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Der Zarewitsch
26.09.08, 09:12
Hier ein paar Infos zur anstehenden MMP mod.
Releasertermin: 03.10.08
We have plenty of new stuff in MMP.
Want a list, without trying to be exhaustive?
There are dozens and dozens and dozens of new decisions. They don't show up all at once, but given the right conditions they will appear. This adds variety and an element of surprise to each game. There are global decisions, there are regional decisions, there are country specific decisions, there are religious decisions, there are colonial decisions...
There are also nested decisions, meaning decisions that only appear if others were selected.
Finally, there are decisions coupled with events, meaning event pools designed to be played only after decisions are made.
For instance, I coded some 60 new events just for the purpose of adding depth to a new basic decision (that also leads to others): Christian nations supporting the berber pirates.
If you slow down the game while a naval battle is raging, you'll check a great plausibility regarding the balance between different warships, just looking at that and with some imagination one can tell a narrative of the battle that is consistent with the real world.
This kind of behaviour is replicated across many different systems. A player with an eye for detail will really enjoy the game from a different perspective.
Fortress levels now end in 10 (instead of 21 levels in MMG2). However, defensiveness is hugely increased by some geographical circunstances while the fortresses themselves give interesting bonuses, for instance:
fort4 = {
prerequisites = { fort3 }
cost = 500
time = 48
fort_level = 1
local_missionary_placement_chance = 0.01
local_trade_income_modifier = +0.025
local_revolt_risk = -0.75
local_defensiveness = 0.15
stability_cost = -2
supply_limit = 0.175
fort5 = {
prerequisites = { fort4 }
cost = 1000
time = 72
fort_level = 2
local_missionary_placement_chance = 0.01
local_trade_income_modifier = +0.05
local_revolt_risk = -1
local_defensiveness = 0.20
stability_cost = -3
population_growth = 0.005
local_tax_modifier = +0.05
supply_limit = 0.275
Still on the subject of Fortresses, now the winter, blockades, etc play a more important role in the dynamics of sieges. Expect a suicide if trying to assault a fortress in harsh winter but at the same time, besides checking your increased casualties, see the garrison's casualties mount as the cold takes its toll.
You can also expect the major powers of the era to behave more historically, always leaving room for unexpected turns, of course.
Something that will not be noted by many is the way the AI picks NIs now. We are coding the AI to pick the best ideas given their own strategic situation, all dynamically considered, while keeping an Historical flavour to it and again, leaving room for the unexpected pick.
Do you think we have stopped already? Nah... we are still adding new features. Today's highlight has been the fact that trade has some serious problems as of patch 3.1. So, we are wiping out the problems, one AI decision at a time! ;)
Of course we could go on mentioning
- The revamped map
- The SRI,
- The Jewish events
- Dei Gratias
- Hiring Fair
- Sengoku
- The Knights special event pool
- The Barbary Pirates
- The Provincial Tax System
- etc
all of them extensively changed, but those have been addressed in other threads.
What I am trying to convey is the fact there *is* a very significant ammount of new stuff, even if our first objective was to make MMG2 ran smoothly under the new paradigm.
Most of the times it is the intangible that defines the quality of something. If I were to pick the single most important change the gameplay has suffered, I'd say the following:
The dynamics of the game changed considerably and now the player has more power to directly influence the game.
While before he was at the mercy of luck to get specific events that enabled new event pools, now he can decide if and when he will experience them. This is in a sentence the greatest change from MMG2 to MMP. :)
Der Zarewitsch
26.09.08, 09:15
Magna Mundi Platinum Preview I - Map changes
Welcome to the previews of Magna Mundi Platinum.
For tonight we will be presenting the map and its changes.
Our cartographer, hailing from Spain, took his time to define properly the Spanish province setup.
Here is it:
While he was working to put Spain right, but before he could add As Selvagens to the Canaries province, our great cartographer receveid word from the other side of the globe. It seemed Japan and Korea needed an uplift... so he went to work:
As any other mapmaker ever born, he was also tempted to put right the Balkans and neighbours:
While he was having fun playing atmake believe in the Balkans, Club Med hired him to prepare the next summer vacations campaign. This time we are talking about islands:
Everybody knows how The Med is hot in this time of the year... so, the great Magna Mundi Cartographer, Alvya is his name, departed for a scouting trip on the frozen wastes of the Kola peninsula... and he discovered new land!
Hope you like it! ;)
Der Zarewitsch
26.09.08, 09:18
Magna Mundi Platinum Preview II - The Order of St John
MMP - The Order of St John ( - The Knights.pdf)
[B@W] Abominus
26.09.08, 10:29
Ich verstehe das nicht so ganz mit den Festungen. Gibt es jetzt 10 Festungsstufen? :wirr:
Al. I. Cuza
26.09.08, 10:45
Also ich versteh auch nicht alles, da sie die Änderungen bezüglich MMG2 beschreiebn... Da muss man glaube ich schon einen kompletten Changelog von denen verlangen um richtig zu verstehen, was anders wird.
Der Zarewitsch
26.09.08, 11:46
Hier kann man das Manual MMG2 ( einsehen.
In Kapitel VII, Seite 46 wird unter anderem das Festungssystem beschrieben.
Ist zwar das Handbuch für die Vorgängerversion, aber dennoch interessant, um herauszufinden was MM für Zielsetzungen hat.
Schön, zum Tag der Deutschen Einheit. :gluck:
26.09.08, 13:12
Das hört sich alles sehr lecker an, ich bin gespannt wie das dann im Spiel aussieht.
04.10.08, 06:09
Alle Mann an die Pumpen!
Wie kriege ich die alte Kartenansicht wieder, soll heißen, ich möchte meine Bäumchen, Gras usw. wieder. Mit der "oldmap.bat" funktioniert es nicht (Macht mir alles putt) und wie man es manuell entfernt, weiß i nich, weil es nirgends dokumentiert ist.
Die ham die alte "oldmap.bat" von Magna Mundi Gold 2 übernommen und dabei den neuen Pfad vergessen. Wenn man die alte Kartenansicht haben möchte, muss man vorher den Mod in "MagnaMundi Gold 2" umbenennen, dann funktioniert es, aber danach wieder in "MagnaMundi Platinum" ändern.
Jerobeam II.
05.10.08, 17:23
Ich habe mit meinen Osmanen einen unumgänglichen CTD. Ein neues Testspiel (mit Lucky Nations = historical, wie empfohlen) stürzt ebenso ab.
(a) wo finde ich ein Log mit der Fehlermeldung?
(b) was kann ich eventuell noch tun? Das MMP-Forum kennt diesen CTD anscheinend noch nicht, wenn er besonders ist.
Danke im Voraus!
Edit: Das "Log"-Verzeichnis im EU3-Hauptverzeichnis ist entweder leer oder Vista spielt mir wieder einen Streich; das zur Erklärung der vielleicht seltsam anmutenden Frage.
Ich habe mit meinen Osmanen einen unumgänglichen CTD. Ein neues Testspiel (mit Lucky Nations = historical, wie empfohlen) stürzt ebenso ab.
(a) wo finde ich ein Log mit der Fehlermeldung?
(b) was kann ich eventuell noch tun? Das MMP-Forum kennt diesen CTD anscheinend noch nicht, wenn er besonders ist.
Danke im Voraus!
Edit: Das "Log"-Verzeichnis im EU3-Hauptverzeichnis ist entweder leer oder Vista spielt mir wieder einen Streich; das zur Erklärung der vielleicht seltsam anmutenden Frage.
Hatte glücklicherweise noch keinen CTD,bei mir läuft es stabil.
Es gibt doch einen Ordner namens Logs und da dann eine Datei: error.log
ich vermute mal am ehesten diese Datei. Ist bei mir auch leer hatte aber noch keine Probleme, wie gesagt
Du kannst dann den genauen Fehler im CTDs Bug Reports melden.
Wie findet ihr bisher MMP?
Der Zarewitsch
06.10.08, 09:40
Es gibt bereits das erste update: Mit diesem wurden u.a. etliche CTD-auslösende Fehler behoben. Vielleicht dürfte das auch Euer Problem lösen.
Leider mußte ich feststellen, daß die MM Jungs versehentlich eine ältere Version meiner SchipNamesMod für MMP verwendet haben. Sie wollen das bis zum nächsten update korrigieren. Wer bis dahin nicht warten will, dem empfehle ich die aktuelle Version 1.0 drüberzuziehen. 1.0 hat noch mehr historische Schiffsnamen für etliche Nationen und ist bug-frei (nicht so die momentane MM-Version).
download hier zu finden:
Pfad: EUIII/mod/MMP/common/countries
edit: allerdings nur die Schiffsnamen der jeweiligen Länder ersetzen, da die MMP country files von vanilla abweichen und nicht verändert werden dürfen.
06.10.08, 13:28
Heut meinen ersten Absturz gehabt mit Platinum 1.0, genau richtig, um auf die neue 1.05 zu wechseln :D
Jerobeam II.
07.10.08, 23:00
Nun wechsle ich auch.
Und: nein, in dem vorhandenen Ordner "Logs" findet sich keine Datei. Ebensowenig wie sich die Savegames im dafür vorgesehenen Ordner befinden. Stattdessen finde ich sie (manchmal!) in meinen User-Ordnern. Fazit: Vista "denkt" für Dich. So ein Drecksprogramm...
Jerobeam II.
08.10.08, 01:19
So, jetzt ist es genug: warum produziert mein Rechner keine Logs? Der Absturz blieb nämlich erhalten. Keine Chance auf weitermachen und keine auf Hilfe.
Wer hat vielleicht ein ähnliches Problem oder eine Vermutung, wo ich die Datei finden könnte (die Windowssuche auf allen Festplatten findet nichts...) bzw. warum ich keinen Log bekomme?
Der Zarewitsch
08.10.08, 07:12
Kenne mich da leider nicht aus, werter Jerobeam. Im MM-Forum kann Euch auch keiner helfen? Die Macher müßten es doch wissen...
Vielleicht schafft ja auch das nächste update, das für Sonntag angekündigt wurde, Abhilfe.
1.1 will come at most on sunday. It presently has much more than localization improvement fixes.
Here goes the current list:
- "Olive Branch" now properly ends if in between terms and conditions and conditions the rebels surrender
- Fixed triggered modifier missing a bracket
- Fixed "Dangerous Turn of Events" to more sensible rebel numbers
- Fixed "Dangerous Turn of Events" pink panther localization upgrade
- Fixed EVTNAME500122 indigo elephant localization feature
- Fixed cooper coke localization improvement in the Framed! event pool
- Buda is now part of the Jagellonian Empire region
- Event 51005 was duplicated
- Fixed the unknown trade good CTD
- The Feuding Daimyo event will no longer fire more often for larger countries
- Fixed a bug with the Rice Famine event which was causing it not to fire in
some cases where it should have
- Fixed a Barbary pirates bug tied to wrongly assigning a casus belli
- Lower Austria got a AI file
- Styria got a AI file
- Cilli got a AI file
- Tirol got a AI file
- Changed Scandinavia Balance of Power
- Tweaked devassalization event for the AI. This should help France.
- Bakufu army strength now takes into account a country's reputation to a limited degree; they will be weaker if you have a spotless reputation and will be stronger if you have a bad reputation
- A daimyo needs at least one stat at 7 or higher to found a new Bakufu
- Having your vassals turn traitor in the Gekokujo event now costs tradition to reflect the loss of your generals
- Gekokujo, Betrayal at $CAPITAL$ and Rival Branch of the $COUNTRY$ are more likely to fire when a daimyo has a very bad reputation
- Warrior Monks are more likely to support underdogs in wars
- The shogun is now more likely to call on the Bakufu for aid when Kyoto is
under siege, and the effects may be stronger when the need is dire
- Lowered the threshold for Civil War ending. This means revolt pockets after ending will be far fewer or none.
- Provincial Taxes now last until the endgame, unless revoked
- Reworked the Province Taxes in oder to simplify the picking
- Added a new decision to revoke province taxes
- Province taxes now lasts until the end game or revoked
- Trade in europe was too cutthroat. It is now easier.
Jerobeam II.
08.10.08, 13:10
nach kompletter Neuinstallation bekomme ich nun ein system_error.log. Mit dem MM-Forum habe ich Probleme, daher hier einmal der Text in der Datei - vielleicht weiß jemand Bescheid? Ich vermute ein Osmanen-Event, das nicht richtig greift:
Clausewitz Error[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 51005 41. Allready exists in game.
Clausewitz Error[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 1052 37. Allready exists in game.
Clausewitz Error[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 5132 37. Allready exists in game.
Clausewitz Error[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 1965 38. Allready exists in game.
Clausewitz Error[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 1052 37. Allready exists in game.
Clausewitz Error[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 5132 37. Allready exists in game.
Clausewitz Error[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 1965 38. Allready exists in game.
Clausewitz Error[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 3527 37. Allready exists in game.
Clausewitz Error[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 603 38. Allready exists in game.
Clausewitz Error[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 2426 37. Allready exists in game.
Clausewitz Error[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 5191 37. Allready exists in game.
nach kompletter Neuinstallation bekomme ich nun ein system_error.log. Mit dem MM-Forum habe ich Probleme, daher hier einmal der Text in der Datei - vielleicht weiß jemand Bescheid? Ich vermute ein Osmanen-Event, das nicht richtig greift:
Clausewitz Error[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 51005 41. Allready exists in game.
Clausewitz Error[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 1052 37. Allready exists in game.
Clausewitz Error[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 5132 37. Allready exists in game.
Clausewitz Error[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 1965 38. Allready exists in game.
Clausewitz Error[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 1052 37. Allready exists in game.
Clausewitz Error[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 5132 37. Allready exists in game.
Clausewitz Error[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 1965 38. Allready exists in game.
