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WW1 Gold
Patch 1.08l (Beta) für die Vollversion GOLD/Patches/WW1_Patch_v1.0.8l.exe
Patch 1.08l (Beta) für die Demo Version: GOLD/Patches/WW1_DemoPatch_v1.0.8l.exe
WW1 Classic
Die aktuelle Version ist 1.07i
Link zum Patch 1.07i GOLD/Patches/WW1_Patch_v1.0.7i.exe
Link zur Demo-Version:
Link zum Demo Patch 1.06h
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Link zum Handbuch (englisch)
Einige Links mit Tipps zum Spiel (Threads aus dem AGEOD Forum (englisch))
"How it works"
Einige AARs:
Syt learns to play WW1
Palestine Scenario AAR
[beta AAR] Plan Rupprecht
Einige Kapitel des Handbuches (work in progress):
Patch 1.08O:
Hello everybody,
a new official patch 1.08O for WW1 Gold is online! :)
Here you can download the patch for the full version:
And here for the demo version:
Important: this patch is for Gold Edition only.
Herewith I listed all news...
[Version 1.0.8m]
[Version 1.0.8n]
[Version 1.0.8o]
New features:
- Introduced the Play-by-Email mode!
- Added aggressivity level setting for stacks (used by battle AI and PBEM)
- Added graphics for Chinese forces
- Military AI now carefully checks the supply status of areas also when considering the camoflage stacks placement opportunities if the difficulty level is set 4+
- Immobilized armies and fleets are now not counted anymore for assignment of detached forces (drag & drop or forces management window)
- Corrected some Italian, Spanish and German texts
- Introduced limitations in building special units (i.e.: arab forces of Senussi army or Arab army of Lawrence)
- Improved the retreat to nearest friendly port procedure in case of fleets evacuation
(*) Introduced an event that brings the automatic removal of Immobilization rule for French and Austrian armies on Alps frontiers when Italy enters the war
- Military AI tweaked to make amphibious and expeditionary corps offensives outside of Europe allowed only to Japan, France and Great Britain (moddable)
- Improved activity of Military AI in army-to-army mode
- General AI improved (military and battles)
- Zeppelins now may have a range value up to 40
- PBEM ORD file names are now more descriptive
- Improved random factors synchronization in PBEM
- Rules for retreat and enemy reinforcements before battle can now be activated also in WEGO mode
- PBEM Battle AI now can play only battle events
- Max number of displayed hit points of naval squadrons is now 7+
- Max number of rows in Units DB increased to 1535
- ORD file is now generated every time game is saved
(*) Scenario corrections:
- All scenarios: Turkish genocide of Armenians now takes place only if Turkey is at war with the Entente
- Grand Campaign and 1916: corrected setup of Portuguese forces
- All scenarios: added events to make AEF automatically lands in Europe when USA enter war (landing priorities: Le Havre, Cherbourg, Brest, Dover)
- All scenarios: added correction to German aircrafts industries DB to allow activation of factories of Hanover
Fixed bugs:
- Added several fixes and improvements in supply checks
- Fixed a bug that made impossible the voluntary abandonement of grand offensives
- Fixed a bug that caused an erratic wrong calculation of RP base flows
- Fixed a bug in mandatory attacks check
(*) Fixed some bugs that caused the disappearance or deactivation of rules introduced by events play or diplomatic actions (i.e.: Bruchmuller)
- Fixed a bug than made the naval combat modifier (turn rule) almost never applied
- Fixed a bug that caused sometimes a neverending English Military AI when the option "Give AI fulltime" was active
- Fixed a bug in Surprise event that caused a wrong calculation in combat die roll modifiers when played by Defender
(*) Fixed a bug that caused a wrong generation of turn rules when introduced by events play
- Fixed a bug in PBEM: save of ORD file was allowed also when mandatory attacks not fulfilled
- Fixed an erratic bug in PBEM that caused a missing refresh of map window on turn end
- Fixed a bug in PBEM that caused an overlapping distribution of event cards among players during the first Events phase
- Fixed a bug in land battles and sieges: the losses triggered by some Combat Results Table were never counted
- Fixed a bug in land battles and sieges: sometimes wounded units were restored to full strength when hit in combat
(*) : not working for older savegames
This patch installs a PDF Manual for PBEM (that you can find in the Start menu).
Best regards,
Ich hoffe, ich pinkel jetzt in niemandes Garten...
