Archiv verlassen und diese Seite im Standarddesign anzeigen : Meine kleinen Modprobleme

Matze I
19.12.08, 23:06

Ich bin vor kurzen mit dem moddden von HoI II DD angefangen, hab auch schon einige Fortschritte gemacht, jedoch hab ich nu Probleme, und weiß nicht weiter.

Ich habe keine direkte Vorstellung von dem was direkt rauskommen soll, Momentan Würfel ich nur eine Idee nach der anderen zusammen.

Nachdem ich bei einigen Ländern mal die farben gewechselt habe, hab ich ein neues Land erstellt. Aleitung dazu findet man ja hier (http://www.si-games.com/forum/showpost.php?p=180164&postcount=22).

Also nachdem ich Lappland [guckt Bild (http://www.z-21.de/member/Matze_I/HoI/ScreenSave6.jpg)] erschaffen habe. (Von Anfang an nicht verfügbar.) wollt ich mich ranmachen,dass man Österreich-Ungarn wieder ins leben rufen kann.
Dass hat jedoch nicht so funktioniert wie ich wollte. Denn Das Land ist schon von Anfang an des 36iger Szenario anwesend, und besitzt nur Wien. Östereich selbst besitzt noch den rest. Das war so jedoch nicht geplant, eigentlich sollte Österreich auch Wien haben.
[guckt Bild (http://www.z-21.de/member/Matze_I/HoI/ScreenSave5.jpg)]
Zudem, die ganzen Gebiete die ich Österreich-Ungarn zugeteilt habe, hat der auch nicht genommen, obwohl ich die gebiete eingegeben habe. [guckt Bild (http://www.z-21.de/member/Matze_I/HoI/ScreenSave4.jpg)]

(u10 ist Lappland & u09 ist Östereich Ungarn)

U07;User Defined;Paramétrable;Definito dall'utente;Def. por usuario;Benutzerdefiniert;Zdefiniowane przez u¿ytkownika;;;;;X
U08;User Defined;Paramétrable;Definito dall'utente;Def. por usuario;Benutzerdefiniert;Zdefiniowane przez u¿ytkownika;;;;;X
U11;User Defined;Paramétrable;Definito dall'utente;Def. por usuario;Benutzerdefiniert;Zdefiniowane przez u¿ytkownika;;;;;X
U12;User Defined;Paramétrable;Definito dall'utente;Def. por usuario;Benutzerdefiniert;Zdefiniowane przez u¿ytkownika;;;;;X
U13;User Defined;Paramétrable;Definito dall'utente;Def. por usuario;Benutzerdefiniert;Zdefiniowane przez u¿ytkownika;;;;;X

u10 = {
date = { day = 1 month = january year = 1933 }
expirydate = { day = 30 month = december year = 9997 }
minimum = { 133 134 135 }
extra = { 149 149 147 139 138 148 150 137 136 130 132 130 131 129 128 125 126 127 123 122 }
capital = 133
regular_id = SOV; RUS; FIN; SCA
U09 = {
date = { day = 1 month = january year = 1933 }
expirydate = { day = 30 month = december year = 9997 }
minimum = {463 464 465 462 461 440 458 457 456 459 491 }
extra = { 373 377 461 497 371 380 459 455 382 381 384 455 496 427 428 430 429 498 499 490 477 476 475 467 466 470 471 469 472 474 475478 490 499 500 489 479 454 493 }
capital = 463
regular_id = AUS; HUN; CZE; SLO ; ROM; SLV; CRO

name = "1936_SCENARIO"
panel = "scenarios/data/scenario_1936.bmp"
header =
{ name = "Grand Campaign"
startdate = { year = 1936 }
ARG = { }

include = "scenarios\1936\uruguay.inc"
include = "scenarios\1936\usa.inc"
include = "scenarios\1936\venezuela.inc"
include = "scenarios\1936\yem.inc"
include = "scenarios\1936\yugoslavia.inc"
include = "scenarios\1936\Lappland.inc"
include = "scenarios\1936\Österreich-Ungarn.inc"

# Country definition for U09 #

country = {
tag = U09
# Resource Reserves
energy = 2000
metal = 2000
rare_materials = 2000
oil = 2000
supplies = 2000
money = 100
manpower = 50
capital = 1812
policy =
{ date = { year = 0 month = january day = 0 }
democratic = 1
political_left = 5
freedom = 4
free_market = 4
professional_army = 1
defense_lobby = 2
interventionism = 1
nationalprovinces = { 463 }
ownedprovinces = { 463 }
controlledprovinces = { 463 }
# ROTW Minor Tech '36
# Group E 1936 techs
# ######################
# GW fighter
techapps = { 4010 2150 2290 1010 1190 }
diplomacy =
{ relation = { tag = AST value = 150 }
relation = { tag = BHU value = 150 }
relation = { tag = CAN value = 150 }
relation = { tag = ENG value = 150 }
relation = { tag = FRA value = 150 }
relation = { tag = GER value = 185 }
relation = { tag = IRQ value = 125 }
relation = { tag = ITA value = -50 }
relation = { tag = NEP value = 150 }
relation = { tag = NZL value = 150 }
relation = { tag = OMN value = 150 }
relation = { tag = SAF value = 150 }
relation = { tag = SAU value = 125 }
relation = { tag = TUR value = 35 }
relation = { tag = USA value = -100 }
headofstate = { type = 9 id = 93001 }
headofgovernment = { type = 9 id = 93002 }
foreignminister = { type = 9 id = 93003 }
armamentminister = { type = 9 id = 93004 }
ministerofsecurity = { type = 9 id = 93005 }
ministerofintelligence = { type = 9 id = 93006 }
chiefofstaff = { type = 9 id = 93007 }
chiefofarmy = { type = 9 id = 93008 }
chiefofnavy = { type = 9 id = 93009 }
chiefofair = { type = 9 id = 93010 }
landunit =
{ id = { type = 16800 id = 1 }
name = "Keisergarde"
location = 460
division =
{ id = { type = 16800 id = 2 }
name = "Königsgarde"
type = cavalry
strength = 15
max_strength = 15

# Country definition for u10 #

country = Lappland
{ tag = u10
# Resource Reserves
energy = 800
metal = 800
rare_materials = 500
oil = 800
supplies = 500
money = 900
capital = 1473
manpower = 70
policy =
{ date = { year = 0 month = january day = 0 }
democratic = 4
political_left = 3
freedom = 6
free_market = 5
professional_army = 9
defense_lobby = 2
interventionism = 2
nationalprovinces = { 133 }
ownedprovinces = { 133 }
controlledprovinces = { 133 }
# ROTW Minor Tech '36
# Group E 1936 techs
# ######################
# GW fighter
techapps = { 4010 2150 2290 1010 1190 }
diplomacy =
{ relation = { tag = AST value = 200 }
relation = { tag = BHU value = 200 }
relation = { tag = CAN value = 200 }
relation = { tag = ENG value = 200 }
relation = { tag = FRA value = 150 }
relation = { tag = GER value = 1 }
relation = { tag = IRQ value = 100 }
relation = { tag = ITA value = 1 }
relation = { tag = NZL value = 200 }
relation = { tag = OMN value = 150 }
relation = { tag = SAF value = 200 }
relation = { tag = USA value = 100 }
relation = { tag = YEM value = 150 }
headofstate = { type = 9 id = 75001 }
headofgovernment = { type = 9 id = 75002 }
foreignminister = { type = 9 id = 75003 }
armamentminister = { type = 9 id = 75004 }
ministerofsecurity = { type = 9 id = 75005 }
ministerofintelligence = { type = 9 id = 75006 }
chiefofstaff = { type = 9 id = 75007 }
chiefofarmy = { type = 9 id = 75008 }
chiefofnavy = { type = 9 id = 75009 }
chiefofair = { type = 9 id = 75010 }
landunit =
{ location = 133
name = "Lappland Div.1"
id = { type = 31500 id = 1 }
division =

{ id = { type = 31500 id = 2 }
name = "Lappland Div. 2."
type = infantry
division =
{ id = { type = 31500 id = 3 }

Als weiteres habe ich die gebietsansprüche vom DR & Schweden geändert, dies wird jedoch nicht in die mission mit übernommen.

GER = {
date = { day = 1 month = january year = 1933 }
expirydate = { day = 30 month = december year = 9997 }
minimum = {
66 67 74 75 76 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 374 375 376
extra = { 473 482 308 302 304 510 303 306 307 305 206 298 295
# Elsass-Lothringen
72 73 316
# Luxemburg
71 }
capital = 300
259 ist Bornholm

SWE = {
date = { day = 1 month = january year = 1933 }
expirydate = { day = 30 month = december year = 9997 }
minimum = {
112 126 127 123 122 121 120 119 115 113 114 106 105 104 102 101 100 99 98 97 93 95 96
extra = { 295 }
capital = 101

Österreich Ungarn kann ich nicht in meinem Spiel erstellen, obwohl ich ganz Österreich & Ungarn eingenommen habe. (in diesem fall mit der USA) [guckt Bild (http://www.z-21.de/member/Matze_I/HoI/ScreenSave2.jpg)]

Nächster punkt.
Ich weiß nicht wie das mit den hinzufügende Minister funktioniert. Lappland soll die von Finnland haben und Österreich Ungarn die von Österreich, Ungarn & Tschechloslowakei. [guckt Bild (http://www.z-21.de/member/Matze_I/HoI/ScreenSave1.jpg)]

21.12.08, 00:20
dein problem ist, dass du österreich ungarn zwar vielleicht alle provinzen zugeteilt hast, jedoch musst du sie bei den ländern, die diese provinzen im wirklichen 36er szenario besitzen wieder rauslöschen! Sonst beanspruchen zwei Länder die Gebiete und der PC teilt sie irgendwem zu.

das selbe solltest du auch mit Finnland machen, auf dessen Gebiete (nehme ich mal an) du dein Lappland erschafen hast, auch wenn es in diesem fall wie es aussieht funktionieren sollte. es ist sauberer und wird dieses problem wahrscheinlich lösen

Matze I
21.12.08, 09:36
Ich danke für den tipp. ;)

21.12.08, 16:44
achja und zu deiner lappland minister frage:
du musst ein minister file fuer das Land u10 (bei dir ja lappland) erstellen und die minister aus den jeweiligen laendern dort reinkopieren und die ID auf eine andere aendern, die noch nicht vergeben ist. ich benuetze immer zahlen jenseits von 200.000 ;-)

Matze I
22.12.08, 02:42
Ok, das werde ich morgen mal ausprobieren. Geht das auch mit den Ministern? Werd ich auch mal ausprobieren.

Achja, kann mir irgendwer mal die Geschichte mit den Events erklären. Oder hat zumindest wer ein guten Link, hinter dem ich das nachlesen kann?
Bitte auf Deutsch,mein Englich ist miserabel.

Ich hab mir auch inzwischen Gedanken dazu gemacht, wie ich den nu fortfahren möchte.
(dazu gleich zu sagen, dass ganze soll dienen, damit ich daserstmal ein wenig lerne, da ich mit HoI modden nicht wirklich Erfahrung habe.)

Das 36 Szenario umschreiben, so dass man schon 33 beginnt (oder halt noch früher). das hab ich schon erfolgreich geschafft. Jedoch sol jetzt das event der Anschluss wegwallen. Jedoch später wo eigentlich die Tschechoslowakei zum DR kommt, soll diese stattdessen zu Österreich-Ungarn gehen.

nach dem Finnischen Winterkrieg soll nicht wie normal Finland weiterleben als sowj. marionette, sondern die UDSSR sol diese annektieren und direkt danach Lappland ins leben rufen. Das würde bringen, das die Südfinnischen gebiete bei der UDSSR bleiben, und diese so ein besseren Zugang zur Ostsee haben. (wollten die geschichtlich ja immer haben)

Falls den das DR noch nicht über Norwegen & Schweden hergefallen ist,und Lappland ein wenig aufgerüstet hat. Soll dieses Schweden und Norwegen angreifen, falls die ihre gebiete, die Lappland für sich beansprucht, nicht hergeben. Da hab ich mir so vorgestellt, das denn ein event für Norwegen & Schweden (bzw Deutschland) erscheint, wo die zwischen abtreten und krieg entscheiden sollen.

Also erstmal soweit.

PS, das letzte Problem, von dem ich berichtete, das sich die Gebietsansprüche von DR und Schweden änderte (beide sollten Bornholm von Dänemark beanspruchen, hat sich inzwischen geklärt.

Kurfürst Moritz
22.12.08, 03:04
Falls ihr den Event Building Guide (http://www.si-games.com/forum/showthread.php?t=8264) noch nicht gefunden habt.