Clausewitz Error[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 3527 37. Allready exists in game.
Clausewitz Error[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 603 38. Allready exists in game.
Clausewitz Error[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 2426 37. Allready exists in game.
Clausewitz Error[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 5191 37. Allready exists in game.
Allready exists in game müsste heißen,dass eine Event id, wenn das hier gemeint ist, doppelt ist! Ich kenne mich bezüglich modding bei EU nicht aus, aber bei HOI und da gab es den Fehler auch, dass wenn Event ids doppelt vergeben waren das Spiel nicht startete oder dann nicht triggert.
In der Datei TheOttomans_1.txt sind die meisten Events id 13000-13028 und dann geht es ab 674561 weiter(OTTOMAN POLITICAL)
Wenn es wirklich Event ids sind dann schau mal in den anderen Eventdateien nach.
09.10.08, 04:01
ID 51005 ist ein Kolonisierungsevent, das steht zweimal direkt untereinander in der gleichen Datei "mayexplore.txt".
Die anderen Identifikationsnummern kenn ich nicht, könnten auch Einheiten sein, die haben ja auch allesamt eine ID bekommen in EU3.
Auch in der History stehen einige ID, die für das Auftauchen der Advisor etc. verantwortlich sind, sind ja an die Provinzen gebunden, jede Provinz besitzt ihre eigene Datei, in der festgelegt ist, ab wann ein Advisor auftaucht, wann ein Land ein Core bekommt oder verliert etc. blabla.
Würde gerne wissen, was diese zweistelligen Nummern bedeuten, scheinen ein Schlüssel zu sein, um welchen Fehler es sich handelt.
Hier meine Fehlerliste:
Clausewitz Error[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 51005 41. Allready exists in game.
Clausewitz Error[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 1052 37. Allready exists in game.
Clausewitz Error[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 1052 37. Allready exists in game.
Clausewitz Error[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 4118 38. Allready exists in game.
Clausewitz Error[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 3527 37. Allready exists in game.
Clausewitz Error[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 610 38. Allready exists in game.
Clausewitz Error[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 2426 37. Allready exists in game.
Clausewitz Error[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 2339 38. Allready exists in game.
Clausewitz Error[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 1052 37. Allready exists in game.
Clausewitz Error[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 2426 37. Allready exists in game.
Clausewitz Error[id.cpp:83]: Failed to create id 3527 37. Allready exists in game.
Haben einige Gemeinsamkeiten, aber auch Abweichungen und einige Einträge tauchen immer mehrmals auf. Z. B. 1052 und 2426 oder 1965.
09.10.08, 09:33
1052 37 scheint eine Personalunion zwischen Schweden und Norwegen zu sein, bzw. 37 ist der Schlüssel für eine Personalunion.
38 scheint ein Anführer der Rebellen zu sein.
Jerobeam II.
09.10.08, 10:52
Nun hat sich der CTD wieder ereignet, zusammen mit dem Autosave (der erste des Monats eben, der Termin für Events). Also konnte ich das Spiel wieder laden... und siehe da: "mein" Land ist nicht automatisch ausgewählt, ich kann es aber wählen. Dann: alle Monarchen auf der Welt sind plötzlich verstorben, alle Slider auf Mittelstellung, alle Armeen weg (außer Rebellen). Meine Missionare sind nun große (sehr große!) marschierende Armeen in schwarz. "Retire" führt zu CTD. Sehr nett. Vor allem die Missionare sind sehenswert... :)
Ich vermute (!) ein AI-Event (es gibt einige, die nur die AI bekommt, dabei erhält das Osmanische Reich mehrere Kernprovinzen und vermutlich auch Armeen), das hakt. Aber es mangelt mir an Modding-Erfahrung wie auch an Durchblick bei den Events.
Meine Missionare sind nun große (sehr große!) marschierende Armeen in schwarz. "Retire" führt zu CTD. Sehr nett. Vor allem die Missionare sind sehenswert... :)Screenshot? :D
Jerobeam II.
09.10.08, 15:59
So ich das verstehe, gerne. :)
Der Zarewitsch
11.10.08, 11:06
Patch 1.1 ist raus:
- "Olive Branch" now properly ends if in between terms and conditions and conditions the rebels surrender
- Fixed triggered modifier missing a bracket
- Fixed Bank of Amsterdam modifier
- Fixed "Dangerous Turn of Events" to more sensible rebel numbers
- Fixed "Dangerous Turn of Events" localization upgrade
- Fixed EVTNAME500122 localization feature
- Fixed localization improvement in the Framed! event pool
- Buda is now part of the Jagellonian Empire region
- Event 51005 was duplicated
- Fixed the unknown trade good CTD
- The Feuding Daimyo event will no longer fire more often for larger countries
- Fixed a bug with the Rice Famine event which was causing it not to fire in
some cases where it should have
- Fixed a Barbary pirates bug tied to wrongly assigning a casus belli
- Deleted the Imperial Administration decision (CTD guaranteed)
- Changed Trieste to Triest
- Fixed capital trigger in "A Wounded Scoundrel" event. Will be much rarer now.
- Fixed Berber Pirate event where ships were being captured in landlocked provinces
- Fixed the bug that easily increases army and navy tradition if the academies were built
- Fixed more than 1600 duplication bugs due to the use of rmsdc script to fix the localization problems. Many, many thanks rmsdc but... WE WERE FRAMED!
- fixed berber_pirates_support description
- Disloyal vassals now transfer units to the country when surrending.
- Fixed a bug with the automatic setup of naval assets that was turning some countries over the support limit
- Burgundian history file now is read properly after 1470
- The Japanese "Inner Lords" event should now only properly fire once
- Having your vassals turn traitor in the Gekokujo event now costs tradition to reflect the loss of your generals
- Fixed a bug with the Rice Famine event which was causing it not to fire in some cases where it should have
- Gekokujo, Betrayal at $CAPITAL$ and Rival Branch of the $COUNTRY$ are more likely to fire when a daimyo has a very bad reputation
- Warrior Monks are more likely to support underdogs in wars
- The shogun is now more likely to call on the Bakufu for aid when Kyoto is under siege, and the effects may be stronger when the need is dire
- Several fixes to the HRE
- Lots of fixes to the HRE
- Plenty of fixes to the HRE
- The "Unite Arabia" decision now has text
- Some fixes to the anti-jewish mobs
- Fixed CTD bug in the Knights
- Fixed an error where a province that was converted to another religion group
entirely could end up firing the "Religious Freedom" event repeatedly
- fixed two bugs in the "Discovery of Peru" event chain which were causing
discovered provinces not to show up
- Fixed a bug where two flags were incorrectly being set for the Curia Controller and not the Papal States
- fixed a MAJOR BUG where most church councils would not bring up the Reformation as a topic unless it was plaguing the country of the Curia Controller (caused by a change in how the num_of_religion trigger works between NA and IN)
- Fixed a bug where the closing of a CoT was taking 2 or 3 points from the stability of the player
- Fixed Alicante & Oresund copy
- Included several provinces in regions
- Fixed Ports in Japan
- Fixed too many provincial stuff to list here
- Lower Austria got a AI file
- Styria got a AI file
- Cilli got a AI file
- Tirol got a AI file
- Changed Scandinavia Balance of Power
- Tweaked devassalization event for the AI. This should help France.
- Bakufu army strength now takes into account a country's reputation to a
limited degree; they will be weaker if you have a spotless reputation and will
be stronger if you have a bad reputation
- A daimyo needs at least one stat at 7 or higher to found a new Bakufu
- Having your vassals turn traitor in the Gekokujo event now costs tradition to
reflect the loss of your generals
- Gekokujo, Betrayal at $CAPITAL$ and Rival Branch of the $COUNTRY$ are more
likely to fire when a daimyo has a very bad reputation
- Warrior Monks are more likely to support underdogs in wars
- The shogun is now more likely to call on the Bakufu for aid when Kyoto is
under siege, and the effects may be stronger when the need is dire
- Lowered the threshold for Civil War ending. This means revolt pockets after ending will be far fewer or none.
- Provincial Taxes now last until the endgame, unless revoked!
- Reworked the Province Taxes in oder to simplify the picking
- Added a new decision to revoke province taxes
- Province taxes now lasts until the end game or revoked
- Trade in europe was too cutthroat. It is now easier.
- Moved some potential triggers in the protest to the berbers to the allow section.
- Added a penalty to global taxes to makeup for the fixing of the bug in the setup of naval assets
- Reduced the penalty to taxes from non accepted culture to makeup for the fixing of the bug in the setup of naval assets
- Reduced Naval Forcelimits to makeup for the fixing of the bug in the setup of naval assets
- Reduced the average time taken for the forging of cores.
- The Manchu will now find it somewhat easier to become the Qing
- The "Develop a Simplified Alphabet" decision for Korea can now only fire once
- The "Develop a Simplified Alphabet" decision now has proper description colors
- The Zikri religion was changed from a stubborn one to a missionary one
- Temporarily removed the vanilla abilities of the Curia Controller to call crusades and excommunicate rivals; please let me know what you think of this!
- Made Church Councils more interesting for the Curia Controller
- The spread of the Renaissance is now handled differently
- Populist reformers will no longer appear in countries because they refused the pope in the Exsurge Domine event
- The Defender of the Faith will not lose holy land cores if they are his capital
- The longer the Western Schism goes, the more likely countries involved in it are to want to end it
- Knights updated
- The Arabian Nation event now has the same triggers as the Unite Arabia decision.
- Added country decisions which help players figure out what they need to raise their title and rank. They do not actually change a country's title or rank,
but indicate what requirements they need to get the event which will do so.
- Created a mighty Canadian hoser army armed with empty beer bottles and hockey
pucks with which I shall take over the world and make my high school crush pay
for spurning me. Pay! No cheques, please.
- Though about hanging David for the easter eggs he is throwing around, but thought twice because two weeks ago the childish and ridicule linching mob was too ready to hang me!
- Got bored of writing update descriptions.
- Added a MMP common file for Majahapit (assigned appropriate starting ideas and preferred units)
- Moved Indonesia from the Chinese techgroup and graphics to the Indian techgroup and graphics (including preferred units)
- Russia should now be able to move its capital to St. Petersburg by decision
- Poland and the Imperial City of Danzig both have a core on Danzig province in 1399.
- Riga's population has been adjusted to a more historical level
- slowed down event-based conversion to Protestant in the hope of this leaving room for more Reformed conversions later
- Reduced significantly the tax bonus for Small States.
- Increased strength of Lithuania
- Changed population of some provinces
- Fixed Thrace fortification
- Added Goerz AI
Der Zarewitsch
11.10.08, 11:13
Und nachdem die Knalltüten wieder vergessen haben die Schiffslisten zu aktualisieren, gibt es hier die bugfreie und erweiterte Version 1.0 für MMP:;12033106;/fileinfo.html
(Pfad: EUIII/mod/mmp/common/countries)
- kein Neapel, weil MMP keinen naples Ordner besitzt
- Castille nicht verändert, weil MMP für Castille wohl die Vanilla Version möchte
- Knights nicht verändert, weil MMP eine eigene Liste hat (diese wird in das nächste update meiner ShipNamesMod übernommen werden)
Der Zarewitsch
11.10.08, 21:45
Noch ein patch:
MMP 1.11 -
- Fixed *some* localization fixes that got overwritten
- Deleted governments_.csv as it was a leftover from a test
- Fixed Scandinavia BoP (hopefully, once and for all!)
- Fixed Portuguese inhability to colonize africa and india due to range problems
- Trimmed localization files to avoid memory corruption (the usual suspects for more than a year go )
- Naples and Jalayirids have MMP compatible common files now
- Balanced the losing of vassals for the AI
- Balanced the releasing vassals for the AI
- Balanced RR management for the AI
- Trade_Efficiency is less affected by policies
- Georgia is now a kingdom ruled by a king
- The British Nation event now has the same requirements as the decision
- Added a Dutch core to Limburg.
- Nerfed Constable building
...und das dazu passende Schiffslisten - update:;12037113;/fileinfo.html
deine Schiffsliste wurde immernoch nicht eingegliedert ?
I can't read, write or speak german, but if you are willing, I can answer any doubts that are posted here in english for me to read.
So, if you need help, just ask! :)
Al. I. Cuza
14.10.08, 19:57
Hy ubik, nice of you to offer help.
But first: Welcome!
Der Zarewitsch
14.10.08, 21:40
Welcome, Sir ubik! What an honour to have you here. :)
Jerobeam II.
15.10.08, 18:55
Master Ubik!
It is really an honour to see you wandering these lands...
There are two little questions on my side. Perhaps they have been answered in the official forum, but I have problems with it.
(a) The Ottoman Empire has certain events to be strengthened. Allways when I play OE and come to peace at last, there is a CTD. Perhaps an AI-Event causing problems?
(b) In every not-OE-game the OE itself does not grow. First it releases its provinces as vassalls, annexes them then and so on again, then it ruins its stability in a way I can´t understand.
Thank you for helping - a poor wouldbe-OE-player.
Der Zarewitsch
18.10.08, 08:44
Patch 1.15 für morgen angekündigt!
- Fixed localization improvements in the Reputation event pool
- Fixed localization improvements in the Spymasters event pool
- Fixed localization improvements in the National Ideas event pool
- Ottomans now change capital to Thrace
- Fixed a missing combination from a high level Idea
- Fixed a rare CTD with the Ottomans BoP
- Fixed Ottoman BoP that under certain circunstances got frozen
- Put to use the obscene ammount of gold nations are saving while accrueing inflation
- Fixed a bug in the CoT placement event pool
- Fixed Hungary Overlord of Transilvanya
- Ottomans don't have Athens as an inexistent Vassal
- Fixed a bug in the Spanish Colonization event pool (was hindering colonization)
- Fixed a bug in the Columbus event pool (was hindering colonization)
- Fixed a bug in the Portuguese Colonization event pool (was hindering colonization)
- Fixed a bug in the French Colonization event pool (was hindering colonization)
- Fixed a bug in the English Colonization event pool (was hindering colonization)
- Madeira, Azores and Canaries are now properly attainable at the 1399 start for the AI.
