with tactical bombing targets
- Day/night and weather checks
- Paradrop AI: Fixed a bug with it forgetting its intended target

* Naval AI
- Optimized rebase checks
- Proper patrol missions added
- Fixed an issue with inter-theatre submarine allocation
- May now take patrolling or convoy escorting fleets for Naval intercept missions
- Adjusted naval superiority checks to make the AI less scared of naval missions
- Will no longer patrol with unescorted capital ships
- Fixed an issue with obsolete orders not being cleared correctly
- More legal move checks
- Fixed some issues with fleets getting "stuck" due to no valid path
- Fixed a problem with rebasing of submarines to their correct theatre in the absence of actual enemy targets
- Fixed an issue with damaged fleets getting stuck at sea
- Improved convoy raiding checks
- Fixed an issue with fleets in combat or retreat not correctly being recalled to base on damage

* Transport AI
- Fixed a bug with one invalid route (no path) locking up all transportation
- Fixed a bug with the best embarkation port selection
- Will not be as particular about hogging transport ships if they are not needed
- Will never use mot/mech/arm to garrison islands
- Should reset the transport target of armies on detachment from a hierarchy
- Fixed a problem with "shuttle transportation" (transporting some units before the rest have reached the embarkation port)

* Invasion AI
- Fixed a bug with single divisions not conquering a whole island even if it was undefended
- Player directed targets will now receive the needed divisions from the theatre main area if at all possible (not in combat etc)
- Fixed a problem with invasions not launching due to waiting for escorting fleets that had already joined
- Should now target port provinces only
- More prone to respect player set invasion beaches
- Adjusted "needed divisions" check for invasion targets
- Reduced the division needs in non-warzones to make more units available for invasions

- Gamebalance Changes
* Units
- Implemented individual officer ratios per unit type.
- Units will now get starting experience depending on laws if nothing is scripted in the oob.
- Support for officer needs at naval and air units added.
- Increased practical gains for non capital ships.
- Engineers are now much faster.
- Tweaked marines, engineers and bergsjaegers combat abilities in various terrains fitting their capabilities.
- Armor, Heavy Armor and Super Heavy Armor are now worse in bad terrain.
- Planes will now always repair at midnight GMT, combat and in air won't stop them.
- Reserves no longer get an extra bonus on lesser manpower rotation.
- Reworked reserve status to be per brigade, to make it easier for the player.
- Starting manpower is now properly reduced in scenarios when wars have been ongoing for a while.
- Retreating units ignore fuelstatus for movement speed now.
- Rebasing fleets take supplies and fuels directly from capital now.
- Ships in non-friendly ports that can't move will not be sunk.

* Combat
- There is now an auto pushback damage event when a province is taken by a new controller.
- Increased basic terrain penalties.
- Increased penalties from combat on weather.
- Dropped xp gain for airunits dramatically. (almost a factor of 10)
- Rewrote shatterlogic and how reserve units gets reinforced. Now shatter percentage is compared to highest strength that unit has had, and not maximum possible.
- Runway cratering is now a bit more lethal.
- Added in proper restrictions for pathfinder to not allow entry where a unit can't attack.
- Breakthroughs and Delays now impact attack delay.
- Retreat province now less likely to be a front province
- Airunits will not automatically intercept airunits at the airbase unless they have the order for it.
- Reduced damage to convoy raiders a bit, and increased damage on convoys a bit.
- Fixed some penalties for cavalry in some terrains.
- Correct default penalties for attack for terrain is now used.
- Attack delays are now reduced every hour during a battle to a minimum of one.

* Weather
- Rewrote temperature impact on combat to be a more sliding scale.
- Recoded how lowpressurezones are scripted, so that they can be seasonal.

* Production
- Reduced prices by 50% on metal, energy & rares, and by 25% on oil.
- Fuel is now at crude oil prices.
- Units are now deployed into theatres properly if auto-deploy is on.
- Added a modifier for global resource production for a country.
- Practicals are now applied at finish properly for all building types.
- Highest threat now reduces consumer goods from mobilised troops.
- Reinforcements and repairs are now slightly faster.

* Politics
- A few laws now modify the resource production negatively when IC is modified negatively.
- Revised some ministers to modifiy resource production instead of IC.
- Tweaked occupation policies to be harsher on IC.
- National Unity is now always capped between 1 and 100.
- Tweaked strategic warfare a bit to be less easy to win by just bombing another country and have a 2 to 1 supremacy.
- Strategic warfare impact is only valid at offenses to liberate own territory, not just any adjacent to it.
- A government in exile now loses most of its officers, manpower and constructions.
- Elections can now happen at any day within a month if scripted that way.

* Technology
- Theories are now cheaper to research.
- Revised all naval technologies for a better balance.
- Tweaked starting techs generation to always go for cheapest.

