Archiv verlassen und diese Seite im Standarddesign anzeigen : "Fixes" 1.01- 1.06b
Maximilian I
31.01.03, 10:01
Changes done to 1.01
* Gameplay tweaks
- It should now be possible to retreat onto allies provinces or to where you have military access.
- Landing troops at a beachhead now carries supplies and oil for a week, storing it at the beachhead.
- Rebasing range for aircrafts are now three times the combat range.
- You now get larger penalties when invading beaches, even with marines.
- Damage from Nukes are now pretty much permanent.
- You now daily gain some transports depending on the amount of naval tradition your country has.
- The keep your current government option in elections have now been enabled.
- Battleships in seazones adjacent to a landcombat now provides shorebombardment, which reduces the efficiency of the opponent.
- AA guns firing is now checked at controller, not owner of province.
- Zero org ships are now only sunk if less than 20 strength.
- Reinforcing divisions now costs a _lot_ more supplies.
- Oil will now convert all extra above 1 days reserve to rubber to keep industries going if in need.
- Finished troops are now always at top of buildlist.
- Fixed a serious bug, which caused defenders to get a too large penalty to their efficiency.
- Airunits should now automatically return to carriers, even if carriers have moved during the airmission.
- Airunits should now be overrun and lost if forced to land on enemy territory, or if airbase is overrun.
- Removed a duplicate event effect in heavy aircraft tech.
- Build costs and times for brigades lowered.
- A democratic nation declaring war on another democractic nation will see his war-entry drop dramatically.
- Strategic bombing is now default command in the menus for planes that can do it.
- Bombardment on fleeing units should no longer cause them to break, and the combat to end within 1 hour.
- Revolting sides in civil wars now have the same national provinces as the original government.
- Civil War events now share tech, resources and manpower with the revolting side.
- When a civil war ends, the winning side should now get the original capital back, as well as the enemy manpower and all surviving enemy divisions.
- Unit sprites now chosen a bit more intelligently, based on the division type majority.
- Soviet need for consumer goods production have been tweaked down slightly.
- Supplycosts for planes have now been dropped to a 10th.
- Soviet consumer goods need in 1939 is now lower than in 36.
* Generic Bugfixes
- Fixed one reproducable CTD.
- Fixed a rare crash bug that could occur after certain province ownership change events.
- Fixed some message bugs, where order of names were reversed.
- Fixed a bug which caused the cursor to be a few pixels off.
- Arrows in Tutorial should be correct in higher resolutions now.
- Made some interface tweaks in the reorg window, to reduce frustration.
- Fixed a crash and lockup bug in the Inter-Agent army allocation AI.
- Fixed a bug with the upgrade button lighting up when it shouldn't for air divisions.
- Air units and divisions in the deployment pool are now handled better when civil wars happen.
- Spanish Civil War events should now trigger correctly.
- Joining an alliance from an event, now also joins all the alliance leaders wars.
- Leaders and Ministers should now be initialised properly when a new country is created.
- Optimized the savegame file size.
* AI Fixes
- Japan will now also take out Sinkiang if possible.
- Japan now goes after the indonesian rubber after pacifying the chinese.
- Japan will now target the Philippines when they go to war with the US.
- Further tweaks to the diplomatic and alliance building AI were done.
- Italian war declaration AI is a bit smarter now.
- Italy should no longer declare war on Greece or Yugoslavia before the war against France is ended.
- Finland should now be a lot more likely to join the Axis if Germany is at war with the USSR and Finland has lost provinces to the USSR.
- Front AI now less defensive while it has the initiative.
- Front AI no longer attacks high-attrition provinces at all (not the ideal solution though).
- Front AI now less obsessive about taking undefended provinces.
- Front AI now requests bombings in a much more focused manner.
- Front AI should now be better at reinforcing supply routes to spearheads.
- Front AI should now prioritize relieving pockets more.
- Front AI should now request and hopefully receive more units if the situation is desperate.
- Front AI should now count friendly forces already in a province when calculating odds before attacking.
- Front AI should no longer refrain from attacking just because some very far off enemy armies are on their way to the province.
- Front AI: Spearhead forces should no longer attack too deep into enemy territory.
- Front AI: Reserves should no longer be left behind as the front advances.
- Front AI: Tactical air support now given to friendly armies engaged in combat if the AI is in defensive mode.
- Front AI: Provinces where there is combat are now prioritized for air strikes, even prior to new ground offensives.
- Fronts should no longer return troops to the garrison AI just because the enemy is weak along the front - if the enemy is a powerful nation.
- Fronts should now be properly deleted and their units returned to the garrison AI if the country makes peace.
- Fronts should no longer lock up in certain situations due to having too few divisions to cover all provinces.
- Fronts should now strive to never stack more than 24 divisions in the same province.
- Fronts should no longer redeploy units into low infra provinces.
- A situation where fronts were not dissolved correctly (e.g. the German one in the "Bitter Peace event") fixed.
- Garrison AI should no longer move units through attrition provinces (if it does, the pathfinding is at fault).
- Garrison AI for various countries tweaked
- Unit allocation between AI agents (fronts and garrison) completely rewritten.
- Made the garrison AI even more wary of moving units over very long distances (mainly affects the USSR.)
- Fixed a distance bug in the Inter-Agent allocation AI (did not correctly take the _closest_ units).
- Nationalist China front AI is no longer more defensive than the norm.
- Reserves are now thrown in against provinces that are under attack.
- Armaments AI now decides on most needed unit _after_ it decides which military branch (air, naval, land) is currently weakest.
- Countries with no ports should no longer try to build ships.
- Fixed a bug that sometimes prevented deployment of new armies (mainly affected Germany).
- The AI will now rebase strategic bombers to better locations, so that the US will be able to use their bombers.
- The AI should now rebase its naval bombers properly, and use carriers if it has.
- Bomber AI should no longer keep huge stacks of airplanes in the same province.
- Bomber AI is now much better at assigning their pools correctly.
- Made some improvements in the naval invasion AI.
- Invasion AI learned to build up big forces in antipication of attack.
- Fixed a bug which froze transportations for AI units.
- Improved the air AI, so that the AI will now base fighters to defend its industries.
- The AI is now smarter about spending more IC on research.
- AI should now be better at transporting troops to overseas areas.
- Improved the AI air-path-finding.
- Improved the AI for sliders selection.
- Certain AI nations should now build coastal fortifications.
- AI nations should now build more industries when there is a great resource surplus that they can make use of.
- Tactical bombers should no longer redeploy much in peace time - better to save fuel.
- The AI now redeploys ships and airunits which been sent back to the forcepool.
- AI is now better at repairing its ships.
- Countries under military control by AI nations (puppet states) should now redeploy their troops again.
- Tactical bombing should now cease when a province no longer contains enemy units.
- Reserves should now receive the correct number of divisions from the start (and no longer strip crucial front provinces).
* Scenario Setup & Events
** Generic
- A large revision of the provincial Industrial Capacity and Resource values.
- Major revision of South African ministers. Now correct election years, ministers in nearly all cabinets, with loyalties, ideology and personality.
- Naval technology changes of shore-attack values for all land units. It is a large revision to game balance to give marines a stronger punch, leg units weaker punch, and vehicle units weakest punch. Cavalry get no bonus anymore.
- Two ministers changed in every Cabinet_A for polish ministers.
- All provincial game values changed between Constanta and Dobrich including the harbour, so that Constanta is the important province.
- The South African cabinet have been changed.
- Kunming, Wutunghliao, Chengdu now has got some rubber for gamebalance reasons.
- UK leader Montgomery has got his name corrected, raised skill to 4,
and rank 1.
** 1936
- Minor technology package removed rom Bolivia, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba,Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Guatemala, Haiti, Honduras, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, El Salvador, Uruguay,Venezuela and Peru.
- Minor technology package added for Persia, Philippines, Siam and Yugoslavia.
- Spanish unit moved to Bata.
- Spain now receive supply in Baleares, Canaries, Rio de Oro, Ceuta and Bata.
- Corrected a script error that made UK ship 'Dido' part of the 3rd Submarine Flotilla.
- Transports added to Spain.
- Added Sudanese and East African Colonials for UK.
- Iraq now have an Order of Battle.
- United Kingdom, New Zealand, Australia and Canada now have access to each others countries.
- In the Italian Order of Battle we merged the colonial cavalry brigades to a single division, merged all understrength fighters and torpedo bombers, changed the Torpedo bombers to "naval bombers".
- Italy is no longer a part of the Axis.
** 1939
- Ownership and Control over the Philippines have been removed from USA to allow Philippines to exist as a US-Puppet.
- Minor technology package added for Persia, Philippines, Siam and Yugoslavia.
- Spain now receive supply in Baleares, Canaries, Rio de Oro, Ceuta and Bata.
- Mitilini was Turkish changed to Greek.
- Corrected a script error that made UK ship 'Dido' part of the 3rd Submarine Flotilla.
- Transports added to SPA.
- Added Sudanese and East African Colonials for UK.
- Iraq now have an Order of Battle.
- Japan now has convoys to Haikou, Taihoku, and Guangzhou.
- Canadian Navy corrected.
- German XII Army Corps in Slovakia is now under German control.
- The Italian Order of Battle was overhauled, merging several divisions.
- The missing Soviet Navy was added.
- The Baltic States, Bessarabia and Karelia added as Soviet core provinces.
** 1941
- Minor technology package removed rom Bolivia, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba,Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Guatemala, Haiti, Honduras, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, El Salvador, Uruguay,Venezuela and Peru.
- Minor technology package added for Persia, Philippines, Siam and Yugoslavia.
- Hungary given Transylvania and Munkacs provinces.
- Ziguinchor is now French not US.
- Ipoh is now British not Indonesian.
- Banana is now British not Portugese.
- Romania now own and control the Odessa area.
- Germany not the USSR control Rostov.
- Spain now receive supply in Baleares, Canaries, Rio de Oro, Ceuta and Bata.
- Mitilini was Turkish, but now changed to Greek, Thesaloniki was German, but now changed to Bulgarian, Kirovograd & Dnepropetrovsk was German, but now changed to Romanian.
- Corrected a script error that made UK ship 'Dido' part of the 3rd Submarine Flotilla.
- The Canadian Newfoundland Escort Force now exists as well as setup transports (3) and escorts (8).
- Japan starts at war with Sinkiang.
- New OOB for Vichy.
- Philipponed should now exist.
- Province Rostov is now under Soviet control, not German.
- New Convoys for UK.
- Iraq is now a UK controlled Puppet and now have an order of battle.
- Added Sudanese and East African Colonials for UK.
- Madagascar is now Vichy and not French.
- The German Order of Battle was overhauled, adding some missing model defintions, and adding some air detachments.
- All German surface ships now have the right models.
** Events
- "Artist reflects popular emotions and records epic song" Event will not occur if the country is at peace.
- "Molotov-Ribentropp" Event now simulated the forced trade agreement by giving oil to Germany at Soviet expense.
- "Danzig or War - The Poles fold" Event has got the war entry effects increased.
- "The Revolution has come!" event is less likely to happen. Instead of being checked once a month it is now checked for once a year.
- "Lend-Lease for the USSR" events now give 10 Industrial Capacity to Novosibirsk, Omsk, and Irkutsk each.
- Clermont-Ferrand should now also be returned to Vichy by the Axis powers when the Vichy event is executed.
- "Artist expresses" event should now have a correct trigger.
- "Communist Coup - Anarchist movement crushed" Event now have 50% chance to take place not 100%.
- "Spanish Civil War - Fascist Nation" Event now gives 200 of all resources and supplies.
- "Spanish Civil War - Victory!!!"Event Spanish ownership of Madrid is now added to trigger.
- All "Spanish Civil War Intervention" events now give more supplies an the random victory points designated is more spread.
- "Anschluss of Austria" Event slightly less warentry as the effect is otherwise double-booked.
- "Bitter Peace" event adjusted to return provinces to and make peace with Finland, Sweden and Romania in case they still exist.
- "Finnish Winter War" event have "control (certain provinces)" added to trigger plus puppet commands. Stopping the event from happening if the
USSR has already taken their claim in war or if either the Soviet Union or Finland are puppets of somebody.
- "Vichy France - Return of occupied provinces" event added return of North African provinces (except Tunisia).
- Some new events for relocating Soviet industries beyond Ural, and for the ending of the winter war added.
- Bessarabia event should not happen if the USSR already has the provinces.
- Warentry level trigger removed from US Lend-lease Act event.
- "Vichy France" event no longer triggers if France does not control Vichy itself.
Maximilian I
31.01.03, 10:03
Changes done to 1.02
* Interface Tweaks and Additions
- Gamespeed should now be adjustable in MP. No messages will be shown on client though.
- Delay before pause removed in MP.
- Anyone should now be able to resume the pause after the 30 seconds timer has expired.
- Slowest gamespeeds tweaked alot to get the slowest speeds much slower for MP support.
- It should now be possible to cancel unit developments and technological research.
- There is now a day/night indicator on the CCB which shows if it is day or night in the target province at the given time.
- Modelname of Divisions/ships/airwings are now shown in the tooltips of the combat window.
- You can now build multiples of the same type of unit at the same time in the interface.
- Unloads to provinces without a beach should never even start now, but shown an error marker.
- A cogwheel is now shown in economic mapmode where provincial developemt is being done.
- There are now small buttons to manually control the production sliders more perfectly.
- Sliders should no longer move mystically when double-clicked.
- Several messages have been cleaned up.
* Gameplay tweaks
- Difficulty modifiers are now much larger, where very easy actually is really easy, and very hard a real challenge.
- Only national provinces now give manpower income.
- To reduce problems with expedition forces for the AI, they are now fully given over to the target country if its AI, and you can no longer send them to your enemies.
- Resource incomes are now processed daily before the total IC calculation is done, leading to exact IC capping.
- Building costs for provincial improvements will now never assign more than 5 IC from the province.
- Each new IC now costs 1 Manpower to build.
- Increased cost of building AA and made it exponential past level 10.
- Provincial AAguns are no longer insanely good.
- Income from puppets are no longer automatically moved to the homeland, unless their homearea neighbours yours. If you have other landareas nearby, they are moved to the port in them.
- You can now use convoys from puppet nations ports.
- Dissent will now increase dramatically when declaring war upon a nation which you have no claims upon, especially so if you are democratic.
- Germany, Japan and Italy is now almost immune to bad affects from agression.