- Fixed CoT bug tied to sliders
- MANY localization fixes tied to the HRE and trade system
- Fixed Knight's Tongue Infight Decline event
- Fixed National Ideas badly defined leading automatically to the "Reneging Our Heritage" at game start
- Fixed Union events
- Fixed province names in spain
- Fixed construction mission bugs
- Fixed modifier in Knights event pool
- Fixed modifier in Scandinavia BoP
- Fixed a bug in the Empty Plains event which wrongly assigned relations to fall
- Harder for the AI to lose vassals
- Harder for the AI to release vassals
- Balanced rebel spawn
- Added tax loss to blockaded provinces
- Added a new layer of complexity to the release vassal event for player
- Gave fangs to the Ottomans (maybe still in need of the dreaded spiked tail)
- Stabilized Lithuania
- Reduced free fortresses events
- Scaled fortress repairs events
- Reduced defensiveness bonus
- Shoot the archer on predefined fort sizes, not the arrow of the new fortress model.
- Enclosures do not give a stab hit
- England bound to lose easily possessions out of great britain when occupied by other european tech country.
- The Italian Kingdom decision has been changed to be more realistic and more easily understandable
- Added a decision to ask the pope for a concordat if you are Christian and own Rome
- It is now possible for Russia to get the "Move Capital to St. Petersburg" national decision.
- Austrian kings are now 'archdukes' who rule 'archduchies'.
- The 'empty plains' events are now more adaptive. This changes the way the game works for the Mongols: The earlier the timescale, the greater the threat
- Separated the decision to abolish the shogunate so the shogun has different requirements than a daimyo
- The decision to prospect for silver in western Japan now costs only 50% to enact but now has only a 50% chance of success
- A more historical setup for the Eastern Mongol hordes and Japanese daimyo courtesy of Ese Khan.
- The Nanbu clan has been changed to the Kakizaki clan instead
- Shamanism is once again properly called Tengriist to reflect its role as the religion of the Mongols
- Fixed the localisation of Offensive Drill Infantry for Western Europe
- Danzig is no longer a core for the Imperial City of Danzig before 1367
- Hindu Bihari countries may now form Hindustan
- Kampaku cannot declare Sobujirei if they are vassals
- Fixed a bug in Modernization that was allowing isolated countries to experience the "Rumors and Tales" event long before foreigners arrived.
- Reintroduced the "Organized Religion" event to ensure that colonies do not need multiple missionaries to convert them.
- Notifications of some events have been changed so that they should not fire for very isolated countries
- Removed two superfluous proselytization events that were causing problems
- Changed North American Indian provinces to Midewiwin at the start of the game.
- Updated Frisian monarch list (thanks to Metacomet)
- Removed wet feet
- The Aztec Adventures chain of events now properly checks ownership of Cuba and Florida to start the chain
- The Aztecs will not surrender Mexico to the Europeans by event while it is being occupied by a second non-Native foreign power
- Fixed a bug where a province fully converted could get the wrong event and revert back to heresy in about 10-20% of cases
- Removed the vanilla "Counter Reformation" event
18.10.08, 09:43
Das "Schweizer Söldner" Event hamse noch nicht überarbeitet? Nervt ungemein, wenn Japan immer gefragt wird, ob es Söldner aus der Schweiz anheuern soll.
18.10.08, 16:31
Welcome ubik, it's good to see you here, i like Magna Mundi but i have two questions:
I started a game with Denmark, joined the Hansa and went +1 Naval, then i got a nice event that gave me the possibility to improve my capital with either a naval yard, a regimental camp, better forts (not too sure of this option), an admirality or the equivalent to the admirality for land tradition (forgot its name)
I chose the admirality which gave me +3 naval so i had maxed naval by now and looked at my income screen and went like :eek:, because i hade a TE of about 100% in 1400. Of course i expanded my trade to every major cot in europe and at about 1420 i had a monthly income of abot 70 ducats (followed by france with about 30 or something like that) Even with the last hotfix that reduced the bonus form land/naval on TE from 30 to 20 you would have about 90 percent TE. My question is: is this WAD? (I started a second game to check if this is repeatable and the "Improve the capital" event fired again)
My second question is: how do i inherit Norway and Sweden? I read the explanation to the inherit events and in my current game our relations are kept at 60 with both of them. Do I just have to wait until all of the "Grant the estates some privileges have fired and i agreed to them to inherit them?
Also i noticed a bug in the game engine: As Denmark i assasinated the ruler of Norway, but instead that my ruler died and i inherit them, they just got a new one and the PU continued nevertheless, I'd suggest adding another requirement to the "assasinate ruler" spy mission: the target country is not in a PU with us or even in a PU with anyone, so that you have to assassinate the ruler in the right country to avoid this bug.
Also the decision to build up a pretender to the throne doesn't seem to work, as my ruler never died (I relaoded and tried like 20 times) and the only rebels that would spawn are peasants and not any pretender rebels.
Still I think you did a great jod and i really like Magna Mundi.
Welcome ubik, it's good to see you here, i like Magna Mundi but i have two questions:
I started a game with Denmark, joined the Hansa and went +1 Naval, then i got a nice event that gave me the possibility to improve my capital with either a naval yard, a regimental camp, better forts (not too sure of this option), an admirality or the equivalent to the admirality for land tradition (forgot its name)
I chose the admirality which gave me +3 naval so i had maxed naval by now and looked at my income screen and went like :eek:, because i hade a TE of about 100% in 1400. Of course i expanded my trade to every major cot in europe and at about 1420 i had a monthly income of abot 70 ducats (followed by france with about 30 or something like that) Even with the last hotfix that reduced the bonus form land/naval on TE from 30 to 20 you would have about 90 percent TE. My question is: is this WAD? (I started a second game to check if this is repeatable and the "Improve the capital" event fired again)
My second question is: how do i inherit Norway and Sweden? I read the explanation to the inherit events and in my current game our relations are kept at 60 with both of them. Do I just have to wait until all of the "Grant the estates some privileges have fired and i agreed to them to inherit them?
Also i noticed a bug in the game engine: As Denmark i assasinated the ruler of Norway, but instead that my ruler died and i inherit them, they just got a new one and the PU continued nevertheless, I'd suggest adding another requirement to the "assasinate ruler" spy mission: the target country is not in a PU with us or even in a PU with anyone, so that you have to assassinate the ruler in the right country to avoid this bug.
Also the decision to build up a pretender to the throne doesn't seem to work, as my ruler never died (I relaoded and tried like 20 times) and the only rebels that would spawn are peasants and not any pretender rebels.
Still I think you did a great jod and i really like Magna Mundi.
On trade efficiency, I'd like to see where did you get so much of it by 1400... Can you provide a list of modifiers increasing your TE? :)
Inheritances work like vanilla.
When you assassinate the ruler of another country, that's well spotted. Thanks!
Pretender to the Throne not broken. :)
Enjoy my next post, then! :)
MAGNA MUNDI PLATINUM V.1.15 (18/10/2008)
- Fixed localization improvements in the Reputation event pool
- Fixed localization improvements in the Spymasters event pool
- Fixed localization improvements in the National Ideas event pool
- Ottomans now change capital to Thrace
- Fixed a missing combination from a high level Idea
- Fixed a rare CTD with the Ottomans BoP
- Fixed Ottoman BoP that under certain circunstances got frozen
- Put to use the obscene ammount of gold nations are saving while accrueing inflation
- Fixed a bug in the CoT placement event pool
- Fixed Hungary Overlord of Transilvanya
- Ottomans don't have Athens as an inexistent Vassal
- Fixed a bug in the Spanish Colonization event pool (was hindering colonization)
- Fixed a bug in the Columbus event pool (was hindering colonization)
- Fixed a bug in the Portuguese Colonization event pool (was hindering colonization)
- Fixed a bug in the French Colonization event pool (was hindering colonization)
- Fixed a bug in the English Colonization event pool (was hindering colonization)
- Madeira, Azores and Canaries are now properly attainable at the 1399 start for the AI.
- Fixed CoT bug tied to sliders
- MANY localization fixes tied to the HRE and trade system
- Fixed Knight's Tongue Infight Decline event
- Fixed National Ideas badly defined leading automatically to the "Reneging Our Heritage" at game start
- Fixed Union events
- Fixed province names in spain
- Fixed construction mission bugs
- Fixed modifier in Knights event pool
- Fixed modifier in Scandinavia BoP
- Fixed a bug in the Empty Plains event which wrongly assigned relations to fall
- Fixes the "trade acumen" variable (which I had forgotten to calculate & set)
- Fixes a bug in devassalization that had led to loss of electorship
- Fixes a broken housekeeping event that removed a District Administration without sufficient reason
- Straightened out some of the Hansa-related triggered modifiers and events
- Reintroduced a general event for cot owners to expel successful trading nations
- Multiple fixes for stuff reported on the forums, and implemented suggestions, ditto
- Fixed the position of a port in the map
- Fixed random province defections upon siege-won or demands-enforced did not set proper limits
- Fixed some typos in events
- Harder for the AI to lose vassals
- Harder for the AI to release vassals
- Balanced rebel spawn
- Added tax loss to blockaded provinces
- Added a new layer of complexity to the release vassal event for player
- Gave fangs to the Ottomans (maybe still in need of the dreaded spiked tail)
- Stabilized Lithuania
- Reduced free fortresses events
- Scaled fortress repairs events
- Reduced defensiveness bonus
- Shoot the archer on predefined fort sizes, not the arrow of the new fortress model.
- Enclosures do not give a stab hit
- England bound to lose easily possessions out of great britain when occupied by other european tech country.
- The Italian Kingdom decision has been changed to be more realistic and more easily understandable
- Added a decision to ask the pope for a concordat if you are Christian and own Rome
- It is now possible for Russia to get the "Move Capital to St. Petersburg" national decision.
- Austrian kings are now 'archdukes' who rule 'archduchies'.
- The 'empty plains' events are now more adaptive. This changes the way the game works for the Mongols: The earlier the timescale, the greater the threat
- Separated the decision to abolish the shogunate so the shogun has different requirements than a daimyo
- The decision to prospect for silver in western Japan now costs only 50% to enact but now has only a 50% chance of success
- A more historical setup for the Eastern Mongol hordes and Japanese daimyo courtesy of Ese Khan.
- The Nanbu clan has been changed to the Kakizaki clan instead
- Shamanism is once again properly called Tengriist to reflect its role as the religion of the Mongols
- Fixed the localisation of Offensive Drill Infantry for Western Europe
- Danzig is no longer a core for the Imperial City of Danzig before 1367
- Hindu Bihari countries may now form Hindustan
- Kampaku cannot declare Sobujirei if they are vassals
- Fixed a bug in Modernization that was allowing isolated countries to experience the "Rumors and Tales" event long before foreigners arrived.
- Reintroduced the "Organized Religion" event to ensure that colonies do not need multiple missionaries to convert them.
- Notifications of some events have been changed so that they should not fire for very isolated countries
- Removed two superfluous proselytization events that were causing problems
- Changed North American Indian provinces to Midewiwin at the start of the game.
- Updated Frisian monarch list (thanks to Metacomet)
- Removed wet feet
- The Aztec Adventures chain of events now properly checks ownership of Cuba and Florida to start the chain
- The Aztecs will not surrender Mexico to the Europeans by event while it is being occupied by a second non-Native foreign power
- Fixed a bug where a province fully converted could get the wrong event and revert back to heresy in about 10-20% of cases
- Removed the vanilla "Counter Reformation" event
- Two new decision included: "Religious Colonization" and "Giving a Colony to an Accepted Culture."
- Technology should be reasearched faster across a whole game
- Vassals only ask help in war if experiencing high war exhaustion
- Upped defect delay in some cases, but added teeth to colonial rebels, nationalists, and patriots by allowing them to take their soldiers with them to the newly-free country
Der Zarewitsch
19.10.08, 09:21
Und wie mittlerweile schon Routine die aktuelle ShipNames Mod für MMP:;12097583;/fileinfo.html
19.10.08, 11:53
On trade efficiency, I'd like to see where did you get so much of it by 1400... Can you provide a list of modifiers increasing your TE? :)
Alright, I started a game as Denmark. They are starting with 52% TE 4% of that are due to their Naval/Land-slider. I immediately joined the Hansa which gave me 20% TE at the cost of some additional stab-cost, so now I'm at 72%. Then moved my slider towards Naval, now I'm at Naval 2 giving me another 4% for a total of 76%. In the first two games I played i got the "Improve our capital" Event in the first half of the first decade of gametime (so between 1399 and about 1405). If I chose to build an Admirality in that event, my sliders are moved 3 in direction of the navy, maxing it out and giving me another 12% TE for a whopping 88%. Of course i can still improve that with advisors and the "Hanseatic Harmony" modifier to about 100% in 1410.
Inheritances work like vanilla.
Well, I knew that much :D, what bothers me is that my subject nations are gettting events on a fairly regular basis that resets their relations with me to 60 (something about the estates discussing tariffs) and with that I can't inherit anything afaik. What I'd like to know is how I keep this event from firing to improve my relations more permanently. Do I just have to agree with every demand the estates are coming up with and hope that they don't break free in the meantime, or is there another way to get this?
[QUTE=ubik]When you assassinate the ruler of another country, that's well spotted. Thanks![/QUOTE]
I'm glad I could be of assistance
Pretender to the Throne not broken. :)
Good to hear that, gonna try a few more times to kill my ruler and inherit scandinavia :D
Of course, everything I said right now is still with the 1.11 version, as I didn't have the time to try the new one yet.
