Archiv verlassen und diese Seite im Standarddesign anzeigen : Neues Friedenssystem???
General Blücher
06.02.03, 18:28
Ich kann bis jetzt noch nichts vom neuen Friedenssystem entdecken. Optisch sieht alles genau so aus, wie vorherr....
Könnte mir vielleicht mal jemand (am besten Max:) ) mal sagen, was denn nun neu ist am Friedenssystem?
Maximilian I
06.02.03, 19:10
puh, das ist ein ganzer haufen von änderungen...
werde mal den thread suchen ;)
Das einzig Neue, das ich nach ca 30 min spielen gemerkt habe ist, dass man jetzt nicht mehr Geld fordern kann, als derjenige besitzt
Oliver Guinnes
06.02.03, 23:19
Aber das ist doch schon mal was. Vorher waren die Ergebnisse der eigenen monetären Forderungen ja eher eratisch.
General Blücher
07.02.03, 19:01
Originally posted by Maximilian I
puh, das ist ein ganzer haufen von änderungen...
werde mal den thread suchen ;)
Bitte postet jetzt keinen ellenlangen englischen Text mit den Änderungen....
Versucht einmal die wichtigsten Punkte in deutscher Sprache zu posten.....
Denn ich von den vielen Änderungen noch nichts gemerkt...
Maximilian I
08.02.03, 10:00
von VKV:
New peace system FAQ
Here is the final and complete specification of a new peace system that has been implemented in patch 1.06.
It give a real importance to alliances but also has consequences on players being involved in wars with AI allies. The main changes are in the peace score computation, the new role of alliance leaders in negotiations and the fact that war tributes (money) is paid or received equally by all alliance members.
In all examples, we consider a first alliance A, composed of countries A1 (leader) and A2 which has attacked another alliance D, composed of countries D1 (leader) and D2 (A1 declared war on D1).
Peace Score Computation
Rule 1: A country negociating as Alliance Leader must take into account all the actions of the countries composing its alliance against the other side (which can be another alliance or a single country): won and lost battles, gained and lost province controls.
Rule 1.b: The maximum score computed for won and lost battles is +/- 95%, and the maximum overall score without a complete victory is +/- 99%, and +/-100% for a complete victory (see definition in Rule 2).
Example 1: Alliance Leader A1 negociates a global peace with Alliance Leader D1. What is counted is:
- Battles won and lost by A1 and A2 against D1 and D2
- Provinces of D1 or D2 controled by A1 or A2
- Provinces of A1 or A2 controled by D1 or D2
Example 2: Alliance Leader A1 negociates a separate peace with D2. What is counted is:
- Battles won and lost by A1 and A2 against D2.
- Provinces of D2 controled by A1 or A2
- Provinces of A1 or A2 controled by D2.
Example 3: A2 negociates a separate peace with Alliance Leader D1. What is counted is:
- Battles won and lost by A2 against D1 and D2.
- Provinces of D1 or D2 controled by A2
- Provinces of A2 controled by D1 or D2
Example 4: A2 negociates a separate peace with D2. What is counted is:
- Battles won and lost by A2 against D2.
- Provinces D2 controled by A2
- Provinces of A2 controled by D2
Of course, alliance leaders can choose to negociate not as alliance leaders but only for their country.
How to define a complete victory (100%)?
Rule 2: A complete victory with a 100% success rate happens when a single country or an alliance controls all provinces of a country. If the loser is the alliance leader, then the victory is considered as 100% victory against the alliance as a whole.
Note: The second part of the rule is important because it give a clear objective for alliances: if the alliance leader country is occupied, then the war is lost for the entire alliance.
Rule 2.b: If the both sides have a complete victory over the other side, then only the defender side is awarded the complete victory.
This definition is very different from the 1.05 one, where a 100% victory is acquired when "a country controls nothing", because the current definition gives the 100% victory to all countries at war with the loser, even if they do not control anything. With this new definition, if a country does not control any of its provinces but its provinces are controled by two separate alliances, none of the alliances have the 100% victory because they don't control all provinces.
Another precision: let's imagine the D1 country has 2 provinces P1 and P2. If A1 controls P1 and A2 controls P2, Alliance Leader A1 can negociate a 100% peace with D1, but A1 and A2 separately do not have a 100% victory. Therefore, this definition will prevent A2 to sign a separate peace taking all money, force conversion and a province from D1 (with some new AI algorithms described later).
What can be negociated by alliance leaders?
There a problem with the current game logic that won't go away with the new 100% victory definition.
As Turkey, I declare war on the Knights which own a single island province.
They call their allies the Mameluks. Then I conquer the Knights' single province and I have a 100% victory. I choose not to annex the Knights and go for a standard peace. With my 100%, I can happily choose four provinces from the Mameluks which I did not even encounter in a battle.
To counter this problem, I propose a new rule:
Rule 3: When negociating, an Alliance Leader can claim:
- Provinces he occupies
- Its national provinces even if it does not occupy them
- Provinces occupied by its allies (to give them to the occupying country)
- Money (to be shared equally among allies)
Rule 4: When negociating, an Alliance Leader can give away:
- Its own provinces
- Money, to be paid equally among allies (without making a loan)
but he can't give away unoccupied provinces of its allies even if they are national provinces for enemy countries.
- Removed in final implementation: Provinces of its allies if they are occupied by enemy forces.
Changes in the peace proposal dialog box
Alliance leader or not:
- You must choose to negotiate as alliance leader or not (if you are the leader), and to negotiate with your enemy as leader or not (if he is the leader of its alliance).
- The peace score changes when you negotiate as leader or not, or with the enemy leader or not (see first paragraph).
Peace score details:
- The peace score rollover gives the details of the peace score computation. When one side is represented by its leader, it may appear in peace score as "Leader & Al.", like "France & Al.)", meaning "France and Allies".
- You can't claim more money than your opponent (or enemy alliance) can pay. When you have reached the maximum, the + button is greyed out.
- You can't propose more money than you (or your alliance's members) can pay without making a loan. When you have reached the maximum, the + button is greyed out.
Note: Remember that money is paid equally by all alliance members.
- Only the provinces that you can claim and that your enemy can give away are displayed. See rules 3 and 4 in this thread for details.
Maximilian I
08.02.03, 10:07
wichtigste änderung ist wohl die überarbeitung des separatfriedens:
früher konntet ihr euch in einem Separatfrieden schnell eine Provinz schnappen, auch wenn die feindliche allianz anderweitig sehr erfolgreich war. nun wird der "gesamterfolg" einer allianz gegen den "erfiogl" der anderen allianz bei der annahme von friedensverträgen berücksichtigt.
Oliver Guinnes
08.02.03, 13:18
Klingt doch alles recht plausibel, oder?
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