Archiv verlassen und diese Seite im Standarddesign anzeigen : Armageddon 1.3 Public Beta

19.01.09, 14:51
Offenbar hat das HoI 2 Patch Project einen Armageddon-Betapatch (http://forum.paradoxplaza.com/forum/showthread.php?t=390317) veröffentlicht. :top:

19.01.09, 15:09
Juhu und das Changelog ist ja mal echt fett :)

Edith sagt: Man brauch ein Armageddon auf v1.2, um den Beta Patch nutzen zu können.

And the full readme...

#### Code changes

- Purged Ghost fleet.
- Exported pure sub fleets detection modifier, extra org and strenght damage to misc file.
- Fixed No leaders of annexed and liberated countries.
- Added "Dormant_teams" code.
- Dormant_leaders, Dormant_Ministers and Dormant_teams are now global lists. Once slept they won’t resurrect after annex/release.
- Leaders of annexed countries with new traits, rank or experience are saved and restored on country release.
- Military controlled Leaders manually promoted, will no longer be Auto demoted.
- Fixed "wakeleader" command.
- Fixed "delete_unit" command, it now works with -2 & -3 for Sea and Air units.
- Fixed "under_attack" event trigger.
- Fixed "difficulty" event trigger.
- Added "escortpool" event trigger.
- "upgrading = X" and "reinforcements = X" AI file parameters are now binding.
- Units under bombardment cannot be redeployed anymore.
- Amphibious Assaults can now only be initiated by amphibious assault order.
- Amphibious Assaults can now be cancelled.
- Airborne Assault mission efficiency is no longer reversed.
- Naval mission efficiency for No Mission fixed from +10% to 0%.
- ASW mission is now able to detect all submarines no matter what missions subs are on.
- "Convoy_defence" efficiency now has effect on convoy detection, protection and damage done to raiding fleets.
- CVL's no longer teleports Capitals into firing range of enemy taskforces.
- Combats with military controlled forces now displayed in active combat list.
- Fixed issues with Military controlled units swapping country on annexation.
- Units should no longer get transferred back to capital when trading provinces to allies.
- Moved a +30% Urban combat modifier to modifiers.csv file.
- Partisan reduction now accepts fractions.
- Fixed a CTD when viewing units loading onto transports.
- Fixed some issues with mission clock.
- TC load increases from multiple undeployed bases from the same serial build.
- Bought ships, arrive with same strength as sold.
- Bought units now upgrade with buyers tech progress.
- Fixed issues with Manpower cost for Naval Attachments.
- Fixed issues with save games for Naval attachments.
- Fixed issues with Naval attachments built together with ships.
- Naval attachments are now only upgradeable in Naval bases.
- Do not upgrade button added to ships.
- Fixed issues with detaching and reattaching brigades in allied controlled provinces.
- Fixed issues with terrain combat bonus for Jungle Rat and Desert Fox.
- Added Movement bonus to units with leaders with appropriate terrain traits
- Fixed bonus from combat event trait.
- Bonus from gained traits now removed if leader are over command limit.
- Terrain trait leader bonus now included in the displayed terrain combat modifiers in battle tooltip.
- All leaders in command of units, now has preference on Auto promotion.
- Disabled changing mission orders for air units in combat.
- Disabled reorganization button for Air and Naval units during combat.
- Removed transporting paratroopers exploit.
- Escort fighters reduces range of bombers.
- Escort fighter stats are now added to bomber stats in production screen.
- Cags now has CAG tooltip entry.
- Added all intell missions in the F10 message options & Added "Intelligence" header.
- Fixed issues with Intell mission messages.
- Fixed -10% Leader bonus for the Flamboyant Though guy minister trait.
- Fixed bug in Army Aviation minister bonus.
- Fixed bug in Air supremacy minister bonus.
- Changed bonus for chance to succeed with a "coup" attempt to 4 ministers.
- Added various missing modifiers to Ministers tool tips.
- Removed a few unused modifiers from minister tool tips.
- Division Icons now correctly shown in production page.
- Division upgrades percentage shown correctly in F6 statistic page.
- "Free Manpower" command is now shown correctly with fractions.
- "Set_domestic" and "domestic" commands now have correct separate event text.
- "supplied for an offensive for X days" are now shown correctly in all screens.
- Added CVL modifiers on F6 statistic page.
- Reworked Technology overview page.
- Added separate string for Area Georgia in Caucasus.
- Fixed issue with too long text for "we do not want exp forces from country.." diplomacy window.
- Alien carriers now has Cags.
- Fixed Tech Team Takeover bug on liberating country.
- Added 30 convoy transports and 10 convoy escorts to released countries.
- Added 10% dissent hit on breaking a peace treaty.
- Added Missing 10% bonus on supply production from Resigned Generalissimo
- AI can assassinate ministers, Coup nations and Fund Partisans
- Fixed a bug with convoys at Civil war start
- Fixed rare bug with units getting into Multiple land battles.
- Fixed issues with province buildings entries in INC files set to 0, was changed to 0.0010 on 2 save and reload cycle.
– AI will put exceeding IC on CG production instead of wasting it
- Fixed a bug with convoys from overseas puppets with landlocked capitals
- Fixed a bug with bombers on Port Strike mission
- Naval brigade attachments can upgrade only at naval base now
- Fixed a CTD bug on switching alliance
- New AI modifiers to misc.txt for Influence missions and diplomatic mission cost
- NOFOG cheat reveals full intelligence information
- Save game file format has been optimized.

