Archiv verlassen und diese Seite im Standarddesign anzeigen : Event schreiben D-Day 1944?
Mighty Sam
14.07.06, 16:13
1.) Ein Event Deutschland Baut seine Küsten aus von 1941 bis 1944.
2.) Dann ab 1944 Event Landung in der Normandie mit 300.000 Soldaten das macht etwa 17 Divs?
real waren es aber nur ...4?
14.07.06, 16:40
Hmm... willst du es selber machen, sollen wir das machen ? Wo sind : Bitte, danke etc. ? :D
Mighty Sam
14.07.06, 16:57
Mh ich dachte erst mal schauen ob es geht? :)
Ich sage natürlich danke! :prost:
Also am Anfang waren es nicht so viele Divs, aber das steigerte sich ja ständig, nach einer woche waren es schon so viele!
Man merkte aber das "Eine" Invasion nicht aus reichte und man in Südfrakreich die zweite Invasion startete
Das habe ich noch dazu gefunden;
Als die Verbände dann eintrafen, mussten sie sofort in den Verteidigungsring eingefügt werden und konnten nicht zu einem Offensivschlag zusammengefasst werden. Bis zum 12. Juni 1944 brachten die Alliierten über zwei künstliche Häfen (Mulberries) 326 000 Soldaten, 54 000 Fahrzeuge und 104 000 t Material an Land. Sie errichteten bis zu diesem Zeitpunkt einen zusammenhängenden Landekopf von 100 km Länge und 30 km Breite. Im Juli kamen die Alliierten dann weiter nach Süden voran und eroberten im amerikanischen Ostflügel den Eckpfeiler Caen.
Wäre schon gut, wenn ihr das machen könntet ich kann euch ja Niederländische Leader geben und Tech Teams, die ich in langer Arbeit zusammen getragen habe!
14.07.06, 17:00
Niederländische Leader ? :lach::lach::lach::lach::lach:
Mighty Sam
14.07.06, 17:13
Niederländische Leader ?
Ja, warum lachst du ?
Ich gebe euch mal eine super seite, die Deutschen sagten sie wollten lieber gegen 10 Franzosen als gegen 3 Niederländer kämpfen!
Mighty Sam
14.07.06, 17:41
Aber bitte helft mir mal erst !!!
Mighty Sam
Man merkte aber das "Eine" Invasion nicht aus reichte und man in Südfrakreich die zweite Invasion startete
July 25-30 - Operation Cobra (U.S. troops break out west of St. Lô).
Das da war das Ende aller deutschen Hoffnungen, die Landung noch einigermassen lokal zu halten.
Hättest Du den von Dir zitierten Wikiartikel tatsächlich gelesen, dann hättest Du festgestellt, das Operation "Anvil" ( wie sie eigentlich heissen sollte ) von vorneherein geplant war und keinesfalls eine Notwendigkeit darstellte, um die Normandielandung noch zu retten.
Desweiteren wäre jede Landung ohne ausreichende Planung zum scheitern verurteilt gewesen. Selbst wenn der DDay Hilfe benötigt hätte, eine Landung in Südfrankreich wäre dann schon nicht mehr zu organisieren gewesen.
Glaube es mir einfach, BEIDE Landungen waren geplant.
Steht aber alles in dem Wiki Artikel :D
Nur eines stimmt nicht, was da steht. Der Rommelspargel waren keine Unterwasserhindernisse, sondern wurden benutzt um Lichtungen im Wald gegen Fallschirmjäger abzusichern.
Mighty Sam
14.07.06, 17:56
Ich habe nur die zwei Operationen erwähnt um zu zeigen, das es doch über 300.000 Tausend Soldaten waren.
Dan weißt du aber mit sicherheit auch, warum man diese Operation, 2 Monate später durch führte, das wäre sowie so, zu spät für die Normandie Front gewesen!
Aber jetzt darüber zu reden, kam ja eigentlich zustande weil weiter oben geschrieben wurde, das es nur wenige Divs waren an die Normandie Front!
So jetzt aber zum Event! ;)
Admiral Yamamoto
14.07.06, 18:02
Es wäre mal zu wissen WO du die Landung haben willst.
Wie modern sollen die US-Truppen sein?
Welche Typen von Divisionen`Panzer, Infanterie, Marineinfanterie?
Sollen sie Brigaden haben?
WANN soll das Event kommen?
Mighty Sam
14.07.06, 18:22
@Admiral Yamamoto
Da ich so gut wie keine Bücher über die Landung habe, müßte man die Daten vielleicht aus dem Scenario "D-Day" über nehmen können?
Dort heißt es;
landunit = {
id = { type = 10602 id = 1 }
name = "Oberkommand West"
leader = 335 #v.Rundstedt
location = 56
division = {
id = { type = 10602 id = 2 }
name = "Oberkommand West HQ"
type = hq
model = 2
extra = artillery
landunit = {
id = { type = 10602 id = 3 }
name = "WmBh Niederlande"
leader = 615 #F.Christiansen
location = 47
division = {
id = { type = 10602 id = 4 }
name = "WmBh Niederlande HQ"
type = hq
model = 2
extra = artillery
landunit = {
id = { type = 10602 id = 5 }
name = "LXXXVIII Armeekorps"
leader = 224 #Reinhard
location = 46
division = {
id = { type = 10602 id = 7 }
name = "347. Infanterie-Div"
strength = 100
type = infantry
model = 4
division = {
id = { type = 10602 id = 8 }
name = "16. Luftwaffefeld-Div"
strength = 100
type = infantry
model = 4
division = {
id = { type = 10602 id = 9 }
name = "719. Infanterie-Div"
strength = 100
type = infantry
model = 4
landunit = {
id = { type = 10602 id = 10 }
name = "Heeresgruppe B"
leader = 230 #Rommel
location = 56
division = {
id = { type = 10602 id = 11 }
name = "Heeresgruppe B HQ"
type = hq
model = 2
extra = artillery
landunit = {
id = { type = 10602 id = 12 }
name = "15. Armee" #Frozen
leader = 336 #v.Salmuth
location = 44
division = {
locked = yes
id = { type = 10602 id = 13 }
name = "15. Armee HQ"
type = hq
model = 2
strength = 50
max_strength = 50
extra = artillery
division = {
locked = yes
id = { type = 10602 id = 14 }
name = "19. Luftwaffefeld-Div"
strength = 100
type = infantry
model = 4
division = {
locked = yes
id = { type = 10602 id = 15 }
name = "84. Infanterie-Div"
strength = 100
type = infantry
model = 4
division = {
locked = yes
id = { type = 10602 id = 16 }
name = "85. Infanterie-Div"
strength = 100
type = infantry
model = 4
division = {
locked = yes
id = { type = 10602 id = 17 }
name = "182. Reserve-Inf.-Div"
strength = 100
type = infantry
model = 3
division = {
locked = yes
id = { type = 10602 id = 18 }
name = "326. Infanterie-Div"
strength = 100
type = infantry
model = 4
division = {
locked = yes
id = { type = 10602 id = 19 }
name = "331. Infanterie-Div"
strength = 100
type = infantry
model = 4
division = {
locked = yes
id = { type = 10602 id = 20 }
name = "346. Infanterie-Div"
strength = 100
type = infantry
model = 4
landunit = {
id = { type = 10602 id = 21 }
name = "LXXXIX Armeekorps" #Frozen
leader = 614 #von und zu Gilsa
location = 51
division = {
locked = yes
id = { type = 10602 id = 23 }
name = "70. Infanterie-Div"
strength = 100
type = infantry
model = 4
division = {
locked = yes
id = { type = 10602 id = 24 }
name = "712. Infanterie-Div"
strength = 100
type = infantry
model = 4
division = {
locked = yes
id = { type = 10602 id = 25 }
name = "48. Infanterie-Div"
strength = 100
type = infantry
model = 4
landunit = {
locked = yes
id = { type = 10602 id = 26 }
name = "LXXXII Armeekorps" #Frozen
leader = 632 #Sinnhuber
location = 52
division = {
locked = yes
id = { type = 10602 id = 28 }
name = "18. Luftwaffefeld-Div"
strength = 100
type = infantry
model = 4
division = {
locked = yes
id = { type = 10602 id = 29 }
name = "47. Infanterie-Div"
strength = 100
type = infantry
model = 4
division = {
locked = yes
id = { type = 10602 id = 30 }
name = "49. Infanterie-Div"
strength = 100
type = infantry
model = 4
landunit = {
locked = yes
id = { type = 10602 id = 31 }
name = "LXVII Armeekorps" #Frozen
leader = 83 #Gause
location = 44
division = {
locked = yes
id = { type = 10602 id = 33 }
name = "344. Infanterie-Div"
strength = 100
type = infantry
model = 4
division = {
locked = yes
id = { type = 10602 id = 34 }
name = "348. Infanterie-Div"
strength = 100
type = infantry
model = 4
landunit = {
id = { type = 10602 id = 35 }
name = "LXXXI Armeekorps" #Frozen
leader = 175 #Kuntzen
location = 55
division = {
locked = yes
id = { type = 10602 id = 37 }
name = "245. Infanterie-Div"
strength = 100
type = infantry
model = 4
division = {
locked = yes
id = { type = 10602 id = 38 }
name = "17. Luftwaffefeld-Div"
strength = 100
type = infantry
model = 4
division = {
locked = yes
id = { type = 10602 id = 39 }
name = "711. Infanterie-Div"
strength = 100
type = infantry
model = 4
landunit = {
id = { type = 10602 id = 40 }
name = "7. Armee"
leader = 52 #Dollman
location = 36
division = {
id = { type = 10602 id = 41 }
name = "7. Armee HQ"
type = hq
model = 2
strength = 40
max_strength = 50
extra = artillery
division = {
id = { type = 10602 id = 42 }
name = "30. Schnelle-Brig"
strength = 30
max_strength = 40
type = motorized
model = 2
division = {
id = { type = 10602 id = 43 }
name = "91. Luftlande-Div"
strength = 90
type = infantry
model = 4
division = {
id = { type = 10602 id = 44 }
name = "243. Infanterie-Div"
strength = 90
type = infantry
model = 4
landunit = {
id = { type = 10602 id = 45 }
name = "LXXXIV Armeekorps"
leader = 194 #Marcks
location = 37
division = {
id = { type = 10602 id = 47 }
name = "716. Infanterie-Div"
strength = 90
type = infantry
model = 4
division = {
id = { type = 10602 id = 48 }
name = "352. Infanterie-Div"
strength = 90
type = infantry
model = 4
division = {
id = { type = 10602 id = 49 }