- Slightly harder to influence nations now, especially those with governments differing from your alignment.
- Sharing tech research now work like other diplomatic actions, maximum one each week, and costing 1 DI each time.
- Warentry increases have been tweaked down to avoid the allies going to war in 1938.
- Puppets are now very unlikely to join alliances without their master in it.
- When countries are granted independence from events, they now get a tenth of the manpower and resources from the granting country (plus a related bug was fixed).
- Coup is now even further expensive.
- You no longer get both paradrop and amphibious landing penaltys when landing on islans with paradrops.
- Winter penalties on attacker in landcombat has been increased.
- Landcombats should now take alot longer.
- Fortifications are now three times as good.
- Naval combats are now much longer in duration.
- Naval units now correctly use their Sub Attack value against subs.
- The Visibility value of subs now has a huge effect on the chance of scoring hits against them.
- The Sub Detection value of naval units is now crucial to score hits against subs.
- Bombardments should no longer be able to reduce organisation below 10 on units.
- Tactical bombers are now much less effective.
- Fighters never get tactical bombing values now.
- Night modifiers are now applied correctly in bombardments.
- Pure rocket units should no longer be interceptable, and can not enter air-to-air combat.
- Nukes are now only usable once each, even when on planes.
- Experience gained from bombardments are now much less than before.
- Default leaders no longer get experience.
- You can no longer determine exact count of divisions in enemy stacks without good intelligence.
- Land units no longer regain organization while moving.
- Cavalry is now quite a bit slower, on par with motorized infantry.
- Divisions in the forcepool should now use supplies too.
- Out-of-supply loss of organization increased.
- Organisation recovery is now a fraction of the speed of previous. It is even slower for the players at the highest difficulty.
- You can no longer retreat through the enemy lines.
- Retreating units should no longer take control over provinces when diplomatic status is changed.
- Logic for interception have been streamlined, and they will no longer intercept in adjacent provinces if too low organisation.
- You can now only load nukes onto rockets and strategic bombers.
- Supplycosts for landunits have been tweaked.
- Important changes have been made to the Combat Values of INF/MTN/MAR/PARA/MIL to make INF better.
- Requirements and prequisits for several technologies have been overhauled.
- Supply and Fuel modifications for all techs changed to go with actual unit values.
- Aircraft Assembly Construction Process; now also give cost reduction for naval and dive bombers.
- Caoutchouc& Vinyl Acetates; now give industry bonus +1 each.
- Added a new techscript command "double_nuke_prod" which doubles the A-bomb production rate of a country.
- Tech: Infantry Gun 30mm+ & Light Mortar have been changed to make INF better at the expense of MTN/MAR/PARA/MIL.
- Tank Model speed has been tweaked. The Lights will not be that good anymore. Further for all Tanks it?s a trade-off between Firepower and Speed.
- Tech effects affecting supply and fuel consumption should now work correctly on the upgrade template.
- Basic & Improved Torpedo-pattern Apparatus now give a bonus.
- Major changes of effects on certain Industry techs.
- Corrected the "mass assembly" tech app effects. No more 1 IC Carriers...
- Anti-air and anti-tank brigade costs further increased.
- The game now uses the modifiers set by the important tech commands "research_cost" and "research_time".
- War reduction of worldmarket income is now much higher, especially if you do not have a working merchant fleet.
- You can now do 1 for 1 deals on the worldmarket.
- Convoys can now go through Suez, as long as you are not at war with the controller of suez.
- Nations at war with the controller of Port Suez can no longer trace convoys through the Suez Channel.
- Daily transports tweaked down for UK.
* Generic Bugfixes
- Fixed a CTD which occurred whenever a country was annexed that had an ai country puppeted.
- Fixed a very rare crash bug in the ai resource manager.
- The game should no longer crash after france is eliminated.
- CTD when having research-screen up when quitting have been fixed.
- Fixed a CTD which occurred when units was in combat with a nation who was annexed by someone else.
- The CTD when deploying military controlled allies ships after repairs to non-coastal provinces have been fixed.
- CTD when selecting bomber in a strategic bombing after a load was fixed.
- Fixed a ctd with reorganising and reselecting units.
- Fixed some CTD's and inconsistencies with military control.
- Control of provinces should not be changed by reloading.
- Combats should no longer restart if a unit is retreating and gets bombed.
- Paratroopers aboard transport planes now load and save correctly.
- Tech event effects should now never lower unit values below 0.
- You can no longer send ships into your port if they are controlled by the enemy.
- Fixed the bug which caused units to appear in the wrong stack after getting bombarded during a combat in which they were the attackers.
- Units should no longer dissappear when retreating towards a territory where you only have military access.
- Fortresses can no longer be instantly destroyed by combat.
- You can no longer drop paratroopers on the water.
- Technology statistic graphs are now saved and loaded properly.
- The build_cost value in the division upgrade template is now used correctly.
- Units that switch alligiance during Civil Wars should now be automatically deselected.
- The scenario editor should now correctly save terrain changes.
- ScenarioEditor: Default country leaders should now be correctly loaded and saved.
- ScenarioEditor: Changing IC in a province now sets both current and max IC.
- "sub_attack" tech effect text now appears in the game.
- "detection" tech effects should now correctly be displayed as decimal numbers instead of being rounded to integers.
- Mechanized units should now look correct on the map.
- Fixed a problem with the "independence" event command.
- The "gain_tech" event command now works for random techs too.
- The modifier set by the "industrial_modifier" tech event command should now actually be used.
- The "gain_tech" event command now works correctly with level 1 theoretical research.
- Fixed a problem with strange strings in some tech effect descriptions.
- Event command rollover text for "leader_loyalty" fixed.
- Event command rollover text for "minister_loyalty" fixed.
- Several position problems fixed.
* AI Fixes
** Land Forces AI
- Improved AI pathfinding to not go through no-infrastructure provinces if possible.
- Garrison AI overseas troop distribution scheme tweaked and debugged.
- AI beach garrison priorities further tweaked.
- AI retrieval of units from foreign provinces fixed.
- Garrison AI should now be a bit better at deploying mountain troops in mountains etc.
- Garrison AI should now deploy its troops more evenly.
- Garrison AI should now be less prone to ping-pong effects.
- Tweaked Germany's garrison AI to protect only relevant beaches (but those a bit better).
- Garrison AI should now try to move troops to provinces under attack (before a front is created - i.e. defense against invasion.)
- Germany should now try to keep a small garrison against Yugoslavia.
- France should now guard its border with Belgium better.
- China should no longer garrison friendly borders but prioritize Japan.
- Germany should now keep a small garrison in Paris to avoid silly raids and paradrops triggering "Liberation of France".
- After the "Bitter Peace" event, Germany and the USSR should not garrison as heavily against each other.
- Tweaked Japan's border garrison priorities.
- Front AI should no longer refrain from attacking deeper from beach heads (bugged "spearhead" check).
- AI should now be better at defending versus the player.
- AI should now be better at prioritizing between fronts.
- Two Front AI deadlock bugs fixed.
- When AI fronts urgently request units, other fronts will now always comply if they have better odds than the requesting front.
- Front AI should now be even more careful about attacking forts.
- AI Fronts should now never consist of attrition provinces.
- Front AI should no longer forget troops and leave them behind the front line.
- A nasty crash bug in the Front AI was fixed.
- Front AI should now be better at attacking provinces ASAP and all attacking units should arrive simultaneously.
- Front AI should now sometimes abort planned attacks (movement into a province) if the enemy grows too strong there.
- Front AI should now be a bit better at leaving defense forces behind when attacking.
- Front AI should now redeploy its forces faster and better.
- Front AI should now retreat from battles when prudent, although more reluctantly if desperate and defending.
- Front AI now does an additional check before stealing units away from the garrison.
- The Scandinavian countries will no longer attack each others provinces even if they are formally at war (as long as they are democratic and AI controlled.)
- The Balkan states's Front AI is no longer defensive, although Hungary and Slovakia will not help Germany against Poland.
- AI shouldn't pour more divisions into an attack if it is no longer effective.
- AI should be a bit better at attacking the right kind of terrain with the right kind of unit.
- AI should now value militia units lower when calculating odds for attacks, etc.
- A better (high infra) arrival province is now chosen when fronts urgently request divisions.
** Naval Forces AI
- Targetting algoritm for invasion AI have been improved.
- Allied AI nations should now be better at knowing when/how to use invasions of mainland europe.
- AI should concentrate troops much further in invasions now.
- AI should no longer move its ships or planes if its under military control by a player.
- AI now cheats naval attrition. Enjoy
- Improved AI handling of transports.
- Improved the naval defending AI slightly.
** Air Force AI
- Improved air defence AI.
- Interception is now default task for pure fighter units.
- Air Strikes no longer called in against too heavily fortified provinces.
- The AI should now exploit the possibility of quick and repeated tactical bombing more.
- AI Tactical bombing plans should now be aborted against provinces the AI is retreating from.
- Improved AI for preserving airforces.
- The AI has now learned how to protect its airforce from falling to the enemy on the ground.
- Tactical bomber units should no longer get "forgotten" in allied provinces.
- Fixed a problem with tactical bomber rebasing that occurred if there were more desired bomber locations than bomber units.
** Research AI
- Tweaked research priorities for Germany - will now do a bit more heavy aircraft research.
** Production AI
- Germany and the UK now improves its AA cover over high-density industrial provinces.
- AI countries should now be more likely to increase their industrial base if needed.
- AI will now de-emphasize research and start building land units, then just militia, as the situation grows more desperate.
- Tweaked the AI build preferences for most countries (mostly they now build more infantry and other land units).
- AI slightly better at building transports.
- Improved the worldmarket AI slightly in wartimes.
- AI now do some price adaption when buying on the world-market.
- Building new IC now costs 1 Manpower.
- AI will now start to disband militia divisions if it runs out of manpower during peace-time.
** Diplomacy AI
- Japan will no longer attack any chinese nation allied with a greater power unless they are strong enough.
- Some AI countries will now send expeditionary forces to their allies at need.
- Finland and Romania should now usually join the Axis if Germany is at war with the USSR and they have lost territories to the Soviets.
- Japan is now smarter about when to try to get the indonesian oilfields.
- AI will no longer spam players with diplomatic offers.
- Japan is now slightly more stubborn when it comes to accepting peace.
- South Africa should now send expeditionary forces to help the british defend east africa.
- Japan will no longer attack dutch east indies before winning in China.
- The allies now accept anyone willing to join them if they are at war with the axis.
- Tibet is now much less likely to secede provinces.
- Germany is now smarter about when to go to war with the Soviets.
* Scenario Setup & Events
- Spanish Civil War - Fascist Nation event increase N.Spains leaning toward Fascism.
- Djibouti & Syria is now part of Vichy, when it is created from event.
- Major Worker Strike event now reduces IC not increases it.
- The Independence of India event will now only trigger if Germany is gone.
- The Finnish Winter War must have started by event for the Swedish Intervention events to happen.
- End of the Finnish Winter War event will not happen if FIN is allied with GER.
- Vichy event will no longer happen if Germany is at war with the Soviets.
- Lend-Lease events added for Nationalist China
- The Sian Incident event reintroduced.
- Soviet claims on Finland and the Baltic countries are now lost with The Bitter Peace event.
- The Vichy event shall not happen more than once now.
- Blunder with US election of 36 fixed.
- US Presidential Candidate Wendell Wilkie was of course LC and not LE.
- One of the events moving Soviet Industries has got one of its inherent provinces changed.
- Winter War event may not introduce Mannerheim as Chief of Staff and Chief of Army in Finland.
- Bitter Peace should now release Manchukuo from Soviet captivity.
- Soviet capital now moves to Novosibirsk in "the bitter peace"
- Soviets now cede Ocha and Kamtjatka to Japan in "the bitter peace".
- Italian event: Albania must exist for Albanian events to happen.
- Tweaked Vichy event a bit - now France cedes more provinces (in case they've actually taken some provinces from Germany.)
- USSR should no longer claim Bessarabia if at war with Germany.
- USSR should no longer attack Finland if at war with Germany.
- Sweden should no longer intervene for Finland if Finland is Axis.
- German events: The Treaty of Munich & The End of Czechoslovakia do not happen any more if GER and CZE are at war.
- The Independent Croatia events should now trigger correctly.
- The German End of Czech events changed so that the Slovak independence will trigger correctly.
- The Bitter Peace event should now give independence to most conceivable nations that Soviets can have conquered.
- Tweaked the trigger for the "Bitter Peace" event.
** 1936
- Finland got some more doctrines in the early scenarios.
- Communist China is now regarded as being in a civil war with Nationalist China. This has an effect if one should conquer the other.
- SIK and CHC are at war in 39 and 36.
- French Convoy Marseilles to Gabes corrected in 36 scenario
- Fortress in Tobruk added
- 3 Japanese techs duplicates removed from the 36 scenario.
- Dutch CA 'Tromp' under development has been removed from the 36 scenario.
- UK and Japan now starts 1936 scenario with DI.
** 1939
- Communist China is now regarded as being in a civil war with Nationalist China. This has an effect if one should conquer the other.
- CHC is at war with CHI in 39 and 41.
- SIK and CHC are at war in 39 and 36.
- Decreased cost for German and Italian ships under repair in 39&41 scenarios.
- San Ignacio now Bolivian not Brazilian in 39/41 scenarios
- Fortress in Tobruk added
- Hungary no longer has claims on 728, 729, 730 in 39 scenario.
- The Philippines is now playable in the 39 scenario.
- The USA only has one Philippine Division in 1939 and it is correctly spelled in 1936.
- French 5th Army is moved from Nancy to Colmar in the 39 scenario to stop the Germans from making unrealistic exploits into the Southern flank of the Maginotline.
- Germany now have a few tranport units in the 1939 scenario.
- Canada now has naval doctrine Combat Unit Transport Procedure in 1939 scenario.
** 1941
- Communist China is now regarded as being in a civil war with Nationalist China. This has an effect if one should conquer the other.
- CHC is at war with CHI in 39 and 41.
- Decreased cost for German and Italian ships under repair in 39&41 scenarios.
- San Ignacio now Bolivian not Brazilian in 39/41 scenarios
- Move industry to Siberia events are now considered to have happened at the start of the 1941 scenario.
- The Croatian Independence events is now considered to have happened at the start of the 1941 scenario.
- Swiss fortresses increased
- France in the 41 scenario now has its resource stockpile increased to be able to sustain until recapturing some territory.