### Reworked spy system

- Removed Send spy and Counter Intelligence missions.
- Added Increase/decrease Intelligence Funding (up to 20th levels). Has daily upkeep similar to research.
- Countries have Domestic and Foreign Intelligence efficiency's dependent on various variables.
- Added Encrypt/Decrypt lvl's, IC, Distance, Dissent, Open/Closed Policy and interventionism effects for cost and chances to Intelligence.
- Added Intell modifier from db\difficulty.txt to intelligence.
- AI cannot make multiple missions in same country anymore.
- Spy Prefferences for home country in AI files are used to set minimum chance to succeed for AI to attempt this mission.
- NumberOfSpies are now only used for home country in spy preffs to set maximum intell lvl the AI will attempt to achieve.
- Fixed a CTD in fund partisan mission, if country had no provinces left.
- Fixed issues with Fund Partisans mission.
- Fixed issues with coup intell mission (threaties cancellation).
- Fixed missing name for delay production in case of province or serials builds.
- Fixed typo in code for Intell reports on enemy planes.
- Dissent in target are now required to be able to coup a country.
- Exported IC, Distance effects to spy_cost.txt file.
- Exported time delay between missions and Increase Intelligence lvl to misc file.
- Exported daily upkeep of intelligence lvl to spy_cost.txt file
- Exported relationships hit for detected initiator to misc.txt
- Spy Networks operates with 0% efficiency if lacking money.
- AI switching will replace all AI spyprefs

### AI files CHANGES

- Added missing Spyprefs to 1945 AI files.
- ARG & POR AI files, Changed landdoctrine research ID's, From Grand Battleplan to Superior Firepower.
- Added more country specific spyprefs to various countries.
- Fixed a typo in a Japanese switch AI file from AUS to AST


- Boostertxt is now translated to Italian and Spanish (Kudos Mordred & Fernando Torres)
- "Elastic defense specialist" now has entries for all supported languages.
- Fixed the LEADTR_XXX strings, so they correctly states that a "leader has gained a trait".
- Reworked Intelligence messages.
- Changed entry "EE_HQ_COMBAT_EVENT_CHANCE" So it correctly states percentage is additive.
- Fixed typo in "EE_NUKE_PROD" string
- Fixed typo in TECH_APP_ND_27 string


- Set all expire dates to 1964 in Revolt.txt file. Fixed a few typos in SAR, CHI, CHC, MLY, YUG & MEN entries.
- Changed deathdate for all remaining appropriate events to 1964
- Fixed wrong port sea zone connections in a few provinces.
- Monthly Nationalism reduction set to 0.1250
- Escort fighter manpower reduced from 1.0 to 0.33
- Mechanized infantry: Fixed typos in last two models toughness stats from 37 & 42 to 42 & 47.
- anti_tank, fixed typos in supply consumption for last two models from 0.5 to 0.2
- Fixed remaining typos in Naval attachments.
- Leader files are reworked for Armageddon and Abyss campaigns to avoid duplicate leaders.
- Many Techteam names reworked to match new team pictures in Armageddon.
- Fixed reversed models for Modern & Nuclear Carriers.
- Reverted back to Armageddon 1.1 Values for experience and fort combat modifiers
- Chance to get combat event trait is slightly increased.


- Changed deathdate for all remaining appropriate events to end 1964
- Removed sleep commands for ministers that do not die in election & Coup events. Fixes problems with all versions of ministers get slept.
- Added trigger to check if ministers is alive and not already assassinated in all minister death events.
- Swapped Install minister and sleep minister commands in all death events. Fixes duplicate dissent hit in online MP games.
- Changed "Minister" trigger to "incabinet", "headofstate" or "headofgoverment" in several events where appropriate.
- Fixed Japan Manpower event chain. Japan now gets correct amount of MP.
- AI_DOM.txt: Event 33700, fixed "country = PAN" to "country = DOM".
- AI_FIN.txt: Event 32000, fixed trigger from Japanese M.O.S. to Finish "NOT = { minister = 29114 } # Johan W. Rangell"
- AI_ITA.txt: Changed Minister of Armament event to use Guido Jung instead of Mussolini.
- AI_POL.txt: Event 36950, fixed install minister command from Persian Chief of Air to correct Polish Chief of air.
- AI_hun.txt: Event 32261, Ai Hungary will always give YUG province to AI Germany, prevents the bug where AI Germany gets its forces stuck in Balkans.
- AI_Reactive.txt: Event 200000, "disable the no naval bomber". Fixed wrong event ID in sleepevent command
- AI_revolters.txt: Event 15077, fixed typo "country = USA" to "country = CAN"
- germany.txt: Event 2034, fixed trigger conditions, to avoid SCW victory event triggers under wrong conditions.
- Japan.txt: Changed the setup Mengchuko event chain, so Japanese troops no longer gets redeployed to Tokyo.
- siam.txt: Event 3813, Changed so no country gains military access and still is at war with Siam.
- USSR.txt: Event 2625 & 2646, fixed issue with Memel staying Soviet in BP event.
- USSR.txt: Event 2627, Added trigger "NOT = { alliance = { country = SOV country = GER } }" Prevents the finish Winter war, making peace between allies and Germany, in case of unholy alliance.
- hoi2.txt: Event 66, fixed event to correctly cede provinces to Germany or Italy depending on who controls them. Added some missing provinces to cede list.
- hoi2.txt: Event 90, fixed leader ID's from 50010 to 50011 to sleep correct leader in Xian event, added sleep command for Yang Hucheng(50340).
- hoi2.txt: Added events id = 919191, 919192, 919193, 919194 & 919195 fix for Xian/unified front event (Kudos CyrusSpitama)
- hoi2.txt: Fixed some province issues with Italian Surrender event chain.
- death_events.txt: Event 383, Fixed wrong leader ID "leader = 24095" to "leader = 380022" So it sleeps the Vichy version of Huntziger.
- doomsday_death_events.txt: Event 442, fixed install minister command. Installs minister "18185" instead of unavailable minister "18183"
- armageddon_events.txt: Event 700001, 700002 & 700003, Added trigger commands to prevent them to trigger under wrong circumstances.
- armageddon_death.txt: Event 500001, Removed command Hubert Humphrey as HOG command. USA had no VP from 1963 to 1965. LBJ where both HOS & HOG.
- armageddon_death.txt: Event 500004 & 500005 Changed date to Sept. 1959 in Vincent Massey resignation events, it where 1952.
- armageddon_elections.txt: Event 600000 & 600001, Fixed wrong HOG's in action_b
- nationalist_china.txt: Event 3819, Added missing sleep commands for Falkenhausen, Chennault & Khryukin
- vichy_france.txt: Event 4003, Fixed location for "1ère Corps d'Afrique" from Prov. 932 (Italian Tripoli) to Prov 949 Algiers.
- vichy_new.txt: Event 992, 994 & 995, fixed typos in policyslider commands.
- vichy_new.txt: Event 100003, Added a peace command with Italy. Fixes issue with Iraq being at war with Italy and at the same time grant access to Italy.