Zum Vermeiden des Anschluss-Events könnt ihr einfach in dem entsprechenden Event die command-Zeile entfernen oder die Aktion abändern.

Um die Okkupation der Tschechoslowakei auf Österreich anzuwenden müsst ihr einfach ziemlich am Anfang des Events bei country das deutsche Länderkürzel GER entfernen und das österreichische einfügen.
Gleiches gilt in den command-Zeilen bei den Befehlen secede und control. Ich weiß jetzt nicht genau, welche da vorhanden sind.

Finnland wird durch die SU automatisch annektiert, sobald alle wichtigen Provinzen (die mit den Siegpunkten) eingenommen wurden. Falls die SU das aber im Winterkrieg nicht schafft, dann müsst ihr eben das Friedensevent verändern, also wieder entweder die command-Zeile entfernen oder abändern.
Anschließend könnt ihr dann euer Lappland erschaffen. Zum Beispiel auch per event.

Für den Krieg Lappland gegen schaut euch am besten mal den Event Building Guide an. Da gibts genug Beispiele.

Ich hoffe, geholfen zu haben!

Viele Grüße,
Kurfürst Moritz

Nachtrag: Denkt aber immer daran, vor dem Verändern eine Kopie der Dateien zu machen!

Matze I
22.12.08, 20:44
Ich bekomm jetzt das hier, wenn ich mir mein Szenario laden will.

Critikel Error
--- ERROR : (ai-prefs ; Unexoectet field) 'home_defense = yes' Line 57 file ai/default.ai ---
do you still want contine you?

[Abbrechen] [Wiederholen] [ignorieren]

Ich klick immer auf Ignorieren, daraufhin beendet sich das Spiel.

Der entsprechende Auszug der defaults.ai

# Spying
spyprefs =
percentage_on_spies = 0.2
percentage_foreign_mission = 0.7

# Used for Homeland Defense Spying
spyprefsdata =
NumberOfSpies = 3
counter_espionage = 10
home_defence = yes
# Defaul Spy parms used for countries the AI is atwar with but has no specific entry
spyprefsdata = {
country_priorities = 3
NumberOfSpies = 3
min_number_of_spies = 1
steal_blueprint = 10
minister_assassination = 1
smear_campaign = 3
coup = 4
sabotage_industry = 5
nuclear_sabotage = 0
found_partisans = 0
massmedia = 3
counter_espionage = 5
disrupt_techteam = 5
country = NONE

Ich habe an dieser Datei nichts verändert.

Zu meinem Szenario.
Ich hab mir für mein experiment den kompletten 36 Order kopiert, und in 1933 unbenannt. Das ding fängt ja auch schon 1933 an. weil ich jetzt ja die events umschreibe, und ich nicht will, dass die anderen szenarien davon betroffen sind, hab ich den "Hearts of Iron II\db\events" Ordner kopiert nach "Hearts of Iron II\scenarios\1933\events" und entsprechen die 1933.eug das auch mitgeteilt. Seitdem ist jedoch der fehler dar, bzw kam erster kann die aut_36.inc nicht öffnen. die hab ich ja auch umgeschrieben, auf und heißt nu U01.inc. (U01 = Österreich Ungarn), das von anfang an Österreich ersetzen soll, damit das Land gleich von Anfang an zu Spielen ist. Da hatte ich vergessen der 1933.eug das zu "erzählen", und denn den Eintrag Rausgenommen.. Seitdem kommt der Fehler.