- Two German techs removed from the 41 scenario so that they don't get the V-weapons to early.
- Arctic Warfare removed from German Tech setup in 1941.
- Kristiansand fortress removed from Germany in the 41 scenario.
- Bhutan, Nepal, Oman and Yemen are now UK puppets in 41 scenario.
- Manchuria is now a Japanese Puppet also in the 41 scenario.
- 2 German SS Cavalry divisions in the 41 scenario given their correct names.
- A Vichy Submarine Unit was moved to Toulon in the 41 scenario.
- Effects of events concerning moved Soviet factories implemented for 41 scenario.
- A script error in the Portuguese 41 scenario setup that made the army and navy to exist in one unit removed.
- Germany now has the Infantry tech Penicillin in the 41 scenario.
- Lots of new pictures added for leaders and ministers.
- South Africa now has got access to the members of the Commonwealth.
- Rubber added to three Nationalist China provinces.
- French Army Leaders: Changed Chief of 9th Army to Gamelin, and chief of 7th Army to Weygand.
- Zjitomir now has clear terrain not Marsh.
- D'Ouessant no longer has got a beach.
- Liberia (Monorovia) now has got 40 rubber.
- French Air General Tetu is no longer leading land units in Orleans.
- Mannerheim added as viable chief of staff and chief of army in Finland.
- German Head of State (A.Hitler) now allows PA ministers.
- A number of Manchurian provinces have become Japanese in all scenarios.
- Japan now has got garrisons in all her island possessions in all scenarios.
- Philippine Army is now correct for all scenarios both in placement and content.
- The Indonesian Minister file got a major update.
- Removed and/or modified certain ships under development for Argentine and Italy in 36, Italy and Germany in 39, and Germany in 41.
- Some seazone name inconsistencies were fixed.
- Some ports in North America were moved.
- Honolulu is now jungle.
- Inner californina now have the right climate.
- Most minor islands can now build fortresses.
- Lots more names added for various nations different models of airplanes.
- Some military leaders added for South Africa.
- Some missing naval leaders added for the USA.
- Corrected some Belgian and Canadian ministers.
- Siamese ministers added.
- Naval OOB revised for UK in all scenarios, removing most ships from buildqueues to not cripple the nation.
- Terrain changed in the USSR, Poland, Sweden, Finland.
- Kharkov/Donetsk names changed
- Armour Tech: prereqs changed
- Province Hohhot ownership/control changed from Japan to China.
- Marshall Islands no longer have 0 infrastructure.
- Petsamo now produces some steel to simulate the nickel production.
- Some Argentinian leaders were added.
- A large overhaul of leaders were done, adding traits and tweaking skills.
- Most nations should now have unique colors on their counters.
- Some countries (Spain, Sweden, Switzerland) will now be a bit more neutral.
- Italy is now smarter about when to go to war against the Balkans.
- An Air General that lead a French land unit has been removed.
- The province info name of the province Donetsk should now be consistent.
- There is now a direct connection between Novgorod and Tallin.
- Italian Convoy to Rhodes got its path changed. A typo correction making it taking a trip to Los Angeles.
And lots of minor bugs and tweaks done.
Maximilian I
31.01.03, 10:03
patch 1.03
* Additions, Interface and Enhancements
- You can now lock sliders by clicking with the right button on the slider button.
- Added a huge unit names database.
- Added artwork for a German super heavy tank.
- Improved some interface refreshing for MP playing. (Technology, Forcepool screens.)
* Game play tweaks
- Losses on troops in supply are no longer purely lethal, about 50% of all losses are considered wounded and ends up in the manpower pool.
- Paratroopers can no longer be loaded onto transports from provinces without supply.
- The allies will now try to protect any democracy attacked unprovoked.
- It is no longer possible to see enemy war fleets at see unless they are detected. (Only with Fog of War on)
- Attacks on fleets will no longer start unless they get detected. (Only with Fog of War on)
- Naval bombing is now slightly more effective.
- Naval Antiaircraft is now slightly less effective.
- Critical hits only do strength damage on ships now.
- Ships can now also do critical hits.
- Naval combat should not deal as much org damage as strength damage now.
- Submarines are slightly more fragile in battle now.
- Ships in port are now sometimes be sunk or captured by the enemy when the province falls.
- When countries are annexed, their remaining fleets now go to an ally - if they have any.
- Retreating units and units in combat no longer regain organization.
- Improved air unit retreating algorithm.
- Should no longer intercept convoys while basing submarines in the port.
- Planes in the air will now move to the closest friendly territory if the base is taken.
- You can no longer merge expeditionary forces with other units.
- You can no longer reorganize a fleet which has troops loaded, to avoid several exploits.
- Military access and control given to other nations are now cancelled when a country becomes a puppet.
- Peacetime max organization for democracies is now at 50% instead of 25%.
- Demobilizing a division now returns its entire remaining manpower, including that from an attached brigade.
- Airplanes based on a carrier should now scramble to protect it when enemy airplanes approach.
- Rebalanced carriers and especially battleships to make them more cost effective.
- Units now regain organization and their dig-in value until they _actually_ start to move.
- Tweaked amphibious assault penalties to be a bit less than previous.
- Airplanes on fleets should now be destroyed when their carriers are sunk.
- Units sent off to other countries as expeditionary forces are now upgraded correctly by tech.
- Traits are now shown as tool tips on the leaders screen.
- Canceling a unit construction should now return its manpower to the pool.
- Should no longer be possible to deploy newly repaired ship anywhere else than original port.
- Economical map mode should be better color coded now, with your provinces green, and those with 1IC or more bright green.
- Acting capital is now always shown for a nation, to always see your home area to trace supply from (incase real capital is conquered).
- There is now a limit on how many units can be strategically redeployed at the same time.
- Transport Planes are now also counted (as bombers) in the foreign unit detection rollover.
- The unit rollover now includes _all_ units present in a province. Allied units are shown with full info.
- Convoys will no longer process if start or end provinces are controlled by enemies.
- Dissent effects now apply to any war started by a nation, even if already at war.
- Techs that are deactivated when a project is started are now reactivated if the project is cancelled.
- The speed cap for engineer brigades removed (or so greatly increased as to amount to the same thing) for the fast division types.
- New submarine divisions are now labeled "flotilla" instead of "division".
- Democratic non-Axis countries don't raise war-entry by staging coups anymore.
- Adjusted the four levels of tank sprites to correspond to light, medium, heavy and super-heavy tank models, in that order.
- Movement speeds on units no longer affect loading/unloading times.
- Puppeting a nation at war with other alliances should now make them fully leave all wars properly.
- You can no longer retreat "through" enemy lines, as you can now only retreat to previous province or a province adjacent both to current province and previous province.
- Rebalanced the combat values of the land troop types. Motorized is now actually better than regular inf (heh), and the "elite" types can now reach the same SA as regular Inf through the sub-machine gun and assault rifle techs.
- Rebalanced sub combat code and submarine visibility value to work with the new naval combat system.
- Fixed some problems with which provinces were considered as supply for allies territories.
- Ships are now slowly repaired while in port. Putting them on repair is much quicker though.
- Tweaked the detection rollover info for foreign troops - it now displays the present countries' forces separately.
- Militia now costs 5 manpower instead of 10 to simulate they are Volksturm.
- All land division models now have "speed cap" values for each brigade type. These replace the previous generic speed penalty.
- Destroyers made cheaper and faster to build. Now they are a little cheaper than subs
- You can no longer attach brigaded to paratroopers.
- There is no longer possible to exploit movement by merging units on the move.
- Tweaked the stats of the Super Heavy Tank models.
- Tweaked the ranges and speed of the V weapons.
- Declaring war on a puppet will automatically force you into a war with its master.
- Couped nations will now leave alliances and wars that are inappropriate to the new regime and the couping nation.
- States going communist and fascist should no longer get election events.
- Now the game will only end before 1948 if there is only ONE alliance around.
- To avoid MP exploits, only ONE retreat flag will be shown in each stack.
- Resource stockpiles of puppets should now be shown in the stockpiles listing.
- Soviet consumer goods needs have been tweaked down slightly.
- USA when communist will no longer be isolationistic.
- Military leaders no longer switch allegiance along with their units in civil wars - this ensures historicity.
- Unassigned convoy transports and escort vessels are now also split evenly in civil wars.
- If a minister is killed without a valid replacement, a random minister will now be created to fill the spot.
- Reduced the effects of computers a bit. Now the max possible research bonus is 30% instead of 55%.
- Nukes can no longer be loaded onto rockets without the correct technology for that.
- Movement penalty reduced 10 % for MOT/MECH/ARM for Arctic Warfare tech
- Soviets now start with the basic oil to rubber conversion technologies in 36.
- The "Corps Signal Command System" now gives increased detection as well as a surprise bonus.
- Tweaked some naval advances to give slight improved anti-sub values to other ship types too.
- Tweaked some submarine stealth techs to give lower visibility instead of better naval defense.
- Removed a duplicate command in the "Arctic Warfare Equipment" tech.
* Generic Bug fixes
- Fixed several CTDs, as well as these specific ones.
- Fixed a CTD when Japan was annexed.
- Fixed a CTD when annexing nations involved in multiple wars.
- Fixed a CTD with paratroopers after load and save.
- Fixed the MP CTD with tactical bombing.
- Fixed a CTD when players received expeditionary forces from the AI.
- The CTD when trying to invite nations to alliances when the allies or the axis are completely eliminated has been fixed.
- Fixed a tool tip CTD.
- Found a CTD which would crash the game eventually with music on.
- Fixed an annexation crash bug.
- You can load expeditionary forces on your own ships now.
- Intercept orders should now work much better and the planes will now return to base after scrambling.
- Fixed a problem which caused reusing the same save game-name in MP to malfunction.
- Some bonuses gained from certain technologies (mainly in Electronics) that were not saved correctly now are.
- Ministers are now saved and loaded correctly. However, old saves will use the default (1936) minister setup.
- Head of States with only one accepted ideology will now accept replacement ministers too.
- Optimized the time of day calculations (Should speed up the game a little bit).
- Fog of War should now refresh properly for military controlled units from another nation.
- Should no longer be possible to use wildcard characters in save game names.
- Fixed a couple of memory leaks.
- The "gain_tech" event command should no longer freeze up the game if a country has already completed the tech tree.
- Can no longer declare war upon yourself if exploiting a loophole.
- Fixed a problem where puppeting a nation you were at war with that occupied your territory would cause you to lose provinces.
- All bombers with a mission to the same province now join the bombardment.
- Fixed an exploit where you could strategically redeploy units retreating.
- Located a problem which caused units to be twice in the same combat.
- Fixed a serious bug which caused the organization of fleets to deteriorate long before reaching maximum range.
- Fixed a bug with leader loading when new countries appear.
- There should no longer be 2500% combat modifiers when bad weather in bombardments.
- Fixed a problem which could corrupt savegames.
- Elections will no longer occur for non-democratic countries (bug occurred if they'd been couped.)
- The correct model number will now always be set for newly built divisions.
- Units should no longer be stuck in bombardments when they have left the province.
- Fixed bug in the actual divs/command max display in the battle window.
- Adjusted the day/night indication in the minimap. It is still inaccurate, but this is as good as it's going to get.
- Fixed the rollover text for the "steelpool" event command.
- "Back" button in the client lobby in MP is now working again.
- Sub attack and sub detection values are now shown on information and building screens.
- Fixed some selection problems with military controlled units.
- Fixed some problems with the scenario editor.
* AI Fixes
- Garrison AI should now always move divisions away from attrition provinces.
- Removed a thingy in the Garrison AI that stopped the USSR from moving units if the distance was too great.
- China should now guard its border with Japan
- If an AI is getting hard pressed at home, it will now attempt to recall any overseas units.
- The Garrison AI should no longer hog more than 20% of all divisions in an area with a front in it.
- Overseas peace-time garrisons no longer have an upper cap of 8 divisions.
- Japan will now attempt to shift about 35 divisions to the mainland even at peace.
- The UK should now garrison Africa, Gibraltar and India better.
- Germany should now try to build up troops in Eastern Prussia prior to the invasion of Poland.
- Tweaked the garrison AI priority calculations to increase efficiency.
- AI is now more likely to use exp. forces as garrison troops.
- Removed an unintentional cheat from the garrison AI (Will perhaps lessen its ability to separate troop types a bit).
- AI Units will now attack even if there are retreating enemy units present in the attacking province.
- Fronts should now "refresh" at times, in order to split fronts that share the same owner area, but are not connected.
- Tweaked the urgent requests fronts make for fresh divisions again.
- Front AI is now allowed to be more reckless in attacks against encircling enemy provinces.
- Fixed a bug with fronts going to sleep near attrition provinces.
- Sinkiang and Communist China are now fully aggressive (Front AI is no longer pacifist).
- Another fix to prevent mega-reinforcements. Now each side should be reluctant to reinforce if there are already 30 or more friendly divisions present.
- Front AI will now also withdraw units if their average organization is below 10 (attacking) or 5 (defending).
- Fronts should now tend to get mechanized inf and armored units - the Garrison AI should tend to get other unit types.
- Tweaked Front AI reserve handling. Reserve rotation should now work better.
- Front AI performance slightly improved (spearhead detection).
- AI Attrition checks added when AI wants to move troops between fronts (Should decrease "Saharan Death March Syndrome").
- Decreased AI respect for militia a bit more.
- Tweaked front behavior slightly regarding "corridors" and "spearheads".
- AI will now be a bit more intelligent about retreats, avoiding high attrition provinces and out-of-supply areas. (But it will still always prefer the province it came from.)
- Tweaked the accursed "urgent requests" that fronts make for more troops yet again. (ping-pong effect problems)
- Germany should now be smarter about when to start Barbarossa.
- AI will now actively hunt down enemy fleets more often now.
- AI is now better at retreating fleets back to port at need.
- AI is now smarter about the size of its attack fleets.
- AI learned to take distances into account much more when using its fleets.
- AI slightly smarter about when to scramble fleets with low organization.
- AI will now try to blockade beachheads.
- Fixed a bug with the AI never deploying air units.
- German AI will no longer build AA and coastal forts before it is at war; it needs the IC for a fast troop build-up.
- Countries may now disband militia units for manpower even if at war - as long as they don't have a front in the area.
- Further lessened the proportional number of provinces the Armaments AI will build new IC in at the same time.
