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04.02.08, 13:01
Hier die Liste der aktuellen Änderungen für den neuen Patch! (Erscheint voraussichtlich Ende Februar)

Patch version
List of changes

New Components:

1. Map Editor with total capabilities of editing landscapes, roads, elevations, full object placement and more.
2. Mission-Campaign Editor (improved for multiplayer missions and can be used in tandem with the new Battle Generator).
3. Battle Generator (allows for easy creation of single and multiplayer missions with a minimum of effort).
4. New Internet Game Browser functionality available from within the game (shows all currently hosted games on the internet and allows you to join them).

New Campaigns:

1. Battle of Moscow Campaign - 10 missions (newly updated)
2. Battle of Normandy Panzer Lehr Campaign - 8 missions

New Missions:

1. New "Commando" single player mission

Multiplayer Gameplay Changes:

1. Countdown (time limited) missions added.
2. Attack/Defense missions added.
3. Added ability to play with both Human and AI controlled enemies.
4. Added ability to select different "alliances" in the attack and defense areas.
5. 11 Multiplayer missions added.
6. Troop selection system changed. Now you can choose different units from a list of up to 20 different pre-assigned "armies" (force pools) instead of only getting one set of unites per side for each nation.
7. 11 new Multiplayer maps added.
8. Automatic attack or defense behavior introduced for the AI forces (when using the Battle Generator to make new battles).
9. Now the player can play against several different AI's in multiplayer mode.
10. Indicator of area selection introduced for a selected army.
11. Loading and execution of multiplayer missions stabilized.
12. Loading time reduced for multiplayer missions.
13. Improved functions of the "Smooth Unit movement" option on client PC's during multiplayer games for less lag.
14. Other known errors fixed.

General Changes:

1. Line of Sight system upgraded: Line of sight is now affected in a more realistic fashion by objects such as small shrubs, tree trunks and leaves among many other elements.
2. Line of Sight tool implemented when giving "Attack", "Assault" and "Area Fire" commands. Green line indicates a clear area with unobstructed line of sight where the flora does not hinder fire; a red line shows an area of good sight without serious (but some) blockage; while a black line indicates places your units can’t see at all.
3. Difficulty level system changed. At NOVICE level, the precision of enemy fire and damage inflicted by AI units were reduced slightly from previous levels. At the REGULAR level, your troops do not differ at all from the AI units and at VETERAN levels, the enemy units benefit from increased precision.
4. All missions were modified to account for the newer Line of Sight system.
5. An error related to the reloading of small arms fixed. Small arms can now be reloaded from all postures.
6. An error related to uncontrollable coaxial machine-gun after breakdown of main weapon fixed.
7. Non-destroyable coaxial machine-guns error fixed.
8. Guidance system considering movement of object changed.
9. Damage calculation system changed for impacts of rounds with base detonating fuses.
10. Secondary damage calculation system updated.
11. Errors related to game objects fixed.
12. Size of Daimler Mk I and animation of its crew changed.
13. Crew of Is-2 reduced to 4 men.
14. Calculation of commander cupola hits modified.
15. Some material of vehicles and other additional components changed from armor steel to metal.
16. Gunnery damage pattern corrected.
17. Damage pattern changed for armor shields and additional parts of the vehicles.
18. Infantry ammunition load errors fixed.
19. Model of the DShK mounted machine-gun amended.
20. Vehicle burning time increased.
21. Dependence between aiming accuracy and Gunner skill (for gunnery) and Accuracy (for small arms) changed.
22. Freezing animations errors fixed.
23. Errors related to losses of detachments and combat units when progressing through a campaign fixed.
24. Infantry behavior in trenches improved.
25. Air support behavior improved.
26. Aiming at various parts of vehicles or infantry by AI-controlled combat units added.
27. An error with Wz.34 armored car fixed.
28. The game sound system has been improved.
29. Movements of the vehicles and infantry in defense improved.
30. Units are visible according to their reference data.
31. Difficulty of several missions was adjusted.
32. Some minor AI bugs corrected.
33. Fire sectors for combat snow mobile NKL-26 and Polish Vickers tank were changed.
34. Streamlined organization of various document files and utilities via new multi-tiered "Theatre of War" Program Group entry.
35. Addition of new Battlefront.com Internet Browser Community Toolbar (installation optional, see below for more details on this new tool).
36. Many other corrections and improvements throughout the game.

Earlier fixes from previous patches also included:

* Map Editor Added (accessed via the builder.exe program or in the ToW Program Group shortcut "Map Builder")
* A new 10 mission "Battle for Moscow 1941" Campaign Added. Accessed via the "Extra Campaigns" option in the Campaign List page
* Various fixes and changes to earlier campaign missions
* Improved logging functions to help with determining the causes of certain crashes
* Hot keys for Unit Formations, Movement Modes, Hold Fire and Hold Position commands added
* Better handling of the Reverse Command for vehicles, tanks, SPG's, armored cars and Artillery units
* Various AI behavior changes to units implemented
* Expanded sound system (hear sounds further away and louder in some cases)
* Improved sounds
* Waypoints added for units (hold 'shift' key when issuing movement orders to place waypoints)
* Units no longer stop when they receive a new order
* LOS tweaks - The visibility conditions through forest were changed
* AI Targeting behavior tweaked so that they can better fire on Hull Down targets
* Game speed acceleration/deceleration feature added (accessed via the "Change time speed" hotkey currently)
* Fixed bug with the units boarding certain vehicles
* Some Multiplayer load bugs during client loading were fixed (more fixes will be coming in future patches)
* Fixed AT Guns not being able to have commands issued in some situations
* Fixed Load Game/Save Game errors
* Towsetup 'Autodetect' functions improved
* Mission Editor "wrong application version error" bug fixed
* Improvements to the gun towing process implemented
* Units now better at holding position when they are in defensive positions
* Various Mission Editor errors corrected
* New "License Helper" utility (called ToW_Helper.exe) added to help those that had issues with the eLicense program freezing or locking up in the past (see note below)
* New manual "Unlicense" short cut added to game program group (to unlicense game without uninstalling)
* Extensive improvements to Performance and Stability

Quelle: http://www.theatreofwar.de/forum/viewtopic.php?t=128

07.03.08, 07:33
Hm, dauert wohl leider noch ein bisschen...

Update Kalypso Patch:


leider können wir noch keinen genauen Releasetermin für den deutschen
Patch bekannt geben. Er wird im Laufe des März veröffentilcht. Einen
genauen Termin werden wir rechtzeitig bekanntgeben.

Kalypso Media GmbH

11.03.08, 23:52
Ein wenig warte ich ja nun auch schon auf den Patch... nun gut. Geduld ist eine Tugend...

10.04.08, 12:54
..der deutsche Patch befindet sich zur Zeit noch in der Übersetzung. Da er äußerst groß ist (1,2 Gigabyte), wird die Übersetzung noch ein wenig dauern. Im Laufe des Aprils sollte er jedoch veröffentlicht werden.

Kalypso Media GmbH
Support Service

tel. +49 (0)6241 50 22 40
fax. +49 (0)6241 50 22 41

Prinz-Carl-Anlage 36
67547 Worms / Germany

11.06.08, 11:45
Der Patch ist da:


Achtung über 700MB!

Wilhelm von Preußen
23.11.08, 13:48
Wollte mal wieder ne Runde ToW zocken mit neuem Patch und welch Überraschung, das Spiel startet nicht mehr mit der Meldung "Please insert original DVD with the game!". Und das mit der Digital Download Version von Battlefront.com, also gar keine DVD am Start. Hat jemand ähnliche Probleme oder gibts irgendwo einen Fix dazu?