name = "709. Infanterie-Div"
strength = 90
type = infantry
model = 4
division = {
id = { type = 10602 id = 50 }
name = "319. Infanterie-Div"
strength = 90
type = infantry
model = 4
division = {
id = { type = 10602 id = 51 }
name = "Ostregimentstab 752"
strength = 30
max_strength = 40
type = militia
landunit = {
id = { type = 10602 id = 52 }
name = "LXXIV Armeekorps"
leader = 257 #Straube
location = 33
division = {
id = { type = 10602 id = 54 }
name = "77. Infanterie-Div"
strength = 80
type = infantry
model = 4
division = {
id = { type = 10602 id = 55 }
name = "266. Infanterie-Div"
strength = 80
type = infantry
model = 4
landunit = {
id = { type = 10602 id = 56 }
name = "XXV Armeekorps"
leader = 8 #Fahrmbacher
location = 32
division = {
id = { type = 10602 id = 58 }
name = "343. Infanterie-Div"
strength = 100
type = infantry
model = 4
division = {
id = { type = 10602 id = 59 }
name = "265. Infanterie-Div"
strength = 100
type = infantry
model = 4
division = {
id = { type = 10602 id = 60 }
name = "275. Infanterie-Div"
strength = 100
type = infantry
model = 4
landunit = {
id = { type = 10602 id = 61 }
name = "II Fallschirmjäger-Korps"
leader = 198
location = 32
division = {
id = { type = 10602 id = 62 }
name = "3. Fallschirmjäger-Div"
strength = 100
type = paratrooper
model = 3
division = {
id = { type = 10602 id = 63 }
name = "5. Fallschirmjäger-Div"
strength = 100
type = paratrooper
model = 3
landunit = {
id = { type = 10602 id = 64 }
name = "Armeegruppe G"
leader = 20 #Blaskowitz
location = 320
division = {
id = { type = 10602 id = 65 }
name = "Armeegruppe G HQ"
type = hq
model = 2
extra = artillery
landunit = {
id = { type = 10602 id = 66 }
name = "1. Armee"
leader = 289 #von der Chevallerie
location = 322
division = {
id = { type = 10602 id = 67 }
name = "1. Armee HQ"
type = hq
model = 2
strength = 50
max_strength = 50
extra = artillery
landunit = {
id = { type = 10602 id = 68 }
name = "LXXX Armeekorps"
leader = 640 #Gallenkamp
location = 325
division = {
id = { type = 10602 id = 70 }
name = "158. Reserve-Inf.-Div"
strength = 100
type = infantry
model = 3
division = {
id = { type = 10602 id = 71 }
name = "708. Infanterie-Div"
strength = 100
type = infantry
model = 4
landunit = {
id = { type = 10602 id = 72 }
name = "LXXXVI Armeekorps"
leader = 327 #v.Obstfelder
location = 323
division = {
id = { type = 10602 id = 74 }
name = "159. Reserve-Inf.-Div"
strength = 100
type = infantry
model = 3
division = {
id = { type = 10602 id = 75 }
name = "276. Infanterie-Div"
strength = 100
type = infantry
model = 4
landunit = {
id = { type = 10602 id = 76 }
name = "19. Armee"
leader = 343 #v.Sodenstern
location = 528
division = {
id = { type = 10602 id = 77 }
name = "19. Armee HQ"
type = hq
model = 2
strength = 50
max_strength = 50
extra = artillery
landunit = {
id = { type = 10602 id = 78 }
name = "IV Luftwaffe-Feldkorps"
leader = 622 #Erich Petersen
location = 362
division = {
id = { type = 10602 id = 80 }
name = "272. Infanterie-Div"
strength = 100
type = infantry
model = 4
division = {
id = { type = 10602 id = 81 }
name = "277. Infanterie-Div"
strength = 100
type = infantry
model = 4
division = {
id = { type = 10602 id = 82 }
name = "271. Infanterie-Div"
strength = 100
type = infantry
model = 4
landunit = {
id = { type = 10602 id = 83 }
name = "LXXXV Armeekorps"
leader = 641 #Kniess
location = 364
division = {
id = { type = 10602 id = 85 }
name = "338. Infanterie-Div"
strength = 100
type = infantry
model = 4
division = {
id = { type = 10602 id = 86 }
name = "244. Infanterie-Div"
strength = 100
type = infantry
model = 4
landunit = {
id = { type = 10602 id = 87 }
name = "LXII Reserve-Armeekorps"
leader = 642 #Neuling
location = 365
division = {
id = { type = 10602 id = 89 }
name = "157. Reserve-Inf.-Div"
strength = 100
type = infantry
model = 3
division = {
id = { type = 10602 id = 90 }
name = "242. Infanterie-Div"
strength = 100
type = infantry
model = 4
landunit = {
id = { type = 10602 id = 91 }
name = "Panzergruppe West"
leader = 85 #v.Schweppenburg
location = 56
division = {
id = { type = 10602 id = 92 }
name = "Panzergruppe West HQ"
type = hq
model = 2
strength = 50
max_strength = 50
extra = sp_artillery
landunit = {
id = { type = 10602 id = 93 }
name = "I SS-Panzerkorps"
leader = 496 #Dietrich
location = 58
division = {
locked = yes
id = { type = 10602 id = 95 }
name = "1. SS-Panzer-Div"
strength = 100
type = armor
model = 4
division = {
id = { type = 10602 id = 96 }
locked = yes
name = "17. SS-Panzergrenadier-Div"
strength = 100
type = motorized
model = 2
division = {
locked = yes
id = { type = 10602 id = 97 }
name = "Panzer-Lehr-Div"
strength = 100
type = armor
model = 4
landunit = {
id = { type = 10602 id = 98 }
name = "LVIII Reserve-Panzerkorps"
leader = 512 #Walter Krueger
location = 320
division = {
id = { type = 10602 id = 100 }
name = "2. SS-Panzer-Div"
strength = 100
type = armor
model = 4
division = {
id = { type = 10602 id = 101 }
name = "17. Reserve-Inf.-Div"
strength = 100
type = infantry
model = 3
division = {
id = { type = 10602 id = 102 }
name = "9. Panzer-Div"
strength = 100
type = armor
model = 4
landunit = {
id = { type = 10602 id = 103 }
name = "LXVI Reserve-Panzerkorps" #Frozen
leader = 297 #v.Funck
location = 55
division = {
locked = yes
id = { type = 10602 id = 105 }
name = "2. Panzer-Div"
strength = 100
type = armor
model = 4
division = {
locked = yes
id = { type = 10602 id = 106 }
name = "21. Panzer-Div"
strength = 100
type = armor
model = 4
division = {
locked = yes
id = { type = 10602 id = 107 }
name = "11. Panzer-Div"
strength = 100
type = armor
model = 4
division = {
locked = yes
id = { type = 10602 id = 108 }
name = "116. Panzer-Div"
strength = 100
type = armor
model = 4
# Luftwaffe OOB #
########LUFTFLOTTE 3########
landunit = {
id = { type = 10602 id = 109 }
name = "Luftflotte 3"
#leader = 484 #wimmer
location = 56 #Paris
division = {
id = { type = 10602 id = 110 }
name = "Luftflotte 3 Base"
type = hq
strength = 50
max_strength = 50
extra = anti_air
airunit = {
id = { type = 10602 id = 111 }
name = "IX. Fliegerkorps"
leader = 913 # Fröhlich
location = 53 #53
base = 53 #53
division = {
id = { type = 10602 id = 112 }
name = "KG 6"
strength = 80
type = tactical_bomber
model = 3 #Ju 88
division = { # withdraws Sept 30th
id = { type = 10602 id = 114 }
name = "KG 54"
strength = 80
type = tactical_bomber
model = 3 #ju 88
division = { # withdraws nov 22nd
id = { type = 10602 id = 115 }
name = "KG66"
strength = 80
type = tactical_bomber
model = 4 #ju 188
airunit = {
id = { type = 10602 id = 116 }
name = "5. Jagddivision"
leader = 431 # Bülowinus
location = 56 #56
base = 56 #56
division = {
id = { type = 10602 id = 117 }
name = "JG 2"
strength = 80
type = multi_role
model = 1 #Fw 190
airdivision = {
dormant = yes # reinf Juli 10th
id = { type = 10602 id = 113 }
name = "KG 2"
strength = 100
type = tactical_bomber
model = 4 #Ju 188
airdivision = {
dormant = yes # reinf June 12th
id = { type = 10602 id = 118 }
name = "JG 3"
strength = 100
type = interceptor
model = 3 #Me 109E
airdivision = {
dormant = yes # reinf June 10th
id = { type = 10602 id = 119 }
name = "JG 1"
strength = 100
type = multi_role
model = 1 #Fw 190
airdivision = {
dormant = yes # reinf June 20th
id = { type = 10602 id = 120 }
name = "JG 5"
strength = 30
max_strength = 30
type = interceptor
model = 3 #Me 109
airdivision = {
dormant = yes # reinf July 1st
id = { type = 10602 id = 121 }
name = "JG 11"
strength = 60
max_strength = 60
type = interceptor
model = 3 #Me 109
airdivision = {
dormant = yes #reinf July 10th, withdraws Sept 2nd
id = { type = 10602 id = 122 }
name = "JG 27"
strength = 100
type = multi_role
model = 1 #Fw 190
airunit = {
id = { type = 10602 id = 123 }
name = "2. Flieger-Division"
leader = 446 # Huth
location = 61 #61
base = 61 #61
division = {
id = { type = 10602 id = 125 }
name = "KG 100"
strength = 80
type = naval_bomber
model = 1 #Do 217
airdivision = {
dormant = yes #reinforcement August 5th
id = { type = 10602 id = 124 }
name = "KG 26"
strength = 100
type = tactical_bomber
model = 3 #Ju 88
airdivision = {
dormant = yes #reinforcement June 28th
id = { type = 10602 id = 126 }
name = "KG 30"
strength = 80
type = tactical_bomber
model = 3 #Ju 88
# Dragoon Area - Luftwaffe Forces #
########LUFTFLOTTE 2########
landunit = {
id = { type = 10602 id = 127 }
name = "Luftflotte 2"
#leader = 477 #
location = 528 #528
division = {
id = { type = 10602 id = 128 }
name = "Luftflotte 2 Base"
type = hq
strength = 50
max_strength = 50
extra = anti_air
airunit = {
id = { type = 10602 id = 129 }
name = "JG 77"
leader = 481 #?
location = 528 #528
base = 528 #528
division = {
id = { type = 10602 id = 130 }
name = "JG 77"
strength = 80
type = multi_role
model = 1 #Fw 190
airunit = {
id = { type = 10602 id = 131 }
name = "JG 26"
leader = 437 #?