Ah! On trade, it seems Helius gave a very significant advantage to Hansa members. That's explained.
On inheritances, it is WAD. Its difficult to inherit now. And that is a good thing to prevent blobbing. At the same time, you may get lucky of course.
Für jemanden der des Englischen nicht soo mächtig ist, ist es hier ein bissl schwer durchzusteigen.
Was ist MagnaMundi überhaupt?
Was verändert dieser Mod überhaupt im Spiel, wär nett eine kurze Deutsche Anleitung zu lesen.
GAGA Extrem
21.10.08, 16:47
Magna Mundi Platinum ist eine Mod für EU3, man könnte fast sagen ein neues Spiel fürs Spiel.
Den Mod startest du, indem du den EU3 launcher startest und dann beim Reiter "Select Mod to play" von "default" auf "Magna Mundi Platinum" wechselst, dann einfach per Play Button starten.
Die Änderungen umfassen ein eigenes Handbuch von dutzenden Seiten, grundsätzlich kann man sagen:
1) Alle NIs wurden geändert und ausbalanciert, jede hat einen Nutzen - und wer sich auf eine bestimmte Gruppe von NIs spezialisert (Land, See, Regierung) bekommt eine besonders gute freigeschaltet.
2) Alle Slider wurden ausbalanciert und geändert, sie sind nun stärker - es gibt keine no-brainer mehr wie bei vanilla.
3) Viele neue events, von Kriegsevents wie Gegenangriffen und Belagerungsevents über neue Religionsevents hin zu neuen Zufallsereignissen ist alles drin
4) Überarbeitete Gebäude, sowohl was Wirkung als auch Kosten angeht
5) Eine neue HRE Mechanik, bei der das blobben der HRE Staaten schwerer fällt, außerdem gibts nun Reichstage und andere inner-HRE Ereignisse
6) Neue Missionen und Entscheidungen
7) Neue Spielgrafik (Karte)
8) Beseitigung alter Unzulänglichkeiten (Mass CAV Armeen, etc)
9) Stabilität und Kriegsmüdigkeit haben stärkere Auswirkungen auf die Länder, Rebellionen treten nun wesentlich organisierter auf.
10) Kolonialisierungswahn der KI größtenteils gefixt
11) Kriegsführung ist massiv geändert worden: Man muss nun auf gemischte Armeen setzen, Belagerungen dauern oftmals länger, vor allem besondere Festungen wie Avignon, Rhodos und Gibraltar bekommen Boni
12) Neue Truppen- und Schiffstypen
13) Neues Kurien Modell + dutzende Religiöser Events
14) Simulation von jüdischen Siedlungen und Ghettos in Europa
15) Neue Advisor Typen: diverse Berater der Knights und jüdische Berater
16) Dutzende neue Spionage events
17) Status-Quo mechanik die Länder in verschiedene Stärkegruppen einteilt, in denen man je nach Spielverlauf auf- oder absteigen kann
18) Insgesamt ist das Spiel etwas langsamer als vanilla und verlangt wesentlich mehr Entscheidungen. Ich hab alleine 15min gebraucht um mich zwischen "Offensiv" und "Defensivem" slider zu entscheiden :D
Usw. Usf. ...
Ubik, is it somehow possible to play MMP with the Mac EU 3 IN 1.02?
Ubik, is it somehow possible to play MMP with the Mac EU 3 IN 1.02?
No, sorry. :(
You need the latest patch and even then, several people are reporting issues.
Well, my sources report, that the patch have to wait for unknown reasons :(
I'm really looking forward to play the newest MMP
Thanks for the translation GAGA. :)
Well, my sources report, that the patch have to wait for unknown reasons :(
I'm really looking forward to play the newest MMP
As far as I know Paradox is not responsible for the Mac patch.
That's right but they have to send the source to the porters. AFAIK that's the problem :(
Der Zarewitsch
26.10.08, 05:32
Vorschau auf das nächste update:
- Fixed localization improvements in the NI event pool
- Fixed localization improvements in the HRE event pool
- Fixed localization improvements in the Religion event pool
- Colonial nations now properly receive Naval Provisioning through event
- Fixed a missing combination from a high level Idea
- Fixed minor inconsistency in NI event pool
- Fixed a bug in consequences for changed taxes in neighbouring provinces
- Fixed Academies prestige trigger in relation with prestige gain
- Fixed Granada help if played by a Human
- Fixed a bad sequence in the vassalization event pool (was fifo, should be lifo)
- Fixed the reset of the barbary pirates for berbers
- Fixed localization improvement in the spymasters
- Cleared a flag that got set ad eternum in a spy mission
- Fixed cores for Spain formation, both for Aragon as well as Castile
- Fixed consequences for being caught under the payment of berber pirates
- Fixed consequences for playing double agent for christians by the berbers
- Fixed a broken event for Venice
- Fixed Ottomans releasing anatolian minors
- Fixed Chinese provinces (Thanks Weijun!)
- Fixed the vanilla artillery bug
- Fixed the localisation text for the Ukrainian and Greek national sentiment events
- Set Ukrainian nationalism to appear only with conversion away from the Orthodox religion, not any specific date
- Fixed the localisation for one option in the Invasion of Herat event
- Fixed the triggers of the Proclamation event (which raises title)
- Modernization should now only ever change sliders by 1 at a time.
- Fixed a bug in the Witch hunt event.
- Fixed a bug in the Confucian religious decisions where you would suffer a hidden -1 stability hit the first time you chose any decision
- Fixed the modernization bug for certain this time. Isolated countries and asian nations slowed down on modernization
- Fixed repeated base-tax increase in provinces for Jewish citizenship
- Fixed missing flag needed for colonial gov. office, etc.
- Event loop in the Imperial Crusade sequence fixed
- Inconsistencies in the Personal Unions chain fixed
- Using MMP files as the base, fixed some outdated code in revolution files
- Inherited countries that had had ports or colonies used to ask the inheritor for an exemption from taxes for navy and colonies. Now fixed.
- Supplying the updated code for Jewish advisor, to fix a bug reported on the forum
- Fixes merchant nerf event code
- Reduced maintenance for fleets
- Increased starting fleet size to 100%
- Increased the frequence of radical policies event pool
- Changed scandinavia BoP to the tried and true formula of MMG2
- NOR vs SWE vs DAN no more freetroops
- New map by gregor_y
- Changed the name of Teppi Ashigaru to Teppo Ashigaru
- Upgraded ship names acording to Ship Names mod v.1.0
- Some changes to Asian history, especially the Sengoku
- Choosing not to begin a provincial campaign should now not cause the resulting modifier to be removed.
- Players will now see their own government listed as an empire if they have become one
- Added to triggered modifiers a bunch of new economic bonuses based on trade goods
- Added "monopolies" based on Vari's suggestion on the terranova forum a while back
- Made it possible again for an Imperial Crusade to happen if the Ottomans are at the gate, even if the Imperial Army has not yet been created
- Did I mention the new colonial decisions? Send a minority culture and a minority religion to the colonies
- Personal Unions inherited in the HRE now give the inheritor instant beneficiary rights to the provinces
- War does not stop the organization of next meeting in Estates of the Realm. Now a modifier only.
- Resettlement will now not be enabled for autonomous provinces
- Electors will no longer support a rival, if he is at war with him
- Stability balance for the AI
Yeeha, Mac-Patch is in testing. In a short time we will have MMP :)
MAGNA MUNDI PLATINUM V.1.20 (26/10/2008)
Please uncheck the "Trees" and "Advanced Water" in the graphic options of the game menu!
- Fixed localization improvements in the NI event pool
- Fixed localization improvements in the HRE event pool
- Fixed localization improvements in the Religion event pool
- Colonial nations now properly receive Naval Provisioning through event
- Fixed a missing combination from a high level Idea
- Fixed minor inconsistency in NI event pool
- Fixed a bug in consequences for changed taxes in neighbouring provinces
- Fixed Academies prestige trigger in relation with prestige gain
- Fixed Granada help if played by a Human
- Fixed a bad sequence in the vassalization event pool (was fifo, should be lifo)
- Fixed the reset of the barbary pirates for berbers
- Fixed localization improvement in the spymasters
- Cleared a flag that got set ad eternum in a spy mission
- Fixed cores for Spain formation, both for Aragon as well as Castile
- Fixed consequences for being caught under the payment of berber pirates
- Fixed consequences for playing double agent for christians by the berbers
- Fixed a broken event for Venice
- Fixed Ottomans releasing anatolian minors
- Fixed Chinese provinces (Thanks Weijun!)
- Fixed the vanilla artillery bug
- Fixed the localisation text for the Ukrainian and Greek national sentiment events
- Set Ukrainian nationalism to appear only with conversion away from the Orthodox religion, not any specific date
- Fixed the localisation for one option in the Invasion of Herat event
- Fixed the triggers of the Proclamation event (which raises title)
- Modernization should now only ever change sliders by 1 at a time.
- Fixed a bug in the Witch hunt event.
- Fixed a bug in the Confucian religious decisions where you would suffer a hidden -1 stability hit the first time you chose any decision
- Fixed the modernization bug for certain this time. Isolated countries and asian nations slowed down on modernization
- Fixed repeated base-tax increase in provinces for Jewish citizenship
- Fixed missing flag needed for colonial gov. office, etc.
- Event loop in the Imperial Crusade sequence fixed
- Inconsistencies in the Personal Unions chain fixed
- Using MMP files as the base, fixed some outdated code in revolution files
- Inherited countries that had had ports or colonies used to ask the inheritor for an exemption from taxes for navy and colonies. Now fixed.
- Supplying the updated code for Jewish advisor, to fix a bug reported on the forum
- Fixes merchant nerf event code
- Mitigated a Paradox minor bug in tooltip about releasing vassals by adapting the text to the unexpected result
- Fixed a rare bug where in the Sengoku the Ashikaga could lose control of the shogunate
- Fixed bugs in religion file. Among others Inti and Teotl were receiving tech bonuses instead of tech penalties.
- Fixed a bug in A New Hope AI event
- Fixed a bug in removing modifiers
- Fixed a bug in civic decisions
- Reduced maintenance for fleets
- Increased starting fleet size to 100%
- Increased the frequence of radical policies event pool
- Changed scandinavia BoP to the tried and true formula of MMG2
- NOR vs SWE vs DAN no more freetroops
- New map by gregor_y
- Changed the name of Teppi Ashigaru to Teppo Ashigaru
- Upgraded ship names acording to Ship Names mod v.1.0
- Some changes to Asian history, especially the Sengoku
- Choosing not to begin a provincial campaign should now not cause the resulting modifier to be removed.
- Players will now see their own government listed as an empire if they have become one
- Added to triggered modifiers a bunch of new economic bonuses based on trade goods
- Added "monopolies" based on Vari's suggestion on the terranova forum a while back
- Made it possible again for an Imperial Crusade to happen if the Ottomans are at the gate, even if the Imperial Army has not yet been created
- Did I mention the new colonial decisions? Send a minority culture and a minority religion to the colonies
- Personal Unions inherited in the HRE now give the inheritor instant beneficiary rights to the provinces
- War does not stop the organization of next meeting in Estates of the Realm. Now a modifier only.
- Resettlement will now not be enabled for autonomous provinces
- Electors will no longer support a rival, if he is at war with him
- Stability balance for the AI
- Gave new shiny fangs to "Support Revolt" spy mission
- To attain Ecumenism now one needs to have Humanist Tolerance
Der Zarewitsch
27.10.08, 18:44
Hier das überarbeitete Handbuch:
31.10.08, 15:22
Has anyone tested whether MMP 1.20 will work with the new 3.2 betapatch?
Even if compatible, it is not designed for it. There is nothing truly great in the present beta patch. Biggest problems solved there for single player were already solved by us on the first release of MMP.
Anyway, next week it is expected a version 3.2 compatible.
Seid gegrüßt, werte Mitregenten.
Ich habe einige Fragen zum Mod. Zu erst einmal, ich kann zwar etwas englisch, aber bei der Fülle des MM-Handbuches muss ich leider kapituliren. Deswegen frage ich einfach mal hier.
1. Wie kann man die Nationale Idee "Suche nach der neuen welt" auswählen?
Wie kann ich die Voraussetzungen dafür erfüllen, um zum Beispiel mit Österreich oder Venedig diese Idee auszuwählen? Waqs mich wundert ist das nichtmal Spanien oder Portugal diese Idee auswählen können.
2. Wie gründe ich Länder wie GB oder Preussen? In IN konnte man ja einfach über die Nationalen entscheidungen diese Staaten gründen. Aber diese Entscheidungen gibt es nicht.
Nebenbei, wie gründe ich die Dutsche Republik?
3. Wie lasse ich Provinzen dem HRR beitreten? In IN ging das ja über Provinzentscheidungen. Aber wie mache ich das hier?
Danke im Vorraus.
Edit: Ich weiß nicht ob es nur bei mir so ist, aber ich kann unter dem Terra Incognita die Küstenlinien erkenen. Ist das beabsichtig?
05.11.08, 21:10
Um die NI Quest for the new World auszuwählen braucht ihr die flag "high_exploration"
Diese erhaltet Ihr wenn Ihr vier bestimmte Ideen habt, welche Ihr dazu bruaucht habe ich leider nicht im Kopf, allerdings könnt Ihr dies in der Datei "Events_for_ideas" nachschauen (einfach nach "high_exploration" suchen, im trigger für das event stehen die NIs die Ihr braucht)
Nicht normal, was die Jungs da mit Forts angestellt haben...belagere bestimmt seit 10 Jahren Danzig (Stufe 9 Ft)mit 15 000 Mann, da passiert rein gar nichts, 0% wie am Anfang. Lächerlich.