- Shifted UK AI build preferences a bit from air to land.
- AI research allotment of IC tweaked - no longer cares about player priorities.
- If countries are desperate enough to build militia, they will now prioritize it in the build queue.
- AI should no longer be able deploy units in provinces it doesn't control (bug seen typically in occupied capitals).
- AI should no longer deploy divisions from the pool to an expeditionary force from another country.
- AI will now upgrade outdated divisions unless they are at the front.
- If an AI country runs out of manpower it will no longer waste IC on production but concentrate on research instead.
- About one AI land division in four built will now have a brigade attached.
- If Germany has defeated both France and the USSR it will now switch to a more naval production scheme.
- Corrected some problems with the AI choice of where to build land forts.
- AI is now slightly smarter about influencing nations.
- Soviet attack on Germany is no longer almost guaranteed to the winter of 1942.
- The USSR will now begin counter-attacking Germany after 120 days instead of 240.
- The code for AI countries sharing techs corrected. Also, allied countries are now more likely to share theoretical research.
- Japan will no longer declare war on the USA if Japan happens to be part of the Allies.
- The Allies should no longer automatically intervene in civil wars if the rebels are democrats
- Soviet AI minors may now send expeditionary forces to the SU.
- Puppet state AI may now send expeditionary forces to its master (exception: Vichy).
- The minor Commonwealth nations will now always share research with each other and the UK.
- Revised and implemented events and ai files for Trip's and Celedhring's AI work.
- The AI will no longer use the world market if it has good enough conversion rates.
- The AI should be slightly smarter on the world market now, and no longer setup stupid trades.
- Improved AI for creating convoys. The AI should now be a fair bit better about transporting resources home.
- Countries that get independence during the game should now get their correct AI file (if they have a unique one.)
- Countries that change tag will now use the correct AI file (as specified in revolt.txt)
- Improved AI usage of expeditionary forces sent to it (they should now be correctly given to Front AI or Garrison AI).
- AI should no longer split, merge or disband expeditionary forces.
* Modding Support
- The game now supports an extra text.csv file called "modtext.csv", to support mods.
- All model names are now in a separate file from text.csv, so that mods and name changes can easily be done without affecting translations.
- Added flag-handling to event files for even more flexible
** AI
- Added an event trigger "ai = [yes/no]"
- New event command "type = ai which = [file name]". Switches the ai file of a country.
- Using the name "AI_EVENT" on an event will cause it to not show up in the log. This can be used for pure ai events.
- The AI preferences are now saved in the save game file.
- Exported lots of variables from front and garrison AI to preferences.
- Exported lots of AI evaluation factors from the bomber AI.
- Exported AI preferences for province improvements to the AI files.
- Implemented the "relative_build_scheme = no" AI option. Use it to force a nation to slavishly churn out units in the proportions specified, not caring what it has deployed already.
- Exported two variables from the diplomatic AI to guide which countries to combat and/or influence.
- Exported AI variables for the invasion targeting AI.
** New Event Triggers
- New event triggers "headofstate" and "headofgovernment"
- New trigger "technology = X". True if a certain tech is known.
- Added a 'manpower' trigger to the event system.
** New Event Commands
- The "regime_falls" event command no longer always causes a fascist regime
- The "civil_war" event command can now take a "which" parameter to specify which tag should revolt. Use with care.
- The "alliance" event command now also works for the leader of an alliance - used for example in the Molotov-Ribbentrop outcome where the USSR joins the Axis (so that works now).
- The "war" event command no longer cares about if diplomats can be sent or not.
- "coup_nation" and "make_puppet" event commands now work as intended.
- The "gain_tech" event command now cancels any ongoing research project for the same technology.
- Added a parameter to the "independence" event command. If value is set to 1, troops in the provinces will not switch allegiance.
- New event commands:
"delete_unit", "start_research", "prio_research", "add_division", "end_access", "leave_alliance", "end_puppet", "end_mastery", "build_division", "construct"
* Scenario Setup & Events
- Corrected the character set errors in the minister files for CZE, SLO, SPR, SPA and TUR.
- A large overhaul of leaders and ministers were done, tweaking traits and skills, and adding missing pictures.
- Added several Turkish leaders.
- Made some fixes to Albania, Belgian and US ministers.
- Added some Albanian military leaders.
- Belgian Minister Spaak's picture should now be shown correctly.
- Franco, Mola and Miaja are now of the highest rank. (Nice to see some Spanish HQs.)
- Added Sanjurjo as a leader for Nationalist Spain. After all, he only died in an ?accident? on July 20th, 1936.
- A Finnish leader changed form landleader to navalleader.
- Irish Leaders should now be in the game correctly.
- Removed some "non-existing" leader references from a couple of units in the 1939 scenario.
- Finnish Red Shadow Cabinet now has got more ministers and personalities.
- Piatra Neamt is no longer a Hungarian National Province.
- A new minister file for Free Russia was added.
- Gave Finland a couple of more techs and boosted leader skills. Might help them out a bit.
- Promoted a Turkish and Swedish leader so they will have one HQ each.
- Errors with the Croatian Minister-file fixed.
- Bug fixed in minister file for Vichy.
- Spanish Ministers list have been revised.
- Added Wilhelm Keitel as a German Chief of Staff.
- Had to remove technology 7802 ("Nuclear Modified Flying Rockets".) 7801 goes for all missile types.
- Changed some brigade upgrades in the Artillery tech group to affect regular unit types instead.
- Advanced Cruisers and Battleships now also require the naval guns required by the Improved and Nuclear models.
- Changed the text for tech "Nuclear Power Plants". The tech does not reduce coal usage - it increases total IC.
- Tech 14002 (Rangefinder Radar) no longer prereq for Field Artillery.
- Germany now has Elsass-Lothringen and Luxemburg as national provinces (claims).
- Gave Germany more coal and less steel and gave Sweden more steel in order to get more realistic trade reliances.
- Tweaked the national provinces of Hungary and Slovakia.
- Finnish Coastal Defense is now present in all scenarios.
- Ulan Bator now has manpower of 2 to make it possible for Mongolia to do something.
- Tannu Tuva is now a member of the Comintern in all scenarios.
- Corrected Naval OOB for Japan in all scenarios.
- Corrected Naval OOB for Australia slightly in all scenarios.
- Corrected Naval OOB for France and Vichy in all scenarios.
- Corrected Naval OOB for UK in all scenarios.
- Corrected Naval OOB for Italy in all scenarios.
- Corrected Naval OOB for Turkey in all scenarios.
- Corrected Naval OOB for Canada in all scenarios.
- Corrected Naval OOB for South Africa in all scenarios.
- Corrected Naval OOB for the USA in all scenarios.
- Corrected Naval OOB for the USSR in all scenarios.
- Corrected Naval OOB for Greece
- Corrected Naval OOB for Yugoslavia
- Corrected Spanish Naval OOB's
- A huge overhaul of the various climates of provinces were done.
- Modifications made to German air unit names.
- Finnish Navy is now present in all scenarios.
- Revolt.txt got a major overhaul.
- Most colonies and occupied territories in the scenarios are no longer considered "national" provinces. The notable exception is India for the UK. The affected countries have been compensated with corresponding IC raises in home provinces.
- Chinese manpower increased again.
- Added a scenario description for Vichy France (thanx Chris).
- Streamlined names of units to fit with the historical unitnames.
- There is now a beach at Kota Baharu.
- Added tech 13004 to Portugal in all scenarios.
- Added techs to Portugal in the 1941 scenario (they didn't have any).
- The enormous resource stockpiles of the various puppet nations have been reduced to around 200.
** 1936
- Resource stockpile setup changed for all countries in 36 and 39 scenarios.
- Germany now have Basic BB Hull tech in 1936.
- Corrected Naval OOB for Germany '36 and '39.
- Corrected Naval OOB for New Zealand '36.
- Revised the Soviet OOB's in 1936 and 1939 to split the merged divisions.
- Removed a few land doctrine techs from Germany in the 1936 scenario (one of which lacked its prerequisite).
- Provinces 1624 and 1562 are now Japanese controlled instead of Chinese in 1936, as is historical.
- Fixed a scenario script error for Lithuania.
- Removed some techs for the Italians.
- Added tech 14002 to Germany in 1936. It doesn't do anything, but is req. by other techs they have.
- Deleted the Latvian air force.
- Added correct tech prerequisites to all nations in the 1936 scenario.
** 1939
- Resource stockpile setup changed for all countries in 36 and 39 scenarios.
- USSR now has 10 more divisions and 20 more IC in 1939.
- Corrected Naval OOB for Germany '36 and '39.
- Set correct start dates for WW2 in the 1939 and 1941 scenario files - the date is needed by certain AI code.
- Revised the Soviet OOB's in 1936 and 1939 to split the merged divisions.
- Removed some French air marshals from their command of armies in the 1939 scenario.
- Communist and Nationalist China no longer at war in 1939.
- Adjusted some tech inconsistencies between Germany in 1939 and 1941.
- Added tech 1202 to Germany in 1939.
- Deleted the Latvian air force.
- The major powers should now have all correct prerequisite technology in the 1939 scenario.
** 1941
- Mannerheim is now Chief of Staff and Army in 1941 scenario.
- Set correct start dates for WW2 in the 1939 and 1941 scenario files - the date is needed by certain AI code.
- Reunion is now Vichy and not Free French in 1941 scenario and part of Vichy revolter.
- Adjusted some tech inconsistencies between Germany in 1939 and 1941.
- Germany in 1941 should now use the correct AI file.
- Fixed setup of French units in 1941.
- Vichy and France now have a decent set of technology in 1941.
- German occupied Russia in 1941 is no longer considered "owned" by Germany.
- Ownership of province 300 (Iquitos) corrected in the 1941 scenario.
- Persia is now occupied by the USSR in the 1941 scenario.
- Gave Japan the prereq techs 1302 and 1303 in the 1941 scenario.
- Added a couple of missing cruisers to the 1941 Vichy naval OOB.
- USSR "purge" events now more severe.
- When Austria is annexed by Germany, its manpower pool and units should now go to Germany.
- When France annexes Vichy France, its manpower pool and resources go to France.
- When Vichy France is created, there is now a 50% for each French naval unit that it becomes Vichy.
- Free France no longer gets to retain all of its units when Vichy is created (they are all destroyed).
- Vichy France now becomes a German puppet state in the "Return of Provinces" event, but it has a purely defensive Front AI.
- The "End of the Finnish Winter War" is now also triggered if the Soviets hold Helsinki.
- Civil War events now nullify dissent (should help Republican Spain _a lot_).
- When one side wins in a civil war, it now gets all convoys and unassigned convoy vessels of the losing side.
- Slovakia now gets its correct leaders, ministers and national provinces when it appears. (Fixed the "country" event command.)
- If SPR is couped by a fascist Italy or Germany, it now becomes SPA. (A special case.)
- Event 5010 should now happen from 1946 not 1956.
- Now Memel event make Memel a Germany national province.
- The US Oil Embargo of Japan event now subtracts 10000 oil from Japan.
- Bilbao now stays Republican in the Spanish Civil War (unless a unit there defects.)
- UK should now guarantee independence to Poland even if the Czechs fought against the Germans.
- The correct follow-up event is now triggered for the USSR when Germany accepts an alliance.
- Nationalist Spain now changes tag to Republican Spain if couped by non-fascists.
- Communist China now changes tag to China if couped by non-communists.
- Nationalist China now changes tag to Communist China if couped by communists.
- CZE now loses five units when it becomes SLO.
- Increased the supplies that may be given by the various intervening nations in "The Spanish Civil War".
- The MR pact event is now also triggered if Germany declares war on Poland prior to Aug 23, 1939.
- If the Germans choose not to deal with the Soviets in the MR Pact, the Soviets now get an event with a chance to declare war.
- The Soviet Union can now become Russia if couped and vice versa.
- The non-existent Vichy event 4003 was triggered by a French event. If this id was used for a new Vichy event, it would hence not work.
- France will no longer get Paris back if she is a German ally or Puppet.
- The FDR dies event should only trigger if FDR is the Head of State.
- Elect Left or Right in Siamese elections should now be corrected.
- Boosted the effects of the lend lease events. Will also give UK new IC in home provinces.
- Fixed some bad event command statements for Austria and the Czech Rep.
- Changed the effects of the "Outlaw the X parties" random events a bit.
- Corrected the Spanish Republican election of 1936.
- Tweaked the trigger for event 2027
- Upgraded the "peace" event command. Value = 1 now means separate peace. Otherwise it will be a full alliance-wide peace.
- Tweaked the trigger for the "Oil Embargo" event. Shouldn't happen if Japan is an Allied power.
- Tweaked the trigger for the "Independence of India".
- Added an alternative "Bitter Peace" event triggering if Japan is Axis. Gives them a bigger share.
- Tweaked "Eastern Poland to USSR" event so it won't happen if Germany is already at war with the USSR.
- Trigger fix to UK "Guarantee Independence to Poland"
- Removed the "Return of Occupied Provinces to Vichy" event for Spain and Italy - this is done automatically anyway.
- Added an extra event for "Japan Demands French Indochine", in case Japan is fully Axis.
- The Finnish Winter War will no longer happen if Poland is still around. (ie No Molotov-Ribbentrop splitting of Europe)
- Belgium now has one VP less in Europe and should no longer be easily puppetable.
- The Spanish Civil War and Finnish Winter War events adjusted to make use of the "add_division" event command.
- Corrected the third option in the MR Pact events for Germany.
- Vichy's armed forces will now cease to exist if Vichy is annexed by France (as in the "Liberation of France" event).
And lots more...
Maximilian I
19.02.03, 08:17
Changes done to 1.03b
* Additions, Interface and Enhancements
- You can now select which model to change upgrade a division to.
- Complete list of nations in the alliance of a nation is now shown at the diplomatic view.
- The actual effects of a minister is now shown in the tooltip and texts.
- Added DI cost to the diplomatic action rollovers.
- The techs listed in the Share Research window now have rollover texts.
- Added information to know which of your convoys has lost ships when attacked.
- Bombing ships in ports can now be done by giving the order "naval bombardment" on a province with a port in it.
* Gameplay tweaks
- Movement-speed of landunits have been decreased by 50%.
- Tweaked formula for unload speed to focuse mostly on beach/port status and amount of troops.
- Moving troops within your owned and controlled provinces are now 50% faster than moving troops through occupied or enemy territory.