- Added the last missing unique counters (with roundels) (kudos Ayestheni!)
- Added a new hoi_counter_strip.bmp, shows Airroundels correctly. (Kudos Fernando Torres)
- Fixed ghostlike sprites bugs
- Added various missing or wrong leaders, ministers & Techteam pictures.
- Fixed isues with nuclear submarine illustrations
- Adjusted technology backgrounds and tech panels in technology screens


- Fixed CTD bug in The Dardanelles & Izmir blockable strait entry.
- Moved Bonin Trench(2196) to Philippine sea from Mid Pacific Mountains and Ryukyu Trench(2184) to Ryukyus from Philippine sea.
- Added a New navaldist.tbl file. Fixes some issues with naval distances


- Reintroduced the double nuke production command for nuclear techs.
- Deleted remaining Brigade combat modifiers in Air doctrines and Land doctrines. Brigades can’t have combat modifiers
- Added missing Divisions combat modifiers in Air doctrines & Land doctrines.


- Added Belgian and Dutch surrender events id = 25060 & 25066 to event history in 1941 & 1944 GC.
- Added SCW win events 3108, 3901, 2803 & 2662 to sleepevent list in 1941 & 1944 GC
- SPA: Added missing "dormant_leaders = { 3413 3416 3427 3455 3466 3492 3493 3494 }" in 1939, 1941, 1944 & 1945 GC.
- SIK: Fixed cabinet minister of security from 72033 to 72035. 72033 is a minister of armament. In 1938, 1939, 1941, 1944, 1945 GC,
- SOV: Added Vlassov ID= 10363 to dormant leaders list. in 1944 & 1945 GC.

# 1936
- 1936.eug: Deleted duplicate POL entry in selectable country's list, Fixes CTD if selecting POL, after it has been annexed
- MON & SCH: Fixed error where they had relation to themselves, instead of to SOV.
- PHI: Added missing Transports = 50 entry.

# 1938
- 1938.eug: Added event 3107 Ceding of overseas provinces to SPA, to event History.
- Added missing tech 2320 to techapps in some minors INC files
- Added missing tech 6210 to techapps in two China-warlords INC files.
- BOL: Fixed wrong Cabinet minister of armament from 43095 to 43004 & Chief of navy from 43009 to 43195. Both 43009 & 43095 are Dormant
- BUL: Removed minister ID 19006 & 19007 from dormant list. They should not be dormant before 1943 & 1945.
- CHI: Added Dormant_teams entry
- COL: Fixed wrong Cabinet HOMI, from 37005 to 37096. 37005 are dormant.
- CSX: Moved Capital from province 1225 to province 1272. 1225 is controlled by Japan.
- CUB: Fixed wrong Cabinet Foreign minister from 33050 to 33046. 33050 are dormant.
- MAN: Added Early AT tech 2400 to techapps. Fixes the issue where Manchukuo AI builds armored car brigades, which it can’t supply with oil.
- JAP: Added tech 12110. To match 1936 & 1939 setup.
- JAP & CHI: Removed province 1219 from JAP owned list, added it to CHI
- SOV: Fixed wrong SOV GDE from 0.8 to 0.2
- ROM: Added minister ID {22007 22041 22057 22082} to dormant list and swapped the cabinet COS to correct minister 22124.