Al. I. Cuza
13.11.08, 21:53
Kommt auch auf seine Defensiveness an. Versuchs mal mit 20k
die Provinz kann nur 9k vertragen, bei 20k hab ich böse Attritionwerte, da schmilzt das Heer wie Esiblock in Arizona.
Achja und die AI kommt mit solchen Festungen überhaupt nicht klar, Polen hat bestimmt schon 5-6 Kriege gegen Danzig angefangen - keine Chance.
Jerobeam II.
14.11.08, 13:11
Das ist für mich ebenfalls das größte Ärgernis. Kleinstaaten wie der Ritterorden auf Rhodos und Zypern, in Italien oder im Baltikum erhalten anscheinend sehr oft das Event, das die Befestigungen verbessert. Die KI ist überfordert, selbst um 1780 noch. Wenn meine Grenzprovinzen gut befestigt sind, dann ist ein Krieg eine Kleinigkeit. Die Armee(n) des Feindes belagert, ich auch - und bin schneller.
Ich habe mal bei so einer Situation testweise gecheatet und die Verteidiger auf 100% bestochen. Folge: Die Belagerung dauerte noch fast drei Jahre...
Ein Vorschlag: warum nicht die Core-Verteilung in Kolonien auf 40 Jahre herunterschrauben? Die Kolonisierung ist eine Qual - und wer will mir meine Kolonien streitig machen?
For Ubik: May it be possible to reduce the years for gaining a core in colonies to 40?
- Fixed a bug where a National Idea was never picked
- Fixed a bug where Berber Smugglers gave the peace and war effects at the same time
- Fixed a bug where a hoarding nation would not get the nice events taking out its gold
- Fixed a hole where the Ottomans were getting thier Manifest Destiny bonus when they were doing exceptionally well
- Fixed a bug where synergistic bonuses were not applied to luxuries
- Fixed a bug where a spy mission would be unavailable to the same target twice until end of game
- Fixed a bug where breaking vassalage was not setting the proper CB
- Removed dynamic prices for most of the provincial decisions
- Removing taxes should work right
- Muslim Blood Brothers are now making more sense with their dows to protect Granada
- Fixed CTD in Vassalization system
- Properly cleared modifiers for vassals that broke allegiance
- Digging for precious metals is now a fixed price
- Fixed a number of event descriptions
- The decisions to become Prussia have been standardized and should now properly give a higher title
- Added a very simple decision to allow AI nations in Western Europe to 'catch up' to their historical tech levels if they are more than 50 years behind theaverage (mainly to deal with released nations having very low tech levels late-game)
- Ryukyu should no longer get events or decisions meant for feudal Japan unless it converts to a non-pagan religion, at which point it can participate fully.
- More typos and small issues fixed in localization files that could lead to bugs
- Nation-forming events should now properly raise your rank and title
- Fixes a rare bug where if the Bakufu somehow took over Yamashiro province, it would prevent any daimyo from becoming shogun; This also prevents the Bakufu from trying to abolish themselves in that situation, thus causing the game to freeze in an endless loop.
- The Bakufu will now properly support an AI Ashikaga by declaring war against any countries at war with them when the game begins.
- Fixed the effects of the Tirtha event for Hindus
- The Hindustani event and decision now check the same triggers
- Balanced Policy sliders
- Changed Columbus chances to be more Spanish friendly
- Balanced construction costs to make it harder for OPMs to build everything in the menu
- Balanced army costs. Now significantly lower.
- Hiring Fair now much more cost effective
- Great Britain will appear more often
- New world Nations will now be more vulnerable to Europeans
- Easier to build House of highlords
- With the right combo of NIs/advisors, far easier for christians to enter shady dealing with berbers
- Ming's rulers should now appear more historical
- The shogun now has a decision to retire, although this should be reserved for the worst rulers (and is for the AI) as it has a strong likelihood of causing unrest in Japan.
- The shogun's authority is likely to crumble faster when there is no human player in Japan; this should hopefully result in more AI unifications with 1399 game starts.
- Governments now have a level description in them to help the player gauge performance
- Doubled the duration of proselytism modifiers
- East Anglia (London) now starts with a temple
... And, much, much more tweaks!
For Ubik: May it be possible to reduce the years for gaining a core in colonies to 40?
You mean after conquering them (otherwise you get a core there when a colony reach city status)? It is a good idea, yes and I would reduce it to 10 years.
For MMP2 there will be a gradiated core system that will implement that.
Jerobeam II.
18.11.08, 11:43
You mean after conquering them (otherwise you get a core there when a colony reach city status)? It is a good idea, yes and I would reduce it to 10 years.
For MMP2 there will be a gradiated core system that will implement that.
Well - great! Otherwise there will be a stressed administration until 1820...
Perhaps there should be events like "You gain a core on a province" after a ruler of a country has died, when there were royal ties. Of course, this should only happen to countries with more than four provinces. But then there would be more wars, I hope.
Right now the AI does not place as much importance on cores as before. So, hardly more wars.
But such easiness to core gain will never make it to MM. ;)
Hi. Eine Frage. Wo und wie kann man die Dauer verändern die eine Provinz benötigt um zu einer Kernprovinz zu werden? Hundert Jahre dauern mir etwas zu lange.
Danke im Vorraus.
[B@W] Abominus
30.12.08, 20:30
50 #_CDEF_CORE_LOSE_, //50
50 #_CDEF_CORE_GAIN_, //50
Steht in der common/defines.txt
Ich hatte es in meinem Mod auf 75 (verlieren) zu 25 (erhalten) gestellt. Funktioniert wunderbar und man muss die KI wirklich dazu zwingen, ihre Cores aufzugeben.
Vielen Dank. Muss ich gleich mal versuchen.
[B@W] Abominus
30.12.08, 20:46
Für den Fürst der Untoten tun wir doch alles... ;)
Hallo. Ich hätte mal wieder eine Frage. Und zwar, um eine Provinz dem HRR beiteten zu lassen muss man ja, soweit ich das verstanden habe, Kaiser sein und einen hohen administrativen und diplomatischen Skill haben. Wie könnte man das ändern dass es einfach genügt Kaiser zu sein um zu entscheiden die Provinz die ich gerade erobert habe, tritt dem Reich bei oder wird Reichland. Aber bitte ohne Core darauf haben zu müssen. Währ echt nett wenn mir jemand helfen könnte. Moddingmäßig siehts bei mir eher mau aus. Danke im Vorraus.
join_hre = {
potential = {
hre = no
religion_group = christian
owner = {
religion_group = christian
any_neighbor_province = {
hre = yes
allow = {
OR = {
is_emperor = yes
emperor = { relation = { who = THIS value = 100 } }
effect = {
hre = yes
owner = { prestige = 0.02 }
emperor = { prestige = 0.05 relation = { who = THIS value = 100 } }
ai_will_do = {
factor = 1
modifier = {
factor = 0
owner = {
elector = no
modifier = {
factor = 0
owner = {
NOT = { culture_group = germanic }
modifier = {
factor = 0
owner = {
NOT = { religion = catholic }
Ihr müsst nicht Kaiser sein. Es reicht aus gute Beziehungen zu ihm haben (100+).
Falls ihr das ändern möchtet, so sucht in eurem EU3-Ordner nach dem decisions und dort eine hre.txt. Gleich am Anfang einfach den Teil mit
OR = {
is_emperor = yes
emperor = { relation = { who = THIS value = 100 } }
rauslöschen. Dann sollte es die Möglichkeit immer geben.
Das gilt, so wie ich das sehe aber nur für die ungemoddete Version. Oder?
Mich interessiert aber wie ich das im Magna Mundi Mod ändern kann.
Dennoch danke schonmal.
Sollte unseres Erachtens nach bei Magna Mundi eine ähnliche decision geben, nur eventuell mit anderen Bedingungen. Ihr müsst halt alles aus der geschweiften Klammer bei allow herauslöschen. Sucht am besten nach "hre = yes". Wir haben derzeit kein MMP installiert, da es vor einiger Zeit auf dem Mac nicht lief.
Ich habe hier den Abschnitt mal angefügt. Zu finden is das Ganze im Mod-Ordner unter Decisions in der Datei "SRI_province_decisions.txt". Meine Versuche die Voraussetzungen zu ändern führten leider zu keine Ergebnis.
join_hre = {
potential = {
is_core = THIS
NOT = { hre = yes }
religion_group = christian
owner = {
war = no
religion_group = christian
NOT = { is_emperor = yes }
OR = {
region = hre_region
any_neighbor_province = {
hre = yes
region = hre_region
owned_by = THIS
AND = {
any_neighbor_province = {
hre = yes
region = hre_region
any_neighbor_province = {
NOT = { owned_by = THIS }
NOT = { hre = yes }
owner = {
is_threat = yes
num_of_cities = THIS
army = THIS
EMP = { prestige = 0.3 }
OR = {
has_province_flag = original_hre
any_neighbor_province = {
NOT = { owned_by = THIS }
owner = {
is_threat = yes
num_of_cities = THIS
army = THIS
any_neighbor_province = {
hre = yes
region = hre_region
NOT = { owned_by = THIS }
owner = { relation = { who = THIS value = 190 } }
AND = {
NOT = { any_neighbor_province = { hre = yes region = hre_region NOT = { owned_by = THIS } } }
any_neighbor_province = { hre = yes region = hre_region owned_by = THIS }
owner = {
any_neighbor_country = {
capital_scope = { hre = yes NOT = { owned_by = THIS } }
relation = { who = THIS value = 190 }
OR = {
NOT = { has_building = guardia_real }
owner = { NOT = { num_of_cities = 5 } }
NOT = { has_global_flag = HRE_reformation_war }
allow = {
OR = {
ADM = 7
DIP = 7
EMP = { prestige = 0.6 }
NOT = { emperor = { truce_with = THIS } }
emperor = { relation = { who = THIS value = 100 } }
owner = {
NOT = {
any_neighbor_country = {
capital_scope = { hre = yes }
NOT = { relation = { who = THIS value = 0 } }
effect = {
hre = yes
relation = { who = EMP value = 10 }
EMP = { prestige = 0.01 }
set_province_flag = region_check
owner = {
change_variable = { which = hre_standing value = 10 }
random_owned = { #HRE notification
limit = {
owner = { NOT = { is_emperor = yes } }
emperor = { relation = { who = THIS value = 100 } }
random_owned = { #HRE notification
limit = {
emperor = { has_country_flag = notify_minor }
owner = { NOT = { is_emperor = yes } }
owner = { set_country_flag = target_relations }
emperor = { country_event = 285714 }
random_owned = { #HRE notification
limit = {
owner = { is_emperor = yes }
any_country = { limit = { elector = yes } relation = { who = THIS value = 100 } }
random_owned = { #flag as "original"
limit = {
has_province_flag = region_check
region = hre_region
set_province_flag = original_hre
set_province_flag = beneficiary_flag_here
province_event = 113002
clr_province_flag = region_check
ai_will_do = {
factor = 1
modifier = {
factor = 0
owner = {
num_of_cities = 3
NOT = { capital_scope = { hre = yes } }
modifier = {
factor = 0
AND = {
NOT = { # must already own a province in the Empire
owner = {
any_owned_province = {
is_core = THIS
region = hre_region
hre = yes
NOT = { # UNLESS he feels threatened by a neighboring, big, non-HRE country
owner = {
any_neighbor_country = {
capital_scope = {
NOT = { hre = yes }
continent = europe
is_threat = THIS
army = THIS
num_of_cities = THIS
add_to_hre = {
potential = {
NOT = { hre = yes }
owner = {
war = no
is_emperor = yes
is_core = THIS
religion_group = christian
any_neighbor_province = {
hre = yes
region = hre_region
NOT = { has_global_flag = HRE_reformation_war }
allow = {
EMP = { prestige = 0.5 }
OR = {
ADM = 7
DIP = 7
EMP = { prestige = 0.8 }
effect = {
hre = yes
owner = {
prestige = 0.02
change_variable = { which = hre_standing value = 10 }
relation = { who = EMP value = 10 }
any_country = {
limit = {
elector = yes
OR = {
religion = THIS
EMP = { idea = ecumenism }
NOT = { relation = { who = THIS value = 100 } }
relation = { who = THIS value = 100 }
EMP = { prestige = 0.01 }
set_province_flag = beneficiary_flag_here
set_province_flag = region_check
owner = {
random_owned = {
limit = { has_province_flag = beneficiary_flag_here }
province_event = 113002
random_owned = { #flag as "original"
limit = {
has_province_flag = region_check
region = hre_region
set_province_flag = original_hre
clr_province_flag = region_check
ai_will_do = {
factor = 1
Ich würde das ganze gern so verändern das es einfach genügt Kaiser zu sein, mehr nicht. Keine Fähigkeiten, kein Prestige des Reiches oder so.