- Units can now retreat seperately from a combat without causing the entire side to lose the battle.
- Unloading of troops is now only cancelled if the ships unloading are forced to retreat.
- Puppets should now join alliances automatically when their master does.
- Land fortresses now take 90 days longer to build.
- Revised most minister personality effects and added effects to the ones who that didn't have any.'
- Made some tweaks to basic industry technologies to abstract low rubber.
- A unit is no longer encircled if it is adjacent to friendly territory.
- Militia units now also benefit from some rudimentary infantry techs and land doctrines.
- Naval Detection is now properly affected by weather.
- Exp. force divisions can no longer be strategically redeployed.
- New Conquered IC scheme: National 100%, Annexed 33%, Occupied, 20%
- When provinces are taken by force, they now suffer extensive (but temporary) collateral damage or administrative chaos (whatever term you like better. :-)
- Difficulty now also affects research speed for the player.
- Completely revised the logic for gaining experience on commanders.
- Air to Air combat is now much more lethal.
- Airplanes are now twice as expensive to reinforce.
- Reinforcing tanks and mechanized units are now 3 times as expensive in supplies as reinforcing leg-units.
- At the harder difficulty levels, the AI now gets 50% of conquered IC.
- Infrastructure now recovers even if there is no IC in the province.
- Large land fortifications are no longer in perpetual supply.
- Divisions should now be sorted according to type in the unit window.
- Changed the resource conversion ratios to: Coal->Oil: .25, .50, .75 & Oil->Rubber: .25 .50, .75, 1.0.
- The soviet consumer goods need-reduction when at war with germany is now only valid if Germany attacks them.
- Slowed down transport ships a bit.
- Aircraft rebasing now reduces org by 50%.
- Gibraltar, Suez, the Bosporus and the Sund are now closed to ships if and only if an enemy controls one of the key provinces. Gibraltar and the Sund
are always open to pure submarine fleets however.
- Halved the naval detection chances.
- Losing your capital now means that you lose quite a lot of stockpiled resources and supplies.
- Navalunits in combat are now automatically considered to be detected.
* Generic Bugfixes
- Strategic bombing messages are now shown the controller, not the owner of a province.
- Numbers at stacks should no longer give away information of additional undetected ships in the seazone.
- Foreign leaders in expeditionary forces should no longer end up in your leaderpool after its unit is destroyed.
- You can no longer switch leaders on expeditionary forces.
- Fixed a major bug where unit movement got reset to start of movement if the currently travelled duration was below a day and they got engaged by enemy units.
- Bombardments should now start after you have defeated an enemy airforce trying to protect a province.
- Bombardment orders will not be interrupted by engaging fighters on the way, unless the fight is lost.
- Fixed a serious bug which caused some units to get destroyed instead of retreat in some provinces.
- Adapted some technology names (English) to fit the "allows" and "requires" boxes.
- Corrected the rollover text for the out-of-oil icon.
- Unit arrival dates are now saved correctly (invalidates old saves.)
- You can no longer use the auto-ccb popup to cheat naval detection.
- Disbanding another country's divisions now returns manpower to _their_ pool.
- Prioritising research or development should now update interface correctly in MP also.
- You can now load military controlled units onto their own ships.
- Election events should now always give the correct dissent reduction regardless of the number of ministers in the new cabinet.
- The PIW now correctly reverts to the unit view after sending destroyers on convoy duty.
- Fixed some inconsistencies with research modifiers and ministers.
- Fixed a ctd when invading denmark.
- Fixed a ctd with blitzing with multiple units selected.
- Fixed two other CTD's.
- Misc minor interface glitches fixed.
* AI Fixes
- Tweaked naval forces positioning, and improved ship-preserving ai.
- AI should no longer base most of its fleets at sea when at peace.
- Poland is now much more extremely likely to join the allies if germany is a threat.
- Italy will now send slightly less troops to support the Germans.
- UK will no longer send expeditionary forces to France if they have a front somewhere.
- In rare cases the Front AI could replace the leaders of exp. forces. This should now be fixed.
- Garrison AI will now strategically redeploy divisions if that is faster and it has enough redeployment capacity.
- AI should no longer share techs that deactivate other techs.
- Front AI now strat. redeploys if the distances are great.
- Front/Garrison troop balance algorithm tweaked again to handle strat. redeployment.
- Newly created or redeployed AI air units should no longer be braindead.
- AI files with influence lists added for Brazil, Argentina, Mexico and the Commonwealth minors.
- Tweaked the AI events for the stalemate in China.
- Garrison AI should now be smarter when transporting the AI.
- All AI files now correctly use the relative build scheme.
- Made the AI a bit more reluctant to commit low org units into battle.
- AI should now always send its tactical bombers to war zones and AI air units should never go braindead anymore.
- Fixed yet another AI problem related to strategic redeployment.
- Fixed a bug in the world market AI.
- AI given a higher redeployment capacity than human players.
- Fixed a problem with AI fronts dissolving due to temporary infrastructure reduction below 33%.
- Fixed a problem with AI fronts dissolving on refresh because the Garrison AI started redeploying front units.
- AI countries military controlled by human players will no longer send exp.
- AI countries should now receive smaller sized exp. force units from other AI's. (Easier for it to handle since it can't split them afterwards.)
- AI leader managers should now only assign leader to their own forces, including those on loan to other countries.
- Fixed a problem with AI strategically redeploying divisions to expeditionary forces.
- Strategic bombing AI is now a bit smarter when it comes to where to target bombings.
- The AI will now use the nukes it has researched.
- Hardcoded unique diplo AI behaviour now ceases if a nation is puppeted. (Only affects the majors).
- Changed the research settings in "".
- Poland is now much less likely to accept territorial demands.
- Improved Garrison <-> Front troop allocation algorithms.
- Adjusted Italian overseas garrison priorities.
- Puppets of someone else now never give in to territorial demands.
- Communist China should now never give in to territorial demands.
- Tweaked China's garrison preferences.
- Japan should now switch to a more passive stance against China when enough provinces are conquered.
- Nationalist Spain should now be a bit less fascist after the "Fascist Nation" event.
- Added diplomatic influence lists to countries with unique AI files.
- Updated the Diplo AI to use the influence lists correctly.
- Tweaked some other Diplo AI behaviour slightly
- Fixed a problem with transport requests that prevented many nations from reinforcing areas overseas properly.
- Landlocked nations should no longer build transports under any circumstances.
- Fixed a problem that made countries send too large exp. forces, weakening themselves too much.
* Modding Support
- Exported new AI variables for overseas garrisoning.
- Exported variables to the ai-preferences which allows influencing seazone placement for navies.
- Added five new triggers to check on a nations oil, rubber, steel, coal and supplies.
- You can now define "when = province" in the add_division command to make it deployed directly into a province.
- Added an event trigger to check if a province has a garrision of a given size from country x or any country.
- Added a new event command. (type = convoy which = [startprov] value = [endprov] when = [resource_bits] 1=oil, 2=steel, 4=coal, 8=rubber, 16=supplies)
- Fixed the "industry" event command
- Added new event triggers to check for how much vp, national procs or ic a nation have lost.
- Events can now be set as "persistent" which means they can be triggered several times. (ie, they are not set into "eventhistory".)
- Exported a new AI variable for setting Front passivity against certain countries.
* Scenario Setup & Events
- Tweaked the manpower value in lots of provinces. The greatest effect is the massive increase for the USSR, the Chinas, Japan and Turkey.
- Added events for Japan pressuring Siam into either joining the Axis (if Japan is Axis), or declaring war on the UK.
- Gave China two infantry techs and two land doctrine techs.
- Gave China "Synthetic Oil Plants" tech.
- Tweaked the trigger for the communist coup in Republican Spain.
- China given a lot of dissent in all scenarios.
- Chinese IC's overhauled.
- The Chinese states now have the same national provinces. The claim on Tibet was removed, but Manchuria was added.
- Deleted the sea plane tenders "Zmaji" and "Albatross" - they were not aircraft carriers.
- Reduced the effects of the "Government nationalizes private sector" event.
- Fixed speed caps for "Basic Heavy Tank 70mm".
- Revised the list of finnish ministers.
- The USSR officer purges no longer decrease dissent.
- Partisan Revolt events removed.
- Reduced the effects of the "Parlamentiary Scandal" event
- Petsamo no longer ceded to Russia in the "End of the Finnish Winter War".
- Added missing tech prereqs for the minors in the 1939 scenario.
- 1941 German Naval OOB slightly revised.
- Vichy now a puppet of Germany in the 1941 scenario.
- Struck tech 7901, "Towed Missile Pods". It didn't do anything and the concept is doubtful, but it does leave the level empty.
- Made CHC a bit less communist to make them more hesitant to join the Comintern, unrealistic as it is.
- Doled out a couple of diplomats to various countries in the 1939 scenario.
- Tweaked the trigger of event 2902 (Annexation of Albania)
- Tweaked "The Bitter Peace" events.
- Updated the italian model setup for land and air units in the 1941 scenario.
- Added some technologies to germany and soviet in the 1941 scenario.
- Revised alot of leader and minister files, as well as added photos to them.
- Sinkiang reduced in size (dropped Kwantung and Kwangsi) and made at peace with Communist and Nationalist China.
- Japan will no longer care much about Sinkiang.
- Japan should now usually claim the entirety of French Indochine when Vichy is created.
- Upgraded a bunch of Nat. Chinese militia divisions to infantry to bolster chances against Japan.
- Expanded the trigger for the "Liberation of France" event.
- The "nuclear_carrier" event command should now work correctly (its effect was switched with the defunct "missile_carrier" event command).
- Linked in "Telemetric Guidance" (Electronics) and "Catalytic Polymerisation" (Industry) into the Nuclear tech tree to delay it a bit.
- Gave Manchukuo the same rudimentary techs as China.
- Japanese militia divisions upgraded to infantry in the 1936 scenario.
- Fixed the owner/control status of many provinces in the 1941 scenario. E.g. France is no longer owned by Germany.
- Updated the Japanese 1936 naval OOB with some submarines.
- Fixed the tech prereqs of all countries in the 1941 scenario.
- Qiqihar and Hohhot given infrastructure 34 to prevent strange front fragmentation in that area.
- Formosa added to Chinese national provinces
- Removed the unhistorical rubber sources in China.
- Rerouted an Italian convoy from Obbia to Mogadishu in the 1936 scenario. Might help a bit against Ethiopia.
- Further revisions to the unitnames database were done.
- Added loads of techs to a bunch of countries, mainly in Latin America.
- Fixed some problems with the "End of Czecho-Slovakia" event and alliances.
- The "Unholy Alliance" outcomes of the M-R Pact now also leads to Soviet claims in the Balkans.
- Added some initial and sufficient trade deals for Japan in the 1936 scenario.
and plenty more...
Maximilian I
29.04.03, 18:31
* Gameplay tweaks
- Exp. Forces can no longer defect to the rebel side in civil wars.
- Naval Detection between AI countries no longer turned off if Fog Of War is off.
- MR fighters given slight tac attack values. Bomber types slightly rebalanced.
- Naval divisions can no longer be upgraded to other models.
- Expeditionary forces are now always in supply in both the controller's and the owner's provinces.
- A bit _less_ than half of a country's troops will now typically defect in civil wars. This should make the Spanish Civil war more interesting.
- Toned down the beach penalty a bit.
- Naval attack values adjusted for several bomber types.
- Fleets should no longer try to retreat into closed off channels (Suez etc).
- Corrected the dissent minister effect. No longer doubled in peace-time.
- Land leader experience gain halved.
- Neutral player countries can now also influence nations.
- Air units with paratroopers loaded will now be auto-intercepted by fighter units even if their task is not really interception.
- Techs that are deactivated for a country should no longer be listed as givable.
- Wars should now merge properly when alliances gain new members (so the USA should now properly become at war with the Axis when Japan joins the Axis and is already at war with the USA).
- USA now requires much more consumer goods when at peace.
- Carriers now defend alot better against aircrafts and other ships now, and have alot better detection capabilities.
- Lowered ship speeds and ranges.
- Doubled air unit surface defence capabilities.
- Air attack power for fighters increased.
- Joining an alliance will now move alignment towards that of the alliance leader.
- Reduced DI income rate, especially for neutral countries.
- DI cost of influencing and couping increased.
- Tweaked soft and hard attack values for "Advanced Light Tank 50mm".
- Remove some hardcoded terrain effects and tweaked the specific bonuses and penalties a bit.
- "War alliances" now _only_ give military access to occupied enemy provinces held by the "war ally" (and not his owned provinces).
- Nations in separate wars against a common enemy no longer have access to each other's occupied provinces.
- Retreating units no longer get an extra movement penalty for being out of fuel.
- Rocket units can no longer rebase. They must be strategically redeployed.
- Rocket divisions can no longer be merged with other division types.
- Rocket units can no longer engage or be engaged in air combat.
- Rocket units are now only affected by weather modifiers (and not night, dissent, etc.)
- Another overhaul on stats on carriers, cruiser and battleship.
- There should no longer be possible to strategically bomb infrastructure below 33%.
- 0 infrastructure provinces now cause attrition even if they are in a home area.
- Nazi and Stalinist regimes are now harder to influence for countries with non-fascist/non-communist governments.
- Members of alliances are now much harder to influence for countries outside the alliance.
- Japan is now much harder to influence for communists.
- At higher difficulty levels, AI countries will now regain manpower quicker.
- Added a revised model file for armored divisions.
* Generic Bugfixes
- Fixed a problem with save files growing larger after each reload.
- The Rain Attack tech effect should now be listed correctly (and not as Snow Attack).
- A paratrooper loading CTD was fixed. Selecting armies loaded onto transport planes should no longer be possible.
- Puppeted nations now properly join the alliance of the master.
- The "sleep_minister" event command used on the lowest loyalty minister can no longer kill off the head of state or head of government, even if they exist in other positions as well.
- Fixed a bug with leaders going to the wrong country on unit disband.
- The upgrade button should now light up (or not) correctly even when a brigade speed cap is in effect.
- Corrected the foreign minister effects on diplomatic influence.
- The model values shown in the division upgrade window are now correct.
- Air units should now continue their task after winning an air battle.
- Fixed a CTD that occurred when puppeting alliance leaders.
- Completely empty units that somehow end up on the map should now be automatically deleted (except for empty fleets in ports which are used by the naval AI).