# 1939
- 1939.eug: Added German & Soviet SCW events to history/sleepevent list.
- GER: Imported missing Aus & CZE airbases & Antiaircraft guns.
- Added Dormant_teams entries
- JAP & CHI: Removed province 1219 from JAP owned list, added it to CHI
- ROM: Changed sliders to democratic = 6 & Political_left = 5, so country ideology and cabinet ministers ideology matches.
- SLO: Imported missing CZE airbases & Antiaircraft guns.
- spa: Fixed typo in techapps from 5070 to 5060

# 1941
- 1941.eug: Added German SCW event 2034 to event history
- 1941.eug: Removed setup Croatia events 2031 & 2032 from event history. Croatia is not setup yet.
- ENG & ITA: Removed province 919, Tobruk from ENG owned province list added it to ITA
- Added Dormant_teams entries
- FRA: Added missing Airbase and AA in Brazzaville (1075) from event 2800

# 1944
- 1944.eug: Added event 700002 to sleepevent list. Event Messes up Cabinet if HOL is released.
- Added missing tech id 14000 GW Hospital to several countries missing it. They have 14010.
- Added Dormant_teams entries
- CRO: Added missing free resources from Croatia event 2032.
- GER: Removed tech id 7280 impr. Turbojet CAG.
- USA: Removed tech id 7280 impr. Turbojet CAG. Removed duplicate Panama Canal force
- HUN: Removed tech id 1150 Marines

# 1945
- BRA: Fixed error in strength parameter in a Division from 1 to 100.
- CUB: Fixed two wrong Cabinet ministers, id's 33082 and 33092. MOS and HOMI where swapped
- ENG: Added a few missing id's {1119, 1131, 1140, 1162} to dormant_ministers section, all died or retired before 1945.
- ENG: Added missing inventions events 8001 & 8010 in inventions list.
- ENG: Fixed landfort = 22 to landfort = 10 for province 348 Gibraltar
- FRA: Added Dormant_teams = { } Parameter
- USA: Removed tech id 7280 impr. Turbojet CAG
- Added Dormant_teams entries.

# Battle scenarios
- Changed some unit names from English to Country specific language names.
- Removed some CAGS from CVL's
- Changed some Carriers to correct models
- Changed some CV's to CVL's

19.01.09, 19:25
Oha! Das wird ja noch ein HOI3 mit alter Engine :D

Komischer Kunde
20.01.09, 09:47
Das versüßt jedenfalls die Wartezeit bis zum v3-Release. Vermutlich wird es also demnächst eine Zeitschriftenbeilage im CD-Format geben, die HoI2-Arm beinhaltet.

Jaja... langsam kennt man sich aus :rolleyes:


20.01.09, 12:58
hat den jemand die spielbarkeit schon ausgereizt mit dem beta und kann die umsetzung begutheißen

27.04.09, 20:44
Gibt seit kurzem einen neuen Beta-Patch.

27.04.09, 21:14
Gibt seit kurzem einen neuen Beta-Patch.

Danke für die Information!

28.04.09, 10:37
Tschabeng, Peng

Partial Changelog - HOI2 Arma 1.3 Beta 1 to HOI2 Arma 1.3 Beta 2

### Code changes ###
### Bug fixes 1.3 Arma Beta 1 to 1.3 Arma Beta 2 ###

- Fixed missing Tech teams for countries annexed and released through diplomatic actions in the same game session from reloaded game
- Fixed a bug with convoys
- Fixed an issue with unit modifiers loaded from INC files at scenario start (used in some mods)
- Removed the “-“in front of daily intelligence cost (cosmetic fix)
- Fixed a bug with AI production slider that prevents some countries (like PHI in 1936 GC) to produce anything
- Fixed a bug when AI doesn’t annex a country or do any other free of charge diplomatic missions (except trades) when it should increase its intelligence level
- Fixed a bug with max leader skill for leaders of annexed and released after a save and reload (in some cases these had 0 max skill)

### Other EXE changes ###

- Fixed new spy mission time (was 1 hour later then on tool tip) for both home and foreign missions.
- Added missing game speeds in Options (on scenario selection). The list was moved slightly to the right for better view.
- Default game speed was set to Normal.
- Default AI Aggressiveness was set to Normal.
- Reduced AI overproduction of Supplies in peace time
- Reduced AI overproduction of money in peace time
- When acceptall cheat is active spy mission chances correctly will be shown as 100%.
- Added missing chances on Military Control request (diplomacy screen). Note: Because this is related only to total IC of the 2 countries it can be either 0% or 100%
- Added "money" event trigger
- Airplanes on Naval Strike missions will return to airbase after each naval battle now
- Added new messages for spy missions against the player
- Added new flag to misc.txt about 3rd countries spy reports: 0 = no reports; 1 = only detected; 2 = detected + all successful; 3 = all reports.
- Added Max IC modifier on cost to misc.txt: If base IC in target > this use this, else use base IC in target.
- Added Trade (Open Negotiations) and Cancel Trade Agreement to the free of cost actions for the AI (other free actions are Offer Trade Agreement and Demand Territory).
- Removed hard-coded transfer of units from releasing country to Vichy on its creation. Fixed by coreymas

### Database Changelog ###

- Fixed issues with China Garrison & Front AI that caused quick loss to Japan. (Cueball)
- Fixed issues with Huayuankow flooding event = 87, that caused AI china troops to get trapped in 0 infra provinces.
- changed back the Canadian Invasion = yes to invasion = no.
- Fixed a few minor string errors in config files.
- Fixed some remaining event deathdates from 1955 to 1963.
- Set percentage on foreign missions to 0.6 for minors.
- Minor tweaks to various AI files.
- Soviet should again try to demand provinces before they dow baltic states.
- Fixed trait bug in Ita minister file. ID = 3038
- Fixed trait bug in ROmanian Minister file ID = 22042
- Fixed trait bug in Chilean Minister file ID = 44127
- Fixed trait bug in Vichy minister file ID = 57041
- Soviet should share techs with Mongolia and Tannu Tuva
- Improvements to Garrison AI, military build AI & Research AI to many countries (kudos Fernando Torres)
- Changed some mission chances and costs
- Reduced diplo and spy mission costs discount for AI countries
- Reduced AI Influence missions