* Diplomacy
- Surrender logics changed to surrender to the one occupying most of the country instead of the faction leader.
- When the all members of a faction is a GiE, it will surrender again to be annexed or puppeted.
- Increased intervals between alignment movement.
- Increased impact of threat & ideology on aligment.
- Decreased repulsion impact on alignment a bit.
- Target countries neutrality is now impacting how easy it is to influence them.
- Only one country in each faction can influence a target country.
- Joining or Inviting to a faction is now free from DI costs.
- Neutrality is now capped at 100%.
- Reduced impact of relations on trade, and increased chances when fighting wars together, or having friendly agreements.
- Puppets can now initiate trade with their masters
- Countries in the same faction or allied will never be considered "highest threat" for a country.

* Intel
- Higher differences in intel now gives more info on the map.
- You can no longer get province details on buildings without decent intel.
- Infrastrucutre map details are now limited by intel.
- Radio is now negative on encryption instead of decryption.

* Misc
- The start of the spanish civil war will no longer cause you to lose more than the set amount of troops.
- There is no longer 15 dissent at start of spanish civil war.
- Splitting troops now cap the amount of landtroops that can go over to the set amount of percent.
- The split_troops effect now splits the manpower as well.

- Interface Improvements
- A diplomatic message is now only shown for a week.
- Officer needs is now shown in the build interface.
- Added tooltip to continuous checkbox for airmissions and disabled time widgets when checked
- Building effects are now relative.
- Counter values now update at every start of a day.
- Best possible law instead of next possible law is now shown in the alert.
- Changed layout in ledgerpiecharts to fit better
- Added the tooltip for soft and hard attack in the airbuilder screen.
- Improved the election interface.
- Added a message whenever a country gets annexed.
- Unit recruittime is now properly colored.
- Clarified the tooltip for neutrality when declaring war.
- Clarified names of intelligence levels.
- It is no longer possible to ask for debt allowing when a debt is already allowed.
- Invite to faction button no longer visible when target allready in faction
- Now possible to stop aligning to faction leader
- Fixed the interface for allowing and revoking debt
- It is no longer possible to open brigade details window for a unit that already have that screen up.
- If game paused by opening menu, closing it should now unpause it
- Changing options in frontend now tell you what happened only once
- Bad username or password for bonus content now tells you so
- Only one way to change messagesettings from the settings menu now

- Reworked alot of messages to eliminate all tpyos of bad spleling swedes.

- Bugfixes
* Restart/Reload Issues
- Airintercept orders are no longer broken at a reload.
- Fixed a problem which caused some combats to become invalid after a reload.
- Fixed a few issues with save games not being setup properly when loaded.
- Fixed a calculation error for offier ratios at start of scenarios.
- Fixed another reason for out of synch.

* Interface
- Fixed the aircombat goto button.
- Fixed a display issue for technology abilities.
- It is no longer possible to get duplicate convoys through the interface.
- Peace messages are now shown properly again.
- Fixed a glitch with attrition tooltip.
- Fixed a mismatch in toggling auto-resource and auto-supply buttons.
- Research alert now deactivates properly when under ai control.
- Fixed an issue with flickering reserve icons.
- Shift-clicks can not be used to get out attack delays.
- Reinforcement needs can no longer wrap around to negative numbers.

* Units
- Range check on move for naval units added.
- Airunits can now actually raid convoys.
- Fixed a bug with naming of serial brigades.
- Can no longer rebase to neutral bases.
- It should no longer be possible to merge invalid units (cags from different carriers etc).
- Units will no longer leave being a bomb target until they actually LEAVE a province.
- Fixed an inversion of efficiency on repairs in naval/air bases.
- Fixed a few bugs where combats couldn't be selected properly
- Convoy raiders should now be sunk properly if they are damaged for <0strength in a convoy attack.
- Illegal convoys are now tagged as inactive even when autocreation/destruction is off.
- Fixed a problem where naval sorties and intercepts would find units it had no intel on.
- Inactive leaders should no longer be assigned to units through auto-assign.
- Range checks now from base, and not current location.
- Convoys and escorts are cheaper now
- Targetfleet is now saved and loaded in navalintercept orders.
- Supply needs are now calculated properly even when a country is out of supplies.
- Returning expeditionary force no longer requests confirmation of returning party and returns unit after one month
- Nationalist rebels are now separate depending on which country they are aiming to reform.

* Misc
- Alot of compability issues have been tracked down and dealt with, improving general stability for users.
- Influences now end if the target is removed.
- Fixed some issues with liberating countries.
- Puppets are represented more accurately (no embargoes between puppets and overlords etc)
- Calling allies to arms in a limited war should now cost influence as advertised
- Improved and fixed some of the events commands
- Listening stations and escorts are now properly enabled by their techs only and not randomly.

