22.05.08, 15:35
Mehr! Meeeehr! MEEEEEEHR! Berater...
In In Nomine we have added a number of new advisors types. Our idea was to add more strategy into the game. Each advisor added something slightly different allowing different choices to be made. None of these advisors have impact on research in any way. Instead they give a direct bonus to one part of your nation. Another important aspect is that the type of advisor appearing in a province depends on the type of province and the type of country. So you will not see any naval advisors in non-coastal provinces, nor any colonial governors in a country without colonies.
Land Advisors
Colonel: An expert in organising mercenary companies, giving you cheaper mercenaries
Sergeant Major General: The most senior NCO in an army is an expert in spotting those junior officers with command potential and then helping hem up the ranks giving you more land tradition
Grand Captain: An experienced commander who, in his new position as a senior advisor, gives the whole army confidence leading to higher morale.
Army Organiser: An organisational expert who does a lot of the backroom work giving you a higher force limit
Commandant: The expert drillmaster who will give your troops higher discipline
Quartermaster: The supply expert who gets things to the front line armies quicker giving you better reinforcement speed
Recruitmaster: The man who knows all the recruiting tricks so you can lure more men into the colours, giving you more manpower
Military Engineer: The expert in fortifications who is able to use his abilities to make your fortification defend better, adding to the national defensiveness
Naval Advisors
Grand Admiral: Like his army counter part, this experienced commander lifts the navies morale.
Naval Organiser: The expert at organising the shore based parts of the fleet, allowing increased support limit
Navigator: The man who has travelled on many a long journey and knows exactly what ships need to sail far, his skills give your navy increased range
Rear Admiral: The third in command of a fleet usually commanded the rear most ship in the line. Being close to those of junior rank in hierarchy, he is better placed to spot potential commanders, giving you higher tradition
Privateer: Although our enemies prefer to use the slur ‘pirate’, his skills at hunting down enemy commerce improve our ability to blockade
Civil Advisors
Sheriff: Originally a shire reeve who was responsible for the serfs, this is an important tax-gathering official who will boost your country’s taxes.
High Judge: A senior judge who knows exactly what the law says, giving people more confidence in the justice system reducing revolt risk.
Alderman: From the Anglo Saxon meaning ‘elder man’, this senior official boosts production efficiency.
Collector: Responsible for gathering tariffs at ports, this man increases trade efficiency.
Master of Mint: Responsible for running one of the country’s mints, he is so efficient, people have extra faith in the coinage leading to a reduction in inflation.
Banker: The man who knows all about finance, allowing the government to get cheaper loans.
Lord Proprietor: A man who is granted lands for colonial settlements, his management abilities convince more people to settle, leading to faster colonial growth
Pioneer: The expert at establishing colonies in far away places, however he doesn’t quite have the skill to turn them into wealthy colonies, improved colonial placement chance.
Inquisitor: Although he cut his teeth routing our heresy, he is just as good at finding those that would betray the country to our enemies, giving us better spy defence
Ambassador: This widely travelled informant knows all about happenings in far away lands, improving our diplomacy.
And here is an example of how one advisortype is scripted... Privateer.. Which will not appear in any non-port provinces, but is much more likely to appear in countries that have the naval fighting instruction idea or has the Hire Privateers national decision.
privateer = {
blockade_efficiency = 0.1
chance = {
factor = 1
modifier = {
factor = 0
port = no
modifier = {
factor = 1.2
owner = { idea = naval_fighting_instruction }
modifier = {
factor = 1.3
owner = { has_country_modifier = hire_privateers }
Mehr! Meeeehr! MEEEEEEHR! Berater...
In In Nomine we have added a number of new advisors types. Our idea was to add more strategy into the game. Each advisor added something slightly different allowing different choices to be made. None of these advisors have impact on research in any way. Instead they give a direct bonus to one part of your nation. Another important aspect is that the type of advisor appearing in a province depends on the type of province and the type of country. So you will not see any naval advisors in non-coastal provinces, nor any colonial governors in a country without colonies.
Land Advisors
Colonel: An expert in organising mercenary companies, giving you cheaper mercenaries
Sergeant Major General: The most senior NCO in an army is an expert in spotting those junior officers with command potential and then helping hem up the ranks giving you more land tradition
Grand Captain: An experienced commander who, in his new position as a senior advisor, gives the whole army confidence leading to higher morale.
Army Organiser: An organisational expert who does a lot of the backroom work giving you a higher force limit
Commandant: The expert drillmaster who will give your troops higher discipline
Quartermaster: The supply expert who gets things to the front line armies quicker giving you better reinforcement speed
Recruitmaster: The man who knows all the recruiting tricks so you can lure more men into the colours, giving you more manpower
Military Engineer: The expert in fortifications who is able to use his abilities to make your fortification defend better, adding to the national defensiveness
Naval Advisors
Grand Admiral: Like his army counter part, this experienced commander lifts the navies morale.
Naval Organiser: The expert at organising the shore based parts of the fleet, allowing increased support limit
Navigator: The man who has travelled on many a long journey and knows exactly what ships need to sail far, his skills give your navy increased range
Rear Admiral: The third in command of a fleet usually commanded the rear most ship in the line. Being close to those of junior rank in hierarchy, he is better placed to spot potential commanders, giving you higher tradition
Privateer: Although our enemies prefer to use the slur ‘pirate’, his skills at hunting down enemy commerce improve our ability to blockade
Civil Advisors
Sheriff: Originally a shire reeve who was responsible for the serfs, this is an important tax-gathering official who will boost your country’s taxes.
High Judge: A senior judge who knows exactly what the law says, giving people more confidence in the justice system reducing revolt risk.
Alderman: From the Anglo Saxon meaning ‘elder man’, this senior official boosts production efficiency.
Collector: Responsible for gathering tariffs at ports, this man increases trade efficiency.
Master of Mint: Responsible for running one of the country’s mints, he is so efficient, people have extra faith in the coinage leading to a reduction in inflation.
Banker: The man who knows all about finance, allowing the government to get cheaper loans.
Lord Proprietor: A man who is granted lands for colonial settlements, his management abilities convince more people to settle, leading to faster colonial growth
Pioneer: The expert at establishing colonies in far away places, however he doesn’t quite have the skill to turn them into wealthy colonies, improved colonial placement chance.
Inquisitor: Although he cut his teeth routing our heresy, he is just as good at finding those that would betray the country to our enemies, giving us better spy defence
Ambassador: This widely travelled informant knows all about happenings in far away lands, improving our diplomacy.
And here is an example of how one advisortype is scripted... Privateer.. Which will not appear in any non-port provinces, but is much more likely to appear in countries that have the naval fighting instruction idea or has the Hire Privateers national decision.
privateer = {
blockade_efficiency = 0.1
chance = {
factor = 1
modifier = {
factor = 0
port = no
modifier = {
factor = 1.2
owner = { idea = naval_fighting_instruction }
modifier = {
factor = 1.3
owner = { has_country_modifier = hire_privateers }