Full Changelog - HOI2 Arma 1.2 to 1.3 Beta 2 Patch

### Armageddon 1.2 to 1.3 Beta 2 Full Changelog ###

#### Code changes

- Purged Ghost fleet.
- Airplanes on Naval Strike missions will return to airbase after each naval bombardment.
- Exported pure sub fleets detection modifier, extra org and strength damage to misc file.
- Fixed No leaders of annexed and liberated countries.
- Added "Dormant_teams" code.
- Dormant_leaders, Dormant_Ministers and Dormant_teams are now global lists. Once slept they won’t resurrect after annex/release.
- Leaders of annexed countries with new traits, rank or experience are saved and restored on country release.
- Military controlled Leaders manually promoted, will no longer be Auto demoted.
- Fixed "wakeleader" command.
- Fixed "delete_unit" command, it now works with -2 & -3 for Sea and Air units.
- Fixed "under_attack" event trigger.
- Fixed "difficulty" event trigger.
- Added "escortpool" event trigger.
- Added "money" event trigger
- "upgrading = X" and "reinforcements = X" AI file parameters are now binding.
- Units under bombardment cannot be redeployed anymore.
- Amphibious Assaults can now only be initiated by amphibious assault order.
- Amphibious Assaults can now be cancelled.
- Airborne Assault mission efficiency is no longer reversed.
- Naval mission efficiency for No Mission changed from +10% to 0%.
- ASW mission is now able to detect all submarines no matter what missions subs are on.
- "Convoy_defence" efficiency now has effect on convoy detection, protection and damage done to raiding fleets.
- Convoy escorts are now Current DD model -1
- CVL's no longer teleports Capitals into firing range of enemy taskforces.
- Combats with military controlled forces now displayed in active combat list.
- Fixed issues with Military controlled units swapping country on annexation.
- Units should no longer get transferred back to capital when trading provinces to allies.
- Moved a +30% Urban combat modifier to modifiers.csv file.
- Partisan reduction now accepts fractions.
- Fixed a CTD when viewing units loading onto transports.
- Fixed some issues with mission clock.
- TC load increases from multiple undeployed bases from the same serial build.
- Bought ships, arrive with same strength as sold.
- Bought units now upgrade with buyers tech progress.
- Fixed issues with Manpower cost for Naval Attachments.
- Fixed issues with save games for Naval attachments.
- Fixed issues with Naval attachments built together with ships.
- Naval attachments now only upgrade in Naval bases.
- Do not upgrade button added to ships.
- Fixed issues with detaching and reattaching brigades in allied controlled provinces.
- Fixed issues with terrain combat bonus for Jungle Rat and Desert Fox.
- Added Movement bonus to units with leaders with appropriate terrain traits
- Fixed bonus from combat event trait.
- Bonus from gained traits now removed if leader are over command limit.
- Terrain trait leader bonus now included in the displayed terrain combat modifiers in battle tooltip.
- All leaders in command of units, now has preference on Auto promotion.
- Disabled changing mission orders for air units in combat.
- Disabled reorganization button for Air and Naval units during combat.
- Removed transporting paratroopers exploit.
- Escort fighters reduce range of bombers.
- Escort fighter stats are now added to bomber stats in production screen.
- Cags now has CAG tool tip entry.
- Added all intell missions in the F10 message options & Added "Intelligence" header.
- Fixed issues with Intell mission messages.
- Fixed -10% Leader bonus for the Flamboyant Though guy minister trait.
- Fixed bug in Army Aviation minister bonus.
- Fixed bug in Air supremacy minister bonus.
- Changed bonus for chance to succeed with a "coup" attempt to 4 ministers.
- Added various missing modifiers to Ministers tool tips.
- Removed a few unused modifiers from minister tool tips.
- Division Icons now correctly shown in production page.
- Division upgrades percentage shown correctly in F6 statistic page.
- "Free Manpower" command is now shown correctly with fractions.
- "Set_domestic" and "domestic" commands now have correct separate event text.
- "supplied for an offensive for X days" are now shown correctly in all screens.
- Added CVL modifiers on F6 statistic page.
- Reworked Technology overview page.
- Added separate string for Area Georgia in Caucasus.
- Fixed issue with too long text for "we do not want exp forces from country.." diplomacy window.
- Alien carriers now have Cags.
- Fixed Tech Team Takeover bug on liberating country.
- Added 30 convoy transports and 10 convoy escorts to released countries.
- Added Missing 10% bonus on supply production from Resigned Generalissimo
- Fixed a bug with convoys at Civil war start
- Fixed rare bug with units getting into multiple land battles.
- Fixed issues with province buildings entries in INC files set to 0, was changed to 0.0010 on 2 save and reload cycles.
– AI will put exceeding IC on CG production instead of wasting it
- Fixed a bug with bombers on Port Strike mission
- Fixed a CTD bug on switching alliance
- New AI modifiers to misc.txt for Influence missions and diplomatic mission cost
- Added Trade (Open Negotiations) and Cancel Trade Agreement to the free of cost actions for the AI (other free actions are Offer Trade Agreement and Demand Territory).
- Removed hard-coded transfer of units from the releasing country to Vichy on its creation
- NOFOG cheat reveals full intelligence information
- Save game file format has been optimized
- Fixed new spy mission time
- Added missing game speeds in Options
- Tweaked AI production sliders
- Added chances % for Military Control
- Tweaked AI overproduction of supplies in peacetime
- Tweaked AI to not overproduce money
- Default game speed set to Normal
- Default AI Aggressiveness set to Normal
- When acceptall cheat is active spy mission chances correctly will be shown as 100%.