aus der 1933.eug

name = "1933 alternativer verlauf"
panel = "scenarios/data/scenario_1933.bmp"
header =
{ name = "Grand Campaign"
startdate = { year = 1933 }
ARG = { }
AST = { }
BRA = { }
CAN = { }
CHI = { }
CZE = { }
FIN = { }
FRA = { }
GER = { }
HUN = { }
ITA = { }
JAP = { }
SPA = { }
U01 = { }
ROM = { }
SPR = { }
SOV = { }
SWE = { }
ENG = { }
USA = { }
globaldata =
{ startdate = { year = 1933 month = january day = 0 }
axis =
{ id = { type = 15000 id = 2 }
participant = { GER U01}
allies =
{ id = { type = 15000 id = 1 }
comintern =
{ id = { type = 15000 id = 3 }
participant = { SOV MON TAN }
alliance =
{ id = { type = 15000 id = 10 }
participant = { CHI CXB }
alliance =
{ id = { type = 15000 id = 11 }
participant = { EST LAT }
alliance =
{ id = { type = 15000 id = 12 }
participant = { JAP MAN }
war =
{ id = { type = 9430 id = 1 }
date = { year = 1935 month = october day = 3 }
enddate = { year = 1936 month = january day = 0 }
attackers =
{ id = { type = 9430 id = 2 }
participant = { ITA }
defenders =
{ id = { type = 9430 id = 3 }
participant = { ETH }
war =
{ id = { type = 9430 id = 4 }
date = { year = 1936 month = january day = 0 }
enddate = { year = 1936 month = january day = 0 }
attackers =
{ id = { type = 9430 id = 5 }
participant = { CHC }
defenders =
{ id = { type = 9430 id = 6 }
participant = { CHI CXB }
# ########################### 1933 ############################
treaty =
{ id = { type = 16384 id = 1 }
type = non_aggression
country = "ENG"
country = "POR"
startdate = { year = 1935 month = december day = 30 }
expirydate = { year = 1948 month = december day = 30 }
treaty =
{ id = { type = 16384 id = 2 }
type = non_aggression
country = "ENG"
country = "SAU"
startdate = { year = 1935 month = december day = 30 }
expirydate = { year = 1948 month = december day = 30 }
treaty =
{ id = { type = 16384 id = 3 }
type = non_aggression
country = "ENG"
country = "YEM"
startdate = { year = 1935 month = december day = 30 }
expirydate = { year = 1948 month = december day = 30 }
treaty =
{ id = { type = 16384 id = 4 }
type = non_aggression
country = "FRA"
country = "SOV"
startdate = { year = 1935 month = december day = 30 }
expirydate = { year = 1938 month = december day = 30 }
treaty =
{ id = { type = 16384 id = 5 }
type = non_aggression
country = "FRA"
country = "ITA"
startdate = { year = 1935 month = december day = 30 }
expirydate = { year = 1939 month = may day = 30 }
treaty =
{ id = { type = 16384 id = 6 }
type = non_aggression
country = "FRA"
country = "ROM"
startdate = { year = 1935 month = december day = 30 }
expirydate = { year = 1938 month = december day = 30 }
treaty =
{ id = { type = 16384 id = 7 }
type = non_aggression
country = "EST"
country = "LAT"
startdate = { year = 1935 month = december day = 30 }
expirydate = { year = 1948 month = december day = 30 }
treaty =
{ id = { type = 16384 id = 8 }
type = non_aggression
country = "EST"
country = "LIT"
startdate = { year = 1935 month = december day = 30 }
expirydate = { year = 1948 month = december day = 30 }
treaty =
{ id = { type = 16384 id = 9 }
type = non_aggression
country = "LAT"
country = "LIT"
startdate = { year = 1935 month = december day = 30 }
expirydate = { year = 1948 month = december day = 30 }
treaty =
{ id = { type = 16384 id = 10 }
type = non_aggression
country = "SOV"
country = "CZE"
startdate = { year = 1935 month = december day = 30 }
expirydate = { year = 1939 month = december day = 30 }
treaty =
{ id = { type = 16384 id = 11 }
type = non_aggression
country = "SOV"
country = "TUR"
startdate = { year = 1935 month = december day = 30 }
expirydate = { year = 1948 month = december day = 30 }
treaty =
{ id = { type = 16384 id = 12 }
type = non_aggression
country = "SOV"
country = "EST"
startdate = { year = 1935 month = december day = 30 }
expirydate = { year = 1939 month = march day = 30 }
treaty =
{ id = { type = 16384 id = 13 }
type = non_aggression
country = "SOV"
country = "LAT"
startdate = { year = 1935 month = december day = 30 }
expirydate = { year = 1939 month = march day = 30 }
treaty =
{ id = { type = 16384 id = 14 }
type = non_aggression
country = "SOV"
country = "LIT"
startdate = { year = 1935 month = december day = 30 }
expirydate = { year = 1939 month = march day = 30 }
treaty =
{ id = { type = 16384 id = 15 }
type = non_aggression
country = "SOV"
country = "POL"
startdate = { year = 1935 month = december day = 30 }
expirydate = { year = 1939 month = march day = 30 }
treaty =
{ id = { type = 16384 id = 16 }
type = non_aggression
country = "SOV"
country = "ROM"
startdate = { year = 1935 month = december day = 30 }
expirydate = { year = 1938 month = december day = 30 }
treaty =
{ id = { type = 16384 id = 17 }
type = non_aggression
country = "SOV"
country = "AFG"
startdate = { year = 1935 month = december day = 30 }
expirydate = { year = 1939 month = june day = 30 }
treaty =
{ id = { type = 16384 id = 18 }
type = non_aggression
country = "SOV"
country = "PER"
startdate = { year = 1935 month = december day = 30 }
expirydate = { year = 1939 month = june day = 30 }
treaty =
{ id = { type = 16384 id = 19 }
type = non_aggression
country = "SOV"
country = "FIN"
startdate = { year = 1935 month = december day = 30 }
expirydate = { year = 1938 month = july day = 30 }
treaty =
{ id = { type = 16384 id = 20 }
type = non_aggression
country = "ITA"
country = "YEM"
startdate = { year = 1935 month = december day = 30 }
expirydate = { year = 1948 month = december day = 30 }
treaty =
{ id = { type = 16384 id = 21 }
type = non_aggression
country = "ITA"
country = "TUR"
startdate = { year = 1935 month = december day = 30 }
expirydate = { year = 1938 month = december day = 30 }
treaty =
{ id = { type = 16384 id = 22 }
type = non_aggression
country = "ITA"
country = "GRE"
startdate = { year = 1935 month = december day = 30 }
expirydate = { year = 1939 month = february day = 30 }
treaty =
{ id = { type = 16384 id = 23 }
type = non_aggression
country = "ITA"
country = "ROM"
startdate = { year = 1935 month = december day = 30 }
expirydate = { year = 1939 month = july day = 30 }
treaty =
{ id = { type = 16384 id = 24 }
type = non_aggression
country = "ITA"
country = "SPR"
startdate = { year = 1935 month = december day = 30 }
expirydate = { year = 1936 month = march day = 30 }
# ############### AMERICAN CONFERENCE TREATIES ################
treaty =
{ id = { type = 16384 id = 25 }
type = non_aggression
country = "USA"
country = "ARG"
startdate = { year = 1935 month = december day = 30 }
expirydate = { year = 1948 month = december day = 30 }
treaty =
{ id = { type = 16384 id = 26 }
type = non_aggression
country = "USA"
country = "BOL"
startdate = { year = 1935 month = december day = 30 }
expirydate = { year = 1948 month = december day = 30 }
treaty =
{ id = { type = 16384 id = 27 }
type = non_aggression
country = "USA"
country = "BRA"
startdate = { year = 1935 month = december day = 30 }
expirydate = { year = 1948 month = december day = 30 }
treaty =
{ id = { type = 16384 id = 28 }
type = non_aggression
country = "USA"
country = "CAN"
startdate = { year = 1935 month = december day = 30 }
expirydate = { year = 1948 month = december day = 30 }
treaty =
{ id = { type = 16384 id = 29 }
type = non_aggression
country = "USA"
country = "CHL"
startdate = { year = 1935 month = december day = 30 }
expirydate = { year = 1948 month = december day = 30 }
treaty =
{ id = { type = 16384 id = 30 }
type = non_aggression
country = "USA"
country = "COS"
startdate = { year = 1935 month = december day = 30 }
expirydate = { year = 1948 month = december day = 30 }
treaty =
{ id = { type = 16384 id = 31 }
type = non_aggression
country = "USA"
country = "CUB"
startdate = { year = 1935 month = december day = 30 }
expirydate = { year = 1948 month = december day = 30 }
treaty =
{ id = { type = 16384 id = 32 }
type = non_aggression
country = "USA"
country = "DOM"
startdate = { year = 1935 month = december day = 30 }
expirydate = { year = 1948 month = december day = 30 }
treaty =
{ id = { type = 16384 id = 33 }
type = non_aggression
country = "USA"
country = "ECU"
startdate = { year = 1935 month = december day = 30 }
expirydate = { year = 1948 month = december day = 30 }
treaty =
{ id = { type = 16384 id = 34 }
type = non_aggression
country = "USA"
country = "GUA"
startdate = { year = 1935 month = december day = 30 }
expirydate = { year = 1948 month = december day = 30 }
treaty =
{ id = { type = 16384 id = 35 }
type = non_aggression
country = "USA"
country = "HAI"
startdate = { year = 1935 month = december day = 30 }
expirydate = { year = 1948 month = december day = 30 }
treaty =
{ id = { type = 16384 id = 36 }
type = non_aggression
country = "USA"
country = "HON"
startdate = { year = 1935 month = december day = 30 }
expirydate = { year = 1948 month = december day = 30 }
treaty =
{ id = { type = 16384 id = 37 }
type = non_aggression
country = "USA"
country = "MEX"
startdate = { year = 1935 month = december day = 30 }
expirydate = { year = 1948 month = december day = 30 }
treaty =
{ id = { type = 16384 id = 38 }
type = non_aggression
country = "USA"
country = "NIC"
startdate = { year = 1935 month = december day = 30 }
expirydate = { year = 1948 month = december day = 30 }
treaty =
{ id = { type = 16384 id = 39 }
type = non_aggression
country = "USA"
country = "PAN"
startdate = { year = 1935 month = december day = 30 }
expirydate = { year = 1948 month = december day = 30 }
treaty =
{ id = { type = 16384 id = 40 }
type = non_aggression
country = "USA"
country = "PAR"
startdate = { year = 1935 month = december day = 30 }
expirydate = { year = 1948 month = december day = 30 }
treaty =
{ id = { type = 16384 id = 41 }
type = non_aggression
country = "USA"
country = "PRU"
startdate = { year = 1935 month = december day = 30 }
expirydate = { year = 1948 month = december day = 30 }
treaty =
{ id = { type = 16384 id = 42 }
type = non_aggression
country = "USA"
country = "SAL"
startdate = { year = 1935 month = december day = 30 }
expirydate = { year = 1948 month = december day = 30 }
treaty =
{ id = { type = 16384 id = 43 }
type = non_aggression
country = "USA"
country = "URU"
startdate = { year = 1935 month = december day = 30 }
expirydate = { year = 1948 month = december day = 30 }
treaty =
{ id = { type = 16384 id = 44 }
type = non_aggression
country = "USA"
country = "VEN"
startdate = { year = 1935 month = december day = 30 }
expirydate = { year = 1948 month = december day = 30 }
# ############################################
treaty =
{ id = { type = 16384 id = 45 }
type = non_aggression
country = "TUR"
country = "GRE"
startdate = { year = 1935 month = december day = 30 }
expirydate = { year = 1939 month = april day = 30 }
treaty =
{ id = { type = 16384 id = 46 }
type = non_aggression
country = "TUR"
country = "YUG"
startdate = { year = 1935 month = december day = 30 }
expirydate = { year = 1939 month = april day = 30 }
treaty =
{ id = { type = 16384 id = 47 }
type = non_aggression
country = "TUR"
country = "ROM"
startdate = { year = 1935 month = december day = 30 }
expirydate = { year = 1939 month = april day = 30 }
treaty =
{ id = { type = 16384 id = 48 }
type = non_aggression
country = "TUR"
country = "BUL"
startdate = { year = 1935 month = december day = 30 }
expirydate = { year = 1938 month = may day = 30 }
treaty =
{ id = { type = 16384 id = 49 }
type = non_aggression
country = "TUR"
country = "SAU"
startdate = { year = 1935 month = december day = 30 }
expirydate = { year = 1948 month = december day = 30 }
treaty =
{ id = { type = 16384 id = 50 }
type = non_aggression
country = "TUR"
country = "AFG"
startdate = { year = 1935 month = december day = 30 }
expirydate = { year = 1948 month = december day = 30 }
treaty =
{ id = { type = 16384 id = 51 }
type = non_aggression
country = "TUR"
country = "GER"
startdate = { year = 1935 month = december day = 30 }
expirydate = { year = 1939 month = august day = 30 }
treaty =
{ id = { type = 16384 id = 52 }
type = non_aggression
country = "GRE"
country = "YUG"
startdate = { year = 1935 month = december day = 30 }
expirydate = { year = 1939 month = april day = 30 }
treaty =
{ id = { type = 16384 id = 53 }
type = non_aggression
country = "GRE"
country = "ROM"
startdate = { year = 1935 month = december day = 30 }
expirydate = { year = 1939 month = april day = 30 }
treaty =
{ id = { type = 16384 id = 54 }
type = non_aggression
country = "YUG"
country = "ROM"
startdate = { year = 1935 month = december day = 30 }
expirydate = { year = 1939 month = april day = 30 }
treaty =
{ id = { type = 16384 id = 55 }
type = non_aggression
country = "GRE"
country = "POL"
startdate = { year = 1935 month = december day = 30 }
expirydate = { year = 1948 month = december day = 30 }
treaty =
{ id = { type = 16384 id = 56 }
type = non_aggression
country = "YUG"
country = "CZE"
startdate = { year = 1935 month = december day = 30 }
expirydate = { year = 1948 month = december day = 30 }
treaty =
{ id = { type = 16384 id = 57 }
type = non_aggression
country = "ROM"
country = "CZE"
startdate = { year = 1935 month = december day = 30 }
expirydate = { year = 1939 month = august day = 30 }
treaty =
{ id = { type = 16384 id = 58 }
type = non_aggression
country = "GER"
country = "SOV"
startdate = { year = 1935 month = december day = 30 }
expirydate = { year = 1940 month = april day = 30 }
treaty =
{ id = { type = 16384 id = 59 }
type = non_aggression
country = "GER"
country = "POL"
startdate = { year = 1935 month = december day = 30 }
expirydate = { year = 1939 month = july day = 30 }
treaty =
{ id = { type = 16384 id = 60 }
type = non_aggression
country = "GER"
country = "U01"
startdate = { year = 1935 month = december day = 30 }
expirydate = { year = 1948 month = december day = 30 }
treaty =
{ id = { type = 16384 id = 61 }
type = non_aggression
country = "USA"
country = "ITA"
startdate = { year = 1935 month = december day = 30 }
expirydate = { year = 1948 month = december day = 30 }
treaty =
{ id = { type = 16384 id = 62 }
type = non_aggression
country = "ROM"
country = "POL"
startdate = { year = 1935 month = december day = 30 }
expirydate = { year = 1939 month = august day = 30 }
treaty =
{ id = { type = 16384 id = 63 }
type = non_aggression
country = "IRQ"
country = "SAU"
startdate = { year = 1935 month = december day = 30 }
expirydate = { year = 1948 month = december day = 30 }
treaty =
{ id = { type = 16384 id = 64 }
type = non_aggression
country = "DEN"
country = "SWE"
startdate = { year = 1935 month = december day = 30 }
expirydate = { year = 1948 month = december day = 30 }
treaty =
{ id = { type = 16384 id = 65 }
type = non_aggression
country = "DEN"
country = "NOR"
startdate = { year = 1935 month = december day = 30 }
expirydate = { year = 1948 month = december day = 30 }
treaty =
{ id = { type = 16384 id = 66 }
type = non_aggression
country = "DEN"
country = "FIN"
startdate = { year = 1935 month = december day = 30 }
expirydate = { year = 1948 month = december day = 30 }
treaty =
{ id = { type = 16384 id = 67 }
type = non_aggression
country = "SWE"
country = "NOR"
startdate = { year = 1935 month = december day = 30 }
expirydate = { year = 1948 month = december day = 30 }
treaty =
{ id = { type = 16384 id = 68 }
type = non_aggression
country = "SWE"
country = "FIN"
startdate = { year = 1935 month = december day = 30 }
expirydate = { year = 1948 month = december day = 30 }
treaty =
{ id = { type = 16384 id = 168 }
type = non_aggression
country = "NOR"
country = "FIN"
startdate = { year = 1935 month = december day = 30 }
expirydate = { year = 1948 month = december day = 30 }
treaty =
{ id = { type = 16384 id = 69 }
type = non_aggression
country = "PER"
country = "IRQ"
startdate = { year = 1935 month = december day = 30 }
expirydate = { year = 1948 month = december day = 30 }
treaty =
{ id = { type = 16384 id = 70 }
type = non_aggression
country = "PER"
country = "SAU"
startdate = { year = 1935 month = december day = 30 }
expirydate = { year = 1948 month = december day = 30 }
treaty =
{ id = { type = 16384 id = 71 }
type = non_aggression
country = "PER"
country = "AFG"
startdate = { year = 1935 month = december day = 30 }
expirydate = { year = 1948 month = december day = 30 }
treaty =
{ id = { type = 16384 id = 72 }
type = non_aggression
country = "PER"
country = "TUR"
startdate = { year = 1935 month = december day = 30 }
expirydate = { year = 1948 month = december day = 30 }
treaty =
{ id = { type = 16384 id = 321 }
type = trade
country = "JAP"
country = "SIA"
startdate = { year = 1935 month = december day = 30 }
expirydate = { year = 1948 month = december day = 30 }
energy = -3
supplies = -1.5
metal = 2
rare_materials = 5
cancel = no
# ###################### 1933 TRADES #####################
treaty =
{ id = { type = 16384 id = 300 }
type = trade
country = "HOL"
country = "BEL"
startdate = { year = 1935 month = december day = 30 }
expirydate = { year = 1948 month = december day = 30 }
oil = -2
rare_materials = -1
supplies = 1
treaty =
{ id = { type = 16384 id = 301 }
type = trade
country = "FRA"
country = "BEL"
startdate = { year = 1935 month = december day = 30 }
expirydate = { year = 1948 month = december day = 30 }
metal = -3
energy = -4
supplies = 1
treaty =
{ id = { type = 16384 id = 302 }
type = trade
country = "SWE"
country = "GER"
startdate = { year = 1935 month = december day = 30 }
expirydate = { year = 1948 month = december day = 30 }
metal = -4
energy = 8
cancel = no
treaty =
{ id = { type = 16384 id = 303 }
type = trade
country = "VEN"
country = "FRA"
startdate = { year = 1935 month = december day = 30 }
expirydate = { year = 1948 month = december day = 30 }
oil = -5
supplies = 2
energy = 3
cancel = no
treaty =
{ id = { type = 16384 id = 304 }
type = trade
country = "SOV"
country = "GER"
startdate = { year = 1935 month = december day = 30 }
expirydate = { year = 1941 month = december day = 30 }
# ## GER player has till 1941 before he loses the SOV materials
rare_materials = -4
metal = -2
oil = -10
supplies = 3
cancel = no
treaty =
{ id = { type = 16384 id = 305 }
type = trade
country = "HOL"
country = "GER"
startdate = { year = 1935 month = december day = 30 }
expirydate = { year = 1948 month = december day = 30 }
rare_materials = -4
metal = -3
supplies = 1
energy = 12
treaty =
{ id = { type = 16384 id = 306 }
type = trade
country = "HOL"
country = "JAP"
startdate = { year = 1935 month = december day = 30 }
expirydate = { year = 1942 month = july day = 30 }
# ## JAP player has till 1942 *max* before he goes down
rare_materials = -10
supplies = 2
cancel = no
treaty =
{ id = { type = 16384 id = 307 }
type = trade
country = "USA"
country = "JAP"
startdate = { year = 1935 month = december day = 30 }
expirydate = { year = 1948 month = december day = 30 }
# ## USA can cancel deal through the Oil Embargo event
oil = -6
supplies = 2
cancel = no
treaty =
{ id = { type = 16384 id = 308 }
type = trade
country = "GER"
country = "ITA"
startdate = { year = 1935 month = december day = 30 }
expirydate = { year = 1948 month = december day = 30 }
energy = -20
supplies = 2
cancel = no
treaty =
{ id = { type = 16384 id = 309 }
type = trade
country = "SAU"
country = "ITA"
startdate = { year = 1935 month = december day = 30 }
expirydate = { year = 1948 month = december day = 30 }
oil = -3.3
supplies = 1
cancel = no
treaty =
{ id = { type = 16384 id = 310 }
type = trade
country = "SIA"
country = "ITA"
startdate = { year = 1935 month = december day = 30 }
expirydate = { year = 1948 month = december day = 30 }
rare_materials = -2.5
supplies = 1
cancel = no
treaty =
{ id = { type = 16384 id = 311 }
type = trade
country = "USA"
country = "CHI"
startdate = { year = 1935 month = december day = 30 }
expirydate = { year = 1948 month = december day = 30 }
oil = -4
energy = -4
money = 2
cancel = no
treaty =
{ id = { type = 16384 id = 312 }
type = trade
country = "HOL"
country = "NZL"
startdate = { year = 1935 month = december day = 30 }
expirydate = { year = 1948 month = december day = 30 }
rare_materials = -2
oil = -1
supplies = 1.1
cancel = no
treaty =
{ id = { type = 16384 id = 313 }
type = trade
country = "HOL"
country = "CAN"
startdate = { year = 1935 month = december day = 30 }
expirydate = { year = 1948 month = december day = 30 }
rare_materials = -8
energy = 3
supplies = 2.2
cancel = no
treaty =
{ id = { type = 16384 id = 314 }
type = trade
country = "HOL"
country = "AST"
startdate = { year = 1935 month = december day = 30 }
expirydate = { year = 1948 month = december day = 30 }
rare_materials = -4
oil = -1
supplies = 2
cancel = no
treaty =
{ id = { type = 16384 id = 315 }
type = trade
country = "SOV"
country = "GER"
startdate = { year = 1935 month = december day = 30 }
expirydate = { year = 1941 month = december day = 30 }
oil = -13
supplies = 5
cancel = no
treaty =
{ id = { type = 16384 id = 316 }
type = trade
country = "HOL"
country = "NOR"
startdate = { year = 1935 month = december day = 30 }
expirydate = { year = 1948 month = december day = 30 }
rare_materials = -2
supplies = 1
treaty =
{ id = { type = 16384 id = 317 }
type = trade
country = "HOL"
country = "MEX"
startdate = { year = 1935 month = december day = 30 }
expirydate = { year = 1948 month = december day = 30 }
rare_materials = -4
supplies = 2
treaty =
{ id = { type = 16384 id = 318 }
type = trade
country = "HOL"
country = "CHI"
startdate = { year = 1935 month = december day = 30 }
expirydate = { year = 1948 month = december day = 30 }
rare_materials = -4
supplies = 2
cancel = no
treaty =
{ id = { type = 16384 id = 319 }
type = trade
country = "HOL"
country = "PRU"
startdate = { year = 1935 month = december day = 30 }
expirydate = { year = 1948 month = december day = 30 }
rare_materials = -4
supplies = 2
treaty =
{ id = { type = 16384 id = 320 }
type = trade
country = "SPR"
country = "ITA"
startdate = { year = 1935 month = december day = 30 }
expirydate = { year = 1948 month = december day = 30 }
rare_materials = -4
supplies = 2
enddate = { year = 1954 month = january day = 0 }
# ###################
event = "db\events\AI_GER.txt"
event = "db\events\AI_Other.txt"
event = "db\events\AI_CHI.txt"
event = "db\events\AI_ENG.txt"
event = "db\events\AI_SOV.txt"
event = "db\events\AI_FRA.txt"
event = "db\events\AI_USA.txt"
event = "db\events\AI_ITA.txt"
event = "db\events\AI_JAP.txt"
event = "db\events\AI_sov_spheres.txt"
event = "db\events\AI_ROM.txt"
event = "db\events\AI_FIN.txt"
event = "db\events\AI_HUN.txt"
event = "db\events\AI_TUR.txt"
event = "db\events\AI_SPA.txt"
event = "db\events\AI_SPR.txt"
event = "db\events\AI_SWE.txt"
event = "db\events\AI_YUG.txt"
event = "db\events\AI_BUL.txt"
event = "db\events\AI_MEX.txt"
event = "db\events\AI_BRA.txt"
event = "db\events\AI_HON.txt"
event = "db\events\AI_NIC.txt"
event = "db\events\AI_SAL.txt"
event = "db\events\AI_GUA.txt"
event = "db\events\AI_COS.txt"
event = "db\events\AI_PAN.txt"
event = "db\events\AI_DOM.txt"
event = "db\events\AI_HAI.txt"
event = "db\events\AI_NEP.txt"
event = "db\events\AI_PAR.txt"
event = "db\events\AI_TAN.txt"
event = "db\events\AI_URU.txt"
event = "db\events\AI_IRE.txt"
event = "db\events\AI_LIB.txt"
event = "db\events\AI_COL.txt"
event = "db\events\AI_CUB.txt"
event = "db\events\AI_ECU.txt"
event = "db\events\AI_PRU.txt"
event = "db\events\AI_SAU.txt"
event = "db\events\AI_SCH.txt"
event = "db\events\AI_VEN.txt"
event = "db\events\AI_ARG.txt"
event = "db\events\AI_CHL.txt"
event = "db\events\AI_CGX.txt"
event = "db\events\AI_CYN.txt"
event = "db\events\AI_CXB.txt"
event = "db\events\AI_SIK.txt"
event = "db\events\AI_CHC.txt"
event = "db\events\AI_CSX.txt"
event = "db\events\AI_CAN.txt"
event = "db\events\AI_AST.txt"
event = "db\events\AI_NZL.txt"
event = "db\events\AI_SAF.txt"
event = "db\events\AI_MAN.txt"
event = "db\events\AI_SIA.txt"
event = "db\events\AI_BOL.txt"
event = "db\events\AI_PER.txt"
event = "db\events\AI_POL.txt"
event = "db\events\AI_MON.txt"
event = "db\events\AI_HOL.txt"
event = "db\events\AI_BEL.txt"