Im selben Ordner gibt es auch noch die Möglichkeit Provinzen zu Demsnen oder Reichlanden zu machen. Hier das Ganze.
add_to_demesne = {
potential = {
owner = {
war = no
is_emperor = yes
OR = {
AND = {
ADM = 7
DIP = 7
OR = {
ADM = 8
DIP = 8
EMP = { prestige = 0.9 }
AND = {
NOT = { ai = yes }
OR = {
EMP = { prestige = 0.6 }
AND = {
ADM = 6
DIP = 6
OR = {
ADM = 7
DIP = 7
diplomat = 5
statesman = 5
prestige = 0.9
NOT = { is_core = THIS }
NOT = { is_core = RLD }
NOT = { region = hre_region }
NOT = { has_province_flag = make_core_rld }
religion_group = christian
any_neighbor_province = { region = hre_region }
NOT = { has_global_flag = HRE_reformation_war }
has_global_flag = hre_initialised
allow = {
stability = 1
NOT = { any_core = { truce_with = THIS } }
effect = {
hre = yes
set_province_flag = make_core_rld
set_province_flag = beneficiary_RLD
remove_province_modifier = non_core_timer
clr_province_flag = takenmid
clr_province_flag = hre_disputed
clr_province_flag = legitimized
clr_province_flag = contested
clr_province_flag = conquered
clr_province_flag = non_core_base
owner = { change_variable = { which = hre_standing value = 10 } }
relation = { who = EMP value = 10 }
owner = {
prestige = 0.05
EMP = { prestige = 0.03 }
random_country = {
limit = {
elector = yes
government = theocracy
religion = THIS
NOT = { relation = { who = THIS value = 100 } }
relation = { who = THIS value = 100 }
random_country = {
limit = {
elector = yes
NOT = { government = theocracy }
NOT = { relation = { who = THIS value = 100 } }
NOT = { capital_scope = { owned_by = THIS } }
relation = { who = THIS value = 100 }
set_province_flag = demesne
remove_province_modifier = legit_demesne
add_province_modifier = {
name = "legit_demesne"
duration = 45625
RLD = { country_event = 28645 }
# owner = {
# random_owned = {
# limit = { NOT = { has_global_flag = magna_mundi } }
# owner = { country_event = 112990 }
# }
# }
ai_will_do = {
factor = 1
modifier = { # defining excluding conditions
factor = 0
owner = {
OR = {
NOT = { stability = 3 }
NOT = { MIL = 7 }
NOT = { ADM = 8 }
NOT = { DIP = 8 }
modifier = { # religious conversion pending
factor = 0
has_owner_religion = no
religion_group = christian
OR = {
EMP = { idea = deus_vult }
has_global_flag = HRE_reformation_status_quo
remove_from_demesne_as_emperor = {
potential = {
owner = {
war = no
is_emperor = yes
is_core = THIS
is_core = RLD
NOT = { has_province_modifier = legit_demesne }
any_neighbor_province = { is_core = THIS }
NOT = { has_global_flag = HRE_reformation_war }
allow = {
owner = {
OR = {
ADM = 8
DIP = 8
effect = {
clr_province_flag = demesne
clr_province_flag = beneficiary_RLD
clr_province_flag = Burgundische_Erbmasse
set_province_flag = removal_from_demesne
remove_province_modifier = legit_demesne
owner = {
set_country_flag = notify_hre #if meddling in the HRE, always send notifications
random_owned = {
limit = { owner = { ai = yes } }
owner = {
remove_country_modifier = at_peace
add_country_modifier = {
name = "at_peace"
duration = 36500 #100 years
random_owned = {
limit = { owner = { ai = no } }
owner = {
remove_country_modifier = at_peace
add_country_modifier = {
name = "at_peace"
duration = 21900 #60 years
owner = { change_variable = { which = hre_standing value = -10 } }
relation = { who = EMP value = -10 }
random_country = {
limit = {
EMP = {
NOT = { has_country_flag = hereditary_emperor }
NOT = { prestige = 0.6 }
EMP = { prestige = -0.03 }
random_country = {
limit = {
EMP = {
NOT = { has_country_flag = hereditary_emperor }
prestige = 0.6
NOT = { prestige = 0.9 }
EMP = { prestige = -0.02 }
random_country = {
limit = {
EMP = {
NOT = { has_country_flag = hereditary_emperor }
prestige = 0.9
EMP = { prestige = -0.01 }
set_province_flag = unmake_core_rld
any_neighbor_province = {
limit = {
owner = { is_emperor = yes ai = yes }
is_core = THIS
is_core = RLD
NOT = { has_province_modifier = legit_demesne }
NOT = { has_province_flag = unmake_core_rld }
clr_province_flag = beneficiary_RLD
clr_province_flag = Burgundische_Erbmasse
clr_province_flag = demesne
set_province_flag = removal_from_demesne
remove_province_modifier = legit_demesne
random_country = {
limit = {
EMP = {
NOT = { has_country_flag = hereditary_emperor }
NOT = { prestige = 0.6 }
EMP = { prestige = -0.03 }
random_country = {
limit = {
EMP = {
NOT = { has_country_flag = hereditary_emperor }
prestige = 0.6
NOT = { prestige = 0.9 }
EMP = { prestige = -0.02 }
random_country = {
limit = {
EMP = {
NOT = { has_country_flag = hereditary_emperor }
prestige = 0.9
EMP = { prestige = -0.01 }
set_province_flag = unmake_core_rld
any_neighbor_province = {
limit = {
owner = { is_emperor = yes ai = yes }
is_core = THIS
is_core = RLD
NOT = { has_province_modifier = legit_demesne }
NOT = { has_province_flag = unmake_core_rld }
clr_province_flag = beneficiary_RLD
clr_province_flag = Burgundische_Erbmasse
clr_province_flag = demesne
set_province_flag = removal_from_demesne
remove_province_modifier = legit_demesne
random_country = {
limit = {
EMP = {
NOT = { has_country_flag = hereditary_emperor }
NOT = { prestige = 0.6 }
EMP = { prestige = -0.03 }
random_country = {
limit = {
EMP = {
NOT = { has_country_flag = hereditary_emperor }
prestige = 0.6
NOT = { prestige = 0.9 }
EMP = { prestige = -0.02 }
random_country = {
limit = {
EMP = {
NOT = { has_country_flag = hereditary_emperor }
prestige = 0.9
EMP = { prestige = -0.01 }
set_province_flag = unmake_core_rld
owner = { set_country_flag = reset_beneficiary_flag }
RLD = { country_event = 28647 }
ai_will_do = {
factor = 1
modifier = { # defining excluding conditions
factor = 0
AND = {
owner = { num_of_cities = 8 }
OR = {
any_neighbor_province = { owned_by = THIS is_core = RLD }
any_neighbor_province = { owned_by = THIS NOT = { is_core = THIS } }
owner = { NOT = { ADM = 9 } }
owner = { NOT = { DIP = 9 } }
remove_from_demesne_legitimately = {
potential = {
is_core = THIS
is_core = RLD
NOT = { has_province_flag = hre_lien }
owner = {
war = no
NOT = { tag = RLD }
NOT = { is_emperor = yes }
EMP = { NOT = { has_country_flag = reichsdeputationshauptschluss } }
NOT = { has_global_flag = HRE_reformation_war }
allow = {
emperor = { NOT = { ADM = 8 } }
OR = {
AND = {
owner = { ADM = 6 }
OR = {
primary_culture = THIS
accepted_culture = THIS
owner = { ADM = 8 }
NOT = { EMP = { prestige = 0.8 } }
NOT = { any_core = { truce_with = THIS } }
effect = {
owner = {
prestige = 0.05
badboy = 1
random_owned = { #HRE notification
limit = {
emperor = { has_country_flag = notify_minor }
owner = { set_country_flag = target_relations }
emperor = { country_event = 285730 }
emperor = {
relation = { who = THIS value = -150 }
casus_belli = THIS
EMP = { prestige = -0.02 }
clr_province_flag = beneficiary_RLD
set_province_flag = unmake_core_rld
RLD = { country_event = 28647 }
province_event = 293000
ai_will_do = {
factor = 1
modifier = { # defining excluding conditions
factor = 0
AND = {
OR = {
culture = dutch
AND = {
NOT = { has_global_flag = magna_mundi }
culture = flemish
owner = { NOT = { capital_scope = { hre = yes } } }
modifier = { # defining excluding conditions
factor = 0
AND = {
NOT = { culture_group = germanic }
owner = { capital_scope = { hre = yes } }
modifier = { # defining excluding conditions
factor = 0
AND = {
NOT = { primary_culture = THIS }
NOT = { accepted_culture = THIS }
remove_from_demesne_illegitimately = {
potential = {
NOT = { is_core = THIS }
is_core = RLD
NOT = { has_province_flag = hre_lien }
owner = {
war = no
NOT = { tag = RLD }
NOT = { is_emperor = yes }
EMP = { NOT = { has_country_flag = reichsdeputationshauptschluss } }
NOT = { has_province_flag = object_of_dispute }
NOT = { has_province_flag = to_be_restituted }
NOT = { has_province_flag = hre_disputed }
NOT = { has_global_flag = HRE_reformation_war }
allow = {
owner = { ADM = 9 }
emperor = { NOT = { ADM = 5 } }
EMP = { NOT = { prestige = 0.5 } }
NOT = { emperor = { truce_with = THIS } }
NOT = { any_core = { truce_with = THIS } }
effect = {
owner = {
prestige = 0.05
badboy = 2
random_owned = { #HRE notification
limit = {
OR = {
emperor = { has_country_flag = notify_minor }
emperor = { has_country_flag = notify_medium }
owner = { set_country_flag = target_relations }
emperor = { country_event = 285732 }
owner = {
set_country_flag = notify_hre #if meddling in the HRE, always send notifications
random_owned = {
limit = { owner = { ai = yes } }
owner = {
remove_country_modifier = at_peace
add_country_modifier = {
name = "at_peace"
duration = 36500 #100 years
random_owned = {
limit = { owner = { ai = no } }
owner = {
remove_country_modifier = at_peace
add_country_modifier = {
name = "at_peace"
duration = 21900 #60 years
owner = { change_variable = { which = hre_standing value = -10 } }
relation = { who = EMP value = -10 }
emperor = {
relation = { who = THIS value = -200 }
casus_belli = THIS
random_country = {
limit = {
capital_scope = {
NOT = { owned_by = THIS }
hre = yes
num_of_cities = 6
relation = { who = THIS value = -200 }
casus_belli = THIS
EMP = { prestige = -0.05 }
set_province_flag = unmake_core_rld
RLD = { country_event = 28647 }
province_event = 293000
ai_will_do = {
factor = 1
modifier = { # defining excluding conditions
factor = 0
owner = {
OR = {
badboy = 0.01
NOT = { DIP = 8 }
NOT = { ADM = 8 }
remove_from_demesne_liened = {
potential = {
owned_by = THIS
is_core = RLD
NOT = { is_core = THIS }
has_province_flag = hre_lien
owner = {
war = no
NOT = { tag = RLD }
NOT = { is_emperor = yes }
has_country_flag = lienholder
EMP = {
NOT = { has_country_flag = reichsdeputationshauptschluss }
NOT = { prestige = 0.9 }
NOT = { has_province_flag = to_be_restituted }
NOT = { has_global_flag = HRE_reformation_war }
allow = {
owner = { ADM = 9 }
emperor = {
NOT = { ADM = 6 }
NOT = { DIP = 6 }
EMP = { NOT = { prestige = 0.5 } }
NOT = { emperor = { truce_with = THIS } }
NOT = { any_core = { truce_with = THIS } }
effect = {
clr_province_flag = hre_lien
remove_province_modifier = our_lien
owner = {
prestige = 0.05
badboy = 3
clr_country_flag = lienholder
random_owned = { #HRE notification
limit = {
OR = {
emperor = { has_country_flag = notify_minor }
emperor = { has_country_flag = notify_medium }
owner = { set_country_flag = target_relations }
emperor = { country_event = 285732 }
random_owned = {
limit = {
has_province_modifier = our_lien
NOT = { has_province_flag = to_be_restituted }
owner = { set_country_flag = lienholder } #re-establishes status, if another province of this owner remains a lien
owner = {
set_country_flag = notify_hre #if meddling in the HRE, always send notifications
random_owned = {
limit = { owner = { ai = yes } }
owner = {
remove_country_modifier = at_peace
add_country_modifier = {
name = "at_peace"
duration = 36500 #100 years
random_owned = {
limit = { owner = { ai = no } }
owner = {
remove_country_modifier = at_peace
add_country_modifier = {
name = "at_peace"
duration = 21900 #60 years
owner = { change_variable = { which = hre_standing value = -15 } }
relation = { who = EMP value = 15 }
emperor = {
relation = { who = THIS value = -400 }
casus_belli = THIS
any_country = {
limit = {
capital_scope = {
NOT = { owned_by = THIS }
hre = yes
num_of_cities = 6
relation = { who = THIS value = -300 }
casus_belli = THIS
EMP = { prestige = -0.05 }
set_province_flag = unmake_core_rld
RLD = { country_event = 28647 }
province_event = 293000
ai_will_do = {
factor = 1
modifier = { # defining excluding conditions
factor = 0
owner = {
OR = {
badboy = 0.01
NOT = { DIP = 8 }
NOT = { ADM = 8 }
NOT = { MIL = 8 }
Ich hätte gerne die Möglichkeit neu eroberte Provinzen abhängig ob Core oder nicht, zur Demesne zu erklären. Ebenfalls nur mit der Voraussetzung Kaiser zu sein.
Währ echt toll wenn mir jemand helfen könnte.