- Fixed a CTD that occured when neutral countries puppeted other nations.
- Fixed another rare CTD.
- Exp. Forces should no longer switch allegiance when countries gain independence.
- Fixed some problems with the "infrastructure" event command.
- Acting capital now correctly used by the code. Should prevent weirdness (such as total loss of income) after losing regular capital.
- Leaders with invalid picture names should now get the correct "unknown" picture instead of the ugly placeholder with the cross.
* Multiplayer fixes
- Rewrote the file transfer routines for ingame transfer of savegame files. Should be a bit faster now.
- Fixed a crash in the MP lobby.
- Leaving and rejoining a game in MP should now work properly and not crash the game when starting.
- Optimized bandwidth usage quite a bit.
- Fixed a problem which made the file-transfer not work on dx9 or later.
* AI Fixes
* Military AI:
- AI should now be less likely to base bombers in attrition provinces.
- AI should now be less likely to base bombers near empty enemy provinces (with nothing to bomb).
- AI leader assignment now much more effective along fronts.
- Slightly adjusted the way fighters are handled by the bomber AI.
- AI Finland no longer suffers from the normal halved peace-time organization rule.
- The Invasion AI should no longer insanely move units straight through attrition provinces and enemy provinces.
- The Invasion AI should no longer steal the last defending unit from an area.
- AI should now cheat less blatantly with bomber ranges.
- Fixed yet another "Saharan Death March" problem.
- The Invasion AI should now respect the garrison AI settings.
- Fixed a problem with Front AI sometimes going dead in thin strips of land.
- AI should now be more protective of its beach heads.
- Adjusted British and US garrison priorities.
- Japan should now defend its beaches better.
- Fixed another Front dissolution problem.
- AI for the Allies will now more actively reinforce allied war zones.
- AI should now set up convoys to supply its forces in allied areas if necessary.
- The AI will now reclaim exp. forces when the recipient no longer seems to need them.
- AI can now only deploy newly built divisions in its home area.
- The Invasion AI should no longer steal divisions from existing beachheads.
- Vichy Front AI is no longer completely braindead, but rather extremely defensive.
- AI should now be better at using its tactical bombers during the day.
- UK should now try to garrison Africa better.
- Italy should now try to garrison Libya better.
- Japan should now garrison the Pacific islands better.
- Countries should now try to return excess overseas divisions to the homeland (such as Italian armies in Ethiopia after the war.)
- Vichy France should no longer try to launch invasions.
- Changed the "" file to make the Soviet front start using the other (probably more effective) distribution scheme ("even"). This means
the Soviet front should stabilize sometime after the Germans reach the Dniepr.
- Fixed a front recklessness bug.
- Alleviated a problem with fronts moving the last unit away from a province.
- Fixed a problem that could cause front strangeness due to attrition provinces upon the loss of a capital.
- AI troops landed in allied territory now automatically become exp. forces. Should help invasions greatly (since fronts will now be created.)
* Diplomacy AI:
- Finland and Romania are now less likely to join the Axis if they recently had peace with the USSR.
- Diplo AI tweaked a lot.
- Countries are now much more likely to grant military access to allies and nations with a common enemy.
- Neutrality tendency slightly raised for a number of countries.
- Japan should now be even less likely to join alliances prior to 1941.
- Germany now less likely to attempt to bring Finland and Romania to the Axis before the war with the USSR.
- The great powers will now tend to intervene and protect nations in their sphere of influence prior to WW2.
* Misc AI:
- Tweaked the world market AI.
- Fixed a bug in the Armaments AI that mostly affected nations with a 0% Naval setting.
- Adjusted Italian and German AI build preferences.
- The AI will now under-produce supplies during peace-time periods, taking the org hit in return for increased production.
- Germany should now also switch to Sealion AI if the Soviet Union is gone.
- The USSR does not panic as easily anymore (and thus will wait longer until building militia.)
- AI desperation calculations tweaked (affects militia building and "bring troops home" behaviour).
* Modding Support
- HoI can now be started with a "moddir" as an argument. This will make the game look for files in that directory structure before looking at the normal place.
- Added support for the "war" and "allied" event triggers to work on current nation (B = -1)
* Scenario Setup & Events
- More default unit names for lots of countries.
- Corrected a number of spelling errors in the default unit names.
- Corrected the port - sea zone connection on Greenland.
- Corrected the port - sea zone connection for Darwin.
- Removed port in Cairns
- Removed beach in Canberra
- Added beach to Xiamen
- Added beach to Luanda
- Port and beach corrected in Goa
- Port and beach corrected in Cabinda
- Port and beach corrected in Bata
- Tweaked infra and IC in Australia
- Tweaked terrain in a few provinces
- Increased infra on Iceland slightly.
- Adjusted infrastructure in several provinces.
- Bonin Islands and Naha ports are now connected to the right sea zones.
- Corrected the port and beach sprites on Diego Garcia and the Seychelle Islands.
- Oil lessened throughout the world.
- Revised rubber setup to make AI minors less of a push-over.
- "Decisive Naval Battle Doctrine" set correctly in the minister files for lots of Chiefs of Navy.
- Overhauled a lot of leaders and ministers and added missing ones.
- Added more existing trade deals to the 1936 scenario.
- Coastal fortress in Valetta reduced and beach level increased.
- Removed the Greek fortifications in Ioánnina.
- Corrected the port sprite in Port Moresby.
- Adjusted Portuguese OOBs.
- Tweaked resources in a couple of provinces.
- Added an Italian convoy to the 1939 scenario.
- Italy now has Paratrooper tech (with prereqs) researched in 1939 and '41.
- Added some light aircraft techs to the UK in 1939.
- Give more coal to Finland and added two initial trade deals.
- Some Chinese divisions deleted to allow Japan its island garrisons in the 1936 scenario.
- The great naval powers given more transport units.
- Fixed UK air division models in the 1941 scenario.
- Fixed a problem with the "End of the Swedish Winter War" events.
- The "steal_tech" event command should now be more informative.
- Vichy secession of Indochine should no longer happen if Vichy does not in fact control the area.
- Finland should now gain the whole of Karelia and Kola in the "Bitter Peace".
- Fixed some event effect text typos.
- The Lend-Lease events should now occur a more often.
- Fixed a problem with the Vichy Event trigger.
- Fixed a problem with the "Siam" event trigger.
- Tweaked "The Bitter Peace" event yet again.
- Fixed a problem in the "Swedish Winter War" trigger.
Maximilian I
26.06.03, 18:02
* Gameplay tweaks
***** Naval Combat
- Changed transports sea and air defence to zero.
- Transport ships can no longer shoot back.
- In Naval Combat, escorts are more often killed before transports now.
- Tweaked naval targetting algoritms.
- Planes should now scramble automatically from carriers when they engage in combat, to join in bombarding.
- When fog of war is off, enemy fleets are now also visible on the map, although detection still works as normal.
***** Paratroopers
- Multiplied transport plane cost by 5 (a division needed around 1000 planes in order to be transported!)
- Raised cost and supplyconsumption of paratroopers significantly.
- Can no longer drop paratroopers if the transport planes are not fully organised.
- Loading paratroopers now makes the transport planes completely unorganised.
***** Technology and Units Stats
- Tech trees have been revised extensively, implementing alot more prerequisites, so it is no longer possible to
- Reworked Tactical value for the later model Tactical Bombers
- Mechanized troops are now available alot later with Mechanized HQ's. This is historical. First full mechanized
divisions were not fielded before 1941 anyway.
- Reworked IC cost*Duration of constructing fighters, they should now be faster to build and cheaper than bombers.
- Reworked costs and durations of all plane types
- Reworked panzer costs and durations. They should now be more historically linked with their type.
- Added one default softattack point to marines, as well as higher default organisation (35 ~ 30). Higher speed too.
It should compensate now for their longer build period and higher cost. Before, there was no point in building
marines as infantry was better anyway.
- Added a higher defense value and a higher movement value to bergsjaeger.
- Updated the artillery, naval doctrine and land_doctrine techs in favour of the "special" infantry units.
****** Misc
- There is now a dissent penalty for producing too little supplies when a nation is out of stockpiles.
- You should no longer be out of oil or supplies suddenly in allied territory extending from an allies homearea.
- Landunits moving (not retreating) will now lose about 1% of organisation each day.
- The leave alliance diplomatic action now causes the standard 7 day diplomatic delay
- Unit leader names are now shown in the unit rollovers (except at the lowest intelligence level for foreign units).
- Province rollovers now display the correct owner and controller
- Military access is now always automatically cancelled for countries that end up at war with each other.
- Reduced the english convoy transports daily-increases.
- Increased US Consumer Goods Demand.
- Flying Bomb and Flying Rocket are no longer influenced by bad weather
- Advanced types of Nuclear Bombs now deactivate less advanced type.
* Mod Support
- Fixed alot of reported problems with mod-dir.
- Scenario editor updated to conform to new data formats.
- The event commands "set_leader_skill" and "set_leader_loyalty" should no longer cause CTDs if the leader has been slept.
- The event command "addcore" should no longer cause problems when adding a province that is already a national province of a country.
- Removed the following defunct event commands:
+ reveal_leader_loyalty
+ reveal_minister_loyalty
+ detect_units
+ minister_loyalty
+ leader
+ wake_leader
- More feedback should now be given to modders on serious errors in their files.
* General Bugfixes
- Fixed a CTD that occured shortly after the last member of the last opposing alliance was annexed.
- DI now used correctly for military access diplomatic actions.
- DI now used correctly for the leave alliance diplomatic action.
- Changed country.csv and renamed existing sprites to make sure USA and France and others have tanks that change sprites.
Same for fighters. No more bi-planes all around.
- Mirrored the vertical Polish flag. According to flag laws, when vertical, the Polish flag should have white on the
left and red on the right
- Fixed a problem with the US goverment for the 39 and 41 scenarios. Roosevelt's HoS ID was used for his HoG position
as well, causing problems upon reload
- Fixed an ID problem in the Japanese Minister file which caused the 1937 Elections sometimes not to show up. Also fixed
another less notable ID error in that file.
- Fixed lots of ID errors in the Republican Spain minister file which could cause crashes.
- Fixed a minor error in the Australian 1939 setup that caused the 2nd Cavalry Division to be indestructible
- Added correct AI references to all countries that had none specified in all scenarios.
- Removed the coastal fort in Ilagan (Phillipines). It had no sense since there wasn't a beach either. It was quite a
rocky coast anyways.
- Renumbered lots of ID's for all minister files to fix all possible conflicts.
- Fixed a small bug which made org recover quicker at higher difficulty for the player.
- Fixed another ctd with province control changes.
AI Fixes
- Improved AI handling of dissent.
- Improved AI for setting sliders.
- AI strategic redeployment threshold raised
- AI should now be better at building up forces on the border prior to declaring war.
- AI is now handling naval stacks a little bit better.
- AI will now attempt to retreat with his navies if the odds are against him.
- AI will no longer sign peace immediately when protecting their sphere of interest.
- Japan should now be more wanting to invade the Phillipines, Indonesian archipel and the Pacific Islands. Might
even attempt entries into Burma and other territories
- USA should now be more active in the Pacific and Europe
- United Kingdom should now go all the way in North Africa and will also attempt invasions in Southern Italy and Normandy
- Killed a bug that caused the French to build forts along the Belgian border again
- Changed build preferences for most major countries to make for a more historical force distribution
- Changed garrisoning priorities for USSR. It will no longer put troopson the borders with Tannu Tuva and Mongolia. Emphasis
on Japan is also lower.
- Changed garrisoning priorities for Japan. They will now put more troops on their islands, next to USA. Lower emphasis on the USSR. Higher
emphasis on China and the Philipines
- UK and USA should build a tad bit less planes now
- Germany now has an invasion header added to its AI's to make the execution of an invasion in Crete and Norway much more likely
- UK AI should now keep more troops on their home islands
- Italian AI should now defend Northern Africa a little better
- Italian AI should now ignore garrisoning borders with fellow Axis powers
- Major players in the war should now research doctrines more
- Nationalist China should now focus more on land doctrine too
- Venezuela and the Czech Republic now have an own AI file
- Germany should now hopefully invade and garrison North Africa, Corsica, Crete, Norway and Italy a bit more
- Reduced the influencing lists for quite some majors
- USSR AI now uses reserve_prop parameters which causes them to defend in depth and keep more reserves
- USSR AI now ignores some more borders and garrisons more likely borders again
Scenarios and Events
- Updated the country specific model names, and extended the amount.
- Added new graphics for ITA, JAP, USA and UK.
- Added a few more historical flags.
- Added several thousand new pictures.
- Updated minister files.
- Updated leader files.
- New minister & leader files for country's that had none.
- Revised techs and oob for GER, ITA, UK, USA, JAP, FRA, MAN and POL in all scenarios ( no POL in 41 of course )
- Updated models.csv.
- Added some missing event triggers and faulty commands.
- Removed the event triggers from the UK guarantee to Poland. a historical "road to war" should now be much more likely
- Collaborating french leaders will now be "slept" via event in all scenarios. Vichy has its own leaderfile
- Collaborating Romanian and Hungarian leaders will now defect to Germany in the Anschluss event and be slept in their national leaderfiles then.
- Austrian leaders that served in the German Army will be awaken in the German leaderfile after the Anschluss has occured.
- Updated and fixed UK, Dutch, Japanese, Italian, French, German and USA convoy files for all scenarios.
- - Fixed a unit placement error for the USA in the 1941 scenario, as the Panama Mobile Force has been relocated from Panama City to Colon, as the former was not American territory.
- Fixed the naming error that caused a Lend-Lease Event not to show any text
- Alot of German doctrines removed from the 1936 setup. Germany now gains its doctrines through some of the pre-war events.
This in an attempt to stop early, a-historical succesful German moves. They will switch to their normal build AI in the Munich Event.
- Gave a few major nations extra transports and escorts in their scenario setups
- Gave rudimentary techs to Iraq, Mongolia and Sinkiang in all scenarios. Same for Communist China in 1941 and Liberia in 1939 and 1941
- Added some AI_event to automatically create convoys between Canada-UK, UK-USSR and USA-UK when the war is on
- Added some minor national claims to some countries
- Republican Spanish leaders and ministers that defected to the Nationalists in the Civil War are now slept in the Civil War event series
- IC in Cape Town was lowered and raised in Johannesburg.
