Archiv verlassen und diese Seite im Standarddesign anzeigen : 3.1 Teaser #3 - 29th of August 2008

Fridericus Rex
29.08.08, 21:05
Zitat von Johan
Since yesterday was my birthday, and i feel in a nice mood today, I'm giving you another little teaser..

- The emperors bonus is now only adapted after the start of the game, so starting troops will not be insanely large.

- You can now also demand provinces belonging to vassals and lesser personal union partners in a separate peace with their overlord.

- Privateers now give their money to their sponsor.

- You now get a CB on anyone doing spy actions on you and getting discovered with it in multiplayer.

- Spy Efficiency now affects spy action success instead of just discovery.

- Added an indicator for when a province will become a core province.

- Players can now freely edit the names of their provinces in the province panel.

(and loads more..)
Quelle: http://forum.paradoxplaza.com/forum/showthread.php?t=372491&page=1