Aber da mir das Spiel sehr am Herzen liegt, und ich nach meinen regelmäßigen Kontrollen auf der Ageod-Forumseite den aktuellen Patch ( bemerkt habe, erlaube ich mir, das folgende post zu pasten:
Thread: New official patch 1.08Q
5 Days Ago #1
calvinus is offline
New official patch 1.08Q
Hello everybody,
latest beta patch 1.08Q is now the official patch.
Here you can download the patch for the full version: GOLD/Patches/WW1_Patch_v1.0.8q.exe
And here for the demo version: GOLD/Patches/WW1_DemoPatch_v1.0.8q.exe
Important: this patch is for Gold Edition only.
Herewith I listed all news...
[Version 1.0.8q]
New features:
>> PBEM play mode now generates a PBM file every time the game is saved. This file contains the informations about local player. So, every time PBEM players must share a common SAV file because the game went out of synch, they are no more requested to modify the SAV file because the driver informations are stored in the PBM.
>> Updated the PBEM Manual PDF accordingly.
The purpose of this new features is to allow a "host-client" PBEM play mode: a host is designated among players, he is the only player who executes the end-turn procedure and saves the game, then he sends the .SAV and .MAP to all clients.
- Game updated to version 1.4.0 of irrKlang sound library
- Added some outstanding rendering performace improvements in map window
- Only HQs and GHQs are now displayed in the mini-map
- Major Land Battle AI is now more reluctant to retreat when one combat flank is won
(*) AI is now much more reluctant to play negative or self-killing events
- Large river crossing tests (performed during movements) are now automatically successful because they caused loss of synchronization in PBEM or Multiplayer mode
- Added memory lock checks in game audio engine to avoid crashes caused by memory access concurrency conflicts
- Corrected the picture of Turkish general Nureddin Pasha, commander of the 4th army in 1914
(*) Scenario corrections:
- Fixed the Event "England delivers Sultan Selim and Reshadieh battleships to Turkey" (FRA_003)
- The 'Strikes' and 'Nationalist Agitations' Events cannot occur anymore before 1917
- Added 'Mutinies' Event for France and Italy, it cannot occur before 1916 and has little chances to occur before 1917
- Fixed the Event 'Commercial submarine "Deutschland" arrives in Baltimore' wrongly scripted (not mandatory)
Fixed bugs:
- Fixed a rare bug in land battle AI that caused an infinite deploy/undeploy loop in case of major battle when 3+ corps were deployed on one flank and only 1 corps on the other flank
- RP stock level is now downgraded by one point when corps are eliminated during land battle after CR_Eliminated or MR_Eliminated results
- New PBEM mode now automatically sets the EventsDrawn parameter off (Turn section) when Clients load a shared PBEM SaveGame file
- Fixed crash in battle logs window
- Fixed bug in events loading procedure that made uneffective all die roll modifiers for event checks
(**) Fixed memory leak on game quit introduced by map performance improvements
(*) : not working for older savegames
(**) : fix introduced after the latest release of 1.08Q when beta.
Best regards,
Last edited by calvinus; 2 Days Ago at 19:35.
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Grüße die werten Herren. Wir hätten eine Frage. Wir besitzen die Box Military Strategies jetzt haben wir ein kleines Problem und zwar mit der Sprachdatei. Wir hatten uns schon den Patch 1.08l? gezogen welcher die deutsche Sprachdatei beinhaltet. Allerdings ist dieser Patch nur für die Goldversion. Schließlich haben wir uns noch den 1.07? gezogen welcher wohl für die Classic-Version ist, allerdings ist in diesem Patch keine deutsche Sprachdatei enthalten. So nun unsere Frage an euch. Wie bekommen wir unser WW I deutsch? Hat noch wer der werten Herren eine Sprachdatei für uns über oder hat eine Ahnung wo wir uns eine ziehen können? Unser Dank würde euch auch immer hinterher schleichen. :)
Werter, geschätzter Trajan, wir haben keine Ahnung, ob es eine 'deutsche' Datei gibt, aber Wir können Euch versichern, dass diese auch nicht notwendig ist...ausser evtl. am Anfang, wenn man festlegen muss, welchen militärischen Plan man verfolgen will.
Es freut Uns auf jeden Fall, dass es doch noch Leute gibt, die dieses Spiel probieren! Es ist IMHO genial....hat aber leider seine 'Mucken' (alleine die Steuerung durch Maus).....und leider....wirklich es bei mir am Ende immer abgestürzt!
Gruss Snake
Sehr geehrter Snake. Danke für Eure Antwort. Dann werden wir mal sehn, wo die Reise uns hin führt und hoffen, dass uns ein Crash erspart bleibt aber warten wir es erst einmal ab.
Edit: Hätte euch gerne für eure Antwort gerept, geht aber leider nicht... :(
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