### Reworked spy system

- Balanced intell mission cost and chances
- Removed Send spy and Counter Intelligence missions.
- Added Increase/decrease Intelligence Funding (up to 20th levels). Has daily upkeep similar to research.
- Countries have Domestic and Foreign Intelligence efficiency's dependent on various variables.
- Added Encrypt/Decrypt lvl's, IC, Distance, Dissent, Open/Closed Policy and interventionism effects for cost and chances to Intelligence.
- Added Intell modifier from db\difficulty.txt to intelligence.
- AI cannot make multiple missions in same country anymore.
- AI can assassinate ministers, Coup nations and Fund Partisans
- Spy Preferences for home country in AI files are used to set minimum chance to succeed for AI to attempt this mission.
- NumberOfSpies are now only used for home country in spy preffs to set maximum intell lvl the AI will attempt to achieve.
- Fixed a CTD in fund partisan mission, if country had no provinces left.
- Fixed issues with Fund Partisans mission.
- Fixed issues with coup intell mission (treaties cancellation).
- Fixed missing name for delay production in case of province or serials builds.
- Fixed Intell reports on enemy planes.
- Dissent in target is now required to be able to coup a country.
- Exported IC, Distance effects to spy_cost.txt file.
- Exported time delay between missions and Increase Intelligence lvl to misc file.
- Exported daily upkeep of intelligence lvl to spy_cost.txt file
- Exported relationships hit for detected initiator to misc.txt
- Spy Networks operates with 0% efficiency if lacking money.
- AI switching will replace all AI spyprefs
- New Parameter in misc.txt file to set max spy mission cost (based on IC)
- Set percentage on foreign missions to 0.6 for minors.
- Balanced start lvl's of Majors intelligence networks in all campaigns
- Added additional countries to Mexico's intell target list
- Added Germany to Canada's intell target list
- Changes to many countries intelligence targets and missions prios parameters (kudos Fernando Torres)
- Added new messages for spy missions against the player, allows players to disable 3rd country messages.
- Added new flag to misc.txt about 3rd countries spy reports: 0 = no reports; 1 = only detected; 2 = detected + all successful; 3 = all reports.

### AI file CHANGES

- Fixed issues with China Garrison & Front AI that caused quick loss to Japan. (Kudos Cueball)
- Improvements to Garrison AI, military build AI & Research AI to many countries (kudos Fernando Torres)
- German AI military buildup improved
- Added missing Spyprefs to 1945 AI files.
- ARG & POR AI files, Changed landdoctrine research ID's, From Grand Battleplan to Superior Firepower.
- Added some country specific spyprefs to various countries.
- Fixed a typo in a Japanese switch AI file from AUS to AST
- added Guerilla and Volkssturm doctrines to ignore in default and minor_default AI files.
- Soviet AI should share techs with Mongolia and Tannu Tuva


- Boostertxt is now translated to Italian and Spanish (Kudos Mordred & Fernando Torres)
- "Elastic defense specialist" now has entries for all supported languages.
- Fixed the LEADTR_XXX strings, so they correctly states that a "leader has gained a trait".
- Reworked Intelligence messages.
- Changed entry "EE_HQ_COMBAT_EVENT_CHANCE" So it correctly states percentage is additive.
- Fixed typo in "EE_NUKE_PROD" string
- Fixed typo in TECH_APP_ND_27 string
- Fixed lots of bad translations and Grammar issues in various config files.(kudos to our translation team)
- Fixed missing slider movement message string for a player country that gets influenced


- Set all expire dates to 1964 in Revolt.txt file. Fixed a few typos in SAR, CHI, CHC, MLY, YUG & MEN entries.
- Changed deathdate for all remaining appropriate events to 1964
- Fixed wrong port sea zone connections in a few provinces.
- Monthly Nationalism reduction set to 0.1250
- Escort fighter manpower reduced from 1.0 to 0.33
- Motorised infantry: Increased defensivenes of first model to 20 from 15.
- Mechanized infantry: Fixed typos in last two models toughness stats from 37 & 42 to 42 & 47.
- anti_tank, fixed typos in supply consumption for last two models from 0.5 to 0.2
- Fixed remaining typos in Naval attachments.
- Lowered manpower to 0.1 for Radar, Fire control and to 0.0 for impr. Hulls attachements.
- Decreased firing range bonus for Screen Fire Control attachement to 2 and 4 km.
- Slightly decreased firing range for CL's and CA's
- Leader files are reworked for Armageddon and Abyss campaigns to avoid duplicate leaders.
- Many Techteam names reworked to match new team pictures in Armageddon.
- Fixed reversed models for Modern & Nuclear Carriers.
- Reverted back to Armageddon 1.1 Values for experience and fort combat modifiers
- Chance to get combat event trait is slightly increased.
- Screen Fire control Naval attachement decreased firing range bonus to 2/4 km.
- IC cost & Build time of fire control attachement decreased
- Fire control & Radar Naval attachements decreased manpower usage to 0.1
- Fire control & Radar Naval attachements decreased supply usage to 0.1
- Improved Hull Naval attachements decreased manpower usage to 0.0
- 1939 Motorised Infantry Increased defensiveness to 20 from 15. 1939 Inf has 17.
- Decreased firing range of CL's and CA's slightly.
- Decreased IC of some one province minors from 5-7 to 3-5 IC
- Allowed some one province minors to build IC.
- Added the new money and escort trigger to event commands info file.
- Fixed trait bug in Italian minister file. ID = 3038
- Fixed trait bug in Romanian Minister file ID = 22042
- Fixed trait bug in Chilean Minister file ID = 44127
- Fixed trait bug in Vichy minister file ID = 57041
- Tweaked unit_names file so historical year and name are consistent. (Fernando Torres)
- Updated US leader file (kudos CSABadass)