Ich habe mal das zweite HRE-Event entsprechend abgeändert, es aber nicht gestestet:
add_to_hre = {
potential = {
NOT = { hre = yes }
religion_group = christian
any_neighbor_province = {
hre = yes
region = hre_region
NOT = { has_global_flag = HRE_reformation_war }
allow = {
owner = {
war = no
is_emperor = yes
effect = {
hre = yes
owner = {
prestige = 0.02
change_variable = { which = hre_standing value = 10 }
relation = { who = EMP value = 10 }
any_country = {
limit = {
elector = yes
OR = {
religion = THIS
EMP = { idea = ecumenism }
NOT = { relation = { who = THIS value = 100 } }
relation = { who = THIS value = 100 }
EMP = { prestige = 0.01 }
set_province_flag = beneficiary_flag_here
set_province_flag = region_check
owner = {
random_owned = {
limit = { has_province_flag = beneficiary_flag_here }
province_event = 113002
random_owned = { #flag as "original"
limit = {
has_province_flag = region_check
region = hre_region
set_province_flag = original_hre
clr_province_flag = region_check
ai_will_do = {
factor = 1
Ich hätte gerne die Möglichkeit neu eroberte Provinzen abhängig ob Core oder nicht, zur Demesne zu erklären. Ebenfalls nur mit der Voraussetzung Kaiser zu sein.Sollte das wirklich "abhängig ob Core oder nicht" oder doch "unabhängig ob Core oder nicht" heißen? Falls das zweite zutrifft, könntet Ihr das hier versuchen:
add_to_demesne = {
potential = {
NOT = { is_core = RLD }
NOT = { region = hre_region }
NOT = { has_province_flag = make_core_rld }
religion_group = christian
any_neighbor_province = { region = hre_region }
NOT = { has_global_flag = HRE_reformation_war }
has_global_flag = hre_initialised
allow = {
owner = {
war = no
is_emperor = yes
effect = {
hre = yes
set_province_flag = make_core_rld
set_province_flag = beneficiary_RLD
remove_province_modifier = non_core_timer
clr_province_flag = takenmid
clr_province_flag = hre_disputed
clr_province_flag = legitimized
clr_province_flag = contested
clr_province_flag = conquered
clr_province_flag = non_core_base
owner = { change_variable = { which = hre_standing value = 10 } }
relation = { who = EMP value = 10 }
owner = {
prestige = 0.05
EMP = { prestige = 0.03 }
random_country = {
limit = {
elector = yes
government = theocracy
religion = THIS
NOT = { relation = { who = THIS value = 100 } }
relation = { who = THIS value = 100 }
random_country = {
limit = {
elector = yes
NOT = { government = theocracy }
NOT = { relation = { who = THIS value = 100 } }
NOT = { capital_scope = { owned_by = THIS } }
relation = { who = THIS value = 100 }
set_province_flag = demesne
remove_province_modifier = legit_demesne
add_province_modifier = {
name = "legit_demesne"
duration = 45625
RLD = { country_event = 28645 }
# owner = {
# random_owned = {
# limit = { NOT = { has_global_flag = magna_mundi } }
# owner = { country_event = 112990 }
# }
# }
ai_will_do = {
factor = 1
modifier = { # defining excluding conditions
factor = 0
owner = {
OR = {
NOT = { stability = 3 }
NOT = { MIL = 7 }
NOT = { ADM = 8 }
NOT = { DIP = 8 }
modifier = { # religious conversion pending
factor = 0
has_owner_religion = no
religion_group = christian
OR = {
EMP = { idea = deus_vult }
has_global_flag = HRE_reformation_status_quo
}(Geändert habe ich nur dieses eine Event.)
18.06.09, 22:32
Wo gibts das schöne Mödchen eigentlich zum download? Viele der Links hier im Threadbeginn gehen net mehr.
18.06.09, 22:54
Hier ( kann man es finden.
Marc Aurel
18.06.09, 22:56
Ich habe es gestern auch mal runtergeladen und gespielt.
Abgesehen davon, dass es auf meinem Rechner extrem langsam läuft wurde ich auch irgendwann nach drei Jahren Spielzeit oder so auf dem Desktop geschmissen :(
Eigentlich schade, der Mod sieht super-mega-ultra-geil aus.
18.06.09, 23:43
Habs mal kurz angespielt, aber werd das mal ausführlicher testen müssen.
Intressant nur bei mir kommt immer sofort The Jewish Settlers...+6 RR in allen Provinzen! ROFL
18.06.09, 23:45
Tja, die wissen halt zu wem sie müssen :D
In MM sind die Revolt Risk zahlen immer etwas höher als in vanilla, vergleich einfach mal die Bill of Rights (Grundrechte?) mit vanilla.
19.06.09, 00:00
Für mich ein Mod aus der Masochistischen Ecke, aber ich werd mir vorraussichtlich am Weekend mal die Zeit nehmen :)
mhm... doch mal anschaun... auch wenn mich das englisch bisher immer abgeschreckt hat :D
hat jemand nen tip wie ich es schaffen kann zu missionieren ?
haben immer ne chance im minus-bereich :o
19.06.09, 21:19
Es gibt Berater die die Missionierungschance erhöhen, ansonsten ist es auch vom Revoltrisiko in der Provinz sowie dem Steueraufkommen abhängig. (je mehr desto weniger Erfolgschance)
war mein 3 sterne berater nicht gut genug :(
trotz berater über -3% erfolgschance... dazu noch 2 religiöse entscheidungen die den erfolg schon erhöhen...
nuja... bleibt das portugiesische afrika halt erst einmal muslimisch :D
bisher bin ich aber doch sehr positiv überrascht vom mod (auch wenn ich noch nicht wirklich weit gezoggt hab)
bei meinen kriegen ging es bisher immer nur um 1 - 2 provinzen... man kann portugal spielen ohne dass spanien gleich einen ans bein pissen will (sehr gutes verhältnis zu ihnen) ... kolonien aufbaun ist wirklich mal ne "mission" das zu bewerkstelligen usw... so kanns weitergehn :)
edit: ist es WAD, dass kolonien die zu städten geworden sind 100 jahre zur kernprovinz brauchen oder sollte sie mit dem event (kolonie eingegliedert oder so ähnlich) zur kernprovinz werden und meine installation zickt ?
20.06.09, 22:34
100 Jahre sind normale Dauer bei Magna Mundi für einen Core, das finde ich wesentlich angenehmer als die 50 in vanilla.
Bei den Konvertierungen solltet Ihr mal kurz die Maus über die Wahrscheinlichkeit halten, dann wird sie aufgeschlüsselt, wie sie sich zusammensetzt, meine Vermutung ist, dass der Nationalismus noch die Konvertierung verhindert.
für eroberte gebiete finde ich die dauer durchaus ok... aber für kolonien etwa lang...
meine mich zu erinnern, dass ubik erwähnte dass sie ein core bekommen sobald sie zur stadt werden... nuja... vielleicht bei MM2
You mean after conquering them (otherwise you get a core there when a colony reach city status)? It is a good idea, yes and I would reduce it to 10 years.
For MMP2 there will be a gradiated core system that will implement that.
MM2 gibt es schon lange, was Ihr meint ist wahrscheinlich MMP 2 ! :D
Wenn überhaupt, spiele ich EUIII mit diesem Mod, da der sich im Gegensatz zu Vanilla einfach viel historischer anfühlt.
ok, jetzt bin ich verwirrt... was ist dann zur zeit die neuste version ?
MM2 oder MMP 1.4irgendwas ?
MMP 1.4 Christmas..irgendwas ist die aktuelle Version ! :)
Für mich ein Mod aus der Masochistischen Ecke, aber ich werd mir vorraussichtlich am Weekend mal die Zeit nehmen :)
That's because you are aproaching the mod with the same mindset you play vanilla. :)
Magna Mundi needs a more careful aproach. It gives you many, many more tools to further your policies, but it is much more demanding in the way you use those tools.
Playing Magna Mundi is like driving an F1 car. You have the power to accelerate incredibly in the straights, but you'll need much skill to break at the right points in the bends.
In vanilla you are in NASCAR, going around in a oval track.
war mein 3 sterne berater nicht gut genug :(
trotz berater über -3% erfolgschance... dazu noch 2 religiöse entscheidungen die den erfolg schon erhöhen...
nuja... bleibt das portugiesische afrika halt erst einmal muslimisch :D
bisher bin ich aber doch sehr positiv überrascht vom mod (auch wenn ich noch nicht wirklich weit gezoggt hab)
bei meinen kriegen ging es bisher immer nur um 1 - 2 provinzen... man kann portugal spielen ohne dass spanien gleich einen ans bein pissen will (sehr gutes verhältnis zu ihnen) ... kolonien aufbaun ist wirklich mal ne "mission" das zu bewerkstelligen usw... so kanns weitergehn :)
edit: ist es WAD, dass kolonien die zu städten geworden sind 100 jahre zur kernprovinz brauchen oder sollte sie mit dem event (kolonie eingegliedert oder so ähnlich) zur kernprovinz werden und meine installation zickt ?
The most important thing to undertand the mod is to read the manual! :)
für eroberte gebiete finde ich die dauer durchaus ok... aber für kolonien etwa lang...
meine mich zu erinnern, dass ubik erwähnte dass sie ein core bekommen sobald sie zur stadt werden... nuja... vielleicht bei MM2
The new Dynamic Core System for MMP2 is capable of generating cores between around 10 years and more than 500 years. 10 years is an absolute minimum where one would have to be very lucky, even if fulfilling the best possible conditions (colonizing a province are the best possible conditions).
500 years involves complex core gains when religion is different, culture is different and you have some bad luck.
MM2 gibt es schon lange, was Ihr meint ist wahrscheinlich MMP 2 ! :D
Wenn überhaupt, spiele ich EUIII mit diesem Mod, da der sich im Gegensatz zu Vanilla einfach viel historischer anfühlt.
As a token to our german speaking users, I can reveal first hand that we are aiming with accuracy for a late September release of MMP2.
MMP 1.4 Christmas..irgendwas ist die aktuelle Version ! :)
On Friday, we are going to release a special MMP 1.5 which includes the superb new AI coded by one of the longest standing Magna Mundi developers, a German fellow called Helius. :)
Expect some fixes also.
On Friday, we are going to release a special MMP 1.5 which includes the superb new AI coded by one of the longest standing Magna Mundi developers, a German fellow called Helius. :)
Expect some fixes also.
Thanks for clarification. We are looking forward...
oh... the master himself is back in here again :)
thanx for the wonderful mod... it's really great
and greetings to portugal... this year i visited the algarve... such a lovely place
oh... the master himself is back in here again :)
thanx for the wonderful mod... it's really great
and greetings to portugal... this year i visited the algarve... such a lovely place
Glad you like it!
Please, do come back and pay me a beer! ;)
Glad you like it!
Please, do come back and pay me a beer! ;)
ok... next time i will do... or two beer... or three... :D;)
Get ready to play the upgraded Magna Mundi Platinum with a host of bugfixes and the much celebrated Ad Infinitum AI in less than 24 hours!
The best just got some new brains!
Come to our subforum ( to check the mod that was downloaded 8193 times just in June, almost 3 months after its latest release!
Expect Magna Mundi Platinum 2 to be available in late summer. We are now on the latest stage of the alpha development and will enter beta in early June.
Since you are curious about MMP2 and to clearly show the difference in scope, check the following numbers:
Size of moddable code (Events + Missions + Decisions)
Vanilla ------------------ > 0.97 Mb
MMP 1.5 ---------------- > 11.0 Mb
MMP2 ---------------- > 22.5 Mb (...and counting!)
Install instructions
1) Install EU3, Napoleon’s Ambition and In Nominee.
2) Update In Nominee to latest BETA version 3.2
3) You should see a mod pull-down option in the launcher (it should say "default" to begin with).
4) Extract the MagnaMundiPlatinum.exe file to your EU3/mod directory.
4.1) Make sure that before extracting, you delete all content from any previous version of Magna Mundi from the mod directory.
4.2) After extracting, make sure that you see a file with a MagnaMundiPlatinum.MOD extension in that directory. If you don't, you should move the directories so the MagnaMundiPlatinum.MOD is in EU3/mod and there is a MagnaMundiPlatinum directory right after it (in EU3/mod/MagnaMundi2).
5) Delete your vanilla game map cache before starting the mod for the first time after install. This can be done by going to your standard Europa Universalis III folder, then opening the maps folder and then deleting the cache folder (and ONLY the cache folder). To put it simply, the folder that must be deleted is eu3/map/cache.
6) If you prefer the vanilla map, please use the oldmap.bat file included and answer yes to all questions. If your computer implodes, explodes, disapears in the void or otherwise gets "Framed!" while at 0 reputation, this time it is not Ubik's fault.
- Integration of latest version of Ad Infinitum
- Some bugs fixed (thanks to Taijiun)
- Banker changed
- National Bank changed
- Bureaucracy changed
- Mineral prospection decision changed
- Tax acessors changed
GAGA Extrem
29.06.09, 19:45
All hail Ubik!
An perfect way to spend the remaining days till HoI3!
Jerobeam II.
17.07.09, 12:20
Zwei Fragen:
(a) Mit der neuesten Version von MMP hat nach meinen Erfahrungen die Aggressivität der großen Nationen drastisch abgenommen, ebenso der Wille, anderen Ländern - auch wenn sie zu 100% besetzt sind - mehrere Provinzen abzunehmen. Was kann man tun?
(b) Warum bekomme ich zu 80% Bankiers als Berater? Tolle Typen, oft Stufe 5 oder 6, aber wer braucht die schon? Dabei habe ich nicht einmal die Nationalbank als NI. Geht das Euch auch so?
... (b) Warum bekomme ich zu 80% Bankiers als Berater? Tolle Typen, oft Stufe 5 oder 6, aber wer braucht die schon? Dabei habe ich nicht einmal die Nationalbank als NI. Geht das Euch auch so?
Noch nichts von der Bankenkrise gehört? Da sind in letzter Zeit etliche dieser Profession freigesetzt worden, kein Wunder daß die nun anderwärts Lohn und Brot suchen... :D (und, ja: hab ich auch so erlebt).
Der Zarewitsch
20.07.09, 15:44
Zwei Fragen:
(a) Mit der neuesten Version von MMP hat nach meinen Erfahrungen die Aggressivität der großen Nationen drastisch abgenommen, ebenso der Wille, anderen Ländern - auch wenn sie zu 100% besetzt sind - mehrere Provinzen abzunehmen. Was kann man tun?
Ich habe MMP schon länger nicht mehr gespielt, muss also etwas in meiner Erinnerung kramen...
Ja, ist mir auch aufgefallen. Besonders drastisch war es in meiner letzten Partie bei Frankreich zu beobachten. Die bekamen es nicht fertig ein geschlossenes Staatsgebilde zu formen, selbst nicht nach über 200 Jahren.