location = 527 #527
base = 527 #527
division = {
id = { type = 10602 id = 132 }
name = "JG 26"
strength = 80
type = multi_role
model = 1 #Fw 190
Mighty Sam
14.07.06, 18:24
landunit = {
id = { type = 10178 id = 1 }
name = "21st Army Group"
leader = 1224 #Montgomery
location = 21
division = {
id = { type = 10178 id = 2 }
name = "21st Army Group HQ"
type = hq
model = 2
strength = 50
max_strength = 50
extra = artillery
# 1st WAVE #
navalunit = {
id = { type = 10178 id = 3 }
name = "Western Task Force"
leader = 60427 # Kirk
location = 2412
base = 20
mission = {
type = shore_bombardment
target = 39
percentage = 0.200
night = yes
day = yes
task = 1
location = 2412
startdate = { year = 1944 month = june day = 0 }
enddate = { year = 1980 }
division = { id = { type = 10178 id = 4 } name = "USS Nevada" type = battleship model = 3 }
division = { id = { type = 10178 id = 5 } name = "USS Texas" type = battleship model = 3 }
division = { id = { type = 10178 id = 6 } name = "USS Arkansas" type = battleship model = 3 }
division = { id = { type = 10178 id = 7 } name = "USS Quincy" type = light_cruiser model = 2 }
division = { id = { type = 10178 id = 8 } name = "USS Tuscaloosa" type = light_cruiser model = 2 }
division = { id = { type = 10178 id = 9 } name = "FR Montcalm" type = light_cruiser model = 2 }
division = { id = { type = 10178 id = 10 } name = "FR George Leygues" type = light_cruiser model = 2 }
division = { id = { type = 10178 id = 11 } name = "UK Enterprise" type = light_cruiser model = 2 }
division = { id = { type = 10178 id = 12 } name = "UK Black Prince" type = light_cruiser model = 2 }
division = { id = { type = 10178 id = 13 } name = "UK Hawkins" type = light_cruiser model = 2 }
division = { id = { type = 10178 id = 14 } name = "UK Glasgow" type = light_cruiser model = 2 }
division = { id = { type = 10178 id = 15 } name = "1st US Destroyer Division" type = destroyer model = 2 }
division = { id = { type = 10178 id = 16 } name = "2nd US Destroyer Division" type = destroyer model = 2 }
division = { id = { type = 10178 id = 17 } name = "1st UK Destroyer Division" type = destroyer model = 2 }
navalunit = {
id = { type = 10178 id = 271 }
name = "Western Landing Force"
leader = 60469 # Spruance
location = 2412
base = 20
division = { id = { type = 10178 id = 18 } name = "US Transport Division" type = transport }
division = { id = { type = 10178 id = 19 } name = "US Transport Division" type = transport }
division = { id = { type = 10178 id = 20 } name = "US Transport Division" type = transport }
division = { id = { type = 10178 id = 21 } name = "US Transport Division" type = transport }
division = { id = { type = 10178 id = 22 } name = "US Transport Division" type = transport }
division = { id = { type = 10178 id = 23 } name = "US Transport Division" type = transport }
division = { id = { type = 10178 id = 24 } name = "US Transport Division" type = transport }
division = { id = { type = 10178 id = 25 } name = "US Transport Division" type = transport }
division = { id = { type = 10178 id = 26 } name = "US Transport Division" type = transport }
division = { id = { type = 10178 id = 27 } name = "US Transport Division" type = transport }
landunit = {
id = { type = 10178 id = 28 }
name = "1st US Army"
leader = 60057 #Bradley
location = 0
target = 39
invasion = yes
division = {
id = { type = 10178 id = 29 }
name = "1st US Army HQ"
type = hq
model = 2
strength = 50
max_strength = 50
extra = rocket_artillery
landunit = {
id = { type = 10178 id = 30 }
name = "VII US Corps"
leader = 60105 #Collins
location = 0
target = 39
invasion = yes
division = {
id = { type = 10178 id = 32 }
name = "4th US Infantry Division"
type = infantry
strength = 100
model = 4
extra = artillery
division = {
id = { type = 10178 id = 99 }
name = "90th US Infantry Division"
type = infantry
strength = 100
model = 4
extra = engineer
division = {
id = { type = 10178 id = 101 }
name = "9th US Infantry Division"
type = infantry
strength = 100
model = 4
extra = light_armor_brigade
landunit = {
id = { type = 10178 id = 33 }
name = "V US Corps"
leader = 60172 #Gerow
location = 0
target = 39
invasion = yes
division = {
id = { type = 10178 id = 35 }
name = "1st US Infantry Division"
type = infantry
strength = 100
model = 4
extra = engineer
division = {
id = { type = 10178 id = 97 }
name = "2nd US Infantry Division"
type = infantry
strength = 100
model = 4
extra = artillery
division = {
id = { type = 10178 id = 103 }
name = "29th US Infantry Division"
type = infantry
strength = 100
model = 4
extra = light_armor_brigade
} # navalunit
navalunit = {
id = { type = 10178 id = 36 }
name = "Eastern Task Force"
leader = 1399 # Vian
location = 2412
base = 21
mission = {
type = shore_bombardment
target = 39
percentage = 0.200
night = yes
day = yes
task = 1
location = 2412
startdate = { year = 1944 month = june day = 0 }
enddate = { year = 1980 }
division = { id = { type = 10178 id = 37 } name = "RN Erebus" type = battleship model = 3 }
division = { id = { type = 10178 id = 38 } name = "RN Warspite" type = battleship model = 3 }
division = { id = { type = 10178 id = 39 } name = "RN Ramillies" type = battleship model = 3 }
division = { id = { type = 10178 id = 40 } name = "RN Argonaut" type = light_cruiser model = 2 }
division = { id = { type = 10178 id = 41 } name = "RN Orion" type = light_cruiser model = 2 }
division = { id = { type = 10178 id = 42 } name = "RN Emerald" type = light_cruiser model = 2 }
division = { id = { type = 10178 id = 43 } name = "RN Ajax" type = light_cruiser model = 2 }
division = { id = { type = 10178 id = 44 } name = "RN Diadem" type = light_cruiser model = 2 }
division = { id = { type = 10178 id = 45 } name = "RN Belfast" type = light_cruiser model = 2 }
division = { id = { type = 10178 id = 46 } name = "RN Arethusa" type = light_cruiser model = 2 }
division = { id = { type = 10178 id = 47 } name = "RN Roberts" type = light_cruiser model = 2 }
division = { id = { type = 10178 id = 48 } name = "RN Frobisher" type = light_cruiser model = 2 }
division = { id = { type = 10178 id = 49 } name = "RN Mauritius" type = light_cruiser model = 2 }
division = { id = { type = 10178 id = 50 } name = "RN Danae" type = light_cruiser model = 2 }
division = { id = { type = 10178 id = 51 } name = "RN Dragon" type = light_cruiser model = 2 }
division = { id = { type = 10178 id = 52 } name = "2nd UK Destroyer Division" type = destroyer model = 2 }
division = { id = { type = 10178 id = 53 } name = "3rd UK Destroyer Division" type = destroyer model = 2 }
division = { id = { type = 10178 id = 54 } name = "4th UK Destroyer Division" type = destroyer model = 2 }
navalunit = {
id = { type = 10178 id = 272 }
name = "Eastern Landing Force"
leader = 1335 # Crutchley
location = 2412
base = 21
division = { id = { type = 10178 id = 55 } name = "UK Transport Division" type = transport }
division = { id = { type = 10178 id = 56 } name = "UK Transport Division" type = transport }
division = { id = { type = 10178 id = 57 } name = "UK Transport Division" type = transport }
division = { id = { type = 10178 id = 58 } name = "UK Transport Division" type = transport }
division = { id = { type = 10178 id = 59 } name = "UK Transport Division" type = transport }
division = { id = { type = 10178 id = 60 } name = "UK Transport Division" type = transport }
division = { id = { type = 10178 id = 61 } name = "UK Transport Division" type = transport }
division = { id = { type = 10178 id = 62 } name = "UK Transport Division" type = transport }
division = { id = { type = 10178 id = 63 } name = "UK Transport Division" type = transport }
division = { id = { type = 10178 id = 64 } name = "UK Transport Division" type = transport }
landunit = {
id = { type = 10178 id = 65 }
name = "2nd UK Army"
leader = 1099 #Dempsey
location = 0
target = 39
invasion = yes
division = {
id = { type = 10178 id = 66 }
name = "2nd UK Army HQ"
type = hq
model = 2
strength = 50
max_strength = 50
extra = rocket_artillery
landunit = {
id = { type = 10178 id = 67 }
name = "XXX UK Corps"
leader = 1055 #Bucknall
location = 0
target = 39
invasion = yes
division = {
id = { type = 10178 id = 69 }
name = "50th UK Infantry Division"
type = infantry
strength = 100
model = 4
extra = engineer
division = {
id = { type = 10178 id = 70 }
name = "8th UK Tank Brigade"
type = armor
strength = 50
max_strength = 50
model = 3
division = {
id = { type = 10178 id = 95 }
name = "51st UK Infantry Division"
type = infantry
strength = 100
model = 4
extra = artillery
division = {
id = { type = 10178 id = 91 }
name = "7th UK Tank Division"
type = armor
strength = 100
model = 3
landunit = {
id = { type = 10178 id = 71 }
name = "I UK Corps"
leader = 1085 #Crocker
location = 0
target = 39
invasion = yes
division = {
id = { type = 10178 id = 73 }
name = "3rd Can Infantry Division"
type = infantry
strength = 100
model = 4
division = {
id = { type = 10178 id = 74 }
name = "2nd Can Tank Brigade"
