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30.03.06, 12:16
Hi, ich spiele seit einem Monat Rome-Total War GOLD EDITION, und ärgere mich über die zu kleine Karte!!!!
Ich habe gehört, dass man die Kampagnenkarte selbst bearbeiten kann, aber WIE????!!?!?!?!?!

30.03.06, 15:25
Willkommen im Forum erstmal ;)

Ich persönlich würde dir eher empfehlen, eine Mod auszuprobieren, denn selbst zu modden ist sehr kompliziert und dauert ziemlich lange.

Meine Empfehlung: Die SPQR MOD (http://www.twcenter.net/downloads/db/?mod=812), hier hast du eine komplett überarbeitete und auch größere Karte, außerdem neue Einheiten und man kann diese schneller ausbilden.

Rome Total War Mod Thread (http://www.si-games.com/forum/showthread.php?t=9219&highlight=rome+mods)

Ps. ein Ausrufezeichen oder Fragezeichen reicht aus.

30.03.06, 16:56
Da mit der Karte auch die Städte, Ressourcen, Rekrutierungszonen und noch eine ganze Menge mehr verbunden sind, die man dann mit anpassen muß, ist das editieren dieser Karte nur etwas für Leute, die mit sowas schon Erfahrung haben.

31.03.06, 09:42
Mal von der Frage selbst abgesehen, wieso ist sie dir zu klein ?
Oder spielt Ihr vielleicht Barbaren Invasion (Gold Version) ?
Falls ja versucht doch mal die orginale Kampange, da ist sie doch recht groß ;) ...

TMl der Vermuter

05.04.06, 12:50
Ohh,ja, die Karte IST zu klein. Ich spiele RTW persönlich.
Aber ich denke mal, dass es unter euch ein paar RTW-Experten gibt, die mir hier erklären könnten, wie das ganze funktioniert????

05.04.06, 16:06
Aufgrund eurere Fragen bezüglich der Neuvergabe von Städten vermuten wir, das ihr keine große Erfahrung im Modden habt. Da es nicht mit der Anpassung in einer einzelnen Datei getan ist, sondern eine komplexe Verknüpfung zwischen diversen Dateien besteht, kann ich euch nur abraten, die Karte selber Ändern zu wollen. Es gibt diverse Mods, bei denen praktisch nur die Karte und die Skins der Einheiten angepaßt werden.

06.04.06, 11:46
Ich habe schon auf der Site tw-center.net schon gefunden, wie mna die Sache editiert. Ist gar nicht so schwer....

Hier der Text, leider nur auf English:

"The list of files to be altered and their paths are as follows (make a back up of these):

- Data/World/Maps/Base/map_regions.tga
- Data/world/maps/base/descr_regions.txt
- Data/world/maps/campaign/imperial_campaign (or your created provincial campaign)/descr_strat.txt
- Data/world/maps/campaign/imperial_campaign (or your created provincial campaign)/descr_mercenaries.txt
- Data/world/maps/campaign/imperial_campaign (or your created provincial campaign)/descr_regions_and_settlement_name_lookup.txt
-Data/text/imperial_campaign_regions_and_settlement_names.txt (if adding to a provincial campaign, create a copy of this file, and replace 'imperial_campaign' with whatever is at the top of your descr_strat.txt file across from the campaign title).

Step 1) Delete the maps.rwm file and the map_heights.hgt file in your Data/world/maps/base folder.

Step 2) Open the map_regions.tga file in whatever photo editing program you use. Examples are Adobe Photoshop or Paint Shop Pro. On this image, each province in the game is coloured differently from the other. Zoom in, and with the pencil tool, re-colour a portion of the world map, wherever you want your new province to be, with a new colour. Make sure you keep the current land form intact (don't put a province on the water, in other words). Put a black dot wherever you want the settlement to be, and a white dot wherever you want the port to be. Make sure the port is alongside the water, and make sure, for land locked provinces, that there is NO port.

Step 3) On the colour panel of whatever photo editing tool you're using, note the RGB values of the colour. In Adobe Photoshop, there should be three little sliders, and to the right of them, three boxes with seperate numbers. These allow the game to figure out where the new province is on the world map.

Step 4) Open descr_regions.txt. Copy one of the current entries (such as the top Britannia_Inferior one) and paste it at the very bottom. Change the top name (Britannia_Inferior) to the name of the province that you want. Change the name below that (the city name) to whatever you want the settlement to be named in this province. Three lines below that you should see three groups of numbers (232 41 198 for Britannia_Inferior). These are those RGB values you noted earlier. Put in the ones for your province.

Step 5)Go to your descr_strat.txt file. Copy a settlement that already exists, and paste it in the list of settlements for the faction that you want to own it. So, under the Romans_Julii faction, you would copy this:

level large_town
region Etruria

year_founded 0
population 4000
settlement_tax 51
plan_set default_set
faction_creator romans_julii
type barracks militia_barracks
type core_building governors_villa
type port_buildings port
type defenses wooden_pallisade
type hinterland_farms farms
type hinterland_roads roads

Then, paste that under the settlement list for whatever faction you wanted your new province to belong to. Edit the region name to be your new provinces name. Edit in or out any buildings you want this settlement to have, and slo the population you want it to start with. Make sure that's all in the correct format. Compare it to other settlements to make sure it's all in correctly and not missing anything.

Step 6) Open descr_mercenaries.txt. Put the name of your new province next to the name of the other provinces you want the listed mercenaries recruitable in. For instance:

"pool Cisapline_Gaul
regions Cisalpine_Gaul Venetia Noricum Raetia NEW_PROVINCE_HERE
unit merc barbarian cavalry, exp 0 cost 800 replenish 0.06 - 0.15 max 1 initial 0
unit merc barbarian infantry, exp 0 cost 800 replenish 0.05 - 0.25 max 4 initial 0"

Step 7) Open descr_regions_and_settlement_name_lookup.txt. At the very bottom of this list, put the name of your province, and below that, the name of your settlement.

Step 8 ) Finally, open the name_of_your_campain_regions_and_settlement_names_ lookup.txt in the Data/text folder. Copy one of the extisting names (such as {Hibernia} Hibernia) and paste this at the VERY bottom of the file. Adjust the both names (the one instead the curly brackets, and the oens without) to the name of your province. Then, paste it again below that, and this time rename them to the name of your added settlement.

You should now have an added province in your game. Load it up and see. If it doesn't work, make sure there are no spelling mistakes. If it still doesn't, restore all the fiels and try again, but with a province somewheres else.

Also the game generates a new map.rwm every time the campaign is started. As far as anyone else knows, the map_heights.hgt doesn't do anything."