# Includes for global data
include = "db\events.txt"

# Victory points distribution
include = "scenarios\1933\vp.inc"

# Include files for each country tag used in the scenario
include = "scenarios\1933\afg_36.inc"
include = "scenarios\1933\alb_36.inc"
include = "scenarios\1933\arg_36.inc"
include = "scenarios\1933\U01.inc"
include = "scenarios\1933\bel_36.inc"
include = "scenarios\1933\bhu_36.inc"
include = "scenarios\1933\bol_36.inc"
include = "scenarios\1933\bra_36.inc"
include = "scenarios\1933\bul_36.inc"
include = "scenarios\1933\can_36.inc"
include = "scenarios\1933\cgx_36.inc"
include = "scenarios\1933\chc_36.inc"
include = "scenarios\1933\chi_36.inc"
include = "scenarios\1933\chl_36.inc"
include = "scenarios\1933\col_36.inc"
include = "scenarios\1933\cos_36.inc"
include = "scenarios\1933\csx_36.inc"
include = "scenarios\1933\cub_36.inc"
include = "scenarios\1933\cxb_36.inc"
include = "scenarios\1933\cyn_36.inc"
include = "scenarios\1933\czh_36.inc"
include = "scenarios\1933\den_36.inc"
include = "scenarios\1933\dom_36.inc"
include = "scenarios\1933\ecu_36.inc"
include = "scenarios\1933\uk.inc"
include = "scenarios\1933\est_36.inc"
include = "scenarios\1933\ethiopia.inc"
include = "scenarios\1933\finland.inc"
include = "scenarios\1933\france.inc"
include = "scenarios\1933\germany.inc"
include = "scenarios\1933\greece.inc"
include = "scenarios\1933\gua.inc"
include = "scenarios\1933\hai.inc"
include = "scenarios\1933\holland.inc"
include = "scenarios\1933\hon.inc"
include = "scenarios\1933\hungary.inc"
include = "scenarios\1933\ireland.inc"
include = "scenarios\1933\irq.inc"
include = "scenarios\1933\italy.inc"
include = "scenarios\1933\japan.inc"
include = "scenarios\1933\latvia.inc"
include = "scenarios\1933\lib.inc"
include = "scenarios\1933\lithuania.inc"
include = "scenarios\1933\lux.inc"
include = "scenarios\1933\man.inc"
include = "scenarios\1933\mexico.inc"
include = "scenarios\1933\mon.inc"
include = "scenarios\1933\nep.inc"
include = "scenarios\1933\nic.inc"
include = "scenarios\1933\norway.inc"
include = "scenarios\1933\newzealand.inc"
include = "scenarios\1933\omn.inc"
include = "scenarios\1933\pan.inc"
include = "scenarios\1933\paraguay.inc"
include = "scenarios\1933\persia.inc"
include = "scenarios\1933\phi.inc"
include = "scenarios\1933\poland.inc"
include = "scenarios\1933\portugal.inc"
include = "scenarios\1933\peru.inc"
include = "scenarios\1933\romania.inc"
include = "scenarios\1933\southafrica.inc"
include = "scenarios\1933\sal.inc"
include = "scenarios\1933\saudi.inc"
include = "scenarios\1933\swiss.inc"
include = "scenarios\1933\siam.inc"
include = "scenarios\1933\sik.inc"
include = "scenarios\1933\soviet.inc"
include = "scenarios\1933\spain.inc"
include = "scenarios\1933\sweden.inc"
include = "scenarios\1933\tan.inc"
include = "scenarios\1933\tib.inc"
include = "scenarios\1933\turkey.inc"
include = "scenarios\1933\uruguay.inc"
include = "scenarios\1933\usa.inc"
include = "scenarios\1933\venezuela.inc"
include = "scenarios\1933\yem.inc"
include = "scenarios\1933\yugoslavia.inc"

Matze I
22.12.08, 21:13
es folgt die U01.inc

# Country definition for U01 #

province =
{ id = 377
anti_air = 2
air_base = { size = 4 current_size = 4 }
} # Innsbruck
province = { id = 461 anti_air = 1 } # Klagenfurt
province =
{ id = 463
anti_air = 4
air_base = { size = 10 current_size = 10 }
} # Vienna

# Country main data #

country =
{ tag = U01
# HACK to make sure that Germany gets the whole manpower pool, all units and resources on annex.
# Unwanted side-effect: Will never accept peace with Germany.
regular_id = GER
intrinsic_gov_type = social_liberal
manpower = 65
capital = 463
# Resource Reserves
energy = 1000
metal = 1000
rare_materials = 500
oil = 500
supplies = 500
money = 10
diplomacy =
{ relation = { tag = ENG value = 75 }
relation = { tag = FIN value = 55 }
relation = { tag = FRA value = -10 }
relation = { tag = GER value = 100 }
relation =
{ tag = HUN
value = 100
guaranteed = { day = 17 month = march year = 1934 }
relation = { tag = IRE value = 10 }
relation = { tag = ITA value = 125 }
relation = { tag = SCH value = 50 }
SpyInfo = { country = "ENG" NumberOfSpies = 1 }
SpyInfo = { country = "FRA" NumberOfSpies = 1 }
SpyInfo = { country = "SOV" NumberOfSpies = 1 }
SpyInfo = { country = "CZE" NumberOfSpies = 4 }
SpyInfo = { country = "GER" NumberOfSpies = 4 }
SpyInfo = { country = "SPR" NumberOfSpies = 1 }
SpyInfo = { country = "POL" NumberOfSpies = 3 }
SpyInfo = { country = "YUG" NumberOfSpies = 3 }
SpyInfo = { country = "HUN" NumberOfSpies = 4 }
SpyInfo = { country = "BUL" NumberOfSpies = 2 }
SpyInfo = { country = "USA" NumberOfSpies = 1 }
SpyInfo = { country = "ALB" NumberOfSpies = 1 }
SpyInfo = { country = "ROM" NumberOfSpies = 2 }
SpyInfo = { country = "ITA" NumberOfSpies = 4 }
nationalprovinces = { 373 377 460 461 462 463 464 465 467 371 }
ownedprovinces = { 373 377 460 461 462 463 464 465 }
controlledprovinces = { 373 377 460 461 462 463 464 465 }
# Western Minor Tech '36
# Group C 1936 techs
# ######################
techapps = techapps = { 4010 4020 4120 4130 4250 2150 2010 2020 2030 2290 2300 2310 2320 2400 2450 2460 2510 1010 1020 1190
1200 1210 1220 1110 1310 5010 5020 5080 5090 5190 5310 5470 5480 5490 5550 9010 9020 9030 9040 9050
9090 6210 6220 6230 6240 6250 8010 8020 8030 8040 8050 8080 8150 8160 8170 3010 3020 3070 3080 3090
3100 3130 3140 3150 3160 3190 3200 3210 3220 3250 3260 3270 3280 3320 3400 3410 3420 14000 }
policy =
{ date = { year = 0 month = january day = 0 }
democratic = 5
political_left = 1
free_market = 8
freedom = 7
professional_army = 5
defense_lobby = 5
interventionism = 5
headofstate = { type = 9 id = 23001 }
headofgovernment = { type = 9 id = 23002 }
foreignminister = { type = 9 id = 23003 }
armamentminister = { type = 9 id = 23004 }
ministerofsecurity = { type = 9 id = 23005 }
ministerofintelligence = { type = 9 id = 23006 }
chiefofstaff = { type = 9 id = 23007 }
chiefofarmy = { type = 9 id = 23008 }
chiefofnavy = { type = 9 id = 23009 }
chiefofair = { type = 9 id = 23010 }
landunit =
{ id = { type = 14000 id = 9000 }
location = 463
name = "I. Korps"
division =
{ id = { type = 14000 id = 1706 }
name = "HQ des Generalstabs"
type = hq
model = 0
strength = 100
division =
{ id = { type = 14000 id = 9001 }
name = "1. Kavalleriedivision"
type = cavalry
model = 0
strength = 70
division =
{ id = { type = 14000 id = 9002 }
name = "1. Infantriedivision"
type = infantry
model = 0
strength = 100
division =
{ id = { type = 14000 id = 9003 }
name = "2. Infantriedivision"
type = infantry
strength = 100
model = 0
division =
{ id = { type = 14000 id = 9004 }
name = "3. Infantriedivision"
type = infantry
extra = artillery
strength = 100
model = 0
landunit =
{ id = { type = 14000 id = 9005 }
location = 373
name = "II. Korps"
division =
{ id = { type = 14000 id = 9006 }
name = "4. Infantriedivision"
type = infantry
strength = 100
model = 0
landunit =
{ id = { type = 14000 id = 9007 }
location = 377
name = "III. Korps"
division =
{ id = { type = 14000 id = 9009 }
name = "5. Infantriedivision"
type = infantry
strength = 100
model = 0
landunit =
{ id = { type = 14000 id = 9008 }
location = 426
name = "IV. Korps"
division =
{ id = { type = 14000 id = 9011 }
name = "6. Infantriedivision"
type = infantry
extra = engineer
strength = 100
model = 0
landunit =
{ id = { type = 14000 id = 9010 }
location = 464
name = "V. Korps"
division =
{ id = { type = 14000 id = 9012 }
name = "7. Infantriedivision"
type = infantry
strength = 100
model = 0
landunit =
{ id = { type = 14000 id = 9013 }
location = 460
name = "VI. Korps"
division =
{ id = { type = 14000 id = 9014 }
name = "1. Alpenjägerdivision"
type = bergsjaeger
strength = 30
model = 0