- In case of Romanian refusal of the Vienna Diktat, the command now carrier a leave_alliance command for Romania as well to prevent it DOW'in the Axis if it's Axis already
- Revised alot of unitnames.
- Added minor oil reserves in North Vietnam
- Changed troop X and Y coordinates for Georgetown (GUY) so that the troops don't show up in Paramaribo anymore
- Changed city X and Y coordinates for Prince Rupert so that the coal reserves there don't show up all the way in Vancouver anymore
- Done alot more map changes, mainly terrain. Astrakhan region is now marshy (lots of swamps there), some mountain regions were made hilly, Nederosterreich is now clear, etc etc.
- Event Major Worker Strike (ID 1008) should now no longer lower IC permantently. It was a little too severe. Supplies are distracted instead
- Romanian Oil events are now more severe. Germany now gets 15000 oil in each event
- The oil that goes round in the Molotov-Ribbentrop pact is now higher: 30000 units
- Germany is now no longer able to dishonor the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact after it has been forged. They really weren't in the position to do that back then.
- Vichy now also gets claims on Lebanon and Syria
- There is now an AI_Event that makes Nationalist China join the Allies when they are at war with Japan and Japan has DOW'ed the USA
- Lend-Lease Events from USA to USSR now only trigger if the provinces affected by the event are not in Axis control
- Added AI events to make the Dutch and Belgians move their capitals to the colonies when nearly annexed
- Added an AI choise event to make Germany DOW Denmark sooner
- Brazil now has 150mm+ Battleship tech in all scenario to correspond with their OOB
- Iraq, Mongolia and Saudi Arabia now have basic techs in all scenarios
- Japanese Mechanized divisions are edited to Motorized divisions. Halftracks were extremely rare in the IJA
- Major Seapowers now have naval supply techs 6009 6010 6011 13103 13104 in all scenarios
- Liberia is now a puppet of the USA in all scenarios. USA controlled the Liberian rubber industry during HOI timeframe and it prevents the Axis exploit of conquering Liberia for the rubber.
- Anomalities regarding province ownership in North Africa (1941 scenario) are now gone. Italy and UK now control and own the correct provinces. No more double owned
- Nationalist China has now extra techs in each scenario and rightfully so. They were ahistorically weak before
- Coastal Forts removed from the Phillipine islands
- Czechoslovakia now has larger resource stockpiles. This to allow them to support their industry without giving the Germans an edge
- Nations are now given resource stockpiles in 1941
- In 1941 Vichy now also has claims on Syria and Lebanon
- Argentina now has claims on the Falklands in all scenarios
- Ireland now has claims on Belfast in all scenarios
- Japan now has the 400mm+ Battleship Gun researched in 1936 in order to make research of the Yamato Class possible
- Coastal forts removed in Singapore, Bergen and Trondheim. Only a small measure and it helps the AI alot
- Added transports to most major war participants in all scenarios
- There are now steel convoys running from Norway to Germany in 1936 and 1939. Steel is deducted from Germany mainland
- Corrected the German OOB's in 1939 and 1941
- Added some IC to the 1939 Soviet file that normally is added through events.
- Pacific islands have been given VP points to encourage a more historical Pacific campaign
- VP points on the Aleutians removed.
- Basrah and Kuwait now have beaches
patch: wahrscheinlich am 27.06.03
Peter der Große
26.04.04, 00:23
- We added a completely new scenario, called Götterdämmerung. Which starts after D-Day in 1944.
- Fixed the bug with envelopment being reported wrongly.
- Fixed a serious bug with winter-specalist ruining effectivty completely in frozen weather.
- Fixed a serious bug which caused the weather to mismatch severly in MP games.
- Asking to join an alliance should now work properly.
- Countries created from "independence" command are now created out of territory controlled, not owned.
- Aircombat should no longer damage fortresses.
- The game should now identify the difference between forest and jungle at all times.
- The impossible to reinforce combat bug is now fixed.
- The game should now identify the difference between forest and jungle at all times.
- Airunits should no longer be blocked passing through the blockable straits.
- Fixed a serious bug in the AI-admiral which made it 1) disregard preferences for seazone bases. 2) miscalculate distances.
- Made some improvement to fix lockups in the invasion AI.
- Fixed a problem which caused the invasion AI to disregard what happened after a beachhead was taken.
- The impossible to reinforce combat bug is now fixed.
- Fixed the CTD with the alliance event command.
- Fixed a small text error with supply convoys from events
- Fixed a few reported ctd.
- A crash bug caused by a missing } in torpedo_bomber.txt was fixed
- Fixed a bunch of { } errors in inc files across all scenarios.
- The cost of ongoing research projects should now be correctly saved (and no longer harshly rounded down).
- Fixed the problem with advancing into the front not slowing down.
-> Reduced movement penalty for the feinting/probe-attack to just 10%.
-> Reduced movement penalty for blitzing to half of normal attack.
- There is no longer a broken extra out-oil-movement penalty for the blitz final destination.
- Fixed a problem with the 'add_division' command when specifying a target province.
- Fixed a rather serious error with production and research being progressed at 50% speed even if IC was 51% to 99% of the daily cost.
- Units in provinces ceded by events should now be returned to their force pools.
- fixed some inconsistencies in the techs (Panzer text)
- Fixed another CTD with carriers scrambling.
- Fixed a bug which made blitz destinations not save correctly.
- "Surprise" is now a more important (though still hidden) factor in combat. The 'trickster' leader trait greatly increases the chance of surprising the enemy and the 'spotter' trait correspondingly decreases the chance of being surprised.
- Reduced organisation loss from movement with about 25%.
- Reduced penalty on movement in low-infrastructure provinces a fair bit.
- There is now a distance penalty for landcombat. ie, the distance from the last provinced owned by that units country or its ally. This is for supply-tracing. Overseas this penalty is much more severe than through a contigous landarea.
- Landtroops now fight with a -20% penalty if they don't get enough supplies that day.
- It is now impossible to capture larger fleets than 1 or 2 ships in a port.
- Dropped convoy interception to significantly worse levels than before.
- Convoy Escorts are slightly worse at destroying ships, as they won't damage each ship as much as before.
- Flak no longer fires at passing rocket units.
- Capped stack-penalty to 74% for naval/air.
- The correct aircraft capacity depending on technology is now used for carriers.
- Transport planes now get 0 organisation AFTER dropping the paratroopers, not before.
- Strategical redeployment now takes 7 days.
- Strategically redeploying a unit will now half its current organisation, instead of setting it to 0.
- You can now hold SHIFT on the worldmarket interface, and it will increase/decrease by 10 instead.
- You can now go through The Sund if you control Malmö.
- You can now liberate puppets. (button at diplo screen if own country selected /or at default)
- Halved the encirclement penalty.
- Airunits should no longer be blocked passing through the blockable straits.
- A division or ship at org 0 can no longer fire at an opponent.
- Naval Bombardments and Naval Combat now have a 50% chance to target the weakest ship instead of random target.
- You can no longer retreat immeditately at the start of a battle. A battle lasts at least a few hours no matter what when engaged. (Naval battles lasts longer than air/land.)
- You will no longer lose your resources on a failed trade at the worldmarket.
- Increased experience gains for land and naval commanders...
- You can now hold SHIFT on the worldmarket interface, and it will increase/decrease by 10 instead.
- Halved the encirclement penalty.
- AA Guns now fire twice upon bombers in a port.
- Ground targets have a -2% for each division/ship in stack when firing at planes.
- Above maximum penalty in bombardment, naval and air combat is now -25%.
- Plenty of connections between islands are now considered as amphibious assaults when taking.
- Monthly Transports gain is now at 1/3rd as before.
- Supply convoys now require twice as many ships.
- Convoys going to or forth occupied territory now require more ships.
- Moved up Share Research button in the interface.
- Improved Naval AI to adapt to lessons learned from Victoria development.
- You should now be able to block landmovement across straits/between islands, if you have a fleet there.
- There is now a message whenenever you bomb a fleet or army, and whenever one of your fleets or armies get bombed.
- No encirclement/envelopment penalty for island defenders.
- Resource gain is now modified by difficulty and occupied territory the same way as IC is.
- Increased cost for share research to 2 DI.
- Fixed a problem with bombardment modifiers being shown wrongly.
- Fixed the sliders-cheat.
- Finally enabled the urban terrain type
- Added detailed tooltips of all combat modifiers in the battle interface for each individual division fighting.
- Added some more debug messages for scenario scripters.
- Units of the old owner in provinces that are ceded for any reason are now returned to their force pools.
- Removed ingame lockups from selecting leader interface for a minor slowdown in loading times.
- Added a "convoypool = x" trigger to check on how many unassigned transports there is.
- Added command "convoypool" to modify unassigned transports.
- Added some more error messages for ai files.
- Supplybase for logistic factors for landunits, and last port for navalunit supply tracing is now shown on unit interface.
- Disabled the hardcoded protection code in anticipation of the new protection event-series.
- Added an event command called "type = protect which = tag", which makes you join ALL wars on the same side as the one you are protecting.
- Added a trigger called "under_attack = XXX", returns true if that country is on the defensive side in any war.
- You can no longer share research with any country you are at war with.
- Moved the share-research entry up in the interface
- You can no longer steal expeditionary fleets by reinforcing entire unit when at port.
- You can no longer load nukes on planes/rockets that are not on the ground.
- Units on ships and fleets now take supplies as well.
- The 'leave_alliance' event command now also removes a country from any ongoing wars it had together with its old allies. Handle with care.
- Liberating nations should no longer convert your troops there.
- updated the unitnames database.
- Nightmodifiers in navalcombat is now applied for both sides the same way.
- Fixed a problem where you could not tactically bomb some provinces in support of your own troops.
- Revised counter look completely.
- Added the Front AI scheme 'defensive' in addition to the old 'reactive' and 'even'. The new scheme distributes troops according to the relative importance of the provinces.
- Added some Garrison AI improvements from Victoria.
- Made Front AI always attack between dawn and dawn+3 hours. (Exception: if zero defenders )
- Rewrote AI for determening Unit strength for Front AI and exported several variables.
- Exported a huge amount of variables for odds calculations for the Front AI.
- Exported another variable for the Front AI, to tweak across-river-attack penalty.
- Added another functionality to make sure the invasion AI does not lose its fleets.
- Added various ai files from the AI Project and the beta team
- The AI will now attempt to escort their bombing missions better.
- The AI will now balance their transport fleets slightly better
- AI should now be a tad bit better at executing its wars.
- Changed the AI file garrison values so none of them are cumulative (it now always uses the largest only).
- AI should no longer deploy divisions into out-of-supply areas.
- Added AI parameters that determine the likelyhood of a country sending exp. forces to its allies (see ai_file_doc.txt).
- AI should now upgrade planes as well.
- Sweden should now be more likely to send exp. forces to Finland if both are at war with the CCCP.
- Reduced AI fear of large forts. Betas, please use the 'smallfort' and 'largefort' AI parameters to adjust further.
- Added a factor called "units = x", which indicate how important it is to have fighter coverage over own units.
- AI will now consider to put protective air coverage over all possible areas, not just adjacent landareas from capital.
- Fixed a bug which caused the AI to lose track of some of its air-units.
- AI now uses all its pure fighter units as protective coverage instead of just the best one.
- Fixed a problem where the AI kept switching the fighter coverage priority ad infinitum.
- AI will now also have bigger airwings than just 4 units in them.
- You can now go through The Sund if you control Malmö.
- The Seychelles islands now have 34 infra
- Indonesian provinces now have some manpower
- Chinese provinces have now a little more resources
- Some of the Chinese IC has been moved east
- There is now a little oil in Burma. It was, historically, one of the reasons for the Japanese to invade Burma
- There now is more IC in Tallinn and Rezekne
- All beach placement errors are now gone.
- Movement errors to Muscat and San Antonio are now gone as well.
- Karachi now has a beach and a port
- Province Bures (#6) now is correctly labelled Burns and is clear
- Province Spokane (#5) now is clear
- There is now more coal in Korean and Japanese soil
- There is now some more coal and steel in Slovakia
- Multiplied all world coal resources by *2
- Fixed entrance into seazones: The Samoas, Aleutian Bassin, Ostrov Beringa Sea, Sea of Pago-Pago,
- Fixed port seazones: Asahikawa, Sapporo
- Changed port seazones & port locations: Taranto, Messina
- Added ports: San Salvador, Rouen, Glasgow, Wenzhou, Columbia, Jackson, San José, Managua, Tegucigalpa, Guatemala City,
Maracaibo, Porto Alegre, Puerto Montt, Port Lincoln,
- Terrain changes: Krakow: clear --> hills, Chabarovsk: marsh --> hills, Sinuiju: mountain --> hills, Heijo: mountain --> hills, Koshu: mountain --> hills, Fuzan: mountain --> hills, Keijo: mountain --> clear,
- Added manpower to Vancouver, Fort St-George and Havre St-Pierre
- Changed some infra levels in Siberia & Manchukwo to represent various railways and roads
- Changed some infra levels in Burma to direct the campaign in a more historic way
- Some provinces with 0 IC were given 1 IC
- Moved resources from Kota Baharu to Ipoh. Apparently most rubber plantations were around Ipoh, while Kota Baharu was mostly jungle and fishing villages
- Belgium, Czechoslovakia, Yugoslavia and Poland will now use French sprites
- Holland, China now use MIN sprites
- Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia now use German sprites
- Afghanistan and Greece now use British sprites
- Advanced light tanks will now require Tech ID #11305 (Motorized Logistics Organization).
- Basic Heavy tanks will now also require Tech ID #11407 (Armoured spearhead Doctrine).
- Early, Basic and Improved Halftrack Troop Carrier are now prerequisites for Mechanized HQ's
- APDU ammo will now give boni to antitank brigades, *not* to artillery. APDU has always been a dedicated antitank round, not for artillery use.
- Added some more prerequisites in the infantry, armor, artillery and air doctrine tech trees
- Paratroopers don't benefit from the 90mm Howitzer and 100mm Infantry Gun anymore (too heavy) but do benefit from the 40mm AA Gun now
- Cavalry now benefits from a few of the earlier artillery techs
- Moved the benefits of the 30 mm inf gun to maneuvre artillery doctrine
- Divisional Offensive Organization now deactivates Divisional Deffensive Organization.
- Moved the benefits of the 30 mm at gun to both div off and div def org.
