Archiv verlassen und diese Seite im Standarddesign anzeigen : 10%revolt risk in 689 months

02.01.09, 07:24

Are they nuts?

How to deal with it?

03.01.09, 02:58
A RR of 10 is not too high. It means, that a province will revolt every 10th year. So it's not worth to keep an army in every province, even if it was possible. A better strategy would be to place 3 or 4 armies in central, valuable provinces. With the about 40 provinces you have, you'll have about 4 revolts every year, given 10% RR. With good religious settings and without big stability problems only 2 revolts: absolutely manageable.

To kill the rebels, you should work with attrition: Do not attack them in low-supply-provinces, if they suffer from attrition. Then attack at the end of a month to let them suffer even more attrition.

You can get through it, an the reduced tax is not as terrible: in the 17th century, you'll make more money with trade and production. So: don't worry too much.

What he said. You can trust him with these things :D

03.01.09, 04:39
Ja, gut, "Are they nuts" meine ich der Moder, der immer etwa 800+ rebelrisk in China und Niederlaende stellt, falls ein unglueckliche AI es waehlt......Bahhh~~~

Ich habe einmal Stoertebeckers Eintrag ueber Kaufmann in Cot senden gelesen, funktioniert sehr gut.


03.01.09, 04:49
Can you see this?

Kurfürst Moritz
03.01.09, 05:00
What could we see?

Maximilian I.
04.01.09, 13:25
yes we can see this pic...
but the pic make no sense, for me^^

aber warum schreiben wir auf englisch???? :D

Kurfürst Moritz
04.01.09, 17:39
Bob Schwammkopf als Staatsoberhaupt!
Das ist schon sehr lustig!

Aber das gehört eigentlich nicht zu EU2.