Wenn ich jetzt das 36 & 38 (die anderen nicht getestet) szenario starte bekomm ich
Critikel Error
--- ERROR : (ai-prefs ; Unexoectet field) 'max_stagingi_distance = Linie 15' Linie 776 = ai/ENG_1936.ai ---
do you still want contine you?

[Abbrechen] [Wiederholen] [ignorieren]
auch hier beendet sich das Spiel wenn ich auf ignorieren klicke.

Off topic: Frage zum Spiel, wie feuere ich Atombomben ab?

Kurfürst Moritz
23.12.08, 00:51
Da weiß ich jetzt auch nicht weiter.
Mit Modifikationen de Startjahres könnt ihr euch an den ehrenwerten Preussenhusaren wenden. Dieser ist auf jenem Fachgebiet sehr bewandert und wird euch sicher helfen.

Matze I
23.12.08, 01:40
Gut, das mit den Fehlern der Ai hat sich jetzt momentarn behoben, nachdem meine Sicherungskopie das ganze mal behoben hat. (STRG+A & STRG+C &STRG+V sind in dieser reinfolge wunderschön, was das angeht. :D)

Ich werde direkt nach diesem post, die dateinformation der U01.inc aktualisieren und dort eine Zeile rot makieren. Diese Zeile wird mir als fehler angezeigt, nachdem ich die Datei für die tech teams für Österreich Ungarn geschrieben habe.

[Fehlermeldung : --- Error: (an Ilegal top level objekt) 'policy =' Linie 76 ---
Do you want to continue?]


AUS;Name;Pic Name;Skill;Start Year;End Year;Speciality1;Speciality2;Speciality3;Speciality4;Speciality5;Speciality6;Speciality7;Speciality8 ;Speciality9;Speciality10;Speciality11;Speciality12;Speciality13;Speciality14;Speciality15;Specialit y16;Speciality17;Speciality18;Speciality19;Speciality20;Speciality21;Speciality22;Speciality23;Speci ality24;Speciality25;Speciality26;Speciality27;Speciality28;Speciality29;Speciality30;Speciality31;S peciality32;x
200000;Daimler;T600;7;1930;1970;mechanics;industrial_engineering;general_equipment;management;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;x
200001;Hirtenberger;T601;5;1930;1970;aeronautics;technical_efficiency;artillery;general_equipment;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;x
200002;Pintsch;T602;4;1930;1970;aeronautics;electronics;technical_efficiency;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;x
200004;Alexander Löhr;T604;6;1930;1970;bomber_tactics;combined_arms_focus;aircraft_testing;piloting;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;x
200005;Johann Kubena;T605;3;1930;1970;large_unit_tactics;centralized_execution;individual_courage;infantry_focus;t raining;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;x
200006;Julius Yllam;T606;4;1930;1942;fighter_tactics;aircraft_testing;piloting;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;x
200007;Lothar Rendulic;T607;5;1930;1970;small_unit_tactics;decentralized_execution;combined_arms_focus;training;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;x
200008;Erwin Schrödinger;T608;6;1930;1970;nuclear_physics;mathematics;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;x
200009;Budapest Chemical Works;T1600;5;1930;1970;industrial_engineering;chemistry;management;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;x
200012;ICN;T1603;5;1930;1970;chemistry;industrial_engineering;management;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;x
20013;Manfred Weiss;T1604;5;1930;1970;aeronautics;industrial_engineering;technical_efficiency;electronics;manageme nt;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;x
200014;MAVAG;T1602;5;1930;1970;aeronautics;technical_efficiency;electronics;artillery;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;x
200015;MOLAJ;T1606;6;1944;1970;industrial_engineering;chemistry;management;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;x
200016;Ferenc Szombathelyi;T1607;4;1930;1960;small_unit_tactics;centralized_execution;combined_arms_focus;training ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;x
200017;Gyorgy de Brody;T1608;5;1940;1960;fighter_tactics;piloting;aircraft_testing;centralized_execution;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;x
200018;F. Littay;T1609;3;1930;1941;bomber_tactics;piloting;aircraft_testing;centralized_execution;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;x
200019;Roland Eötvös University;T1610;4;1930;1970;nuclear_physics;nuclear_engineering;mathematics;chemistry;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;x
200020;János Vörös;T1610;4;1930;1960;combined_arms_focus;centralized_execution;large_unit_tactics;training;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;x
200021;Lajos Csatay von Csatai;T1611;4;1930;1944;combined_arms_focus;decentralized_execution;large_unit_tactics;small_unit_t actics;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;x
200022;Miklós Horthy de Nagybánya;T1612;5;1930;1970;seamanship;naval_training;centralized_execution;large_taskforce_tactics; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;x
200023;Zoltán Bay;T1614;5;1930;1970;electronics;management;mathematics;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;x

Und mal eben so nebenbei. aber wer ist Preussenhusaren. die Benutzerliste zeigt keinen Benutzer der sich so nennt.
Meine ICQ nummer ist 259894637. ;)

hab ihn gefunden

23.12.08, 11:12
20013 die Nummer bricht aus dem Nummernkreis aus.
Sollte wohl 200013 sein :^^:

Außerdem in den leaders/teams immer (!) eine Leerzeile am Ende einfügen.
Das zeigt dem Programm, daß danach etwas Neues kommt.

Sonst kann es zu "korrupt" Dateien kommen.

Auf die fehlerhafte 'inc' warte ich noch....


Matze I
23.12.08, 17:33

# Country definition for U01 #

province =
{ id = 377
anti_air = 2
air_base = { size = 4 current_size = 4 }
} # Innsbruck
province = { id = 461 anti_air = 1 } # Klagenfurt
province =
{ id = 463
anti_air = 4
air_base = { size = 10 current_size = 10 }
} # Vienna

# Country main data #

country =
{ tag = U01
# HACK to make sure that Germany gets the whole manpower pool, all units and resources on annex.
# Unwanted side-effect: Will never accept peace with Germany.
regular_id = GER
intrinsic_gov_type = social_liberal
manpower = 65
capital = 463
# Resource Reserves
energy = 1000
metal = 1000
rare_materials = 500
oil = 500
supplies = 500
money = 10
diplomacy =
{ relation = { tag = ENG value = 75 }
relation = { tag = FIN value = 55 }
relation = { tag = FRA value = -10 }
relation = { tag = GER value = 100 }
relation =
{ tag = HUN
value = 100
guaranteed = { day = 17 month = march year = 1934 }
relation = { tag = IRE value = 10 }
relation = { tag = ITA value = 125 }
relation = { tag = SCH value = 50 }
SpyInfo = { country = "ENG" NumberOfSpies = 1 }
SpyInfo = { country = "FRA" NumberOfSpies = 1 }
SpyInfo = { country = "SOV" NumberOfSpies = 1 }
SpyInfo = { country = "CZE" NumberOfSpies = 4 }
SpyInfo = { country = "GER" NumberOfSpies = 4 }
SpyInfo = { country = "SPR" NumberOfSpies = 1 }
SpyInfo = { country = "POL" NumberOfSpies = 3 }
SpyInfo = { country = "YUG" NumberOfSpies = 3 }
SpyInfo = { country = "HUN" NumberOfSpies = 4 }
SpyInfo = { country = "BUL" NumberOfSpies = 2 }
SpyInfo = { country = "USA" NumberOfSpies = 1 }
SpyInfo = { country = "ALB" NumberOfSpies = 1 }
SpyInfo = { country = "ROM" NumberOfSpies = 2 }
SpyInfo = { country = "ITA" NumberOfSpies = 4 }
nationalprovinces = { 373 377 460 461 462 463 464 465 467 371 }
ownedprovinces = { 373 377 460 461 462 463 464 465 }
controlledprovinces = { 373 377 460 461 462 463 464 465 }
# Western Minor Tech '36
# Group C 1936 techs
# ######################
techapps = techapps = { 4010 4020 4120 4130 4250 2150 2010 2020 2030 2290 2300 2310 2320 2400 2450 2460 2510 1010 1020 1190
1200 1210 1220 1110 1310 5010 5020 5080 5090 5190 5310 5470 5480 5490 5550 9010 9020 9030 9040 9050
9090 6210 6220 6230 6240 6250 8010 8020 8030 8040 8050 8080 8150 8160 8170 3010 3020 3070 3080 3090
3100 3130 3140 3150 3160 3190 3200 3210 3220 3250 3260 3270 3280 3320 3400 3410 3420 14000 }
policy =
{ date = { year = 0 month = january day = 0 }
democratic = 5
political_left = 5
free_market = 8
freedom = 7
professional_army = 5
defense_lobby = 5
interventionism = 5
headofstate = { type = 9 id = 23001 }
headofgovernment = { type = 9 id = 23002 }
foreignminister = { type = 9 id = 23003 }
armamentminister = { type = 9 id = 23004 }
ministerofsecurity = { type = 9 id = 23005 }
ministerofintelligence = { type = 9 id = 23006 }
chiefofstaff = { type = 9 id = 23007 }
chiefofarmy = { type = 9 id = 23008 }
chiefofnavy = { type = 9 id = 23009 }
chiefofair = { type = 9 id = 23010 }
landunit =
{ id = { type = 14000 id = 9000 }
location = 463
name = "I. Korps"
division =
{ id = { type = 14000 id = 1706 }
name = "HQ des Generalstabs"
type = hq
model = 0
strength = 100
division =
{ id = { type = 14000 id = 9001 }
name = "1. Kavalleriedivision"
type = cavalry
model = 0
strength = 70
division =
{ id = { type = 14000 id = 9002 }
name = "1. Infantriedivision"
type = infantry
model = 0
strength = 100
division =
{ id = { type = 14000 id = 9003 }
name = "2. Infantriedivision"
type = infantry
strength = 100
model = 0
division =
{ id = { type = 14000 id = 9004 }
name = "3. Infantriedivision"
type = infantry
extra = artillery
strength = 100
model = 0
landunit =
{ id = { type = 14000 id = 9005 }
location = 373
name = "II. Korps"
division =
{ id = { type = 14000 id = 9006 }
name = "4. Infantriedivision"
type = infantry
strength = 100
model = 0
landunit =
{ id = { type = 14000 id = 9007 }
location = 377
name = "III. Korps"
division =
{ id = { type = 14000 id = 9009 }
name = "5. Infantriedivision"
type = infantry
strength = 100
model = 0
landunit =
{ id = { type = 14000 id = 9008 }
location = 426
name = "IV. Korps"
division =
{ id = { type = 14000 id = 9011 }
name = "6. Infantriedivision"
type = infantry
extra = engineer
strength = 100
model = 0
landunit =
{ id = { type = 14000 id = 9010 }
location = 464
name = "V. Korps"
division =
{ id = { type = 14000 id = 9012 }
name = "7. Infantriedivision"
type = infantry
strength = 100
model = 0
landunit =
{ id = { type = 14000 id = 9013 }
location = 460
name = "VI. Korps"
division =
{ id = { type = 14000 id = 9014 }
name = "1. Alpenjägerdivision"
type = bergsjaeger
strength = 30
model = 0

dazu [guckt Bild (http://www.z-21.de/member/Matze_I/HoI/ScreenSave9.jpg)]

Dieser Fehler betreffen nur mein 1933 Szenario


Als ich gestern ein neues Spiel mit Japan begann, ist mir jedoch ein neuer Fehler aufgefallen, von dem ich nicht weiß, wo der jetzt herkommt.
[guckt Bild (http://www.z-21.de/member/Matze_I/HoI/ScreenSave7.jpg)]
[guckt Bild (http://www.z-21.de/member/Matze_I/HoI/ScreenSave8.jpg)]

23.12.08, 17:34
Zeile (Block) weiter oben !

techapps = techapps = {



Matze I
24.12.08, 00:25
Das mit den techteams und den Politikern, müsste man mir nochmal erklären wie das geht. So wie ich das verstanden habe, muss nur am ende des ganzen eine Leerzeile. Die ist da, aber die tech-teams trotzdem nicht.