type = armor
strength = 50
max_strength = 50
model = 3
division = {
id = { type = 10178 id = 75 }
name = "3rd UK Infantry Division"
type = infantry
strength = 100
model = 4
extra = engineer
division = {
id = { type = 10178 id = 76 }
name = "27th UK Tank Brigade"
type = armor
strength = 50
max_strength = 50
model = 3
division = {
id = { type = 10178 id = 93 }
name = "49th UK Infantry Division"
type = infantry
strength = 100
model = 4
extra = artillery
} # navalunit
airunit = {
location = 16
base = 16
id = { type = 10178 id = 77 }
name = "IX Troop Carrier Command"
#leader = 60371
mission = {
type = airborne_assault
target = 39
percentage = 0.200
night = yes
day = yes
task = 1
location = 16
startdate = { year = 1944 month = june day = 2 }
enddate = { year = 1980 }
division = {
id = { type = 10178 id = 78 }
name = "50th Troop Carrier Wing"
strength = 100
type = transport_plane
model = 1 #C-47
division = {
id = { type = 10178 id = 79 }
name = "52th Troop Carrier Wing"
strength = 100
type = transport_plane
model = 1 #C-47
division = {
id = { type = 10178 id = 80 }
name = "53th Troop Carrier Wing"
strength = 100
type = transport_plane
model = 2 #C-53
landunit = {
id = { type = 10178 id = 81 }
name = "82nd US Airborne Div"
location = 16
leader = 60348
division = {
id = { type = 10178 id = 82 }
name = "82nd US Airborne Div"
type = paratrooper
strength = 100
model = 3
landunit = {
id = { type = 10178 id = 83 }
name = "101st US Airborne Div"
location = 16
leader = 60311
division = {
id = { type = 10178 id = 84 }
name = "101st US Airborne Div"
type = paratrooper
strength = 100
model = 3
airunit = {
location = 19
base = 19
id = { type = 10178 id = 85 }
name = "RAF Transport Command"
leader = 1417
mission = {
type = airborne_assault
target = 39
percentage = 0.200
night = yes
day = yes
task = 1
location = 19
startdate = { year = 1944 month = june day = 2 }
enddate = { year = 1980 }
division = {
id = { type = 10178 id = 86 }
name = "No 38 Transport Group"
strength = 100
type = transport_plane
model = 1 #Horsa
division = {
id = { type = 10178 id = 87 }
name = "No 46 Transport Group"
strength = 100
type = transport_plane
model = 2 #Dakota/Horsa
landunit = {
id = { type = 10178 id = 88 }
name = "6th UK Airborne Div"
location = 19
leader = 1131
division = {
id = { type = 10178 id = 89 }
name = "6th UK Airborne Div"
type = paratrooper
strength = 100
model = 4
# 2nd WAVE #
landunit = {
id = { type = 10178 id = 106 }
name = "VIII. US Corps"
location = 20
target = 39
leader = 60352
division = {
id = { type = 10178 id = 107 }
name = "8th US Infantry Division"
type = infantry
strength = 100
model = 4
division = {
id = { type = 10178 id = 109 }
name = "35th US Infantry Division"
type = infantry
strength = 100
model = 4
division = {
id = { type = 10178 id = 115 }
name = "4th US Tank Division"
type = armor
strength = 100
model = 3
division = {
id = { type = 10178 id = 117 }
name = "2nd US Tank Division"
type = armor
strength = 100
model = 3
division = {
id = { type = 10178 id = 105 }
name = "79th US Infantry Division"
type = infantry
strength = 100
model = 4
landunit = {
id = { type = 10178 id = 110 }
name = "XIX. US Corps"
location = 20
leader = 60109
target = 39
division = {
id = { type = 10178 id = 111 }
name = "5th US Infantry Division"
type = infantry
strength = 100
model = 4
division = {
id = { type = 10178 id = 113 }
name = "30th US Infantry Division"
type = infantry
strength = 100
model = 4
division = {
id = { type = 10178 id = 119 }
name = "3rd US Tank Division"
type = armor
strength = 100
model = 3
division = {
id = { type = 10178 id = 121 }
name = "83rd US Tank Division"
type = armor
strength = 100
model = 3
landunit = {
id = { type = 10178 id = 122 }
name = "XII. UK Corps"
location = 21
leader = 1170
target = 39
division = {
id = { type = 10178 id = 123 }
name = "15th UK Infantry Division"
type = infantry
strength = 100
model = 4
division = {
id = { type = 10178 id = 125 }
name = "59th UK Infantry Division"
type = infantry
strength = 100
model = 4
division = {
id = { type = 10178 id = 127 }
name = "53rd UK Infantry Division"
type = infantry
strength = 100
model = 4
landunit = {
id = { type = 10178 id = 128 }
name = "VIII. UK Corps"
location = 21
leader = 1237
target = 39
division = {
id = { type = 10178 id = 129 }
name = "43rd UK Infantry Division"
type = infantry
strength = 100
model = 4
division = {
id = { type = 10178 id = 131 }
name = "UK Guards Tank Division"
type = armor
strength = 100
model = 4
division = {
id = { type = 10178 id = 133 }
name = "11th UK Tank Division"
type = armor
strength = 100
model = 3
landunit = {
id = { type = 10178 id = 134 }
name = "II. Canadian Corps"
location = 21
leader = 52052
target = 39
division = {
id = { type = 10178 id = 135 }
name = "3rd UK Infantry Division"
type = infantry
strength = 100
model = 4
division = {
id = { type = 10178 id = 137 }
name = "2nd Can Infantry Division"
type = infantry
strength = 100
model = 4
navalunit = {
id = { type = 10178 id = 280 }
name = "UK Landing Force"
leader = 1384 # Ramsey
location = 21
base = 21
division = { id = { type = 10178 id = 281 } name = "UK Transport Division" type = transport }
division = { id = { type = 10178 id = 282 } name = "UK Transport Division" type = transport }
division = { id = { type = 10178 id = 283 } name = "UK Transport Division" type = transport }
division = { id = { type = 10178 id = 284 } name = "UK Transport Division" type = transport }
division = { id = { type = 10178 id = 285 } name = "UK Transport Division" type = transport }
division = { id = { type = 10178 id = 286 } name = "UK Transport Division" type = transport }
division = { id = { type = 10178 id = 287 } name = "UK Transport Division" type = transport }
division = { id = { type = 10178 id = 288 } name = "UK Transport Division" type = transport }
division = { id = { type = 10178 id = 289 } name = "UK Transport Division" type = transport }
division = { id = { type = 10178 id = 290 } name = "UK Transport Division" type = transport }
navalunit = {
id = { type = 10178 id = 291 }
name = "US Landing Force"
leader = 60460 # Rodgers
location = 20
base = 20
division = { id = { type = 10178 id = 292 } name = "US Transport Division" type = transport }
division = { id = { type = 10178 id = 293 } name = "US Transport Division" type = transport }
division = { id = { type = 10178 id = 294 } name = "US Transport Division" type = transport }
division = { id = { type = 10178 id = 295 } name = "US Transport Division" type = transport }
division = { id = { type = 10178 id = 296 } name = "US Transport Division" type = transport }
division = { id = { type = 10178 id = 297 } name = "US Transport Division" type = transport }
division = { id = { type = 10178 id = 298 } name = "US Transport Division" type = transport }
division = { id = { type = 10178 id = 299 } name = "US Transport Division" type = transport }
division = { id = { type = 10178 id = 300 } name = "US Transport Division" type = transport }
division = { id = { type = 10178 id = 301 } name = "US Transport Division" type = transport }
########US NINTH AIR FORCE########
#landunit = {
#id = { type = 10178 id = 153 }
#name = "US 9th Air Force"
#location = 22
#division = {
# locked = yes
#id = { type = 10178 id = 154 }
#name = "US 9th Air Force Base"
#type = hq
#model = 2
#strength = 50
#max_strength = 50
#extra = anti_air
###IX Fighter Command###
#landunit = {
#id = { type = 10178 id = 155 }
#name = "IX Fighter Command"
#location = 21
#division = {
# locked = yes
#id = { type = 10178 id = 156 }
#name = "IX Fighter Command Base"
#type = hq
#model = 2
#strength = 50
#max_strength = 50
#extra = anti_air
airunit = {
location = 21
base = 21
id = { type = 10178 id = 157 }
name = "IX Tactical Air Command"
leader = 60528 # Kepner
mission = {
type = air_superiority
target = 2412
percentage = 0.020
night = yes
day = yes
task = 1
location = 21
startdate = { year = 1944 month = june day = 0 }
enddate = { year = 1980 }
division = {
id = { type = 10178 id = 159 }
name = "71st Fighter Wing"
strength = 100
type = multi_role
model = 1 #P-47 Thunderbolt
division = {
id = { type = 10178 id = 160 }
name = "84th Fighter Wing"
strength = 100
type = multi_role
model = 1 #P-47 Thunderbolt
airunit = {
location = 23
base = 23
id = { type = 10178 id = 161 }
name = "XIX Tactical Air Command"
leader = 60566
mission = {
type = air_superiority
target = 2412
percentage = 0.020
night = yes
day = yes
task = 1
location = 23
startdate = { year = 1944 month = june day = 0 }
enddate = { year = 1980 }
division = {
id = { type = 10178 id = 162 }
name = "100th Fighter Wing"
strength = 100
type = multi_role
model = 2 #P-51 Mustang
division = {
id = { type = 10178 id = 163 }
name = "303rd Fighter Wing"
strength = 100
type = multi_role
model = 1 #P-47 Thunderbolt
airunit = {
location = 22
base = 22
id = { type = 10178 id = 164 }
name = "IX Bomber Command"
leader = 60554 #?