- Changed deathdate for all remaining appropriate events to end 1963
- Changed canadian minister ai event 36101 to use an existing minister.
- commented out obsolete commands in bulgaria event 2710
- Fixed issues with Huayuankow flooding event = 87, that caused AI china troops to get trapped in 0 infra provinces.
- Removed sleep commands for ministers that do not die in election & Coup events. Fixes problems with all versions of ministers get slept.
- Added trigger to check if ministers is alive and not already assassinated in all minister death events.
- Swapped Install minister and sleep minister commands in all death events. Fixes duplicate dissent hit in online MP games.
- Changed "Minister" trigger to "incabinet", "headofstate" or "headofgoverment" in several events where appropriate.
- Fixed Japan Manpower event chain. Japan now gets correct amount of MP.
- Tweaked AI slider events for better performance
- AI_CAN.txt: Event 36101, Changed minister to 45005 Lapointe since Foster was removed.
- AI_DOM.txt: Event 33700, fixed "country = PAN" to "country = DOM".
- AI_FIN.txt: Event 32000, fixed trigger from Japanese M.O.S. to Finish "NOT = { minister = 29114 } # Johan W. Rangell"
- AI_ITA.txt: Changed Minister of Armament event to use Guido Jung instead of Mussolini.
- AI_POL.txt: Event 36950, fixed install minister command from Persian Chief of Air to correct Polish Chief of air.
- AI_hun.txt: Event 32261, Ai Hungary will always give YUG province to AI Germany, prevents the bug where AI Germany gets its forces stuck in Balkans.
- AI_Reactive.txt: Event 200000, "disable the no naval bomber". Fixed wrong event ID in sleepevent command
- AI_revolters.txt: Event 15077, fixed typo "country = USA" to "country = CAN"
- germany.txt: Event 2034, fixed trigger conditions, to avoid SCW victory event triggers under wrong conditions.
- Japan.txt: Changed the setup Mengchuko event chain, so Japanese troops no longer gets redeployed to Tokyo.
- siam.txt: Event 3813, Changed so no country gains military access and still is at war with Siam.
- USSR.txt: Event 2625 & 2646, fixed issue with Memel staying Soviet in BP event.
- USSR.txt: Event 2627, Added trigger "NOT = { alliance = { country = SOV country = GER } }" Prevents the finish Winter war, making peace between allies and Germany, in case of unholy alliance.
- hoi2.txt: Event 66, fixed event to correctly cede provinces to Germany or Italy depending on who controls them. Added some missing provinces to cede list.
- hoi2.txt: Event 90, fixed leader ID's from 50010 to 50011 to sleep correct leader in Xian event, added sleep command for Yang Hucheng(50340).
- hoi2.txt: Added events id = 919191, 919192, 919193, 919194 & 919195 fix for Xian/unified front event (Kudos CyrusSpitama)
- hoi2.txt: Fixed some province issues with Italian Surrender event chain.
- death_events.txt: Event 383, Fixed wrong leader ID "leader = 24095" to "leader = 380022" So it sleeps the Vichy version of Huntziger.
- doomsday_death_events.txt: Event 442, fixed install minister command. Installs minister "18185" instead of unavailable minister "18183"
- armageddon_events.txt: Event 700001, 700002 & 700003, Added trigger commands to prevent them to trigger under wrong circumstances.
- armageddon_death.txt: Event 500001, Removed command Hubert Humphrey as HOG command. USA had no VP from 1963 to 1965. LBJ where both HOS & HOG.
- armageddon_death.txt: Event 500004 & 500005 Changed date to Sept. 1959 in Vincent Massey resignation events, it where 1952.
- armageddon_elections.txt: Event 600000 & 600001, Fixed wrong HOG's in action_b
- nationalist_china.txt: Event 3819, Added missing sleep commands for Falkenhausen, Chennault & Khryukin
- vichy_france.txt: Event 4003, Fixed location for "1ère Corps d'Afrique" from Prov. 932 (Italian Tripoli) to Prov 949 Algiers.
- vichy_new.txt: Event 992, 994 & 995, fixed typos in policyslider commands.
- vichy_new.txt: Event 100003, Added a peace command with Italy. Fixes issue with Iraq being at war with Italy and at the same time grant access to Italy.