Der fehle mit der Zahl, hab ich bereits Korregiert.

24.12.08, 10:25
Haben sie auch den U01-tag ?

Ich sehe nur "AUS" !

AUS;Name;Pic Name;Skill;Start Year;End Year;Speciality1 .... etc


Matze I
24.12.08, 23:21
Ok, meine nationen haben jetzt techteams.

Aber keine minister. dort habe ich dasselbe angewendet.

U00;Ruling Cabinet - Start;Name;Pool;Ideology;Personality;Loyalty;Picturename;x
200001;Head of State;Leopold III;36;ML;Benevolent Gentleman;NA;M15001;x
200002;Head of Government;Paul Van Zeeland;36;ML;Silent Workhorse;NA;M15002;x
200003;Foreign Minister;Paul Van Zeeland;36;ML;Biased Intellectual;Very High;M15002;x
200004;Minister of Armament;Albert Devèze;36;ML;Laissez-Faire Capitalist;Very High;M15164;x
200005;Minister of Security;Eugène Soudan;36;SL;Silent Lawyer;Very High;M15005;x
200006;Head of Military Intelligence;Albert Devèze;36;ML;Political Specialist;Very High;M15164;x
200007;Chief of Staff;Oscar Cumont;36;SC;School of Defence;Very High;M15007;x
200008;Chief of Army;Victor van Strydonck de Burkel;36;SC;Static Defence Doctrine;Very High;M15008;x
200009;Chief of Navy;G. Timmermans;36;SC;Indirect Approach Doctrine;Very High;M15009;x
200010;Chief of Air Force;L.F.E. Wouters;36;SC;Vertical Envelopment Doctrine;Very High;M15010;x
200011;Head of State;Leopold III;36;NS;Benevolent Gentleman;NA;M15001;x
200012;Head of State;Karel;44;ML;Benevolent Gentleman;NA;M15031;x
200013;Head of State;Julien Lahaut;45;ST;Ruthless Powermonger;NA;M15024;x
200014;Head of Government;Paul-Henri Spaak;36;SD;Ambitious Union Boss;NA;M15034;x
200015;Head of Government;Leon Degrelle;36;NS;Old General;NA;M15013;x
200016;Head of Government;Paul-Emile Janson;37;ML;Silent Workhorse;NA;M15036;x
200017;Head of Government;Hubert Pierlot;38;SC;Naive Optimist;NA;M15037;x
2003230;Chief of Navy;Christiaan Beekman;37;LE;Base Control Doctrine;Low;M8170;x
2003231;Chief of Navy;Fokke Bosman;40;ST;Open Seas Doctrine;High;M8123;x
2003232;Chief of Air Force;Petrus W. Best;39;SD;Naval Aviation Doctrine;High;M8172;x
2003237;Chief of Air Force;Claes Douw van der Krap;37;FA;Naval Aviation Doctrine;Low;M8020;x
2003239;Chief of Air Force;Jan Dieters;37;ST;Vertical Envelopment Doctrine;High;M8041;x
2003240;Chief of Air Force;Julius Zegers;43;LE;Air Superiority Doctrine;Low;M8030;x
2003242;Chief of Army;Bernhard Coltof;39;SD;Elastic Defence Doctrine;High;M8142;x
2003243;Head of State;Alexander von Falkenhausen;40;NS;Resigned Generalissimo;Very High;M510086;x
2003244;Head of State;Arthur Seyss-Inquart;40;NS;Powerhungry Demagogue;Very High;M58;x
2003245;Chief of Navy;Karel Doorman;36;LWR;Open Seas Doctrine;Low;M8029;x
2003246;Head of State;Wilhelmina;36;SL;Stern Imperialist;Very High;M8001;x
2003247;Head of State;Juliana;48;SD;Popular Figurehead;High;M8186;x
2003248;Head of State;Juliana;48;SC;Popular Figurehead;High;M8186;x
2003249;Head of Government;Willem Drees;48;SD;Ambitious Union Boss;High;M8130;x
2003250;Foreign Minister;Dirk U. Stikker;48;SL;Great Compromiser;Medium;M8189;x
2003251;Foreign Minister;Jan Willem Beyen;51;SL;Apologetic Clerk;Medium;M8190;x
2003252;Head of Military Intelligence;Theodor Blank;36;SC;Political Specialist;Medium;M506006;x

PS. sind nicht alle, ist ne ziemlich lange liste, die ich drastisch kürzen musste. (Kann man hier keine dateien anhängen? Das ding ist zumindest ganze 45kb groß.)

25.12.08, 02:08
sind sämtliche IDs e noch nicht vergeben?

Matze I
28.12.08, 06:32
An meinem Rechner ist das Netzteil durchgeraucht. Da tut sich grad garnichts dran.

D.h. ich komm grad nicht anmeine mod Dateien ran. Und bis das behoben ist, ist das Projekt vorerst auf eis gelegt.

Matze I
23.01.09, 22:58
So, bin wieder am start. Minister sind jetzt auch da, d.h. ich kann nu fröhlich Events schreiben.

Matze I
21.02.09, 01:48

# Hohlen wir und alles zurück
event = {
id = 20000
random = no
country = DFR
name = "Hohlen wir uns alles zurück"
desc = "Auch wenn unsere vorgängernation den krieg verloren hat, so leben jetzt nch viel mehr Deutsche im Ausland.
Stellen wir Gebietsanspruch auf diese Gebite im Osten, Österreich und Elsass Lothringen, Nordschleswig & Bornholm"
style = 0
date = { day = 1 month = january year = 1930 }
offset = 10
deathdate = { day = 29 month = december year = 9999 }
action_a = {
name = "Stellen wir unsere ansprüche"
ai_chance = 45
command = { type = addcore which = 373 }
command = { type = addcore which = 377 }
command = { type = addcore which = 461 }
command = { type = addcore which = 460 }
command = { type = addcore which = 462 }
command = { type = addcore which = 463 }
command = { type = addcore which = 464 }
command = { type = addcore which = 465 }
command = { type = addcore which = 70 }
command = { type = addcore which = 72 }
command = { type = addcore which = 73 }
command = { type = addcore which = 91 }
command = { type = addcore which = 295 }
command = { type = addcore which = 302 }
command = { type = addcore which = 303 }
command = { type = addcore which = 304 }
command = { type = addcore which = 510 }
command = { type = addcore which = 206 }
command = { type = addcore which = 308 }
command = { type = addcore which = 307 }
command = { type = addcore which = 306 }
command = { type = addcore which = 305 }
command = { type = addcore which = 473 }
command = { type = addcore which = 482 }
command = { type = addcore which = 471 }
command = { type = addcore which = 470 }
command = { type = addcore which = 466 }
command = { type = addcore which = 472 }
command = { type = addcore which = 469 }
command = { type = addcore which = 468}
command = { type = addcore which = 467 }
command = { type = addcore which = 474 }
command = { type = addcore which = 475 }
command = { type = relation which = FRA value = -35 }
command = { type = relation which = ENG value = -35 }
command = { type = relation which = BEL value = -20 }
command = { type = relation which = HOL value = -20 }
command = { type = relation which = LUX value = -100 }
command = { type = relation which = AUS value = -100 }
command = { type = relation which = CZE value = -100 }
command = { type = relation which = POL value = -100 }
command = { type = relation which = SOV value = -100 }
action_b = {
name = "Stellen wir anspruch nur an die verloren Ostgebiete"
ai_chance = 45
command = { type = addcore which = 302 }
command = { type = addcore which = 303 }
command = { type = addcore which = 304 }
command = { type = addcore which = 510 }
command = { type = addcore which = 206 }
command = { type = addcore which = 308 }
command = { type = addcore which = 307 }
command = { type = addcore which = 306 }
command = { type = addcore which = 305 }
command = { type = addcore which = 473 }
command = { type = addcore which = 482 }
command = { type = relation which = FRA value = -15 }
command = { type = relation which = ENG value = -15 }
command = { type = relation which = BEL value = -10 }
command = { type = relation which = HOL value = -10 }
command = { type = relation which = LUX value = -10 }
command = { type = relation which = AUS value = -10 }
command = { type = relation which = CZE value = -10 }
command = { type = relation which = POL value = -80 }
command = { type = relation which = SOV value = -20 }
action_c = {
name = "Nehmen wir nur wieder die alten grenzen der Weinmarer Republik"
ai_chance = 7
command = { type = addcore which = 302 }
command = { type = addcore which = 304 }
command = { type = addcore which = 510 }
command = { type = addcore which = 206 }
command = { type = addcore which = 308 }
command = { type = addcore which = 473 }
command = { type = addcore which = 482 }
command = { type = relation which = FRA value = -5 }
command = { type = relation which = ENG value = -5 }
command = { type = relation which = POL value = -50 }
command = { type = relation which = SOV value = -10 }
action_d = {
name = "Lieber sein lassen"
ai_chance = 3
command = { type = relation which = FRA value = +35 }
command = { type = relation which = ENG value = +35 }
command = { type = relation which = BEL value = +20 }
command = { type = relation which = HOL value = +20 }
command = { type = relation which = LUX value = +100 }
command = { type = relation which = AUS value = +100 }
command = { type = relation which = CZE value = +100 }
command = { type = relation which = POL value = +100 }
command = { type = relation which = SOV value = +100 }
# Zurück nach Berlin
event = {
id = 20001
random = no
country = DFR
name = "Zurück nach Berlin"
desc = "Wir haben Berlin in unserem Land. Die Regierung will wieder in Berlin hausen."
style = 0
control = { province = a 300 = DFR }
date = { day = 1 month = january year = 1930 }
offset = 10
deathdate = { day = 29 month = december year = 9999 }
action_a = {
name = "Auf nach Berlin"
type = capital which = [300]

So, dass sind meine ersten beiden eigenen Events. Diese funktionieren aber nicht so wie sie sollen. Was ist daran falsch. Ich hab mir dazu schon das bestehende thema auf diesem Forum gelesen, jedoch die Antwort nicht gefunden.