mission = {
type = ground_attack
target = 39
percentage = 0.020
night = yes
day = yes
task = 1
location = 22
startdate = { year = 1944 month = june day = 1 }
enddate = { year = 1980 }
division = {
id = { type = 10178 id = 165 }
name = "97th Combat Bombardment Wing"
strength = 100
type = tactical_bomber
model = 4 #A-20 Havoc
division = {
id = { type = 10178 id = 166 }
name = "98th Combat Bombardment Wing"
strength = 100
type = tactical_bomber
model = 4 #B-26 Marauder
division = {
id = { type = 10178 id = 167 }
name = "99th Combat Bombardment Wing"
strength = 100
type = tactical_bomber
model = 4 #B-26 Marauder
division = {
id = { type = 10178 id = 158 }
name = "70th Fighter Wing/IX Tac AC"
strength = 100
type = multi_role
model = 1 #P-38 Lightning
###UK 2nd Tactical Air Force###
#landunit = {
#id = { type = 10178 id = 168 }
#name = "UK 2nd Tactical Air Force"
#location = 19
#division = {
# locked = yes
#id = { type = 10178 id = 169 }
#name = "UK 2nd Tactical Air Force Base"
#type = hq
#model = 2
#strength = 50
#max_strength = 50
#extra = anti_air
airunit = {
location = 19
base = 19
id = { type = 10178 id = 170 }
name = "RAF Group No.2"
leader = 1437
mission = {
type = interdiction
target = 39
percentage = 0.020
night = yes
day = yes
task = 1
location = 19
startdate = { year = 1944 month = june day = 1 }
enddate = { year = 1980 }
division = {
id = { type = 10178 id = 171 }
name = "137th Bomber Wing"
strength = 100
type = tactical_bomber
model = 4 #Boston IIIA
division = {
id = { type = 10178 id = 172 }
name = "138th Bomber Wing"
strength = 100
type = cas
model = 1 #Mosquito VI
division = {
id = { type = 10178 id = 173 }
name = "139th Bomber Wing"
strength = 100
type = tactical_bomber
model = 4 #Mitchell II
division = {
id = { type = 10178 id = 174 }
name = "140th Bomber Wing"
strength = 100
type = cas
model = 1 #Mosquito VI
airunit = {
location = 21
base = 21
id = { type = 10178 id = 175 }
name = "RAF Group No.83/AirSupG"
leader = 1422
mission = {
type = air_superiority
target = 39
percentage = 0.020
night = yes
day = yes
task = 1
location = 21
startdate = { year = 1944 month = june day = 0 }
enddate = { year = 1980 }
division = {
id = { type = 10178 id = 176 }
name = "39th Recon Wing"
strength = 100
type = multi_role
model = 1 #Spitfire XI
division = {
id = { type = 10178 id = 178 }
name = "122nd Fighter Wing"
strength = 100
type = multi_role
model = 1 #Mustang III
division = {
id = { type = 10178 id = 180 }
name = "125th Fighter Wing"
strength = 100
type = multi_role
model = 1 #Spitfire IX
division = {
id = { type = 10178 id = 181 }
name = "126th Fighter Wing"
strength = 100
type = multi_role
model = 1 #Spitfire IX
division = {
id = { type = 10178 id = 182 }
name = "127th Fighter Wing"
strength = 100
type = multi_role
model = 1 #Spitfire IX
division = {
id = { type = 10178 id = 184 }
name = "143rd Fighter Wing"
strength = 100
type = multi_role
model = 1 #Spitfire IX
airunit = {
location = 21
base = 21
id = { type = 10178 id = 276 }
name = "RAF Group No.83/AirDefG"
leader = 60568 # Whitehead
division = {
id = { type = 10178 id = 177 }
name = "121st Fighter Wing"
strength = 100
type = interceptor
model = 3 #Typhoon IB
division = {
id = { type = 10178 id = 179 }
name = "124th Fighter Wing"
strength = 100
type = interceptor
model = 3 #Typhoon IB
division = {
id = { type = 10178 id = 183 }
name = "129th Fighter Wing"
strength = 100
type = interceptor
model = 3 #Typhoon IB
airunit = {
location = 20
base = 20
id = { type = 10178 id = 185 }
name = "RAF Group No.84/AirSupG"
leader = 1426 # Cannon
mission = {
type = air_superiority
target = 2412
percentage = 0.020
night = yes
day = yes
task = 1
location = 20
startdate = { year = 1944 month = june day = 0 }
enddate = { year = 1980 }
division = {
id = { type = 10178 id = 186 }
name = "35th Recon Wing"
strength = 100
type = multi_role
model = 1 #Mustang IA
division = {
id = { type = 10178 id = 188 }
name = "131st Fighter Wing"
strength = 100
type = multi_role
model = 1 #Spitfire IX
division = {
id = { type = 10178 id = 189 }
name = "132nd Fighter Wing"
strength = 100
type = multi_role
model = 1 #Spitfire IX
division = {
id = { type = 10178 id = 190 }
name = "133rd Fighter Wing"
strength = 100
type = multi_role
model = 1 #Mustang III
division = {
id = { type = 10178 id = 191 }
name = "134th Fighter Wing"
strength = 100
type = multi_role
model = 1 #Spitfire IX
division = {
id = { type = 10178 id = 192 }
name = "135th Fighter Wing"
strength = 100
type = multi_role
model = 1 #Spitfire IX
division = {
id = { type = 10178 id = 194 }
name = "145th Fighter Wing"
strength = 100
type = multi_role
model = 1 #Spitfire IX
airunit = {
location = 20
base = 20
id = { type = 10178 id = 275 }
name = "RAF Group No.84/AirDefG"
leader = 1418 # Boyd
mission = {
type = air_superiority
target = 2413
percentage = 0.020
night = yes
day = yes
task = 1
location = 20
startdate = { year = 1944 month = june day = 0 }
enddate = { year = 1980 }
division = {
id = { type = 10178 id = 187 }
name = "123rd Fighter Wing"
strength = 100
type = interceptor
model = 3 #Typhoon IB
division = {
id = { type = 10178 id = 193 }
name = "136th Fighter Wing"
strength = 100
type = interceptor
model = 3 #Typhoon IB
division = {
id = { type = 10178 id = 195 }
name = "146th Fighter Wing"
strength = 100
type = interceptor
model = 3 #Typhoon IB
division = {
id = { type = 10178 id = 202 }
name = "150th Fighter Wing/Gr.No.85"
strength = 100
type = interceptor
model = 4 #Tempest V
airunit = {
location = 17
base = 17
id = { type = 10178 id = 196 }
name = "RAF Group No.85/AirSupG"
leader = 1492 # Steele
mission = {
type = air_superiority
target = 2412
percentage = 0.020
night = yes
day = yes
task = 1
location = 17
startdate = { year = 1944 month = june day = 0 }
enddate = { year = 1980 }
division = {
id = { type = 10178 id = 197 }
name = "141st Fighter Wing"
strength = 100
type = multi_role
model = 2 #Spitfire XIV
division = {
id = { type = 10178 id = 198 }
name = "142nd Fighter Wing"
strength = 100
type = multi_role #?
model = 2 #Spitfire XIV
division = {
id = { type = 10178 id = 203 }
name = "34th Recon Wing"
strength = 100
type = multi_role
model = 1 #Spitfire XI
airunit = {
location = 17
base = 17
id = { type = 10178 id = 274 }
name = "RAF Group No.85/EscG"
leader = 1430 # Collishaw
division = {
id = { type = 10178 id = 199 }
name = "147th Fighter Wing"
strength = 100
type = multi_role
model = 1 #Mosquito XIII
division = {
id = { type = 10178 id = 200 }
name = "148th Fighter Wing"
strength = 100
type = multi_role
model = 1 #Mosquito XIII
division = {
id = { type = 10178 id = 201 }
name = "149th Fighter Wing"
strength = 100
type = multi_role
model = 1 #Mosquito XIII
###RAF Air Defense Command###
airunit = {
location = 19
base = 19
id = { type = 10178 id = 204 }
name = "RAF Air Defense Command"
leader = 1482
mission = {
type = air_superiority
target = 2412
percentage = 0.020
night = yes
day = yes
task = 1
location = 19
startdate = { year = 1944 month = june day = 0 }
enddate = { year = 1980 }
division = {
id = { type = 10178 id = 205 }
name = "No 10A Group"
strength = 100
type = multi_role
model = 2 #Spitfire IX
division = {
id = { type = 10178 id = 206 }
name = "No 10B Group"
strength = 100
type = multi_role
model = 2 #Beaufighter VIF
division = {
id = { type = 10178 id = 207 }
name = "No 11A Group"
strength = 100
type = multi_role
model = 1 #Spitfire IX
division = {
id = { type = 10178 id = 208 }
name = "No 11B Group"
strength = 100
type = multi_role
model = 1 #Typhoon IB
division = {
id = { type = 10178 id = 209 }
name = "No 12A Group"
strength = 100
type = multi_role
model = 2 #Spitfire VB
division = {
id = { type = 10178 id = 210 }
name = "No 12B Group"
strength = 100
type = multi_role
model = 2 #Spitfire VB
division = {
id = { type = 10178 id = 211 }
name = "Fighter Interception Unit"
strength = 50
max_strength = 50
type = interceptor
model = 4 #Tempest Mosquito/Mustang
division = {
id = { type = 10178 id = 212 }
name = "No 13A Group"
strength = 100
type = multi_role
model = 2 #Spitfire VB
###RAF Coastal Command###
airunit = {
location = 17
base = 17
id = { type = 10178 id = 213 }
name = "RAF Coastal Command"
leader = 1479
division = {
id = { type = 10178 id = 214 }
name = "No 15 Group"
strength = 100
type = naval_bomber
model = 2 #Swordfish/Liberator V
division = {
id = { type = 10178 id = 215 }
name = "No 16 Group"
strength = 100
type = naval_bomber
model = 2 #Beaufighter X
division = {
id = { type = 10178 id = 216 }
name = "No 18 Group"
strength = 100
type = naval_bomber
model = 2 #Catalina IV
division = {
id = { type = 10178 id = 217 }
name = "No 19A Group"
strength = 100
type = naval_bomber
model = 2 #Sunderland III
division = {
id = { type = 10178 id = 218 }
name = "No 19B Group"
strength = 100
type = naval_bomber
model = 2 #Sunderland III
########US TWELWTH AIR FORCE########
#landunit = {
#id = { type = 10178 id = 219 }
#name = "US 12th Air Force"
#location = 367
#division = {
# locked = yes
#id = { type = 10178 id = 220 }
#name = "US 12th Air Force Base"
#type = hq
#model = 2
#strength = 50
#max_strength = 50
#extra = anti_air
airunit = {
id = { type = 10178 id = 221 }
name = "Air Superiority TF/12th US AF"
leader = 24218 #Gerardot
location = 367
division = {
id = { type = 10178 id = 222 }
name = "1. FFR Fighter Sqn/1. FFR AC"
strength = 100
type = multi_role
model = 3 #?
division = {
id = { type = 10178 id = 223 }
name = "2. FFR Fighter Sqn/1. FFR AC"
strength = 100
type = multi_role
model = 3 #?
airunit = {
id = { type = 10178 id = 225 }
name = "Bomber TF/12th US AF"
leader = 60548 #Barcus
location = 367
division = {
id = { type = 10178 id = 228 }
name = "27th Fighter-Bomber Group/XII Tac AC"
strength = 100
type = multi_role
model = 2 #?
division = {
id = { type = 10178 id = 229 }
name = "86th Fighter-Bomber Group/XII Tac AC"
strength = 100
type = multi_role
model = 2 #?
division = {
id = { type = 10178 id = 230 }
name = "323rd Bomber Wing/XII Tac AC"
strength = 100
type = tactical_bomber
model = 3 #?
division = {
id = { type = 10178 id = 231 }
name = "326th Bomber Wing/XII Tac AC"
strength = 100
type = tactical_bomber
model = 3 #?
division = {
id = { type = 10178 id = 224 }
name = "1. FFR Bomber Sqn/1. FFR AC"
strength = 100
type = tactical_bomber
model = 2 #?
airunit = {
id = { type = 10178 id = 273 }
name = "Air Defense TF/12th US AF"
leader = 60571 # Young
location = 367
division = {
id = { type = 10178 id = 226 }
name = "57th Fighter Group/XII Tac AC"
strength = 100
type = interceptor
model = 2 #?
division = {
id = { type = 10178 id = 227 }
name = "79th Fighter Group/XII Tac AC"
strength = 100
type = interceptor
model = 2 #?