(b) Warum bekomme ich zu 80% Bankiers als Berater? Tolle Typen, oft Stufe 5 oder 6, aber wer braucht die schon? Dabei habe ich nicht einmal die Nationalbank als NI. Geht das Euch auch so?
Bankiers bekam ich auch. Das war aber nur phasenweise. Ich denke es ist immer nur eine bestimmte Anzahl Berater im Umlauf. In der Regel sind die "Guten" meistens schnell vergeben. Was im Pool übrigbleibt, sind die (vermeintlichen) Nieten.
Um an vernünftige Berater zu kommen, gibt es nur drei Möglichkeiten:
a) warten bis ein passender Herr in einer Eurer Provinzen auftaucht.
b) eine "hiring fair" abhalten.
c) "Angeln gehen" = die Spielgeschwindigkeit auf normal runterschrauben, in den Beraterpool wechseln und bei laufendem Spiel warten bis ein interessanter Berater auftaucht. Die Kunst besteht darin sich die Person schnell genug zu schnappen bevor die KI sie sich holt. Das erfodert Geduld und eine schnelle Reaktion, klappt aber.
Jerobeam II.
21.07.09, 00:48
Nochmals ad (b): in meinen Provinzen werden eben anscheinend nur Bankiers (naja, zu 80%) geboren, damit geht es also nicht. Die Hiring Fairs muß man sich erstmal leisten, und mit einer Gurke als Monarch kommen da m.W. auch nicht die Guten. Im Moment freue ich mich über meinen Theologen, der schon 51 Jahre im Dienst ist. 120 Jahre sind aber Maximum!
Wie kann ich denn manuell (ad (a)) die Aggressivität der KI erhöhen? Schön war, daß ich nach einigen Eingriffen (mittels des "tag XXX" - nochmals vielen Dank!) einen Kreuzzug miterleben durfte, aber die KI ist so dämlich, daß sie nicht einmal mit 10000 Talern beginnt, die Provinzen zu verbessern. Daß dann auf die Dauer kein Krieg begonnen wird, ist ja zu erwarten ;)
Der Zarewitsch
21.07.09, 02:21
Ich glaube, dass MM nur unter "normal" spielbar ist.
21.07.09, 19:55
.... ich mag MM nicht...:
1. es ist englisch (pro entscheidung ungefähr 2 min WörterBuch suche nach unbekannten wörtern
2. zu viele entscheidungen die zu treffen sind (negativ daran siehe 1.)
3. ach habe ich schon erwähnt das es Englisch ist
Dafür ist es ein erheblich besseres Spielerlebnis und vor allem fordernder als vanilla.
Außerdem gehört Englisch ja inzwischen fast schon zum Standard.
Der Zarewitsch
01.10.09, 21:16
Morgen Abend wird Magna Mundi Platinum 2 veröffentlicht werden!
Bin schon sehr gespannt. Die zahlreichen Previews lassen auf ein ganz neues Spielerlebnis schließen. Hoffentlich finde ich etwas Zeit zum testen...
01.10.09, 22:18
Heinrich Heine
03.10.09, 02:00
erster :D
erster :D
yeehaaawwww :D:prost:
Jerobeam II.
04.10.09, 08:51
Irgendwelche Erfahrungen oder schöne Bilder zum Gucken?
von mir nicht... hatte noch keine zeit es anzutesten :(
Jerobeam II.
08.10.09, 02:00
So, ein kleiner Erfahrungsbericht von meiner Seite:
Es ist deutlich mehr Bewegung im Spiel, die KI nutzt die Möglichkeiten besser (Blockade, Belagerungen) - wie auch immer das mit dem Mod zusammenhängt :???: -, die neuen Religionsereignisse und -provinzeigenschaften machen das Spiel noch interessanter, die vielen, vielen neuen Gebäude sind durch das neu-alte Steuermodell auch finanzierbar... Dabei muß ich sagen: ich spiele erst 20 Jahre.
Fazit: Empfehlung.
Der Zarewitsch
08.10.09, 09:27
Mit welcher Nation spielt Ihr denn, werter Jerobeam? Habt Ihr Küstenprovinzen und falls ja, wie sind Eure ersten Erfahrungen mit dem neuen Navy- und Piratensystem?
Habe momentan leider keine Zeit selbst zu spielen, wäre daher für weitere feedbacks dankbar. :)
Jerobeam II.
08.10.09, 09:52
Brandenburg ist die Test"nation". Nach einem sehr, sehr seltsamen Krieg mit viel Glück (und bisher nur auf normal/aggressiv; gegen das mit dem DO beschäftigte Polen und Pommern, das mit seiner Hauptarmee Danzig belagerte) konnte ich das in der neuen Version aus drei Provinzen bestehende Pommern vassalisieren, nach zehn Jahren annektieren (trotz "sehr unwahrscheinlich" - ohne Speichern/Laden, denn das gehört sich ja nicht - ich dachte mir, was könne ich schon verlieren, und siehe da), später kamen dann Schleswig (inzwischen gibt es Schleswig und Holstein) und Jylland von Dänemark hinzu, das in einem wagemutigen Krieg gegen das halbe Reich und mit noch vom verlorenen Krieg gegen Schweden geschwächter Flotte dann herbe Niederlagen erlitt. Mit fünf (naja sechs: Danzig wurde erobert) Seeprovinzen muß ich sagen: es ist anscheinend notwendig, in zumindest je einer Küstenprovinz je Seezone die teuren Maßnahmen gegen Piraterie zu ergreifen, in den anderen Provinzen "genügen" die kleineren. Meine kurfürstliche Flotte (zwei Schiffe) kann da nichts ausrichten, die Piraten werden dennoch aktiv, wenn auch nicht auf der Karte, sondern eben nur in den Provinzen. Ich muß aber auch sagen, daß ich bisher das System nicht so recht verstanden habe und auch keine Lust habe, dem Meer mehr Aufmerksamkeit als unbedingt nötig zu widmen. Meine Zukunft liegt auf dem Land.
Eine nette Idee ist, daß ein Land ohne Hafen Nachteile erleidet, die dann mit der steigenden Zahl von Küstenprovinzen wieder verschwinden. Auch für kleine Länder hilfreich ist, daß die Administration nicht nur mehr ins Negative gewertet wird ("distracted... administration"), sondern auch ins Positive (das hängt sicherlich mit dem Verhältnis von Core-zu nicht-Core-Provinzen zusammen und natürlich wie bisher mit dem ADM-Wert und so weiter). Erfreut hat mich auch, daß ich nach der Annektierung Pommerns die Möglichkeit hatte, Cores auf die Provinzen zu erhalten, zu hohen Kosten (Steuer -50% u.a.) und in der Hoffnung, die "autonomous estates" später einmal zu zerschlagen (und die Cores zu behalten?). Obwohl einige Provinzen des Reichs schon den Besitzer gewechselt haben kam es bisher noch zu keinen Sanktionen von Seiten des Kaisers.* Dieser kann den Verteidiger im Krieg unterstützen und auch im Reich liegende Vasallen (nicht nur Provinzen ohne Core des bösen Angreifers; das ist also neu?) anderer Staaten von ihrem harten Joch befreien. Entscheidungen wie "Handelssanktionen" u.a. fallen also scheinbar weg, bin ich froh.
* EDIT: Es k o m m t zu Sanktionen, uiuiui.
Der Zarewitsch
08.10.09, 13:17
Im PX-Forum konnte man schon mehrfach lesen, dass die diplomatischen Beziehungswerte innerhalb Europas zu schnell und zu leicht nach oben gingen, demzufolge auch Staatsehen problemlos und zu Hauff gelängen. Klingt so als müsse man da im ersten patch nachbalancieren. Seht Ihr das auch so?
Jerobeam II.
08.10.09, 13:49
Nicht direkt. Schön ist tatsächlich, daß die Beziehungen sich schneller wieder reparieren, aber das ist nicht zu schnell, würde ich sagen. Staatsehen habe ich (dank meiner zwei ehemaligen diplomatischen Berater und dem Bonus auf den Zuwachs an Diplomaten) mit fast jedem Land in Europa; ob das klug ist (Personalunion? Erbfolgekriege?) wird man sehen.
Meinem Bedürfnis nach historischer Atmosphäre kommt die Verbesserung der Beziehungen sehr entgegen, da man so "einfach wieder mit den Nachbarn leben kann", auch wenn man sich nicht liebt. Das neue Modell der Blockbildung ist auf jeden Fall der Anerkennung wert; nachdem ich mit Polen, Böhmen und Österreich die Beziehungen seltsamerweise ;) beschädigt hatte, boten mir der Reihe nach Moskau, Venedig und Frankreich (!) eine Allianz an, also von sich aus und durchaus klug.
Der Zarewitsch
08.10.09, 17:02
Wenn Ihr noch ein paar Dekaden hinter Euch gebracht haben werdet, würde mich interessieren, wie sich die Großmächte in Eurer Partie machen.
Entstehen Spanien und Russland? Expandiert der Osmane? Blobbt Frankreich? Wird Österreich einigermaßen groß? Die üblichen Fragen... :)
Jerobeam II.
08.10.09, 18:42
Zumindest für die ersten fast 50 Jahre kann ich folgende Geschehnisse notieren: Der Osmane hat durch ein wahres Event-und-Kriegs-Feuerwerk die Mamelucken komplett (!) geschluckt und knabbert an (hatte ich tatsächlich Indien geschrieben? Ich meine:) Südosteuropa; Moskau wächst; Frankreich drängt Burgund ans Reich; Österreich ist (und das ist es bei mir IMMER; ich hatte in keinen Spiel jemals einen "weißen Blob"!) zu dumm und Kaiser. Spanien ist seit ca. 1480 in der Karibik und erobert (!) Mexiko, Portugal noch nicht in Brasilien. Und England hat gerade (1495) Nordamerika entdeckt, das geht übrigens inzwischen auch ohne Entdecker, mit einer Entscheidung, die ziemlich viele Voraussetzungen hat (Flotte stark, Monarch gut, Berater passend).
König Andre
08.10.09, 21:20
Kann man den Mod auch irgendwie auf Deutsch Gamen?
Jerobeam II.
08.10.09, 22:16
In German spielen? Nein. Aber da die meisten Anzeigen ja eh aus Abkürzungen bzw. Termini bestehen, die eindeutig sind, würde ich sagen, dem Spielspaß steht trotz der englischen Language nichts in the way. :)
Well, pardon my ignorance of German but if someone has any doubt, just ask it in English and I'll try my best to answer.
Just an important remark: YOU NEED TO PLAY WITH LUCKY NATIONS ON!
13.10.09, 19:37
Why is the strait between Thrace and Bithynia gone? it's unbelievably hard to fight the Turks as the Byzantines and they are almost never making peace.
And there's a bug when you try to move to Bithynia from the Turkish side of the Bosphorus it takes 0 days to get to Bithynia. Is that a bug that should be gone when i delete the map/cache or does it have another reason.
What I do like is the diplomatic AI. The Mameluks offered me (Byzantines) an alliance when they started fighting the Turks even though we only had relations somewhere around +15
Edit: Oh and another thing: Is it just my bad luck? I started as Denmark twice and both times immediately Norway or Sweden threw of the yoke of our Personal Union. Is this WAD or just me being incredibly unlucky as always?
Why is the strait between Thrace and Bithynia gone? it's unbelievably hard to fight the Turks as the Byzantines and they are almost never making peace.
Because before was unbelievably easy! ;)
And there's a bug when you try to move to Bithynia from the Turkish side of the Bosphorus it takes 0 days to get to Bithynia. Is that a bug that should be gone when i delete the map/cache or does it have another reason.
Probably other reason. Thanks!
Edit: Oh and another thing: Is it just my bad luck? I started as Denmark twice and both times immediately Norway or Sweden threw of the yoke of our Personal Union. Is this WAD or just me being incredibly unlucky as always?
This should not happen in v1.1
This being said outside the startup ones, a PU is very dependent on the comparative status quo of both parties. And the bigger the lesser party is, the harder it is to keep the PU. A PU between two great powers doesn't have even an average chance of being kept for long. A PU between medium powers has more chance (even if always a big bet).
13.10.09, 23:31
Because before was unbelievably easy! ;)
That's why I want it back :P
But honestly: THe lucky Ottomans are nearly impossible for me to beat even in a twofront war together with the Mameluks and Hungary (both were my allies at that point)
The main problem was that they always inflicted about three times the losses on me that I could inflict even if I had the numerical superiority and my shock 2 general and the terrain malus reduced their UBER-shock6 general to an effective shock 2 general (they had two of these...). They also always have about 50% higher moral and three times as much manpower-regeneration as I had. Is there any trick to beat them because I couldn't without ruining my whole country and I like to think of myself as a quite seasoned player when it comes to reinstating the True Rome.
This should not happen in v1.1
I should mention that I'm still playing 1.09, seems like I have to grab the latest one.
This being said outside the startup ones, a PU is very dependent on the comparative status quo of both parties. And the bigger the lesser party is, the harder it is to keep the PU. A PU between two great powers doesn't have even an average chance of being kept for long. A PU between medium powers has more chance (even if always a big bet).
Yeah, thats good thinking. In vanilla I once had a Spain which inherited a Denmark which in turn had conquered most of the HRE creating a giant powerhouse in Europe. Or a Teutonic Order that led a PU with France for about a century (the TO was controlling nearly the whole Baltic Sea) :wirr:
Yeah, thats good thinking. In vanilla I once had a Spain which inherited a Denmark which in turn had conquered most of the HRE creating a giant powerhouse in Europe. Or a Teutonic Order that led a PU with France for about a century (the TO was controlling nearly the whole Baltic Sea) :wirr:
Yep, that will not happen in MMP2.
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I wish there was a "I play MMP but it sucks" option. :P
I wish there was a "I play MMP but it sucks" option. :P
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