11.09.08, 11:51
- Newly formed rebel states will now get a guarantee and good relations with their sponsor from the start.
- Going over force limits is now a bit more costly. (It now increases by the percentage above it, not percentage of units above)
- Warscore from blockades on allies are now scaled the same way as everything else.
- Added spy efficiency and defense to the spy view.
- Land AI: More intelligent about when to withdraw and rest up damaged regiments.
- Boosted Italian manpower and taxbase
- Reduced French manpower a slight bit
- The manufactory-missions now gives a 4-star advisor instead of +1 base-tax when completing
- Reworked the religious war event chain to be a bit more challenging
- There is no longer a slowdown when combat is selected.
- Newly formed rebel states will now get a guarantee and good relations with their sponsor from the start.
- Going over force limits is now a bit more costly. (It now increases by the percentage above it, not percentage of units above)
- Warscore from blockades on allies are now scaled the same way as everything else.
- Added spy efficiency and defense to the spy view.
- Land AI: More intelligent about when to withdraw and rest up damaged regiments.
- Boosted Italian manpower and taxbase
- Reduced French manpower a slight bit
- The manufactory-missions now gives a 4-star advisor instead of +1 base-tax when completing
- Reworked the religious war event chain to be a bit more challenging
- There is no longer a slowdown when combat is selected.