21.02.09, 01:52

# Hohlen wir und alles zurück
event = {
id = 20000
random = no
country = DFR
name = "Hohlen wir uns alles zurück"
desc = "Auch wenn unsere vorgängernation den krieg verloren hat, so leben jetzt nch viel mehr Deutsche im Ausland.
Stellen wir Gebietsanspruch auf diese Gebite im Osten, Österreich und Elsass Lothringen, Nordschleswig & Bornholm"
style = 0
date = { day = 1 month = january year = 1930 }
offset = 10
deathdate = { day = 29 month = december year = 9999 }
action_a = {
name = "Stellen wir unsere ansprüche"
ai_chance = 45
command = { type = addcore which = 373 }
command = { type = addcore which = 377 }
command = { type = addcore which = 461 }
command = { type = addcore which = 460 }
command = { type = addcore which = 462 }
command = { type = addcore which = 463 }
command = { type = addcore which = 464 }
command = { type = addcore which = 465 }
command = { type = addcore which = 70 }
command = { type = addcore which = 72 }
command = { type = addcore which = 73 }
command = { type = addcore which = 91 }
command = { type = addcore which = 295 }
command = { type = addcore which = 302 }
command = { type = addcore which = 303 }
command = { type = addcore which = 304 }
command = { type = addcore which = 510 }
command = { type = addcore which = 206 }
command = { type = addcore which = 308 }
command = { type = addcore which = 307 }
command = { type = addcore which = 306 }
command = { type = addcore which = 305 }
command = { type = addcore which = 473 }
command = { type = addcore which = 482 }
command = { type = addcore which = 471 }
command = { type = addcore which = 470 }
command = { type = addcore which = 466 }
command = { type = addcore which = 472 }
command = { type = addcore which = 469 }
command = { type = addcore which = 468}
command = { type = addcore which = 467 }
command = { type = addcore which = 474 }
command = { type = addcore which = 475 }
command = { type = relation which = FRA value = -35 }
command = { type = relation which = ENG value = -35 }
command = { type = relation which = BEL value = -20 }
command = { type = relation which = HOL value = -20 }
command = { type = relation which = LUX value = -100 }
command = { type = relation which = AUS value = -100 }
command = { type = relation which = CZE value = -100 }
command = { type = relation which = POL value = -100 }
command = { type = relation which = SOV value = -100 }
action_b = {
name = "Stellen wir anspruch nur an die verloren Ostgebiete"
ai_chance = 45
command = { type = addcore which = 302 }
command = { type = addcore which = 303 }
command = { type = addcore which = 304 }
command = { type = addcore which = 510 }
command = { type = addcore which = 206 }
command = { type = addcore which = 308 }
command = { type = addcore which = 307 }
command = { type = addcore which = 306 }
command = { type = addcore which = 305 }
command = { type = addcore which = 473 }
command = { type = addcore which = 482 }
command = { type = relation which = FRA value = -15 }
command = { type = relation which = ENG value = -15 }
command = { type = relation which = BEL value = -10 }
command = { type = relation which = HOL value = -10 }
command = { type = relation which = LUX value = -10 }
command = { type = relation which = AUS value = -10 }
command = { type = relation which = CZE value = -10 }
command = { type = relation which = POL value = -80 }
command = { type = relation which = SOV value = -20 }
action_c = {
name = "Nehmen wir nur wieder die alten grenzen der Weinmarer Republik"
ai_chance = 7
command = { type = addcore which = 302 }
command = { type = addcore which = 304 }
command = { type = addcore which = 510 }
command = { type = addcore which = 206 }
command = { type = addcore which = 308 }
command = { type = addcore which = 473 }
command = { type = addcore which = 482 }
command = { type = relation which = FRA value = -5 }
command = { type = relation which = ENG value = -5 }
command = { type = relation which = POL value = -50 }
command = { type = relation which = SOV value = -10 }
action_d = {
name = "Lieber sein lassen"
ai_chance = 3
command = { type = relation which = FRA value = +35 }
command = { type = relation which = ENG value = +35 }
command = { type = relation which = BEL value = +20 }
command = { type = relation which = HOL value = +20 }
command = { type = relation which = LUX value = +100 }
command = { type = relation which = AUS value = +100 }
command = { type = relation which = CZE value = +100 }
command = { type = relation which = POL value = +100 }
command = { type = relation which = SOV value = +100 }
# Zurück nach Berlin
event = {
id = 20001
random = no
country = DFR
name = "Zurück nach Berlin"
desc = "Wir haben Berlin in unserem Land. Die Regierung will wieder in Berlin hausen."
style = 0
control = { province = a 300 = DFR }
date = { day = 1 month = january year = 1930 }
offset = 10
deathdate = { day = 29 month = december year = 9999 }
action_a = {
name = "Auf nach Berlin"
type = capital which = [300]

So, dass sind meine ersten beiden eigenen Events. Diese funktionieren aber nicht so wie sie sollen. Was ist daran falsch. Ich hab mir dazu schon das bestehende thema auf diesem Forum gelesen, jedoch die Antwort nicht gefunden.
Seht Euch mal die beiden rot markierten Stellen an, wenn es nicht die Rechtschreibfehler sind, sind es diese ;)
Ich würde auch das deathdate auf ein "normaleres" Datum stellen wie zum Beispiel 1960.

25.02.09, 09:47
relation braucht kein "+"


{ control = { province = 300 data = DFR } }

command = { type = capital which = 300 }

Klammer weg und "command" rein !

deathdate ist irrelevant, wenn es nicht irgendwann unmöglich werden soll.
So z.B. 1954, das Ende des normalen Zeitraumes.


Matze I
21.03.09, 21:26
Ich danke schon mal für die hilfe.
werd ich gleich mal testen.

25.03.09, 19:40
Werter Matze,
Ihr könnt Euch doch auch den Mod vom Preussenhusaren oder von Abo holen.
Dort sind die Erstellung von Ö-U auch enthalten.
Und auch viele events dazu.

Dort könnt Ihr auch nachlesen wie das alles funktioniert.


Matze I
28.03.09, 16:16
Das mit meinen events klappt noch immer nicht so wie ich will.

Aber mal die andere frage. Beim schreiben von neuen Ländern hab ich jetzt alle von U00 bis U19 voll. Jedoch reicht das nicht. Nu hab ich versucht in der revolt, der country und der worldnames noch ein paar weitere zuschreiben. (U20 & aufwärts ). Jedoch erzählte der mir denn nur was von einem datenbankfehler, so das das spiel nicht mehr funktionierte.

Was muss ich tun, damit ich noch mehr Länder schreiben kann?


Zudem hab ich 2 länder, die haben als Namen nurnoch "Unknown String Wanted" als namen. Das eine ist selbstgeschireben, das andere nicht. Selstsam ist, ich hab am letzteren zwar ein wenig rumgeschrieben, funktionierte danach jedoch. Und erst später, ohne dass ich an dem land geschrieben habe, kam dieser fehler.



# Hohlen wir und alles zurück
event = {
id = 20000
random = no
country = DFR
name = "Hohlen wir uns alles zurück"
desc = "Auch wenn unsere vorgängernation den krieg verloren hat, so leben jetzt noch viel mehr Deutsche im Ausland.
Stellen wir Gebietsanspruch auf diese Gebite im Osten, Österreich und Elsass Lothringen, Nordschleswig & Bornholm"
style = 0
date = { day = 1 month = january year = 1930 }
offset = 10
deathdate = { day = 29 month = december year = 9999 }
action_a = {
name = "Stellen wir unsere ansprüche"
ai_chance = 45
command = { type = addcore which = 373 }
command = { type = addcore which = 377 }
command = { type = addcore which = 461 }
command = { type = addcore which = 460 }
command = { type = addcore which = 462 }
command = { type = addcore which = 463 }
command = { type = addcore which = 464 }
command = { type = addcore which = 465 }
command = { type = addcore which = 70 }
command = { type = addcore which = 72 }
command = { type = addcore which = 73 }
command = { type = addcore which = 91 }
command = { type = addcore which = 295 }
command = { type = addcore which = 302 }
command = { type = addcore which = 303 }
command = { type = addcore which = 304 }
command = { type = addcore which = 510 }
command = { type = addcore which = 206 }
command = { type = addcore which = 308 }
command = { type = addcore which = 307 }
command = { type = addcore which = 306 }
command = { type = addcore which = 305 }
command = { type = addcore which = 473 }
command = { type = addcore which = 482 }
command = { type = addcore which = 471 }
command = { type = addcore which = 470 }
command = { type = addcore which = 466 }
command = { type = addcore which = 472 }
command = { type = addcore which = 469 }
command = { type = addcore which = 468}
command = { type = addcore which = 467 }
command = { type = addcore which = 474 }
command = { type = addcore which = 475 }
command = { type = relation which = FRA value = -35 }
command = { type = relation which = ENG value = -35 }
command = { type = relation which = BEL value = -20 }
command = { type = relation which = HOL value = -20 }
command = { type = relation which = LUX value = -100 }
command = { type = relation which = AUS value = -100 }
command = { type = relation which = CZE value = -100 }
command = { type = relation which = POL value = -100 }
command = { type = relation which = SOV value = -100 }
action_b = {
name = "Stellen wir anspruch nur an die verloren Ostgebiete"
ai_chance = 45
command = { type = addcore which = 302 }
command = { type = addcore which = 303 }
command = { type = addcore which = 304 }
command = { type = addcore which = 510 }
command = { type = addcore which = 206 }
command = { type = addcore which = 308 }
command = { type = addcore which = 307 }
command = { type = addcore which = 306 }
command = { type = addcore which = 305 }
command = { type = addcore which = 473 }
command = { type = addcore which = 482 }
command = { type = relation which = FRA value = -15 }
command = { type = relation which = ENG value = -15 }
command = { type = relation which = BEL value = -10 }
command = { type = relation which = HOL value = -10 }
command = { type = relation which = LUX value = -10 }
command = { type = relation which = AUS value = -10 }
command = { type = relation which = CZE value = -10 }
command = { type = relation which = POL value = -80 }
command = { type = relation which = SOV value = -20 }
action_c = {
name = "Nehmen wir nur wieder die alten grenzen der Weinmarer Republik"
ai_chance = 7
command = { type = addcore which = 302 }
command = { type = addcore which = 304 }
command = { type = addcore which = 510 }
command = { type = addcore which = 206 }
command = { type = addcore which = 308 }
command = { type = addcore which = 473 }
command = { type = addcore which = 482 }
command = { type = relation which = FRA value = -5 }
command = { type = relation which = ENG value = -5 }
command = { type = relation which = POL value = -50 }
command = { type = relation which = SOV value = -10 }
action_d = {
name = "Lieber sein lassen"
ai_chance = 3
command = { type = relation which = FRA value = 35 }
command = { type = relation which = ENG value = 35 }
command = { type = relation which = BEL value = 20 }
command = { type = relation which = HOL value = 20 }
command = { type = relation which = LUX value = 100 }
command = { type = relation which = AUS value = 100 }
command = { type = relation which = CZE value = 100 }
command = { type = relation which = POL value = 100 }
command = { type = relation which = SOV value = 100 }
# Zurück nach Berlin
event = {
id = 20001
random = no
country = DFR
name = "Zurück nach Berlin"
desc = "Wir haben Berlin in unserem Land. Die Regierung will wieder in Berlin hausen."
style = 0
{ control = { province = 300 data = DFR } }
date = { day = 1 month = january year = 1930 }
offset = 10
deathdate = { day = 29 month = december year = 9999 }
action_a = {
name = "Auf nach Berlin"
command = { type = capital which = 300 }
da ist immer noch was falsch. :(

28.03.09, 17:13
Aber mal die andere frage. Beim schreiben von neuen Ländern hab ich jetzt alle von U00 bis U19 voll. Jedoch reicht das nicht. Nu hab ich versucht in der revolt, der country und der worldnames noch ein paar weitere zuschreiben. (U20 & aufwärts ). Jedoch erzählte der mir denn nur was von einem datenbankfehler, so das das spiel nicht mehr funktionierte.

Man kann keine neuen Tags hinzufügen. Das ist Fakt, was Ihr machen könnt, ist, Tags zu verwenden die normalerweise nicht genutzt werden wie zum Beispiel CSA.

Zudem hab ich 2 länder, die haben als Namen nurnoch "Unknown String Wanted" als namen. Das eine ist selbstgeschireben, das andere nicht. Selstsam ist, ich hab am letzteren zwar ein wenig rumgeschrieben, funktionierte danach jedoch. Und erst später, ohne dass ich an dem land geschrieben habe, kam dieser fehler.