# Mediterranean Task Force #
navaldivision = { id = { type = 10178 id = 233 } dormant = yes name = "HMS Rodney" type = battleship model = 3 }
navaldivision = { id = { type = 10178 id = 234 } dormant = yes name = "USS Oklahoma" type = battleship model = 3 }
navaldivision = { id = { type = 10178 id = 235 } dormant = yes name = "USS Wyoming" type = battleship model = 3 }
navaldivision = { id = { type = 10178 id = 236 } dormant = yes name = "USS New York" type = battleship model = 3 }
navaldivision = { id = { type = 10178 id = 237 } dormant = yes name = "FR Richelieu" type = battleship model = 3 }
navaldivision = { id = { type = 10178 id = 238 } dormant = yes name = "HMS Albercrombie" type = light_cruiser model = 2 }
navaldivision = { id = { type = 10178 id = 239 } dormant = yes name = "HMS Boise" type = light_cruiser model = 2 }
navaldivision = { id = { type = 10178 id = 240 } dormant = yes name = "HMS Glennon" type = light_cruiser model = 2 }
navaldivision = { id = { type = 10178 id = 241 } dormant = yes name = "HMS Ulster" type = light_cruiser model = 2 }
navaldivision = { id = { type = 10178 id = 242 } dormant = yes name = "HMS Birmingham" type = light_cruiser model = 2 }
navaldivision = { id = { type = 10178 id = 243 } dormant = yes name = "HMS Uganda" type = light_cruiser model = 2 }
navaldivision = { id = { type = 10178 id = 244 } dormant = yes name = "HMS Spartan" type = light_cruiser model = 2 }
navaldivision = { id = { type = 10178 id = 245 } dormant = yes name = "FR Foch" type = light_cruiser model = 2 }
navaldivision = { id = { type = 10178 id = 246 } dormant = yes name = "FR Guepard" type = light_cruiser model = 2 }
navaldivision = { id = { type = 10178 id = 247 } dormant = yes name = "FR Fougueux" type = light_cruiser model = 2 }
navaldivision = { id = { type = 10178 id = 248 } dormant = yes name = "FR Simoun" type = light_cruiser model = 2 }
navaldivision = { id = { type = 10178 id = 249 } dormant = yes name = "FR La Flore" type = light_cruiser model = 2 }
navaldivision = { id = { type = 10178 id = 250 } dormant = yes name = "USS Brooklyn" type = light_cruiser model = 2 }
navaldivision = { id = { type = 10178 id = 251 } dormant = yes name = "USS Savannah" type = light_cruiser model = 2 }
navaldivision = { id = { type = 10178 id = 252 } dormant = yes name = "USS Philadelphia" type = light_cruiser model = 2 }
navaldivision = { id = { type = 10178 id = 253 } dormant = yes name = "USS Shubrick" type = light_cruiser model = 2 }
navaldivision = { id = { type = 10178 id = 254 } dormant = yes name = "USS Jeffers" type = light_cruiser model = 2 }
navaldivision = { id = { type = 10178 id = 255 } dormant = yes name = "USS Wichita" type = light_cruiser model = 2 }
navaldivision = { id = { type = 10178 id = 256 } dormant = yes name = "USS Augusta" type = light_cruiser model = 2 }
navaldivision = { id = { type = 10178 id = 257 } dormant = yes name = "5th UK Destroyer Division" type = destroyer model = 2 }
navaldivision = { id = { type = 10178 id = 258 } dormant = yes name = "1st FR Destroyer Division" type = destroyer model = 2 }
navaldivision = { id = { type = 10178 id = 259 } dormant = yes name = "3rd US Destroyer Division" type = destroyer model = 2 }
navaldivision = { id = { type = 10178 id = 260 } dormant = yes name = "4th US Destroyer Division" type = destroyer model = 2 }
navaldivision = { id = { type = 10178 id = 261 } dormant = yes name = "US Transport Division" type = transport }
navaldivision = { id = { type = 10178 id = 262 } dormant = yes name = "US Transport Division" type = transport }
navaldivision = { id = { type = 10178 id = 263 } dormant = yes name = "US Transport Division" type = transport }
navaldivision = { id = { type = 10178 id = 264 } dormant = yes name = "US Transport Division" type = transport }
navaldivision = { id = { type = 10178 id = 265 } dormant = yes name = "UK Transport Division" type = transport }
navaldivision = { id = { type = 10178 id = 266 } dormant = yes name = "UK Transport Division" type = transport }
navaldivision = { id = { type = 10178 id = 267 } dormant = yes name = "UK Transport Division" type = transport }
navaldivision = { id = { type = 10178 id = 268 } dormant = yes name = "UK Transport Division" type = transport }
navaldivision = { id = { type = 10178 id = 269 } dormant = yes name = "FR Transport Division" type = transport }
navaldivision = { id = { type = 10178 id = 270 } dormant = yes name = "FR Transport Division" type = transport }
Mighty Sam
14.07.06, 18:25
Die Event die in dem Ordner vorhanden waren;
# Designed by Greven and Tracid #
# Allied High Command Priority
event = {
id = 1
random = no
country = ALS
trigger = {
random = 75
control = { province = 37 data = -1 }
control = { province = 38 data = -1 }
control = { province = 39 data = -1 }
name = "dday_event1_name"
desc = "dday_event1_desc"
picture = "command_priority"
style = 0
date = { day = 15 month = july year = 1944 }
offset = 14
deathdate = { day = 15 month = january year = 1945 }
action_a = {
name = "dday_actionname1A" # Offensive in Italy
command = { type = trigger which = 2 }
action_b = {
name = "dday_actionname1B" # Launch Operation Dragoon
command = { type = trigger which = 5 }
command = { type = province_keypoints which = 364 value = 5 } #Marseilles
command = { type = province_keypoints which = 43 value = -5 } #Calais
command = { type = province_keypoints which = 18 value = -5 } #Dunkirk
command = { type = activate_division which = 10178 value = 233 where = 367 when = 0 }
command = { type = activate_division which = 10178 value = 234 where = 367 when = 0 }
command = { type = activate_division which = 10178 value = 235 where = 367 when = 0 }
command = { type = activate_division which = 10178 value = 236 where = 367 when = 0 }
command = { type = activate_division which = 10178 value = 237 where = 367 when = 0 }
command = { type = activate_division which = 10178 value = 238 where = 367 when = 0 }
command = { type = activate_division which = 10178 value = 239 where = 367 when = 0 }
command = { type = activate_division which = 10178 value = 240 where = 367 when = 0 }
command = { type = activate_division which = 10178 value = 241 where = 367 when = 0 }
command = { type = activate_division which = 10178 value = 242 where = 367 when = 0 }
command = { type = activate_division which = 10178 value = 243 where = 367 when = 0 }
command = { type = activate_division which = 10178 value = 244 where = 367 when = 0 }
command = { type = activate_division which = 10178 value = 245 where = 367 when = 0 }
command = { type = activate_division which = 10178 value = 246 where = 367 when = 0 }
command = { type = activate_division which = 10178 value = 247 where = 367 when = 0 }
command = { type = activate_division which = 10178 value = 248 where = 367 when = 0 }
command = { type = activate_division which = 10178 value = 249 where = 367 when = 0 }
command = { type = activate_division which = 10178 value = 250 where = 367 when = 0 }
command = { type = activate_division which = 10178 value = 251 where = 367 when = 0 }
command = { type = activate_division which = 10178 value = 252 where = 367 when = 0 }
command = { type = activate_division which = 10178 value = 253 where = 367 when = 0 }
command = { type = activate_division which = 10178 value = 254 where = 367 when = 0 }
command = { type = activate_division which = 10178 value = 255 where = 367 when = 0 }
command = { type = activate_division which = 10178 value = 256 where = 367 when = 0 }
command = { type = activate_division which = 10178 value = 257 where = 367 when = 0 }
command = { type = activate_division which = 10178 value = 258 where = 367 when = 0 }
command = { type = activate_division which = 10178 value = 259 where = 367 when = 0 }
command = { type = activate_division which = 10178 value = 260 where = 367 when = 0 }
command = { type = activate_division which = 10178 value = 261 where = 367 when = 0 }
command = { type = activate_division which = 10178 value = 262 where = 367 when = 0 }
command = { type = activate_division which = 10178 value = 263 where = 367 when = 0 }
command = { type = activate_division which = 10178 value = 264 where = 367 when = 0 }
command = { type = activate_division which = 10178 value = 265 where = 367 when = 0 }
command = { type = activate_division which = 10178 value = 266 where = 367 when = 0 }
command = { type = activate_division which = 10178 value = 267 where = 367 when = 0 }
command = { type = activate_division which = 10178 value = 268 where = 367 when = 0 }
command = { type = activate_division which = 10178 value = 269 where = 367 when = 0 }
command = { type = activate_division which = 10178 value = 270 where = 367 when = 0 }
command = { type = add_corps which = "6th Army Group" value = land when = 60128 where = 367 }
command = { type = add_division which = "6th Army Group HQ" value = hq when = 2 where = artillery }
command = { type = add_corps which = "7th US Army" value = land when = 60291 where = 367 }
command = { type = add_division which = "7th US Army HQ" value = hq when = 2 where = artillery }
command = { type = add_division which = "1st US Airborne Task Force" value = paratrooper when = 3 }
command = { type = add_corps which = "VI US Corps" value = land when = 60352 where = 367 }
command = { type = add_division which = "36th US Infantry Division" value = infantry when = 4 }
command = { type = add_division which = "45th US Infantry Division" value = infantry when = 4 }
command = { type = add_division which = "3rd US Infantry Division" value = infantry when = 4 where = artillery }
command = { type = add_corps which = "II. French Corps" value = land when = 24114 where = 367 }
command = { type = add_division which = "1st Free French Inf Div" value = infantry when = 4 where = artillery }
command = { type = add_division which = "9th Colonial Infantry Div" value = infantry when = 3 }
command = { type = add_division which = "3rd Algerian Infantry Div" value = infantry when = 3 }
# Allied offensive in Italy
event = {
id = 2
random = no
country = GER
trigger = {
#triggered by ALS1
name = "ard_event11_name"
desc = "ard_event11_desc"
picture = "allied_offensive_italy"
style = 0
action_a = {
name = "ard_actionname11A" # Send forces to Goten Linie
command = { type = supplies value = -200 }
command = { type = oilpool value = -100 }
command = { type = manpowerpool value = -100 }
# Allied offensive in Italy stopped permanently
event = {
id = 3
random = no
country = GER
trigger = {
random = 18
event = 2
NOT = {
event = 4
name = "ard_event12_name"
desc = "ard_event12_desc"
picture = "allied_offencive_stopped"
style = 0
date = { day = 16 month = december year = 1944 }
offset = 14 # Check for trigger conditions every month
deathdate = { day = 1 month = december year = 1946 }
action_a = {
name = "ard_actionname12A" # Acquisite reinforcements
command = { type = sleepevent which = 4 }
command = { type = supplies value = 200 }
command = { type = oilpool value = 100 }
command = { type = manpowerpool value = 100 }
command = { type = add_division which = "1. Fallschirmjäger div" value = paratrooper when = 3 where = artillery }
command = { type = add_division which = "4. Fallschirmjäger div" value = paratrooper when = 3 where = artillery }
command = { type = add_division which = "26. Panzerdivision" value = armor when = 4 where = tank_destroyer }
# The Goten Linie in Italy has collapsed
event = {
id = 4
random = no
country = GER
trigger = {
random = 15
event = 2
NOT = {
event = 3
name = "ard_event1_name"
desc = "ard_event1_desc"
picture = "goten_linie_colapse"
style = 0
date = { day = 16 month = december year = 1944 }
offset = 14 # Check for trigger conditions every month
deathdate = { day = 1 month = december year = 1946 }
action_a = {
name = "ard_actionname1A" # Send forces to Tyrolen Linie
command = { type = sleepevent which = 3 }
command = { type = trigger which = 6 }
command = { type = vp value = -10 }
command = { type = supplies value = -200 }
command = { type = oilpool value = -100 }
command = { type = manpowerpool value = -100 }
command = { type = remove_division which = -1 }
command = { type = remove_division which = -1 }
command = { type = remove_division which = -1 }
# The Allies launches Operation Dragoon
event = {
id = 5
random = no
country = GER
trigger = {
#triggered by ALS1
name = "dday_event5_name"
desc = "dday_event5_desc"
picture = "operation_dragon"
style = 0
action_a = {
name = "dday_actionname5a" # They come from all directions!