- Added the fixed USA flag. (Fernando Torres)
- Added the last missing unique counters (with roundels) (kudos Ayestheni!)
- Added a new hoi_counter_strip.bmp, shows Airroundels correctly. (Kudos Fernando Torres)
- Fixed ghostlike sprites bugs
- Added various missing or wrong leaders, ministers & Techteam pictures.
- Fixed isues with nuclear submarine illustrations
- Adjusted technology backgrounds and tech panels in technology screens


- Fixed CTD bug in The Dardanelles & Izmir blockable strait entry.
- Moved Bonin Trench(2196) to Philippine sea from Mid Pacific Mountains and Ryukyu Trench(2184) to Ryukyus from Philippine sea.
- Colon port and seaprovince adjancecy moved to Atlantic side.
- Added a New navaldist.tbl file. Fixes some issues with naval distances
- Minor tweaks to Victory Points layout in Pacific, Africa and India/Pakistan.


- Reintroduced the double nuke production command for nuclear techs.
- Deleted remaining Brigade combat modifiers in Air doctrines and Land doctrines. Brigades can’t have combat modifiers
- Added missing Division combat modifiers in Air doctrines & Land doctrines.
- Removed unimplemented "add_prov_resource" command from nuke tech.
- Moved lvl 2 firecontroll activation to 1941 computer tech


- Added Belgian and Dutch surrender events id = 25060 & 25066 to event history in 1941 & 1944 GC.
- Added SCW win events 3108, 3901, 2803 & 2662 to sleepevent list in 1941 & 1944 GC
- SPA: Added missing "dormant_leaders = { 3413 3416 3427 3455 3466 3492 3493 3494 }" in 1939, 1941, 1944 & 1945 GC.
- SIK: Fixed cabinet minister of security from 72033 to 72035. 72033 is a minister of armament. In 1938, 1939, 1941, 1944, 1945 GC,
- SOV: Added Vlassov ID= 10363 to dormant leaders list. in 1944 & 1945 GC.

# 1936
- 1936.eug: Deleted duplicate POL entry in selectable country's list, Fixes CTD if selecting POL, after it has been annexed
- MON & SCH: Fixed error where they had relation to themselves, instead of to SOV.
- PHI: Added missing Transports = 50 entry.

# 1938
- 1938.eug: Added event 3107 Ceding of overseas provinces to SPA, to event History.
- Added missing tech 2320 to techapps in some minors INC files
- Added missing tech 6210 to techapps in two China-warlords INC files.
- BOL: Fixed wrong Cabinet minister of armament from 43095 to 43004 & Chief of navy from 43009 to 43195. Both 43009 & 43095 are Dormant
- BUL: Removed minister ID 19006 & 19007 from dormant list. They should not be dormant before 1943 & 1945.
- CHI: Added Dormant_teams entry
- COL: Fixed wrong Cabinet HOMI, from 37005 to 37096. 37005 are dormant.
- CSX: Moved Capital from province 1225 to province 1272. 1225 is controlled by Japan.
- CUB: Fixed wrong Cabinet Foreign minister from 33050 to 33046. 33050 are dormant.
- MAN: Added Early AT tech 2400 to techapps. Fixes the issue where Manchukuo AI builds armored car brigades, which it can’t supply with oil.
- JAP: Added tech 12110. To match 1936 & 1939 setup.
- JAP & CHI: Removed province 1219 from JAP owned list, added it to CHI
- SOV: Fixed wrong SOV GDE from 0.8 to 0.2
- ROM: Added minister ID {22007 22041 22057 22082} to dormant list and swapped the cabinet COS to correct minister 22124.

# 1939
- 1939.eug: Added German & Soviet SCW events to history/sleepevent list.
- GER: Imported missing Aus & CZE airbases & Antiaircraft guns.
- Added Dormant_teams entries
- JAP & CHI: Removed province 1219 from JAP owned list, added it to CHI
- ROM: Changed sliders to democratic = 6 & Political_left = 5, so country ideology and cabinet ministers ideology matches.
- SLO: Imported missing CZE airbases & Antiaircraft guns.
- spa: Fixed typo in techapps from 5070 to 5060

# 1941
- 1941.eug: Added German SCW event 2034 to event history
- 1941.eug: Removed setup Croatia events 2031 & 2032 from event history. Croatia is not setup yet.
- ENG & ITA: Removed province 919, Tobruk from ENG owned province list added it to ITA
- Added Dormant_teams entries
- FRA: Added missing Airbase and AA in Brazzaville (1075) from event 2800

# 1944
- 1944.eug: Added event 700002 to sleepevent list. Event Messes up Cabinet if HOL is released.
- Added missing tech id 14000 GW Hospital to several countries missing it. They have 14010.
- Added Dormant_teams entries
- CRO: Added missing free resources from Croatia event 2032.
- GER: Removed tech id 7280 impr. Turbojet CAG.
- USA: Removed tech id 7280 impr. Turbojet CAG. Removed duplicate Panama Canal force
- HUN: Removed tech id 1150 Marines

# 1945
- BRA: Fixed error in strength parameter in a Division from 1 to 100.
- CUB: Fixed two wrong Cabinet ministers, id's 33082 and 33092. MOS and HOMI where swapped
- ENG: Added a few missing id's {1119, 1131, 1140, 1162} to dormant_ministers section, all died or retired before 1945.
- ENG: Added missing inventions events 8001 & 8010 in inventions list.
- ENG: Fixed landfort = 22 to landfort = 10 for province 348 Gibraltar
- USA: Removed tech id 7280 impr. Turbojet CAG
- Added Dormant_teams entries.

# Battle scenarios
- Changed some unit names from English to Country specific language names.
- Removed some CAGS from CVL's
- Changed some Carriers to correct models
- Changed some CV's to CVL's