Dann ist das entweder ein Problem mit den localisation-Dateien oder der Zuordnung der Ländernamen zu diesen Dateien, da muss Euch irgendwo ein Fehler unterlaufen sein

# Holen wir und alles zurück
event = {
id = 20000
random = no
country = DFR
name = "Holen wir uns alles zurück"
desc = "Auch wenn unsere Vorgängernation den krieg verloren hat, so leben jetzt noch viel mehr Deutsche im Ausland. Erheben wir Anspruch auf diese Gebiete im Osten, Österreich und Elsass Lothringen, Nordschleswig & Bornholm"
style = 0
date = { day = 1 month = january year = 1930 }
offset = 10
deathdate = { day = 29 month = december year = 1980 }
action_a = {
name = "Stellen wir unsere Ansprüche"
ai_chance = 45
command = { type = addcore which = 373 }
command = { type = addcore which = 377 }
command = { type = addcore which = 461 }
command = { type = addcore which = 460 }
command = { type = addcore which = 462 }
command = { type = addcore which = 463 }
command = { type = addcore which = 464 }
command = { type = addcore which = 465 }
command = { type = addcore which = 70 }
command = { type = addcore which = 72 }
command = { type = addcore which = 73 }
command = { type = addcore which = 91 }
command = { type = addcore which = 295 }
command = { type = addcore which = 302 }
command = { type = addcore which = 303 }
command = { type = addcore which = 304 }
command = { type = addcore which = 510 }
command = { type = addcore which = 206 }
command = { type = addcore which = 308 }
command = { type = addcore which = 307 }
command = { type = addcore which = 306 }
command = { type = addcore which = 305 }
command = { type = addcore which = 473 }
command = { type = addcore which = 482 }
command = { type = addcore which = 471 }
command = { type = addcore which = 470 }
command = { type = addcore which = 466 }
command = { type = addcore which = 472 }
command = { type = addcore which = 469 }
command = { type = addcore which = 468}
command = { type = addcore which = 467 }
command = { type = addcore which = 474 }
command = { type = addcore which = 475 }
command = { type = relation which = FRA value = -35 }
command = { type = relation which = ENG value = -35 }
command = { type = relation which = BEL value = -20 }
command = { type = relation which = HOL value = -20 }
command = { type = relation which = LUX value = -100 }
command = { type = relation which = AUS value = -100 }
command = { type = relation which = CZE value = -100 }
command = { type = relation which = POL value = -100 }
command = { type = relation which = SOV value = -100 }
action_b = {
name = "Erheben wir nur Anspruch auf die verlorenen Ostgebiete!"
ai_chance = 45
command = { type = addcore which = 302 }
command = { type = addcore which = 303 }
command = { type = addcore which = 304 }
command = { type = addcore which = 510 }
command = { type = addcore which = 206 }
command = { type = addcore which = 308 }
command = { type = addcore which = 307 }
command = { type = addcore which = 306 }
command = { type = addcore which = 305 }
command = { type = addcore which = 473 }
command = { type = addcore which = 482 }
command = { type = relation which = FRA value = -15 }
command = { type = relation which = ENG value = -15 }
command = { type = relation which = BEL value = -10 }
command = { type = relation which = HOL value = -10 }
command = { type = relation which = LUX value = -10 }
command = { type = relation which = AUS value = -10 }
command = { type = relation which = CZE value = -10 }
command = { type = relation which = POL value = -80 }
command = { type = relation which = SOV value = -20 }
action_c = {
name = "Nehmen wir nur wieder die alten Grenzen der Weimarer Republik"
ai_chance = 7
command = { type = addcore which = 302 }
command = { type = addcore which = 304 }
command = { type = addcore which = 510 }
command = { type = addcore which = 206 }
command = { type = addcore which = 308 }
command = { type = addcore which = 473 }
command = { type = addcore which = 482 }
command = { type = relation which = FRA value = -5 }
command = { type = relation which = ENG value = -5 }
command = { type = relation which = POL value = -50 }
command = { type = relation which = SOV value = -10 }
action_d = {
name = "Lieber sein lassen"
ai_chance = 3
command = { type = relation which = FRA value = 35 }
command = { type = relation which = ENG value = 35 }
command = { type = relation which = BEL value = 20 }
command = { type = relation which = HOL value = 20 }
command = { type = relation which = LUX value = 100 }
command = { type = relation which = AUS value = 100 }
command = { type = relation which = CZE value = 100 }
command = { type = relation which = POL value = 100 }
command = { type = relation which = SOV value = 100 }
# Zurück nach Berlin
event = {
id = 20001
random = no
country = DFR
name = "Zurück nach Berlin"
desc = "Wir haben Berlin in unserem Land. Die Regierung will wieder in Berlin hausen."
style = 0
trigger = { owned = { province = 300 data = DFR } }
date = { day = 1 month = january year = 1930 }
offset = 10
deathdate = { day = 29 month = december year = 9999 }
action_a = {
name = "Auf nach Berlin"
command = { type = capital which = 300 }

Ich hab mal die drei Änderungen die mir im Code aufgefallen sind rot gemacht, die Änderungen an der Rechtschreibung hab ich nicht markiert. ;) Ich habe außerdem den Trigger für das zweite Event geändert, da es spieltechnisch sinnvoller ist wenn die Hauptstadt erst verlegt wird wenn man das Gebiet auch besitzt und nicht nur besetzt.

Matze I
28.03.09, 20:58
Das mit den Events hat so auch nicht funktioniert. :(

Das mann nicht mehr als +20 Staaten schreiben kann, ist ziemlich doof.
Denn muss ic mir halt was einfallen lassen.

29.03.09, 00:41
Aber mal die andere frage. Beim schreiben von neuen Ländern hab ich jetzt alle von U00 bis U19 voll. Jedoch reicht das nicht. Nu hab ich versucht in der revolt, der country und der worldnames noch ein paar weitere zuschreiben. (U20 & aufwärts ). Jedoch erzählte der mir denn nur was von einem datenbankfehler, so das das spiel nicht mehr funktionierte.

Was muss ich tun, damit ich noch mehr Länder schreiben kann?

Armageddon benutzen. Das unterstützt noch mehr Uxx-Ländertags. (War das nicht bis 99?)

29.03.09, 14:27
Armageddon benutzen. Das unterstützt noch mehr Uxx-Ländertags. (War das nicht bis 99?)


30.03.09, 10:27
Das mit den Events hat so auch nicht funktioniert. :(

Was funktioniert nicht? Triggern die Events nicht? Startet das Spiel nicht? Gibt es eine Fehlermeldung?

Matze I
03.04.09, 18:45
Sagn wir, wenn ich das event übern cheat aufrufe, bekomm ich das.


03.04.09, 18:54
Und die Wirkungen des Events treten nicht ein nehme ich an?

Matze I
03.04.09, 20:23
Das ist so korrekt

03.04.09, 20:30
Ich werde die Events heute abend mal auf meinem Rechner überprüfen, wenn sie bei mir funktionieren muss es ja an der Version liegen, wenn nicht muss es irgendwo im Code sein, und daran kann ich dann herumschrauben bis es geht.

08.04.09, 20:52
Auch wenn es etwas länger gedauert hat als erhofft, habe ich folgenden Code mal bei mir ausprobiert:

# Holen wir und alles zurück
event = {
id = 20000
random = no
country = DFR
name = "Holen wir uns alles zurück"
desc = "Auch wenn unsere Vorgängernation den krieg verloren hat, so leben jetzt noch viel mehr Deutsche im Ausland. Erheben wir Anspruch auf diese Gebiete im Osten, Österreich und Elsass Lothringen, Nordschleswig & Bornholm"
style = 0
date = { day = 1 month = january year = 1930 }
offset = 10
deathdate = { day = 29 month = december year = 1980 }
action_a = {
name = "Stellen wir unsere Ansprüche"
ai_chance = 45
command = { type = addcore which = 373 }
command = { type = addcore which = 377 }
command = { type = addcore which = 461 }
command = { type = addcore which = 460 }
command = { type = addcore which = 462 }
command = { type = addcore which = 463 }
command = { type = addcore which = 464 }
command = { type = addcore which = 465 }
command = { type = addcore which = 70 }
command = { type = addcore which = 72 }
command = { type = addcore which = 73 }
command = { type = addcore which = 91 }
command = { type = addcore which = 295 }
command = { type = addcore which = 302 }
command = { type = addcore which = 303 }
command = { type = addcore which = 304 }
command = { type = addcore which = 510 }
command = { type = addcore which = 206 }
command = { type = addcore which = 308 }
command = { type = addcore which = 307 }
command = { type = addcore which = 306 }
command = { type = addcore which = 305 }
command = { type = addcore which = 473 }
command = { type = addcore which = 482 }
command = { type = addcore which = 471 }
command = { type = addcore which = 470 }
command = { type = addcore which = 466 }
command = { type = addcore which = 472 }
command = { type = addcore which = 469 }
command = { type = addcore which = 468 }
command = { type = addcore which = 467 }
command = { type = addcore which = 474 }
command = { type = addcore which = 475 }
command = { type = relation which = FRA value = -35 }
command = { type = relation which = ENG value = -35 }
command = { type = relation which = BEL value = -20 }
command = { type = relation which = HOL value = -20 }
command = { type = relation which = LUX value = -100 }
command = { type = relation which = AUS value = -100 }
command = { type = relation which = CZE value = -100 }
command = { type = relation which = POL value = -100 }
command = { type = relation which = SOV value = -100 }
action_b = {
name = "Erheben wir nur Anspruch auf die verlorenen Ostgebiete!"
ai_chance = 45
command = { type = addcore which = 302 }
command = { type = addcore which = 303 }
command = { type = addcore which = 304 }
command = { type = addcore which = 510 }
command = { type = addcore which = 206 }
command = { type = addcore which = 308 }
command = { type = addcore which = 307 }
command = { type = addcore which = 306 }
command = { type = addcore which = 305 }
command = { type = addcore which = 473 }
command = { type = addcore which = 482 }
command = { type = relation which = FRA value = -15 }
command = { type = relation which = ENG value = -15 }
command = { type = relation which = BEL value = -10 }
command = { type = relation which = HOL value = -10 }
command = { type = relation which = LUX value = -10 }
command = { type = relation which = AUS value = -10 }
command = { type = relation which = CZE value = -10 }
command = { type = relation which = POL value = -80 }
command = { type = relation which = SOV value = -20 }
action_c = {
name = "Nehmen wir nur wieder die alten Grenzen der Weimarer Republik"
ai_chance = 7
command = { type = addcore which = 302 }
command = { type = addcore which = 304 }
command = { type = addcore which = 510 }
command = { type = addcore which = 206 }
command = { type = addcore which = 308 }
command = { type = addcore which = 473 }
command = { type = addcore which = 482 }
command = { type = relation which = FRA value = -5 }
command = { type = relation which = ENG value = -5 }
command = { type = relation which = POL value = -50 }
command = { type = relation which = SOV value = -10 }
action_d = {
name = "Lieber sein lassen"
ai_chance = 3
command = { type = relation which = FRA value = 35 }
command = { type = relation which = ENG value = 35 }
command = { type = relation which = BEL value = 20 }
command = { type = relation which = HOL value = 20 }
command = { type = relation which = LUX value = 100 }
command = { type = relation which = AUS value = 100 }
command = { type = relation which = CZE value = 100 }
command = { type = relation which = POL value = 100 }
command = { type = relation which = SOV value = 100 }
# Zurück nach Berlin
event = {
id = 20001
random = no
country = DFR
name = "Zurück nach Berlin"
desc = "Wir haben Berlin in unserem Land. Die Regierung will wieder in Berlin hausen."
style = 0
trigger = { owned = { province = 300 data = DFR } }
date = { day = 1 month = january year = 1930 }
offset = 10
deathdate = { day = 29 month = december year = 1980 }
action_a = {
name = "Auf nach Berlin"
command = { type = capital which = 300 }

Einzige Änderung zum vorher geposteten ist die Änderung des deathdates des zweiten Events auf 1980, das dürfte aber nicht wirklich wichtig sein.

Und siehe da:


Gestartet mit Kanada in der 36er Kampagne funktioniert es auch.

(Ich habe in das erste Event ein command = { type = inherit which = GER } eingebaut damit das zweite Event auch eine Wirkung zeigen kann. Und beides hat super geklappt.)

Das Problem muss also woanders in Eurer Installation liegen, versucht einmal eine saubere Neuinstallation und bringt die gleichen Events noch einmal.

Das Bild welches Ihr zeigt sieht danach aus, als hätte es ein Problem mit den IDs gegeben und Ihr hättet irgendein AI-Event getriggert. Dann würde aber beim Laden des Szenarios auch eine Fehlermeldung auftauchen.

Matze I
17.04.09, 18:59
Ich danke mal.
Ich werde das nachher mal gleich testen.

Ist leider fehlgeschlagen.

Bei dem ersten event bekam ich nur einen neuen Generalstypen und nie nat.unruhe sank um 1..
Beim 2. wird ersien zum Marionettenstaat.

Muss ich das verstehen?

18.04.09, 20:13
Ich danke mal.
Ich werde das nachher mal gleich testen.

Ist leider fehlgeschlagen.

Bei dem ersten event bekam ich nur einen neuen Generalstypen und nie nat.unruhe sank um 1..
Beim 2. wird ersien zum Marionettenstaat.

Muss ich das verstehen?


Vielleicht die falsch ID?

Matze I
19.04.09, 06:01
Nein, isses nicht.

20.04.09, 12:55
Ich danke mal.
Ich werde das nachher mal gleich testen.

Ist leider fehlgeschlagen.

Bei dem ersten event bekam ich nur einen neuen Generalstypen und nie nat.unruhe sank um 1..
Beim 2. wird ersien zum Marionettenstaat.

Muss ich das verstehen?

Welchen Generalstypen ?
Das wake_leader ist doch gar nicht drin und dissent auch nicht :???:


20.04.09, 16:48
Welchen Generalstypen ?
Das wake_leader ist doch gar nicht drin und dissent auch nicht :???:


Daher mein Gedanke mit der ID, sonst ergeben die Fehler für mich überhaupt keinen Sinn. :???:

20.04.09, 20:42
Dann isses scheinbar wirklich ein Problem mit der ID, dann müsste es aber beim Laden eine Fehlermeldung geben die bemängelt, dass die ID schon vergeben wurde. (Oder Ihr triggert aus Versehen die falsche ID)