command = { }
# Allied Offensive in Italy is a Great Success
event = {
id = 6
random = no
country = ALS
trigger = {
#triggered by GER4
name = "ard_event1_name"
desc = "ard_event1_desc"
picture = "allied_offensive_italy_great_succes"
style = 0
action_a = {
name = "ww_actionname1A" # Great!
command = { type = vp value = 10 }
command = { type = supplies value = 200 }
command = { type = oilpool value = 100 }
command = { type = manpowerpool value = 100 }
command = { type = add_division which = -1 } #want a real div
command = { type = add_division which = -1 } #want a real div
command = { type = add_division which = -1 } #want a real div
# Hiller release Panzer Reserves
event = {
id = 7
random = no
country = GER
trigger = {
random = 30
name = "dday_event7_name"
desc = "dday_event7_desc"
picture = "panzer_reserves"
style = 0
date = { day = 15 month = july year = 1944 }
offset = 3
deathdate = { day = 15 month = january year = 1945 }
action_a = {
name = "dday_actionname7a" # Release Panzer Reserve
command = { type = sleepevent which = 34 }
command = { type = unlock_division which = 10602 value = 95 }
command = { type = unlock_division which = 10602 value = 96 }
command = { type = unlock_division which = 10602 value = 97 }
command = { type = unlock_division which = 10602 value = 105 }
command = { type = unlock_division which = 10602 value = 106 }
command = { type = unlock_division which = 10602 value = 107 }
command = { type = unlock_division which = 10602 value = 108 }
# Hiller release 15th Army for action
event = {
id = 8
random = no
country = GER
trigger = {
random = 30
name = "dday_event8_name"
desc = "dday_event8_desc"
picture = "15th_army"
style = 0
date = { day = 15 month = july year = 1944 }
offset = 3
deathdate = { day = 15 month = january year = 1945 }
action_a = {
name = "dday_actionname8a" # Release 15th Army
command = { type = sleepevent which = 33 }
command = { type = unlock_division which = 10602 value = 13 }
command = { type = unlock_division which = 10602 value = 14 }
command = { type = unlock_division which = 10602 value = 15 }
command = { type = unlock_division which = 10602 value = 16 }
command = { type = unlock_division which = 10602 value = 17 }
command = { type = unlock_division which = 10602 value = 18 }
command = { type = unlock_division which = 10602 value = 19 }
command = { type = unlock_division which = 10602 value = 20 }
command = { type = unlock_division which = 10602 value = 22 }
command = { type = unlock_division which = 10602 value = 23 }
command = { type = unlock_division which = 10602 value = 24 }
command = { type = unlock_division which = 10602 value = 25 }
command = { type = unlock_division which = 10602 value = 27 }
command = { type = unlock_division which = 10602 value = 28 }
command = { type = unlock_division which = 10602 value = 29 }
command = { type = unlock_division which = 10602 value = 30 }
command = { type = unlock_division which = 10602 value = 32 }
command = { type = unlock_division which = 10602 value = 33 }
command = { type = unlock_division which = 10602 value = 34 }
command = { type = unlock_division which = 10602 value = 36 }
command = { type = unlock_division which = 10602 value = 37 }
command = { type = unlock_division which = 10602 value = 38 }
command = { type = unlock_division which = 10602 value = 39 }
# German Reinforcements
event = {
id = 9
random = no
country = GER
name = "ge_event1_name" ###reinforcements arrive
desc = "ge_event1_desc"
picture = "german_reinforcment_2"
style = 0
date = { day = 10 month = july year = 1944 }
action_a = {
name = "ge_actioname1A"
command = { type = activate_division which = 10602 value = 113 where = 53 }
command = { type = activate_division which = 10602 value = 122 where = 56 }
event = {
id = 10
random = no
country = GER
name = "ge_event1_name" ###reinforcements arrive
desc = "ge_event1_desc"
picture = "reinforcements"
style = 0
date = { day = 10 month = june year = 1944 }
action_a = {
name = "ge_actioname1A"
command = { type = activate_division which = 10602 value = 118 where = 56 }
command = { type = activate_division which = 10602 value = 119 where = 56 }
event = {
id = 11
random = no
country = GER
name = "ge_event1_name" ###reinforcements arrive
desc = "ge_event1_desc"
picture = "reinforcements"
style = 0
date = { day = 20 month = june year = 1944 }
action_a = {
name = "ge_actioname1A"
command = { type = activate_division which = 10602 value = 120 where = 56 }
event = {
id = 12
random = no
country = GER
name = "ge_event1_name" ###reinforcements arrive
desc = "ge_event1_desc"
picture = "reinforcements"
style = 0
date = { day = 1 month = july year = 1944 }
action_a = {
name = "ge_actioname1A"
command = { type = activate_division which = 10602 value = 121 where = 56 }
event = {
id = 13
random = no
country = GER
name = "ge_event1_name" ###reinforcements arrive
desc = "ge_event1_desc"
picture = "reinforcements"
style = 0
date = { day = 5 month = august year = 1944 }
action_a = {
name = "ge_actioname1A"
command = { type = activate_division which = 10602 value = 124 where = 56 }
event = {
id = 14
random = no
country = GER
name = "ge_event1_name" ###reinforcements arrive
desc = "ge_event1_desc"
picture = "reinforcements"
style = 0
date = { day = 28 month = june year = 1944 }
action_a = {
name = "ge_actioname1A"
command = { type = activate_division which = 10602 value = 126 where = 56 }
# German Withdrawal
event = {
id = 15
random = no
country = GER
trigger = {
division_exists = { type = 10602 id = 114 }
name = "ge_event2_name"
desc = "ge_event2_desc"
picture = "german_withdrawal"
style = 0
date = { day = 30 month = september year = 1944 }
action_a = {
name = "ge_actioname1A"
command = { type = remove_division which = 10602 value = 114 }
event = {
id = 16
random = no
country = GER
trigger = {
division_exists = { type = 10602 id = 115 }
name = "ge_event2_name"
desc = "ge_event2_desc"
picture = "reinforcements"
style = 0
date = { day = 22 month = november year = 1944 }
action_a = {
name = "ge_actioname1A"
command = { type = remove_division which = 10602 value = 115 }
event = {
id = 17
random = no
country = GER
trigger = {
division_exists = { type = 10602 id = 122 }
name = "ge_event2_name"
desc = "ge_event2_desc"
picture = "reinforcements"
style = 0
date = { day = 2 month = september year = 1944 }
action_a = {
name = "ge_actioname1A"
command = { type = remove_division which = 10602 value = 122 }
# Oil and Supply from Germany
event = {
id = 18
random = no
country = GER
persistent = yes
trigger = {
random = 50
NOT = {
event = 3
name = "ard_event19_name"
desc = "ard_event19_desc"
picture = "oil_supply"
style = 0
date = { day = 16 month = june year = 1944 }
offset = 14 # Check for trigger conditions every two weeks
deathdate = { day = 1 month = january year = 1945 }
action_a = {
name = "ard_actionname15A" # Resupply all formations
command = { type = supplies value = 50 }
command = { type = oilpool value = 50 }
# German Replacements
event = {
id = 19
random = no
country = GER
persistent = yes
trigger = {
random = 20
NOT = {
event = 3
name = "ard_event20_name"
desc = "ard_event20_desc"
picture = "german_replacements"
style = 0
date = { day = 16 month = june year = 1944 }
offset = 14 # Check for trigger conditions every two weeks
deathdate = { day = 1 month = january year = 1945 }
action_a = {
name = "ard_actionname20A" # Fresh troopers
command = { type = manpowerpool value = 50 }
# Oil and Supply through Dunkirk
event = {
id = 20
random = no
country = ALS
persistent = yes
trigger = {
random = 50
control = { province = 43 data = -1 }
name = "ard_event22_name"
desc = "ard_event22_desc"
picture = "oil_supply"
style = 0
date = { day = 16 month = june year = 1944 }
offset = 14 # Check for trigger conditions every two weeks
deathdate = { day = 1 month = january year = 1945 }
action_a = {
name = "ard_actionname15A" # Resupply all formations
command = { type = supplies value = 50 }
command = { type = oilpool value = 50 }
command = { type = transport_pool which = ALS value = 4 }
# Oil and Supply through Dieppe
event = {
id = 21
random = no
country = ALS
persistent = yes
trigger = {
random = 50
control = { province = 42 data = -1 }
name = "ard_event24_name"
desc = "ard_event24_desc"
picture = "oil_supply"
style = 0
date = { day = 16 month = june year = 1944 }
offset = 14 # Check for trigger conditions every two weeks
deathdate = { day = 1 month = january year = 1945 }
action_a = {
name = "ard_actionname15A" # Resupply all formations
command = { type = supplies value = 50 }
command = { type = oilpool value = 50 }
command = { type = transport_pool which = ALS value = 4 }
# Oil and Supply through Calais
event = {
id = 22
random = no
country = ALS
persistent = yes
trigger = {
random = 50
control = { province = 18 data = -1 }
name = "ard_event25_name"
desc = "ard_event25_desc"
picture = "oil_supply"
style = 0
date = { day = 16 month = june year = 1944 }
offset = 14 # Check for trigger conditions every two weeks
deathdate = { day = 1 month = january year = 1945 }
action_a = {
name = "ard_actionname15A" # Resupply all formations
command = { type = supplies value = 50 }
command = { type = oilpool value = 50 }
command = { type = transport_pool which = ALS value = 4 }
# Oil and Supply through Le Havre
event = {
id = 23
random = no
country = ALS
persistent = yes
trigger = {
random = 50
control = { province = 41 data = -1 }
name = "ard_event27_name"
desc = "ard_event27_desc"
picture = "oil_supply"
style = 0
date = { day = 16 month = june year = 1944 }
offset = 14 # Check for trigger conditions every two weeks
deathdate = { day = 1 month = january year = 1945 }
action_a = {
name = "ard_actionname15A" # Resupply all formations
command = { type = supplies value = 50 }
command = { type = oilpool value = 50 }
command = { type = transport_pool which = ALS value = 4 }
# Oil and Supply through Cherbourg
event = {
id = 24
random = no
country = ALS
persistent = yes
trigger = {
random = 50
control = { province = 38 data = -1 }
name = "dday_event24_name"
desc = "ard_event27_desc"
picture = "oil_supply"
style = 0
date = { day = 16 month = june year = 1944 }
offset = 14 # Check for trigger conditions every two weeks
deathdate = { day = 1 month = january year = 1945 }
action_a = {
name = "ard_actionname15A" # Resupply all formations
command = { type = supplies value = 50 }
command = { type = oilpool value = 50 }
command = { type = transport_pool which = ALS value = 4 }
# Allied Replacements
event = {
id = 25
random = no
country = ALS
persistent = yes
trigger = {
random = 20
name = "ard_event28_name"
desc = "ard_event28_desc"
picture = "allied_replacments"
style = 0
date = { day = 16 month = june year = 1944 }
offset = 14 # Check for trigger conditions every two weeks
deathdate = { day = 1 month = january year = 1945 }
action_a = {
name = "ard_actionname20A" # Fresh troopers
command = { type = manpowerpool value = 50 }
# Mulberries
event = {
id = 26
random = no
country = ALS
trigger = {
random = 20
name = "dday_event26_name"
desc = "dday_event26_desc"
picture = "mulberry"
style = 0
date = { day = 16 month = june year = 1944 }
offset = 5
deathdate = { day = 15 month = august year = 1944 }
action_a = {
name = "dday_actionname26a" # Set in place!