- Database Changes

* Country/Province Setup
- The Dutch capital is now setup correctly in later scenarios.
- Changed the color of Nationlist Spain so that it can be distinguished from Republican Spain more easily
- Positioned some of the naval/air/radar bases more correctly
- Increased the number and level of forts in the later scenarios giving a much better historical setup.
- Added more suitable traits for some of the ministers

* Orders of battle
- Made some adjustments to the senario setups for USA, Japan, France, GC, Germany, Italy and the UK for a more historical and
balanced setup.
- Reworked the historical setup for cags so that they are represented more accurately

* Wars and Diplomacy
- British puppets (Oman, Bhutan and Yemen) are now properly joining the allies in 1939
- Rearranged the victory points in the Soviet Union to give Germany a bigger advantage
- Made some adjustments to the Sino-Japanese War
- Mongolia joins the war in 1941

* Technology
- Made some changes to the tech setup to provide better balance and historical accuracy
- Replaced some of the tech pictures with better alternatives.

* Events
- Reworked some of the decisions and surrender events so that they are better balanced.Bevor jemand fragt: Einen Download-Link gibt es noch nicht, und die Gamersgate-Version soll gleich auf Stand v1.1 sein.

06.08.09, 22:09
Patch ist mittlerweile auch online im Paradox Hoi 3 Tech Support Forum :)

Fridericus Rex
06.08.09, 22:34
Hört sich gut an aber leider steht nichts von Performance obwohl ich meine gelesen zu haben das sich die Performance verbessern sollte durch den Patch.

06.08.09, 22:46
Hört sich gut an aber leider steht nichts von Performance obwohl ich meine gelesen zu haben das sich die Performance verbessern sollte durch den Patch.

Im Paradoxforum wird von bis zu 50% mehr Performance vom Spiel mit 1.1 gegenüber der Demo gesprochen, auch wenn das vielleicht einzelfälle sind, sollte sich doch wohl was an der Performance getan haben.

06.08.09, 22:55
Das ist eine durch hochinterressante und stattliche Liste

06.08.09, 23:12
Ich habe mir den Spaß gerade durchgelesen, ist jetzt irgendeine Sliderautomatik im Spiel oder muss ich erst der KI die gesamte Produktion übergeben? Ich konnte dazu nichts finden aber wahrscheinlich sind meine Englischkenntnisse zu schlecht.

07.08.09, 00:09
Ich habe mir den Spaß gerade durchgelesen, ist jetzt irgendeine Sliderautomatik im Spiel oder muss ich erst der KI die gesamte Produktion übergeben? Ich konnte dazu nichts finden aber wahrscheinlich sind meine Englischkenntnisse zu schlecht.

Das ist nur ein Patch kein Addon!:D

GAGA Extrem
07.08.09, 00:13
Btw, ein Mod hat auch ein Statement gemacht das die EU Serie von den Enginefix beim nächsten patch profitieren wird.

Ansonsten: Guter Patch für den Anfang! Vor allem combat cooldown & shift abuse fix!

Alith Anar
07.08.09, 00:16
KAnn mal bitte jemnd den Link zum DL posten ?
ICh bin zu blöd den zu finden :D

07.08.09, 00:30
Es sind vorerst nur die Patch Notes, der Patch kommt wie geplant erst Morgen. Johan ist nur dem Wunsch vieler nachgekommen die Notes vorab zu verkünden.

Alith Anar
07.08.09, 00:44

DAnn hab ich die Nachricht von Lidius falsch interpretiert.

Fridericus Rex
07.08.09, 00:47
Leute die HoI 3 schon registriert haben können den Patch schon downloaden.

[B@W] Abominus
07.08.09, 07:31
Btw, ein Mod hat auch ein Statement gemacht das die EU Serie von den Enginefix beim nächsten patch profitieren wird.

Ausgezeichnet! :burns:

Ansonsten: Guter Patch für den Anfang! Vor allem combat cooldown & shift abuse fix!

Ah, der WOW-Spieler wieder :D.

Na, wie viele von Euch machen heute blau, um HOI III zu zocken? :D

07.08.09, 08:37
Da ich mein hoi3 erst nach meiner Hochzeitreise bekomme muss ich nicht blau machen :) hätte allerdings frei

07.08.09, 08:50
Abominus;544075']Na, wie viele von Euch machen heute blau, um HOI III zu zocken? :DIch starte zumindest schon mal Download und Installation aus der Ferne. Zählt das auch? :D

07.08.09, 09:10
Ich starte zumindest schon mal Download und Installation aus der Ferne. Zählt das auch? :D

Fast schon zu inkonsequent für einen echten Fan :D

07.08.09, 09:17
Fast schon zu inkonsequent für einen echten Fan :DDas hat sich gerade eh erledigt, die Verbindung ist abgebrochen. :schrei:

07.08.09, 09:32
Das hat sich gerade eh erledigt, die Verbindung ist abgebrochen. :schrei:

Ich könnte für Euch saugen und später zur Verfügung stellen. 100kb/s Upload und wahlweise Datenträger ;)

König Andre
07.08.09, 09:36
Saugt ihr den Patch oder wie versteh ich das? der ist doch angeblich in der Gamersgate Version schon drin.