- Divisional Offensive Organization now gives an additional +1 sa for mot, mech, arm
- Moved the benefits of the 30 mm anti air gun to Synchronized Artillery Doctrine
- Moved the benefits of the 100 mm inf gun to Forward Area Logistics Organization (better amm supply -> higher SA)
- Moved the benefits of the 70 mm Field gun Forward Area Logistics (better amm supply -> higher SA)
- Added +1 air attack to combat training team doctrine
- Added +1 air attack to wingman doctrine
- Added +1 air attack to air superiority doctrine
- Added +2 hard attack to armoured spearhead doctrine ( Removed 2 hard attack from all panzer models)
- Moved 1 GD from elastic defence doctrine to force concentration doctrine
- Elastic defence now also gives +1 defence to armor and mechanized
- Terror Bombing gives +1 strat attack for strat bombers
- Wolfpack now gives +2 naval attack for submarines ( Removed 2 naval attack from all sub models)
- Flamethrowers now give +5 fort attack
- Added some extra commands to three infantry techs (the Field Hospital series)
- Infantry tech - Modern Flamethrowers - now has fort_attack bonusses
- Infantry, Marines, Paratroopers and Mountaineers now all benefit from the techs that raise river_attack
- Basic and Improved Assault Rifle techs now have a more consequent result
- Special Operations Warfare Doctrine now no longer gives two times an ORG boos to bergsjaeger, but instead gives one boost to marines
- Marines should now benefit from some more techs that were forgotten accidentally
- Paratroopers now have a higher default ORG
- Transport planes now have a lower default ORG
- Marines are now a bit more expensive (6--8) and take a little longer (120--140) to build
- Dive Bombers now have a naval attack rating
- Small shore bombardment values added to destroyers and cruisers
- Fuel consumption and speed edited for mechanized, motorized and tanks. The speed of a tank division was determined by its slowest part, not by the actual tank speed.
*Since HOI simulates warfare on divisional level, it makes sense to move back the speeds alot. HOI simumlates strategic movement, not tactical.*
- minor rebalancing of the cost of the panzer models
- minor rebalancing of the cost of the fighter models
- completly reworked naval units
- Lowered boni for river_crossing and river_attack in the tech files so that attacking across rivers shouldn't gain boni anymore
- Carrier doctrines now give a small bonus to torpedo bombers
- The Improved Medium Tank now requires tech 11200 and not Armoured Spearhead Doctrine
- Militia now benefit from a few more techs
- germany now only gets their claims on austria and czechoslovakia thourgh the corresponding events
- implemented new spheres of influence
- Sweden can now no longer choose to continue the Winter War if Finland has accepted peace with the USSR
- AI event that makes the USSR move its capital when Moscow is threatened
- AI event that makes France switch is capital is removed
- The 'Japan demands Vichy Indochine' events now have commands that set up Japanese convoys to and from Indochine
- The 'End of the Winter War' event now has some more triggers
- Re-included two AI_Events for a coup in Yugoslavia and Yugoslavia joining the Allies
- Spanish Civil War will now almost always occur
- German claims on Western Poland (except Danzig) have been removed and are now added in the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact
- Hopefully the lockup on Dec 13 1941 is gone
- Vienna Diktat Event now checks if Romania controls the ceded provinces
- Quite some sleepevent commands were added to the USA elections so that certain elections don't trigger anymore when another has happened
- Japan leans on Siam events now check if Japan and Siam are not at war
- Event 2627 (End of the Finnish Winter War) now has some more logical triggers
- Anarchist Movement Crushed event for Republican Spain can now only trigger after the Spanish Civil War to prevent agressive behaviour by USSR and Italy
- Danish DOW event for Germany is now gone
- Germany receives it claims even in the limited M-R pact now
- SOV´s moving of industries to Siberia events now move a little more ics and relocate victory points as well
- fixed some major crashbugs in the bitterpeace
- There is now a new event file, increased_spheres.txt, that makes declaring war ahistorically early, or exploiting alot harder.
- VARIOUS [AI Event] - The AI Events that cause some nations to join Axis have now a trigger that checks if their government is either PA, FA or NS
- VARIOUS [AI Event] - The AI Events that cause some nations to join Axis now checks if they aren't in any other alliance already
- DEN [US Occupation of Greenland and Iceland] - The USA gets Iceland and Greenland event now has a more complex trigger
- GER [Germany claims the Memel] - If Lithuania refuses the Memel claims now, Germany will DOW Lithuania
- GER [Assassination on Hitler Succeeded] - List of sleepleaders/sleepminister commands added for leader/ministers that would have been forced to resign or killed should the conspirators have succeeded
- GER [Assassination Attempt Failed!] - List of sleepleaders/sleepminister commands added for leaders that were killed, forced to resign or forced to commit suicide
- JAP [Japan demands bases in Indochine] - Some redundant convoys that were created by event once Japan got Indochinese colonies were deleted
- JAP [Japan demands bases in Indochine] - Japan demands Vichy bases in Indochina event now checks if Japan and France were not at war at the time of the event
- ROM [AI Event] - The AI Event that makes Romania join the Axis now checks if Romania and the Axis are not at war due to Vienna Diktat being refused
- SIA [Japanese Pressure] - Siam now lays claims on parts of the Malayan peninsula when it accepts the Japanese pressure
- SOV [Stalin Sues for Peace] - The trigger for this event is slightly reworked
- SOV [AI Event] - There is now an AI event for the USSR annexing Tannu Tuva in which it also gains a claim on their territory
- SOV [End of Finnish Winter War] - USSR now gains Arctic Warfare Equipment at the end of the Winter War
- SPA [Victory!] - Now has a date allowing it to trigger correctly
- VIC [The Vichy Regime] - Reintroduced the Vichy event (lets get it to work correctly)
- the french vichy event now reduces the maginot line
- [Increased Spheres]: The US AI trigger should now be correct
- [GER] Sudetenland: The b option no longer gives 11301
- [GER] Sudetenland: No longer gives tech 11302 but 11406
- [USA] 1936 Historical Election Option B: Now correctly adds 2 times 5 IC to a random province
- [AUS] Anschluss: Now has a trigger to check if Austria is not aligned to Allies or Comintern
- [CHI] China joins the Allies (AI Event): Now has a more logical trigger, allowing it to trigger more often
- [SOV] Reworked the Bitter Peace triggers:
* If Japan and Germany are not aligned: Germany needs to take Baku, Leningrad, Moscow, Stalingrad and Magnitogorsk
* If Japan and Germany are aligned: Germany needs to take Baku, Leningrad, Stalingrad and Moscow and Japan must have taken Vladivostok
- [USA] USA Occupation of Greenland and Iceland: Will not trigger anymore if Denmark is already annexed
- [USA] USA Elections: Won't trigger anymore if the USA is puppeted by another country
- [GER] Creation of Croatia: If Croatia is created, Germany now gets some manpower and three historical divisions
- [GER] Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact: Not proposing the historical pact now gives dissent hit. It's after all a choice between a one or a two front war
- [GER] In case of a refusal to USSR Alliance Proposal, Germany will now get its claims too
- [GER] Claiming Memel: Cannot trigger anymore if Germany is at war
- [SOV] Soviet occupation of Eastern Poland: now gives extra supplies and minus manpower to simulate historical losses
- [SOV] Stalin sues for Peace: Should now secede all the correct provinces to the correct nations (some forgotten commands added). Event should now also properly make peace. Kuddos to Yuje
- [SOV] Stalin sues for Peace: Should now also secede all Croatian & Yugoslavian provinces
- [SOV] Stalin sues for Peace: If Japan is in the Axis, it will now get a bigger slice, gaining land up till the Irkutsk lake
- [SPA] Spanish Civil War: Now yields the Nationalists a few extra divisions
- [SPA] German support: Now also yields the Nationalists some techs
- [SPA] Italian support: Now also yields the Spanish Nationalists a destroyer and submarine squadron (historical)
- [BEL] Now has an AI_Event that switches the capital back to Brussels should the country be puppeted by Germany
####### CLAIMS
- Afghanistan now has claims on Karachi
- Albania now has claims on province #755 - Skopje
- Panama now has claims on province #288 - Panama Canal
- Reworked claims: Kars (USSR), Burns - Spokane - San Antonio (USA), Macao - Hong Kong (CHI/CHC), Pristina (ALB), Asmara - Djibouti - Berbera (ETH), Panama City - Colon (COL), Belize (GUA), Mahdia (VEN), Antofagasta (BOL), Quetta - Gilgit (AFG)
- Japanese/Chinese province control and ownership should now be correct (no jap. "owned" chinese provinces)
- USSR no longer has claims on Kars
- Liberia now also grants Military Control in all scenarios to the USA
- Liberia is now part of the Allies in 1941
- Yemen and Oman are now part of the Allies in all scenarios
- Most nations should now have correct minister setups in all scenarios
- More and updated leaders and ministers. Kuddos to Birch23 and all involved. If you want the pictures to go with it, you still need the last picture pack of end 2003
- Better Bulgarian Randomleader names.
- Only French mechanized division is now rightfully motorized
- Bulgaria now has a corrected and more historical OOB in 1936, 1939 and 1941
- Latvian Army now has the correct divisions
- USA carrier stationed planes (1941) are now put in the province of the port, not on the ships themselves. Makes for easier naval management (vis-a-vis merging)
- Spanish Naval OOB is now more correct (double ship w/ other name deleted)
- Corrected German Air OOB in 1936
- Added Schlesien and Schleswig-Holstein in German 1936 Naval OOB to correspond with the 1939 and 1941 OOB
- Corrected Australian OOB in all scenarios
- Romania received a missing tech in 39
- Two Swedish divisions should now be in Stockholm instead of Jerevan
- Italy now has correct Italian names in all its OOB's
- Renamed and reworked OOB's for almost all countries.
- Added some more cavalry to Poland
- Added some historical air divisions to Poland
- Reworked naval OOB's for all nations in 1936. Kuddos to GS_Guderian and von Adler for their hard work
- added 21 transport units to the UK in 41 (12 in scapa flow, 6 in alexandria, 3 in colombo)
- removed the basic rocket and jet fighters (prototypes and models) from ger 41
- Indonesia now has some convoys in 1941
- Added Anti Aircraft batteries all over the map. Bigger cities have more batteries
- Bulgaria now owns and controls Dobrich (ID#868) in 1941
- There now are historical coastal forts in some Australian provinces
- GERMANY 36: one of the two "Scharnhorsts" under construction is now named correctly Gneisenau, added the needed naval guns for impoved ships
- USA 36: USS Quincy, USS Vincennes and USS Yorktown are now under construction, added the needed naval guns for impoved ships
- UK 36: added the needed naval guns for impoved ships
- Ita 36: added the needed naval guns for a impoved battleship,
- Jap 36: added pre war combat testing (air) and blitz bombing
- removed battalion size units for the german oobs
- france has now better armor techs but worse inf techs in 36
- removed all Div off/Div def organisation doctrines where approriate
- Removed transport planes from: ARG, CHI, ROM in 36 // ROM, SPA, CHI in 39 // ROM, SPA, CHI, AST in 41
- Moved all german north atlantic subs in 41 to #921.
- Added and redistributed VP over the map to make annexations a bit harder
- All manpower pools cut by 3. THis to make monthly gains more important
- Oman, Yemen, Bhutan and Nepal are now given some manpower in all scenarios
- Indonesia is now tagged as HOL in 1941
- USSR now starts with 15% dissent in 1936
- Italy, USSR, Australia and Spain should now use their correct ministers again in 1939 and 1941
- Poland and Colombia now have capitals fixed again in 1936
- Canada, South Africa, Australia and New Zealand now have the same tech as the UK in all scenarios
Peter der Große
12.07.04, 20:40
* Tweaks and bugfixes.
- Made sure cheats are reset properly when starting a game, this eliminated the major cheat in MP.
- Large airstacks now get severe penalties.
- Fixed a problem with germany being able to build mechanised infantry in 1939.
- Fixed a typo on Naval Defence.
- There is now a trigger on the Albania event to only trigger if Italy is fascist.
- Fixed a consistency logic error in the MR pact effects for Germany.
- USSR now has proper warentry in 1941 and 1944.
- Fixed some consistency problems with UK and CW techs between scenarios.
- Fixed some inconsistencies in artillery tech setup in 1936.
- Removed the force concentration doctrine from the sudetenland event.
- The balkans pact was removed.
- Changed the random chances and offsets in the english sphere.
- Reduced the flakpower by 1/3rd.
- No negative resource when u take a capital.
- Corrected many spelling and text csv errors...
- Changed aa effectiveness as to Mathguys proposal.
- Fixed a graphic glitch with direction arrows (thanks to Xie)
- Fixed the superior tactician spelling error.
- Moved the province secession events for siam from the normal event to a separate ai event (better play for human siam players).
- Updated 44 + 39 eugs for event history
- Fixed various issues with the spheres (most importantly : they won´t happen if the attacked nation already is in an alliance)
- Fixed a minor error in panzer txt (early tank mg used 10 supplies)
- Added a not = war = GER/VIC trigger to the vichy puppetization event.
- Detroit now has more ICs ..
- SOV balance: Removed 17 ICs in 12 provinces (-> reduced expansion of USSR industry).
- Added a few tech to italy in 36....
- UK can no longer build mechanized units in 39
- And loads more of tiny small script problems..
* AI Improvements.
- USSR much tougher to crack.
- Gibraltar almost always garrisoned.
- Fixed Japan/USSR war in 1945.
- USSR more aggressive towards Finland.
- Tweaked down USSR's aggressivity towards baltic states.
- Chinese capital moves from Nanjin when there is a threat of being pocketed.
- Soviets now start with the correct ai
- And loads more AI script improvements by Tamerlan.
Peter der Große
11.08.04, 16:24
* Tweaks and bugfixes.
- Capped the logistics penalty at 66%.
- The AI is no longer affected by the air-stacking penalty.
- You can no longer rebase in neutral/enemy territory.
- Convoys are no longer invulnerable if they pile a large amount of escorts on them.
- Escort effectivity in convoy encounters is now depending much on the length of the convoy as well.
- Province.csv should now load properly with mod-dir.
- Moddir now works fine with multiplayer.
- Optimised the starting delay slightly.
- Fixed a crashbug with liberate puppet.
- Fixed the sprite glitches.
- Fixed so that the editor works properly again.
- French leaders should now defect to Vichy properly.
- French armies on vichy territory will now defect to Vichy
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