command = { type = extra_tc value = 50 }
command = { type = supply_dist_mod value = 10 }
command = { type = repair_mod value = 10 }
# Allied Strategic Victory
event = {
id = 27
random = no
country = ALS
trigger = {
vp = 140
name = "ard_event29_name"
desc = "dday_event27_desc"
picture = "allied_strategic_victory"
style = 0
date = { day = 1 month = june year = 1944 }
offset = 3
deathdate = { day = 1 month = december year = 1944 }
action_a = {
name = "ard_actionname29A" #End Game
command = { type = endgame value = 6 }
# Allied Marginal Victory
event = {
id = 28
random = no
country = ALS
trigger = {
range = { min = 136 max = 139 }
name = "ard_event30_name"
desc = "dday_event28_desc"
picture = "allied_marginal_victory"
style = 0
date = { hour = 22 day = 1 month = december year = 1944 }
action_a = {
name = "ard_actionname29A" #End Game
command = { type = endgame value = 5 }
# German Strategic Victory
event = {
id = 31
random = no
country = GER
trigger = {
vp = 115
name = "ard_event33_name"
desc = "dday_event31_desc"
picture = "german_strategic_victory"
style = 0
date = { day = 1 month = september year = 1944 }
offset = 3
deathdate = { day = 1 month = december year = 1944 }
action_a = {
name = "ard_actionname29A" #End Game
command = { type = endgame value = 4 }
# German Marginal Victory
event = {
id = 32
random = no
country = GER
trigger = {
range = { min = 51 max = 114 }
name = "ard_event34_name"
desc = "dday_event32_desc"
picture = "german_marginal_victory"
style = 0
date = { hour = 23 day = 1 month = december year = 1944 }
action_a = {
name = "ard_actionname29A" #End Game
command = { type = endgame value = 3 }
# Hiller release 15th Army for action
event = {
id = 33
random = no
country = GER
trigger = {
OR = {
control = { province = 56 data = ALS }
control = { province = 54 data = ALS }
control = { province = 55 data = ALS }
control = { province = 44 data = ALS }
control = { province = 53 data = ALS }
control = { province = 43 data = ALS }
control = { province = 45 data = ALS }
control = { province = 46 data = ALS }
control = { province = 47 data = ALS }
control = { province = 78 data = ALS }
control = { province = 64 data = ALS }
name = "dday_event8_name"
desc = "dday_event8_desc"
picture = "15th_army"
style = 0
date = { day = 6 month = june year = 1944 }
offset = 3
deathdate = { day = 15 month = january year = 1945 }
action_a = {
name = "dday_actionname8a" # Release 15th Army
command = { type = sleepevent which = 8 }
command = { type = unlock_division which = 10602 value = 13 }
command = { type = unlock_division which = 10602 value = 14 }
command = { type = unlock_division which = 10602 value = 15 }
command = { type = unlock_division which = 10602 value = 16 }
command = { type = unlock_division which = 10602 value = 17 }
command = { type = unlock_division which = 10602 value = 18 }
command = { type = unlock_division which = 10602 value = 19 }
command = { type = unlock_division which = 10602 value = 20 }
command = { type = unlock_division which = 10602 value = 22 }
command = { type = unlock_division which = 10602 value = 23 }
command = { type = unlock_division which = 10602 value = 24 }
command = { type = unlock_division which = 10602 value = 25 }
command = { type = unlock_division which = 10602 value = 27 }
command = { type = unlock_division which = 10602 value = 28 }
command = { type = unlock_division which = 10602 value = 29 }
command = { type = unlock_division which = 10602 value = 30 }
command = { type = unlock_division which = 10602 value = 32 }
command = { type = unlock_division which = 10602 value = 33 }
command = { type = unlock_division which = 10602 value = 34 }
command = { type = unlock_division which = 10602 value = 36 }
command = { type = unlock_division which = 10602 value = 37 }
command = { type = unlock_division which = 10602 value = 38 }
command = { type = unlock_division which = 10602 value = 39 }
# Hiller release Panzer Reserves
event = {
id = 34
random = no
country = GER
trigger = {
OR = {
event = 5
OR = {
control = { province = 56 data = ALS }
control = { province = 54 data = ALS }
control = { province = 40 data = ALS }
control = { province = 37 data = ALS }
control = { province = 57 data = ALS }
control = { province = 36 data = ALS }
control = { province = 35 data = ALS }
control = { province = 59 data = ALS }
name = "dday_event7_name"
desc = "dday_event7_desc"
picture = "panzer_reserves"
style = 0
date = { day = 5 month = june year = 1944 }
offset = 3
deathdate = { day = 15 month = january year = 1945 }
action_a = {
name = "dday_actionname7a" # Release Panzer Reserve
command = { type = sleepevent which = 7 }
command = { type = unlock_division which = 10602 value = 95 }
command = { type = unlock_division which = 10602 value = 96 }
command = { type = unlock_division which = 10602 value = 97 }
command = { type = unlock_division which = 10602 value = 105 }
command = { type = unlock_division which = 10602 value = 106 }
command = { type = unlock_division which = 10602 value = 107 }
command = { type = unlock_division which = 10602 value = 108 }
Admiral Yamamoto
14.07.06, 18:30
Sorry, aber nun bin ich auch nicht schlauer als zuvor!
Soll der Eventschreiber jetzt einfach die alliierten Divisionen zusammenzählen und dann einfach irgendwo landen lassen, oder was?
Wenn Ihr konkrete Angaben macht WAS Ihr wollt ist es viel einfacher Euch zu helfen!
Ein Verweis auf die Eventdatei hätte euch gereicht ;)
Mighty Sam
14.07.06, 19:08
@Admiral Yamamoto
Sorry, aber nun bin ich auch nicht schlauer als zuvor!
Soll der Eventschreiber jetzt einfach die alliierten Divisionen zusammenzählen und dann einfach irgendwo landen lassen, oder was?
Wenn Ihr konkrete Angaben macht WAS Ihr wollt ist es viel einfacher Euch zu helfen!
Ja die Aliierten Divs in der Normandie Landen lassen, Province 39 wie oben schon gesagt.
Nur die Deutschen Truppen müßten, halt verteilt werden, sie besitzen aber auch schon eine "location" nummer glaube ich gesehen zu haben, im Thread und im Ordner?
Mighty Sam
15.07.06, 18:46
Ich habe jetzt extra gewartet, aber wie sieht es aus, wenn ich jetzt ein spiel anfange, wird das event den dan gehen oder muß ich ein neues spiel anfangen?
15.07.06, 18:57
1. Dieses Forum ist gewohnlicherweise sehr hilfreich und geduldig.
Neue Regenten werden üblicherweise freundlich aufgenommen und Fragen auch zügig beantwortet.
Jedoch gilt hier ein ungeschriebenes Gesetz:
Der Pluralis Majestatis
Das bedeutet, daß sich Regenten wie einst im höfischen Zeremoniell anreden !
Wir ersuchen Euch daher, diese Gepflogenheit anzunehmen und das "IHR" und "EUCH" Eurem Sprachschatz einzuverleiben. :D
2. Events funtktionieren nach Datum in jedem Spiel.
daher können neue events IMMER geschrieben werden und werden eintreten, wenn das Datum erreicht ist.
Wir wünschen Euch einen angenehmen Aufenthalt in der erlesenen Regentenrunde und laden Euch ein, in der Kaiserlichen Tafelrunde auch einmal ein Getränk einzunehmen :ja:
Mighty Sam
15.07.06, 19:07
Ah, du bist es, hat übrigens hingehauen, mit den Minister leaders! :)
Was meinßt du, hättest du nicht wieder mal lust sowas zu machen?! :prost:
15.07.06, 19:10
IHR hättet Lust ??
Schreibt mir Eure Wünsche per PM oder hier und ich werde sehen, was ich machen kann.
Aber bitte - nicht DUZEN im Forum !
Mighty Sam
15.07.06, 19:13
Kommt per Mail!
Mighty Sam
26.07.06, 12:36
So wie sieht es aus ?
Zu Vichy und D-Day Events?
Du kannst ja die Events aus dem NFM100 Mod nehmen?
Mighty Sam
26.07.06, 21:52
Werde mal schauen ob das geht, hast du einen Link zum Mod?
Probier es mal hier
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